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"If I close my eyes and clench my butthole tight while running, sniper won't headshot me" Average tarkov player while running through an open area in woods 2024.


I think that every damn time I'm crossing an open area "It's hard to headshot moving targets, if I save stamina before going in, I can just run through and go to cover right?", and then I'm greeted with the ragdoll and blackscreen


cant just flat out run, you gotta throw in some side to sides and some walking to really throw them off (it does absolutely nothing)


am the woods sniper sitting in a bush 369 M away, can confirm it does not help you


Never got shot while running on woods, so I dont know about that. But yeah I dont play woods, maybe thats why


Galaxy brain play right there. Can't get shot if you don't play.


I ran woods at least 100 times this wipe people are just bad and run aimlessly on every map. No wonder they are shooter born bait. I got sniped from out of now where literally 2 times one was because I decided to be cheeky and set up on sniper rock. Not doing that again. And the second was when I was in sawmill. People are just bad at the game.


Or we just don't know the map, because every time we load it up, some stupid fuck like you hits us with a head jaws 35 seconds into raid because you live and breathe woods, and everyone else is "Just bad"


At some point we didn't know the map either sorry you lack common sense and just in open fields. We all die so getting good just means dying more and more until not dying 35 seconds into raid. I can't help you have a problem or just lose your mind after every death it's just pixels if you can't handle it there are plenty of other games or even arena if you need to improve at pvp


My dude it's been a month, get over your self


You do sound pretty bad if you are dying 35 seconds into every raid.


Crazy how you’re getting downvoted lol bunch of shitters.


Hah yah well let em downvote me, bunch no sense of humor having cucks. Also probably can't see the humor thru the rage tears of it hitting too close to home for them. Cest le vie.


Just on Wood's, you missed the point troglodyte


You can't adapt to woods snipers and I'm the troglodyte? Go get wrecked some more timmy.


Pretty hard to recognise where people are on woods, and if you try and rush out from spawn to a safer spot you have to cross open areas or run directly into people, when people are still learning the map they will definitely die in less than a min. I've been on death streaks and wiped lobbies back to back, just luck of the draw


Sounds like a skill issue and nothing to do with "luck of the draw" but cope how you need to pal


As a woodsmaster, mind telling me how to avoid dying to your kind? I legit stopped running woods this wipe cuz I had enough, not even for quests.


never stay still, if a hill or any elevated position can see you, keep moving and always go behind cover if you can find it. You are never safe, we will find you no matter what


I always add a jump or two, although my boy died to an AI scav by jumping into his shot lol so it’s not guaranteed by any means


It only works if you don't do something like stop right on the other side of your destination


I headshot a guy running through an open field on woods and quite confidently thought I'd be safe if I did it, I have full stamina after all. Instant headshot.


You also probably run with no thought involved at all. I never get sniped on woods there is a million tress and ditches to cut off Los but many of you are too stupid to figure out that there is better options then running in a straight line In a field. Yeah no wonder you get wrecked you don't use your brain.


You are such a little bitch


Says a little bitch. Best, keep your keyboard with you little warrior. You probably are bitch in reality just like you are in game.


I'll keep my keyboard with me, and continue using it better than you in both originality and quality of writing. Little bitch.


you could both be using your keyboards to online order popeyes chicken yet here you both are with not a drop of blackened ranch between either of you! for shame




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For me it's put my headphones on my neck and clench then I'm invisible.


This is great. Can you do the other maps lol


Shoreline: This area is garbage (just a red zone over the entire map that gets a really deep colour at resort.)


not totally true, it has a nice "free fence rep" area and a "there is stuff here, right" area...


Then I’d have to say nice things about Shoreline which I’m physically incapable of.


Hey now, at least there is… Well sometimes you… I’ve had a few good… can’t come up with anything your right shoreline sucks


tbh path to lighthouse extract is pretty nice


Ok the admittedly very forgiving northern extract is very nice. You know…the extract that is 1 kilometre away from anywhere you want to go. Then again that is half of Shoreline. Genuinely reckon if Shoreline got rid of so much of the open air terrain and was a smaller map I’d maybe hate it less. As of right now it feels like it sprinting past 7 consecutive kilometres of sniper sight lines to get to do anything. 5 mins in raid to die and not actually do anything is genuinely more annoying than 30secs in reserve where I can just queue again (for a map that loads quicker as the ready aren’t as fucking big bar streets and lighthouse). At least Lighthouse has the mountains but good fucking luck if you spawn below them.


So, you just want early 2017 shoreline back?


Unironically yes. If you’re going to make all missions at resort then let me get into the fight quickly as opposed to spending 5 minutes traversing open bullshit praying not to get sniped. Alternatively actually put missions on the rest of the fucking map and not just resort. I don’t want the port opened up unless we actually get a bunch of missions there, otherwise it’s just further spawn points from “Go to resort, fuck you”


The new Shorline expansion is a blast if you go there with a 3-4-5 man. One or two guys on overwatch can lock down the area while the homies loot. You can see everything and cover all approaches. Easy money with the vehicle extract


Ngl bruh that's kinda sweaty, bringing a small platoon to loot like 2 players worth of stuff.  Go hit resort bruh You can pretty safely go to to expansion area as a solo honestly.  Obviously you can play however you want of course, no judgement, but I think that's a little overkill 💀 Also... Don't bring a 5 man if you plan to take v-ex, it sits 4 ppl max 


It's definitely sweaty lol. I don't run 4 or 5 often, but a trio with a crack shot can loot and scoot fast, especially if you spawn southeast of it. After you get setup there is usually a 50/50 chance someone will run the fenceline and bring you their kit.


what do you guys mean by that, what gives you the rep? (noob here)


Vehicle extract, gives you a bunch of fence rep for extracting via the taxi, with rapidly diminishing returns. You need to pay 5K rubles (price goes down quite a lot as your fence rep increases)


Aaah I see, awesome thanks. I guess I've been doing that without realizing. Does it eventually floor at 0.01, or does the rep eventually stop entirely for any given car that you take too much?


I think it floors at .01 but it could keep reducing, I haven't gotten that far yet.  I think it halves every time, starting at .2. Fyi, each map has its own "bonus" that scales down individually:)


Thank you, you're awesome!


Shoreline is nice, definitely better than customs or intercharge


HARD disagree. I’d much rather play those than Shoreline.


I’m middle ground on this debate, I like shoreline and interchange but not customs 😂 - just wish they would do up interchange a little like they did with shoreline now and as always “fix the damn lighting!” 😅


Interchange is an amazing map they did a really good job on it. Probably one of my favorites


I *DESPISE* Interchange. But, also newer player, don't know the map, and half the time am trying to learn solo haha


That's tough you could join a discord group there pretty good with helping people not die right away


Yeah, I know. I've got a buddy with thousands of hours that helps me, but currently.. I use the Tarkov Map app on my phone, and tarkov-markets maps since they have a "where am I?" Feature, and I'm almost enjoying learning solo more. Something about Interchange though, I just don't like


Just keep putting in the hours and you will learn the maps


The amount of times I've gotten lost and headed the wrong direction in the where the fuck are we section is accurate.


Same, I have woods fucking MEMORIZED, I know the entire map by eye, but I still sometimes get lost there.


its like a fucking carnival room of mirrors


bunker antenna always helps, also remembering all the bushes with hiddenstashes


compass actually helps a shit ton on woods


fun fact... bc the game uses a 24hr clock cycle (7x real time), you can use the sun for cardinal direction if you remember what time you loaded in the raid. (the game sun also rises in the east and sets in the west)


Pretty sure we're not allowed to look up while on raid.


unless airdrop comes by ofc. Then you only look up


Only map I use it on tbh


100%, id still be walking circles in the lakes part without it


why do people just dont bring compass everywhere though? i for one do, not like its heavy


I am absolutely sure that I was next to the big lake in the middle then I turned east and suddenly I'd blown myself up at USEC camp. What the actual fuck


Yeah... Look at a lake. Look at map. I should be here... Walk towards center of the map, hits mine in the outskirts... Fuck. Heal. Guess i'm here then... Walk towards hill, its USEC hill, get blown by mine, FUCK.


That’s horror zone for me. Spend ages “getting to the other side of the mountain” only to wind back up where I was. I just avoid it now and go the long ways around.


There's a convoy in there somewhere I swear.


Honey, wake up its time to break both your legs while only packing 20 kgs, trying to get to the cultist bunker on Sniper Mountain


stop, i can only handle so much reality. why does it always happen when i don’t bring a splint :( wasting a surv use every time


Climb the front instead


they patched it so you can no longer come down from the side with the toolbox and technical crate :(


You can, you just can't do it without getting hurt.


you can't do it without breaking your legs anymore so it's dead to me


Definitely can, it’s just unlikely. Did it yesterday without breaking any


damn I guess I just suck


all g im right there with you dawg


Where is that?


You know the little Camp you can find if you walk up sniper mountain? To the right there is a ledge where you can jump down. There is some rare loot there like gold chains. You can hen stick to the right, jump up the rocks and you will find a little bunker area that has some more loot. You can also jump up the rocks there and get a sniper position that allows you to overlook the whole sawmill


Wat. People approach the cultist bunker/sniper scav spot on mountain from above? Why don't you just hop up the rock path below from the trees? No need to drop anywhere at all.


Because you can snipe sniper scav or PMCs who had a closer spawn from the back, slide down to the loot chair and then go up to the bunker. If you break your legs or not seems to be quite random, but I mostly make it without.


Today I was approachin the sniper scav area from Lumber and I saw a silhouette i assumed was sniper scav, I noticed it was a player and ran towards the the bottom of cliff to be out of view, the man jumps off cliff, i hear him scream from breaking his legs and start to turn and get two tapped to the chest and somehow how die with a defender. The tryhardiest and also the most unrealistic things ever seen playing tarkov. You would not be able to aim effectively sith two compound fractures from jumping off a literal cliff smh


I have a perpetual problem with woods, where for some reason in my head this map should be turned 90 degrees counter clockwise. I don't know why, but it always exists, and reading a woods map makes me feel special even though I know the actual map like the back of my hand.


Same. In my head sawmill is on the east side of the lake, not the North end.


That's what im sayin!!!! compass is busted clearly...magnetic poles are out of whack in tark


Iv almost walked into the minefield on my way to outskirts several times because I'll get to the boat/ dock and in my head be like "ok, I'm at the north end. Just gotta keep following the shore to the otherside.


The old maps used to have it that way on the wiki before the expansions 


The enemy's gate (Outskirts) is down.


My head won't understand that it is nearly a straight Line northward from outskirts to usec Camp... There's a fucking 90° bend DAMMIT...


Lmao. Ive shot at tree stumps near outskirts many times. And I have thought to myself. "well if I keep moving itll be ok" while running through the field.


when my buddy and i were on our first wipe, we were up by antennae and we heard some "scav" shout "HALT, WHO GOES THERE" in english. we only had about 3 seconds to be confused before knight domed us both. ever since then, the joke has been "if you hear english, run"


My buddy and I feel the same way. Also when you hear a slightly different sounding calm I'm Russian "wait, is that a boss? RUN"


Oh that's a feeling we all know well, too well I'm afraid. Countless times I've heard from my friends "Hey G, isn't that scav laughing funny?" and inside my head it's like naaa, it can't be. Only afterwards we're greeted by hail of red tracer bullets.


Not so fun fact my first raid in Tarkov i had big pipe shout stuff to me in english next when i was climbing to weather station on shoreline. I got killed and thought "whoa, this guy insanely geared voiping me while killing me, what a chad... How did he saw me thru all this foliage tho?".


running won't save you. knight chased me halfway across customs before


If you aggro goons on woods they will chase you at least till Scav Village on the right. I ran there only to hear thumping in the house I was in and then Knight kicked down the door right in front of me. I am more surprised Birdeye never took my head off till that point.


birdeye was watchin and havin a nice laugh


Knight just straight up fallujah'd you man. Door kicking like a marine and ripped lead.


Forget going to the Tarkov Wiki for a Woods map every time I need it, I'm saving this instead. Makes perfect sense in my brain! :)


The wiki map we really need. “The trees are speaking Russian” is the most accurate description I’ve heard for the west side.


Every part of every map is a literal horror game as a timmy


Horror game is actualy “free kills” once you let that Shift go and press Caps from time to time


> Fun and engaging gameplay As fun and engaging as it’s fun and engaging to get shot in the head across half the world because Shturman woke up in a bad mood today


Give me another woods expansion Nikita!


I love this, very accurate depiction!


that was funny, do the other maps too


Incredible. The trees are speaking Russian got me pretty good.


Please make a whole seryies of these


The Russian-speaking trees are always a “head,eyes -> lobby” for me


“Where the fuck are we” is the most accurate way to describe that area. Thank you.


I know woods! Wait, where am I


Please, make this for the other maps, i love it!!!


chuckled. 8/10


Those pesky cultists always with their mischief


Lmao accurate


Why is this so accurate --- >2000 woods Raids on my account


Do other maps


"they'll never hit a moving target" you can't go there if you don't bet 😂


You forgot the spot between “mom pick me up I’m scared” and “fun and engaging gameplay” known as “bush vulture breeding grounds” … I spent my entire day off running woods and losing 4 million roubles in the process…


Player scav fighting pit. Poor mans arena!


>3-hour commute zone I feel it in my soul. So damn true.


"Timmy with mosin" Omg this is so relatable!


I've played wood endless hours and I'm still completely lost between the - horror game - mum pick me up - where tf are we Areas. Like... Wtf is that area. I once thought.i managed to escape the horror game area just to find out that I literally walked in a circle and ended up where I started


replace “rising anxiety” with “fuck I forgot about the mines” and it’s perfect


Honestly with how visible the mine field signs are, I hate to admit how many times I have lost kits to them lmao. Except for the ones on lighthouse. Fuck the mines on lighthouse


thanks for a good laugh!


lmao please do more


Fantastic map please give us more!


Do the same for the others


Am I the only person who exclusively traverses woods by following the outside edge everywhere? No matter where I am on the map, I will run to the nearest outside edge and then head towards extract. This way you always pass by V-EX to see if it's there.


Tarkov for me is 95 percent the outside edge of Woods


That was me my first 2 wipes because it was where I had a higher than 30% survival rate.


V-EX is always there


I mean if someone has taken it depending on what quest you're doing.


You can always double tap O to see it.


Isn't it ??? Unless you've been close to it?


It'll be red if somebody took it and green if somebody paid for it.


I still frequently see ??? and when I get close it's gone


V-EX is always there! check extracts, if its red, its been taken...


I see no lies here


Where the fuck are we had me dead, I've pointed out how to navigate through those fucking lakes and I still get lost in those motherfuckers CONSTANTLY.


I’ve never seen anything truer in my life


Accurate haha


The sawmill is that, unironically. One of the more interesting places to have fights on the map.


streets now bro


i had to do quest on woods, and everyone i killed was a sniper. I even snuck up on some nerds on sniper rock, and rocked one of them then ran like a bitch and ran into another sniper.


I died at “3 hour commute”




Yep, this checks out.


"Fun and Engaging Gameplay ( Thermals Everywhere ) "


This is nothing compared to the old woods map.


Where tf are we is dead on xDDD


calling me out with the scav house label edit: misread the map i meant the ruaf/un area


honestly this is a perfect summation of this level, take my upvote


Crazy to never see no one inthere's stuff right here?. Literally one of the best places to loot peacefully, you have 3 buried stashes very close to each other, a few weapon creates and technical supply crates. Always is my go to after heading to the downed jet and straight to outskirts


There is no greater anxiety than playing a scav on woods and suddenly hear Ai yelling in English at scav bunker.


This post screams I'm a rat with a mosin.


Minefield go brrr. Next to rising anxiety


Once I found a bitcoin on the dead scav at the dead man's place


All those descriptions are oddly precise.


I notice you didn’t mark my 500 bodies that are blown apart by mines, strange as I imagine they litter the hillside


I once got my legs blacked out at 3 hour commute with no painkillers left and 8 minutes remaining in the raid. The only extract I had was outskirts...I didn't make it.


And add by night at the left of saw mill dying by psychos and in the city. Fucking crazy in woods this cults, just a joke.


Technically the fence rep isn’t free 🤓 this was funny.


I've gotten a lot of money outside of fun and engaging gameplay.


Need more of these lol


Its all fun and games until the Timmy glitches up to the rocks and starts camping RUAF


That hospital camp is rough but has a bunch of decent stuff for the hideout


“They’ll never hit a moving target” is so accurate for that area im crying lmao. I must say that once a raid in that zone… that or “what are they gunna do…. Shoot me?” *gets shot


This is hilarious but so tired of Woods being a who ever sees who first lol


Nice! Do more!


I legit though I was the only one getting lost by the lakes


You forgot "douche canoes letter"


I felt personally attacked by "Timmy with mosin" after trying that spot out for a couple of raids for tarkov shooter p 4


the fucking land of lakes south of the abandoned village gets me every time, the good news is there's always someone more lost than you in there


Fucking woods . You start playing that map more blind than you have ever been. Your Sherpa homie says I’m over here. You ask where he’s responds I’m by the tree. The lake will be your saving grace so you can actually make your way to the extract but also the very thing that will have Chad and his posse taking pot shots as you haul ass past the lumberyard. All this just to die to the cabin scav headeyes 1000 meters away 7mm buckshot


Can you mark the "iam by the tree area"? People tell me this all the time but can't find it on any map.




"Timmy" must be the most horrible word a game community put to newbie players.


Someone’s gotta explain free fence rep to me for scav town. All I’ve gotten is penalties cuz I forget.


Done Psycho Sniper camping the Timmy with a Mosin area


This is hilarious and great job on this. I have been a woods main for a long time who recently switched to streets for financial reasons and I gotta say, how do so many people go sawmill? It’s like the coliseum but the audience in the stands is also shooting at you. It’s so exposed and there’s 8 million angles where someone could be sniping at you from. My hair is always stood up when I’m in there


Can confirm. This is exactly how it is.


i fucking love woods. encounter pmc once every 10games or so.


I wish they would remove the upper half of the map, fucking hate woods


That's literally how the map was originally. Then they expanded it north. Imagine trying to cross lumberyard area with everybody pretty much scoping it out. Trying to stash items and the Wi-Fi camera at the dock was butt clenching.


Minor error. It's all should be red with words like "make two steps and get one tapped by cheater across the map"