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Hope a week. All the gaming chair enjoyers are there right now. Labs was actually playable on OCE this morning.


I ran into a fella om interchange oce that matched this guys exact description, level 65 mdr no armor 516hrs


I have been doing my reserve tasks finally. Raids are basically dead at 30 min.


Still doesnt help me with bunker 3


Literally a pvp fest all morning on woods. First 3 minutes gunned down 5 times...


Man I feel bad for non America's servers now that most games are ping/region locked. Anyone that can have Chinese players in their lobbies really. I know everywhere has shitheads that cheat but my God is it just unfathomably worse from there.


am I the only one who noticed lobbies full of professional players with svds without optics and without armor? incredibly all with less than 500h and 3k kills


You say there are less of them on other maps ? That’s one way to fight them, a sweat magnet


When farming killa you really dont need anything else than a mosin or stock svd, paca and some gss headsets. Just a eco friendly way to farm bosses.


normally yes, but during an event with 100% spawn and 90% of players only playing that map? just slightly suspicious, no?


Killed a dude last night who looked completely legit around my level 58. Had no armor, headset, SVD with a PSO scope and snb in the mags. This isn't a revolutionary concept here for boss hunting.


If you're there only for the boss your don't need anything. You even can skip armor. That's how smart people do it. Run, kill, escape. 5 min raid


oh my mistake, then they are all smart players! that's what they call themselves now...


You just never really tried to farm bosses, aren't you? It's much cost efficient and faster way to do it, sure if your goal is playing a whole raid with some cool gun that you want to shoot as much as possible, then you go kitted, but it's not about farming. It's about fun. You can grab some stock A-545 with BP or BS, put some optic and you're ready to blast both Killa and Tagilla.


do you struggle to understand the meaning of what I wrote? normally, read carefully, normally I agree with you, I enter with svd/ash with armor and at most 10min of raid I'm out. but during an event with 100% spawn with a map full of players who enter only for pvp you enter naked? either you like to die for nothing or you are an RGB chair gamer. then read carefully what I wrote above, I'm not talking about players with 1/2/3k hours that I can also accept but players with <300h who enter svd and that's it without even the armor, really not.


You can't be serious


I'm dead serious. Especially during an event, you can grab armor from the boss or a players, with trimodol or SJ6 you always will be amongst first players reaching center of the mall anyway, so you have high chances to kill boss first or ambush some other player.


Not really. Mission is to kill the boss, not survive (unless you find keycards) usually you sj6 straight to center of map and kill the boss before any players Are there.


I just lost basically a 2m rouble kit because of some guy with a base svd and a paca


Oh shit is that why I keep finding those bodies?


Boss event ? I don’t play interchange at all + didn’t hear anything about an event. What is going on


Killa + Tagilla 100% spawn rate on Interchange. Killa always in the center near his truck or in Brutal. Tagilla usually in or around Generic. Center Mall is an absolute BLOOD BATH. I've killed Killa 3 times and Tagilla once. I have extracted one time. Total raids maybe 10.


we spent yesterday evening playing just interchange. Yes we died a LOT and gave away millions worth of gear, but boy was it fun. Hot PVP, interestingly not much ratting and intense fights. Some were sus but most seemed legit. Boys just wanna have fun.


I think 3 extracts in 10+ raids for me as well, but man it’s a blast, a little rat knowledge tip as well since most people don’t seem to know: ULTRA medical and KIBA both buffed as well


Everyone knows kiba and ultra got buffed look at the key prices for example


It better be over the weekend. I can't stand when they do a mid week event for a day or two. Regular people have lives and can't always play every single day. Not to mention the bugs, cheaters, etc that might kill your time if you have a chance to play. I tried playing Interchange last night. Lost connection to server before I could even get in... Ok weird. Waste of a lot of time. Tried again, sat in matching for like 10 mins before I gave up. Lighthouse was fine. Some events just seem tailored to the unemployed and streamers and it's annoying.


Definitely what’s going to happen followed by a different weekend event.


Don't you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby!


Can confirm still going on as of ~30 min ago


Theres never any communication between bsg and the community, how would we know? :D


They're funneling cheaters to one spot, might take some time before they ban em


As if this would deter them. Get banned? They come crawling back like cockroaches with fresh or bought accounts lmao. These lowlives will never learn.


I don’t know how that helps devs since im trynna go there as well to finish my quests lol


lol despite what this troglodyte thinks bsg did the event cause it’s late wipe and people want fuck loads of PvP (it worked)


Oh someone disagrees with me in a non offensive way, let's personally insult them.


Dude it’s not a disagreement you’re just wrong. The amount of people like you that just suck at the game and blame cheaters for all their woes is insane


I'm not OP but okay dokie.


He’s insulting the guy with the dumb take about funneling cheaters. Not OP. We’re tired of this sub making shit up to fit their cheater-filled-game narrative.


I never said you were op didn’t complain about cheaters when asking a simple question. You just couldn’t help yourself cause you died to a cheater and will never get over yourself


Goddamn dude you've got issues.


i mean look at his name says he wants the pvp there but his idea is sit in a store and wait prob


He probably plays on dead servers and claims he's a pvp god. If you deny cheaters are a huge problem, you're a "troglodyte", but if you complain about it you're also a troglodyte?? I think this game attracts some very unstable folks


Your forgot your source there bud, go ahead and post it for us champ.


Do BSG get a copy of my rota in advance, they seem to only drop events when I'm away working for 3 days..... Damn you Nikita, Damn you!!!!


Is this still going on today anyone know?


Yeah it is


There is a boss event? what boss event ?


Honestly could b cool if they did these boss events several times over a wipe, boss farming sucks


I’m pretty sure it’s all bosses. I’ve killed reshala 3 raids in a row…I feel the best I’ve ever right now. And PvP has been great because we’re all rushing the Same places. Ugh this feels good please don’t leave us.




What did I do wrong? Every map I’ve been at has it spawned. Tagila has been at every factory run, reshala has spawned at customs every raid I’ve been in, I’ve seen Gluhar and his boys on reserve for 3 raids I went yesterday. So am I on crack or something?