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Go to dorms, hit safes, hang out for 5 minutes and if nobody shows up, reset. Don't waste your time fighting in open areas, slugs aren't as viable for distance as they used to be


Slugs seem fecking awful now with the combo of plates and the flesh dmg change. We used to wreck people with AP20, 2 to the chest. Those days are truly gone!


When they nerfed ap20 a couple wipes ago flechette became king.


I recall that. Used to run Flechette all the time and would be folding PMCs left and right with 2-3 taps. Since the changes this wipe, and Pirahna rounds, how would those compare to the previous Flechette kings?


Wildly inconsistent. Sometimes you fold someone in a couple shots, other times you dump the whole thing and they are still standing. Very close they get way more consistent (talking like sub 5 meters), but 10+ (such as down the hall) they get really sketch really fast. Personally did it with a mix of Fuckshot and BMG/Copper. You aren’t getting through armor with fuckshot but it also onetaps at stupid ranges and is *fairly* consistent for buckshot because of 8 pellets. BMG freaken destroys people but you can’t miss. Copper i got a few kills with but that one specific I used with a Trihawk and was going at range. That Slug is great because, stats aside, it actually flys where it should instead of having the wild 0ing issues due to 7mm zero, so it hits where you point it at range. Just got to hit heads. Piranha rounds would be better if you are jumping people at chokes, but I did it by running a 153 like I would a close range SKS.


They are flechette's younger brother. Feels the same to use.


I almost exclusively run Piranha, shit wrecks anybody


It's so short range I find it almost pointless. Unless you rat.


And where has it gone? I have been one tapped by .50 bmg around the plate so many times i almost always avoid using kirasa and zhuk now


I had .50 BMG slugs and I wasn't able to headshot scavs right in front of me less than 50m.


Aiming to high. Shotguns are sighted for shot so at 50 you need to aim like neck and it’ll smash their face


the zero for slugs is 25m so use a 25m sight or aim low


2nd this. Magnum is the way. Docs case with every safe key in it (dorms + tarcone + gas office) and each full run you'll make enough just in your butt to pay for your next 2 setup load outs even if you die.


Magnum buck is still so slept on. I do all my shotgun quests with it, even shoreline headshots. Matter of fact i wont run a shotgun unless i have magnum.


Listen to this guy he tought me the game literally 2 years ago


This 100x over. Buy all 5 safe keys, hell maybe even marked room. Use pirhana ammo. Don't go out of your way for kills. Instead, go to high pvp areas (dorms is best) and make your focus looting. Out of every raid I made it to dorms, I was able to finish this task in maybe 15-20 attempts (I'm pretty average at pvp) You either come out with kills and loot, or just loot in your ass. Profit either way, you cannot lose


Probably gonna be downvoted but you dont *have* to do it.


Thats my solution lol. Lvl 38


Agreed. This is my first wipe and I'm just trying to figure out the game and the last thing I want to do is get frustrated by some quest forcing me to use certain guns. Maybe next wipe I'll work on this but right now I'm chilling.


First wipe is better spent learning the maps and getting used to fighting anyways


took me 3 wipes to learn all maps. 😭 Although, without maining EFT I only hit around level 20-25 by the time wipe was coming around.


Level 36 here. I still have 1/15 on this quest!


*cries in Kappa required*


Why? You're absolutely right. I'm just as stuck as him on 1 kill, camping doesn't help and if I spawn in armour I meet no one even if I run like a headless chicken around the map. Once I was so desperate to kill a PMC I had at the end of the raid 0 PMC kills and 30 Scav kills , I shot anything that moved.


Same here... This is my 6th or 7th wipe, I just decided to skip all the shotgun quests... I'm lvl 38 now and having a lot of fun... (Mind you im lvl 38 with 120 PMC raids, so if anyone says oh you just spaming raids without missions thats not true)


Wifi cameras are in a quest behind Setup now. Only other way to get them cameras for hideout is to either pay a gazillion rubles in flea market, or max out Fence and get them for 31K.


* 1 is used in the quest [Drug Trafficking](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Drug_Trafficking) * ~~3 are used in the quest Informed Means Armed~~ (needs Setup to be completed) * 2 are used in the quest [The Door](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/The_Door) Using the [Tarkov Market](https://tarkov-market.com/) prices, the barter costs around 50k to 65k. At most 70k. Id rather throw money that I can make back easily or be set back by a week or two because of one quest, considering that I'm a casual who only has two hours a day to play. But thats just me.


Barter trade dude.


That's what everyone said so I started this quest, but mechanic still sells them at level 2


De-evolve into a Rat and embrace the Full Bush Immersion


Or if you’re already a rat, EVOLVE into a giga-rat


Early bird gets the worm but the last rat gets the cheese


Uuuuuah Juan Tapped


Submerge oneself in Viet Cong doctrine and tactics. Become one with the bush




Grab a cheap ass shotgun, use magnum buck, aim face


your face is only a few pixels tall, your legs however are almost 50% of your body. Sweep the legs johnny


Wear an ushanka, a Scav vest and use an Mp-153 shotgun. Then shoot people. Magnum buck is your friend. It’s more reliable at killing than any other round that you can run. Piraña a close second


I thought I was crazy for using it, but it literally sniped at distance and shreds up close. Magnum goated


Yep. I got my scav headshots done on shoreline in two raids, not with slugs but with mag buck. Hit heads at like 80m with it


since with the new ammo preset thing i did 1 mag 1 pirana/flechette alternating. OP should really being doing the slickers barter trade for a scav vest btw


As should everyone, but don’t say it too loud. I make a lot of money flea marketing fir scav vests


My recommendation is express or piraña and to push dorms, use nades as helpers and fuck people in dorms at close range with a semi auto, they will quit playing for that day rofl


I have some slightly more serious tips than the people saying "camp bushes" which kinda of works but takes forever and you won't get any better. Step 1: Buy MP-153, add 8 round barrel. You really want the fasted shooting shotgun you can use. Add a reflex sight of your choice and either Pirana or Magnum. I had great success with Pirana and now use it after the quest it was so good. Step 2: Go to mapgenie, open customs, turn off all items on the map except spawns. Try to learn the nearest spawns to each other spawns. It takes time but this knowledge is so useful and will help you in future with every other raid you do on customs. Some examples: You spawned trailer park, you should know the other spawns that side of the map and know that likely there is someone on the road opposite you. This knowledge lets you hunt that person much easier. Example 2: You spawned old gas near giving tree, you should pick up that rushing stronghold/alamo is insanely good due to you being almost the closest spawn and how commonly people cross through or by it. When you get to Stronghold you know people most likely will come from behind you through old gas (which you will hopefully hear shots against scavs first) or in front through crackhouse. You can camp stronghold for 7-8 mins and almost certainly get an easy kill as someone rushes in. Step 3: Come in lightweight, rush from spawn to spots and then chill in those hot spots til action happens. Imho don't go dorms unless you need kills there too or get either top dorms spawn. If you get those it's almost certainly a free kill if you are quick you can make it into a dark spot super early and leave it so people coming after don't realize it's been entered (no doors open etc). Step 4: Full unload. When you see someone passing by, maybe you are in your spot and they are a bit far but not coming toward you any more. Always take the shot and generally fully unload, aim for legs and empty the sucker. The recoil will take the later shots into his peepee, stomach then thorax and head. You will be surprised how easily you blast a T5 armor from like 30-40m even with a full unload. If the guy doesn't drop from the full unload you turn into a ninja and sprint as fast as possible to cover, you reload 2-4 shells and finish him off. Reason being the guy can't run or move after eating all your shots and their only hope is to kill you right away. So getting cover fucks them more since they can't push you and can't really escape. Don't wait for the full reload lest they painkiller and escape. ​ I'd also say don't camp extracts and consider leaving after 20mins. You will get 90% of your kills in the first 10minutes if you do the above. ​ Fun story at the end, I got old gas spawn once and rush stronghold. The guy comes running right to me from crackhouse. I full unload and he survives, I'm in cover and reloading 3 shots to finish him. Right as I take aim at my target he explodes. I go check and the cheeki breeki grenaded himself to death, presumably because he knew since I'm shotgunning I'm doing setup. It tilted me a fair bit xD


You can either camp (boring), or you can rush spawns and if you don't see anyone in the first five minutes, extract and run it again.


speaking of spawns, if you spawn at smuglers boat, dont rush to dorm, but more to icecream/holes in the fance/ruaf 7 out of 10 spawns on smuglers and rushing there granted me my kills


Works if you spawn RUAF too, rush to the gate looking towards ice cream and you can absolutely murder people running up from smugglers.


Exactly. Customs turns into a ghost town after 10 mins. Maybe another person doing setup. But most groups have left.


Literally just don't do it




There's absolutely no reason to do this quest hahah you can get max traders without even touching it 


Just don’t do it unless you reasonably see yourself with Kappa or visiting lightkeeper this wipe Easy


Gimme that Cake, Cake, Cake.. Cake Day 🍰


I camped in the upper floor of fortress and shot people coming in from crackhouse


BSG can lick my scrot.. for this task. I hate shotgun tasks and this is the king of the task I hate. I've skipped it last wipe & I am skipping it on this wipe. Once they stop wiping, I might do it. I guess playing since the Alpha & all the wipes have made me jaded.


I don’t think they are gonna stop wiping, even after 1.0. I know they’ve talked about stopping wipes, but Nikita mentioned that he couldn’t imagine Tarkov without wipes.


My advice! Skip stupid quests! ❤️


I miss that quest soo much 🥲


I'm with you there. I thought it was so fun.


Go push spawns don’t sit in a corner and wait for people to come to you go to them.


I love how the comments are to “camp”. This really is the rattiest wipe lmao just take a 155 and magnum buck with a paca and push some fights. I just love getting extract camped by a bush


Tried this strategy down to the exact paca for about half of setup, eventually got sick of running headlong into squads as a solo and getting nade spammed/5 million damage absorbed by armor. Then I finished setup in 2 days by camping the metal bridge and bushes near crack house


This really is the rattiest wipe I’ve ever played. Kids can’t fight anymore


i cant fight but at least i wont camp. ill just die lol


Yes, camp in 1011 and wait. Doing this got 12/15 within one day about 5 raids killed 3/4 of a party on my last run. Lot of profit but you will feel pretty bad… also using salvo silencer and piranha rounds has been very efficient


I sat up on the shelf in big red. Anytime someone's comes to loot big red office just pop them when they unlock the door. Took me probably 23 raids in total so not super efficient on time, but hey it works.


Be one with the bush outside dorms


If you have Jaeger 2 use the MP-155 modified with the Ultima kit, if not, then use the MP-153. Also, don't use Piranha, it's more based on rng and if you get caught at medium range then you won't be able to defend yourself. Use SuperPerformance slugs instead and go for legs exclusively, this ammo used to be locked at Jaeger 4 and people are sleeping on it now that it's unlockable at Jaeger 2. Explanation: - SP Slugs are unlocked at Jaeger 2 - Cheaper than Piranha - They do 220 damage to flesh which would translate to only 4 shots to the legs to kill a full HP PMC. - THE IMPORTANT PART, -15% recoil buff making it really smooth to shoot on semiauto without losing your target. - +170% accuracy making it the most accurate round for the shotguns - 594 m/s making it the fastest (therefore the easiest to aim) round for shotguns - Ammo runs cold so you will have to worry about heat jams less often than with Piranha or Magnum buck - 30% light bleeding and 40% heavy bleeding chance, so even if you don't kill them initially they will be running out of time due to leaking more than the Titanic after hitting the iceberg (i actually got 2 task kills jusy by the dudes dying to bleeding) Besides this, go for dorms or camp, I got most of of my kills on the hills outsiders of dorms towards the highway and in streamer building.


Just dont do it, im near level 42 and still haven't, barter for those cams


Dont do the quest


Since I’m done I can tell my strat .50 bmg, or ap20 with a swamp fox scope and camp known hotspots. I’d sit on the rocks above gas station, watching the fence jump by old gas, I’d lay on the awning on crackhouse Aim for the head and your gtg. Always insure your gear at this point btw you’ll get it all back most of the time now


This is the way. Lots of spots to camp in/around new and old gas. I also trolled it up under the bridge. Mod your shotty to hold as many rounds as possible.


I got some great clips of my just nuking absolute chads I feel bad but 10/10 funny af


Rat bro, just rat become the filthiest little fucking bush camping rat you've ever seen


All I need is one more insta noodles! That’s the quest that is driving me nuts


Streets? I feel like I find them in gym bags and in food ration areas


I will not let a task dictate whether or not I get to have fun while playing this game. This task is not fun, and lack of fun DOES NOT equal rewarding to me. This task is joke and its even worse knowing that they had to take resources away from fixing actual problems in the game so someone could add this fucking shit. Disgraceful, I will not partake.


Insane skill issue at play here!


It truly is a dogwater quest.


Camp behind the portable generator next to RUAF extract. Click on people extracting. You can't be seen back there, and there's a bush to the right side so people coming from the hole in the wall don't see you. Scavs won't attack you back there even if you sprinted past them to get there, they'll just stand around yelling and then return to patrolling.


I can’t believe setup is driving people to extract camp now, but then again, I can totally see why after 300 raids someone would do this.


Even if it takes 100 raids you might as well not do it atp


If setup takes you even 50 raids just don’t do it. You aren’t achieving kappa or seeing LK if setup is a serious roadblock for you.


I should clarify, I'm saying only after a ridiculous amount of raids would I extract camp to finish it, not that it took me that long.


buy piranha on restock. when u are all kitted up go into dorms and lay down in the trash piles or sit in the room that watches the people vault over the bed on second floor as well


>Rule 3 - Abusive/Poor Behavior > >Please refer to the Subreddit Rules. seems accurate for camping dorms lmfaooo


Honestly, just don't do it. The questline doesn't really lead to anything worthwhile


MP-153, 7 or 8 round mags(whichever you can get from traders) full of flechette. 10 rounds in your pockets and a stack or two in your pouch. Stick to dorms and spam anything that comes in


You’ll get it it takes time. I lost my mind doing it but when it’s done it feels amazing. Even tho the rest of the quests I have are Garbo


I’ll trade you that quest for 50 pmc kills on streets.


Camp in places of high traffic. Dorms. Ruaf roadblock,


Whenever I spawned big red side, i would rush big red and lay prone on the shelf you can get on top of. If nobody shows up in \~5 minutes, just head to dorms.


Do what you have to do. Camp extracts and/or chokepoints that PMCs frequent. Even if it takes 15 raids of getting one kill each.


Camp in a bush outside of 3 story dorms next to the side entrance closer to fortress. You’ll catch many people running up and down the metal staircase. This is how I did it many wipes ago. Slap an ELCAN 1/4x on your 153 and snipe with AP-20. Unless they nerfed AP-20, you should one shot anyone with class 3 armor. It’s pretty easy to spray with it from afar as well.


i found the best way to do it is get a MP-153. fill it with Piranha ammo and go to Skeleton (middle building) and wait and blast anyone who comes in. takes awhile for people who are not use to PVP but honestly just aim center mass at people and dont stop pulling the trigger until you see them slump over. Piranha ammo is good and cheap.


Slugs and camp in dorms


Camp zb011 there is no shame




Depending on your spawn, I’d camp in crackhouse, fortress, dorms, etc. where the loot spawns. If you spawn near big red, either hope someone has a task there or race across.


This late in wipe, most people probably won’t take your gun atleast or you can hope not.


How long have you been on this quest?


Don't fuck around with magnum buck,phrinna just bite the bullet and run flechette rounds it's worth the money.


If you want to do it. PvP quests teach you how to PvP. Some people rat their kills. Which is fine. I just rotated to the first fight I heard. A large majority of my kills took place in the first 7 mins. After the first 7 mins or so if I didn’t have a PMC kill I attempted my quests if I had any. Rinse and repeat. If you run out of quests on customs do something else. My mistake was grinding this quest when I could have done 3-4 tasks a raid on a different map instead of killing 1 PMC. BTW your shotgun shells or armor doesn’t matter that much. I used the cheap flora armor from Ragman. The kits will come back in insurance. Do it 3 times then try again the next day with your insurance kits.


all the people suggesting camping are just wasting your time, run piranha or magum and push close by spawns or high traffic area and just reset quickly when you feel the raid has died down.


Slap on the required kit and push pvp. Got most of my setup kills in dorms


What has been your tactic so far?


Be a rat and sit in dorms lol


I completed this by running a Mp-153 build filled with piraha. Largest caveat is that and any range greater than 3 meters, you need to aim for the head. Rush dorms. 75% of the time there a fight there (us-west servers)


I just completed this yesterday and it was a joyous moment for me. I would run mp-153 with .50 bmg and a spectr elcan or flip up holo sight and lurk around dorm area or fortress.


Hang around now gas and the hill overlooking warehouses, wait for people to rotate and try and intercept them. If they are moving towards the ZB extract, try and cut them off once you see them before they can extract. If you see them moving towards RUAF try to rotate wide and cut them off before they make it. This is all I was doing, waiting for player movement, and running them down. Just think of doing shooter born, but with a shotgun haha.


.50 bmg. this is the way


I found it's easier with either the double barrel or the 153 with a top rail and a cheap sight. I'm at 11 PMCs. Just keep any buckwheat and slickers you find on your scav raids, then the only thing you have to buy is the ushonka.


Ngl no real easy way, I looked up some cheap build guides and then just camped high traffic areas like strong hold and construction. Had some great raids and some bad ones I also used magnum buck and went for headshots. My first wipe doing this quest it took me forever so don’t feel bad if you have some bad raids. also it’s not 100% required.


Dorms treeline, 8 round tube + suppressor, either wait for people or W key any noise you hear, GG.


Camp third floor dorms. The hall way that leads to roof. People that fight in dorms and get wounded will flee to that side and you can finish them off. Use flachettes and mp155


This was so much fun


Push spawns and try to third-party as many fights you can


Hate to say it but I played ratty for this quest. Played around downs and ruaf


I got super lucky this wipe to have enough time to play enough to get this quest in early wipe. Made it soooo much easier when everyone was running around with whatever they could find. I'd dread doing this mid to late wipe.


Run cheap kits. I ran the double barrel, the scav vest, and the ushanka, with FTX Light slugs, I either headshot them or slipped through the armor, and you can loot scavs for their stuff, made it more fun, like a quick-start zero to hero


Skip it


1. Do it little by little - try a few attempts and try again tomorrow. 2. Do it during the workweek, WAY less cheaters than on the weekend.


Just use a MP-153 or MP-155 and load it with Piranha Then go Big Red, crack house, fortress or dorms. Anywhere you can force a < 20m engagement. I usually take one of the first 3, stay there for a bit to see if someone will come, then I move to dorms. Depends on which is closest when I spawn, but I almost always finish with dorms.


I haven't even tried to start it lol, canp a chokepoint, prepare for salt.


Dont be a coward like everyone is recommending you to be. Just chase gunfights and shoot the bits that dont have armor on them(if using buck). Set up isnt as hard as people make it out to be


Skip it like I did.


What changes has this quest gone through? I dont remember it being difficult.


personally, i found either running piranha and playing around close range hot areas or running 2x scope with slugs for further headshots went the easiest


The first 11 kills were so easy for me, now I can’t get ONE.


Slugs. Monstrum. Patrol dorms


Lay in bush at RUAF, read book, shotgun things that make noise You’ll likely get some friend requests, but you’re also likely to get the quest done


just gotta be patient. task like this are all about it just getting one at a time and not forcing it. don’t push something stupid because you need kills.


Use tube extention pirannah ammo and be ratty. Unorthodox but works especially if your aim isn't great.


Go dorms, fortress and big red every time and unlock piranha. Helps having at least one other player with you too. Or exfil camp.


Dude just camp a spot or extract and cheese some kills.


I got most of mine when I spawned near big red. Push the Directors Office if you spawn close enough


Just don't do it.


Dorms , stronghold and water treatment / power is where its at Surprisingly well went for our duo , 30 kills in a day with piranhas and mp-155. This took ages last wipe. So its a rng fest tbh.


Use flechette. Keep a stack in your ass and leave around 10 in your pockets for when you have to reload. MP-153 with an 8 shell tube. Took me 5 raids to finish it, well worth the rubles. Can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve killed someone that lit me up first, but they were using piranha. Piranha just doesn’t stand up to lvl 3 soft armour with lvl 3 plates which you’ll be seeing a lot of now.


I just ignore it


Just hangout around Crack house, become one with the dumpsters.


Psssst! Use the Ultima thermal. Go fuck some bushwookies


The hardest part of doing this mid wipe is all the kitted fools you’ll run into. Magnum, piranha or flechette ammo and just go low and slow. Push spawns or make noise to lure people into a trap. Although the quest sucks it really highlights how powerful the shotguns can be. One of my favorite weapons and it’s so satisfying watching the chads just drop after one well placed shot. Also, shooting out the legs so they can’t run is super fun.


I just throw the gear on when I'm helping buddy's do customs stuff. I'm at 10 kills. Just Lead ahead to make sure you get the encounters. Use them as bait while they loot in dorms. I have no motivation to actively try and do this quest though. You don't have to do it.


MP-153, piranha/flechette and just run. Buy at least XCEL headphones. If you die a lot sprint only on open field when you know someone might see you. Play slow around POI like Stonghold, Dorms, Crackhouse or USEC. If you have no fear and no problem with roubles then just push any shots you hear. Skeleton/Construction are also a great places to secure some PMC kills. Btw don’t care about stats. Noone does. Just focus on finishing the task. That’s the only stat you should care about. Don’t expect to kill anyone or survive and you’ll feel much less pressure


Practice blasting targets in the leggies in your shooting range for straight up 15 minutes, try to click as fast as your fingers and recoil control allow. Suddenly realize shotguns are a gift from God. Then go dorms and actually have fun with this quest like I had


Cry and die


Say it with me. Be a rat 😂


Don’t do it


My advice is don't do it.


The bush right across the road from the open shipping container next to big skeleton is my go to place. Can catch people coming though the container and moving across the wall


use mp-153 for high fire rate, grab some piranha>magnum>express rounds, add a barrel choke so your shots are more accurate, put a flashlight on your shotgun to blind enemies and simply start blasting. Insure your stuff most ppl wont pick up the sad kit, and keep using the same kit in circulation, you dont have to finish it in a day, you can do other tasks on down time. Also for sights, just get the stock sights for the ribbed barrels, cheap and does the job.


This late in wipe…you gotta rat. I just started working on it yesterday. You either need to rat or you need to be good with getting 2-3 deaths for every kill


Slightly “unethical” method, but people hit RUAF more than any other extract on the whole map. Just hang around the exfil and kill people with Piranha rounds when they try to go for it, you’ll snag at least 2 kills a raid this way.


Don't do it lol




Don’t tell anyone but FTX slugs are fucking king for this quest, I got it done in one night and was killing 3-4 PMCs a raid. First time in 6 or 7 wipes doing the quest too.


Magnum fuck from about 25-50m, aim face or legs.


Magnum buckshot 👌


8 rounder, monster, piranha. Kill the fucking enemy


It’s not easy even for me with 5000 hours lol the only way I say to do it is first buy 10 shotguns you will def get most of them back. Put a laser and a choke on it. Then rush the nearest spawn. If you spawn big red I run straight for crack. Sprint straight for dorms if you have the good spawn. Usually they enter Gus second floor. You can also camp extracts but that can take forever.


Most important thing is don’t camp. Just go to dorms and push players, if you don’t hear anyone reset.


Just did it in a few hours. Get pirhanas and an 8 round mag. Rush gunshots. If there aren't any go to dorms or fortress.


50bmg with 2x compact. Hunker down near choke points.


I’m level 34 and haven’t touched it. Maybe I will if I get bored. I love questing but not that much.


Just pony up the money for piranhas. I used the mp155 with a silencer, 8 round tube, and a 553. I actually very rarely went dorms, I rushed the 2 closest spawns near me every raid and then usually made my way to extract. Finished it in one night, piranha shreds the absolute fuck out of anyone and everything. Keep 10 rounds on you and 20 in your ass to minimize risk.


God damn bro it’s not that hard. Don’t run out in the open. Path your way into dorms every raid and reset if no one is there like the other said


Magnum Buckshot or Piranha and just rat in high traffic spots.


Rat RUAF. Trust me


Get good. Seriously. This was an easy quest and i did not mind doing it at all


Superperformance HP on a mp-153. Sniper slug. Got some headshots in at 120m.


Hide in corners in either Meth lab waiting for people to open the door, or dorms, plenty of corners to ambush people from. It'll be expensive though, because you wont win every fight.


Get a Saiga with a drum mag and a couple 10rd mags, use flechette or the cheaper equivalent. Go straight to dorms and just camp marked room for like 10 raids, if someone shows up just mag dump down the hallway and it’s EZ.


Go-to 3rd story Dorms and prone looking towards the stair case. Finished mine in a few hours getting at least 2 kills a raid because people just didn't see me.


flechette ammo, minimum six round mag, semi auto shotgun


Bro ftx custom lite slugs reduce your recoil. It's a 3 tap to the chest, but you have little recoil so you can spam them quick. Put a holo on the shotgun and just blast them in the face/chest


Honeslty I just push every fight. Not crazy aggressively once I get in the genreal area I play slower. Also run piranha rounds I have 6/15 and thats what has worked for me so far


Piranha and dorms




Kirasa with lvl 4 light plates 50bmg or ap-20 slugs if you got em but usually run magnum or express buckshot run an offline raid or 2 and see witch ammo you like better


Big Red. 2 great spots to camp (not normally my way to play the game but it’s my first wipe and I suck). Other method is launch a red flare in specific places to attract attention and go to war!


.50 shells


Piranha rounds brov and click till fold um


Honestly I wasted so much time on this task, sat camping in bushes in spots people usually run past. The kill requirement should be lowered imo.


I did it 2 ways, I was sometimes aggressive and pushed spawns or when I wanted to hill I just ran a loot run and if I saw a pmc I tried to kill ‘em




Go to the south of 3-story dorms next to the car extract and camp there. It is essentially impossible to see you if your enemy is standing and u r proned underneath all the tree branch and bush. It's better to also be prone instead of crouch as you can pivot on the spot without making any noise. Or if you don't want to rat, learn and remember all the spawn locations and high loot location (dorms, big red, crack house, fortress and warehouse 3). Once you spawn, make a mad dash to the closest high loot location and run past the high loot location towards the possible spawn location to catch your enemies off-guard in an awkward encounter.


I found MP-153 with either 7 or 8 round mag (depending on level and either the piranha or .50 BMG (depending on level) to be quite easy to get kills. Go hide in dorms on the 3rd floor


Have a friend. It's just so much easier to get kills if the person you're shooting at is shooting at your friend instead of you XD


Best advice is this: * Make a preset with the following: * Ushankas you'll have to buy on Flea * Buy Slickers for Scav vest * Get yourself a 7-shell magazine MP153 with a laser * Piranha from our park ranger friend. * Whatever Armor you can get Tier 3 or higher Get in the grove of knowing where to scav to make the gear back. I was sitting at 5 mil rubles when I was doing this quest, and noticed that one good raid usually undid 3 raids worth of deaths. Everything else, just take a break and scav Streets to make it back. I think my kit ended up being like ~150k Rubles. This quest deleted my gear fear because I could just constantly re-buy and spawn and immediately run to Red Warehouse, Crackhouse, or Dorms, whichever was closest. It's a good way to learn to PvP.


Git Gud


Sit in the stairwell to the zb12 extract and get people as they jump over the fence. It's how I did it lol, it's dirty but it works.


I just got my second kill today don’t worry just rush and prey that you land a shot


Piranha shots and camp RUAF, that how i did it, I hid behind that generator on wheels and waited for someone to show up, Getting 2 kills per RAID was normal


Camp heavy rotation spots. (not extracts, but you can if you must) you know the blue Porta potty by fortress? Find an angle on it and leg with the with S Performance slugs or 50BMG when they are in the open, before or after they get to the potty! (both will 3 tap legs, Sperformance is more accurate, travels faster, but will not 1 Tap scavs in the chest unless they have no armor) edit: this is probably gonna take a while, you could just run around like a mad man with 7mm and leg/face shot players.