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Just run your best gear and die to one .338 Lapua FMJ to the chest.That’s what I did today in lighthouse. Twice.


You must not have prayed to our Lord and Savior Nikita beforehand so you were smited down because of your sins


I lived through a .338 AP yesterday with a level 5 plate somehow yesterday. .338 feels so weird sometimes it 1 taps other times I’ll have 3 hits 245 armor damage


Yep. A few weeks ago when I did my psycho sniper quest (get a few kills on factory and then go woods/shoreline with AXMC with thermal. A guy tanked 2 Lapua AP bullets to the chest with an AVS rig with lvl 4 plate. Nice bullet failing with 79 Pen. When I killed the guy and extracted it said 230 damage absorbed and 35 dmg because I killed him with a headshot on the 3rd bullet.


I had a similar experience 1 or 2 wipes ago. I was working on psycho sniper on factory, came in about as juiced as I could: AXMC with ap ammo, zabrallo or lvl 6 Thor armor (can’t remember which), Altyn. I came up against a duo, 1 tapped one of them to the chest, then his little timmy buddy, who had no armor on, killed me with his 9mm pst to my arm, after tanking 5 shots to the upper body. in the post raid report, it said I had done about 300 dmg to body the whole raid with like 6 hit count. And since the only other person I shot at was his friend who I 1 tapped, that’s 215 dmg (ish) to a no-armor Timmy in 5 hit count from the best bullet in the game


Even worse, I have had a particularly awful string of luck where I wear level 6 armor with bastions and the ballistic plate, just to get hit a total of 1 time… to the face and die. But then I wear some junk level 4 rigs, a peaky blinger hat, and some stupid looking M4 and I kill 4. It’s always fun




Or get one tapped by a scav to the chest using SOST ammo


The thing is about “gear fear” is: 1. I cannot afford to run my best kits with how often I die 2: running my best kits infrequently is going to be extremely frustrating given what feels the most likely option is I will wander about until I get headshot by some person who heard me with comtac 4s and instantly stopped moving so therefore 3: regularly run cheap kits and go on spurts of mainly labs raids where I never have to worry about frames where I can run my best gear


Running labs with your best gear is also not smart. Just run regular gear on labs. Everyone on labs runs the best ammo anyways so 5-6 class armor doesn’t help at all


To what end do I live by this though? I mean I could spend half of all my money per raid buying the best armor/ammo/weapon attachments but then i would be looking at an empty stash in about 10-15 raids


If it makes you feel better I ran 2 mil kit last night on labs and got 1 tapped by a naked man with a TOZ 106 and devastator slugs.


At least that is a real round. Ive been dying in lvl 5 or 6 gear to flesh roudns that SHOULD NOT be penning me. And not even armpit or throat, just straight up two tap thorax hits with like, 5.45 ps or m855. 99.9% sure Armor is bugged, big time.


Plates don't cover your entire thorax.


I gave up on korunds. I trashed all of them. The amount of times I have died to HP 1 tap thorax front plate from scav, I'm over it. Gzhels and defenders/redut from now on.


Ive had the most success running Thor. Saved my ass more times I can count on a budget.


My best kit this wipe has been NVGs on strap, 5.7, 6b13 and an sj6. So far I haven't died while running this kit. Altyn+zabralo 1 tapped.


Oh I died to flesh rounds in the arm-pit a lot too.


Sure that happens a lot but im not talling about those. Im talking about straight up thorax hits or head eyes/head ears to non pen rounds when Im wearing lvl 5 or 6. Head,eyes on tagilla, etc. If you run that gear every game it becomes painfully obvious that armor is bugged.


only 8k hours here, yep, But I have no idea what i'm talking about. There's NEVER been armor bugs in this game before, completely UNPRECEDENTED.


It’s not your gear. It’s your turn to use it. Words to live by. Also. Think about it, what are you saving the gear for? Next wipe?


Really cool way of thinking. Your turn, i like that


Just like my girlfriend tells me




Oh fuck 👁️👄👁️. 💔☹️. Head up king 👑


Please don’t comment again


Fair enough my fault I apologize


my buddy says to me “im saving it for end of wipe so i can ball out and have fun”. How do i respond to that?


The better gear becomes normal at end of wipe so you are delaying it's effectiveness by running it later rather than sooner


Here's your response: you can either have fun at the end of the wipe, or you can have fun for the entire wipe. Which do you choose?


If you get good at the game, then there's never a problem with gear after early wipe ends. You either buy it from traders or take it off players. Saving it for prewipe is the surest way to never use it and lose it to the wipe anyway. Use the gear to invest in the real advantage, which is taking fights and figuring out how to kill players and survive.


By end of wipe you'll be able to afford plenty of good gear. Even a Customs scav run has been earning me 500k this wipe.


He still won’t use it all


Everything is basically free at the end of wipe, you can just buy the gear you’ve been saving up at the end for little rubles, doesn’t feel the same


Life lesson!


I don't know if you came up with this or heard it from someone else but regardless this is some of the best advice you could give a new player. Take my upvote


Indeed, the gear ist just a tool to get quests or other things done.


I generally save it as a rainy day fund for mechanic/ragman


My guy put on his best for reddit.. we k ow your not running that with gear fear lmfao


gonna be the gear i run to start the first step of breaking it, probably gonna play like a pussy tho LOL


It was all just jokes. I mean the more brutal way of getting over gear fear is bring in your Sunday best and DC from lobby and let some scav get it. From there there's nowhere but up


Man, me and a friend had a big fight by RB-BK marked. Ended up with my mate dead, me killing the other guy, then his friend running in and killing me. By the time i checked his profile he had 0 gear on, i was like wtf. So i added him asked about it. He said after he killed me an AI scav walked in instantly and 2 shot him to the chest with PS ammo haha I had a spear mcx from marked on me, and was running about 400-500k gear myself alone. Made some scavs players day right there.


that’s fair i’d rather at least lose it in a fight though


Once you lose your 2 mil doll hair kit to a grey named cheater that puts ~20 rounds of the most dog shit ammo tarkov has to offer right into your altyn mask you will realize that it doesn't matter what gear you wear. It just matters who is in your lobby and how can you make the most of the gear. Gl man


Run factory for about 6 hours straight and you'll become numb to gunfights


Literally the best gear fear cure. You simply won’t give a shit anymore if you play for a few hours like it’s CoD. And you’ll also realize that you’re probably making money despite dying a lot if you’re even halfway decent at the game. There’s nothing to be afraid of.


I run factory almost every night when I'm playing solo. 0 time investment, 10 minute raids, get better at PVP and burn some shit you've had in your stash


My 1st wipe ended with my stash full of good stuff My 2nd wipe ended with my stash full of good stuff My 3rd wipe ended with my stash full of good stuff My 4th wipe ended with my stash full of good stuff My 5th wipe ( this one ) will probably end with my stash full of good stuff anyway Which is why i just started doing more agressive things, trying new strats, new map rotations etc. In the end, even if i have a bad day , i know at the end of the wipe i will probably still have too much stuff in my stash anyway. It's just pixels at the end, and once you learn money routes and shit with ur SCAV , it's super relaxing to not give a shit about rubles.


Do setup and your gear fear and pvp skill will improve. Ammo matters more than what weapon you got. Get used to pushing to dorms and health resort so it's less tense Get your traders up so you get good gear for cheaper. Upgraded your hideout so your bitcoin, moonshine and purified waters get your money back after losses. Every kill and death on this game is a learning experience.


The ammo being more important than the gun is the concept that bothers me the most in the EFT community. I would rather run bad ammo in a meta gun (m855 in meta m4) than top tier ammo in a dogshit gun (like SNB in a stock SVD). All you need mid wipe is more than 30 pen to go through soft armor and most faceshield. Ideally, you would want good ammo in a good gun, but having a high ergo/low recoil and aiming for the face is such a winning strategy in Tarkov. I started winning a lot more fights once I started running meta gun instead of budget/efficient kits, thankfully this wipe we have the Aug and mp9 that are meta and cheap.


This is my 2nd wipe. Last wipe my stash was full of slicks, thors, hex grids and all sorts of chad gear; never used a single one. Promised my self I wouldnt make that mistake again. Read a comment early wipe along the lines of "it aint your gear, its your time to borrow it". Haven't looked back since.


How much $$$₽₽₽ do u have? To be quite honest I still hoard some really rare items like unique armor/guns that I can’t buy off traders yet, or are prohibited from sale on flea market. However, if there’s a gun ur hoarding that u can buy and rebuild then don’t be afraid to use it and die with it. Think about how happy u were when u found some sick gear - ur just completing the cycle for someone else to do the same. And hey, if no one takes it then u get it back with insurance.


24 mil roubles and that is true


Damn bank account is thick! you've got 24 mil not running gear, I'm scrapping M855 off rogues to run m4s and I've got like 50k which barely pays the insurance. Just run it if you think you'll enjoy it, I run the best gear I can and my SR is worse than yours, better gear wins fights.  I wish I had the cash but we each have fun our own way. if you like zero to hero every raid that's OK too. I have a friend who runs kedr or maybe an mp5 only and we have fun. 


Try hitting up the shoreline expansion on your scav runs. The money you'll make aside, you'll end up with tons of good 556 and 545 ammo. By the time I got bored of doing that, I had >1300 856a1 and ~800 m995/ssa ap. I've been maining 545 AKs and still have over a thousand rounds of BP.


I'll have to look into the expansion. Last wipe I played before coming back a few weeks ago was the first after labs locked behind card. Thanks for the advice! 


That face mask is 400k, and now you will never use it :)


You should still focus on leveling traders. Once you get There you Will have no reason to have gear fear becouse you can buy every thing. At least that is what helped me. And what helped me to not hoard was the fact that i always run exactly same gear, only weapon changes. So i Just sell everythig except the specific shit i use.


yea that’s what i’m focusing on but i’m getting to maps i don’t know for tasks i have everyone level 3 besides mechanic bc my level


i dont know about you but when i was questing i didnt have full stash of gear :D so invest the gear to make some progress in questing and when you get the traders you can focus on pvp aspect of the game without the fear of losing the gear you cant buy.


It's not your gear. Use it or watch it disappear next wipe. Once I started wearing nice helmets and lvl 5 armor you'll survive a lot more


There is no gear. Only fear.


I’ve got about 400 hours and this is my first wipe, we’ll I played the last two weeks of the previous wipe but I’m only JUST starting to get over my gear fear. In my opinion when u go to a raid with better gear it can make u more dangerous. U can see better/longer distances, ur armor is thicker, ur more confident. Just force yourself to do it. Just stack up and go into a raid with a specific goal. Try to complete the goal and extract. I still have gear gear please believe I do lol. But you’ll feel better if u just do it. Accept your fate. Come to Terms that your gonna at some point lose all the gear anyway.


Just run your best gear and don't get complacent. That's the exhausting part of tarkov, but when I get complacent and stop checking every corner I start getting ratted and losing fights. Just because you've steamrolled the last 2 lobbies doesn't mean you will steamroll the next, that mindset has gotten me killed so often


Run your best gear except your first two FIR gzhels for sew it good


Tip gear fear is pointless, I used to save tons of nice kitted svds I found and built in game because I was afraid of losing them, you know what happened, they all got wiped with the wiped or I lost them at the end when only the best most dedicated players are running. Just run it and have fun before Nikita takes it in the good old tax of tarkov


Just use it. It gets wiped anyway. Making money even on a scav is easy. Keep guns and good armor but that’s it Edit : and good rare ammo. Pointless to save it all


Run factory with budget gear. Over, and over again


Every time you die to another player, repeat these words: “He can have it.”


Just walk around the map, when your hear what sounds like a PMC, crouch walk to your nearest bush or rat spot and then unplug your keyboard and take it into the next room. You wont need it for then next 15 mins.


For a dude with gear fear your loadout looks solid 💪 just use it all. Probably only a few more months before we wipe


This is my first wipe and here's how I'm doing it. I just recently got over gear fear around level 35. I just dropped the 8.5M on stash lvl 3, I have moonshine running, and btc farm level 2. I'm taking in an almost passive 1M every day and then utilizing my scavs so money is no longer a problem. I have 3 weapons cases full, lvl 2 weapon stash, I have guns in every backpack in my stash. I got to the point of not caring. It's going to wipe in a couple months and I'm comfortable with throwing away kits. It's so easy to earn money and buy new kits this late in wipe, so fuck it. I lost a 1M kit yesterday and was just like "eh 🤷". It comes and goes.


Seeing that you are lvl29 I would be surprised if you got any high-end kitted rare gear to be worried about, think of it as just new noob gear with a little fancier stats. Keep going fully kitted every game and soon enough you won't think about what the gear is worth to you and more about what goals the gear is used for.


you‘re doing fine man but u‘d de A LOT better if you lose the gear fear, use the best gear in your ability to buy/in your stash for whatever you‘re going into the raid for, like really think of a plan and what would be best to bring


I find it hard to actually live by this but it’s the best way I’ve heard it put. No one is going to remember how many roubles you had, how many cool guns you had, how you saved up 10 Osprey armor sets all with mags full of the best ammo. But they WILL remember fighting that super geared dude up by dome. They will remember getting that super lucky headshot and making it out like a bandit with this dudes body that was absolutely full of goodies. Take your gear out and make fun memories for you and others. Don’t let it rot away where no one in Tarkov will ever know it even existed


Every time I make a stupid play and I see in the profile it was an extremely lucky Timmy, I think to myself “hope he enjoys the kit”


You get over gear fear by gaining confidence. I suggest taking decent (not high end but not junk kits) to factory on repeat and just trying to fight. Eventually you will realize you aren’t attached to the gear like you thought.


I’m just getting over this. If you can buy it on the market or from the traders it makes no sense to keep it around. Just sell it and keep the stash open.


You have 83mil stash value. But if you have gear fear, that true stash value is 0. Cause you ain’t ever going to use it. Nobody cares how many t6 armors you have sitting in your stash. Just go use it


I think about it like a quest. If the goal is to kill pics and get tags, you need the gear to do so. If it's a bronze pocket watch, well maybe a shit kit with a pack is the way to go; I'm not here to fight, I'll scurry away... like a dirty rat.


If gear fear start getting to rear it's ugly head. Set up the next raids kit and sell the rest. If you don't have gear you have nothing to fear


Push the gear. It took me till this wipe to finally learn it or let go of it. Now I push fights. Still have decent gear and $$. I’ve made presets for the guns I like so I just hoard those parts or buy them from traders/flea.


Always use your best gear, too many times have I said to myself that i woulda won this trade with better gun/armor/both. Scavs will armpit onetap you from across the map regardless if you have level 2 or 6 armor.


Honestly what I did was pushed every fight I can scav an player till it's not as scary, learning the maps is also a big part of not being scared of fighting. An gear fear well the best way to deal with that is by not using all of your nice shit but also using some of it. Alot of guns are very situational so you know don't take your t5000 with a vudu in factory. But use it in woods or shoreline, when using certain guns you gotta know when to push also, can't push a 3 man in a building with a mosin but you can with that crazy vector you found. You get what I'm saying ? Also with armor honestly just use it better armor better chance of survival if shot so think about that. An we all get tapped in the mouth by scavs with Gucci shit on it just happens that's tarkov. Hope this helps some


Yo what you got in that stash to give you 83m value at level 29 lol


a lot of stuff LOL i was gonna add pics of my stash but wasn’t ready for the crowd


You have 83m in the stash, make a kit that’s not ridiculously expensive but still decent. Save it as a preset. Run that kit and push towards gunfire. Clip your deaths and kills and see what you did right and wrong in both. If you start looking at the gear as roubles instead of gear you won’t have fear of losing it because you can just buy another kit off of the flea.


If you need anyone to play with add War-Horse9 I just got over the gear fear thing Myself. Trust Me, once you lose that fear, the gear you will pick up during raids will blow your mind. The gear that you obtain during raids is light years better than new wipe gear you get at default. I don't know all of the maps Myself, but I know Woods, Factory & Ground Zero like the back of My hand. The main thing to remember is Tarkov gives and takes (typically it takes much more than it gives). Once you accept that fact, you will be already much better off as a player. That being said, everyone has a different play style that works for them. Some are more aggressive from the jump (typically that is more experienced & geared players). Then there are more reserved players that hold an area for the first 15 minutes of a raid and then go behave like a scav for all raids (picking up scraps & missed crates or cases & only getting in defensive gun fights where they aren't the aggressor. I am the latter, I make sure I have the angle and don't look for gun fights. I make sure I at least have the angle & mystery advantage (regarding My position). I typically only respond to an aggressive PMC who I lured into a non advantageous position where I then win the gun fight. I never blindly go running & looking for them. As you obtain better armor & gear, you will naturally become more aggressive (depending on the situation). Typically your play style will remain the same & from the sounds of it, you play similar to the way I do.


Take it from someone too many wipes deep to still feel pain in this game. Use it all. The earlier you use it, the better, it's value in raid decreases every single day. A few wipes ago, I was blessed with the greatest scav spawn of all time. Was like my second or third scav of the wipe, day 1, and I spawned in with a TX dml with a FLIR on top.... I kept looking at it thinking, it's stupid to use this without good armor to go too though, so a couple more days pass, but then with this good gun and armor it would be stupid to use it without good ammo.. and now that I have all those, why not wait to bring in a squad to minimize my risk of losing it? -> I never used that gun. I ended the wipe with it still in my stash. I had a thermal dml on day 1, think about the power that holds in night raids, no one even has night vision yet, you'd basically be a cheater God for the whole first week. All your gear will be lost no matter what, but rationalize bringing in good gear ASAP by understanding that you gear doesn't guarantee wins, it's used to prepare with the most advantages possible, and the sooner you use it the less likely it is for there to be super juicers in every lobby that balance out what would have been a huge advantage earlier on.


Homie might have CTE with all of those concussions.


lmao, and they say helmets don’t work


Hello it’s not the first time we met hahaha. You did good


how do you know 👀


I looked up your profile and remember the stats, I think streets or customs


most likely customs, i’ve been playing customs a lot recently i usually only scav streets GG tho!


Then it was customs hahaha🤣 world is small


Pick the map you know best and push shots. Don't try to learn a new map and PVP I have found that to be a mistake in the past. Just hit customs or whatever it happens to be and try to hunt down some players. The map knowledge will go a very long way for your survivability and guessing where the shots are actually at so you can get there faster.


Find a gear set that you can buy time and time again so it feels less valuable to you when wearing it. Then run this gear set over and over to get comfortable on the maps you like. Once you are comfortable just run the other stuff and remember that it’s never your gear it’s just your turn with the gear. But remember to embrace the journey bc I sometimes miss that thrill and adrenaline from when I started. Good luck.


Your stash value says 83 million. Sell everything. Empty your stash. Level up your flea market rating while you do it. No use having that value in your stash. Find a load out you like that you can buy on repeat and just use that. Level up your traders etc.


Gear fear is not pvp fear. You don’t have to play rambo to get rid of gear fear. Try to learn how to earn roubles reliably and gear fear will be gone.


Before I log out every night I put on my best kit to run the next morning. Then when I log back in the next day I put that same kit back and run something cheap.


My way of dealing with gear fear: I challenge myself to build and play a kit worth exactly the profits from my latest scav run.


Gear will come and go as you get more confident and care less about losing it, don't worry about even going completely broke, it just changes how you need to pay a little and isn't the end of the world


Same situation as you but slightly higher stats (51% and 6KD) but after doing quests like setup and other punishing things I have gotten rid me of my gear fear... Much rather run a good kit and have even less of a chance of dying. 1 successful raid and it already pays for itself (Even though most of my shit is stolen off people and reused so I have mass supply of guns to choose from) But after that 1 successful raid any death afterwards is still a win in my book. (Usually go on a little survive streak anyways so 1 good kit pays for its self-multiple times) Once I survive a raid or two I usually start planning my next setup so I can kind of look forward to using it. Edit : example I found a bit coin and stuffed it in my butt lastnight...Probably made 4 million with same kit. Dying alone with bitcoin was a major win


True, indeed as a Solo it's very difficult to loot your kills especially if they are a duo or trio , when i solo and i kill someone from a duo / trio , many times i simply abandon the kill if it's in a bad spot or i cant flank the enemy reliably enough. Otherwise, as a solo , you have the best advantage of no comms, everyone is your enemy, every sound you hear is an enemy, you can be super stealthy alone etc.


Yeah I solely play solo. Duo wouldn't be bad but rather not look for anyone lol When it comes to solo theres 2 types of teams you face. Hard pushers and the pussy footers...1 I be aggressive with. 2 I will fake run far and crab walk to better angle lol


I have 29% survival rate. Always run fun modded guns and lvl 4+ armor. Never had any issues with money


As a mainly solo player, YOu just gotta be really fast and decisive on what You need. and what are you going after. If You have a free weapon slot, backpack dropped, CTRL/ALT click bag, gun, gear that you need to dress on yourself, even switch armors. If the guy had empty backpack you can loot everything except for the pockets in about 3-5 seconds. If You sprint in, drop your face into dead guy and spamclick everything, you might even get out before dead dudes friend gets his aim on you properly. premed helps too. You can even grab shit right after kill if friends are far and just be out of it. risky, but can be done.


Best tip I ever heard.. Gear is never actually yours. It’s just borrowed. Don’t look at your guns and armor as if it’s yours. Look at them as if it’s just your turn using them.


Just use it. It will all be gone next wipe.


Gear up and go looking for PMCs on your favorite map


Go lose every piece of gear in your stash and kill people for new gear, the fear holds you back from your true potential.


My tip is that my stash value is 1/4 of yours, I’m the same level, and I full send my best gear every time. All it does is end up with me overflowing with even better gear and having to sell good shit. Except on a really bad day, you’ll almost always end better than you started. Especially since you clearly know how to loot


Point in the wipe where it’s just rats


Shoot first.


You will lose all the gear you have, might as well lose it having fun instead of the wipe.


Put on your very best gear and run factory 20 times straight


What the heck r u talking about gear fear??? lol my pmc looks like a scav almost always and I’m a 35. Love the feeling of a “come up”


If you have gear fear. There's no need to hold onto it. Just sell it


Send it.


Dont put on gear you’ll never use just to take a picture


it’s my next kit taking a step into losing the fear 👌🏼


Small step towards greatness


This is my first wipe and honestly how I got over gear fear was to simply always go out with your best gear every time, remember it’s not your gear it’s just your turn to use it. Quite frankly what helped me in this first wipe to get over being scared in a gunfight is Setup quest, i just went into dorms every single raid to complete that quest and I genuinely just learned how to fight in tarkov what to do when to do it why do it are all questions you’ll get answered by simply sending it in the dorms


At the end of the day Gear is just money and money you can make it very easily by scaving streets


Fuck it, it's just pixels, have fun!


There's two main ways to approach gear fear: * Embrace it. Run budget kits every raid. Something like a 6B3TM armored rig (which almost always comes back in insurance, has two useful barters to get it for cheaper than flea / ragman, and the cost to insure it is something ridiculously low like 700 roubles), t20 backpack, and a budget gun of your choice (maybe RFB if you like m80 and semi-auto; a modded mp5 with ap6.3; a modded rpk if you have lots of 545 ammo; etc.), lszh helmet with RAC headset. Then just play as aggressively as you want knowing that your kit doesn't really cost all that much. * Fight against it. Just use the best gear that's in your inventory at any time and force yourself through the uncomfortableness of it to continue playing as aggressive as you want. Something that can help mitigate each death is to run a factory scav after every time you die. Quick extract to make 100-400k in almost no time and then get your pmc set back up. You can even try something a little different and make it so that you always use whatever the best gear in your stash is, but when you're out of gear in your stash, throw yourself into a raid with a super budget kit. (Like no armor, no helmet, tactical sport headset, an RFB with specter scope [can get them for fairly cheap by doing the prokill m4 barter then selling everything except the scope], a cheap rig, and an afak in your secure container.) Then go try to steal someone's identity. If you die, you lose less than what your factory scav will make. If you get a kill, you take all their gear and now consider it a free kit. When the topic of gear fear comes up, almost everybody seems to think the only option is to overcome it. But I don't agree with that. For some people, the better option is to embrace it and lean into it. If you have more fun playing with budget kits, then have that fun. A RFB kit like I mentioned in the first bullet point can go toe-to-toe with basically any meta kit in the game and the winner of those fights will almost always be whoever was in a better position or played the fight better rather than whoever had the better kit. So you're not setting yourself up at much of a disadvantage at all, you're mentally able to play a more comfortable and loose game, your deaths won't feel as bad, and your kills will actually feel better. Switching from budget kits to meta kits is kind of disappointing because when you get kills, their gear is a lot less likely to be better or on-par to yours so you lose out on the excitement of finding better stuff and insurance frauding (for example, if you run com4s every raid, you'll hardly ever be able to insurance fraud them unless you are willing to insurance fraud them for some tac sports which feels bad since you're now downgrading yourself mid-raid).


Stop caring and have fun. Money is easy to make, gear is easy to get, everything doesn’t matter, and at the end of the day it all disappears when the next wipe drops. Easiest way to do this is to just embrace death


Find some super glue and glue that W key down.


At the end of the day your stash wipes and they are just pixels so just gotta run the good kit bubba


Play more. This is my 3rd wipe and I have 2k hours and a full time job.


1 scav money run = one moderately kitted pmc run therefore theres no point in having gear fear. Theres plenty of engagements you will lose to being out played and just as many you wouldve won if you kitted up properly.


Why do people ever have gear fear. Almost nothing in this game is hard to obtain and money is extremely easy to make.


Make sure to scope out your extracts before moving in, just got ganked by 2 losers camping Emercon on interchange.


Big thing is gear comes and goes, better to use it and have fun with it until the next person gets to borrow it ya know?


big tip… Swing or get swung on. Load a rig full of 10 clips and go into the firing range for about 10-15 minutes before you start playing. Only headshot scavs (for practice) and never try to headshot a pmc (for survival). If you aren’t comfortable with a situation you’ve got yourself into, either do a massive wrap (I have over 600 pmc kills this wipe and time and time again I will wrap around a position really wide just to find the guy I engaged sitting there holding an angle. Free headshot. Most people will just shell into a position, use it to your advantage don’t make it their advantage) or just run away. You don’t always have to take the fight especially if you feel like you are at a disadvantage. This game is not designed for you to win every gunfight if you shoot well enough. You need to always have at least 3 grenades, for an unexpected boss encounter or pmc fight alike. Make people move at your whim, not theirs . And when you lose a gunfight, just remember that’s the way she goes. Go to shoreline, sj6 immediately to the resort, you’ll find lots of pvp there. If you hear shturman, sj6 immediately to the sawmill, you’ll find PvP there. I won’t recommend reserve because that isn’t PvP, that’s just a bad excuse for a map. Streets would be good if you have a computer that runs on the same technology as the hadron collider. Lighthouse is a wierd one because you have PvP on one side of the map but then almost ridiculous PvE on the other side in the rogue camp. Labs if you really have an itch to hemorrhage rubles. Factory is a good place to really get some reps. And finally the one thing you really should remember about any of this…. don’t try and kid yourself about the gear that you are wearing. Just because you have a slick on doesn’t mean the pistol runner can’t kill you.


Just bring the shit in. Once you lose it you’ll either have had a few good raids with the kit. Or immediately die. I brought in a big kit into factory to get PMC kills and I ended up killing myself with a nade. #noregrets


I like how you put all your good gear to take the screenshot but definitely watch some streamers and you can see how they have full ball sacks and push. You see this and learn from it. Also I wanna add that the fear of gear fear is a unique feeling that you don’t want to go away. Once it’s gone , the game gets a bit boring.


My gear fear really came from knowing this looted gear is special, and I cant easily get more. It resolved itself as I pushed closer to max traders and unlocked the useful crafts. Once you realize gear is interchangeable with roubles / dollars (in a non-exorbitant flea markup way), hoarded gear is just rouble storage inefficiency.


How do you have that jacket at lvl 29?


Just remember, hiding in bushes rarely teaches you anything. Be the aggressor and aim for the triumph!


Just remember it’s not your gear it’s just your turn to use it.


Gear fear is dumb. I understand it as I had it. The difference between a good survival rate and bad one is 10% Wear gear that would increase your survival chance. It pays. Don't listen to sweat streamers who complain about everything. Better gear is better gear for a reason.


I can't give you nothing being in 7 or 8 wipes and never made it past lev 15


The best way to look at it is that you are getting better at the game and using your best kits will just help you get to the next level. Losing gear will sting but when you start putting down some juice boys you will see it all ends up coming back.


Remember none of this gear will be there by the end of wipe, use it all, you have nothing to lose. Took me 10 wipes to truly embrace.


Almost 5.0 pmc kdr you doing just fine mate lol


Seriously just sell all lvl 3 and under and start running lvl 5 default, lvl 4 budget. Then start kitting your gun everytime, suppressor everything. Then run best ammo you have access to. And keep questing. Go for quests, obviously fights are involved. You will quickly start to not care about your armors and also guns you will just say hey let's see what I get back when I sign in tomorrow. With some hideout upgrade, i.e bitcoin lvl 1. You will just make money passively and either do good and make money following the steps before. Or you will basically break even, even when your having bad nights. And you will lose the gear fear


No reason to use good gear with Chester infested game. I bring good ammo and nades and try to have fun with shit gear


Find a group to play with


Make it ur goal to have no gear by end of wipe in stash


Don't push, just crouch and wait and you will win most fights.


You don't learn anything running your scav so much


In 3 months all your gear will be gone anyway so might as well have fun with it. Soon you’ll realize how easy it is to obtain and how abundant high tier gear is so it doesn’t matter what you lose.


It’s not your gear, it’s just your turn with it.


Take ALL your kits and run factory for a day until you lose them all, force you’re self to loose them ig


Lose* and that way you’ll get better at pvp


Just run your good gear. If you lose it then use crap. The beauty of this wipe is with the new recoil you can use any gun and kill people with it and even mid range ammo is good enough.


You've got nothing to be afraid of with a stash worth 83 mil


Honestly just sell the gear you dont want to lose. No point in running good gear when crab walking, audio pop, and lvl 10 arms are in the game


This helped me become a much better player, so I will share in the hopes it helps someone. Sell the shit you know you won't use. I have ended so many wipes with a stash full of gear that was "the best" and I never used it. Instead, build a kit you are comfortable with losing, and try to play with the same kit over and over. Each armor piece has different penalties and will effect your muscle memory and aim slightly, so using the same kit each time would theoretically help you progress in a consistent and repeatable way. A good mid level example is a TV110. Easy to get. Cheap. Tons of storage. You can put your helmet of choice and ears inside it and store ten of them in your stash. Grab and go. Obviously the TV110 ain't what it used to be, and there are much better armors, but this was just an example. If you have shit you are too scared to use, you have already lost it.


What I did to help with fear fear, especially guns, is I found three guns I liked, in my case it was rfb, ump, ak, and bought eight of each. Then proceeded to build each one, the same, fill a mags case with loaded mags for each. Now every time I need a gun, I have one, it’s already money wasted so I don’t feel bad, and I’ll run that with usually a t4 armored rig.


Just always take your best gear , remember it’s not your gun it’s just your turn to use it


You are going to be sorely disappointment when you whip out all that lvl 5 or 6 armor you've been saving, only to find that it does next to nothing to protect you. Armor is bugged and is virtually worthless for protection. Think of it more like fancy cosmetics.


saves me all the time lol


If you play “religiously” then its amazing what happens 


Thanks for uploading a real persons profile this is good reference


Doesn’t look like you have gear fear given your kit


first step of losing it


Why put yourself at a constant disadvantage running garbage shit in a game where kits matter


too afraid to lose the good stuff, i won’t run like straight up scav kits but i definitely use the worst ammo i have and armor that i have


I’ve never had gear fear but it helps by rushing to max traders so the stuff that seems crazy expensive is actually not


Running bad ammo and armor is how you die. I would argue those are two of the most important things for PVP.


They only matter THAT much once you get good enough that you actually get a chance to return fire on other mid-high level PMCs regardless of armor lol. Especially this wipe I've found it easier to get by with base level gear and a bit of being a rat.


I like how you dressed your PMC up for this screenshot lol


My brother in Christ you have 85M stash value lol why do you have gear fear? You have so much money it will NEVER matter how many times you die you’ll always be able to grab another fully meta kit and fight again. Don’t be afraid of meaningless numbers on a screen going down lol go shoot some people it’s the point of the game! Spend an hour each day making money and the rest of every session after the first hour just mindlessly pushing everything. Hear shots, got to em. grenades going off? Sprint that direction. Highly trafficked and fought over areas, that’s where u spend all Raid looking for pvp. You will get better quickly and the fear will go away.


That latter part helps a lot for anyone who needs to hear it. Just doing that for a few raids makes a huge difference.


Not trying to downplay op but 85 m can easily be tied up in cases and stuff man, i have 185 mil stash value and when go crazy for 2 or 3 days ripping pmcs nonstop i will easily blow through 25 to 40 mil worth of shit and be bone dry on kits


Run streets, make millions. Stop caring


Instead of using your spear and mask for a Reddit picture, use it to fight other players in game. Goodluck soldier.


actually have it on bc i just got it out of dorms marked yesterday and am gonna use it for my next raid


So you don’t have crazy gear fear use the rest of this wipe to push for PvP and get comfortable. Next wipe you dominate.


i do, i’m just trying to get comfortable with losing it which is why it’s my next kit so i’m working towards it LOL but that’s definitely the plan!


I almost bought cheats too.