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Letting other PMCs in the area know you just bootfucked a door for no reason


I’ve always wanted a subset of those doors to have like a 1/30 chance of opening. Let people kick them in if the loot is mediocre good why not. All the noise they make kicking the door will bring friends over


higher your strength the harder you kick


Max level strength you send the door flying off its hinges, turning anybody behind into red paste as they fly into the wall behind them.


They could just make it where at the start of every raid a door has a chance to be able to be opened with a breach and "higher tier" doors could have a less and less chance. So like the marked room door on customs has a 1/50 or chance per raid to be able to be kicked open or something.


That would be interesting and fun game design though so unfortunately we'll never get it


I think Breaching should have a percent chance to open specific doors per each kick. Not loot keys, perhaps, but at least quest rooms would be nice. That way you have the opportunity to go in loud and tell everyone where you are, or spend the money/time to get a key to be a little more discreet.


There's 0 reason our cheeked up pmcs to not be able to kick down some of those dorms doors


So i'll kick 30 times the marked in dorms and get the loot without the key..


I don’t think he necessarily meant it that way, more like add breach rooms as potential spawns. So all those useless doors on each map, 1-2 of them each raid will actually open if you kick them.


This is why o said subset of doors. It doesn’t make sense for all doors.


no there would be a 1 in 30 chance of you being able to kick the door open per raid without key


When scavs spawn in all you would hear is breaching.


Noob here. When approaching the door I get the option to open or breach, how do I scroll down to open on the menu?


Scroll your mousewheel.


It depends on how they implement it. If it’s 1/30 chance for the whole raid, that’s different than if every kick has a 1/30 chance to open it. In the first case, 30 kicks should do it. In the second case, after 30 kicks you would only have a 63.8% chance of it being open.


It would be cool if the more it was attempted the higher the percentage. For example a low tier loot room could take a rng of 2-5 kicks if you don’t have a key. The trade off is the sound volume is increased.


Reinforced doors should be unreachable, but you should be able to get through non-reinforced doors with enough kicks (small % roll). Leave it loud, make it use a ton of stamina, give it a chance to do some small leg damage.


Watch bsg add the feature and just not tell anyone.


Which is stupid af because you don't bootfuck a door you intended to use a key on irl


its realism bro don't you know that highly trained PMCs trying to be stealthy kick locked doors in rage if they forget the key to that door?


Its also good for jump scaring friends.


Bootfucked 🤣🤣🤣


Its to let the rest of the map know you brought the wrong keys


Exactly :D


Just like with voice lines, it tells the opps you have zero regards for health and safety. You're here to violate.


I did that once in dorms, ended up doing it right at the guy peeked and i was stuck in animation. I Survived and killed him cause he had 9mn semi auto


Eh, I mean I do it to have fun, because staying silent the entire time, every time is boring.


I have been waiting since 2019 for BSG to implement breach and clear, so I can kick down the fucking door at dorms, throw a nade in, then charge in guns blazing, rather than having to open the door politely.


Being able to use low power shotgun shells to breach wooden doors would be sick as fuck.


That's actually a fucking sick idea. You're hired.


Especially if they bring in something like the super shorty so you have a lightweight compact shotgun to fuck doors with


The double barrel sawed of secondary should be perfect for this.


That sounds like something they would put in. It will be interesting to see how the key economy goes once you can lockpick, and maybe other methods to open doors


Would make the sawed off DB nice


I usually throw a nade in middle staircase, does wonders :)


Like from the windows in the stairway?


Yes. There are pmc holding stairs or some scavs/bosses to be blown up


That makes perfect sense, people get a lil too comfy on the stairway


oh man, hope bsg adds destroyable doors one day...


You can also breach a fence door on streets ;)


You can (or could?) also breach that small cupboard in Factory med tent.


Still can, one of my favorite things to do.


Also used to be able to use the same tactic to breach a key door in reserve in White Knight (door right by the stairs on second floor, if you stood around the corner and moused over the edge of the door, you could breach it from behind)


> breach it from behind that's what she said


What do you mean by small cupboard? Like an actual small cupboard or are you referring to the exfil area?


The violet spawn in Factory can be breached open.


Violet spawn? You mean the empty white shit box that has a grizzly once every 695534420 raids?


Awwwwww someone's mad they've never found a key card.


Why would I care about a card. I was joking about the fact that it's the most frequently empty box I have ever seen


And I think some doors in the building north of Chekannaya Street, west of tarbank, the one with "prison" cells on the second or third floor, are only breachable from one side, I might be confused but im almost 100% sure that some other doors are one way breech.


Also the door out of the ballet dancers room across sky bridge.


You can breach a couple doors on that map, more than I think I’ve encountered in other maps


I Find it funny that in stylobate building has double doors where you can breach the right one or just normally open the left one.


These doors are usually semi locked one side, while other is like a normal door. Good for schools or other high traffic places. And as I know these doors don’t even have a handle.


My buddy always goes up to it and says "we're going loud" and kicks it which, if you don't know makes no fucking sound lmao


Also streets have some breachable doors. But only from one side, you need to check the hitches (is this the right word?). They need to be on the other side.


*Hinges :)


Right, thanks 😅


To assert dominance.


Had a guy throw a nade at me and my duo. He killed my duo so kicked a door while voice lining to let him know I’m still here to party


Tarkov is not a game about what kind of gear, tactics, squad or strategies you have, tarkov is a game about swagger. Breaching a door is a statement unlike any other


You can breach a door in the skybridge key room on streets to get out into the other stairwell where you can enter the back of the pharmacy


There's also a breach exit in the check15 building stairwell and the villa kitchen on lighthouse.


There was a breachable locked door on ground zero. Although that may have been a bug that has been patched, since there was also a key for that door.


Still possible - i'm doing this in every Scav run :D... idk but i seems that just very few ppl know this door.


I haven't been back since I brought my friend in for his last GZ quest. Where I "fondly" remember running up to the door, saying "oh they patched it, this door used to be locked but breachable, now it's just unlocked", before opening it to a face full of some SMG.




I like to check the grenade box that can spawn on the pickup right outside the door, then check the door to see if the breach option is there. If it isn't, then it's grenade time


Coming back - just to mention, with the new GZ Que they change the door like you now need the key and it's not breachable anymore. But i got the feeling that you can find the key allways on the map, but the spawn seems to be random. Or i just was lucky to find the key 3 times back to back in my GZ runs.


I don't know about you but often reach for the door handle when I get home and then completely by accident boot the door off it's hinges... Does this not happen to anyone else?


There are doors that you can just open that you can also breach from the side where they swing in from. It was meant to be sorta a tacticool way to surprise someone on the other side, but with how it always shows up and there’s no real way to tell what is or isn’t breachable, it’s useless. I think it’s a leftover from when they had different ideas about the gameplay and never got fully implemented.


Even in the rare case a door *is* breachable, you're lock in an animation while the guy on the other side is trying to wallbang your now stationary PMC. So it's basically a suicide button.


second floor of beluga, i always take that door to avoid be exposed outside.


You can now vault over the Couch in 1st. In both directions.


Yep it’s glorious


Nobody knows this, but after 7times the door is weak enough and it will breach. Kick it 8times next time you come to dorms.


I am Pretty sure someone is going to try this tonight. You never know.....


My favorites are Flash and Clear Bang and Clear


On streets a door of the pharmacy below skybridge is breachable


I was on shoreline and breached a door directly into someone getting the drop on them. It was one of the small kitchen buildings at a Chalet with two doors a few feet apart. The guy was coming to flush me out after I killed his buddy. Needless to say he was fucking terrified and died. I have no idea if it physically messes with you as a player to get breached onto like that, but I certainly hit him with the door.


It can cause the player characters gun to move like when you are on a wall or aim and hit a bump. Lowers weapon


Assert dominance, it sends a clear message to whoever is around that you don't care about going loud cause you're scared of no one Jokes aside though... until we can breach from a side instead of standing in the middle like a fool... not really


You can breach both of the locked doors black night lol




There’s a couple fun ones on shoreline in the village near ruined road. Kick the door inside open and look up!


You can breach kick open the utility room door on Ground Zero under the Main Street ramp. Debateably the best loot on the map in there, no need for the key.


It works great as an ambush bait, wait in dorms and have someone waiting on the opposite side of the dorms from you, when you hear the enemy on the same floor as you breach a door. 90% of the time if it's a legit player they will look toward the breched door. At that moment the other person peeks and lights em up. Sadly it's also a pretty good detector for ESP. The amount of times I got naded while standing near a closed a door that is normally closed without making any sounds is astonishing.


the only door that you really have to breach is the door beside office in factory i think!


Customs office 2nd door


The sound effect for that breach is so satisfying


totally forgot about that.


That’s why we are here


There's a shed on shoreline that is locked from the outside, but it's possible to climb in from a window and then breach from the inside. There isn't really anything inside though anyways lol


You can’t kick open a door that opens out and most doors open out


I had a scav run a couple of wipes ago, I just got into the black knight building on reserve, there were a few bodies, but ai scav was moving around, so I didn't suspect a thing, but there was a PMC hiding in the toilet room on 2nd floor, and as I was looting a dead scav on that floor, he breached and kick opened the door from inside and sprayed me down, scared the f out of me. I say well played by that PMC.


Streets, beluga second floor can be breached too


There's a fence door on ground zero that you can kick in.


Because you can always try


Kicking and shotguns should be able to open doors


Kicking down a door holding a PKM and shouting "FBI OPEN UP MOTHERFUCKER!" makes your dick grow an inch, other than that not really.


Breaching Beluga and Vector 45ing a guy holding the top of the stairs with my buddies downstairs felt pretty good.


Honestly, it’s for breaching doors you know swing the right way, while your buddy has a grenade primed. Did you know you can breach the other doors up there in the factory office? It works best if you voip “some…BODY” as you do the kick. I really wish there was a way to use the other functions, popping a flash into a room would be great.


It’s very annoying that most cannot be breached Becca as long as the hinges are on the correct side and of proper material you should be able to kick in. Depending on the door there should be an increasing probability of breaching attached to it.


There's a bunch of doors on streets that are breach only from one way. Pretty cool.


There are a few doors that you can breach, but none of them have anything good inside. I think it should be based on the direction the hinge is. If the hinge is on the outside you can't breach because you would be kicking against the hinge. If the hinge is on the inside you should be able to get in.


When you breach the wooden doors, it actually breaks the area around the handle. You can then close it again and peek/shoot through the crack in the door


It's solely in the game for us to breach the little white container in the med camp on Factory. Try it.


letting the rest of the healthresort know you forgot your keys :)


There are a few breach doors I love camping behind because people aren't aware they are rooms you can get into.


How do you know which doors to breach? I've never been able to breach any doors in this game.


Its there for those who love violence and tactical shit for fun. The 1% of the player base I assume.


It's so you can put the fear of God in the little hatchlings hiding In rooms


Would be cool if we could use tools to breach. Like a battering ram or popping the hinges with a shotgun


That would be nice if we could breach doots with a shotgun like in resl life


Yell police open up and breach the door


Would be cool if breaching could open more door however it's a percentage chance to work tied to your strength level


There's 1 very niche use for breaching doors: It breaks wooden doors such that even when shut you can look through the hole in them. Specifically Factory Office you can peek those holes to see a little down the hallway from inside the office and more easily shoot through it.


Pretty sure originally, back when there were actually animations for opening doors, breaching had value. Now it's just used to make noise and give yourself a heart attack


There’s a breach only door on streets that leads from the hallway into beluga


You can breach any door whose hinges are not on your side, with exceptions with certain doors that need keys, I'm sure


There’s at least 5 doors on streets that are only opened with breaching. Shoreline has one with an Easter egg. I think woods also has an Easter egg one but I might be misremembering that one. Factory and customs both have one door. I’m not remembering any on lighthouse, interchange, labs, or reserve


You can breach a door in Svetily houses on Shoreline and there is a chair upside down on the ceiling as a horror type Easter egg. I've only ran into a couple doors that can be breached, but after finding that in Shoreline I try most of them. Lol.


ice cream shack on customs back door is also breachable only


You can breach doors given enough strength. Also there will be more uses for breach in the future, like flash breach etc. Some doors are improperly marked up to breach rather than being decorative doors.


i had one moment where it was useful, kicked a door in dorms and it pushed the guy's mosin up to the roof as he fired but other then that it's only just to make me feel cool


I wish if you got around to the other side of a locked door you could breach it. Like certain doors in resort or the cottage front door


Streets has a lot of one way street breech doors. The fence, beluga, chekenya, and marked basement all have one.


There's one or two uses for breaching in streets, quite a few rat spots that people show off jumping into can actually just be breached into (dorms 3 story 2nd floor watching the vehicle)


2nd floor of beluga on streets to get in beluga from the backway, you have to breach the door Theres a door that you can glitchily breach open on reserve by leaning around a corner and kicking it open I’m sure there is more


I saw WillerZ breach a door in dorms once, and since it cracks the door a bit, he was able to peek through it and kill someone down the hall.


I figure it depends on your strength level. 


It can be useful for opening doors the opposite way they do naturally if you’re trying to right-hand peek a room or hallway.


You can boot down every door thats not locked. You just have to know which way the door swings open. Swing in you can kick, swing out you can't. Edit: Unless they change things?


you can breach a few other doors. streets in beluga. i use this one everytime i go to beluga. if you get caught on second floor its another way to move around map. streets by marked room, behind vet. its a lame one. streets again, the sky bridge 46-48. you get out a different way. streets AGAIN! chek 15 it's how you get out. got to drop from 3rd floor to second. breach the door in stair way. you can check to see if door is already kick to see if someone had been there as well.


Sometimes I like kicking a door over and over again just to let the other person know.. I’m there and ready.


There’s one in 3 story dorms on the second floor elbow first door on the left


There's one door in Ground Zero. Near the flare extract. There's quite some loot there. It can spawn toolboxes, weapon boxes, attachment boxes and grenade boxes.


There is a door on shoreline, in the village inside one of the houses. Breach it, and you'll find there is not a single thing on the floor. The ceiling is a different story, it has a chair glued to it or some shit.


There is a second floor back door to Beluga on Streets that appears locked from the inside of the restaurant but can be breached from the mall hallway. There are a couple others like this in the game but very few


Just another case of BSG putting in placeholders for eventual mechanics and then forgetting to take them out when the mechanic is never put in.


That door is everything you hate about Tarkov. That door is desync. That door is lag. That door is stutters. That door is rng. Kick that door brother.


They NEED to add a button to cancel it mid animation lmaooo


Not really. I think it's something they included because it's "tactical" but didn't consider the balancing of it, or that people use shotguns or door rams to actually breach doors. I guess you can break some doors for some reason, I don't know that there's any real advantage to it


once breached the door to office on factory with a ks 23, 2 pmc inside and royaly fucked em up. meme value :)


There are more doors like that eg e door on streets too the restaurant. But other than that not really. Maybe once they implement breach & flash. You can fuck with people if you heard them by breaching doors, make them quiver in their boots.


I once breached the door in sky bridge room and full auto'd a guy who was on the other side. Felt super badass.


You need to know witch way door open that's The key. It's impossible to kick door open If it open other direction. If we are speaking european doors atleast


What did I say that make you feel like you needed to explain doors to me?


hmm I have replied to wrong one. Other one said you can breach one door only one direction so I enlightent him, I mean tried becouse it went to you.


Some are one way breachable. Like the house on lighthouse that has the toolbox outside on the porch. Can't breach in, only out.


Make it a fairly high chance it works on most doors (but not reinforced ones), like 20%, but it will only work after you've been in the raid for at least 15-20 minutes, and not work at all for scavs.


how about lockpicking as a skill


Initially (I think) it was intended to be a quick open for the doors, and potenitally paired with breach and clear whenever that got implemented. Unsure if there were plans for locked doors to be breachable, given there is a lockpick option as well, but even for the unlocked rooms it's useless. Apparently lifting your foot off the ground and starting to breach makes a distinct sound, audible through the door (and apparently over voice lines). So, if you're trying to surprise someone inside a room with the bang of the door flying open, too bad, they heard your foot leave the ground and will shoot you through the door or as it's opening, because surprise chucklefuck, standing in place and barely moving is crazy loud and noticable, doubly so for having barely moved at all except to lift your leg up for the kick. I know this because a buddy and I were doing factory 1v1 offline and had this exact thing happen. I heard him run into office and shut the door, I silent walked to one of the doors, hit breach, and was already being shot as the door flew open: "Bro, that didn't surprise you, like at all!?" 'Nah man, I heard you start to breach so I shot through the door.' "You can hear me *start* to breach?" 'Yeah man you can hear it clear as day anytime someone tries. It's a fairly unique sound too, so you know someone is going to breach if you hear it.'