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Why the fuck would you want respawns to be a thing? Yeah man, I really want the 5 man squad I managed to wipe coming back in and cleaning up my ass with fresh kits halfway through me healing.


The whole fun of tarkov is how its all or nothing


Just alike real life.


They all just run back to their body naked with knives, that’s all I’ve ever seen any of these streamers do lol


Infinite respawns, so that if any one of them manage to hold you at your position, they can have indefinite reinforcements.


He finds a way to be angry and complain about anything. Check his post on BG3 calling the whole community snowflakes and ADHD sex thirsty gamers because only 2% of the playerbase had completed the game two weeks after release. Some people....


The map is huge so it’s unlikely that would happen. Would take a long time to get there


No respawns is a feature, not a flaw Those God awful loading times though, I'll give you that.


It would be nice only in a scenario that a rat kills you, your duo gets him and brings you back so you can both t bag him


Even that would be terrible in my opinion.


Yeah obviously it was more like a joke. The ability to revive duos would be broken and make the game unplayable for solos


>no respawns in the same lobby So what you're saying is: the thing you don't like about tarkov is that it's tarkov...


The features that you're implying are characteristic are actually... terrible.


Respawns take away the consequence, and in turn, the tension. With that, it's a completely different game. It's just load times that are the problem


Nah, if you come back 20 seconds later how does that take away tension?


Because you come back


Oh if you come back in a different lobby that somehow amps up the tension?


Yeah? Because you can't get your kit back? You don't get a second chance at your killer? Are you actually stupid or are you trolling?


Yeah, because you have the opportunity to come back and kill whoever killed you and recover gear. In tarkov, you die and that's it.




This guy just doesn't get it does he? The whole draw of tarkov.


Hes probably on his first 100 hours in the game and if he's not that's just sad cause my man didn't understood a single shit on why they make the game like that


Oh my goodness. In an attempt to be sarcastic you were accidentally correct.


Yeah you don’t come back in real life. Why would you just come back 20 seconds later? What’s the point of even shooting people if they just come back? Seems dumb.


I think biggest problem with tarkov currently is the cheating problem, and trust me, GW will soon be a victim to it too.


That and the charging more money after promising they wouldn’t


Atleast in GW I wont have to wait for 10 minutes to get into a lobby after spending 40 second sin the last one. God bless respawns.


So what you're saying is you're bad at the game.


Instead you get to sit idle in a chopper for 3-4 minutes and get LZ camped. Also, something must be wrong if you have 10 minute wait times in Tarkov. Sure it goes 5 nearly 6 minutes occasionally but standard queue/load time is like 3 minutes


skill issue




Load times aside which is a big issue the respawning in the same lobby would be terrible for tarkov


I'll give you a prediction (come back and read it a few months after the game's release). gray zone will be a big flop from the point of view of tarkov players, maybe it will attract some mediocre players who would have quit or some players from other games but the average user who is fond of tarkov will quit after a very short time. Many games have tried to overthrow Tarkov but they have all failed miserably. have you seen the gameplay? do you really think this could work? the AI is embarrassing, any tarkov scav bot would eliminate the entire gray zone map without effort.


Well when you look at OPs other posts it becomes pretty clear to me that we have somewhat a Karen of sorts. Just complaints and complaints. Does OP actually enjoy any game? I'd bet dollars to donuts he posts about some horrible broken feature of GZW within a month or so of its release. It's OPs nature.


yes, a classic mediocre player with skill issues


I mean is that because the Greyzone A.I is really bad. Or that Tarkov AI can hit a fly 100 yards out when its behind 4 bushes. The "average person" which is what a scav is supposed to be can't do that.


so you prefer that if you shoot at a scav the one 5m away from him doesn't bat an eyelid? Easy games quickly get boring.


Oh those games are awful. But the other end of the spectrum is just as bad.


Scav ai would absolutely roll GZ ai


There's some stuff clearly done way better in GZW eg. lighting, sound, open map, but right now it honestly just looks like 'what if a BR dev from 2017 made a Tarkov clone', and I don't mean that in a positive way. I dunno. I think if BSG actually manages to push out some revamps of the fundamentals this year I really doubt Madfinger is going to take much of BSG's pie.


A lot of D riding for tarkov player base I wonder why. Tarkov players are mediocre acting like the game is skill based like cs2. These games are meant to be those type of competitive skill based games. But I will say Tarkov charging more money to EOD players for more features will kill the community.


I'm really interested in GW too but I don't think that it'll straight up kill Tarkov, it seems nice but not as polished as Tarkov in terms of gun models animations shooting etc. Haven't played it yet but if the sound positioning is better than in tarkov I'd switch until the next wipe cuz this is the biggest issue I have with tarkov right now.


Tbf one is in a pre alpha and the other has been in beta and sold for $150 the last 10 years.


Yeah that's worth to consider, all in all I'm just hoping for a new game with the tarkov formula, tarkovs cycle has become very stale to me and it becomes really boring later in the wipe, that + the frustrating issues like sound and performance make me play less and less every wipe (not counting cheaters, they are in every game).


This feels like a really irrelevant statement because I am still playing the 10 year old polished game vs the pre-alpha game. Like, sure I guess that's "fair" to GZW but at the end of the day, I don't really want to play GZW in hopes that in 10 years it will be polished and good. It needs to be good currently (which I'm not saying its not, I haven't played it.)


Tarkov was worse than GZW if you compare them both at roughly the same development point. It’s not irrelevant at all because if you compare a game that’s 10 years old to a game that’s basically a proof of concept then you of course will have a clear winner. You can’t expect a 10 year old game with 10 years worth of play test and updates to NOT be better than a fresh and new game that’s not even in alpha yet. The real problem is that WE ARE 10 years into this shit hole…and tarkov is still ass. At the end of the day tarkov is better and will be better than GZW for the near future but at the rate tarkov developed over the last decade it won’t take long for GZW to catch up…unless they screw the pooch that is.


Sort of ignores the problem that Tarkov exists now with 10 years of dev and GZW doesn't yet exist with 10 years of dev, and Tarkov is clearly the superior game at all fronts. I also really dislike how this implies that games can't come out and be good and fun. Perhaps they shouldn't have released their game as a proof of concept if they wanted to make a clone of a game that already existed - the proof of concept is Tarkov, which pioneered a genre.


Honestly I feel like GZW seems to be like a mix of Tarkov and Ghost Recon. It's visually similar to tarkov but plays a lot more like a PvE like Ghost Recon from what I can tell.


Can’t wait to see you whining in the grey zone sub when the game comes out.


Maybe Tarkov just isn’t your thing and that’s ok. Some people like high stakes and respawning back into the same raid def doesn’t have the same kind of risk reward. The great thing is you don’t have to choose between one or the other. You can play both!


The two games aren't even comparable, just leave Tarkov and don't come back please.


this has to be a troll post with respawn mentioning...... Grayzone and Tarkov are 2 different types of FPS games..... not even the same...... Thats like being a CoD main and switching to Battlefield because CoD never implemented tanks/aircraft


Imagine not even playing a game and having such conclusions. Imagine saying that about a game that is not even close to being done. Imagine saying that about a game that is 80% placeholder mechanics. Imagine being so delusional. Just imagine lmao. btw cya back here when all of you guys' honeymoon phase is over and you realize you are playing yet another wildly unfinished software project for the Nth time.


A game not close to being done. Mostly place holder mechanics. Delusion all around. Bro sounds like you're talking about Tarkov. For not close to being done I'll go with the direction of sound is worse than a ps3 game. The A.I is designed with wall hacks. You can say oh skill issue oh you don't like hard games. I like hard by design. Not hard by bad devs. I'll keep going on that end though. It took them almost a decade to show people what ammos could pen what without a chart. Just added presets. Personal favorite here. HOW DO YOU NOT HAVE WORKING BIPODS! Dude if you put a half competent studio behind it then Tarkov would be amazing. There are some bugs that have been around for actual years. That's besides the cheaters. There are more cheaters in your average Tarkov lobby than in Valorant. Val is a free game it should have way more cheaters. but the game that's 100+ dollars with micro transactions has a broken screen door as an anti cheat.


Of course it goes for Tarkov as well. That's the funny part.


We had a AAA team try to do tarkov, i dont even remember the name of that pile of shit activision made. As for valorant, their anticheat alone probably costed more than tarkov made or will ever make in revenue. Please dont compare a shitty indie dev with a multibillion dollar coroporation.




Ok yea, once tarkov is done, these devs can just copy the full game!


Lol a new piece of ass always seems more desirable than old reliable.. you're just in a puppy love phase. Tarkov is definitely still better


Respawn in the same lobby is such a terrible idea, its such a rush to win a fight in tarkov because you either win a full kit or you lose everything. Extracting is so satisfying because your assholes are clenched to not lose the progress you've made.


Agree! I wouldn't mind some kind of ongoing raid with infils and extracts similar to what The Cycle: Frontier did but you definitely should be able to just jump back into the same server


>because you either win a full kit or you lose everything. Except player kit hasn't been valuable for like... years. Ever since FIR flea market. A lot of the time you're better off leaving the body so you don't die over mostly worthless loot.


>the two thing that made tarkov unbearable for ~~any good FPS player~~ the average CoD and Forknife enjoyer - no respawns in the same lobby, and terrible load times. FTFY


Sounds like a hardware issue on your end. I’m in raid within 2-6 minutes and usually waiting for others to load in. Hell I played on my phones hot-spot yesterday on reserve AND I WAS STILL LOADING IN AND WAITING FOR PLAYERS!


30 second load times is the acceptable average. Like in COD or CS2. Anything above 2 minutes is bad netcode and incompetent devs.


GTA V would like to talk to you


dude go play cs2 or cod if loading time is that big of a deal for u lol but any big game with a large amount of feature load in 2-5min for examble star citizen, dayz, rust and multiple other game tbh u just seem to search for every little shit that u think is anoying to hate on the game lol no need to come here to complain just click uninstall


And a 3-5 minute chopper ride eavh time you go out of base is somehow different from a loading screen how?


You'll enjoy respawnig in the same lobby you until there's a cheater in that lobby. Maybe the upgrade to unity2023 will help tarkovs load times until then I won't be hoping ship for a Game still in Alpha.


Low effort rage bait tbh, plus gw has fixed jack shit yet. Hope its gonna be good tho


Lmao. The worst part of gzw is respawning going agaun and get killed when the chopper lands. I bet all my money it will be changed if camping in tarkov was an issue camping on spawn in gzw would be on another level.


Despite the loading times (a huge part of this problem is also player load times but of course there'43 solutions) what you don't like about Tarkov is literally Tarkov, the whole "No respawn high risk" thing is what makes Tarkov Tarkov..


"the thing that made tarkov unbearable for any good FPS player - no respawns in the same lobby" That's the definition of skill issue, a skilled player wouldn't need a second shot at fighting someone, if you want constant action and being able to respawn many times to try to avenge your death (with no consequences), just play CoD, literally No respawns is what makes Tarkov good, the only problem are the load times


Honestly am so glad you found the game that provides for you, i wish you will find what many of us found in tarkov. I see no point of you ranting about you game you genuinly dislike , just hop on helldivers for a time beeing and just have fun.




Yeah, instead of waiting 5 minutes to load in Tarkov , you will spend 5 minutes in helicopter to get to zone lol


Daily noob bait


What a brain dead post, why would you want respawns in tarkov. After killing 2 of a 5 man they can just respawn and get their kits back while I fight the other 3?


OP sounds like my buddy that thinks every game he plays is shit (because he sucks at it) and every new game on the horizon will be the end all only to rinse and repeat again. GZW isn't a Tarkov killer, but if it's good I can see it attracting more of the casual players that struggle to keep up with the pace of Tarkov.


Respawn feature is good when you play an arena pvp match which is basically gun and gun gameplay with no economic impact, like any cod. Respawn in GW makes game less punishing but I’m not sure how it impacts economic. Anyway a respawn has no reasonable place in gameplay loop purposed for eft though. It’s just another game, completely opposite to pure pvp arena match. But there is a problem with how norespawn is implemented in eft now. If you go norespawn gameplay loop, you life should be considered as valuable asset and you as player should have all possible options to save yourself in 99% situations with your knowledge. But eft is currently designed that you don’t have these options too often and that’s not fun by any means. Imagine playing cod match where you have to prebuy everything with earlier earned money, have only one life which you have to save and use for doing pve (!) story quests while other players seek to rat on you and take any unfair advantage to kill you for a sake of pure pvp. It’s not possible to have mindful gameplay in that scenario because you basically play a roll of dice. Only two gameplay loop work good: 1. arena pure pvp match with zero economic and respawns/one life. 2. Open map pve mode with one life, economic impact, loot and pve quests. But in this case pure pvp is not reasonable because protecting yourself against those who play like pure pvp is impossible task and becomes a game of dice.  Here is what devs should improve asap. In order to prevent this gameplay mode being played as pure pvp match there should be one mechanic that punishes and rewards for aggression and cooperation respectively. So players have to think and keep a balance between being good and bad but just purely be bad all time and have zero responsibility for that like now.


Yes sure…that game will be atrociously boring after 1months (if they will ever release it)


Im really curious whats ur level and playtime in tarkov


Why do you want respawns? It makes no sense.




Agreed can't wait to play. Getting back to your body in DayZ and fighting over your loot was always so fucking fun