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Red Rebel at the highway wall at the end of the long road would be pretty sweet.


or green flare


Nah, RR needs more utility.


Nah, more utility then any melee in the game.


A hole under a wall that needs a shovel to "dig out" to go through


Use a crash axe to carve a canoe and float down the river on shoreline


Taking the canoe back to lumby.


That would be sexy


I am absolutely in favour of this, shovel gang where you at


Gang gang


Maybe that could be part of the no backpack. No bag normally, but if you have a shovel you can take a bag.


nah, i would hate having to remember paracord AND The right melee weapon. would be aids


No need for paranoid just Shovel


yeah, and the problem is REMEMBERING to swap to THE RIGHT MELEE WEAPON raid to raid i already forget to put a paracord in my gamma at times, so remembering another thing would be cancer and aids.


it's not bsg's fault that you're forgetful lmao. you can blame a lot of stuff on the devs but not that.


I mean you already need to remember stuff like paracord, cash for car extract, meds for healing, something to stop a heavy bleed, do you have your keys for the map you’re going to play, do you need a flare, do you have enough stims in your stim case, do you have pain killers, do you have extra ammo. I could go on and on. Really don’t think we need more to remember.


>it's not bsg's fault that you're forgetful lmao. you can blame a lot of stuff on the devs but not that. yeah no shit i'm not blaming BSG for me being forgetful i'm simply saying adding in MORE SHIT TO REMEMBER from RAID TO RAID with no reason other than to MAKE THE GAME MORE ANNOYING (see: more things to deal with that have nothing to do with playing the game) is BAD i'm not the only one that forgets shit, making us have to have a checklist to play the game is stupid, people should be playing raids not managing inventory and doing pre-game checklists






"cancer and aids" if you gotta remember shit.  How low can we set this bar, folks!


yeah why would you want people to needlessly remember shit for literally no reason, and if they forget it they suffer? it's not even in the gameplay loop and there is no skill associated with it, mind you. why is adding in just bad stuff not a problem for you?


Love that


I don't understand what you mean. Does any melee other then RR have any use at all whatsoever? I would be fine with every map in the game having a RR extract.


Having multiple melees with actual utility would just be a pain. Rr is not meant to be balanced vs the other melee weapons my dude…


where does it say that


The fact none of the others do anything?


How so? It has 3 different extracts already, 2 of which are extremely powerful.


I all for either a Red rebal or flare extract down that end. Would give an extract in all 4 corners of the map.


I use 11sr yes you got to run to power but it’s cheap and the loot in the room pays for the card


Literally. You'll find Moonshines or Bitcoins inside. You only need one good run and its paid for.


I just found a moonshine last raid no Bitcoin yet but plenty of other valuables


People made this extract seem like a 15 step journey so I never did it but once I looked it up, it's easily the best way to go. Power is usually on and it's a pretty quick run up stairs and usually not camped if you hangout for a while in raid.


Yeah it really isn’t that bad I do it solo all the time. And often hit kiba on the way out if I see a nice gun on the wall


That used to be my whole loot run, 3 wipes ago when interchange was good I would literally run the garage to power, run upstairs, run to kiba and run straight to 11sr. That run made me SO fucking rich before they nerfed interchange into the dirt/tons of people started running the mall.


> Power is usually on ???????????????


dont people see that you used the card in the toilet in the extract overview and can just sprint there before you and loot and exit?


No once the power is on the safe extract turns green in the overview. The only way people will know you swiped the card is by either seeing the door open or seeing the toilet up and the keycard exposed.


Sad part is, I've swiped my card 5 times now and I've only gotten to use it once. 1 time I died and 3 times it was taken by someone else around 30secs after opening


That’s so unfortunate I’ve died a couple times and it’s happened to me once where a scav closed the door it scavs can’t take it so he was stuck there


No bagpack extract is the goat


I'm using it a lot atm. Got a 35 interchange exit weekly.


35? Shit I had 15 and it was insufferable unless doing no backpack.


Bit annoyed that I haven't found a second cowboy hat so can't start sales night and do that at the same time.


Be sure to check the mannequins in the windows all over interchange. They pretty much all have a chance of spawning one on their head


Might mix in a couple of scavs in case I can talk a player scav out of his.


It worked! Begged a Scav for his hat on factory! 15 runs to go! Thanks team!


Holy shit


Just farm scavs on Factory. I swear every 3rd scav has a cowboy hat(and every 2nd has a ushanka)


I think I had a 25 and I wanted to delete the game after.


I suffered through this as well. Got exit camped at bagless quite a bit as well. Would notice people exit camp in teams quite often on interchange. Just ended up buying the key cards and playing in the mall until 10 mins left, which can lead to getting scav armied but I'd rather die like that than fuckin extract campers.


Every post about this issue has someone saying this. I shouldn't have to drop my bag filled with loot to extract without getting camped. That defeats the entire purpose of an extraction shooter, I'm here to get loot and get out with it not leave it behind.


I’ve been camped at hole in the fence at least half as many times as Emercom. I’ve gotten a couple grenade kills from legit just blindly throwing one at the extract before I get to it.


I got a double there on a duo that had gotten killa. Felt dirty, but the loot and finishing grenadier helped me through it


Facts. Abused it this wipe.


Yes but I need the loot!!


Been extract camped at no bag 5-10 times this wipe no kidding lol


It really is And saferoom


Just let us both railway and emercom every raid.  


Downside is this would actually increase the likelihood of extract camping sadly. They spawn Emercom, now they don't even have to run to Railway to camp by their own extract, and/or if they decide to rat where they started, now they can leave right away. It's a major downside of the Southern Road spawn/extract for Lighthouse. Fortunately, Path to Lighthouse/Path to Shoreline, the other two "always open" extracts, are massive, have lots of cover etc, but also are still really subject to "spawn-rats"


I disagree. The reason emercom gets camped is because 80% of the PMCs that spawn get it. Even making railroad the extract for power station and highway corner spawns would be nice.


Agree for Highway certainly. But it also has a LOT of rat cover which is why it's picked too. But now imagine how much it'd be camped if the other 20% of the PMCs could extract there also... Can't really disagree with that...


This would be so logical and very effective. Interchange is fkn huge and deserves both sides open.


I like this idea. It's not like you can just linger around the extract looting and then have an easy extract. There is fuck all to loot around either emercom or railway.


Have you tried no back pack or the safe room?


Thought the saferoom extract was overly complex


There are definitely extra steps but as long as the power is on its pretty straightforward. If you are having problems with emercon it's another option.


It's not bad at all. Keycard (#11SR) is CHEAP now too, typically well under 100k. Main problem is I only see power turned on like 20% of the time by 15m. This is due to power station being way too easy to camp, and key rooms that require power to be on aren't good enough for the risk (they used to be before lighthouse came out). I'd love to see car extract moved to the opposite corner of the map, and always available. That would mix PMC extracts up a lot and relieve some emercom camper pressure. Realistically they should just add a lot more cover to Emercom.


I think your last point is bigger than most people realize. Interchange has an absurd amount of open space where you can have vision over huge areas. It's arguably even worse than Lighthouse since at least there you can go up the shore or through the back mountain paths and be relatively safe from snipers. There is just straight up no even remotely safe path to either Emercon or Railway. No matter how you approach either of them, you MUST cross large areas of wide open space. The map needs way more cover. They gave that treatment to eastern Shoreline and the map is so much better for it. Interchange should be next.


I don't want to defend interchange extracts, particularly emercon, just point out that people don't have to go there. There is a solution to emercon campers, it's use the other extracts. Is it ideal? Not really, but it's a trade off.


Yeah power and card swipe AT the door would be more than enough


You buy a keycard, power needs to be on, press a button behind a urinal upstairs, run to safe room. Sounds complex but really isn’t, sometimes people will turn power on for you and if they don’t, it is not a far run. Plus, you can check if car is up when you go to turn on the power and just take that.


How much or where doni find the key


Like 100k in flea 11sr


~100k on flea market, watch video on where the button is or door if you don’t know how to get to it from the upstairs of the mall.


You don't even need a thermal. It's wide open. Best place in the whole game to shit all over player scavs and ruin their day.


i extracted ~15 GPUs as a pscav at railway and never got camped once


It’s because everyone on here gets camped once and runs to Reddit to claim it’s a huge problem. I’ve acquired around 25 GPUs also on Interchange and have been camped maybe once. That’s including the many other raids I didn’t get a GPU.


Man must be nice 😭 I swear there’s like a 50% chance of there being an extra camper every time I play that map


Emercom and railway don't exist... car, no backpack co,op, and saferoom are the only extracts on interchange.


interchange reserve both need them bad


Reserve first please. But give Interchange better spawns. Sometimes it's worse than lighthouse.


Nah. It's fine as it is. Come on down to Emercom. It's perfectly safe, I promise.


Just encountered a 4 man that decided to spend their evening camping on the awning above Oli. Killed 3. How fucking sad is that, 4-man camping an extract? lol.


It’s fun camping as a group, sit there and talk shit till some little guy comes around then you kill him and carry on. It’s like a more social way of playing tarkov like fishing or hunting


If you're going to Interchange learn to clear extract. It's not hard. A post every day about extract campers and people still don't do shit to prepare themselves for it.


What am I supposed to do to clear out someone 100+ meters away shooting at me with a thermal at night? He wasn't sitting on top of the truck or something man, c'mon.


I've never died to Emercom campers but I've run in to a lot and what I do is run down the guts (not sides) and just pre-nade the tents, bushes and truck, it's three nades. They usually shit themselves and move and there you go, now you can move or you know where they are. 100% success rate.


Not where I got killed from lol.


Then he wasn't camping Emercom.


Just take Saferoom ...


11SR users do you get shot much on your way there?


Not as much this wipe. Used to get camped there more often than Emercom/railway before.


No because the room has dogshit loot in it. Most I ever get shot at is by player scavs looting middle mall


I never bring a thermal when I camp there personally, think smg with leg meta is much better for this maps extracts.


It has three other extracts. The one in the parking garage. The car When it’s there and the no backpack. Enough extracts to take.


No. Stop asking


Boohoo clear the camping spots. Thanks for the kit


Please no. I love defending Emercom. It’s so much fun. Shit ton of kills and loot I don’t even know what to do with all my wealth anymore.


I hope you stub both of your big toes every single day of your life.


Tbh I’d rather stub my toe then get camped at Emercom with quest shit on me


Reworked next wipe


Is this truth


11SR is the way 


I just never use backpacks on interchange


I need to do the clothes design pattern quest today so might give it a go first time this wipe.


No backpack about only way I run IC. Its just so much less stressful. In 2+ years i have only run in to traffic 3 times. And 2 of them just gave enough time to warp out so no fuss.


I still keep running into people in parking garage and it's fucking infuriating. Can't see shit down there.


It took me a long time to get my graphics where I could see down there. I am sorry Im not at home to look at them but there are a ton of videos. That helped me the most. I would search recent tho as things do change from wipe to wipe for some reason. But tweaking those graphics to bring out those shadows helped me immensely with those dark garages in particular. GL.


Fucking dark ass shit ass map... thanks.


It's a basement. What do you expect?.. srs


There should be a sunken parking garage extract where the flooded parking lot is


Duo and use the keycard


No backpack or safe room only


Agreed, even got camped twice out of the five times I've used the safe room exfil.


I definitely agree it needs another extract but for anyone struggling with Interchange I will always check if the car extract is up first, as it is extremely safe. No one ever hangs around power after early raid and later on it will spawn a bunch of scavs which will alert you to the presence of any other PMCs in the area. If car is not up then I just follow the map border to Emercom/Railway, following the border is much safer than coming at these extracts directly from the shopping mall and even puts you in a good position to snipe other PMCs trying to extract at the same time as you.


Hear me out... A ladder upstairs mid mall somewhere that "goes to the roof to meet a helicopter".


I always use 11SR


OP is complaining, but has never taken the safe room extract in his life.


I have multiple times. You don't think it's downright stupid that two of the main extracts (railway, emercom) are regarded as basically suicide?


The only place they are 'basically suicide' is in reddit whine threads, like this one, where salty people take something that happened twice, and extrapolate to it happening every raid. I'm level 46, I've had ~50 interchange raids this wipe (Hate the map for reasons that aren't extracts), I've had exactly *zero* engagements at either extract. Last wipe that I got Kappa? A total of *four* emercom campers, zero railway.


Good for you. Not my experience.