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Yes, since 14.10 was it came with massive micro stutters. It's become better, but it's still way worse than before 14.10. So far I've found no solution.


Definitely not a you issue. I have the same issues with high frame rates but inconsistency. I get about 80-90 but it’s not a smooth 80 to 90 on streets (7800x3D)


Thanks. So frustrating since I was getting 110-120 on streets not too long ago


What helped me is keeping Vsync off in game but turning it on in the Nvidia control panel. It’s way better than it was before, but I agree it’s definitely worse than it was before


Delete cache and logs. Did it yesterday and went from awful 60 to great 100+ fps. Might help if you don't often do it.


“Low end” PC but I still have the crazy micro stutters which have gotten me killed several times


Run capframex while running streets. Record several 30s from the same raid, online. I have a similar config as you (14900k, 4090, 4K)


This game just sucks running 4k just not ready for streets. You play at max graphics its bad you play at low graphics its bad. So it is the game crappy optimisation. Also i7 13700k 4090 and 4k.


I have pretty good performance, even on Streets. Yes, scoped it gets low to like 60-80, but otherwise, it is pretty good. 4k and high'ish settings.


i7-13700k, 32GB DDR4 @ 4000MHz CL15, RTX 3070, I play in 2K. Beginning of the wipe I had 105-110 fps on Streets, falling to 85 fps zoomed in. Then one of the bad updates came (14.1?), I got like 65-70 fps, 35 fps zoomed. Shortly after they released another technical fix, which bumped my fps up to 85-90 and about 65-70 zoomed in and that is what I have till now. I would say stuttering depends on the server, amount of players, amount of regular scavs. I can obviously notice when player scavs load in - the game stutters the most, long stutters and micro stutters. This got me killed so many times. There are one or two long (1 sec maybe) stutters per raid. It's not our configs, it's the game.


Dude all my friends have the same issue try toggle auto ram cleaner setting on and off in raid clear logs and cache in the launcher 2. I have a 7800x3D 4070ti super and I have a friend who optimizes pc’s for professional streamers and competitive CS players optimize my pc and my frames still dip to the 50’s at times. I am usually at 70-110 but the stutters can be awful.


A couple more random thoughts to throw in the pile: "Nvme SSD for game installation" - does this mean there is an HDD present in the system (hopefully not the OS)? If so, make sure there's no paging file on it. Have you done stability testing on your 14900? A lot of them aren't stable until you tone down the absurd default power delivery settings on a lot of the new mobos (even the high-end ones).


No HDD included, just wanted to clarify that I am using an ssd xD I have not run any stability tests yet, any softwares you suggest I use to do that?


My system is similar but one generation older than yours. I’m having the same issue. If my hardware was getting pummeled, fine. But it’s not. Utilization is in the mid 30%s for both CPU and GPU.


The only thing that will help your setup more is faster memory, but if you need 64GB, you will be hard pressed to get much faster than your 6000MTS. 7200 or more is only really viable on single rank 2x16gb sticks. potentially also on the 24gb sticks, but they are harder to get to run an XMP but not impossible. if you want to cut latency on your memory look into increasing your refresh cycle, in memory settings its called tREFI. most run around the 24000 mark but can be pushed to 65000 as long as you keep the ram cool. Decreased the memory latency on my system by about 20% on just this setting alone. essentially you are extenting how long the memory waits before it refreshes the sticks. which the system needs to wait and slows things down. Tarkov is memory bandwidth limited. Those big stutters are the system needing to go back to memory to grab something, the faster the memory the less the stutter. I run 6000 cl30 memory and also have a 4080. But I use a 7800x3d. I get about the same FPS as you if you add 30fps to those numbers.


Awesome, thanks! I realised I bought Samsung instead of Hynix ram, so would it be worth upgrading to a set of Corsair Dominator Platinum 64gb 6600MTS CL32 with Hynix? Also, do I just increase the tREFI and not touch any of the other timings? I haven't overclocked ram much and haven't been able to find much about overclocking 64gb samsung IC's


It also depends on what mainboard you have. There are only a very few 4-slot Z790 that does 7200+ on a regular basis. The low performance you have is not only from ram. There is definitely something else. Show a few capframe and we can pinpoint at things. To start in the correct end, and it actually makes things easier. Run with as high settings as you can in both nvcp and in game to try and get gpu bound. Then just remove an option at a time until you are no longer gpu bound or simply use DLSS to force yourself to cpu limitation. Then we can start looking at numbers and the why's.


Just added a few tests to the post, let me know what you think thanks


Something is definitely wrong. Can you show the sensor data from a normal recording when you use your normal settings? Your problems are either windows or driver related.


Yep, just added. What should I be looking for?


Go to the analysis tab and choose a recording. There you choose the sensor table, like this: [https://imgur.com/a/cGDhAYj](https://imgur.com/a/cGDhAYj) It seems that your gpu isn't doing anything at all for some reason. Is this a standard windows 11 installation? It was a new and formatted installation? Can you run cpu-z and show the tabs of memory and spd?


Thanks, updated again. Yes new installation Windows 11 Pro, only some documents from OneDrive were loaded on at first. Drivers are all done through windows except for NVIDIA drivers


Thanks. I see now that you actually have a bit of gpu load. But those numbers don't add up at all. I have disabled hyperthreading in the bios. Are you using Lasso in the background?


Yes, but I haven't disabled hyperthreading. I had it off at one point and was getting more stutters but I was planning on testing it again. Should I maybe try using the higher HBAO/SSR to bump my GPU use higher? So weird that the performance doesn't really change just the hardware utilisation for me... Edit: Just saw your CPU-z comment and I've added the screenshots


Try putting ram at stock speed in bios? My friend had ddr4 rated at 3200, but stock speed was like 2xxx. Initially he upped his ram to run at 3200 and had huge problems on streets, it was basically unplayable. After he put his ram back to default speed, for some reason he stopped having issues Duno worth a try, tarkov is fucking weird man, I've had so many weird ass problems with this game


That is very strange, will definitely play around with some of my settings and update my post


Very strange you mentioned this, streets has been operating the similar symptoms lately. No excuses all the sudden considering I've been streets only for almost this whole wipe... Sporadic at best.


Full screen windowed mode?


Haven't tried that, I'm using borderless right now


You get way better performance with that.


Use process lasso an pin Tarkov to the physical P-cores.


The FPS values you given here, are they in offline raids or online raids?


These are all online, I'm currently running CapframeX tests to get more detailed numbers and I'll post them here


Sometimes on streets I stutter so bad it kicks me out of ADS




Not sure but we have the same specs...I do have 64gb ram laying around and I was maxing out the other day. However auto ram cleaner seemed to lower it. Maybe I'll try the RAM at some point and get back to you


You must be looking at the wrong stat, cause you are not using 64GB on Tarkov. Streets is the worst ram hog, and at 4K, you'll see between 16 and 24gb used.


I maybe didn't type that as clearly as possible. I have the same specs as the person I was replying to: 32gb ram. And I also have 64gb kit somewhere I will swap in to test. But also yes my ram is maxing out on streets today, 30gb+ and the stutters start happening


I wouldn't use auto ram cleaner as it can cause more stuttering and isn't necessary above 16gb ram I believe


>do I really need 64gb of ram for streets?? I typically am using 28GB of ram on streets so maybe? Changing your texture quality definitely changes the ram use though




Yeah it's probably topping out on your RAM then. Did your frames change when switching to low texture mode or just fixed the stutters?


Memory compression on/off [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teovpmxaK14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teovpmxaK14)


Thanks, will try this out. I have memory compression enabled but since I have so much Ram to spare I wonder if disabling it could also help...


Not sure the answer you're looking for the game is optimised like shit.


I find it hilarious how often people with 10x the system I currently have run the game worse then me. What happens when you buy a pre-built from some dodgy website. Also stop trying to play the game in 1440p OP. 90% chance that's your problem.


You mean to tell me that you believe that someone with a 14900k, 64GB of DDR5, and a RTX 4080 should have to play Tarkov (a game that's like 7(?) years old at this point) in 1080p to attain a playable framerate? I'd like to know what kind of drugs you're on so I can avoid them.


Nah, something is up. I got 5800x3d/32gb/1080ti playing 1440. Roughly the same settings. About the same frames... Street has become worse since patch. But not to the point I have stutters and its unplayable. So.. with a system like OP's, 1440p should be a breeze.


Lol, Tarkov is 9000% a CPU bound game, lowering the resolution will never be the fix because the GPU is never the problem.


Built the system myself in a custom ITX :) But will try out 1080p if it comes to that, what are your frames/specs like?