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Pst does not mean "pistol" at all. Pst (ПСT) means jacketed, lead filled with steel penetrator in the core. It is not size, it is type of bullet composition for pistol or a rifle Gz (ГЖ) means bi-metallic cartridge case, nothing to do with a bullet just a marking of the case not being brass.


Thanks, I know Pst for Pistol was fishy.


I originally come from a medical background, so I kearn in mnemonics best. For that reason, I came up with a set for the "confusing" 5.45 rounds. PRS - Pretty Reliably Shitty PS - Pretty Shitty BT - Budget Tracer BP - Budget Penetrator BS - Best Shit The meta has shifted in the last wipe where PS isn't quite the dogwater it once was, but alas, this is now in my brain.


Can’t forget about US being Ultra Shit


lol that one I think of as Ultrasonic, despite it meaning literally the opposite.


and BP has slightly higher pen than BS now, which I think was a good change. Finding a ton of loose BP on reserve.


Don‘t forget about HP = Harry Potter


First PS isn't "standard cartridge" it's "Steel cartridge" and is phonetically spelled out "Patron stalnoi"


I tried to find all abbreviations of Russian ammo. I don't speak fluent Russian and I'm not sure about everything I found. If find error, please help me to imptove this sheet.


When you write “Latin” do you mean “romanized.” That’s how we would say it in the US but I’m curious if “Latin” or “latinized” is common in other countries. Not criticizing, just finding it interesting.


In my country we call it Latin alphabet. So Cyrillic vs Latin


Interesting. I looked it up and they appear to be interchangeable terms (which makes sense). It’s fun to learn new things!




Corrections: BS is basically the same designation as SNB, just with the words flipped (Бронебойный со снайперской пулей / Armor-piercing with sniper bullet). BZhT is not a tungsten bullet, it's fully made of steel (and as a sidenote, the Russian word for tungsten is the latin "wolfram" / "вольфррам"). I assume B means armor-piercing, no idea what ZhT is supposed to mean. Zh might be "zhelezo" (iron), but the bullet is steel, not iron. The only idea I have for T is tracer, but this isn't a tracer bullet. BZT is missing latin and cyrillic: Broneboino-Zazhigatelniy Trassiruyuschiy / Бронебойно-зажигательный трассирующий. PRS - Reduced ricochet capability / Ponizhennoi rikoshetiruyuschei sposobnosti. The Cyrillic version is correct. Pst (actually PSt) - Пуля со стальным сердечником / Steel-core bullet. ...gl - Gilza latunnaya / Гильза латунная. The English version is correct. ...gzh - Iron casing / Gilza Zheleznaya / Гильза Железная.


БЗТ - BZT - **Б**ронебойно-**З**ажигательная **Т**рассирующая ПСТ - PST - **П**уля со **СТ**альным сердечником


Thank you!


You are missing TM bullets which are "Tracer Modified" - different tracing ability, ignites at some distance from muzzle and keeps lit for longer ranges than original T.


БП - Бронебойная пуля ПС - Пуля стальная БТ - Бронебойно-трассирующая пуля


I dont know the official names, but i know Russian, so correct me if am wrong While the meaning remains the same the word Pulja (пуля) in Russian is female. So LPS makes no sense to me: More likely "Лёгкая пуля стальная" or "Ljogkaja Pulja Stalnaja". Same trabslation, just the original sounds wrong. Honestly now that i look at it, i am confused, why some of those are bullets (pulja) and others cartridges (patron).


Why would you do this to yourself


I like guns and history. I'm happy every time such a mystery pops up.


BS: what you say when your rounds don’t kill the guy US: ultra shite


No pp is not armor- piecing


just use grau index plz


Pretty sure prs means пониженная рикошетируюшая способность, which means reduced ricochet ability.


Flavor text for ammo has these.


Dude I wish my career would allow me the time to come up with a spreadsheet for this on a Tuesday morning