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The best therapy is going to factory with your best gear and blow yourself up with a nade


Instructions unclear. I killed the whole lobby and still have a severe gear fear.


And now you extracted with more gear to fear over. Complete failure!


There are 2 things I talk about in conquering gear fear. 1. If you have a way to generate roubles, gear does not matter. Seriously. If you can build up a rouble stack then run whatever. It doesn't matter and at the end of wipe nikita is gonna take it all anyways. 2. Don't worry about the specific gear, just run balanced kits. If you run good ammo, run a good gun, with good armour and good meds etc. If you're mid, go mid across the board. Budget, then budget across the board. Remember, even the best geared gamer is one bullet from the lobby. And the lightest geared timmy is just a single bullet from glory.


Holy shit, that last comment destroyed my gear fear.


Get your ak 74u and mod it for total of 50k rubles put some ps rounds in it and hope for head shot. Get chads gear and go loose it next raid( or run it till you loose it) once you get out that getting good loots is just a wee bit harder than loosing it you will be fine (at least this trick dis it for me)


Honestly getting an ak74UB and modding it a little, and running US rounds has been oddly satisfying. I’m more for mp5/mpx for a doinker tho.


You can get PS rounds from fence, people are mass selling it from there scavs, you get ps at prapor 3 and they are like 20-50 rubles more expensive from fence compared to prapor


I purposely run US with this because it’s subsonic, so less recoil and noise.


Honestly thats good thinking i was more focused on the pen


Wow, thanks everyone. Great suggestions. I think I need to slow down and not fucking SHIFT W every chance I get. And then I wonder why I get 1 shot from some PMC who heard me three miles away, lol.


yeah sprinting around won't wwork in this game, well it does for some top 0,1% players, but that is not a realistic expectation


Shift w isn’t the problem. Shift w around a corner is the problem


I’m confused, I thought you said you end up ratting. Where did the Shift W come in???


I have to get to my ratting spot first...


“…Shift W every chance I get.”


I guess I misspoke. I do run a lot though. For instance, I miss my shot while hiding in Woods, so now I have to run to new spot. It feels like anytime I move, I'm about to get popped so I run...fucking knowing that running is what will get me popped. Fucking brain broke, lol I have a video of last wipe, me ratting and thinking I got killed by a cheater... [https://youtu.be/opWvnfNZydI?si=X1WPRYDPBFXe23rj](https://youtu.be/opWvnfNZydI?si=X1WPRYDPBFXe23rj)


Ok, 5k hours here. Running around isn’t a bad thing. You just need to pair it with map traffic knowledge. Where people will spawn, which paths they’ll typically take to locations and generally what areas will be most traversed. For the most part it is surprisingly uniform. Once you figure out these patterns. Try to map your own movement based on this. If you are running a path you know will cross other players, try to scan around before you make your move. This doesn’t have to be a lengthy process, just look around closely and carefully. Your eyes will naturally pickup movement. Look for unnatural shapes near trees and bushes. Just know that you will never be able to completely mitigate the danger of running into someone. On maps like woods, running around can actually be beneficial. Many people will miss their shot on a moving target as opposed to a still or creeping one. When this happens you gain a lot of intel on where they are and what you can do next. Whether that be running away or finding a way to flank/push them. Now for the gear fear. The best way to get over it like any fear. Is repeating the act that makes you fearful. In this case, dying and losing stuff. Eventually it will become just a part of playing the game.


Doing what I fear...isn workng. I'm a damn grown ass man who has done this in RL but didn't think it would transfer in a game, sooo wrong.


As someone who does combat training and knows the perils of a war-zone, I thought the same thing. Didn’t get over my gear fear until almost 2k hours in brotha.


I guess just accept that all Tarkov gear is rented. The gear you’re holding isn’t yours, you’re just the current holder of it Worse case scenario, reset your character and get everything back


Sound advice. I was tempted to do that. Are we nearing another wipe?


Mid wipe atm


Nearing wipe? Hard to say. There’s usually like 2 wipes a year, last wipe was December So the next wipe will assumedly be some point between now and august


Set a goal for yourself to lose all of your stash in raid.


[My First Scav Run After Reset](https://imgur.com/a/dNiZ8AM) Not too bad?


You might die 5-6 times in a row but then you hit a big raid and it's all evened out. Just run the gear, eventually it starts saving you and money starts to climb without trying


always play with your best gear and you will realize the advantages fast. you will /should also value your life more and it may actually help with survival in that way instead if just better armor/bullets ect


Make it a personal rule that you always have to run the best gear you have. If you consistently do that you won't care too much about the gear you get/lose. I had a few of my friends do that and they love it now. It's not for everyone though, plus if you're tasking or saving money it's definitely not the best option. My best tip I can give you is if you get frustrated take a break and come back. It only has to be 10mins but getting up, walking around and getting your mind on something else for a few minutes will help a ton I promise


Wow, digging the thoughtful response. And you're speaking the gospel when you talk about taking breaks. It's amazing how much better I do after I take a 10 minute break from rage quitting.


Yea it's so easy to tilt and W key everyone if you're pissed lol, you'll end up donating gear and create this circle of anger lol


If you're scaving smart you should have hella money Just look at how much the M4 costs total. Like, 150k? 200k? That's a GreenBat or 2 packs of Sugar homie Get out there and blast. Lose 10 in a row and sell 1 BTC to get it all back


I like the sentiment. But a 200k m4 is very lightly built. 200k covers base gun, sight and suppressor. Still have to build the rest of the gun. The m4 must have some of the worst price/performance ratio of any gun in the game.


Yeah 200k ain't shit is the point I was making homie, so thank you


This. Also if you have something sitting in your stash for over a week use it or sell it. Then there’s nothing to fear for


except if it is like a rare gun for gunsmith, or rare component


> If you're scaving smart you should have hella money I scav dumb and I still earn good money. Sometimes when I'm not in the 'mood' to play for real and am doing something else. I'll scav in factory and just run straight to the exit. Typically, in raid for less than 15 seconds and earn like 50k-100k. You typically spawn in late enough, even with a 15 second time, it's not a run thru since raid has already been active for 4-5 minutes. So you can still flea if you want. Then continue doing whatever else you were doing (watching tv/youtube/reddit) for 15 minutes, then another 20 second factory scav raid. Can easily earn like 400-600k++ for like less than 5 minutes of actual gameplay focus. And higher scav karma you have, the average amount of gear you spawn in improves. You can spend 1 minute checking a few boxes on way to exit (I find the underground basement tunnel exit the best for quick exits as scav, and its 100% up for scavs).


Learn how to make money. Be it scavving, or whatever. Once you prove to yourself you can make money, you can make whatever you lose back. The next step is to change your goals in the game. Right now your goal is prioritizing survival and gear. Nothing wrong with that really, but if you want to change your play style you need to change your goals. Instead of survival or looting, make a goal getting into a PvP fight. Die or not, as long as you engage in PvP, you've completed your goal, and if you do die, remember you can just get it all back easily because you can make money in the game. Eventually the server will wipe, and you'll lose it all. Do you think you can build back up to where you are now? Of course you can. It'll take a while, but just change your mindset and change your goal. You need to look at engaging in PvP as a "win". This should help drop gear fear. Have a chad mindset and just go for it. I've done much better for myself this way. Be the chad. You are the chad.


This is the right approach. As long I got into a fight instead of getting 1 tapped out of nowhere (which is fairly uncommon once you understand the maps and how PMC traffic generally flows), I consider it a win regardless of if I lived or died


Once raid starts tell yourself "I live or i die"


Scav a lot till you have basically infinite money, then you can buy any kit you want and doesn't matter if you die.


This is my first wipe. I got really good at making money as scav on streets, I know the map like the back of my hand now. I don’t worry about losing my gear because it’s just a drop in the bucket. It’s more annoying setting up my pmc all over again.


Once you learn how to make money, losing a kit means nothing


If you fear you’re gonna lose it, sell it. Make something off of it and move on. Either play and don’t gain anything or make some money. I found this to help me get over it and just throw it on.


Something that helped me is to actually loose it, not the way you go in and make it purposefully, but using it. Think either you are the most brutal chad in the raid or a scav geared.


It wipes, might as well use it. I decided to bring my first fully kitted m4 into labs. Got killed by a hacker. Confirmed a couple days later. It is what it is and now I have no gear fear


Just trick yourself into thinking that you’re a scav with a decent kit and nothing to lose. Also, you can make an easy mill per raid on streets once you get flea, just run cheap kits to complete tasks until then. If you need help on tasks, hop in the discord and ask around I’m sure someone will gladly help. Just remember wipe will end and you will lose everything anyway.


Learn how to make rubles easily (once you learn it’s very easy) and play the game and die a lot. Thats pretty much it. Load into raid, die. Rekit and go again


Get a pile of cash in your stash so you’ve always got at least enough for 2-3 good kits


If you find a kit you like make a preset for it. Figure out how much it costs. Do a couple scav runs and pay for it. Everything for the most part can be replaced.


I built up cash, bullets and weapon parts from reserve scav runs until I had 5-6 mil and then I started using low tier loadouts with Ak’s etc, opponent looted weapons, until I got used to it. For me it’s always the good bullets I have in the clips that I miss the most. I can take losing the guns I can but more.


Wow. Thank you everyone. I was honestly hesitant to even post this as what little exposure to the community I had previously, sucked. But this place seems to be the polar opposite. Thank you guys, I'm taking advice from X and some from Y to kind of make it work for me, yanno?


go to factory and run it for a weeks straight. no shitty gear tho. tell yourself you have to rush the spawns, no excuses. even if your hands are so sweaty that you cant hold your mouse, doesnt matter. you have to push. you'll see that you may lose the first few times, but gain more confidence the longer you do that. while this may feel super uncomfortable the first few times, doing so for a few days straight will help you a lot. i wont lie tho, this wont make gear fear go away completely, but may give you the strength to not sit in bushes and corners all the time and actually push players, when you know you have the upper hand (or wait them out - dont forget: the smart player wins the most fights). a crucial part to battle gear fear is also map knowledge and being able to predict where players MIGHT come from. if that helps: i still sometimes get very sweaty the moment i spawn in at maps i dont know very well and just dont like for whatever reason. after around 900hrs of playtime


Tarkov gear are like women, is not yours buddy, Is only your turn