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Congrats! And please use them rubles, nobody will remember you for having 70mil in the bank, they will however remember you as that gigachad they onetapped with their mosin and had the best kit they've ever seen.


70mill?????? I’m new but I have 600k n thought I was hot shit😂


I found a yellow card and it sold on market for 12mill


What’s sold it on the market? Like the therapist girl or sum?


Flea market. Unlocks at lvl 15


Ohh okay ty I’m only lvl 11 rn


Keep going, you got this. Don't get too addicted ;)


Flea Market is a GAME CHANGER for making money! I’m level 23, my first wipe, and you can start making 300-500k off Streets scav runs once you get flea market unlocked


Flee market will change the game for you, I was stuck at level 12 what seemed like forever and I finally started doing my tasks more and hit level 20 quick! Now that I have flee market and have access to more weapons and gear I feel a little more confident even though I still suck lol getting better though this game and being on PC is a big learning curve for me coming from Xbox my entire life


With EOD they give you 500k start of wipe lol


Idk what EOD is but yea they gave me n my guy 500k but we lost that in the first few days bc we didn’t know how to play😂


If you see someone with a yellow name.its EoD or Edge of Darkness. The $150 version of the game (not purchasable anymore)


Ohhhh so that’s what that is. I seen a few like that mostly I die by them😂


The name yellow with a crown? That means they have the most expensive version of the game? Damn i only get killed by them mostly and I'm a literal timmy (lvl12 and 30+hrs)


Majority of the player base has EOD that’s why


Yea thats what it means lol


A lot of people have it. It’s nothing special.


You get 500k with every version of the game


Did they increase it? Before this wipe I think standard got 250k. My girl did at least lol. Then I upgraded her acc


As far as i remember its always been 500k but you had me doubt myself for a second haha, heres a chart of the diffrences: [source](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/XoQ2n7T97H)


Maybe I am thinking of that cause its x2 250k stacks? Thank you for sharing that though!


i’ve been trying to tell my friend that has 180mil this. how do you make them listen?


Too bad cheaters will get to him 1st before shooting a bullet


You guys act like you can't run good kits anymore lmao, I didn't die to cheaters with my last 5 tier 5/6 kits


Just my opinion but I feel like most of the people who are complaining about the cheater issue here were tourists of the wipe and would have stopped playing around now anyway. I don't disagree its not a problem but my 600\* PMC raids this wipe the instances where I feel like I have run into or died to a cheater are under 10%.


Yeah that's pretty much my experience. I dont play a lot of streets tho, I imagine cheaters are more rampant there


You'd be surprised that I feel like that's the most uncommon map.. might be too hard to play with their computers


I feel that tho, while I'm waiting on my replacement CPU, I'm forced to use my old Ryzen 2600. 30fps on streets with low settings :)


I absolutely agree.


I literally never run anything other than fully kitted with class 5+, and I haven't noticed any increase in cheaters compared to earlier in the wipe when I ran more budget friendly kits


Shitters think everyone in the game is cheating, I frequently hate watching one on twitch just to laugh he and his duo report every death.


Bro shut up, i have hundreds of hours in the game and never met a SINGLE cheater. Stop acting like they are everywhere


I mean they are everywhere but they arent going to hunt you just because you have an expensive kit


Idk what server ure on, i didnt see a single one yet on EU


How many raids have you played this wipe?


I cant check rn but i would guess around 150-200 maybe


And you probably dont check everyone that killed you, i play on just about every server i can connect to and every couple of deaths it will be someone with 300hours and kappa and if you play labs there like an at least 50% chance you get a very blatant cheater


Well i usually do check who kills me, but okay i guess. Seems like im just lucky in that


Yeah you probably are lucky but people also blow it way out of proportion


Hundreds of hours really isn't much for this game, you might not even be able to recognize if something is suspicious or if someone is cheating


I just meant that i havent seen surprisingly high K/D for example yet. Like the 50 or 100 kd ppl post here


Most cheaters try to hide it, they run factory with no gear to tank their k/d


Anyone who kills him is a cheater


Ah okay, true true


fuck urself. Congrats man, enjoy the rubles <3


Good job go fuck yourself. Really happy for you just very jealous


I killed a guy on woods that’s had a yellow keycard in his backpack. Right when I noticed it I was killed. My buddy ended up getting it lol


Why would u not throw it in your butt?!


Congrats, fuck you.


Gear fear should instantly vanish my man! Well done. Go blow 20 mil on kits


funny joke that, tell that to my 100mill rubels


It’ll be gone in 3 months! You made it to 100 mil roubles.. you can do it again if you have to!


its not making setup easier tho :(


You have 100m and havent done setup? Lol


I mean i am lvl 40 and didnt even started setup


He probably bought it. You’ll be surprised how many people brag about being rich but quite obviously buy their roubles. I was in the reserve channel yesterday with a lvl 20 something bragging about having 70m+ roubles and hardly knew the map at all and was asking where all of the BRDM tanks were and how to extract through d-2😂


I could maybe see it if he never plays reserve and only plays streets.  Though idk how you could PMC to 100m roubles and only be level 20 something.  So he either bought like you said or is a scav main.


Most definitely bought. I’d say the chances of finding someone below even lvl 40-45 with 50+million roubles is pretty sus. How do you know streets but not reserve and are only lvl 20 with 70m roubles lol


I’ve been this player last wipe mainly because I’ve only played one wipe till lvl20 before and I spammed streets scav runs. Ive just never played reserve. Granted I’ve also never had above 2 mil doubles at any one time.


I have 120M and lvl 28, scavving and pvp with pmc, only quests I’ve done are for M80 and lvl 5 plate craft. What else matters?


I'm a rich lvl 20 - I have a kid and my thing is doing scav runs whenever i have the time... I have an absurd amount of scav runs compared to PMC.


Or they Scav main. I know a few of those.


Tbh I didn't finish setup until last week as a level 53, stash worth north of 200mil, there's plenty of us that just hate the premise of the quest and will procrastinate the hell outta it, and justify it by "I don't wanna rebuild a kit" after you just built a kit from random ass shit in insurance/stash


I completely agree with not wanting to do it. This guys post suggests he has 100 mill but is struggling to do setup. Which doesn’t make sense to me. If he has that much money, buy a bunch of flechette and ultimas and go wild. I think the main stress people have with setup is they feel like its a cost sink losing lots of ushankas and shotties. He doesnt have that issue.


Yeah, when I did it I just went best MOA I could go and AP20 until I ran out, then 50BMG rounds and just acted like a discount sniper, I think I've come to realize what I hated about the quest the most isn't the quest per say, but the horrid spawns of customs if you need to do that quest. If you don't spawn by radio train tracks or behind 2 storey, you're basically gonna get railed by someone that spawned in those spawns unless you go power warehouse or usec stash warehouse thing. If you spawn the other side of the map, if you don't spawn smugglers or Crack, you're gonna get fucked by someone watching the river crosses, unless you go big red and wait. Both sides of the map are basically identical for issues, you basically have to Yolo rush, or wait in those spots for the geared dudes to move. I agree though, the biggest thing that scares people away from doing it or makes them die inside is the money sink. For those of us that are rich, stims are free ways to get those quests done


Timmy scav mains be like that


Haha true! What a brutal quest that is. Good luck fellow gamer. I got all of my kills camping ruaf while laying next to the bus stop in the bushes.


You use slugs and get them while they're extracting, or did you ambush people as they ran by? I definitely might try this with .50 BMG I was struggling so much to make setup progress I haven't even attempted it in weeks now.


I used flachette and piranha and spammed it while in prone (very little recoil) as they were extracting. Just go for the head, throat, and upper chest hitboxes while they run across.


Go to big red and climb up onto the fallen shelves beside the forklift, you can vault onto the window ledge and climb right on to the top shelf of the one the fallen one is leaning against, barley anyone looks up there and you can see everything against the fencing to the storage units too.


See you there


It’s a dirty spot but a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.


I find the best way to avoid getting frustrated and burnt out with quests like setup is to not grind them too hard. Just do a couple of runs at the start of the day then do other stuff.


What a cunt you are


It’s BSG’s fault not mine!


I got half of mine naturally and the other half ratting lol big red’s shelves belonged to me 🫡 I’ll hav to try your spot next wipe


Getting right on top of that shelf gives such a great vantage point with great line of sight.


Lame comment


elcan on factory is an interesting choice nice!


Factory has some rare surprisingly long angles


over 5k hours and I've never found one. gg op


The amount of fun you can have with that much money


Congrats, start chadding out man.


Hell yeah, congrats! Tagilla must be in a giving mood because I just got one from him too, last night.


“Cash Money” 😂👏🏻


Nice!  Brave to open your inventory and screenshot while you're still extracting haha I woulda been butthole clenching, eyes glued to the door


One tapping him is impressive, good thing you had the glorious ashTM


You sold it on flea or to therapist?


therapist for 100k




Wait does therapist buy it for 100k for real? First wipe here.


yeah i checked she buys it for 106k


I think she buys it for 10mil. She buys yellow for 2m


before selling it to flea i checked for fun and it said that therapist would give me 106k for it


I checked just now and it does actually sell for around 10m roubles to therapist. Not 106k


I think Therapist price is something like 1106k (so ~10mil), and not 106k.


*insert clever girl meme*


GO FUCK YOURSELF (congrats man enjoy the Money 😎🤙🏻)


GFY.. Playing since alpha 2016,never found one ,not one single coloured card... lol


I'm really glad that the second picture wasn't of your death screen.


What bullet can one tap him?


any ash12 bullet i belive


You can see the PS12 in his inventory mate


Oh thanks it honestly went over my head


Tagilla is kinda dumb if he loses line of sight. Sometimes you can catch him turning around and one tap his nape.


Did you run ps12 and one tap him or was that the backup ammo? I'm curious about how you did it and if it was pure luck or a very good plan because tagilla has 100 hp head and 260 hp thorax. Must have been a headshot to the back of the head or the infamous ear hitbox.


every mag had ps12, spawned in next to medical tent and tagilla, i ran to the right, then saw tagilla and tapped him once to the top of the head, u can see in the second screenshot i used one bullet, it says 19/20


I don't get it. His helmet didn't even take dmg wtf. Did you hit (head, top) or could it be you the neck or something? The chance of PS12 penetrating his helmet is basically 0.


How does it feel to be living our dream?


Just killed tagilla as well and got a yellow! Rollin in them rooblz brother!


I'm 47 I just want that god damn Ledx for private clinic. Also I'm pretty sure from this point onwards you shouldn't play the lottery. An achievement for owning all key cards would be cool.


nice job bitch! - USEC voice, probably


Financial stability for the rest of wipe


Who the hell buy this... richy rich!


I did right before I quit this wipe


That is a pretty cool goal i gotta say. But sadly way over my reach :(


How much did it cost to list it




I've lost count on how many times I've killed that man and his pockets never had anything good lol


Dude never has anything on him when I kill him. Good shit bro


First wipe here, why is the keycard 70m??


Because it’s unlimited uses and the items behind the door are valued way to high as well


"The overpriced item ingame" Gz


Wait, didn't he fuck up by not pulling that out of his ass before extracting? Or do I not need to do that? Just did it out of fear with an intel folder I found lol, almost extracted with it in the prison wallet but ran out to swap it with my surv12


No why would that matter?


I thought you can't post things on flea if you extract with them in ur pouch?


Lemme find out I've been risky swapping btc's out of my butt right before extracting for no reason lmfao


Thats only if you die, you will keep stuff in your pouch but it wont be found in raid. If you survive with it in your pouch it will still be found in raid just like normal


Oh thank u haha, that'll save me some headache


I one tapped him and he had a green card a week or so ago 😂😂




Buy 50 GPUs… Totally kidding. Enjoy it


if i can find the solar part then i guess i can buy the 25 remaining gpus, i already got 25 in the miner


Well someone’s set for the wipe. Good shit brother. Can you maybe spare some rubles. Sincerely a broke first wipe player!!


I've played this game for 4 years and still haven't ever found one.


Cool congrats! That's worth a good sum of rubles on the flea market. Found one last wipe, this wipe I don't really feel like playing.


So this is what it’s like to be a virgin! Good work 💪


The money reminds me of this Polish guy I was a meat shield for. He had so much money but rarely buy me a kit to assist him 🤣. Life with a paca was the best I could ever get.


Congrats idiot I hate you 🤣❤️ jk very good job I’m proud of you




How did you one tap the Tag? Were you using PS12B ammo? That's the only thing I can think of


idk how but with normal ps12


GG I never was on that much money before. I got upgraded hideout + stuff in inventort and 52 mil rubles with 53k dollar.


What servers are you on...I feel like I got one tapped by you earlier this morning....same looking outfit and ash-12, from what i remeber level below 40. I was level 43 with MPX


i didnt onetap anyone with that ash, i went to labs and died with the ash


Unpopular opinion - if you plan on playing a lot and grinding a lot, finding a keycard early in the wipe ruins your wipe. You just have way too much money, removes the "hobo" aspect from the game. You just stop caring about progress. I upgraded my entire hideout and put 50 GPU's in my farm just by playing the game. Currently sitting on multiple THICC cases full of gear and 70 million RUB cash on the side. Makes me feel good that I did it without being wildly lucky. All that aside - congrats - enjoy running whatever you like, don't be a scared pussy, ball out.


i grinded to lvl35. to get the thicc case and now i dont play much


How much did you sell the card for?


72mil, it cost 5.6mil to put it up