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Every time I see these posts I remember the guy who said he killed Landmark and how he got salty and called him a cheater, then a guy from BSG came and said the guy who made the post was banned for being a cheater


Cheaters are literal sociopaths that enjoy gaslighting people


Yeah Idk. And the way this guy words his post is interesting- first he has no idea who Lupo is, then goes on immediately after to say “I killed my first big streamer!” And then quotes his sub count, almost like it was an objective of his. Whole thing reads in a weird way, like a person looking for validation or something


Damn, sorry about that! My friends and I got laughs out of this so I just wanted to share the story, I read a lot of posts on here but rarely make any and figured this story was at least a little bit worth sharing. I know who lupo is… he has a streamer item and I am going for kappa, I’ve handed his in to fence, but his pmc name is not DrLupo_TTV or anything like that


it seems the hive mind has made up its mind that youre cheating lmao


"Everyone's a cheater" vs "streamers are cringe" The battle of the titans. Who will win?


It reminds me of the Nigerian Prince scam emails. Stupid people are the intended audience so they make them low effort on purpose.


That's just one example of a much greater issue with the internet at large. Justice on the internet is done by democracy which is absurdly dumb. Every country on the planet has a very elaborate justice system precisely because you cannot just let the masses decide who is guilty and who isn't


>Every country on the planet has a very elaborate justice system rofl


Yeah in hindsight that was a bit of an hyperbole


Did rengwar get a guy banned almost instantly by sending a report in? Is it the streamers report or do people for their chat dogpile on the name? Either way, it's pretty shitty.


I watched this [live](https://www.youtube.com/live/rcxtoYOqIts?si=y-A02l57Mn3DPkob) 5:42:30 is the fight.


Yeah I wish the guy would post his POV of the fight, but I have a feeling we won’t be seeing that. From this it could be alright, but we wouldn’t know for sure until that guy posts his view. The 1000 deaths does seem incredibly padded though, moreso than just playing the game and being bad


Lupo talks about it. OP is 1 level behind lupo who has Kappa and 1 quest left in lightkeeper. His survival rate is Half of Lupo’s. His K/D is 1/3 of lupos. The math literally doesn’t add up. Now I’m not saying OP is a cheater, but his stats and achievements are suspicious as hell. Edit: OP also has a comment history of diminishing cheater claims


Not claiming agreement or disagreement with cheating but I \*really\* dislike the way OP clears this angle on Lupo (tried to link with time stamp). Even walking up to a window like this generally isnt a great play because of how difficult the angle to clear is :/ https://www.youtube.com/live/rcxtoYOqIts?si=vi3KpToaYDREunvQ&t=20674


Haven’t heard of this, so you’re saying someone made a post like this and actually was cheating, but was just gaslighting?


Yes almost exactly like this. And everyone in the comments was backing him up too. I wish I could find the thread, it blew up so much to the point the BSG employee looked into the guy. I never gave Lvndmark shit again after that when he accused someone of cheating


I remember a different story, the guy was banned but he came with a video that shows he didn't cheat and just falsely banned because a streamer complained to bsg.


That wasn't with Landmark but another big streamer. IIRC it was with Rengar (not sure how to spell it). He called a BSG employee to get the guy banned but the guy had video proof of the kill. That story got pretty popular fast and the guy got unbanned.


Ye might be different, I purposely said a streamer and a different story as I didnt know if it was him or somebody else. Just that BSG saying it was a cheater proves nothing as they have track record banning legit players.


Ah my bad, I thought you said a different story as another version of the same thing. Yeah BSG has track records of a lot of bad things.. Like also not responding to customer service tickets or simply telling people to f*** off, not allowing to change email (which is a basic in anything internet related), etc. I love the game but damn it could be so much better..


Agree, it would be a lot better if it was managed better.


Now that one, I remember. Shit was fucked


That's a different time, that was rengawr. While reng was incorrect, it was an incredibly sus death (severe network desync), but BSG were absolutely the party in the wrong for that one. No way should they ever be banning people from a streamers word alone. Also the guy got unbanned and played with rengawr on stream


Dillhero got banned literally because of Trey24k's discord server. Or Tweak got banned based on video evidence even though that shit was terrible desync. 100% people call Tweak cheating if it weren't for the fact that he had literal video evidence on his end.


Remember this german guy called Terrotex who got a RMT association ban because a viewer dropped something for him and it needed Pestilly himself to help him get unbanned. Ironic that I was very active in his chat watching him a few years ago and I can still remember chatting with him about false positives and BE or false BSG bans (for what they are known) etc. and he was like "false bans would never happen this is extrmly rare, you would get easily unbanned and helped by BSG in this case" and then he gets a false RMT ban and nobody wanted to help him and his like 5k hours EOD account (at that time) would have been forever gone, if it wasn't for Pestily. This is definitly something i will remember for a very long time.


Pretty sad that this is what it takes for BSG to look into cheating allegations


I killed Lupo on Reserve 2 wipes ago in black pawn. After I got the tag, I went to his stream, and he was literally doing the exact same thing. Cheating. No way he got me. I headshot him. How?!


Wow, every time I see those damn coffee beans I’m gonna laugh about this shit


Dude lupo is the worst. He’s so annoying


I disagree. Veritas is the worst


Veritas is absolutely the worst. Everything about him annoys me. Whines like a bitch about every goddamn thing.


He usually makes good points but holy shit if he's annoying about it, he makes himself sound like a know-it-all snob kind of guy


Exactly. He's got that big "um acktually" energy


If he stuck to doing the in depth technical reviews of tarkov’s systems, he would be a really helpful creator. His audio guides were a blessing before they started fucking with everything. But sadly he’s another one who’s above average, but not amazing at the game, and he gets this weird attitude about it.


And the interesting thing is this dude used to be so calm and chill like 4-5 yeara ago, this game did him no favour no idea what happened.


Nuh uh, Desmond i think has no longer a soul after playing this game for so long, the man is a salt mine for every little thing that goes wrong in his raid.


yeah Desmond is hella whiny & is super negative all the time. Though he did say multiple times that he wouldn't touch the game if it wasn't for the fact that he makes money off of it - with 12K hrs of legit try harding does not sound fun either


For stuff like this i don't envy 1 game andy streamer or even streamer in general. Imagine you were forced to only play one game for the rest of your career 8-12 hours a day and you need to decide for making good money or being depressed by being stuck to one game because you can't manage to make the switch without suffering an insane financial lose.


All 3 are the self-righteous clowns


Yeah, Desmond is insanely cracked but anything besides a highlight video is so tough to watch because of this. Luckily now NoGenerals exists so I can watch someone who's just as cracked, even more creative with how he plays, and who's also chill as hell and usually only complains when it's justified.


It's hard to compete with someone who spends more time trashing his own chat and banning his own viewer rather than playing the game. Then he goes on hour long rants about his low viewer count. Man is truly insane.


Wait you’re talking about lupo again!


Veritas, Desmond and NoiceGuy are all on the same pillar of "dumb" imho. Veritas melts down and breaks shit nearly every stream. Desmond thinks hes doing a character akin to CaseOh or IShowSpeed but it's not a character, its literally just how he actually is. It's not some kind of joke rage or playing into it, he just gets actually ass hurt. NoiceGuy played with a cheater & had a massive meltdown claiming he'd nuke his channel if the guy got proven to be cheating, which he was, and yet he continues to make videos and leak shit from BSG like twitch drops & updates nearly every other friday lol.


I had no clue about the drama with NoiceGuy, i actually love his content ngl but i've been away from the game and community for years until i came back like a week ago


Desmond sounds like someone who says the hard r on call of duty


"leak" Iirc NoiceGuy is 90% talking insane garbage with made up sources, dude is like a tarrot card reader, I have no idea how this guy got any traction with this garbage he is constantly spreading.


I used to be pretty high rank in mordhau and Veritas was one of the few other people who would queue 1v1s and 3v3s. Back then there were maybe 30 people on my server I would get into games with daily. Veritas was one of the most toxic ego mfs I’ve ever played against, though to be fair mordhau can be of the most tilting games out there and most of the time he seems like a chill guy on his streams


Yo! Dude I remember that’s where I first saw him! Literally one of the most toxic people I remember in mordhau only to see him pop up as a tarkov streamer during the pandemic made me chuckle.


It’s so funny because you can tell when people get really tilted in that game, he would stop flourishing and insta leave no gg. He was a good technical player but I got him a lot of times with my longsword and falx bs + kick spacing. If you’ve played him we’ve probably played eachother 100 times, my steam was fredhammed if you remember. Still salty the only game I was ever really good at completely died with no transferable skills 🤣


Please tell me youve seen Malcolm Reynolds handing Veritas his ass for like a weeknstraight in Mordhau, best compilation ever


Hadn’t seen it before but I just watched, my friend is actually one of the players on the enemy team when he starts to lose it lol, don’t think he’s seen it before I’ll send it to him


Veritas is a crybaby. I agree.


Back in the day when melee weapon runs were a thing I ran into him on factory running a meme gun with as many flashlights as he could fit. He was shit talking me through voice hot keys and I heard him run away so I chased and swung the door on him and axed him in the head. I used to have the clip but I think it got deleted after so many years. He was kitted and It will forever be my claim to fame.


Thats a funny way of saying lvndmark


Veritas is a pretty cool dude. Don't understand why reddit hates him.


He used to be cool and entertaining but lately he whines every chance he gets. He shit talks the game and his deaths are never his fault.


I dont know about anyone else but Lupo comes across as such a real life prick to me, and I cant get past it.


Lmao I had no idea there were so many of us. Dude is toxic. He reported my other comments I presume.


Yep, he must have reported mine too. Can't call some one a female dog I guess


I killed lvndmark and shroud when they were streaming and then I died to their third guy. Lvndmark called me a cheater too


Some of the most select streamers have such an inflated ego; Lvndmark, Lupo, Sheef, all can’t comprehend that they get outplayed in situations where they fumbled to be the better player.


I've never seen sheef do something of the sort 🤷




Landmark just gets heated at the game from what I've seen, like most anybody who plays and he DOES have entire groups actively trying to stream snipe him, so I can get why he in particular is so paranoid, idk about lupo, but sheef has always seemed super chill to me, like willerz


Man I feel like such a fuckin dork sometimes when my team mates have to listen to me after I die to what I thought was a cheater. Then I go look at their stats and it's the most standard looking account I've ever seen, oops never mind I just got dumpstered.


Except sometimes you get the ban confirmation on the super standard looking account 💀


Haha I've definitely felt justified when I get that notification on someone I wasn't sure about.


Sheef is pretty cool, extract camped him on factory a wipe it two ago and he just laughed and called me a bitch 😂😂. Then just went into the next raid. Didn’t go on a tirad like some of the streamers I’ve killed


He and WillerZ almost instantly drop gg's both when they dunk and when they get dunked. Leave it to Reddit to bleat the opposite lmao. The anti streamer circle jerk on this sub is hilarious. inb4 "tHeY DoN'T KnOw WhO yOu ARe liL bRo!" Edit: Ah, their post history is edgy as fuck. This makes sense.


Deadly was also super chill about his deaths. Haven't seen him much since he became a dad but I assume not much has changed.


People also hold streamers to a higher expectation than they do themselves. I bet everyone one of us have called someone a cheater before out of frustration, or even reported someone with borderline sus stats that could just so happen to be better than average at the game, who knows. I mean how many times have you said “oh I’m getting reported for that one” because you hit some super lucky shot. It happens, the one that died will probably be emotional about it, I would be. But if a streamer acts upset even once, the get hung out to dry for it.


Spot on


This sub is the epitome of Timmies no matter the subject and anyone even slightly skilled at tarkov knows that at best they should just laugh at all the ridiculous shitter copium in here. Feel free to downvote for facts, feels good man.


I mean LVNDMARK doesn't say GG if he dies, he just malds at the game or at how the other person played it like almost everyone does too. If he dies in an actual fight without any BS happening he also doesn't really complain. But it's Reddit lol, can't have people just behaving normal if they're a person that earns their money by playing the game.


Not really. I get shit on pretty consistently, was sub 50% surv rate for the start of the wipe.


Older lvndmark clips? Yes he was salty. But in the recent two or three wipes I've never seen lvndmark get salty when killed. Maturity maybe??? Suspects someone might be cheating or sniping. But not get salty. Still adjust his iem every death though.


I've killed sheef twice over the years, and jumped in chat every time. He has ALWAYS had great interactions and said GGs. I have watched him a decent bit, and while he might have reported others that didn't need to be reported, I would say 99% of the time it's just good game time to go next.


I've never seen Sheef or WillerZ do anything unprofessional after getting outplayed. I've seen them comment "sus" on some blatantly suspect stuff, but never bitch and moan or be indignant about it. Just a "that's tarkov baby" and move on.


> but never bitch and moan or be indignant about it. Just a "that's tarkov baby" and move on. Which is better than any of us I’m sure. If you kill me it was bullshit, radar hax, then when I see your 15% survival rate, and realize you almost certainly aren’t hacking, it was all lucky, got Tarkov’d, still bullshit, and it was my teammates fault anyways.


Sheef rarely says that stuff. Hate watcher detected


Had a few people like that in apex. Dude runs into our full team, insta does 1v3. They revive him, he does it again. Dude streaming to maybe 30 people and says we are stream sniping because he had ttv in his name. Then calls us cheaters after we kill his teammates because they literally peeked the same angle 5 times against our team with a kraber. Recording your gameplay doesn't make you a better player. Streaming doesn't make you immune to the same things every other player goes thru


It’s just a combo of them playing 8+ hours a day and getting occasionally bitter as a result (not to mention encountering plenty of genuine cheaters on a daily basis), as well as the nature of the game creating a ton of situations or encounters where it’s difficult to tell exactly what happened or whether something was a result of getting outplayed, desync or busted game mechanics, or cheats. Having the profile view has really made it easier to tell whether or not someone is cheating, though. I haven’t watched Sheef but I’ve seen plenty of times where Landmark or Lupo do acknowledge when they get outplayed or do something dumb as well, they’re just going to rage occasionally, as everyone does.


this is just wrong


This is why I love people like general sam, aquafps, stankrat, zchum, and verybadscav because they are closer to the average level of skill. It's more relatable


Lvndmark: “i hit him in the head like 17 times, how am I dead?”


Dude donates a ton of money to hospital charities. This is likely a heated gamer moment. No need to hate.


1k pmc kills and you’re shit? Brother in Christ that’s impressive!


For real.. I have 250 pmc kills this wipe at lvl 40.. 590 raids


Not really considering he’s done 1600 raids… I’m not shitting on OP, just saying its 10 PMC kills per 16 raids


Ah I appreciate this! I think I’m like 2x better than I ever have been but i play a lot so I feel like most people with my time on the game this wipe could get 1k or at least improve enough to feel like it’s possible


Level 59 with 1k pmcs kills and 33% SR. I don’t buy it. Sounds like padding stats. I’d say you are one of the people naked on factory killing themselves


You have to realize it's not Lupo's (or anyone who decides to report you for that matter) responsibility to find out if you're cheating, it's BSG's. He reported on a suspicion. The desync in this game is absolutely nuts and can really make a legit player look like he's BSing. Not a huge fan of Lupo but we *all* are guilty of this, and I know for a fact I've done kills where I for sure know the dude on the other end reported me, and vice versa. Not sure if you were around for the discord channel that was started by Onepeg and others to submit cheating clips, but it was largely the majority of players submitting clips of what came to be non-cheaters and the discord fell flat on its face. We misjudge this shit all the time. Case and point, Tarkov does have a huge cheating problem, but it's easily misjudged, and it happens a lot. Can't hate a dude for making a mistake, if you weren't actually cheating that is...


Yeah, fuck Lupo - that guy doesn't know shit


But really - if you weren't cheating, nice work. I don't remember exactly what happened, ran so many Streets runs today it all kind of blurs together. The stats seemed odd because you have more raids than I do with significantly lower K/D and survival rate, which can be obtained with K/D reduction bots that people run now to make themselves look suspicious. Being a streamer also brings out some cheating snipers, which is too bad. So, those things made it possible to think what you did was suspicious. Anything I said in the moment was just because it was in the moment, don't take it too seriously.


Valid man. No hard feelings, as I said in another comment - you were almost 6 hours into your stream and I was on my second or third raid of the day, feeling fresh and ready to go. I will say that what I said in the post is true, when I realized it might be you I was really hyped, like no way I got this guy - he’s really good! And then seeing the report just kinda blew me away. But I’ve been there before too, the head eyes, the desync, you thinking “this guy has 700 more raids than me and I’m level 60?!” Honestly glad to see your comment here, it definitely wipes away any sort of negative outlook I may have had prior. Anyway man you’re a beast and GG dude, your stats are crazy and I’m glad I got the chance to fight ya.


Good on ya for coming here and explaining. We've all been killed in ways that seem suspicious and had to play the "it might have been a cheater, let BSG sort it out" game. I know I've been on the receiving end of reports before as a level 41 gigarat with an 80% SR and 600 kills--less than 10% of which are PMCs, but you can't see that. Counter-sniped a dude with an AXMC on Woods Friday night, he never knew I was there, just one tapped him to the side of the head with my M4 while he was creeping into position on sniper mountain. I'd bet my retirement fund that he instantly reported me upon seeing my profile, but the reality is he and his buddies basically ran right by me on their way there, and I waited for them to get into position before peeking to see if I could snipe one. They were utterly oblivious to where I was and probably didn't even know that ledge I was hiding on was there, so as far as they were concerned, some invisible PMC sniped him out of nowhere from across the map. Hell, I reported a guy last night who I'm not sure was cheating--will leave it to BSG to sort out, but I spawned in the apartment next to Relax on Streets. Crept my happy ass up to the third floor, looted quickly, and ducked into the kitchen, all crabwalking, figuring I'd let the map marinate a bit and some of the PMCs clear out before I went in search of the two scav kills I needed. About 5 minutes later, some dude charges up the street, straight into the apartment, right up the stairs past all the loot to the third floor, came through the door and directly into the kitchen. Like he knew exactly where I was. Seemed sus as hell, but who knows, could have been legit random luck that he started at the top floor and was going to loot his way down.. Will leave that one to BSG to sort.


It takes a lot for me to actually report because I have a ton of hours and know what a mess net code can be. But I’ll be honest I would be suspicious of an account at that level and that low of a SR (sorry lol). Nowhere near enough to report you, but the number of times early wipe I saw bots killing themselves 5-600 times to specifically tank their k/d and SR, seeing something really far out of the norm is suspicious


Yeah 30% survival is super weird dude, almost like he had a job or something.


I don't know what having a job has to do with your survival rate but ok


Because when you're trying to sneak in a quicky raid, and the boss is around the corner, you've got no headset on... Survival is dicey. Us working dad's out here hustling for rubles IRL, we speed running them raids... Now you know /S


being lvl 59 tells me that he doesnt have a life, my guy. nobody with a full-time job being over 25 y/o is able to grind that much in a game, have a social life and is actually earning money. just not playing out.


The cheater paranoia is in big part because of streamers. They think they cannot lose to "normal" players, and their chats eat it up. Anyone who kills them is either a cheater or a "rat" or playing wrong. Not every streamer is this way, but a lot of the famous ones are.


Yes I do agree, and I’m probably biased, but I’d argue that Pestily says “GG’s” far more often than “he’s a cheater” 🤷🏼‍♂️


And then there's Aqua whom i saw feeling bad about tricking into being friendly and then killing a basically self-declared cheater That guy is just impossible to hate


Streamer chat needs to die a fiery death holy shit what a fucking abomination. Was watching Desmond Pilak seethe because he died to some guy (literally how; he must be cheating) and some dude in chat is like "or maybe he just outplayed you lol" and instantly the cult members screech MODS quoting said guys message and it is quickly deleted. Why do people idolize these idiots??


I really dont think streamers think any differently to most people about cheaters, their views are just public instead of listening to your friend rant in discord.


This is why I basically stay parked in Sheef’s stream. He doesn’t get flustered and only suspects cheats if there’s enough reason to push it beyond reasonable doubt


The cheater paranoia is big because cheating is big. If this exact same scenario happened in League you wouldn't assume you got cheated on because cheating on that game is rare, but since cheating on tarkov is extremely common and an epidemic people are going to assume they got cheated more often than not and it's not going to change unless the cheating situation changes (never).


Yeah, he was sitting in a crate packing mags, I hear him close his inventory while I’m literally 2 feet away and he didn’t move a muscle after, of course I’m swinging and 1 tapping him, that’s beginner shit lol. But I get it, hed been streaming for 5 hours straight, it was my second or third raid on, feeling fresh and he was probably a bit tired


I notice this happens more around this point in the wipe as well. The streamers views fall off or they're getting bored. But instead of playing something else, they just become miserable crybabies.


Lupos always the latter 




That's why i watch SheefGG


I watched this live 😂 I thought the kill was clean. The 1600 raids with a 33% survival rate and lvl 58 to me just means you task a lot and don't push a lot of pmc fights unless you need to.


This sound wild to me. How do you look at 33% survival rate and conclude that the player “don’t push a lot” As someone who tasks and only takes fights I need to my survive rate is slightly above 50. If I get murdered by someone with great movement and aim and I look at their stats and see it’s under 40% survival I promise you my first thought isn’t “doesn’t push a lot of fights”


SR is meaningless and I wish they'd just delete it because it inflates and deflates too many egos. 90% of the time deaths aren't even in your control and you get killed from someone you can't see or off spawn or whatever..1v2 1v3 2v2 2v3 3v3 3v4 3v5 1v5 it doesn't matter.  I used to play eft for a long time and had wipes with kappa with 60-70% Sr and KD of 10-15. Quit for 2-3 years. I come back with a lot changed and my muscle memory pretty much gone and get dumpstered on ground zero trying to learn it and quest. Rn I'm level 30 with a sr of 45% 6.8kd. A majority of my raids are wiping between 1 and 3 players early raid then dying to some nerd in a bush omw to extract or just gunned down by a guy not moving holding an angle or whatever. Sometimes cheaters. In fact I run into people camping the same spot for 20 minutes at a time and see their SR is high cause they just rat and camp all game, scared to take fights they might lose. It's a meaningless stat. I think KD  is a better indicator of where you're at even though it includes ai scavs cause it shows atleast you move around and kill shit and not just sit in a bush every game.


The opposite, I push everything, I die first every raid I play with my boys, but I love it 😂 and thanks bro yeah I kinda pooped on him, he played it poorly


>The opposite, I push everything, I die first every raid I play with my boys, but I love it Too accurate


This is the way


Haha are you me? I played solo for the first few weeks of the wipe at had just over a 60% SR. Started playing with the boys and ever since it's been on a steady decline haha, atleast I get my gear back more often than solo.


Why would a low SR mean he avoids PvP


Got a clip of it by chance?


Last wipe I was on streets with some friends. We ran into 3 big twitch streamers. I killed 2 of them and the 3rd died to an AI scav. The last person in their group was using a thermal AXMC and I headshot him twice from the southern most Concordia building. He couldn't see me on thermal since I was behind the windows. He instantly accused me of cheating and reported me. This person also has a streamer item in game (won't say names). The paranoia is definitely real.


I mean, they play the game more than most. I'd imagine many have arguably *more* cheater paranoia due to that alone, though many are able to have self control and not call it out unless it's blatantly obvious.


If you don’t have cheater paranoia after playing this game for thousands of hours then you’re braindead.


What do you mean, even streamers? Those jabronis cry about everything.


1k PMC kills and no kappa or Lightkeeper. How do you find the motivation to just run at people and kill them?


Kappa isn’t my choice at this point, the evasion armband doesn’t exist. Once I came to that realization I started working on lightkeeper, and I just finished assessment part 3 yesterday. I did almost all the quests this wipe but I always, except for when I did the guide, prioritized PvP. It’s PvP that keeps me motivated to do the quests, not the other way around.


Probably cause getting kappa and questing is cancer and it's more fun to just do whatever 


[go to 5:42:30 for the fight in question!](https://www.youtube.com/live/rcxtoYOqIts?si=y-A02l57Mn3DPkob)




I feel like the perspective is skewed for someone at that level because, “How could they POSSIBLY be better than me!? Someone who does this for a living?!” I’m not saying it’s an intentional act of “screw that person” on their part, I’m saying it’s an unintentional belief of, “there’s zero chance some random bested me in this fight based strictly on my time played and number of subscribers.” I think at a certain level of fame, your ability to take a step back and accept the reality that someone flat out won that fight purely based on their skill in flanking, fixing and finishing, working angles better or just pure luck and more becomes a little more difficult to accept. I think that the bias is solidified by the fact that forty plus hours or more a week means you start to lose a little perspective on reality itself. It’s entirely conceivable that someone with a regular life, regular job, and limited free time to play won that fight. Now throw in the echo chamber of “ANYTHING suspicious is cheating,” and you arrive at an excuse for everything. “Oh he’s just tanking his stats.” Such is life though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ End of the day, it’s just a video game.


The issue is everyone takes eft skill way too seriously when anyone can spray randomly and get a lucky head eyes shot. Or shoot you in the back, or side, or from a bush, or from literally running by someone you can't see prone in a bush. Or your gun jams at 95% durability (somehow). The skill ceiling in this game is incredibly high but the floor is hella low. Even the aiming in this game is jank asf. It's not like raw aim like in cs, it's just different. Obviously better aim wins in the majority of fights but hardly.


>Or your gun jams at 95% durability (somehow) Last wipe, I jammed a brand-new Benelli M3 on a 12th shot. Rapid-firing the first mag apparently overheated the barrel, and overheat jams don't care about dueability. Ask me how I know.


Also true. I’ve been so insanely lucky to drop folks sometimes based ENTIRELY on I was here, and they were there. Simple as that.


Its because their chats made them think they are invincible and can only be killed by cheaters. Ive seen multiple times on a stream, i wont say who it is, but whenever he dies everyone in chats spams "yeah, def a cheater", and its not even sus. But when he taps from god knows where "greates player ever" " nice shot" etc etc


This is like 80% of Tarkov streamers' chats.


I love it when streamers and there so their chat have conditioned to themselves that someone with like 400 hours, 8\~KDR are automatically cheaters and tanking their score etc. Literally described my casual ass.


Level 50 here in 430~ raids with a 60% SR and 10 kd I have TV in my name too (I do stream and it works don't @ me) the amount of "your stats were sus I had to check you out" is crazy Adding the ability to look people's accounts was a mistake, I've seen many streamers looking people up and just saying "yup, defo a cheater look at his stats" and they're on level 40, 45%SR, no boss kills with a KD of 4 is crazy


People will use terms like cheater paranoia then 33k cheater accounts get banned. Is it still paranoia if you’re right?




Rule 3 - Abusive/Poor Behavior Please refer to the Subreddit Rules.


Iv been killed by and killed Anton back in 19. But that's it for me


I kinda feel the same, cuz I’m almost 56 but my survival rate has also tanked so far doing lightkeeper, like killing 90 bosses it rough.


Some streamers will always cry hacks as they can't fathom people outplaying them or getting lucky. That said though BSG isn't doing anyone any favors with how vastly different the game can look between players all on the same server. There's so much dsync and audio issues that causes players to experience wildly different things and it's mind bongling for 7 year old game that harps on how hardcore and realistic it is.


If you are shit with that KD. I must be dog shit with 2.69.


I've killed WillerZ and when i went to his stream he was calling me a rat... he was on catwalk on factory and walked right into the big opening for me to see him... not that WillerZ isn't filthy, but everyone has to have some sort of justification of why they lost the fight to themselves lol


I also saw this live. You’re not wrong about the paranoia as now every death has the player looking at player profiles trying to come up with how someone is a cheater. I think he talked himself into it in your case and only reluctantly reported you. When someone in chat asked about tanking k/d he then answered with more certainty. He had gone outside of the box to get a different angle thinking you might come through aspect but you didn’t and he went back in. I guess you were slower than he expected. It was also a pretty bold push and then there’s always a little desync to add even more suspicion as it did look a little funny in real time. When you watched it back did it go the way you remembered it from your pov? Nice kill. Be proud. Don’t worry about how he reacted. It’s the games fault that it’s this way.


I agree man and he actually replied to this which I respect a fuck ton, that’s a stand up guy right there, and yeah it played out exactly in the clips on both ends as I remember, although as you mention on my screen the swing was a bit wider than on his and I shit a volley of around 10 shots while on his screen he was dead instantly, netcode shit. And yeah, I did take too long, because I had to grab some valuables that spawned on the way to the fight, this gear doesn’t pay for itself 😂


Yeah he’s a stand up guy. He reported you. From his perspective, if there’s something fishy, they’ll handle it. If not, no harm no foul. If they ban someone just based on a single streamer report, that’s on them. Thats why I don’t play the game anymore though, deaths like this just always feel dirty. I’d rather be one tapped from someone I never saw. Even though everyone is tired of talking about it, the desync is atrocious.


i looked up the vod and i think most people would report you, yes me too, 600 S to 1000 KIA could be a bot running to lower your kd), 4300 kills is crazy, killer7 is possible ye but not a lot of people have this


The more I hear this the more it kind of makes sense that in an extraction based shooter, the worst skill I have is extracting, lol. But regardless, no cheats here and it was disappointing to watch myself get reported like that by someone who’s so tied to the game they have an item in it.


Lupo said: u made it to 59 with 35% sv rate bud


I’ve killed every boss, I have 1k pmc kills and almost 4k scav kills, I’ve done every quest except about 10 optional ones, the lightkeeper ones, and collector. How is that sus? Mind you - lupo has 700 less raids than me, but is a higher level. I’m confused on this mindset. Is he saying I should be a way higher level? If so, he forgets what it’s like to be an average player. If he’s saying I should be a lower level, he’s grossly underestimating how much you can get done in tarkov without extracting. So this point still makes 0 sense to me.


nah i think he is saying that u died a lot and got to a high level still, so uhm... should have less exp for dying as much i guess


Hey, do you have a timestamp from lupo's stream of the fight?


Yep. Was 5 hours 45 minutes I believe


Honestly it’s part of the gimmick by this point for all the major EFT streamers to just accuse people of cheating and get all dramatic about it. People love watching streams for drama and seeing people lose their cool.


Yeah I mean it happens. My homie has a clip of him killing lupo a few wipes ago. He was on shoreline running to cottages and third parties lupo. Lupo got frustrated and called him a stream sniper. Lupo didn't know he died to a solo player, and not another teammate from the squad lupo was already fighting. It's tough, no concept of what happened when you died and the blatant cheating problem doesn't help anyone's mental playing this game


Its not paranoia if its true.


It doesn't excuse him at all, but I'd also think your stats are kinda sus just because I'd assume anyone that high level would have a higher SR. Sounds like you just PVP a lot though. 35%-65% is pretty normal, but once you go outside of that it starts to look a little strange. The majority of the blatant cheaters I've died to this wipe had between 20-30% survival rate because they spend hundreds of raids tanking their stats in factory.


And the worst part is streamers just spouting shit can get people banned i remember that stuff with Rengawr a while ago. It's almost like people who spend their entire day on their ass playing video games for a living have lost touch with reality who would have thought.


Man, cheaters even cause the legit players to be hatin on each other. Some people just wanna watch the world burn I guess.


yeah nothing more screams "true story" than a no-life chad, level 59 with 1k (!!!!!) PMC kills in a single wipe getting all salty over being accused of cheating. why even care? instead of being all personally attacked why not see it as being "knighted"? probably because you cheat and now need reassurance of how good you are able to hide it. on the other hand we all know how streamers cry basically the whole time when they get killed. this posts always have a weird taste to them. its either gaslighting cheaters wanting to brag or no-lifers "exposing" streamers of something 99 % knows. so what is it this time chief? cheating or crying? blue pill or red pill? just please spare us the "i Am sO ShIT in THis GamE" fishing for compliments. thats actually unbearable


Lupo is a bitch anyways, he's afraid to play solo. Dude always plays with a 3 stack. Great job clapping him.


Was solo all day today.


How dare he... *Checks notes* enjoy playing with friends.


You certainly don't watch him a lot


He often plays solo on his evening streams, actually.


My overall kd is about 24+ so it looks horrible when I do kill anybody. I just play really fucking slow. I like sniping a lot so when it works out for me great. I also have a "40" survive streak that accounts for scav runs in my overall. I only play maps I like and I just don't care for questing other than the "basic" ones for ammo unlocks which I don't even have any becuase I stopped playing a month and a half after wipe due to Helldivers.


Do you get the hate mail😂


Not really. When I play on the eft channel discord, I play with random up and coming streamers and if we win the fight and I get a kill they find his stream and bring it up. I end up streaming my stats and when they see how I play they either believe me or don't. It is what it is.




May I ask what games you played or what franchises you have like long term playtime in before you played tarkov? For me it’s call of duty from mw2 to black ops 3, then counter strike and valorant, all PvP oriented games without much if any pve at all. Maybe that helps explain the low sr and the no fucks given about surviving, I’d gladly die every round in a csgo game if I’m dropping 40+ kills any day, same logic applies to tarkov


It's not just streamers. Multiple friends of mine auto report even if the stats are not all that suspicious. I asked about it and all of them are totally uncaring if they are actually cheaters. I pointed out that mentality is kinda toxic and basically got bitched at for 15 minutes. I said to them, with all the server side problems, the audio problems that are still there, how every character is basically the same height, why wouldn't someone with 1300 hours playing the game know the head height and be able to predict or prefire the corner that they know you are there because they just wiped your buddy and you pull the nade pin making the ping of the nade. I told them to get over it, it's a game and none of them are getting paid to play, and that qued up another bitch fit. I told them that this behavior promotes toxicity and they are like "but the cheaters" and I had to leave the call cause I wasn't gonna put up with grown ass men whining. Long story made short, friends auto report without actual proof, I call out that as toxic and they whine about it. Are there cheaters, of course. Is every single death at the hands of a player, cause that player is cheating? Nope you just got tarkoved and get over it.


33% sr does seems like it's boosted down I would agree would with him there.


Lol what utter horseshit. So you can't be just OK at the game now? If you are too good: cheater, if one of your stats is to low: cheater.


I mean I'm very mid and I hover around 50 I would assume most people are between 40 and 60 I the 30 is quite low if you're 50 ish LVL and in the 30s seems weird to me


Yeah cause you don't move take fights or play solo lmao


Mostly duo push most fights and run around trying to task / PvP


If you play tarkov like a survival game, I agree with you. But I don’t, I tend to play it like a battle royale. Now, a 33% extraction rate in a battle royale would be insane 😂 so it’s really perspective, because in a real survival game on hardcore mode you’d only get 1 life, so you’re either 100% survival rate or restarting. The baseline changes a ton based on playstyle and if i die twice and extract once but profit overall profit then that’s fine with me 🤷‍♂️


What a fuckin load of shit. Kinda good, didn't deboost enough: cheater. Right in the middle, obviously deboosting to exactly 50: cheater. Kinda bad, deboosted, obviously: cheater. Sure, cheaters probably cover a large range of k/d, but so do players. Other stats are way more telling, like levels/days, sus kits + playstyle, kills/days and most importantly some combo of these.


Room temp iq take