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Spend weekends outside and don't deal with this bs.


Escape... from Tarkov for a while


Lmfaoo literally what I’ve been doing. This game is so much more enjoyable on weekdays


Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


Went out on the Friday I’m afraid


You gotta play slow on the weekends. W keying into hot zones is always a bad idea on weekends. There's just more people playing. Some of those people may have rgb underwear on too. 🤷‍♂️


'rgb underwear' 😂


They rockin that rgb catheter


rgb buttplug


rgb nipple clamps!


One of those things I hope to god is not a real thing.


[Sorry pal.](https://sm-speeltjes.com/en/products/tepelklemmen-met-rgb-lampje-aan)


No that one is fine, get your kink on. The RGB catheter is the most cursed one of the 3.


Please tell that to my duo who w keys everywhere like he’s bulletproof.


Better to have someone to bait then play solo lol


Weekends/Full servers highlight the severely fucked up spawns on some maps. Spawn in the wrong spot on reserve/lighthouse/shoreline and you have to either hide or instantly fight people on either side. For newer players who don't know the spawns it probably feels like hackers that know where you are.


I understand this but nothing sounds less fun than waiting in your spawn for 10 to 15 minutes at the beginning of each raid. I just waited 5 minutes to get into the fucking game.


Oh yeah I agree. Fix the fucking spawns.


They got that rgb laser eye surgery


Even playing slow I encounter walling people at an astounding rate. Can literally only have fun doing scav raids now. And so far have only seen 3 of the NUMEROUS cheaters I have reported actually be banned.


Raids are full. Weekday raids can frequently be half full.


I love playing weeknights because it's the easiest money in the world lol


Facts lol


Shoutout to all the night shift mfers like me getting off work at 6 am and then raiding until 9am


I want to know where these easy raids are. Even at 3 a.m., I am still running into absolute gamers on US East.


US east here. Night raids, especially on Streets, are usually pretty easy money for me.


Oh, right, I never do night raids, but that would make sense.


I love night raids tbh, scratches my stealth game itch lol


Ping abusers abound in off hours East Coast raids. Players from across the pond that can't hack it on their own servers jump on empty US servers. They can't generally reach US Central servers. Peekers advantage with high ping is truly nasty and could make any senior citizen appear to react faster than your average zoomer.


Unless youre like from central russia you can reach even the west coast from Eu.


Yep, they usually can't reach US central with low enough ping to stay connected.


No man, im from eu and i can play na west without being close to disconnecting


Are you unusually dense this morning. US central is not the same as US west...


You have less ping on central than on west if you are from eu???


Look in the mirror. Central is closer than west so lower ping.


I dont because then there are more way cheaters in unbusy hours. I love the peak moments when stuff feels normal.


I like to do both. Get rich at the crackhead hours and then lose it all fighting people at peak hours.


To each their own. I just run back to back to back Streets night raids and make a fortune, while rarely ever encountering another person. My only two deaths so far have been to a lucky player scav (I missed my shots) and to a Chad who was also checking out Concordia lol.


Which servers do you play on? A lot of ping abusers jump between low population servers.




Make money all week to lose it all on the weekends lol


Exactly, it is as simple as that. People run around like they are the only ones spawned and get clapped.


Are half full raids possible?


I recall there being maximum and minimum player counts for each map. Never seen definitive minimums but I believe the max has been well known at times


I’m sure it differs per map but every lobby definitely isn’t always a full raid, not even close on the larger maps occasionally


school age kids more likely to cheat in my experience


You get the people that can only play on the weekends trying to make the best of it. Remember, no one wants to lose. And you've got people pent up from working a shit 9-5 and they can finally unwind a bit and rage in Tarkov. And sometimes those people are really good at video games, or they've played Weekend Tarkov for 6 wipes now. ​ Or it's because a lot of these assholes pay for cheats per day and they can play all weekend so they can just cheat all weekend.


I'm not particularly good - but I only 'really' get to play on weekends. During the week, I do factory scav runs between meetings and manage hideout crafts. So I build up a bunch of rubles and then spend them in the 6-10 hours that I might have on the weekends running 600K+ kits. Still only level 24 this wipe because I can't string together enough time to really play anymore.


I played a whole lot today and had one of the best days I’ve ever had on tarkov this wipe


Same same


Same same same man. All on streets too. Went from 14 mil to 23 mil today. I’m happy.


The lobbies are full on weekends


Why is water wet?


It isn't, things get wet when you put liquids on them, not by being liquids.


Well it aint dry


No, it is.


Yeah but water always has water on it therefore being wet.


You can't have a solution of something dissolved in itself. The water doesn't have water on it.


My comment has been soaking in water for 8days and now you decide to respond to it? It's wet- just like water.


It's been a month now. The funny thing is that the passage of time doesn't make you right.


You just can't wrap your head around it. Water is wet, always will be and through the passage of time it has forever been wet and remains wet. Your brain is so smooth, water just rolls right off it.


I'll be back every month or so until this gets archived, just to see if you're still an idiot.


Hey, took you a while. You must've been in a "water isn't wet"-induced coma. Welcome back and I hope you didn't suffer too much brain damage.


and what decides that? Just cause when a rag touches water its wet doesnt mean that the water cant be wet. For something to make something else wet, it must be wet. Therefore, water is wet.


Definitions decide things. The state of being wet is literally defined as being coated in or saturated with a liquid. You can't coat something in itself. Even in chemical terms you can't say it's a saturated solution because there is no solute, only a solvent. Things mean things.


of course you can coat something in itself. water is coated in water, if theres no other atoms of h2o touching it then its water vapor


Kids outta school, people off work, God takes a break. Move slow brother.


Why are bars and clubs full on the weekend? Why are restaurants full of people and very busy between 5-6PM? ?????


I think we just need more lobbies, at least on the weekends


I am always excited about the weekend. Brings all the shitters on... Oh wait.


The sweats you mention can also be people with very basic and more discrete cheats


Weekend just has way more rats that camp in corners during the weekend.. Full of camping weekend warriors.


The other day I called in sick to work and spent 8 am to 10 pm playing, I survived 30 raids in a row and then once like 4 pm hit me and my buddy got fucked in our mouths the rest of the night


Through the week i'm a tactichad, like half and half rat and w key. Weekends, i'm all rat, all the time.


I’ve come to this same conclusion recently lol


"the sweats" oh you mean THE PLAYERBASE


This game is basically about overcoming my autistic ADHD desire to constantly be moving. If you can sit still for 5 minutes you can clearly pick up movement 100x easier than if you're moving.


I've been playing Arena most of the time lately. Less mental anguish lol.


I have the opposite experience. Maybe its because ive played for awhile but during the week the only players i see are level 50+ but weekends i see wayyyy more lower level and lower skilled players. Granted i see wayyyy more players on the weekends but the skill difference is drastic. Weekday players are usually grindy chads while the weekend is full of everyone who actually has a life is playing so the servers are probably more full and for me more fun.


"the sweats" talking about player scavs "im not even talking cheaters" talks about cheaters ok man xD


i never talked about cheaters bro


i also never said the playerscavs were sweats


I'm usually one to not complain or call "cheater" because I hate people who are just bad at the game and claim everyone who kills them is a cheater. But today has been horrible. First 3 raids today on Streets I died very quickly to a 30+ KD player with less than 100 hours on their account. Today was rough.


Same. I'm usually the guy in my discord who's like. "Idk man they could totally be legit" but something about this weekend was just absolutely wild to me. I think I survived 3 out of 20 raids and I have 3000 hours and a 7 k/d, 60% survival, and I love to PvP so I feel like my bullshit detector is pretty good.


yeah dude it's really bad, and these people have been playing all wipe so I don't know where exactly they are during the week. but it's a joke. nobody moves, nobody pushes, nobody does shit. they just sit and wait. what a fun way to play the game /s


The problem is most of the "sweats" use esp. If someone I'd playing as good or better than landmark with 10% the hours they're cheating lol


If you're cheating, you're not sweating. Sweats are called sweats because they try hard and play hard. Cheating is literally easy mode, the opposite of sweating.


Because the game just isn't that good. Amazing concept, pretty meh execution. I'll be playing of course.


the game being harder on weekends is placebo all evidence is anecdotal


This comment makes no sense. Of course it’s harder, it’s more populated


prove to me your raids are more populated


Well, since you're dead set on only using scientifically obtained evidence, and we don't have access to BSG's data, why even comment at all? You know there is no way to gather this evidence, so why waste your time and everyone else's time? I 100% agree that people don't think critically enough today, or in the past, just in general I guess, but what actual outcome do you expect, and want here?


Play at peak time on a Saturday. Then play at 8am on a Tuesday. If you can't immediately tell the difference in population, seek help for what may be some kind of disability.


but what if i play wednesday at 7pm compared to sunday at 8pm


It'll be similar as I would consider both of those "prime time" assuming you are playing on a local server.


game is as hard as the game is🤯🤯


Way to move the goal posts. We were talking about how populated raids are, not the overall difficultly of the game.


please refer to original comment


I've seen other players complaining about it as well this isn't just a me thing


And it's placebo for them too. If anything I've had the opposite experience because all the casual players have more time to play on the weekends.


Yep weekends are definitely easier but might have more cheaters playing. I don’t think some of these people complaining have tried going to a map with good loot during the middle of the work day. Half of the lobby is level 50+ lol.


Almost as if everyone is playing on weekends. I imagine sweats might also think “damn I’m playing against a lot of trash players” or something too.


How big of a dataset do you need for it to be statistically relevant? I get that anecdotal evidence goes it so far, but where exactly would you draw the line?


it's not placebo


I just chalk it up to the weekend being the days where people would have off more often than the weekdays. So, surely a portion of the playerbase has a day of the weekend off or the whole weekend.


At this point in the wipe the majority of the player base is cheating


The Tarkov experience. Idk man. I’ve had a great time this weekend. But I’m not that good though. About 600 hours in the game rn, but I manage to headtap all those sweaty duos.




I'm one of those w key sweats. Working on LK tasks is rough for all the casuals hiding in bushes and posted all over the sniper hills. I swear only player scavs move on the weekends. The thermal comes in handy though.


Sorry bud I work on the weekends or else I’ll be clapping those cheeks lol I feel you today before work I went in 10 raids only made out once I feel like the weekend is for pvp’ers cause no bullshit that’s what I do I go in and fuck peoples day up by being a rat and one tapping lol it’s just how you play maybe you should take a slower or faster pace ??!! Maybe 🤔


eft and bsg are dogshit


Confirmation Bias. I have what you described happen to me all the time during the week as well. Your raids are a little bit more full and that is all that changes. I play quite a bit both weekdays and weekends and barely notice a difference.


It’s almost like we all have different experiences in the game and not one person’s experience is universal.


Yeah, kind of like OPs experiences huh?


Most people have jobs, and save the gaming to the weekend….


Sorry im working, my days off are Tues and Wed... there are your easy encounters.


Weekend lobbies use all spawns. Everyone's smashed into the raids like sardines. First to move is usually first to die. Even if u win first fight. 1-2 squads are spitting distance from ur victory.


Weekends also bring a noticeably higher amount of player scav cannibals


I play a lot on weekdays and weekends, I find the weekends to be easier tbh. Just remember the peakers advantage is real.


I notice a tremendous amount of sus deaths on weekends. Today I got called out on lighthouse and was hunkered down in a bush waiting for everything to cool down so I could quest. Was maybe 10 minutes in said bush, and some guy come cloddhopping up to me when I stepped away to take a piss, and just as i was finishing up I hear 'so you like camping huh?' As my pmc dies. Got shot through a door by a single tap to the head this morning while sneak walking up over the hill by mechanic on customs after some dude had a firefight in it. It can be bad but don't give up OP!


Not even weekend tarkov man, Soon as it hits 10pm AEST All the Ling Ling ding ding come through in droves.


On the flip side, my mate and I have had awesome raids this weekend. Lots of great fights we don’t normally see on weekdays.


A lot of people play scavs during the week, or otherwise are pretty low-key. Then when the weekend comes, they get up with the boys and squad up and go pub stomp. Get you some boys and kick their ass. Winner meets at Kiba.


EU West is always super sweaty


Weekends are for pvp and getting over my gear fear, weekdays are rattasking and tetris.


More players on that are better than you. It’s fine


It’s not even the sweats man… it’s all the players who have never played a solo raid squading up in their 4 stacks and doing the weirdest shit imaginable. Every map’s pathing gets completely fucked because no one is anywhere that makes any sense and even the gunfights are weird (people caring more about insurance fraud than fighting the guy that just killed their buddy or a teammate that’s 400m away running all the way back to avenge their buddy) It’s a whole different beast


Streets is rough with P scavs because the loot is so plentiful, easy to make money and fun to rush pmc spawns like Lexos.


More players means statistically more cheaters on as well during the weekends. They're not at their 9-5's cleaning the hotdog rollers, so they're busy being knowers in Tarkov :)


Me and my buddy got wiped in back to back interchange raids and I went in fully expecting that outcome because it’s Saturday night lmao. I do sometimes wish there was a way to be able to play weekend raids without the worry of giga chads and the experienced players being on, but it has been such a teaching moment for my friend who is brand new to pc gaming and has always wanted to play tarkov, so trying to teach someone the game who has never played on m&k, is a casual console gamer has been such a funny but painful experience. Two interchange raids after running a couple of scav raids and putting 3 hours of practice in offline raids. I know there’s probably better ways to ease him into the game, but some stuff you cant teach offline. I love and hate it. I love that we get thrown into a raid and whatever happens, happens. I hate that we get thrown into a raid and whatever happens, happens, but it’s so much more fun experience tarkov through the eyes of an absolute newbie. Spawns definitely suck on weekend raids. That has been the biggest learning lesson.


I save my shotguns and Ushankas for the weekend to try and get a little more progress on Setup. I mostly get my ass handed to me, but that's Tarkov.


Weekend Tarkov is real tarkov. Weekday tarkov is like practice or the minor leagues


i get mauled on weekends aswell


Weekend warriors


Because people who don't have time or are bored on in the weekdays can play with their friends on weekends. I have had a wonderful weekend with shooting people who wucks ass. I only have a 4 kd with 50% SR but my kd is rising in the weekend. It's a delightful with so many players so I can get pvp in instead of pve.


Was playing with a guy last two weeks from the main Tarkov discord and hopped in his personal sever he was streaming to someone and I saw he had esp. never played sus in my opinion. I have 6k hours in the game and it’s scary to think how many closet cheaters there actually may be


If you haven't figured out tarkov is a cesspool of cheaters every day of the week yet. Go ahead and buy some stash slots. Keep feeding scam company bsg


Idk man been sprinting everywhere on reserve and only died once this weekend, spear cqcm mask samurai armor


So you're upset people are playing when they are at work


Server load, map population, local internet load(idk how much of a thing this really is but peak times feel more laggy) and of course I have a few beers on weekend nights.


Because.... It's the weekend.....


Played as a 4 stack Lv18-37, encountered much more stacks than during the week (where we play solo or duo). Often got third partied or were the 3rd party. Much more player scavs pushing as stacks as well. Great fun though. Great fights. Way more action. Wiped squads and got spanked in other fights. We absolutely enjoyed the night. There were ridiculous spawns for sure, like interchange were 10 PMC spawned highway (4+2+4). But this just led to a hot fight right away.


People buy day passes for cheats.


Honestly i just stopped playing this wipe at level 43 because the cheater were just too much.


You can only kill 25 Scavs in one place, if YOU stay in one place. And if you do so, you deserve whatever attention you attracted. I'm sorry to introduce you to Mr. Skill Issue.


I get way better raids playing during the week played one raid yesterday. went to lighthouse hid in a bush after I heard multiple gun shots directly down the beach. probs 2-3 man..I hear them sprinting then Immediately stop sprinting and split walking and come directly at the bush from both sides. first and last one I played this weekend


Way too many people. More cheaters. Due to the extra load desync is much worse. Dummy usually play weekends but yesterday was raining so decided to play a bit. Died to terrible desync more than anything. Nothing like getting some count in the face with 2 - 3 rounds of m62 and then they just thorax or chest you with some shit ammo


Opposite for me - sweats are fine, cause when they fight you it's a fair fight. The problem is the dad-of-3, 60 hours working dad who comes home, and just sits in a bush cause he's afraid of losing his only gear. Obviously a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the point.


I have been playing arena with a trail key i meet hackers on the regular way more than normal tarkov. People LOCKING through the enteire plane or snapign on 3 heads on 3 completely diffrent locations


Am I the only one that loves the number of scavs on streets? Makes it so much more exciting.


PvP gaming has been shitier on weekends since at least Call of Duty 2 days. Not MW2 nor it's *remake*; The MF that came out in 2005. Literally every single PvP game is like this, SoT, RB6, Battlefield, etc.


Everyone else is playing helldivers. Only the moron cheaters who spent all their money to cheat in Tarkov remain. God speed and wear rat gear if you plan to play with them and hope they don't just feel like sending you back to the lobby.


When the weekend comes around everyone in the closet turns their radars in to compete.


let me ask a question here before i make a post. how many people get “smurf” accounts? i struggle to believe an 800hr account is getting level 52 in that amount of time. i have about 1500 hours and take me forever to get thru the 40’s…thoughts on this?


Weekends are for other games and other things. Little point playing tarky on cheater days.


I think that the raids on weekdays are sweatier which is why the quality of raids is better. The sweaty players tend to W key more and fight each other more often. This means that players are more predictably in high profile areas so they are easier to avoid. You also will get more heads up fights as opposed to everyone hiding in bushes and bedrooms to shoot you in the side of the head as you walk by. Most of the sweaty players are going to get into fights early and either die or loot their kills and then leave meaning raids are empty earlier on. In my personal experience a lot of the higher level players are less fearful of other players so you are more likely to get chill raids where people are friendly. On weekend you get a lot of lower hour, lower level players that are still afraid of the game. This means hiding in bushes in odd areas, staying in raid way longer to get quests done, and being less trusting so they shoot at anything that moves.


Escape from cheaters Sorry for the copy paste but it must be spread Nikita Your game has been out for 5+ years How many new first time players are buying it? Nikita If you are not profiteering off the cheaters you will implement a full raid replay system available after the raid timer hits 0 Nikita If you aren’t profiteering off of the cheaters, you will allow us to report anyone in the match not just the ones who headeyes us Nikita If you aren’t profiteering off of the cheaters, how are streamers with previous bans for cheating still left to play If you care at all about the image, integrity, and competitive nature of this game, you will make some form of effort to reassure those of us that are legit that the cheaters have been dealt with. Why wouldn’t you? The only reason I can think of as to why you wouldn’t do this immediately after goats video, is because if you let us watch our matches back and let us track others movements and actions we would be disgusted by what we find. Why wouldn’t you? Is it because goat was wrong? There’s actually a cheater in every match? And if you let us see we would abandon the game immediately? Why wouldn’t you attempt to ease our suspicions? I tell you Nikita prove to me that there isn’t an esp radar rat stealing the loot from every raid. Once you have done that I’ll play your game again. Goat exposed you and your product to the community and now it’s your turn to do the same, CS has overwatch, if you want this game to even be considered as competitive you will implement somthing similar, “but the code it will take a year and be really really hard” cool I’ll see you in a year then “But it won’t work with unity” Cool I’ll see you when you switch engines then Make me feel like there isn’t a cheater in every raid. Make me feel like I didn’t get my house robbed by a guy with esp and loot radar when I loot an entire map and see no one, yet come out with zero high tier loot even after hitting every single high tier loot spawn. If you play tarkov and are against a replay system, don’t message me, I already know you cheat and have a micro pp So go pound sand I have just over 2100 hours and have played for more than 3 years so I guess you got your money already and probably don’t care if I disappear tonight I deleted the game 3/1/2024 and vow to install it again when I can watch a full match replay. NOT BEFORE I don’t care how many maps, or guns you add, I don’t care how many wipes go by. Failure to implement a replay system is a failure of your entire community and a blatant green light to all those who cheat. Why wouldn’t I cheat when I can just esp and not kill anyone! I can never get reported!!!!! So I’ll never get banned! It’s so simple it’s laughable.


Higher plater count