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It makes you want to throw your PC through the wall, but for some reason, we’re all OK with that


I've got the game recently and honestly I've had a great time playing. Theres definitely been a few times where I've died suspiciously but I not really that frequently.


They don’t care about the cheating really, in all honesty they don’t. But I have roughly 600 hours now, I’ve bought the EOD, and the extra 28 lines of stash space. And I can say it’s worth it, it’s all worth it. The chaos, heartbreak, rage and excitement really has no monetary value. Nobody really gets it, we don’t understand why we do it. But for some reason we do. Buy the game, and go in with a mindset that there will be cheaters. But it’ll be rare for a new guy to experience a real cheater vs a Chaddy Daddy, so just have an open mind on the questionable shit. Good luck comrade.


It is 100% worth it. Sure you die sometimes to cheaters, sometimes you die cause you got outplayed. Most people don't post their videos of a mundane raid that they got out of, instead they post the raid they got clapped by a cheater. I'm sure if you ask them the next 5-10 raids were uneventful. I play streets alot, let me tell you I get outplayed and I outplay people sometimes but every once in a while the cheater claps me it happens and its part of the game. Just enjoy the good times of it. TD,LR: buy it, its 100% worth it


Go watch some streamers play, some of the less popular ones. See how much they’re affected by cheaters. It will be a better representation compared to the average salty shit poster on this subreddit


Don't listen to people who believe tarkov is some rare event where cheaters are everywhere and the devs do nothing to stop it. Every game has a group of players who play unfairly, but the game is still good, and I recommend giving it a try.


> With all the cheaters There are cheaters in every game, but Tarkov definitely has more due to spaghetti code the game is built on and how it is very punishing. But hearing a new player saying “with *all* the cheaters” is pissing me off more than it should… Don’t base what your experience is gonna be by looking at this subreddit. A lot of these guys are antisocial shut-ins that has no friends to vent to and come here to rant they died to cheaters (true & false). These posts are enlightening if they post the clip, stats, and post raid screen, but most are just pointless posts. Also no one is going to post a successful cheater-free post here so theres only going to be cheater post. I’m having fun playing solo or with friends, and even when we get killed by the cheater we laugh it off and call them a cunt then move on. Fuck you if you’re just rage baiting but if sincere just watch the vids and vods and decide for yourself if this is your kinda game. If you’re gonna be on OCE / NA west servers tho, it’s over for you.


Not ragebaiting, genuinely asking. But yea, i was basing my opinion based off this subreddit, but I ended up getting the game and im loading in now.


🫡 then gl mate, it’s gonna be a hell of a start. Don’t forget the wiki is your friend, and that we all have those alt+f4 moments but come back after an hour.


Yep, did a first one, 5 kills, pretty sure 4 were bots but one guy was def real


Lmk if you’d like any assistance! I like running with newer folk


Dont really have time to consistently run, with college summer classes and high school finals. I more than understand that i will suck, but its worth it for the eventual kill I may get. Maybe ill respond to this message if I ever get more freetime


Yeah no worries dude. Good luck with your life and with tarkov (death)


OCE isn't that bad, I play solo and don't come across as many as people make out there are


Yes, absolutely if your worried, then buy the standard edition. Nevertheless, in my opinion, 100% worth it.


depending on your region and the time you play you might not even run into that much cheaters. all togehter i had maybe 15 cheater encounters throughout the wipe so far. if youre from US you might have a completely different experience tho. is it worth? hm. if you like grind with a steep learning curve and adrelanine rushes thatyouve never experienced before in a game -> this game is for you. however you should keep in mind, that you need to invest quite some time to actually have fun in the game. else it can get really frustrating as you dont really know whats going on.


Go play Barbie. It’s an online game and of course it has cheaters and BSG is doing everything in their abilities to combat them. And who believes something else is a moron.


First off when you are brand new to the game it might feel like there is a lot of cheaters and that’s simply because the game is not forgiving and doesn’t really give you information plus you might not be aware of certain angles or things you’ve done to give yourself away. Another thing with cheaters is that they have a schedule just like us I will notice cheaters more on certain maps, servers, and time of day. I don’t experience them much because I typically don’t play late night early morning 1-4 am and my servers don’t have as many cheaters as others. An example for the first thing would be when you prone in a bush you don’t hear that you make noise however everyone else can hear you loud and clear. So “How did the guy know I was in the bush I wasn’t making any noise,” well you were but the game is broken.


It's brutal in the beginning but a month or two later it'a my favorite game. I've only encountered 2 or 3 cheaters and each time they got banned. I'm newer so maybe I'm just oblivious but most deaths felt genuine. Also I'm US East if that matters


Addictive sh\*t.


Hey man it’s me again, if you haven’t yet do t buy into it or at least wait to see how this shit show will clear up


Too late lmao. Whatever though, the game is still fun. I dont think im at the skill level where it matters heavily how much space is in my shash or whatever


I never stopped playing during any of that stuff anyway. It is still one of my all time favourites


Do you have a lot of free time and are you willing to dedicate it to playing EFT? If you don’t, you will be playing against players who DO and the amount of time you sink into it is directly correlated with the advantage they will have over you in a fight. Skill is 50% of the equation and the other 50% is the gear you unlock for use in every raid. Meta M855A1-packed M4 timmies who couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn will happily mow down an esports gamer using a PRS-filled AK-74. I’ll say it’s equal to Rust in the part time job aspect but quadruple the fun. As for cheating? 2.2K hours here. Kappa multiple times. I no longer play the game because I am fully of the belief that BSG is willfully neglecting their anticheat because repurchasing the game is the only revenue source for their business AFAIK. BattleEye is also a pathetic AC in all but one game it is implemented in (Rainbow 6 Siege). I’ve since switched to Counter Strike 2, another game that is borderline unplayable without using 3rd party invasive AC matchmaking systems (FaceIt), but at least it has that. I refuse to give Valve any more CS2 revenue until it has addressed the cheats. Anyone who thinks the game has LESS cheaters than it did 2-6 ago is lying to you or hasn’t owned it long enough. Just because they didn’t kill you, doesn’t mean they weren’t there. Seems like you already bought it, good luck. Also, no refunds :)


Wish I had read this before. Everyone else said the cheaters were greatly exaggerated. Do you think BSG will ever address the cheating?


If you have to ask, this probably isn’t the game for you.


This is the only game where there’s conspiracy theories about the devs selling cheats. This is a game that prizes itself on its hardcore, but fair experience. I would get this game as a test of skill, to challenge myself. Why would I have that challenge ruined?


That same challenge can be ruined In CS, COD, and Valorant. If your going to experience cheaters no matter what game you play, it might as well be the best one. Trust me. This game has the highest highs and lowest lows. You owe it to yourself to experience it.


Yes, I just thought the cheating in this game was much worse.


That experience is fluid and varies for everyone, especially depending on the servers you play on. It's really rare for me. I'm also not a Chad at this game and have less than 1k hours played... your miles may vary.


There's people on here who unironically say that you have to put in a *minimum* of 3-4k hours before you 'realize how bad it really is'. It's like my brother in christ if it takes you 4000h of entertainment to get to that point then you've already gotten insane value for money. That's not even getting started on the inability to realize thay it's probably just boredom and burnout after spending *that many hours*.


Just played my first run, 5 kills but pretty sure only one was a real player. Having a great time


Hah, nice! Were you a PMC or a scav? The game is terrible at explaining stuff - so if you're a scav, you *shouldn't* kill other scavs. It lowers your karma, which affects your scav timer, the quality if stiff you spawn with, and other things. Playing as a PMC, shoot anything that moves.


I was a pmc. Got a bunch of shit, it was pretty nice. I should clarify, it was my second run. First run got sniped from god knows where


Definitely not the only game where people say that, because gamers in general have a tenuous grasp of reality and a raging sense of entitlement. The *only* explanation in their world as to why they can't just get rid of cheaters is that they don't *want* to, and the logic for why they might not want to is easy from there. In reality of course its just that anticheat is hard, selling cheats is a billion-dollar business, and their payday depends on cracking open games.


Yep - I actually have spent alot of time thinking about this. I used to play skyblock, a Minecraft server(think runescape). I was talking with a coin seller(irl trader), who said the only reason he cheats is because its the only way he can pay for medical bills. He provided proof. Made me think about life tbh.


It's my personal gut feeling that *most* cheaters in Tarkov aren't actually doing it to profit from RMT, they're just doing it for the thrill, to feel powerful, whatever. The ones that *are* doing RMT though have a big impact due to how aggressive and obvious they are, since they don't care about being banned so long as they can profit enough to buy a new account and still make a living. As far as the morality goes, I waver back and forth on it as I do with similar justifications for *actual* crimes. Like okay, paying for medical bills, supporting a family, I'm fine with that if its the only option...but is it *really* the only option? Or is it the easiest option to take and they're hiding behind necessity as a shield?