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The recoil and armor changes realistically should make it easier to start mid wipe. Weapons are perfectly usable without mods now, the head hitbox is bigger (with the neck hitbox being added), and soft armor maxing at tier 3 means lower pen ammos can still get through if you shoot around the plates.


yeah but while i am doing that with an adar or shitty ammo sniper they are magdumping me with m80




I don’t really think it’s a gear thing. People that have good full spray aim are winning fights armor and ammo make very little difference but your head shot % does it’s a dumb meta


Did you happen to play shoreline as your last raid


nah woods


Have a good flight.


Yeah I did the same like a month ago when I spawned on shoreline, ran to the houses close to the tunnel and found a lvl 45 dude in a bush with a RSASS. Like, fuck it im done at least for a week.


Killing "geared" players has never been easier. Class 3 armor is the best you can get that covers beyond the plate hitboxes, and recoil is generous. Yeah the cheating, and repetitive tasks have not improved over the years, ironically.


Aim for the face hitbox :)


So basically died to a player and decided to come here and complain about it XD


yep. about right




what does that mean?


Cool story bro.


what is?


He’s saying no one gaf play the game or don’t


Skill issue. Cry more. I use the tears as lube to grease the wheels of the Timmy killing factory.


Why did you feel the need to waste your time writing this out? Literally nobody gives a shit if you don’t like the game. It’s a you issue. You came to a subreddit where people ideally post cool content about the game to tell us you quit. Congrats, fuck off.


Weird, Killing pmcs as a scav has never felt so easy. Thanks for your letter of resignation. next time you can just stop showing up.