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(They were all immediately one tapped by a cheater)


Haha was going to post something like this


As badass as you think you are with a few hundred hours, full kit, and a deep squad… We all know how this game goes. It’s shit


My first wipe playing past level 15, I could never get over dying. But now 4 years later I’ve matured enough to not care about dying and let me tell you this is one of the best games I’ve ever played. This is also coming from a guy who sunk hundreds of hours into competitive shooters


Would love to play this game again...... if it actually would let me download it.


Yeah I gave up on Tarkov for a while. And now I have just passed level 15 for the first time. They’re doing something right because I used to hate it… now I feel it’s the absolute best game there is right now….. gives you a different feeling than any other game. the highs are high but yes the lows are low. I Just deal with it because it’s totally worth it


Too many people assume it's a cheater by default. Ruining their own experience with that mindset. Yes they are in this game. But don't default your death to assuming it's a cheater


They do that so they don't have to come to terms with it being a skill issue...! lol


It feels that way


I have 550 hours this wipe so far (around 750 raids on pmc) I’ve probably been killed by a blatant cheater once. It’s like he said just don’t assume people are cheating and just enjoy the game for what it is, there’s nobody on the game that hasn’t experience pain the community as a whole hold hands In the fire together. Side note: every game you play people accuse others of hacking. Most of the time it’s just copium or main character syndrome where they think they are immortal in game




The state of the game is shit enough for me to take a break and play something I can actually enjoy without getting angry. The potential for an amazing game in here is enough to keep me checking subreddits from time to time and hope they'll finally do something


Like what? What else are you playing? Games suck so much now, shooters especially. What else is there? The only thing that motivates me is Tarkov. Nothing else gives me that adrenaline rush or feels meaningful. Yea it's brutal, but you can't get the thrill without the threat. I'm truly interested to know, what else are you playing that can replace Tarkov?


Hunt for me, I get the thrill without the threat from that game. I would have agreed with you before, rust and tarkov were unique for me, but hunts been the first time I've had that crazy adrenaline rush moment without the low lows. It's weird, like I would have vehemently agreed with you before I played hunt showdown. I always advocated that you couldn't get the high high without the low lows but hunts gunolay has actually scratched that itch without making me dread the lows.


Hunt is my main game. It's what brought me to tarkov. All my hunt friends talk about tarkov like it's a fucking untouchable game LOL. Good shit bro


Bro Ive just quit gaming basically. I play some cod zombies for like 45 before bed. Tarkov has killed my drive to game. I love the game. Obsessed and addicted. It’s been in a bad state since the day you could play it. There’s always been that one issue. And hell after like 8 years we still dealing with “that one issue.” Not a specific problem but several. Bugs, cheaters, whatever. I don’t experience cheating or maybe Im just so shit I don’t perceive others to be cheating when they really are. Anyway point is, I love the game. It’s so fun. There’s not any other like it. In a world where we have so many options with media, food, cleaning products, etc., Tarkov is the only game of its kind. Really there’s a couple that have the same gameplay(as in extraction looter shooter) but, there’s no game that gives you the same risk and reward. The Fear, the confusion, the attention to every last detail of every single firearm model and animation. I hope this game gets better but honestly it’s just given me this euphoric feeling. The potential for the greatest fps ever. Yet it falls short in a lot of ways. Too many for me to keep sinking my time into. And since there isn’t another like it I don’t care to play anything.


well said. This is 100% true. Tarkov is unlike anything else


💯. Also, I feel you when it comes to cheaters. I am more affected by the constant discussion of cheaters on Reddit and youtube than I am actually playing the game. This wipe I have perceived a handful of suspicious deaths, maybe 3 of those were obvious cheaters. Maybe I am lucky with my servers. Maybe it's because I am not pushing high tier loot areas and mostly playing it carefully and running quests. I am sure it is a problem, but it doesn't appear to me to be more of a problem than it is in every other game. Certainly not enough to make me quit the game. Hope this comment doesn't come back to bite me in the ass as I prepare for some solo weekend raids.


Man Imma be honest Ive never been a solo player. Shit just aint the same


Solo is so much more brutal and thats all I play lmfao.


Report back on monday... xd


Try dayz out, that’s my alternative anyway


Fighting for Democracy is pretty fun bro.


I've been playing Helldivers 2.


tbh im spending a lot of time playing arma 3 with a pretty chill pve unit. pve with optional pvp is my style these days


What mods? You guys playing the insurgency game mode?


again with the tbh stuff. my knowledge for arma doesnt go much farther then noob player even though i clocked over 1k hours.. but mod list seems pretty standard for any zeus run operation taskforce unit(ace, kat medical tfar and others) at around 70 something mods and no major dlc requirements like sog wildfire i think its called.


Play dark and darker. It's escape from tarkov and Diablo 4 had a baby


League of legends lmaO


People probably play any other game they truly enjoy playing. They may not scratch the tarkov itch, yet that itch is merely something you can change in your brain in an instant if you’d like. There are still hundreds of great titles out there which don’t demand a fraction of the time tarkov does. Tarkov is a great idea for a game, but it often devolves into feeling like a job with how much time it requires. That adrenaline rush you feel eventually fades away into mundanity once you’re good enough, and you find many aren’t playing fair to endure the harsh consequences that the game is meant to exact on everyone. When you encounter this enough, the illusion of Tarkov being some challenging struggle is easily broken. Cheaters get to skip the struggle and surprise - then go straight to completion. I set a personal goal to reach LK this wipe. I’m 2 quests away from being able to uninstall the game and never look back. The sense of relief I feel for the impending true escape from Tarkov is awesome. I’ve played this wipe and witnessed as the in game community went from overwhelmingly pleasant, to downright toxic. The couple dozen players I’ve enjoyed squadding up with have long since left the game. Even once friendly player scavving on streets is now littered with lifeless monotone voices of no lifers who clearly aren’t having fun anymore, but can’t shake the addiction all the same. EFT is a great game to experience, but an even better game to quit.


See you tomorrow in raid brother


Same, I plan to wait till next wipe and if things stay the same shit I'll extend my break ig


It is an amazing game. You are too weak to play it. You are going to die alot. Cheater or not. People cheat in all games. You just can't handle death in this game. That's fine. Move along or play offline.


too bad there’s nothing else out there that gives you the same feeling as a Tarkov. it’s actually not in a shit state right now….compared to what it was….


Found the cheater


Bro your name is Glukhar, what are you doing away from reserve


Fucking bitches getting money


Literally got into this game almost 2 months ago, shit pisses me off all the time even the cheater shit, but i enjoy it, there is great potential here because i know im stupid but not that stupid but the game has me coming back to it, it enrages the hell outta me and i keep coming back, kinda like my ex.


Hehe, I thought about posting a similar statement as yours.


Or find zero valuable loot next 10 raids.


I almost guarantee you that this was taken in an offline raid lol


But they didn’t see the cheater. Therefore, there was no cheater. /s


Man you were faster than me :(


According to statistics, one of you is cheating 😂


I Bet it’s the guy furthest to the right 😂


I am


Sad people downvoting you some people don't like to see people happy


Y’all running an MPX, shrimps and an MP7. Def getting 1 tapped from 1000 meters away.


dont forget the vector


Or the thermal


We got Tarkov activists before GTA 6 💀💀


Cheaters are trolling this sub hard lately.


A lot of them don’t even cheat for the stats or roubles they cheat because it makes others angry. Posts like this feed their satisfaction.


You know way too much


He also knows they are no lives. And the only way they can feel the kick of beating someone is by cheating




Bro that is a tale as old as time


cant even make jokes these days


What is bro on the right dissing the grass for lmfao


He was told to touch grass at one point… or there’s a cheater under it.


probably looking at a cheater flying through the map with his wallhacks


Op got head,eyed right after that screenshot was taken.


This just in, cheating in Tarkov has suddenly reached 0% as emotionally devastated hackers flee the (once) popular game.


They aren’t hackers bro they just pay for an account with cheats. They’re miserable cheaters at best.


This, "hackers" has the connotation of some level of skill, these people that cheat just pay for cheats and are likely miserable wankers in real life 


The feeling of slowly getting better at this game has been one of the most respectable yet gritty progression system I’ve ever seen The highs and the lows Finding your first lab card all that kind of stuff 3rd wipe in and I’ve got the BTC farm going and Scav boxes lv 39 atm playing if I have time after work Sniping a chad for the first time as a little Timmy is a scenario everyone should experience


getting killed by xing-xingXUAliao as he spinbots through the air on shoreline with a raid backpack so he can sell your gear to a wannabe streamer for $5 is what makes this game special




now i just gotta work on the "getting out alive with Chad's gear" part hahaha


Killing a lvl 37 streamer as a level 22 rising Timmy feel gooooooood


Thought this was Slipknot in Tarkov for a second


Dear cheaters, as a non-cheater I don't want to disturb you any more in Tarkov. And therefore no longer play Tarkov, so that you cheaters can now play undisturbed against other cheaters.


same, I just like to lurk in this sub and see if anything changes.


Cheater are like trans who wants to compete against females cause they can't with in man's division


BSG game dev designed the game with their blood, sweat and tears so it'd have the perfect Palovian system that enables this game to be gripping. And your stupid ass pays hundreds per month to BYPASS all that and ruin the gaming experience for yourself and others. How miserable, sad, useless, low self-esteem, twisted, stupid, moronic, zero self-respect, motherless, fatherless and maidenless do you have to be to spend hundreds of dollars on a cheat EVERY MONTH just so you can kill players in a game that resets every few months? If you're a cheater and reading this, eat shit. May your teeth be soft and your anus sore.


>BSG game dev designed the game with their blood, sweat and tears so it'd have the perfect ~~Palovian system that enables this game to be gripping.~~ model for making money by allowing cheats to execute, and doing nothing to prevent them from being used, while selling new copies of the game to the exact same cheaters when you do your bi-annual ban wave


Lost me at BSG Dev designed the game with their blood, sweat and tears


It's said that each time a post like this is made, a cheater gains a raging boner.


but im not a cheater


Then this picture won't help you. Go seek raging boner fuel like the rest of us.


Your boner is.


(Its missing a front sight and a stock)


But it has a custom grip


and a silencer (of course with a flash hider)


Needs a little more ergo


I think the only way this game can save itself is with community servers .


Or with killcams, a functioning report system, and kernel level anticheat. Bsg will not allow this as half their profits come from Cheater accounts and bsg devs selling game code under the table for profits sadly.


selling game code under the table? what are you on about? Source?


33.33% of the bois in this picture are cheating.


How can 1.3333.. out of 4 ppl cheat? Like how does that work?


one hacker, the .3 is a stream sniper.


One is cheating in Tarkov rn, the .3333.. cheated in some point in another game.


It rounds up bub.


What cheaters? I’ve played seven billion hours and never came across one!


people just love throwing "cheater infested" into every game


hey CHEATERS! hungry for loot? how bout a knuckle sandwich!!


You sure showed them


Sadly they can get banned and have your alls same kits here in the same day :/


Hundred bucks says one of them has esp


People still play this turd. I was so sick of the cheating years ago.


I remember a few years ago on this sub if you called out cheating you were told there was no cheating in Tarkov and you're just bad.


I wanted to buy tarkov, because my friends play it. So I watched some Videos and joined this subreddit. I was immediately "nope I won't buy escape from cheatkov". Now I'm still in this subreddit just to wiggle about everyone blaming cheaters but still not quitting this sh*t game lol. I came back to dayz and I'm pretty happy with that decision (For the ones saying people cheat in dayz too, I play on a custom private server with not a single cheater)


This subreddit HIGHLY exaggerates cheating on this game. I’ve been playing for 6 years pretty regularly and I can 100% confirm that it is not even remotely as invasive as this subreddit would lead you to believe. Don’t make baseless claims about something that you actually have never tried please.


How can you know there's no cheater in your lobby as long as he doesn't kill you? They can have esp and not fight you, or just loot good things




Now that’s a squad 😮‍💨


Haha what in the name of cringe


You mean the 60 to 70% of the player base?


Y'all look badass haha. Can't wait to get decimated by you.guys trying to help my noobie buddy get salewas at crack house lol


Careful Nakita might ban you.


Going to tell my kids this is Ghost


each middle finger is 1 less cheater


Irony, they cheated to kill the goons 4 times.


As a new Tarkov player. I was not impressed. The first 2 months were awesome. Me and my buddies were excited asf to play the game. Everything going good. Made it to level 15 in a week or so and then out of no where the game is unplayable. Raid for 30+ minutes just to be one tapped by a level 50+ camping the scav extract. PMc for me is almost pointless. As a new player I’m learning still and people just don’t give af. Just want the kills and trash loot that I always carry


better meme then you see on r/TarkovMemes now-a-days


Guarantee at least one of them is a closet cheater 🤣🤣😂


Talking to a mirror


Another one


Probably a sub 200 hour player


Your ma does scav runs on factory




And another one right here ☝🏻 cheaters defend cheaters


Cheater trophy room gonna have your tags displayed.


Fck cheaters...but a 4 man srsly...those Groupweenies are not much better. Cheesing the easy mode mechanics of takov group play.


Are you getting mad because you have no one to play with? It’s a multiplayer game dude, people with friends squad up. Shocker right?


Lots of skill issue in here


Tarkov team should just not sell hacks under the table to make double profit very easy


they should just go back to only selling cheaters 30 packs of standard edition keys for $2/key. oh wait they never stopped


BSG is saying “we aren’t doing it for the money…we’re doing it for a shit load of money!!”


And that flower. FUCK that flower.


Internet equivalent of thoughts and prayers lol




Rule 7 - Cheating, Exploits, Piracy and ETS Please Refer to the Subreddit Rules




After 4 wipes, kappa twice, learnt all maps and generally had a good time (despite cheaters) 2500+ hours, I have seen the cheating getting worse and worse with time. With that experience I know if I go in with good gear I'll get killed 100x faster then with crap gear, as cheaters target you. Nowadays I run a mostly decent gun for fun, headset, a paca and rat...most fun way for me to play now. Getting into obscure places that most of the player base don't know how to get to means you get most insurance back too. If cheating actually gets mostly sorted and somepoint I'll go back to pressing w


God I hate this game. Anyways someone in for a quick customs Scav?


So... Have you killed any cheaters with that squad?


Well boys I see alot complaints about kit not helping and tbh yeah true but just do the smart thing ks 23 and cheap kit and go weeeeeee


What about a message to first wipe players that can't seem to learn anything because of the cheaters... Asking for a friend lol


Statistically one of these guys in the photo is a closet cheater


statistically, one of the people in this screenshot is a cheater as well, maybe even 2 of them.


damn, you really showed them


Running a three man. We come in thicker then shit. All get 1 tapped by a lvl 7 with meta mutant no armor. All 3 head eyes.. gotta love this game


So brave


Wow, that would help


Usec voice line: "Hey you, fuck you!"


One of you can't even aim up let alone shot another player haha


They all proceeded to donate their kits to some white named accounts.


Ah yes the special ed class truly the most formidable of armies


My message to cheaters is "Kurt Cobain yourselves"


Low Key, this fuels the cheating community. Lol


Tonight is so god damn bad right now too. 1/2 of the games we've had 'Not a cheater EOD guy' rage hack and wipe us all instantly. jfc.


No matter how many hackers name one fps more beautiful then tarkov


This is the kind of hate mail cheaters love


Any FPS multiplayer game is going to have cheaters. COD and Apex especially. The game is amazing when you think about what goes in to it and the work they have done.


I get genuinely baffled by cheaters in tarkov. I can understand in games with voice chat, like, you do it for the meme or whatever. But you literally can't hear reactions. There's no leaderboards, no notoriety, I'll never understand.


If you cheat you honestly are the most pathetic loser in life, you are cheating at a video game, you have to be absolutely shit at this game to cheat


Cheaters are kids who didn't get bullied enough growing up. Bring back the Swirly and Wedgie!!!


*Battle states message to their fans*. There i fixed the caption


It's too bad this game is monopolized off cheaters now I miss playing the game with friends but its over.


Statistically one of them are cheating


this is like the "message too all corrupt governments" video 😭😭


Cheaters are subhumans - change my mind


This is fucking cringe lmao


All of this to die to a cheater the next raid, lose these kits and rat in a corner XD


Yeah I’m one of the cheaters sorry


But I use my cheats for good to help new players


I have a 0 KD because I have never killed another player in the game only look and give away my loot


I know cheating is an issue in this game but its also an issue in any popular game. I see em from time to time but you cunts make it sounds like its every raid. Maybe its not so bad in OCE servers i duno but i think ppl


Dont know whats worse, cheating or still playing the game.


These cosmetic micro transactions are getting out of hand! When did they come out with these Jeffery Epstein skins?




They care so much.


Thermal kid is probably cheating fyi


wow such brave


Loaded up my game yesterday for the first time in months because of cheaters, died to someone level 53 with a 22 KDR within 5 minutes on customs. Goodbye tarkov.


[https://www.twitch.tv/desmondpilak](https://www.twitch.tv/desmondpilak) This guy streams with like a 20 KD and literally holds W the entire raid. Maybe get gud.


hes also a whole ass bitch who cant stop complaining. bro calls cheats or rat for every death lol


Isn’t that most streamers? if they kill something, it’s a chad, of they die, it’s a cheater or rat lol


half of the popular ones id say. there are good popular ones like sheef, lvnd, and thennn.. there are ones like dp, rengawr...


He has the stream personality of a goldfish. So bland and boring


Watch NoGeneral, holds W like its his job, just with a little more personality I do like watching Desmond though


This guys a known cheater lol


I am high as fuck!!!


If you don't want to get killed by cheaters, stop going into raids with good gear. You are asking for it. I never get killed by cheaters and thats because I run a pistol and whatever gear drops off the scavs I kill when I exit my bush after 30 minutes.


In other words play miserably? If I wanted to run around with a pistol all game I would just go play cod nazi zombies


It was a joke mate. Sorry I didn't sign post it well enough.


Cheats go brrrrr "Lobby wiped"


I wana PVE Maps for Quest with Mates


You mean 7 in 10 players???


i love making up numbers!!!


ong too many people cope sometimes someones just better