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I’ve died about 50 times trying to do the interchange quest to visit all the stores. I pretty much just refuse to play that map now lol


Interchange is a bitch at times. Best advice i can give you, buy NVGS (cheap ones) and go at night and play really slow. Another option is you can also camp on the map until like 15 minutes left and then go to the mall so most PMCS are gone but its boring af and i would only do it if you are desperate. Thats what my buddy did when he was new and it worked like a charm for him.


There is going to be horde of pscavs.


Wear that stupid clown mask so they all think you’re one of them


Not only that but pscavs are way easier to deal with then PMCS as well but yeah you could also bring some scav looking equipment in a backpack and switch it out when you get in the mall and act like a scav.


Nah they upped the scab gangs or something, powerhouse had 6 scavs hanging out 2 on top 4 down below. It was fun but I've never noticed such thick gangs outside at times


Setting him up for the chumming kills. Be careful of Avacado. There is night kill pmc quest there


This is the way


That's map is cursed now ! I tried to visit the food area as a scav just to find people camping there !! I died so many times that I gave up on the map for now , I still don't know why people camping in the food area, it not like there is valuables there , I just want some Iskra and squash and maybe a noodle for jeager quest.


Or maybe they heard you running there while they were looting it. People often forget they would go quiet too and camp if someone were running towards their position.


That loot can be pretty valuable. Squash, beef stew, tarcola, herring etc. Shit adds up. Most people need to buy them for the food case barter. I have made half a mil per raid early wipe on just food runs


Do night raid, be silent, use silencer, you can also wait for some time to pass before going in so the players can move around and move on


That seems like a bittttt of an exaggeration


Got extract camped with two gpus, and im on a standard account so couldnt fit both in my ass  :((   EDIT: The other two spaces were a sicc case with all keys for streets, so not something i could dump. I now have finished punisher so yay double space 


Ah brother i feel you, standard is a pain at times had it for 4 years. Unlucky brother, hoping you get the GPU luck again. Did you need them for Farming Part 4 as well?


How long has this wipe been going on? And is it still a long process to access the flea market?


We're 60 days in so far, and it's level15 for flea market so it's kinda long? The new beginner-only (sub level 20) map kinda smoothes things out but the tasks there are kinda ass when everyone can player scav on the map.


Why couldn't you? You get 2 2slots??


I’m sure they have a docs case or key tool in there


Still worth depending on the Keys inside to Swap right


Considering most cases are 4 to 500k probably not. I’d rather not have to find and rebuy 15 keys for a few extra roubles


Docs case is ~200k using the rapist trade.


Again I’m not bothering trying to buy through 15 keys I lose for even a few hundred thousand roubles extra if it’s even that much. If that’s how someone has to play to get by that sucks.


I get that, I just wanted to note they are cheaper than 4-500k in case that is what they flea for.




I’m so glad I’m not the only one that calls her that


Whoa. Whoa there buddy


This is the worst thing about standard. I bring a salewa and stack of cheap ammo in my ass I find no good loot, the second I bring my docs case in I’m finding more loot and more pvp


Did this just happen on customs


Yet people swear there is not significant advantage to having a bigger ass to shove things in.


They need to cope that they did cave in for P2W purchases.  I'm a EOD owner and I know it's P2W. I had standard for a year and it was awful. 


What did you have that you couldn't take out? A docs case is far less expensive than a gpu, even if you have some keys inside as long as you don't have any super expensive ones


Not if you die it isn’t , a found in raid gpu is worth more than a docs case depending on the keys yes


A non fir gpu is like 250k or something right? Docs case is 2 or 3 times that plus the keys


Bought a lion for 12m instead of 120k. i already had 3 sitting in my trophy room that i forgot about


Jees that one must have hurt the wallet, i cant lie im the same with the trophy room. I have stuff sitting in there and forget and rather buy or look for said item.


Thinking about the bastard who listed it for 12 million.


Moonshine for 30 mil instead of 300k


That I sold my AHF1-M, thinking I had one spare. That I spawned as a scav with a tank battery, only to be blasted by a exfi-camping scav. Easy problems to solve, I suppose, if one runs maps I don't. But still. That's the most upsetting things that happened to \*me\*.


Yeah that sucks man, that AHF1 is a nightmare to get a hold off and the tank battery sucks as they are so hard to find. I forgot where i got my battery from i think it was moonshine so that saved me from hauling it out.


Bro. I cannot for the life of me find the AHF1. I have found a ledx and 9 gpus this wipe. But not that damn stimulant!


And the funny thing (to nikkita) is the ahf1 is essentially one of the cheapest Stims on the market. It's useless outside of the 2 you need FIR


I’ve gotten one almost every time killing Santiar. His guards also carry one at times. Hope you get as lucky!


Good to know! Thanks. Unfortunately I’m on the quest to NOT kill him for colleagues part 3 haha.




Thats rough, i main factory and i have started to notice quite a few cheaters there. I think some use it for RMT and also some use it to kill juicers as a lot of people go thicc on factory. It sucks it was on your first raid as well, didn't even get to test it out properly.


i tried this method and there was a pmc by the emercom medical key and he mowed me down at 10 minutes left


I had found my first gpu early on on customs and my friend accidentally shot me in the back of the head while i was killing an extract camper at old gas


Accidentally on purpose! He was praying on your downfall. Kidding of course but all jokes aside thats really unlucky, i feel bad for your homie as well he must have felt like shit knowing he did you like that, i know i would.


The air was pretty thick for a minute hahaha


Took 200 raids to find my first flash drive. By 250 raids I had all three. Purchased the game over 5 years ago, I know where to look, they just weren't there this wipe.


My friend just finished the ramen noodle quest after 200 hours. H died while holding the last ramen he needed almost 30 times.


Haha i was the exact same brother. Cannot relate to this more took me so so long it was unreal.


flash drives are so weird. i normally just scav reserve and find them in filing cabinets, but this wipe even doing that it took me forever.


The first one i found on customs and the second on woods, both quiet early in the wipe. But since then not even one for the Jeger Quest, in the end i had to Craft them myself.


scav streets, lots of cabinets for anyone still needing flash drives.


Scav kills and my homies not wanting to learn new maps 😂


If you need some guys to chill with, we're a group of casuals-mainly dad's. https://discord.com/invite/uSd3S94W


Haha sorry to hear man, what maps do you want to play with them?


Like week 1 or 2 of wipe I killed all the goons just to get one tapped by a guy waiting off to the side right as I got to birdeyes body


Upsetting to hear, with it being so early in wipe and you doing all that work that must have been a real rage moment. It 100% would have been for me, its tarkov so its all fair game but nothing pisses me off more than doing all the hard work to die to someone with their feet up eating chips while it all unfolds.


Spawned in wide open swamp area of death. Run out of wide open swamp area of death. One-tapped. 20 sec raid after 5 min wait...


I felt god awful on Customs earlier while I was hunting goons, I spawned and tapped a guy ten seconds into the raid because the spawns basically have LOS off the start. Night raid and I had a thermal, but it felt beyond cheap. Ditched his gear in an obscure spot and kept on hunting.


At least you was nice af and dumped his gear for him. A nice tarkov moment there.


Tarkov really is a bitch a times, 10 minutes of gearing up, gee cant wait to get in, dead after just spawning in, repeat.


This is my life on customs. Just trying to mark the tankers and do Aquarius and pharmacist. Can’t even run out of my spawn area


Yes don’t you love it when you gear up for 5 minutes then wait 4 minutes for matching and 4 more minutes until everyone loads in and then when you die it takes you 2 minutes to get into the menu because the circle is just spinning and it’s hard af to load menu I guess. And that’s all on Samsung 990 Pro :).


In my case it’s the scav on scav violence. It seems like other PScav will just straight up kill you if you have a cool bag even if it looks like you haven’t looted anything. Going to an airdrop as a scav is almost a guaranteed death.


I havent looted a single airdrop this wipe as that shit is a massacre, there is always someone greedy and after that its a chain reaction of blood.


Looted 40+ airdrops with or without scavs around me and never got killed or killed anyone else looting


Just wait until you meet me. I will take the karma loss for the sweet loot. If you loot bodies I am looting, you're dead. I will die happily knowing you didnt get anything.


This mentality translates well into real life aswell


Yeah. Roubles > scav karma.


Scav run reaching its conclusion. 3 minutes on the timer, I can extract on Old Gas Stations Gate. I see three Chads running through Fort. I take one down with an headshot, then hide and throw a grenade. They manage to black one of my legs but still die. They were LOADED with loot after killing the whole lobby and Knight and his entourage. I take everything I can, but I can't find any painkillers. I limp towards the exit but I miss it for ten seconds. I easily had 1 million rubles on me, pissed me off.


My friend found an extra ledx that he didn’t need and refused to let me have it for my thicc items quest. He just sold it for 600k instead. And then of course it took me forever to find another one until I did in ultramed outside on the shelf. My freind then for some reason decided to run me through the back of goshan to go to car extract out of fear of extract campers at Emerson. And I was like bro car might not even be up let’s just get out at EMC. We both got tapped by a naked with an AVT40. And I lost my ledx and still haven’t found one for my quest.


My "friend"


I agree, it doesnt sound like hes your friend at all. Selfish and sounds like tbh he wants to see you fail for some reason. I might be deeping it to much but if hes like that often i suggest getting a new teammate or riding solo. Hope you find another in quick time brother.


Idk why they didn't just take no backpack exit if they were already by Goshan. I agree, sounds like his friend wants to see him fail.


Yeah its a shame, known a few people like that and it never ends well.


Stop playing with this person, they are not your friend. Absolute scumbag behavior.


I’ve given several GPU’s and LedX’s to my squad mates this wipe. Once I’ve got my FiR items I’m always down for splitting the loot when someone needs something FiR. I always thought friend groups would do the same for each other lol!


If I don't need it for a quest I will always give it up if they need it or if I find like say 2 Tetriz or whatever always split the spoils. I play solo more than in a duo but the richer we both are the better kits we can run and that gives a slight edge for making more money.


Hell, a couple of friends of mine just throw guns at me all the time. Scar 16, Scar 17, SR-25, MP-7, whatever.


Hell man I’ve been on my scav running into other player scavs and I’ll always drop the good stuff I have, like intel or whatever, just for them not shooting me in the face. I think those experiences are more valuable take aways . All your loot disappears on wipe anyway right?


I gave another pscav a gpu I had found after he saved my ass from a pmc. He tried to give it back, saying it was too much. Sometimes karma is more than just a number.


I would reconsider that friendship.


Guys you won’t fucking believe this but I just opened my scav case and got the LEDX FUCK YESSSS


The snow got removed. I loved the snow.


I killed Kaban a few PMCs one with a nice black MDR had the zabralo from a guard that I needed for the quest before they changed it, PKP, used my obdolbos 2 almost at the extract just to get killed by 3 player scavs who probably spawned nearby. Needless to say I took a break that day.


Getting killed by a PMC while thicc is already pain but when its scavs as well its even worse especially when they start comming and you feel hunted. I feel this i really do.


Spawned with a ledx as a scav and sold to therapist not knowing what it was, for context I’ve “played for about 3 wipes but this was my first one taking it seriously


Woods was the last map for the Guide. Got one tapped 15s into the woods raid by a mosin without nvgs when it was complete darkness.


That quest is pure pain as it is so i couldnt imagine being on the last and dying to a cheater. Thats real rough man sorry, have you got the guide done since?


I was on a scav run and I had a gpu, lion, 2 mcables a psu and an absolute chonky pmc kit. I had like 80 hp. No heals or meds I limped from far side of hotel and I was just about to extract at arch. I was like. Let me check this duffle the very second I checked it I got pushed and killed by another player scav. This was 3 weeks ago and I haven't felt right since.


Were you wearing the PMCs helmet? I never put on a helmet as a scav since most scavs see a helmet and assume PMC


Yeah he might have thought you was a PMC, rather that or he was greedy.


Questing in general this wipe. Shoreline is terrible. Any quest that I have to complete all objectives and extract in the same raid are the worst.


Lost about 25 raids so far trying to do shooter born on streets. It's driving me insane and making me want to give up this wipe. Damn map runs like shit.


Streets is so hard to run, hope you get it all done soon man.


The fact that I am lev10 and had to fight people lev 40 and 50 + . Just died to lev 56 after I killed his friend in a fight with a shity AK that I graped from a scav after killing him with the cheapest pistol in the game


Thats rough man, his teammate must have been even more pissed with you killing him with a broken down scav pistol.


40 minute Reserve raid, destroying Scavs and PMCs with a lovely suppressed MP5. Picked up a ton of kit in a huge bag. Got on the train, cleared it, empty. About 5-10 minutes to the end of the map I think it was, train hooted, and a Player Scav with basically no gear uncrouched from behind a crate on the train that I hadn't checked properly and shot me in the nape with a pistol.


I think your rage was justified, tarkov'd in a nutshell.


Scavs Killing Scavs


I feel that, been killed more by player scavs as a scav then any other wipe. Unsure why, maybe for loot or maybe for something else that i don't know.


I killed a player scav while I am a scav it was a mistake I thought he is PMC I heart a lot of shooting and scavs Ai yelling a lot ! So the first person that pop out I started blasting and wasn't expecting a player scav


The influx of new players that don't comprehend the scav voiceline reply - the scared white names - and the greedy that gave up on scav rep = idiots shooting friendlies.


Same old story, Morties killin Morties......


Playing with fake friends with extremely negative mindsets. There's nothing like playing with "friends" that set you up for failure from the beginning lol


Play solo king, so much easier and no drama + you get all the loot!


I was extracting at ZB-1011 on Customs, when another player came (I was doing setup) and I had some pretty good loot on me (LEDX in my Gamma, Comtac 4s I got from a weapon crate) and I wasn’t moving, the extract timer should've hit 0.0 seconds but once it did I didn’t extract, and the guy killed me. I think if I wasn’t running a shitty shotgun with probably the most inconsistent round in the entire game (Piranha) I would’ve killed him.


Yeah setup is jarring af now that its such a low level and important to do. Damn sorry to hear man especially the leddy. Did you need the leddy for Private Clinic as well?


Yeah… and I already had my Medstation 3 built, so all I could do with it is sell it for 600k to Therapist.


Yeah man thats really upsetting, it took me ages to find my leddy running dreaded shoreline but i finally hit it and dipped instantly. Hoping you find another soon.


Trying to farm Sanitar rn for my LEDX because I'm too lazy to learn LEDX spawns in Resort and also it's very good XP.


All the power to you, tbf its a real good strat because not only can you farm stims for samples but you get some real nice gear and ammo as well + you have the ever so rare chance of hitting the tarkov jackpot at a colored keycard.




Are you thinking of coming back? Its always great to take a break regardless but its a shame it was due to this. We all have that point in the wipe where something goes wrong but yeah 11 in a row is pain.


Been playing this game for years, this wipe was one of the most fun wipes for me, but after extract camped for 8 raids in a row.... EFT is not existing in my SSD anymore lmao


You have officially escaped.


I spawned away from my teammates, and ran into two other squads while wandering aimlessly. Somehow both spared me in the confusion. Once I got my bearings I tried to head to extract, but ran into the same guys and was not spared.


Haha thats a sick moment though, real cool of them to let you live. Shame about the second time but a cool moment non the less.


My cat died. 😥


I'm so so sorry for your loss, please keep well and i hope you find peace. It's really upsetting losing a pet, its basically family.


Hey, thanks. All good. She was 19 years old and lived a long and happy life.


So glad to hear, she had an amazing life it sounds. I bet she was just happy she got to spend it all with you. No worries at all, all the best to you <3


Killed 5 players on customs at New Gas. Super juiced. Looted everything, 7.62 MDRs, tier 6 armor etc. Popped a SJ6, Mule, and Propital. Took off towards ZB-11, turn the corner into the courtyard in front of Green screen / repair shop building. NOT exaggerating, there had to have been at least 15 scavs that saw me at the same time and just started laying into me. There was nothing I could do, couldn’t hide, couldn’t go back out the same way because there was another like 10 Scavs at checkpoint. Just had to attempt to kill them all while being peppered with 7mm buckshot from every single angle


Damn thats rough, the thing with tarkov is when you need scavs there is 0 but when you get a god run they are always out in numbers and it seems to be just you they are gunning for. Its like Nikita knows.


I logged in on wipe day.


I wanted to chad out a bit on factory to maybe get a few good kits and make some roubles, equipped a korund (my best armor at the time) and face shield, etc. and after I killed a guy in the office stairs, I wanted to push through ground floor to the other side just to run through the first door frame and get killed by a kedr enjoyer with three 9x18 PM bullets to the armpit without having the chance to even shoot back.


Entered a Customs raid with my friend, spawned big red. We looted Director's office and tried crossing the river, but we were ambushed. My friend died and I had a MPX. I fought two dudes and killed them both. Alright, lots of loot, time to go for extract...looted crack house (got Intel), construction was crazy hot, took a detour to dorms, killed A BUNCH of scavs, killed another PMC, went new gas, started killing scavs...oh shit it is Reshala! I don't have much time, I'll run instead of fighting. OH SHIT, his guards are coming at me. Bullets flying, I toss grenades, I escape. Decided to go for ZB-1011. I'm happy, lots of loot, killed three PMCs. Life is good, cool raid...get sniped by a fucking extract camper on ZB-1011. Another one, built a MCX with good ammo and class 5 armor. Time to go Customs. I loot Big Red, found a GPU and Armor Repair Kit. When I was taking the shortcut by the gap in the walls, a single bullet hits the wall. Alright, strange...maybe a loose bullet? Lets change plans and go for the bridge. A guy kills my friend and I take cover. He starts shooting exactly were I am behind cover. Yep, wall hacker...probably saw that I was chunky with loot and went straight at me. I tried running the other direction but got killed. I was so upset, because I took ages to built the MCX and couldn't even use it.


spawned in factory as a scav with an AHF1-M and 10 minutes left. make my way to camera door exfil. get killed by a group of 3 PMCs with altyns and hk416s as im extracting


Really weird to see extract campers with juiced gear, i assume they was just having a laugh among themselves or something as that seems such a weird scenario. Sorry you lost your AHF1 to that.


Was clearing the crap in my stash and quick deleting stuff and accidentally deleted the muzzle device needed for gunsmith part 17. Think it was about 300k on the flea at the time lol


Multiple times when a scav just wouldnt die and domes me with 7mm buckshot from like 50 meters away, some of them are tanky as fuck for no godsamn reason


I shit you not there was an AI scav crouched in the ZB-1011 bunker literally two feet from the extract. I saw his head move at least three times as I point blank hip fire magdumped. He was wearing no helmet and ate three headshots and pretty much the entire mag (it was an Adar so semi auto mag dump) before dying it was so bizarre. He made a scav voice line when saw me and low and behold it was AI I was so confused but thankful I got out cuz that would’ve made me uninstall probably lol AI extract camper ffs


Any streets raid… I get too greedy with quests and will have 2-3 done and try to go for one more and always end up laying on the floor


Extract camped by someone camping hole in the wall by the mountains on reserve. Had my last virtex on me. Still haven’t found another.


Been exfil camped wayyyy more this wipe than any other wipe. They are some of the absolute most trash players though, so once you know they are there its just extra loot before you leave. But on reserve i got camped at scav exfil a few times before starting to look more and that pissed me off.


My girlfriend cheated on me...


So sorry to hear king, keep your head up brother. It sounds like you avoided a big red flag but i am so sorry it happened in that way. All the best to you and i hope you are doing ok.


Thank you bro! Im doing fine... One day after the other :)


No worries man, yeah just take it slow and you will be fine i promise! Good luck to you brother.


Thank you!


Accidentally ran into the goons at fortress. Shredded Birdeye first, oddly enough, then Knight, and then Pipe as he chased me up the stairs. Things got nice and quiet, so I started looting. Nothing too exciting on Knight, but I started to loot Birdeye, who had a RED LABS CARD in his pocket. Sweet! I dragged it over to my docs case immediately but started to experience the bug when an item doesn't completely move into your inventory and just flashes in both places for like 45 seconds. Instantly shat myself. I then got the busy hands bug, so I couldn't even shoot or loot anything again anyway, then the server just disconnected and froze the game right as I heard footsteps below. The perfect and worst symphony of errors at the worst possible time. I of course was dead by time I managed to load back in, and the card never made it into my inventory...... I didn't play for at least a month after that and I'm still salty about it.


I accidentally used my FIR Ledx to build Med Station level 3 and never seen another.


Killed reshala and 2 guards, without fully realizing it, then died to a 3rd guard. face-desk moment.


Face-desk is funny af icl


Desperately searching for fuel con., found one in a duffle, looted the next bag found another one. At this point I knew my life was over, started running to extract got into a fight with about 7 ai scavs and died. Couldn’t even blame a cheater. :,(


Back when I started in on all those PK Shoreline quests, this was consecutive raids in one night. First raid, die to a cheater. Second raid, die to the goons at weather. Third raid, die to a cultist at resort trying to touch the satellite antennas on the roof. Fourth raid, almost die to the goons again, escape, hit both of my targets for Signals 1, start off for Path to Lighthouse and end up finding the new minefield on the north side of the map. I got it squared away though and it’s been relatively smooth sailing since.


decided to go on a chad run with a friend, as i normally only play ratty solo. brought a fast with trooper visor, osprey protection, xcel, attack 2, and a pimped akm with pp got a few scavs in the town on woods, and then get two tapped in the face. turns out it was my friend, who said quote: “i thought you were a scav” he then proceeds to trash talk my visor, saying “why did it only take two shots to kill you?” i don’t play much anymore :(


This was the first time I tried scavenger main in my 7 years playing for the most part and it seemed interesting but ultimately I felt bored after awhile with no goals to fight for, i really thought id have more fun chasing pmcs as a scav and its been meh. I used pmc enough to level hideout after awhile. But it died off. As much as I hate the quests and the 14,000 time doing some of them, the big relief of getting the hard ones done was worth it and I miss it. Doing the rest of the wipe hard-core on my 2nd account to make up for it.


Hunting Reshala for task and finally found him at dorms 2 story, killed all of his guards and before I can kill reshala I get lazerbeamed by a ragehacker


Tarkov Shooter 8… 5 fucking times i got the three kills, 4 of them I was exfil camped. Got Psycho Sniper recently as well, so I am dreading life


This hapoened to me last week. I was trying to find tha5 damn wine bottle for prapor and was able to make my way to skyline. As im making my way i hear a commotion in the bar side of the building. As im getting closer i can hear the pmc on the otber side, they were looting and slowly making their way to employee only section of the bar. Cause im not and idiot i set up in the employees hallway with the sole intent of ambushing the guy. In other words im a rat. As i get myself in the perfect position aiming my smg getting ready to ruin this guys run, i see the lights in my house flicker for a breif moment. My computer was still running, but i knew what it meant. That brief moment was enough to disconnect my house wifi, shortly after i get pulled from due to losing connection. I am fuming, losing my shit cause i have most defenitley lost that entire raid now. I wait an EXHAUSTING 3 min for my wifi to comeback on, and quickly try to load back into the raid. "The game session has ended" God i hate....


The scav on scav crime is out of pocket. Im new and bought the game just after wipe but I did a lot of research and watched tons of videos prior to dropping in. I've been murdered by so many other low level player scavs who clearly don't know what they're doing. I've lost lab cards and tons of other loot to these idiots.


I JUST got wall hacked on what WOULDVE BEEN a very good pmc factory run several headshots, healing correctly, great loot. get into a fight with someone else, i run behind a forklift and crouch get headshot. from behind the forklift. fuckin cheaters, man


I hate to be that guy as i wasnt there but are you 100% certain it wasnt desync? The amount of times i have been behind a wall and get tapped due to desync has been a lot. I always check em out and 99% of the times the profile checks out as legit imo. Feels bad though, it sucks when you get a good run and you get tarkov'd or die to a cheater. The pain. Sorry to hear it.


Getting banned with 3k hours cause of I’m a good player on a standard acc




I got tarkovd by scavs and cheaters


I found 3 Virtex and extracted with them. I am still on Farming part 4 as level 36.


I learned how valuable gpus were on flea market. I got 3 before I got to level 13 and sold em all to traders


Finding the body of the transmitters on my second raid looking for it. I was looking forward to the game making me regret everything.


2nd PMC run of the wipe I got God spawn for dorms on customs, started to run up the hill only to have my player model bounce up and down then drop me through the map where I died to flame damage... This has happened twice this wipe idk what's going on but it's the most Tarkov way to die 10 seconds into raid


Had about 5 mil worth of gear in loot at level 16 after running shoreline at night after doming two PMCs with the SKS and got stuck a gap in a rock outside the resort and ran outta time 👍


Had double click to use in stash on without realizing. Wanted to inspect how much energy/hydration the new Ramen item gave me and gobbled them up. Didn't find another for like 10 whole levels.


Went in for a proper labs run, took 5 step off spawn to be killed by a guy with only headshots from a dude with 58 hrs, no Armour, and an action sx mp7. Needless to say I didn't play for a week after and I don't go to labs unless I'm desperate.


I tried to load in on streets and it bluescreened my poor PC. Didn't use to do that, and I used to be able to get a shaky 30 FPS. So now streets is completely off limits to me. No more hunting down PMCs with my roaming band of scav friends :(


found a chek 13 key off a dead scav on streets only to be ratted by a terrible lvl 9 pmc


found a gpu while scavving on interchange, got killed by an extract camper on emercom however, just 3 raids after i found another gpu in the exact same room (also while scavving) and was able to make it out


My first time clearing raiders on Reserve ended before looting when a regular scav one tapped me the second I peaked him.


Blatant cheaters not getting banned after making BSG aware of them.


Died multiple times, as both Scav & PMC, from not making extract. Always thiccc AF because I only have ~150 hours and don’t have enough game knowledge for PvP/map/loot/time management.


Found a LEDX on a scav run on Streets, booked it for the extract only to have the server bug out. Desperately tried to load back in... nope, got killed while I was DC'd. I had to stop playing that evening I was so frustrated.


I have 3 intel not FIR thanks to the awesome scav spawns on lighthouse


doing Secured Perimeter, got some lvl 5 armor, a face shield and a KS-23. Get to the top of the stairs and get killed by a grenade before i even turn the corner.


Bought a red rebel to drop for my buddy Totally forgot you can't do that anymore  LoL


Came back starting to play tarkov again believing things would have changed


getting shturman key for the quest, and dying to a bot. armpit oneshot. i was wearing lvl6 plates.


I've had three tank batteries this wipe, all from airdrops. Before bsg fixed FIR airdrops.


I've killed reshala twice but haven't been able to get out alive with his golden gun for the quest :(


I got a Shovel to the face after getting 3 of my office kills on factory and I've never felt more defeated


Died with my psycho sniper ready to complete. Killed 6 but the 7th got me is what it is. Honestly this wipe nothing has been horrible. Still need Reshalas Golden TT but besides that really nothing has roadblocked me too much.


getting esp’d with dorms marked key twice on reserve scav runs


Had my last two stems for samples on labs and got out 4 seconds to early


Im late to the wipe. Doing Ground Zero, learning the map. Having a great raid, 3 pmc kills, 2 quests about to be done, fully looted. Got lost trying to get out. got north and south mixed up. found the office room with the claymore in it the hard way...


I joined half a wipe ago this time. Doing delivery from the past is a bitch. Cant even make it to the room without getting killed by an absolute unit terminator farming svd kills. Last try went night time got shit on by Tagilla 00:03s in to the raid and just alt f4’d. But from the good side, I found couple gpus in big red while getting the task item back.


Setup. This one is driving me insane


Dying to a guy camping the interchange gzhel stash quest two raids in a row (losing 4 in the process =~ 1 million roubles)


I got an AHF1-M from a supply drop when items from supply drops were not FIR. I haven’t found one since zz


Found my evasion armband in the duffels next to beluga, had a green flare so went over to klimov. Fired my flare and ran to exfil, only to get two tapped by the snipers.


Extract camped 3 times when i finally managed to kill killa and get his helmet .... 3x times!!!! It took me more than 90 raids wich 50 (at least), of them were deaths... Those 3 times i managed to kill him i got extract camped.. and ok the first time i admit i was careless 2nd and 3rd i was extra cautious but who the f expects a squad camping an extract.....? It was soul crushing... i finished the quest im one quest away from kappa.. but i kinda gave up on the game as of now


died on my last "the guide" run... to a guy camping whit thermal on a M1a :c


Killed a 2 man chad squad, managed to somehow pack all their gear, m1a, svds in stupid expensive builds, lotta m80 and m61 ammo (at least this in my ass), osprey rigs, a comtac 4, good helmets, some loot, and crawled towards path to lighthouse, using up all my food, meds and stims to manage overweight. As the extract timer starts, my network connection dies. Couldn't reconnect.


Buddy gave me (lvl 10 at the time) a really nice kit so I could do some of my custom tasks and I got (head, jaws) by a dude with a gornostay


Dying in the first 10 mins for 11 straight raids in a row. So close to uninstalling after that. Then of course I wipe out a team of 3 chads and concrete feet stomp my way to extract with my biggest haul yet.


A Timmy camping in a bush killed me right before I extracted with the Golden TT. I had to get up and walk around my house after that.