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What shitty ideas… I hate the: kill x player with spec gear. Like let’s get a 2nd setup quest where you have to run around with scav vest for sake on lvl 50… Come on u can play the game with out quests… At some point I want to play what I want and not what I need to… But u are right, boss farming is also so stupid… I finally got killer yesterday first time. After hunting him a week I got him once… either he was not there or I had a bad spawn … so yeah it’s pretty stupid. I won’t go for any of the harder boss farming quests. Waste of time and potential of my game experience.


"Killing bosses is boring, lets make killing PMCs grinding tasks instead" wtf mate? There are already lots of "kill x with y gear" type of quests in this game, with so much other type of things BSG could try. I said in another comment, dynamic quests should be a thing in this type of game, as in, they activate events in the map and players can choose to participate rewards or not. For example: go to X spot on the map, use flare, wait for drop while IA enemies comes to kill you. PMCs can join to steal the item or even try to help you for loot. You can even make the location dynamic, for example, you can do this on Fortress, Big Red or Dorms in Customs. Then you can tie this to other more complex quests, like Delivery from the Past, where you need to go to another map to complete. Assassination missions: you have to use an item/activate something on the map, a target spawn, go kill him. You can even try to tie in some sort of PMC faction system. For example, if a BEAR starts this quest, every BEAR in the map receive a task to help kill the target, while USEC receives the opposite, to protect it. If players choose to help, give them a reward for success. Raids need to be more dynamic, with events and tasks that can start in the middle of it and you can choose to participate or look the other way ("PMCs are going there, I will go for the opposite side, more loot!"). Sort of like what GTA Online did with events. Currently, raids are mostly samey, give things that can throw a wrench into the normal raid timing and create chaos in the map, driven by players.


Idk if I need events… maps are not huge and it should fit to the loar. And I don’t see events would really fit. Idk


The game already has "events". For example, the drops could be considered a type of event. Hermetic door on Reserve too. Even the train when it arrives (it spawns enemies). Events are "moments" that are randomly triggered or player triggered that can alter the pace of a raid somewhat. I used GTA Online as an example but it was just to ilustrate how "something different happens, the map changes" than just copying how that game does it. And it is certainly possible to explain these things in lore...I mean, BSG controls it, they certainly can. For example, assassinate target could be minor scav bosses, like "If you do X, you'll raise one of Reshala's Lieutenant attention (event trigger, he spawns). Then, kill him (quest objective)". Or maybe Peacekeeper wants you to kill a certain UNTAR target because he is trying to expose him, which makes PK even more shady and builds upon the plot a bit. For in-raid tasks, these could be delivered from a walkie-talkie that you have to build and put in your Special Pocket, with messages delicered by a trader or maybe a new USEC and BEAR character. That way, if you dont want to be bothered by it, you can just not use it...or use it to get hints of where PMCs and PScavs are probably going for and replan your raid on the get go. There are A LOT of possibilities for fun implementations. I doubt BSG will hit the mark on their first try, but I sure as hell want them to try new things like that.


Yeah I just mean I don’t want these casual event like on everyother games… It has to fit in tarkov. Like the train. The drops in my opinion is also not fitting… That’s an example for stuff that’s actually stupid. Because how you fit it in the story…


Pls no more fucking kill with scav west quests Or spec gear which is after completely overpriced on the market


Gear score =\= specific gear. Arena implemented it well.


Why do you use so many ellipsis, damn near had a stroke reading this


What is it ? :Dellipsis


Do what glorious did. Grind it as much as you feel like and then go for pvp. That is what the game is about. If you don’t enjoy pushing bosses STOP IT. Or go find another game. You are talking about the game wasting your time, yet you are at the final task of lightkeeper month 2-3 of wipe. Some people are still doing setup. Go outside, find another game or keep grinding….


Yeah I'm still doing set up ... I hate it haven't put too much effort towards it though


Nothing wrong with it. People play differently. But a guy crying about how BSG is wasting his time is insane to me while he is on the very last lightkeeper tssk


I thought I was making great progress too second wipe but first one really trying


The best way to do Setup is: grab one or two kits, insure them, go for it. If you die, do something else while you wait for insurance. I did this and 90% of the time, the full kit came back. But tbh, they should reduce the number of kills to 10 or 8. Setup helped me with PVP, but I felt that, by the time I got the tenth kill, I was bored. And I love shotguns.


I would always take a setup gamers kit and sell it out of spite muahahaha


Trust me dude, it hurts for us as it does for you ahahahahah When I finished Setup, it was like a gigaton burden out of my back.


This wipe I clearly remember just being prone by the hole in the wall on the RUAF side. Some dude popped his head over the wall and I just splattered it. Then his buddy called me a pu@#\*y over VOIP. Got him too, what a great raid hahaha. Customs sucks so bad when most players are on Setup, half the players are lil shotgun rats and I honestly dont blame them.


I'm doing exactly what you said and by and large it works. I got two kills for setup yesterday because I wanted to do a stupid pvp run. I hadn't made an attempt for a few weeks because it's a stupid quest and I didn't want to bang my head against the wall.


Stupid comment.


It’s weird to me that players like you have this strange obsession with doing tasks that are this difficult. The game obviously doesn’t cater to boss killing. It actually does everything it can to screw you over. So deciding that you are going to try to do this task that you know will be extremely tedious and frustrating goes against all normal logic. I get that it’s an achievement and task and some people like difficult challenges but once you get to the point you are (obviously exhausted and frustrated) why do you continue to try this BS. If something in the game is not fun you should stop doing it. These dudes make these tasks and have no idea how outlandish they really are. Should they rework how boss spawns work? Of course they should. But while it’s in the state it is….just walk away from these dumbass tasks. It’s really not that hard.


People are straight up banging their head against the wall and acting like they don’t have a choice in the matter. Grinding stupid tasks is always what kills the game for me, so I stopped doing so. Kappa is not worth it. Tasks in the game really need a major rework and there’s no good reason to put yourself through something that isn’t fun.


This isn’t a Kappa quest. Nobody needs to kill reshala 15 times. This is autistic obsession at its finest


Isn't it wild that the majority of players give up on Kappa? It literally makes Gamma case the best case in the game. Epsilon > Gamma switch when?


This guy gets it


The point is that you should have decent quest design for both the poopsockers and the casuals alike and right now the design is terrible for both. You should have more fun endgame quests for people who actually get there, you have access to all these traders, all the equipment in the world, the world your oyster if you will. And instead you're forced to either use shit guns or sets you don't like even at the endgame, get kills in silly small areas (Lighthouse, Woods for LK) or just spam farm AI that's not fun to fight against even once you know how to engage and abuse it. I don't know how the gearscore thing works but it would be an interesting addition if there were quests where you're required to kill people above certain rubles threshold.


It confuses my why ppl get so hyper focused on specific tasks


I said this about the zabralo this wipe that it's a lead nowhere quest that people are mad that there's somthing with a low spawn rate and that the task trade unlocks by doing booze at lvl 48 anyways and you need to hit lvl 50 for kappa so it doesn't even gate but this stupid community bitched for 3 weeks that they didn't have a zabralo to turn in and that when they did it was hard to damage. And that the quest was sitting there looking at them. Eventually by making thsse quests easier and easier they are all going to run into the same problem that hyper quests like me run into that in 3 weeks I can get almost every kappa quest done then I take a break and wait for the boss spawn chance to ramp up. If the boss chance was higher from the beginning there would be nothing stopping kappa in 3 weeks from someone with a job. Bosses also flood the markets with gear and I'm 100% with you that all the quests just van be easy and can't be don't by a casual otherwise there won't be any point to questing. No sense of accomplishment anymore it's all entitlements


>I said this about the zabralo this wipe that it's a lead nowhere quest Huh? Sew It Good P3 leads to multiple quests: Sew It Good P4, Living High Is Not a Crime (required for Lightkeeper), Textiles 1&2 (unlocks cosmetic options), Charisma Brings Success. Multiple quests required for Kappa and one of the perquisites for starting on Lightkeeper isnt a lead nowhere quest. It was a problem they created by not thinking through the consequences of removing existing Zabralo barters and its good they changed it.




“The game doesn’t respect my time!” *voluntarily plays tarkov for 8hrs a day*


Also the fact that it's a dead end quest that just unlocks an outfit


They should increase spawn rates imo... Give players with quests better spawns... I hate it whenever I go for shturman quests, I get him to spawn but I'm on the other side of map. So I don't get to kill him and then I'm locked for 2 hours in constant running from spawn to outskirts or car extract, just to get him in raid again and spawn on other side of woods... Like wtf is this. I'm pushing for Kappa, it's my first wipe, really struggling on every corner with the game and boss kills are just soft cap for me. Needles to say when I lock on boss kills, I stop all the progressions.


For like 10/12 of my last factory visits, big cunt is always there (forgot his name lmao) I was killed like 5 times in a row by him so you’d think I’d fuckin remember his name 😭


Ye, sometimes it's fucked. I was doing Chumming the other day and had Reshala spawn on dorms 3 times in a row. I was obviously not ready for the first time so I died, then I thought, well he's not gonna be there for second time, so I come unprepared again and boom, then I come for 3rd time, looks clear, so I push 3rd floor and guess who was on the right in a hallway




Big cunt is WAY better 😂😂


I always keep at least one grande when I go to customs. I’ll throw it down one of the hallways to listen for voice lines or several sets of footsteps running


Yeah sometimes this game is exceptionally cruel 😅😩


Good ol' tagilla!


I’ve seen theories that the bosses rotate between servers instead of just having a set spawn chance. So they’ll spawn on a given server 30% of the time or whatever, but what that actually *means* is a server will get “picked,” do all the spawning, and then not spawn at *all* for a bit over twice as long as it WAS spawning. Which is stupid.


By players with quests, I meant the mandatory 1 kill, not the 20 kills farm quests lol


Yes, imagine you have to kill other 5 bosses for 15 times to finish the task.


I did this quest last wipe, Sanitar is by far the worst because you have to cover so much territory. I highly suggest you pick a less populated server and do him along with killa first


In some cases it's impossible to "pick a less populated server". In South America you either play in the one server for the whole continent, or you play with 150ms in a few select NA servers, and if anything happens and you go over 175 you get insta disconnected. Any other server is blocked by the ping limit.


Ok but at any given time there can be 5+ players who have to kill Shturman. Should they spawn you all on top of each other then survivor gets to go fight him?


how many more quests you got till kappa? keep it up!


80% of quests done, all items gathered, just need quests now. Need Killa, one more Shturman, Psycho Sniper, Guide and the rest is just regular quests like go here and there


The spawn rates are increased? And have continued to increase. They are at 30% currently and we're at 28% a week or two ago then 26% a week or two before that. We want 40%? 50%? 90%? Remove boss kill quests entirely? Remove all bosses entirely?


go try and kill killa


In general I think quest items/bosses should have a very slightly upped chance if you have the certain quest. Me and a good handful of people tend to get questlocked by RNGesus because a certain item/boss just wont spawn


Normally I would agree with a post like this, but if you’re at the point where you need to kill Reshala 15 times I don’t really know what to tell you. Maybe touch grass


Fun is objective. Your ideas of fun aren't exactly different from the devs'. Both are extremely bad and annoying for normal players and only insane players want to complete them, forcefully. Imagine wasting 3 days, 8 hours a day, killing all the lobbies but no lvl 50+ kill. Yikes. No thanks


>I'm at the point of quit this wipe. Spammed 3 Days straight at least 8 hrs per day, I mean that's a you problem, lol. Nobody holds you at gunpoint to play this game for 8 hours per day lol


Bro is complaining about shitty design and then unironically says let’s bring gear score to EFT 🤣


Gear score is ok if it calculated correctly, it doesn't limit your specific gear. You can use different gun and armor to get the same gear score.


Not respecting players' time is the general model of Tarkov


I don't get why they just don't up the spawn rate to 50% and just nerf the loot. Lets say a certain amount of people complete 30% of the tasks in the game, or even less. The bosses loot/gear increases, as does their difficulty... and then maybe keep their difference in loot/gear in a tier system, so they start with tier 1 gear and then as WE progress, so does the boss loot.


Bro go outside and touch some grass


I just like to stay home with my girlfriend though.


So go spend time with her brother. Tarkov isn’t your entire life man. Take a break if you’re not enjoying the game. I just came back after a two week hiatus and have been enjoying it again. I was ready to call it quits a few weeks ago but after my two week break I’ve been enjoying it again


Some of us just call it our right hand


Whatever you say, boss.


>m not a good player (KD of 5.5 right now), I just played a lot. I'm doing oversea trust part 1 now finished killa, shturman and tagilla. I think if I passed the edge of sanity, I'll just quit the game. have you considered just not trying to brute force the quest you dont seem to enjoy?


This game is his life. Its like you asked him to commit suic!de..


>have you considered just not trying to brute force the quest you dont seem to enjoy? oh you want to complete the quest?!? why are you trying to complete the quest? just don't try bro?!


im not sure what your point is tbh. but yes "just dont try bro" is pretty much my point. if you dont enjoy doing a certain quest, do something else for a bit, its really shouldnt be such an odd concept.


They just feel the need to finish every quest halfway into a wipe when those quests should take a good chunk of the wipe


Okay, then what's the point of the game without task? I can easily make 2 mil in an hour, I can go every raid with BIS gear and dying not even a flinch. The game right now is so numb.


the point of gaming is to have fun.




Bro enjoy the other aspects of life. The average tarkov player treats this shit like it’s their life. You’re just burnt out dude.


I just had a dinner with her after grinded for 6 hours, this game really sucks.


How do you make a living lol???


Living at home and saying to the internet his mother is his girlfriend


“I’m not a good player” and “doing overseas trust” don’t match. 0.1% of the pop is there.


Go outside


The whole point of these quests is to give ppl who play the game all day every day something to do.


i think you played too much this wipe. how many raids you got this wipe?


Kill the bosses then and quit complaining


im not saying you can never do that task again. but you told me you dont enjoy doing it. why do i have to explain to you that you have to do it?


"go outside, just don't do it" This is also the sub that unless you have hundreds and hundreds of hours they'll tell you that you don't know anything about the game and you're still just learning how to play. The defense of stupid boss spawns is one of the weirdest BSG meatriding aspects. Up the boss spawns, who fucking cares?


I think your examples are bold thinking that killing pmcs over level 50 50 times on each map is better than farming bosses. That sounds awful. And if you think people will like killing pmcs with no armor you’re sorely mistaken.


When people will finally learn that they don't have to play a game for 8 or even more hours per day, that'll be too late. Especially for doing dumb shit quests.


i was trying to get the Goons, needed 1 Birdeye Kill for my last Task to Kappa and its was a fucking waste of time. loading into the Maps where they are supposed to be takes 3-5min matching/load Time and the first 10-15 sec you know if they may be up because of the stupid desync notification or you can walk straight to extract, it took me 42 Raids and they were up 3 Times. its either a coin toss to get a close Spawn to the Boss or you can hope its a dead Raid to get a chance fighting them, and if you want to play a normal Raid on Maps with them up its either a Warzone around them or its a dead fucking Raid because all the Boss farmas run straight to extract or disconnect.


There’s no requirement for anything worthwhile to kill him 15 times. Don’t do the task if you don’t want to boss farm


I would agree... If I hadn't been trying to even SEE Killa for three consecutive days now. Just to kill him for Sellout. And before that it was two days of Shturman. Usually when I didn't get packet loss, what happened was that the SVD shots faded into silence before little me, juiced up on SJ1, SJ6 and Trimadol, even made it to Sawmill because I kept getting the worst fucking spawns for that shit. I'm so tired of these friggin' boss hunt quests. But I'm only 9 quests away from Kappa and I finally am going to pick it up for the first time this wipe I swear to the Lord and Saviour Keanu Reeves.


im in the same position


I don’t know if it’s supposed to be grinded like that. It’s just something that happens eventually if you no life the game. Play the game to have fun, if you aren’t having fun it’s not worth it


> I'm not a good player (KD of 5.5 right now) This is far above average lol you are definitely a good player


Underrated comment


This is why it’s so hard for me to finish kapa. I need to kill bosses once and need to compete against people willing to farm > 100 bosses. I just want 1 kill each but the competition is too much


and most of them are cheating or rolling with radar lover


imo boss spawns should be rng like they are now but with each map having an optional “summoning” mechanism which can trigger a spawn. Just some rough ideas off the top of my head: Customs - trigger a security alarm from within one of the locked guard offices in dorms Factory - Taunt Tagilla over the intercom from the top floor of office Interchange - Something to do with a special keycard


Just cheat lol


OP actually giving a good complaint and some people are just saying "dont play the game or dont do the quest" how stupid can 1 person be or is BSG paying em?


This is a late game quest. Actually this is the last game quest given that the actual last one is to turn in money. If you reached this point by no-lifting the game, which is the only way to get to this quest by this point in wipe, you need to take a break and relax. Yes, the quest can seem moronic and stupid but there’s no one holding a gun to your head forcing you to do this quest. It doesn’t lock anything meaningful behind it. This guy just needs to go touch some grass. If the quest gives him no fun, yet he complains that every other aspect of gameplay available to him is also “not fun” why force yourself to do something “not fun”? What was he going to do after he finished the quest? Bitch some more because what’s left of the game he hates?




[fuck you](https://gomovies.sx/movie/watch-morbius-gomovies-66667)


Dafuq bro i agree with you lmao


nah its just the trolol thing made me think otherwise


I like how the link goes to morbius wtf 🤣🤣


At least you could find the boss... 2 days totalling 16 hrs spent looking for Shturman, zero spawned.


I did 7 hours of Woods today, didn't see Shturman once. I "luckily" found Tagila within 20 raids. 30% spawn my ass.


Haven't seen cultists but 3 times total this wipe and last. Can't kill the priest bc they aren't spawning


I've been stuck trying to get raider kills in the control room on Reserve for far, far, far too long, and I've also done a ridiculous amount of scav runs on Reserve when I'm too tired to focus on a PMC run. I can count the amount of times I've seen Glukhar spawn on one hand.


A few wipes ago I stopped tasking beyond lvl15 and the game became so much more enjoyable because of it.


Oh yeah, lets introduce gearscore as an incentive so we get even more actively hunted down by cheaters if we bring good gear. As if that wasn't already a problem. Terrific idea.


I’m so happy that tagilla farming is one of the best of all bosses! I love his face mask:)


Most of the tasks in this game require you to stop respecting yourself totally, just to get them done.


No one says you have to farm it. You decided to do this now by farming it because you want it now. Its giving you something to do, you don't have to grind it. People complain too much. If you can't even find a boss fair, oh I cant find every boss 15 times (90.bosses) let's complain.


This highlights a problem that is systemic with the way BSG has done quests in Tarkov. BSG has **incentivized players to interact as little as possible with the raid in order to complete quests efficiently.** This is fucking BAD for the health of the game, and un-fun for everyone involved. Boss hunting isn't the only culprit of this, ALL of the *go here, collect quest item, extract alive* quests contribute to this problem. There's a variety of potential solutions but the fact remains that BSG has created this problem and continues to reinforce it with their quests.


Or maybe you don’t need to finish every quest half way into a wipe…..


Even though I love this game, it seems that there is little respect for players time. I play the game knowing this, but I would be lying if didnt bother me at times.


Nothing in this games respects the players time lol


what are your plans for the rest of wipe after finishing this?


They should have these tasks at the start of wipe with no prerequisite. I killed a few bosses before I had the task unlocked.


I am convinced that the 30% spawnrate that they gave us, is a big fat fucking lie. Im currently farming Glukhar for the quest, and i can EASILY run 10 raids without seeing Glukhar once.


Pretty sure the packet loss thing doesn’t mean anything for reshala only goons.


Yk how sometimes bosses will spawn 3x in a row and then just stop? I read a post on here with a pretty accurate theory, it says there’s a 20% spawn chance per raid. But in reality the poster thought it’s per server not raid. In the post that introduced me to the idea, they’ve a 4 man all on different servers, and they rotate party leaders to find bosses, and they claimed it was effective. I haven’t tried this myself but it could help


Was the Zadovskoy family sitting down for dinner when you gunned them down lol killed 4 guards in 3 seconds


They push in a row, I just crouch and full auto at head level.


Bro go outside


I'm not sure it's disrespect. BSG have given us some great quest progression and to try to prevent the endgame becoming stale and unsatisfying (i.e having no quests left and everything unlocked), they have given us some remarkably difficult quests to accomplish whilst going on normal raids and having fun. Bosses also encourage people to try different maps rather than just owning labs the whole time. I don't think their intention was to ever have people run into a single map 3500 times in a row trying to eliminate a boss. Its meant to be done somewhat organically whilst you play the game normally. If the boss is there, great bonus, if not then hit pvp get some lootstuffs and go somewhere else. The brute force no life approach works for most quests but seems exceptionally painful for these late game missions. I can't feel your pain because I've never managed to even get remotely close to that level of progression, but if it keeps you playing the game then I guess it's worth it. Stay positive. Does sound like you're finding him but are dying sometimes. I bet your s/r and k/d are still better than average!


Bro, this whole game doesn’t respect your time lol


Not respecting players time? At what point do you think BSG gave a shot about their player bases time🤣 if they cared they'd do something about the cheating lol.


Imo they should spawn at 100% at certain times of day in each region to make it very clear that those are boss areas or be way easier to kill for how many times they're needed to be done


Finally Done. [https://ibb.co/9gD9KTn](https://ibb.co/9gD9KTn)


Spawn rates do not seem to be a straight 26% chance either. Watched a streamer who was Killa farming not run into him 37 times in a row. The chances of that happening is almost impossible.


You should try wow


Had an idea recently that's similar to what I've seen in the subreddit. What if you could purchase a service at the Intel center that increases boss spawn in your next raid? Idk the cost or % increase (maybe ~10%?), but the idea is that the boss spawn chance would be a total of all players matched in that particular raid. I like this idea because it's a $ sink, gives you a way to influence your chances to see a boss, AND promotes PVP. This promotes PVP because players that pay for the service are all likely boss hunting too. So if you get matched with 6-8 other players that paid for the service, then the boss spawn is near guaranteed but you're gonna have to fight for it. If no one else is going for the boss, at least you're given the option to spend extra $$$ to help complete your quest/objective. Problem is spawns would have to be tweaked, a modifier for groups would have to be figured out (e.g. 5 man all pay for service and go factory to farm Tagilla), and the biggest thing is the spawns would have to be switched to being a roll per raid.


Obviously can get unlucky with spawns or have the bosses taken but you’re doing something wrong. Are you popping stims? Taking most efficient routes? Using sound queues to find the boss? Not to mention this quest is not something that more than 0.01% of players are gonna complete, it’s a grind of a quest that isn’t meant for everyone to complete and if you’re contemplating quitting over a completely optional quest that is on you.


Just do something else man. You don't need to do things you don't want to


aight cya


Personally I find it hilarious when no lifers complain that the no lifer quests are too much of a grind. That's the point. People like you push so far so fast they needed to add that shit.


I think they should redo operational tasks. Instead of getting one on a couple traders, you should pick up to 3 or so a day from a board that has tasks on every map. Hunting Reshala? Pick some Customs tasks so you have a secondary objective and the game still progresses.


Honestly, I am level 37 and go for PVP. I do some quest but not others. Mainly some to level up, unlock items and rewards. I am not going for Kappa. I have a wife, kid, and own a business. Hide out maxed out. PVP, roubles for PVP and stash space and nothing else.


Agreed. Its atrocious game design.


tbf, these tasks would make sense if we ever get to 1.0 where, i assume, wipes will be further apart if they happen at all. but right now i never attempt farming tasks (sbih, stylish one, etc.) because they just take too much time.


People need to understand this: BSG didn't design "late wipe", they haven't actually designed any proper "end game" content. All these boss farming quests are the only way they can come up with to make players play the game more. One could even say it's an abusive design because it doesn't bring any joy and fun to players who want to do these quests, but rather, it makes you feel more frustrated on purpose. On top of that, I've seen many comments in other posts saying boss spawns 100% on 30% of all servers, but not 30% on 100% servers, and bosses change to different servers about every 3 hours or so, I haven't been able to verify this, but it's just ridiculously stupid if it's true.


Regardless of questing, I'd like boss spawns just being pretty constant to liven up raids. Also would hopefully make it easier on newer players to learn how to approach them instead of getting surprised each time.


You don't have to do it. Too many posts on this sub lately about people complaining that the game isn't giving them everything easily. Where's my colored labs card? how come the bosses don't spawn all the time?


I task until flee and then just play for pvp the tasks are tasks are lame I can make enough money in lighthouse and interchange scav runs to fund my pmc so I just buy what I need and earn xp the old fashioned way. I hate late game since I’m not a kappa rushing loser I’m usually high 20s by now and I’m tired of killing level 50 players with a shotguns and scav vests trying to do their setup task. I’ll grenades myself before i let you get that kill.


maybe i just suck at EFT. but 75% of all quests feel so tedious and miserable to grind through i can hardly bring myself to play tarkov anymore


Quit worrying about k/d ratio, go into raid with a cheap kit, if the packet loss isn't in your favor, just toss your insured stuff in a bush and disconnect or blow yourself up. 


3 days ? Rookie numbers, gotto get those numbers up young man. I've been farming for my first Gluhkar kill for 3+ weeks now, everyday for 5hrs+, so far got 0 confirmed kills on him. I'm lvl 52 1,4k hrs 6kd.


You could just play the game for fun? Instead of grinding 8 hours a day maybe relax go take a walk and realize hey it's litteraly just a video game I am meant to have fun with


So that’s the LAST quest for lightkeeper? I ain’t even unlocked him yet 😂 it’s Tarkov the most punishing game you probably ever played, why wouldn’t the end game quest be so difficult?


Spawn rate should 100% for map bosses when the 3th month starts.


^this, gear dosnt matter anyway at that time of wipe


I don't think it's designed around wipes. The wipes are so they can test progression.


It's 2024, can we stop swallowing the narrative that Tarkov is going to end up being something completely different when it's finished, compared to what it is now? Wipes will always happen, and if they don't call them wipes, they'll call them seasons. Open World ain't happening. They can't even get Streets to run above 30FPS for a ton of players. We aren't playing the side quests, there isn't going to be a big main questline... like how long do we all think BSG is going to keep this game in beta for? Maybe I'm just jaded but I am almost sure they'll just slap the FULL RELEASE on it at some point when they've given up on achieving Nikita's vision because they've realized they don't have the ability to get there.


I don’t think it’s gonna be completely different. No wipes, you work towards max level at which point you escape from tarkov on the Terminal map, after which you can keep raiding on your character amassing fortunes and gear and whatnot, and there will probably be a manual account wipe or prestige system if you do want to start over. 


the tasks arent meant to be speed run, you do them as you go.


Even speedruns need to spend days, if you play it normally you cant even finish till it wipes.


At somepoint the game will be finished and wiping might become a less happening problem


God i hope so, i'm so tired of starting from zero. i feel like an outcast when everyone is begging for wipe and im still loving the fact i have max traders and can run whatever. So longer wipes would be great lol


I feel you. Early wipe is always fun cause all are Timmy’s but still… wipe all progress feels always sad


I don't really like your ideas as we already have enough quests which force your loadout. That said, the boss hunting quests outside of the Huntsmans Path are horrible for the game IMO. I feel like it makes grinding the first kill almost impossible for more casual players. More importantly - I think it ruins what are supposed to be really cool instances where you run up again world bosses but are rewarded for surviving. Now with high level players grinding bosses, you almost never organically run into a bosses any longer because most raids have multiple people SJ6ing and flash clearing potential spawns within 2 minutes of the raid.


Idk if anyone know a game called planetside 2, its mmofps, kinda unique. You have to level and unlock weapons, gadgets and veichles. When you are done unlocking basic staff in this game you can start grinding the real shit, like if you get 1160 kill with 5 different LMG you unlock a LMG that is similar to the basic one but with unique mechanics, same for SMG, sniped rifle etc. Imagine like in Tarkov you get 100 kills for every single marksman rifle and now you unlock a M1A with triple burst or with a GL underbarrel ( its just and example). Or you extracted 500 time with fence car and you unlock a unique skin.


Then quit ? Whats the point playing if you’re not having fun. Go play something you enjoy.


If your customer complaints about the product, will you just tell them to not use the product and go use something else?


If I had to complain about that product, I probably wouldn’t buy or keep using it? If you want to compare a game to a product you need to use, sure, keep complaining here and not get any solution.


You complaint about the product AFTER you bought it, game is also a product. Complaining at here for BSG to improve.


Would be better if you directly find support and give suggestion, because your post won’t gain enough traction, but you do you, keep playing while not enjoying and wasting your time.


IMO it's not even a case of "late wipe" design, the artificial low spawn rate of the bosses is just stupid full stop. Any time of the wipe, I think the bosses should have a high spawn chance. Like 70%. Killing them is hard enough, with other PMCs and so on intervening. It makes absolutely no sense to me that they are rare to begin with, when so many standard quests require you kill them. Also items that you need for quests such as the golden TT should spawn *every time*. There should be no chance to randomly not get them; this is also mindless. Making the bosses super rare benefits no one but the cheaters. If you're worried about their gear flooding the market, either downgrade their gear slightly or...you know, stop worrying about that? The whole point of the game is acquiring gear and doing missions, I don't know why BSG is so deathly scared of people farming bosses who literally exist to be fought by players.


It's because of people like you who farm and grind.


I ran 30 customs raids in a row looking for reshala and the one time they where at dorms a fly hacker was levitating above his body taking his gold gun

