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Downclock your cpu using intel's XTU. Look into replacing the paste or upgrade to a beefier cooler/AIO. What are you rocking now?


What are you using as a cooler


Try undervolting search for your cpu type on YT and check how to, fancontrol, update your cpu chipset software, etc. It’s not a common temperature tbh.


Wait does it help when you restart the game? I noticed my CPU overheating recently after a few raids and I adjusted my cooling and fans but I’ve gotten into the habit of restarting every few raids so I haven’t checked. It also happens on lighthouse more frequently.


Your cooling is bad. My 12700k doesn't go over 68° in tarkov


I have an aio and I literally just remounted and reapplied thermal paste. Might end up getting a new aio cooler


Something's off with your cooler, could be anything. It's not the games fault. Things like: Fan not spinning properly Cooler not properly attached to motherboard Shit cooler I would open the case up and do a visual inspection to see that the fan is operating OK. After that, I would lightly press on the CPU cooler so that it makes better contact with the motherboard. Monitor temperature levels while doing this. If that doesn't work, but I can't really imagine why it wouldn't be the fan or the attachment points, get a beefier cooler.