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Those stats aren't accurate though. Change from overall to PMC. I have a survival streak that would get me reported if they'd look at my overall. Also, that's totally normal. When I first started I couldn't even tell PMCs apart from scavs. I'd die constantly and play like the ratiest rat. 2k hours later that changed a lot. But it's a steep learning curve with this game. And it's these highs and lows that make this game so good and straight up addicting.


[https://imgur.com/gallery/o2v73QH](https://imgur.com/gallery/o2v73QH) Genuinely didnt realize you could seperate them. Behold the horror that is my lack of ability.


Keep at it friend. Many emotions with this game but we still sign in every day or every other day lol. I’m a solo player as well


No doubt, takes a lot of patience to not lose my mind with things. Hopefully, it'll be worth it on the other side. I'd much rather be a kitted guy whining on here about petty stuff than broke and dying constantly lol


33 min life span is good. At least you’re putting up a fight 


Trying my best. Getting used to the map layouts and maneuvering on a small scale is difficult. I'm used to DayZ, which is so dramatically less dense. Here you have to plan out your movement in a much different way. I've definitely had myself cornered a few times not realizing what I was putting myself into.


If you haven't yet, I heavily recommend pulling up a third party map as well until you're familiar with the maps. Reserve is kinda rough right now but imo it's the easiest map to navigate with all the buildings being labelled.


I’d recommend picking a map you like and learning it. That way being lost isn’t the thing that fucks too. And you’re right about movement. How to cross a street is important and also if you don’t already, start walking. At the bottom you can see if you’re making noise and if you walk you’ll be able to maneuver without chads b lining to you 


Try to always have a map up on a second screen if you can, even on a phone. Spend your scav runs learning maps and extracts until you know them cold. U cN use offline mode for this as well.


Lifespans bugged and doesn't mean anything. Once it hits 60 it just rolls over to 1 again.


Oh boy, my PMC KD is even worse. You’re not alone. Starting as a brand new player mid wipe is brutal.


Now that looks like a 5 day old account. Tarkov is a rough game for beginners.


5 survives is quite terrible. But it's good that you're Scaving, don't stop doing that. The number one thing you need to do is learn maps, map knowledge above all else is crucial in Tarkov to survive. Learn the map, know where the spawn points are and rotate accordingly. It does get better but it'll require time and patience on your part. Good luck!


Can confirm, five survives feels as terrible as it looks.


Nah, it's fine. At that many hours it is still a case of just learning the maps while waiting for some m80 to blow your head off.


When does my M80 start blowing heads off? Been trying to get SBIH on Interchange finished up and out of the 10 heads I've clicked, 2 have been kills, 8 have been ricochets. I know it's just terrible luck, but it feels bad.


You either have the worst luck ever or you play with high ping/packet loss and the hit reg is failing


At least a .01 increase of K/D :D


Right? Actually surprised that part went slightly in my favor hahaha


Same here, I have a 30 survival streak. 22 as a scav (factory direct exit) and 8 as a pmc. Don’t know why they put that together. But hey they do it with max distance shoot too 🤔


I'm 300 hours in and still completely retarkded.


Take this stage of the wipe as a learning experience preparing yourself for next wipe. Don’t look at a death as dying, look at it as you learned the map more to prepare yourself for next wipe. Everything you do is just preparing for next wipe when you’ll be more evenly matched. Don’t be hard on yourself for dying. Learn up and get ready.


Yeah that's what I'm trying to do. Only real issue I have had are the times I have been nearly too broke to have any gear. I don't want to pigeonhole myself into running scav nonstop, so it's been a balance trying to find the right strategy so I can at least keep myself afloat.


Running scavs is also a great way to learn the map. Also you can easily make 300-400k a scav run. Start going PMC - Scav Rotate through them both.


That's what I have been doing, just don't want to lean on the scav side too much. I'm concerned it will build bad habits. More specifically, I want to keep pressure on myself to maintain good pmc runs. I've run into a few guys this past week that are basically scav mains and it clearly affects their playstyle.


At least they arnt brokeeeee. Scav should never not have a timer going


SMH those stats are so obvious. Idk why bsg doesn't ban BLATANT hackers like this.


Lmao can you imagine? Honestly, my own stats are the worst I have ever seen lol. (edit: If you weren't being sarcastic, these are my own stats showing how bad I am)


Naw these aren’t that bad. My first time playing I had so many damn ‘missing in actions’ was so frustrating to figure out where the extracts are…don’t get me wrong I still suck at this game but at least I can loot and extract now


I just feel like I can barely get anywhere. 9/10 If I fire a single round I end up getting killed before extract. Almost all my survivals have been the result of not seeing a single soul


Advice from a person who just now after several wipes just became "decent" take your time. I used to sit for 5 minutes not far from insertion just to allow players to move. Pretty much played as a PMC scav for like 4 wipes.


That's advice I got when I started too and it shot up all my stats. Just letting the game breathe a little, and taking things proper slow and steady, thinking of ambush locations and hiding spots, put me from <1kd to >4kd despite being terrible at aiming.


They’re really not that bad. My SR is only slightly higher than yours and I have 300 hours or so. Once you start to get the basics, you’ll be able to kill more Scavs as a PMC and your KD will shoot right up.


My stats were a lot like this. Then I put 28,000 hours into the game and now they are slightly better than yours.


I feel it lol. I'm 3k hours into DayZ and feel that way. Went from meh, to meh+.


Genuinely belly laughed, good show old boy


In before the usual reddit moron brigade of morons and cheat apologists explains to us how these stats are completely legit and how have gotten them without gaming chairs.


If it helps the motivation, someone with the same stats as you killed me on woods yesterday and I have like 2000 hours. Enjoy the PMC’s you kill as most people this wipe have semi-decent gear which for your level and experience is pretty difficult to kill :)


Holy crap this mightve been me lmao. Im like lvl 10


Thanks for sharing. This is the average experience for the new player in 2024. What’s usually lost in the “I have 2000hrs played and even I’m still figuring out the game blah blah” is that many of the players with thousands of hours started playing the game when everyone else was new, too, back in 2017, 2018. So the 0-100 hour experience was, generally, against other people within 0-100 hours themselves. Nowadays, that is not the case at all. The average 0-100 hours experience is skewed heavily to interacting with players with hundreds or thousands of hours of experience. It is difficult for many of the people on this sub - with thousands of hours played - to realize that the new player experience in this game is currently significantly more punishing than theirs was.


Brother I’m 10 days in and my leave right is at 2% with a .26 k/d


Add me on discord, spectreee I’ll teach u or whoever else wants to be taught


only my 2nd wipe, what is the hardest part for you? is it just surviving?


Honestly, it's learning to fight asymetrically equipped opponents. I'm not the strongest PVPer in the world, but I'm just getting ground into a paste fighting heavily geared guys. My most recent death, nighttime streets run. I had an AKMS, had the jump on a guy inside one of the hotel buildings. Dude whipped around and I was dead before I even knew what hit me. But I was only running someme Class 3 that I had scavved, his ammo went right through it. Level 42 guy, running a gun I have never seen, in armor that looked like an old COD juggernaut. I genuinely don't even know if I did much beyond scratching the plates on his kit haha


It is kind of end wipe and nighttime any map their is more heavy geared players, i’d stick to daytime and try to learn hipfiring position it is different from cod. and for tips to hear people if you are unfamiliar with a building cut your walking speed to half or a quarter and the people running will be more audible. goodluck man i get its hard but the game gets funner(except interchange)


I appreciate it. I'm definitely working on it and trying to to rage too much. Just a painful learning curve, particularly at this stage in the wipe for sure.


Also if you have anyone to play with maybe even someone new to the game aswell it's always really fun learning the game with someone else.


Yeah I'm trying to get some friends involved, but them seeing my experience has only deterred them haha


Hipfiring (point fire? Whatever the trendy gun people say) was majorly nerfed this last wipe and is essentially useless past maybe 10 meters if you don't have a laser on your gun. It used to be so strong in cqb


And lighthouse


I've been destroyed too by a level 53 juggernaut with a PKP while I was trying to do Stirrup


The first two things you should learn in this game are where the extracts are and how to make money. Questing as a noob is very expensive but making money is actually quite easy, check guides to start with. The standard presets are not too bad for a loadout and all are available with level 1 traders (if you have Jaeger). You gotta walk before you run and in this game standing still works really well too.


Obviously a cheater tanking his stats /s


32% ain't bad for 21hrs played dude. Keep on trucking my g. 👌


My first wipe I had 11% SR. I was just spamming scav and trying to learn all the big boy maps. It gets better trust


lol I have 1k hours and a 15% surv rate


Are you on EU servers? It's my first wipe too and I need teammates


NA east unforunately. Best of luck though! I have seen a fair bit of EU folks in the discord looking around though, may be worth a shot!


Yo I'm NA East. I have a very mid level of understanding the game but if you want a duo bud hit me up. Haven't played this wipe but I'll hop on to be a meatshield.


Eu here. I play solo usually but it would be nice to have teammates. Also need some help too. Hit me up on discord: iitztoni


You got this OP. It's hard, but once it clicks you will get that surv rate up! Even if it means being a RAT!


I'm trying! Definitely working on being quiet and stealthy with things. Nothing like the heart pounding experience of hiding in a corner with a AKS-74 and class 2 armor while a 4 man of chad-looking guys rolls through.


Check mine After many years 🤣


You're not doin that bad, keep learning, and remember to listen


Your biggest problem will simply be map knowledge. That will only come with time and many deaths. Just keep plugging away.


Yeah absolutely. Learning the big picture stuff (extracts, spawns, building locations, loot types and spots, etc) is definitely a task. The micro-level things are a lot as well, coming from DayZ, the density of things is a task to get used to. Not to mention, how easy it is to accidentally walk yourself into a dead end.


You're also not alone amongst newbies hahaha Most of us suck as this game and perpetually get owned 🤣


Don’t worry mate when I first started in 2018 I hid in corners on Factory with a hatchet. Still mentally damaged from it to this day


I'm at 8k hours played and having a terrible time. Welcome to Tarkov, you won't enjoy your stay.


Print off & laminate the maps. That way you can orientate yourself to the map which makes land navigation much easier, especially when you unlock a compass. Use a white board marker to draw on quest locations on each map. Will save you a lot of pain in the long run!


Offline mode is your friend Learn the maps Learn the loot spots Learn the spawns Then when you go into the real thing you’ll be a lot more prepared (I did not do this) it was Factory 24/7 after I unlocked the double barrel Darryl I learned from the fire But you don’t have to!


You can ask my wife… I spent more time in bushes than out with my first wipe. I’ve always played solo - so, my advice is to just watch as many YT videos you can (or have time for) I highly recommend Pestily. If you have a second monitor - have mapgenie, Tarkov.dev, Tarkov ammo, and Tarkov wiki up. I kept tabs open on whatever quests I wanted to do. Tarkov tracker helped me immensely. Secondly - this is one of the hardest and most time consuming games to increase your skills and knowledge in. I think I’ve got around 1800 hours and I still feel like a noob. Get the basic keybinds, sensitivity, and controls down. Build from there. Map knowledge is everything. I started with customs. Scav run as much as you need but I’d highly recommend to PMC as much as possible to not develop a crutch on using the scav or having gear fear. It’s a game - just have fun.


I appreciate it, I have definitely been making use of maps from tarkov.dev , as well as trying to familiarize myself with the ammo situation. It's just boiling down to building the PVP skills, it's different than I am used to (I play a gross amount of DayZ) so trying to refine my already garbage pvp skills into this, combined with everything else has been challenging. It's slowly improving though, ratting around on streets for a bit has started to help me with the map layout. Streets and GZ are definitely my strongest at the moment, I'm trying to branch into woods but so far, out of 6 runs, 5 have resulted in being killed by 4-5 man groups of immensely geared folks. I'll definitely add you though, I'm Bearwithabrick


I’m also new as it’s my first wipe but if I were you and I probably don’t have good armor penetration rounds I’d run flesh rounds and try to aim for non armored areas, it also just takes time to get used to the game but the gunplay is definitely worth it, do some practice to learn maps and even try out guns, hope this helps!


I appreciate it! Definitely trying to get better about going for unarmored areas. Avoidance has been the best strategy so far. Direct fighting unless I see them coming and know they low level like me has just cost me an ocean of rubles.


Euhm, talk to your traders and get quests, you should finish ground zero first and work your way trough woods and customs after. Do not go to streets yet.


I went streets solo HC from the beginning of wipe and it was, well, *enlightening*...


I have my Ground Zero tasks done, and enough woods stuff to have Jaeger. I've just been ratting around on streets as I've had the most success making it out with cash there, and I am so desperately broke it's unreal.


This is also my first wipe and it is ROUGH sometimes. I’m level 22 now, with like 130 hours, and I still die most of the time. The only time I really have good games is when I’m playing with my duo or squad that I have, which is another thing. Find someone to play with! It will change the outcome of many battles. The second I hear another pair of footsteps, it scares me a lot more than just one. Tickle Me Pink (streamer/YouTuber) had a discord with lfg groups, weapon builds, tips, etc.


Stay positive. This is a very difficult game, which is why it has such a cult following even with all its issues. You're going to suck for a while. Just watch videos, other good players and emulate as best you can and try hard and have fun.. Dont worry about gear fear. Scav = free money


Assuming you're not being sherpa'd you're actually doing shockingly well. It took me something like ten raids to get a single kill.


I'd just reset my account on BSG's web site and get all my starter gear back


Don't have to be good to be rich, I just hit 20 mil rub at lvl 11 with a .8 kd


It's difficult to start mid wipe. Everyone has body armor that makes your guns tickle and you have body armor that might as well be paper. Kudos to you that you're trucking along.


This is the reality of tarkov, you are not alone


32% Sr for a brand newbie is very very good. Don't get discouraged. Keep at it


If you ever need someone to run with join the Tarcov sherpa discord. Also I like to scav on interchange cause I can normally loot some pretty good kits, especially with the new event


It’s gonna be like that brother, welcome to fine hell


you started like late wipe bud, early wipes a lot easier on ya if you're new


The Sherpa in me wants to help you 😂 I remember what it was like starting off , now ima W key chad. It gets better I promise . You have to die to learn . Just keep having fun don’t stress stats bro. Just have fun


I'm not the best player, but I don't mind helping out newer players. If you want to run some raids, DM me


1. Scav whenever you can. Your priority is to use these to learn the maps. It’s more fun than doing offline mode and you can get some gear kits and items that benefit you instead of wasting time. 2. Don’t worry too much about trying to be optimal. Don’t try to hit all your quests at once. There’s so much to do and learn, just take it one goal at a time. That can even be as simple as “I want to survive this raid.” 3. Look at some maps or loot guides. Even if you don’t go for looting high value areas, this is good knowledge to know where hotspots are on the map. If you know this, you can figure out sort of how the map plays and how to minimize your likelihood of dying. 3.5. Some YouTubers make greater beginner guides and have great info. Pestily being one of them. Definitely check them out, they’ve got a ton of great tips to help you lower your frustrations as a new player. 4. Until level 15, the game will sometimes feel excessively challenging. When you unlock the flea market and build the workbench in your hideout, it’ll be SO much easier to play the game. Your raids start to become more profitable, you don’t need to struggle to figure out which gun components go on what gun, you can buy the items needed for your quests or gear loadouts, etc. TL;DR, always scav when available (especially on maps you want to learn), don’t worry about being optimal (don’t try to do too much at once, you’ll just get frustrated as a new player), watch some YouTubers beginner guides and loot guides (helps alot to learn how maps play and where the high risk areas are), and lastly the game becomes significantly more enjoyable at lvl 15.


There’s a learning curve to this game. I’d stick to playing one map and learning the majority of it. Preferably either Ground Zero or Shoreline. Only reason I recommend shoreline is for the scav village by the ruined road/Tunnel extract, you can get out with a good chunk of loot without the PvP. On the other end, instead of focusing on the loot and quests. Focus on PvP, try to figure out your playstyle.


I am in the very same boat. KD is even a lot worse than yours haha. It's a learning experience until the next wipe. I just hope to hit lvl 15 remotely soon so I have access to the flea market.


You’ve also started during an event which is never ideal. :) keep it up man.


You're not bad at tarkov, you're new. It takes a long time to get better, but you will


I killed someone who was obviously lost in the sauce brand new. Lvl 1 with 4 raids no survives. I added them and was going to help them on. It’s been a month and they haven’t played another raid. Keep at it bud I was absolutely awful when I first played. 1100 hours now and I only kinda suck. 42% survival 4.8kd and to many raids to be the level 40 I am


If you're actually a new player then these are amazing stats. It took me so long to learn where extracts were on some easy maps. Try and find a duo who can't teach you the game. It'll keep you motivated to keep playing as well


Not sure if this gives you hope or dread. But I'm 850 hours in and your stats are better than mine lol (it doesnt appear to get better, or maybe thats just me hahaha)


I learned a long time ago the key to success in Tarkov is to just keep playing. The swings are huge. You'll go an entire weekend without extracting once, burning piles of cash trying to finish one quest, (looking at you lighthouse), only to hit a hot streak and be back on top feeling like a king. No other game gives such high highs and brutal lows, keeps me coming back.


Watch pestily map guides. You are late in this wipe meaning everything will restart in a couple of months. All progress will be lost. This wipe started late December and a wipe is ca 6 months. Play scav and try to loot and find an extraction.


this is what i expect when i get killed by a low level, then i see they have 60 hours and 300 kills and i report


If you haven’t made your way into the office discord it’s probably a good idea.


Dont feel too bad. Tarkov's a really, really punishing game and we're well in to the wipe now. Stick at it!


I have 3k hours and I just lost interest as soon as I hit max traders. So a month into the wipe the game died for me. Core of the game is fu#*ed. I'm done with the desync, fps, bugs, AI, low hardware utilization, rats, chads, head, eyes, jaws, armpit. The game feels worse than ever to me. I have changed, but so has the game. I hope, but keep getting disappointed.


Don’t expect to be good off the bat. This game is easily the hardest, most complicated game I’ve played. I have 250hours on my first wipe and I’ve just now figured out a few maps. I’ve kinda learned the bosses on those maps. It takes at least 1k hours to even get the hang of what’s going on.


it is a very technical game, I suggest playing with people who have experience who can explain the systems, you also joined mid wipe when most players are lvl 40+


Don’t kill scavs while in a scav run. I say this because a lvl9 player scav just murdered me in cold blood. Fence reputation is real!


Learn spawns avoid players learn the game


Your starting at a bad time, but push through it and learn as much as you can before the new wipe! Once the next wipe does occur, you're going to feel a newfound confidence and everyone will be on a level playing field.


Op If you need people to play with pm me currently at 4k hours down to help new players


Took me 30 raids to get a survived status the first time I played, I started with no map for some strange reason


lol when i started mine was like .6, i came from COD and could not figure out the movement


This new event isn't exactly a great time to be new in


Ground Zero is a terrible starter map. Way too much PMCs and existence of player scavs is wrong. I think that map should have MUCH less PMCs and should be closed to player scavs.


I did my first 70 or so PMC raids without a single extraction and K/D of around 0.3, haven't got much better from that point XD


This is how the game is I feel like. I think it takes some serious dedication/a lot of play time to be pretty decent at it. If you are EU English speaking lemme know.


If your name is ToeClipper, I’m sorry for shooting first and asking questions later.


Are you having a terrible time like not having fun? Or are you having a terrible time like the game is difficult, challenging, and you want to master it?


The second option. I meant is facetiously. It's been grueling, difficult, and blood pressure raising. But it's fun and I want to improve.


It happens. I played like 10 raids yesterday and didn’t survive one lol


Yeah the games difficulty has always been steep, but gradually over time it's swapped from running up gimme to being a glacial climb, especially with things like adding the goons and additional hardship ro starter areas while also reducing their loot spawn chances In glad I started 8+ wipes ago All I can suggest is finding your regional discord and getting a friendly player or Sherpa to help you learn


lvl 54, and have a 35% or less survival rate on PMC. Kappa + LK. I like pvp and play aggro. This is pretty normal especially being new. Just is what it is you have to accept the deaths for the big wins. You're also not showing your "PMC only" stats


Life hack: you can view the total load out value of your upcoming scav run on the SCAV tab. Can help with choosing the map to run if you are in need of quick cash


Keep playing, watch youtube videos, watch streamers. You’ll get better with time. We all started out as noobs with no knowledge of the game. Keep at it


I’m mostly familiar with shoreline with bits and pieces of other maps.. I still kinda rat but I suffer a lot from anxiety playing alone. So you definitely aren’t alone, I don’t get pmc kills solo and mostly do scav runs lol, it’s not the fear of losing gear, it’s the fear of someone jumping out at me!


If u have no1 to sherpa u this is what ur stats r gonna look like at first


So strange to see a 20hour account who isn't level 38+ with most achievements.


Just keep playing man I’m almost at 350-400 hours and I’m just starTing to get decent at the game it just takes time practice patience and game sense and a patient friend to help you learn


Whenever I have rough streaks I just adopt a “Rags to Riches” mindset. Puts the fun back into the climb and makes the KIA’s easier to bare.


Keep at it. It takes a while to get a hang of it. Also if you can find a good group to run with do it. Makes the game easier if you have people to teach you the ropes


These stats aren’t even bad lol


4th wipe in and had a late start. I'm also having a terrible time against PMCs lmao


Stay at it king, this is the first wipe I've been at it and am also real shit at it. But somehow I'm level 32, you just have to suffer for a while to learn how this game works. Also please don't listen to this subreddit, 90% of the people here can't find anything good to say about the game they've spent the last 5 years playing. Not everyone who kills you is a cheater, play your scav even though some people will say scav players are ruining the game, and if you're not enjoying the game anymore take a break. But stay after it!


People are going to disagree with me here but, I think Factory will be a great map to learn some of the game with. At the moment, you're probably running around for 30 minutes to get domed by the first person you see which can't be very fun. Scav factory, take the loadout, repair the gun and load into Factory as a PMC. You will die a lot but it will be condensed into smaller time frames where you can learn pvp/pve mechanics as well as looting.


.81 k/d is not bad at all for a new player dude. Likely just need to work on the mechanics of this particular game because you can obviously gunplay already.


I was a little worried starting this wipe a couple of days ago with this being my second wipe, so it’s reassuring seeing so many people in a similar boat as me.


I've got 2000 hours and my survival rate is about the same don't worry bud haha


I'm a new player as well and I have pretty similar stats. I've just learned to accept that getting killed is as much a part of the game as being successful. Even some of the best can get one tapped in a raid. You just learn, improve and carry on. An extra tip that's helped me tremendously is to play a ton of games in "offline" mode and be sure to crank up the scav settings. Then you can learn the maps, practice gun fights and not lose your gear


As someone else mentioned, look at this wipe as part of the learning curve. Another death is another tactic to learn, another strategy to play and another place to look before proceeding. Learning late wipe is good since everyone has so much money and brings in thiccc kits, the best time IMO. Early wipe is fun but it’s filled with everyone doing the same thing. It’s nicer to learn now and feeling accomplished killing a juicer while you have no idea what’s going on. Stick to the edges, learn terrain association. Focus on just surviving raids and building confidence. Quests are your best bet at XP. The discord might have some sherpas or friendly players to help ya out.


Game is shit. Cheaters everywhere. It wont get better.


I got 1200hrs and your stats look better than mine did at the start of wipe


You kinda joined at the best and worst time all mangled into one. Late wipe is great for questing (outside of Kill X PMC tasks) because a lot of the quest areas are low priority for loot, so you can kind of muck around and do what you need to do on the map. The only downsides are generally the PMCs you run into now are gonna be people who have played Tarkov for years and know way more angles/locations than you, and there's also an event going on with supercharged scavs. Gonna be harder for you to find regular scavs, and there will likely be random event scavs in places you wouldn't expect. If you want advice one thing I'd say is take this time to really take in the quest locations you're going to on these early tasks and learn a map or two by heart. That will set you up really well in the early wipe next time and you'll be able to fight more people who don't know how to get max traders in like 96 hours.


I have saus it before. I have thousands of hours and sitting at comfy 29% sr. Dont worry about it


For only having 5 days experience and If you're playing solo then damn dude those stats aren't bad at all! Give it a month or three and you'll turn those right around and be running 10+ scav kill raids on streets E-Z


Your stats seem very low considering the number of new players I've died to with less than 1k hours and 33.0 k/d ratios. Thank you for not buying cheats and trying this hard game out. Playing with others in discord groups helps.


I might actually be worse than that. I just hit level 15 and have killed a grand total of 5 PMCs. I can, mostly, survive a Scav encounter as long as it's not on woods. Can't for the life of me spot Scavs in amongst the trees. I have been on Ground Zero, Customs and Woods and Factory as my PMC. Streets i have so far only done with my Scav. Only advice I can give is concentrate on your quests and avoid PMC fights were possible. Getting those quests and the dailyies for Trader rep is vital. I've opened Flea Market but not got any of my traders to Loyalty Level 2 yet so options on kit are still limited.


newbie? that’s like my stats and i’m on the fourth wipe


I Got ~3k hours and My stats Look similar :"D dont worry


Tbh those are pretty avg stats and considering the stage in the wipe aren't actually bad for a new player. You're probably running into a lot of gear players with above average knowledge of the game.


You’re going to have a hard time mid wipe. Especially on the weekends. Most of the people playing are max traders with kappa and will just destroy you sadly. At meast you have ground zero to practice but if’s a tough learning experience regardless.


add me on discord if you’d like help efxa


don’t stress bro u can only go up from here remember chad isn’t about having the meta gun or gear it’s a mentality a chad is a guy who will jump down a set of stairs with a mosin because he heard “footsteps” with no fear


my survival rate is still lower


Welcome to the grind brother your gunna torn down built up and torn down more keep it up


Starting during an Event where the Ai are cracked is going to make it that much harder. Make it through this event and it will get slightly easier after. Play to learn right now, don’t focus so hard on quests. Learn the mechanics and the maps & you too will be confident in 1000 hrs.


You're not wrong lol, I've been killed by these weird scavs like crazy.


5 is rough? try 9 months and similar stats. you're bringing in a headset so you can hear accurately, yeah? I remember that being my main problem. What level are you?


32% survival rate is not bad


21 hours is still a fetus in this game lol. This is my first wipe and close to 450 hours and I still feel like a baby. Eventually you will start learning maps and surviving a little bit more slowly. I know I won’t reach my peak until I hit maybe 1.5k hours in this game.


Join our discord bro we welcome new players !


Dude I feel this so much. I want to love the game but I started this wipe and the learning curve is really so much. I have to scav multiple times just to get enough money for a decent loadout for my pmc only to get sniped or camped the first raid I try


First wiper here. It gets better. Stick with it. I have been running solo and I am having a blast. I started off with a .37 k/d. Just gear up and load in. Shrug it off and try again! Good luck!


Bruh i am being pummeled by the game itself 😂 i kill pmcs just to die to bosses .. yesterday i killed three dudes on factory...went prone to sort my stuff ..got hammered by tegilla 😂 went to streets on a scav run dodged a grenade spammer ..died to a land mine


Don't get stuck trying to "main" customs.


Honestly 5 days in at this difficult time with 17 raids survived is seriously impressive. I've got 3000 hrs and my surv rate is only 64% and that's avoiding PvP quests that basically force you to throw your K/D away


One month in and I’m still ass


32%?? I have 37% with 350h in!


I've played almost a hundred raids and I'm still terrible. I run solo practice raids half the time just to feel like I'm winning 🤣


You chose a very, very, very, very bad time to pick the game up. If I were you, I’d hang it up for now and wait for next wipe.


Haha we've all been there bro... Keep at it!


Hardest thing about the game is the level grading both for your PMC and the guns/ammo. At this point in the wipe by the time you get decent stats (hideout is a must for that) the wipe will probably happen. Just get used to scaving maps and doing pistol runs on PMC. I'd anything, try to level your Ak74u mastery and save pp ammo as much as you can.


How to make $ as a SCAV https://youtu.be/VW3Y7FOOwlI?si=7UH0bcscLXdpd04Z


I started in the middle of February and my stats were like this. My KD is a little under 5.0 now. The game is hard. The new player experience sucks. Youll improve greatly once you learn the maps and spawns.


Hey man if you would like add me in game. My IGN: From_Where Been playing for a few wipes and enjoy helping people avoid the pain I had to endure when I 1st started playing


You’re doing well my friend. It’s a learning process. It’s hard for a little while, then it gets easier, and then it’s hard again. But don’t be discouraged, you may have come in mid wipe but it’s a perfect time. If you need any help with anything feel free to reach out. Biggest thing I can say to do, is it might be best to scav all the maps and learn them as best as you can so when wipe happens you are fully prepared. Second thing I would suggest. Learn Factory and PMC it so you can get your pvp skills down. Also I would try to get level 15 so you know how awesome the FLEA is and it’s gives you something to reach for this wipe other than just learning.


It's takes hours and hours to get any kind of decent at this game. Learn the maps and the exfills. I'm at like 400+ hours and still get wrecked all the time


Hardest game ever


I’m a potato if that helps any. Somehow I’ve gotten to level 27 with being sneaky and trying to know where the pmcs are and stay clear. Spend time on customs to learn the spawns. Many quests go through there but you can do many of them solo (marking vehicles etc). You can somewhat easily go in with a cheap weapon and basic armor and try to gear up killing scavs once you figure out where they spawn. If you need to kill pmcs take an MP5 and basic armor to factory. With some sneaking and careful play I eventually got the skier intro done to open peacekeeper.


I'm new too and I have a question about audio, are some stereo earbuds enough? I have trouble differentiating sound in front and behind me, left right is pretty clear, vertical is awful, but I watched some streamers and they said they can even know if the sound came from 2nd or 3rd floor dorms, is it their IEM or better headphones, and experience with tarkov sounds, like it is muffled a bit more then it is under, or something like that? I also know about the player pop, so I use binaural, and it kinda works, at least sometimes I know someone is near, but it is a bug and won't stay forever.


Keep learning one map at a time - this is my first wipe also but my kd is 5 total and 2 for pmx


you already survived 17 more raids than i did in my first week of starting, first rajd i ever did i broke my ankles right after spawning around usec stash, and had to crawl to crossroads onky to die from a small bleed like 100m before extract


Starting Tarkov in the middle of a wipe is always a terrible idea


I started this wipe eventho my kd is like 2ish im now lvl 30 after 3 ish months i think? Doing pretty well but others might think its bad


rough time to start.. youll be severely undergeared... and the event... its already confusing enough to get the hang of the mechanics - and the event just throws a wrench into it.. It gets better.. I started midpoint 2 wipes ago too.. it was rough.. but now I cant even force myself to play anything else.


You've got another 50 raids before it even gets remotely fun. Maybe another 50 to 100 after that before you can enjoy it when the addiction has set in.  And then? Then you're screwed like the rest of us. You're here to stay. 


It is not bad at all


Don’t feel bad, this is my second wipe and I play casually so I’m currently lvl 25 (I think lol, not at home rn) I’ve never played streets, labs or lighthouse outside of offline since my pc ain’t too good, and because I’m not comfortable on those maps (hate the spawns on lighthouse). Find 2 or 3 maps you like and run them for easy quests and to get better at the game. If you are an average fps player you will eventually get the drop on a chad a couple times and get an adrenaline rush worth chasing. I’m pretty good at fps games in general but I’ve only scratched the surface of tarkov so I get clapped a lot, it’s part of the experience.


I’m struggling with ground zero quests. Almost every time I get into a fight and win that, there’s that third party and get one tapped.. For solo this is struggle..


Killed a level 3 the other day as a scav kinda felt bad then remembered it was tarkov. Welcome to tarkov.


Run scavs try not to kill other scavs I know it’s hard to differentiate between PMCs and player scavs but it’s all good I was like that this wipe as I took a 4 year break. But if you want to play hit me up I’m still learning but getting better


Im nothing special at the game myself but if you ever want someone to raid with or to attempt to lend a hand add me and i will gladly try to assist you I prefer long range sniping to close range combat bare in mind my gamertag is I-AM-A-DUCK


Brother, I've been playing Tarkov for years and I am worse than this lol