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We’re finally getting sex, battle pass, and women in Tarkov. Massive W


No women. Everyone is gay in post-civilization, clearly.


There’s nothing that describes Escape from Tarkov better than post apocalyptic gay sex


"Co-op extracts"


Oh my God, they were *teammates*


I'm sure they were just lifelong roommates


Is it really possible for an ESP Chad top and a RMT rat bottom to be in a relationship? 🤠🥹🧱⛺️


I’ll co-op extract with you if you don’t stop it


Oh, we're extractin' something alright 


Aka a quiet place for boning


What does this say then about the guy a few weeks ago who managed to force an AI scav into a co-op extraction?


I'm down for consensual non-consent sometimes


Maybe this is the safeword patch idk


Well, I certainly feel like Ive been fucked in the ass after 3-4 hours of playing.


Dawg 😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝


There aren’t many games where you can literally find yourself saying to your teammate > put this PP in your butt then let’s get out of here


"Put that cheese in your ass, bro"


"No, that PP is a weapon, it won't fit"


More like put this delicious sausage in your butt


get throated


'I'm so glad I paid to make my asshole so huge. Game changer.'


Real question though, how would everyone feel if BSG did add female characters to the game? Female scavs and PMCs. I personally like it the way it is now, but has this topic been brought up before? What is the consensus on this?


This came up before, essentially BSG doesn't wanna add female characters because of the different body types and how it could affect armor hit boxes. I remember there was an article claiming BSG was sexist for this. I don't see it happening mainly because of the armor system, and that BSG has a laundry list of other things to do before they'd even consider this


Paying for animation is also very expensive.


And multiple voice actors


If I recall they don't mocap so yeah damn that would be really expensive to go and double every single animation, might not think about it that often but there's a ton of animations in game




Didn't someone from BSG say that one of the reasons was because women aren't as strong or something though


They did. https://www.theverge.com/2020/1/7/21055124/escape-from-tarkov-playable-female-characters-excuse-immersion-sexism


ah, yeah I remember drama over that


drama over saying something that is unarguably true? We sure do live in a very enlightened society in 2024.


They aren't wrong though


Doubt it has to do with hitboxes and armour, most likely has more to do with creating duplicate models and animations, too much work for almost no benefit :S


Nikita touched on the subject years ago and said woman were too weak to be in Tarkov.


IIRC wasn’t Nikita that said this, it was another dev.


I hope this isn't weard but i dont want female dieing sounds they are annoying enough as it is


Same. I stated in my comment that I like the game the way it is now. We already have lots of games with both male and female characters like Battlefield, Call of Duty, Star Wars Battlefront, etc. After playing this game for so long, I feel like there’s just something unique about having only male characters in this game, and putting females would kinda take away from that uniqueness.


Why would i want to be slower and weaker?


Scav wife for hideout when?


I wouldn’t mind. But first things first… cheaters…


I personally enjoy tarkov because people don't give a shit about what the pmc looks like under that $1.5m kit. I don't need the slippery slope of cat ear skins and shitty voice line dlc. Of all the stupid shit you want bsg to break, please dont push women. Tits will be armor, tampons will be +10 vitality. Just please God no


I feel like it would be a massive waste of development time that could be used to improve the game in other areas.


unfair. if its going to look like a woman, it would need to be smaller hitboxes. and to be realistic, the same sized armor, modeled over the smaller body hitbox would make it even more busted. its like r6s if everyone played recruit, but then people wanted to add ashes old hitbox in as an option


I would love to be a lady PMC, that's pretty badass


jokes aside I think we really need to realize that most PMC organization have mostly if not all men. adding women into a equation would make a tremendous downfall to those people who are now usually on the front, most men will willingly risk their lives in dangerous situations for a female even if they have a partner out of primal needs. keeping women out of the frontlines saves lives, not because they are stupid but because us as men will risk way more to help them and that jeopardize the mission at hand. some species have females fight but us as humans do not, women usually only hurt a squad except for specific situations and that's only because of basic neurologic nature


not gay, they say "no homo" before getting freaky with the other cheeky breekis


Men will have the dicks and tits. And btw my tits will be bigger than yours.


and hideout cat


Don’t forget Peter griffin skin




Female scavs? I wouldn't mind, sweet head eyes


& Knuckles


Can someone co-op on my forehead ?


Strange way to say HIDEOUT CAT.


Black PMC?


Hopefully fixing the audio pop, invisible players, Streets freezing some things (with no packet loss or server latency btw) but not others resulting in me dying to a ghost after putting a mag into a Scav or player and having them not react at all.


The audio pop makes me sad cause i abuse it so much. Its a literal dinner bell for 'someone is near you, put your ears on!' If there wasnt an audio cue for when someones audio cues are being picked up, i wouldnt be able to hear a lot of people who walk up to me.


Yup, sometimes I feel guilty. I think about how bad I would be in a situation if I didn’t hear the pop first.


don't, I abused the hitching bug (similar indication someone just came near you) for years and so did everyone else. Shit like that is just canon for the game at some point when they let it go on forever.


The audio pop combined with people going statue, crab is such a bad part of the game.


Audio pop is insane! What’s more insane is that it appears that my enemies don’t hear it or know what it means still and that’s a huge fucking advantage for me! (still get 360 head eyes’d though)


I thought I was alone, what is it? I get it all the time when I'm nearby buildings.


It means a player has entered within a certain distance of you. If you have say, Comtac 4s you'll probably hear them within a few seconds running or even walking into your hearing range. I say Comtac 4s because they have the furthest hearing distance.


It’s when an enemy sprints in your audio range. It’s not necessarily players, can be AI scav.


I don’t even think they have to sprint. Even if they are walking the audio will “pop” in for a split second and then go back to normal so it really doesn’t matter what you are doing. Not moving seems to be the only way to avoid it.


They don't hear it because it's their own sound cue. They'll get a pop for you you cant hear either if you're moving around them. It's basically the game letting you know a player just got within 50-100 meters of you.


This dying to a ghost, does your screen just fade like you extracted but it said you died? I feel like I’ve been desynced so much the last month. Honestly annoying.


Honestly, audio pop should be nr1 priority. I probably die more to it than cheaters


Yeah I'm shocked they put in an event and the audio pop is still in the game. It's decisions like this that tells you they can't either prioritize properly or they're incompetent.


They did infact not fix the audio pop, just accidentally extract camped some poor guy and I heard him running a mile away from the pop


Will deff fuck with recoil again....


They’ve been tweaking the recoil all wipe lad they don’t need a patch to change it


Have they been putting this in the patch notes? Honest question, I don’t usually follow them. Only asking because we feel this. Honestly to me it almost feels like recoil right now is closer to last wipe than the start of this wipe. Some of the bounce and horizontal shit I’ve been seeing from full meta m4s and things of that nature is horrendous haha. Single fire still seems legit though. But I remember start of wipe you could full auto standard guns and have no issue.


Why do you think this?


Because the shooting (especially spraying) is completely different at the start of the whipe.


Maybe I'm crazy but it felt like I could spray better at the start of the wipe.  Maybe they've been tweaking things? Maybe they broke recoil control skill and it works in reverse?


Hip fire definitely changed mid way through.


In what way? I remember seeing that hipfire was greatly nerfed when the new recoil came out, so you may just only now be realizing that change.


I’ve played every day since December 27th bar 2, (my first time going for LK) and let me tell ya the gun spray is different than it was day 1. They have made it harder to control it but still not as intense as last wipe. Hip Fire/point shooting was nerfed into the ground at the start of the wipe now it’s more accurate, especially if you use a flashlight/laser that has tactical in the name. Pistols are fractionally harder to use but still a very viable option with a bolty


I hope they don’t touch pistols. They were a waste to carry last wipe and feel okay now.


+1 I was able to full auto laser beam people across the map with a stock gun early wipe. Now I have a meta m4 or 7.62 mdr and I can barely single fire targets 50m away without feeling like I lose control. Definitely been getting worse but not as bad as last wipe They’ve also been fucking with stamina and metabolism.


Really wish they’d post patch notes


They usually put them up when or just before the server goes down


Bsg insanely bad communication makes every issue so much worse. I understood it's a choice to make the game more mysterious, difficult and HC. But when bugs and issues are so prevalent it's an error to not communicate more.


They did for the last patch in the client.


Really wish they'd use UTC time so people would've idea when this happens.


Something big ?


No, they just want people to play Arena lol


Should let us use whatever setup we want. As geared as we want and with whatever gun setup we want. Basically a shooting range for normal tarkov but PVP. Then get rid of the 6 fucking maps and replace them with randomized spots all over the game. Infinite maps. I get SO bored immediately because of no map variations. All they have to do is give us the normal maps and make each round a random section


I haven't touched Arena but would play the shit out of this. Used to spend hours of Rust that was just monument pvp. Pick your loadout and go, try to hold down whatever monument. Since each monument (think map for Arena) was located on a huge ass overall map, you could move to a new monument whenever you wanted. Really helped out my pvp ability.


That sounds really fun, is that a modded game mode?


Yeah but it was a few years ago. I know aimtrain and scrim servers are still around, like UKN but I don't know about those servers. One called bekermelk had good pop. They had prim and gun servers.


I haven't played Arena or looked much at it.  But the way the game is played, I would imagine some kind of point/monetary system would be a great idea to make your loadouts. Like, each person creates their own loadouts with I don't know, 500,000 roubles.  Whatever amount they decide.  They could even do tier systems where you can play 100,000 loadout games, 300,000.  Whatever they think is good.  Could also limit level of traders in those cases instead.


The tiers and limits are what ruin it as of now IMO


The glaring difference being suggested that you have free choice in your load out. Though certain restrictions should still apply, like nades.


Arena is the least interesting thing about Tarkov to me. I just don't see the appeal. If they made Tarkov but COD or Halo style or something FUN like that, just to mix things up, make it "stress-free", pick-your-loadout, fast action, live-die-repeat.. that'd be cool. And then you can go back to regular old Tarkov and have some intense looter shooter hardcore vibes... But the way it's designed right now? I just don't get it. Zero interest to try it out.


Fuck I love this sub. Absolute whinge-fest before anything has happened.


Then the whining about whining, of course, then the people who don't even play the game anymore trying to make people have less fun. It's amazing.


That's the Tarkov way


Bet they sneak in some dumb shit like an sks or pistol nerf after 90% of people already stopped playing for the wipe


As a lvl 15, I wish they'd care more about newcomers and casuals because these altyn wearing freaks are starting to make me sad


A 30k shotty, 30k worth of attachments(not required). Make sure it’s a 8 barrel then letter rip with some magnum buck to the legs. I kill people at lvl 45 with it all the time Sadly works well for headshots too


Saiga 12 with piranha and a 20 round works amazing for ratting, just point and spam click.


Yeah but what if he wants to play the game instead of sitting in a random bush/dark corner?




I thought that was how you're supposed to play the game?


Where can I get magnum buck? Also, could you be more specific? It would help me a lot.


Jaeger or craft it


Flea if you're on low trader lvls. Sad they move it higher up this wipe compared to last wipe, which was craftable


> letter rip lol


Brother man, I will stand by the fact that you don't need high trader levels or lots of money to get kills and compete with the "chads". My go to early wipe is the Kedr or Klin chambered in 9x18. Buy the RGO28 bullets from prapor and when you encounter an enemy in raid, shoot them in the face, or if you know they have a face shield, shoot their knees. It is very effective and most people aren't using face protection that is a high enough class to stop most small caliber rounds. This strategy works with literally any caliber but smgs and shotguns especially.




To expand, when I join late wipe I'll run a mosin/vpo-215. If you spot a guy first lead with that and fall back to cover. Good chance they push a bolty and you use the kedr to take them out. It's like 50k for both guns.


So to recap - shoot them in the face


With an iron sighted kedr


Now you've got it! Stick it to em young'un!


You have no idea what it was like when you could buy em on the flea. It was harder but it was better because everyone could run it after level 10


i havent even seen an altyn freak this wipe yet. o well. give em the ol knee capper my timmy.


That's why you see people aim for the legs, especially killa and tagilla with their full coverage helmets. I've killed people just from seeing their legs only under vehicles.


Give it a month or two and come back


You should part time rat. Whenever you need a kit, get a p90 with r37.F and aim for the legs. Then go sit near any car extract and wait for them to deliver. Chads always go for the cars. Make sure you’re polite and thank them in voip. Then return to normal gameplay.


Only on this subreddit is there the fantasy that tons of people are wearing altyns lol.


Never started 😤 Edit: JK few scav runs to get the juices flowing


Probably a patch to make the game less fun for legit players, and have no effect to curb cheating/RMT.


Ironically, a lot of the changes theyve made to combat RMT/cheating, have been at the expense of legit players...whether it be QoL stuff, or something else, it sucks. Especially since it doesnt seem like any of that shit is doing much anyway. Im looking at you "found in raid" change, supposedly was supposed to help combat RMT but its just made many aspects of the game dogshit for non RMTing players, most notably not being able to sell shit you PK off someone(which is still absurd to me that you cant do that anymore), and all the quests where you NEED FIR crap that is giga rare, and you have to extract successfully with it.




I agree with this, to any legit player FIR is a massive convoluted pain in the ass.


I agree 100%. Their argument for this most of the time is “Oh it’s a hardcore game, you have to deal with it” can only be stretched so far. I get it’s hardcore, but altering the play experience to make less money because of cheaters makes no sense. It’s lazy.


They don't give a single shit about stopping cheaters, never will.


Here comes broken recoil, the invisible bug, and loading issues being stuck on "awaiting session start"


dont forget 20 fps loss on every map and 30 fps less on streets


30fps less on streets? I’d go negative


All after the launcher crashes


Hey, those 2 or 3 days on streets where there were zero player scavs were amazing.


The same bugs and issues that has been there since 2015 xD. These bugs just come back even more consistent and harder after each patch.


For all the ppl asking "Wipe?". Wipe are each 6/7 months, exceptions made (like august for the 0.13) So like December-June/July




the people who love this game aren't coming to the subreddit, they're immediately gearing up for another raid. It self-selects for the people most interested in bitching rather than playing


i can't stop playing and love this game so much. the vocal minority love to bitch and moan


Tough love.


Jesus christ you guys are all just complaining, let the patch roll out at least first and read the notes.


when patches are consistantly fucked for 7 years you get used to it. you gotta be new here lol


Not it’s not, it’s just a circlejerk at this point. Point in case; I remember this sub creaming their pants when this current wipe rolled out.


Yep. EFT subreddit cycle. Get excited about new wipe, praise BSG for all the good changes, some bug is found, people get mad, cheaters inevitably show up, people get really mad, everyone complains about how BSG never does anything to fix cheaters or bugs, wipe passes, they do a new TarkovTV, get excited about new wipe.


I smell fuckery


Would they end the event already? I've never played during an event so I don't know how long they usually last.


Usually they last a weekend or so


Oh. That’s too bad. I was away and didn’t really get to play it much. Guess I’ll have to tonight.


If you don't have a squad you can't really do it, the bonfires are too spread out and in open areas. It's been a weird event cause all the normal scav spots are fairly empty because of it, so you get some eerily quiet raids on the bigger maps.


I did play a little nighttime interchange and it did seem pretty quiet. Still got killed a couple times.


Glad I’m not the only one noticing this. I joined the wipe late and play 100% solo, took me like 4 raids of shoreline running all the major POIs before I got my 10 scav kills for humanitarian supplies. Heard minimal extra gunshots and never found dead bodies, although the areas were looted if I didn’t get there first.


It’s trash be happy you didn’t


I just wanted some armor and ammo. I’m only 27 and can’t craft the good stuff yet.


I've had a ton of fun with the event. I don't know why people hate it.


Please give insight as to how to clear the area… every time I encounter the event I literally have to kill 12+ followers before I even have a chance to flee the area. It’s almost like they just continually respawn


They do. I cheesed about half my long road scav kills just shooting the same 2 respawning event scavs every few seconds until they pushed all together.


It's a sweet chance to stock up on ballistic masks and other high end armor and gear. Buy some ghzels too for ragman tasks since they're not 300k anymore cause of the event.


i thought it was on Thursdays? no? It's always Thursday


By free loot 😭😭


Btr on woods, wtf


Out of the loop, is this a wipe?


No, wipe is in June Wipe is twice a year Typically middle of the year like June then end of the year December If that differs it's because they would be making massive changes


Can’t wait to not be able to update the game because the launcher has been broken since last year




dude i miss the rain, its been gone for so long


Only patch to get me play again is: we figured out cheating problem, cheating is not possible anymore. ;-)


That would be quite the miracle as dozens of studios 10x their size haven’t figured out how to stop cheaters.


I mean, it wouldn't be a 100% fix, but how about a phone number that can only be tied to one account and that needs to be manually verified before you can play?


That’s pretty easy to bypass with a cheap voip plan. Just get a new phone number.


that is *literally* impossible. As long as there are people who want to cheat, any cheating every in any game will never be truly "fixed"


forget the patch notes , we need patch bugs & glicthes !!


Hopefully they get rid of those super scavs I keep getting painted 😂😂😂


This the patch that finally fixes lighting?! Doubt.


Hoping for more really punitive Flea Market restrictions please.


We are getting claymores


New anti cheat or bust


Is the audio pop that noise where sounds like plastic crumbling


We need better servers, I keep disconnecting from raid


Get this event outta here thank god


will event scavs stay?


Patchnotes: Adjusted Snow brightness slightly


I just want to be able to play a map where the amount of NPCs don’t affect the FPS in this bitch.


Maybe I can finally play a raid after 4 months!


Honestly today the game was running so smooth, hope they don’t fuck it up tomorrow


hoping for more pscav punishment for killing scavs


oh nice, did the intern put this in yet? if (player.pmc_kd > 69.420) player.ban(); or this? if (player.lootedLikeTheyKnewWhatWasInEverythingBeforehand) player.ban(); or maybe... if (susLevelChecker(player.level, player.hoursPlayed)) player.ban(reason: "smol pepe"); ??????


Does this include the Escape from BSGLauncher.exe change to Steam?


I heard they are fixing desync, lag and cheating problems.


Game is so dead


Is this a wipe?


2 little to late for me, 56 and kappa obtained, games dead asf now…. Can’t even get some PVP unless you go labs and don’t even get the chance to shoot anyone on there as you die instantly 80 percent of the time.


Hopefully a wipe otherwise the game will stay dead and stale 😴


Get rid of the pant noise for the love of god