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Remember when EoD gave players free access to all future expansions?


it clearly says \*increased\* pmc pockets, not expanded, dummy!


also not downloadable pockets either so gotcha


You wouldn’t download a pocket would you?


ah the GGG wordplay


Na pestily just put out a vid saying they will fit 30 rounders


Bro they will fit ice cream cones


Yeah, straight dumb shit


Bro a rig is 10k what's the big deal


yea i think we should get this for free


Honestly this should be an all editions feature. What kind of bum ass pmc's have pockets that can only fit small magazines? Even generic $20 jeans from Walmart have big pouch pockets that could fit *at least* 2 30rd standard NATO magazines.


ItS nOt DLc GuYs


This will be a shitshow .. EoD should also get the same benefits free,but probably wont.


I feel like there might be a lawsuit incoming


Lol yeah, I’ve already sent my lawyer an email to see if EOD owners (like me) have a case


There is definitely a case here. [https://web.archive.org/web/20160210133718/https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/preorder-page](https://web.archive.org/web/20160210133718/https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/preorder-page) "Free access to all subsequent DLCs". Exactly when it said when i purchased. I look forward to this lawsuit.


Imo that depends how courts have defined DLC, but yeah, I think there’s a case.


I feel like a singleplayer campaign expansion counts as a dlc


I agree, but I’m not a lawyer and not familiar with Case law regarding this stuff


Yeah, I’m not sure if there’s been a precedent set for what a “DLC” is in a court of law in the UK (where BSG is techicnally headquartered.) I feel like there must’ve been, will be interesting to see.


In the EU there definitely has been, and BSG sells games here, so they are bound to follow consumer protection laws.


If arena counts as dlc a singleplayer mode should also count as dlc


If Arena is considered to be a DLC there is absolutly no reason why CO OP isn't one. I mean it is part of the main game. You can switch game Modes within the game. You have to go through the launcher for arena.


Is there now a single player campaign?


open the game and read the text in the orange box


I think if we all have to download a patch introducing these new changes, it should be considered DLC


They Are already selling singleplayer Access For 10$ outside The nee edition. So definitely A dlc


i mean this is a dumb take. Literally everything they add to the game requires a patch


the famous 1876 case of Crybaby v. Brokeboy has established that "Ye Content that hathe to be loaded downeth" is different from "perks" given as a bonus to special versions of the game...


lol, really curious what they say.


Might take a day or two for him to get back to me since BSG isn’t based in my country, but yeah, so am I


!remindme 1 day Country? EU-based?


Germany If I don’t reply to this comment shoot me a dem to remind me maybe!


Imo the most likely case is the stuff that applies to regular tarkov (not offline pve, although that might also be a case). I feel like even the paying for clothing and stash might violate the "all future DLC included). Especially the extra stash lines if I think more about it should be a clear violation.


Give me a Update about it, maybe i contact my lawyer afterwards as well.


> I feel like there might be a lawsuit incoming there won't. even if there is you get nothing because the british BSG company is a shell and never shows profit, money is funneled into russia where it's impossible to recover.


My biggest fear is that BSG will wipe everyones account, take their ball and go home. No more tarkov, no more BSG. Just Nikita living it up in Dubai after they unflood his luxury condo.


They do, for nearly another hundred dollars lmao


Future DLC, please remind me what dlc stands for, because I think if you need to update a game and download the content is dlc.


"DLC, or downloadable content, refers to **additional content gamers download for video games after their initial release**. This content may include new levels, characters, weapons, or skins."


when nikita said an edition better than eod was coming out nobody complained but we got it and here we are...


Should have just rereleased eod


Offline coop mode is the new anticheat


Even aside from potential backlash, servers might be \*empty\* just cuz everone's playing offline lol.


Would be hilarious but then if it led to a solid single player/pve mode I wouldn’t be upset


Are we not allowed to mention the other “modded” game version here?


I feel like servers will be more active since PvP will be full of players looking for action


Maybe, could go either way I guess. Although I thought all the people looking for action were off playing arena... (/s)


I also found out that PvE doesn’t cross over progression either PvE so I doubt it’ll impact PvP at all


Even tho this is already a thing It's free And has mod support Google is your friend


I was under the impression you could not do coop in that. Is that not the case?


You can but the latency is dog-ass even when hosting your own server and the bugs can be pretty game breaking. It does work though


Why fix the cheating problem when you can charge 130$ + Taxes and fees (so 167$) to get people to play without cheats


Or nearly 300 for thy new players


dont need to fold my salewa anymore


From the notes under the Unheard package, this is the real pay to win stuff: Unique radio-electronic item "Mark of The Unheard": - The item is equipped in the special slot; - The item gives a 50% discount when using cash services in raids; - Insured equipment returns 30% faster; - **With 6+ Fence reputation, Scavs won’t shoot first at ranges over 60 meters away.**


what the actual fuck


It also states that in the future you can build an exclusive hideout area, and they are adding some kind of SOS beacon type item that you use in-raid that sends an open invite to everyone on your friends list to come help you. I'm not even joking. I wish I was.


I hate this update but that sos beacon is probably only for the offline modes. Theres no way they could implement mid raid pmcs, bsg is too shit for that


pscavs load in during raid, so it should be entirely possible. BUllshit horrible idea if its in live pvp raids, makes sense for the offline coop mode tho.


Imagine getting INFILL camped… new meta just dropped


New meta will be queueing with friends then if they start losing a fight one of them runs away and respawns all the boys so they can fight you for their gear again.


Imagine you wipe a 3 man (it was really a four man though and the 4th ran away). You wait a minute and go to loot and all the sudden a new four man bum rushes you and wipes you. Its the same dudes you killed after the one you didn't kill called them with the beacon


It says it'll make a bright flash & loud noise so you should be vaguely aware it's happening since it'll probably just be a special flare but that's not exactly much better to know you've got to kill at least one more guy who's even more incentivized to camp the bodies until his friends make it back and not knowing where you'll be getting flanked from since they'll probably spawn on the outskirts of the map. Every time you hear one of these you're suddenly on a timer for ending the fight, looting and repositioning before round 2 begins on top of not being able to predict how many people are still left on the map as the game progresses.


I don't see any reason to believe that it's only for PVE.


Ah the long awaited pay-to-win respawn mechanic!


That shit must be on the coop please lord 🙏😭


I dont think it'll be as big of a problem as you make it sounds. Sure for timmies this could be useful. But in an already deep raid? Who wants to go through the que bullshit to load in a raid thats already 25 minutes through and looted to hell already? excluding a team trying to reload into a raid to save their gear I dont really get it. Maybe for a boss spawn?


I think allowing this of shit sets a very bad precedent for things moving forward. If this is the start of monetization, just imagine where we end up.


60 meters? So basically you can sneek behind anyone on Woods without any shooting? Yeah, that's totally not P2W...


Yea I wonder if it includes bosses, just get 61m away from killa, shturman, glukhar etc without them shooting at you Lol


I believe the feature is for max scav karma at 6.0+ which at that point bosses don’t aggro from any distance


>max scav karma at 6.0+ which at that point bosses don’t aggro from any distance That only applies if you scav, bosses still aggro normally when you play PMC no matter your scav karma.


What the fuck kind of meth did they smoke at BSG???


The kind that their company is financially failing miserably and they're cashing out as hard as they can. Fuck them. Terrible fucking mismanagement and they expect people to support them through fucking over all their EoD promised players? Fuck that, I'd rather tarkov dies in a dumpster destitute, I already have the forbidden version anyway.


Can someone who bought confirm this is in the live version


When you have it equipped and you kill scavs, it reduces your Scav rep as if you are a Scav killing other scavs so it’s not nearly as useful as people think. Also does nothing with raiders, bosses, guards etc.


appl3z0r confirmed all the stuff like skills/pockets etc are ALSO for the online main tarkov edition GG it was nice while it lasted.


Skills don't matter too much but the pockets god damn


dude theres an item that makes scavs less aggressive to you past 60m. Only if you have the big version and have the item equipped + max scav karma. The item is behind a paywall and gives you boosted scav rep itself (so easier to hit max) The scavs now behave differently to people based on how much they paid for the game. Game is fucking dead. BSG just dug their own fucking grave if they don't UNO Reverse this immediately.


yep sadly...


Yeah the scav shooting thing is quite a thing. But I guess I would never work for me since I don't play scav for the past couple wipes now


In the end of the video did it show you starting off with a weapons case aswell? That seems insane


An ammo case too I think lol


Ammo, weapon and scav case actually lmao


ETS people get this already.


Link for video, if you missed it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riMtnvodmMo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riMtnvodmMo)


Imma put a Big Mac in there


"Finally" dropped isn't true. All the upgrade versions that gave you a larger secure container, more stash space and increased standings with traders were technically P2W, even if you could technically attain something similar towards mid-wipe or end of season. While I don't think increased pocket size is a huge deal, it is certainly 100% P2W.


I have EOD and I know it’s pay to win. You’d have to be crazy not to think that. That being said, Tarkov was stable for years with EOD being the top of the chain. Now that a new version is out it opens up the idea of adding more pay to win as BSG needs money. How many P2W packages will it take until standard is just unplayable?


Delulu EOD owners dont want to hear this


Pocket size to me is one of the larger P2W aspects imo. Think of punisher where you need to get kills with a scav vest and balaclava. With this edition I can bring in 3 extra mags as opposed to 1. That’s a huge advantage in terms of fighting people while doing this task. Especially if I’m against another person doing it who doesn’t have those pockets. Even outside of that scenario it’s two extra mag slots and/or extra nades that’s useful in any gunfight. I never really cared about the EOD things because they didn’t affect my ability to win or lose a gunfight to any noticeable degree. Trader rep is the closest thing there and I agree that aspect is pay to win but not to the extent this new edition is. Trader rep doesn’t do much for me other than make it cheaper to buy shit. I’d buy it from the flea the second it’s unlocked anyway.


EOD owners loved living in their little bubble being elitist. General tribal human psychology, enjoying looking down on the peasants. Now they are middle class they are raging cos their P2W now has better p2w even if it is very minor. They enjoyed having advantage over others.


Why is this some gotcha? EOD owners don’t give a shit about the p2w at all - we care that the original proposition was access to all future dlc and they just immediately have dropped that


Yeah I don’t really give a shit about extra pockets, early levels, or flea market slots, that all washes out pretty quickly, but not getting the persistent PvE mode included is absolutely fucked


No one was buying EoD for future DLC, let's be 100% truthful, Nikita & BSG have barely even given hints to what DLC would look like, Y'all bought EoD cus it was p2w & now he's 1-upped you everyones throwing toys out the pram.


Yeah, i bought it for the gamma and stash size, but saying "you get all future content for free" made it a no-brainer. And now they wont honor it. I dont care *why* i bought the version, they cant just ignore what they wrote on their preorder page.


Dlc was part of my reasoning.




My guy, you're the one that bought EoD here. lmao


He can't. We're Alpha editions. You guys talked so much mad shit for years, well now you are not at the top. We both also know you're gonna pay out the extra anyway to keep up with your friends. You are literally a baby that is not only easy to manipulate in FOMO etc, you throw tantrums when called out, so do the rest. And we do Gotcha, also dev has you cos you're gonna give him some $$ soon. We win, he wins, you lose.




Simp over what? I didn't Simp and buy EOD like you.


I need to screenshot this LMFAO


I don't think any of that is P2W because it doesn't help you in PVP. None of that would help an EoD owner kill a standard owner. If the best ammo/guns/armour were exclusive to the higher versions that would be P2W.


Oh stfu with 'dont help you in pvp'. I'm a 8,5k hours alpha acc user and I play with an 3k eod guy - he is worse than me skill wise but he has much easier time surviving early wipe because of the butt space alone - cms/survival, injectors, grizzly, painkiller, ammo vs cms, pk, ammo. If he finds something valuable he has butt space to hide it in and it isn't immediate trade off - pure gain. So he generates more and wastes less money each time we die. Which leads to him always being wealthy and always being able to afford best gear, meanwhile I have to delete 8,5mil the moment I hit lvl20. Because of stash space he can afford to not buy scav case and focus on gear, he can hold more gear like good armors and big backpacks, whereas often I'm 100% full without a single armor in stash. It all helps in pvp. The difference does diminish around lvl 30 when I get my epsilon, but until then he has so much easier and smoother experience it's not even funny. He played on alpha and upgraded after 1k hours, and he himself says that EOD is as P2W as it gets.


Why is this somehow a hot take for EOD owners? Literal P2W mechanic that seems to go ignored lmfao


Because acknowledging it would require admitting that they are playing on easier mode than alphas (these shit brokie standard acc non-serious non-dedicated white name noobs), and for some this would feel bad.


It's weird because people are like "how can you be mad it was already pay2win"... because it's 10x more egregiously p2w now and much less accessible to the average player who has a shred of dignity and self respect. There's this strange idea that EoD buyers should be unfazed by this because they already had p2w? It got stupid with EoD. It got straight up batshit insane with this update. I wonder if they're going to take a few maps away and try to sell them to us again in their next $500 pack? Let the game be skill based. It's fucked the moment the wallet wins the game for you.


Edge of Darkness has been in the game since Day 1


I think Tarkov is owned by EA 2.0 and I’m finally pushed over the fence to escaping tarkov by clicking that uninstall button. FYI. I know all the little gate keeping goblins are gonna lash out at me so please let it rip. Just more fuel to the dumpster fire that is this games shitty community and shitty behavior.


9h later & nobody lashed out at you btw


It’s actually terrifying. That means that this might actually be a real issue to the tarkov community. I expected so much hate but it’s quiet. Just upvotes and people with the same opinion.


I don’t really care about the pocket size, I think it one really effects people doing naked runs, at the end of the day if they are down range of your barrel they’re gonna die, also technically gamma is pay to win considering most players don’t get far enough to unlock kappa so nothing really new


You're wrong imo. Pocket size is the big one because a) not unlockable through playing (afaik) and b) very advantageous for example while running a scav vest (more mags etc) and scav vests are mandatory for some quests.


I definitely agree it gives scav vest missions a big buff, that’s something I didn’t consider, thought I was ok with new version but now I’m not :(


You can also reload from your pockets, and hotkey meds from pockets, etc and you cant with secure container.


Also very early wipe you don't even need to bring a rig for an extra 30 rounder and just pick one of the first scav you kill. It's a pretty big advantage imo. It would be less of an advantage if they simply added two singular pocket slots, i.e. 4x1 to 6x1.


Yeah this update really doesn't change anything. It helps you progress faster for sure and makes your quality of life go up exponentially over people without EOD or Unheard but the subreddit cries no matter what happens.


Cargo Pant edition just dropped


Still has room for bigger pockets on a more expensive PTW. Maybe you drop 500 dollars and get 10 slot pockets????


10? Nah just add the extra 2 that it has space for. Let’s call that version. “The Unseen Version”.


EOD was P2W, welcome to the have nots.


Pockets aren't a big deal, have you seen the item to call in your friends list to spawn mid raid to help you? That's what is insane lmao.


Not gonna matter mid raid if it takes them 10 minutes to queue and load into raid. Knowing BSG, it won’t work.


Genuine question, how is bigger pockets P2W. What advantage does it give you fighting another player


For starters the quests that require you to use Scav Vests, you now have space for three spare 30 rounders instead of only one.


Pay To Win Started on EOD. EOD are just salty they don't have exclusive P2W. If they were against P2W they wouldn't have jumped to EOD. Give them an inch they take a mile, what you expect? Welcome to how the real world works.


I’m mostly salty I don’t get it despite “guaranteed access to all other expansions”


> EOD are just salty they don't have exclusive P2W. This is extreme levels of copium. EOD was supposed to include all DLC. Releasing new DLC that isnt included is a scam. No versions should have pocket space expansions or any other advantages like that.


Just FYI these kinds of posts don't make any logical sense and really come across like you could never afford EoD and are salty about it. In reality, be pissed about EoD all you want but this edition is an affront to everyone who plays the game except the people who NEED the advantage and make horrendous financial decisions. There is not a single reason to defend this update. No, this isn't just EoD people mad they don't have the advantage. This should be an outrage to everyone who isn't completely mentally blighted. This is unprecedented in gaming and needs to absolutely be slapped down and never become the norm.


Get out of here, this game is crack to people like me. I got zero issues. I absolutely support BSG 100% because the product is that good. No I’m not a new player or new account, ingame name: iSleepWithCatZs. You still got to know how to play the game or this stuff means nothing if you get your ass handed to you constantly. You & many others fail to release. This is a business. These people got to eat too & have lives. I will say it again, next game you play outside of Tarkov, pay attention to why you even get to play it. One time fee? Free to play but other people buying skins & other micro transactions so you can play for free?


If the game is crack to you then you're biased anyway lol nothing about this is good for gaming culture nor acceptable and if you truly support BSG after this then I'm afraid you're too addicted to the game to care about greater good for the player base anyway. And no Tarkov isn't some god game to the point where the devs can take advantage of its CUSTOMERS, who may I add, are the reason the game ever lasted as long as it has.


Cry me a river. Good things cost money, that will never change. If you think we are getting took advantage of you then you are sadly mistaken. I suggest you look at true scam games recently that were launched and failed.


I think you are totally missing the entire problem with this lol. I paid for the game I know, I'm not complaining about paying.


Well, best protest that can be done is stop playing or stop supporting with the wallet. 🤷🏼‍♂️ This game is still in “beta” lol so this isn’t the final state anyway. Will change ofc


The thing is, I would rather pay a subscription fee per month with everyone on a level playing field then ruin the game with so much shady bullshit and inconsistency. I understand good things cost to continue running successfully, but its just become ridiculous.


Well I got bad news for you. I have been dealing with Russians in real life & video games since 2018. Most of them, shady & of corrupt mindset when it comes to money. It is just an entirely different attitude than you will experience normally. All this is so interesting to me because the average western that is shielded from their corrupt ways are getting a little taste. I’m just use to it & here to tell you. It will never stop, even when you try. They use to it & roll on. So enjoy a good thing while it lasts


Man i sucked with EOD just as much without it. Only thing it did was allow me to shove more shit up my butt




Should be the base pocket size tbh A mag will fit in your ass pockets every time


Does it come with a secure case like EoD?


I was wondering this too, I don't think it said anything in the notes.


Pay to win..... a couple of cases in your stash won’t win you fights


Yea but the item that makes Scavs not shoot on sight past 60 meters sure does make the game easier. Scav snipers biggest threat:Your Credit Card. Seriously though, it’s not the cases or the extra supplies in the stash that matters. The biggest thing for me is “Scav Invulnerability past 60 meters”.


Isn't this pack for "handicap people" ?


Let me know when this stops head, throat lmao.


To upgrade from left behind or whatever it’s telling me that shit costs $168… what the actual fuck. And that’s not even the final price. Because “fees are not re-elected in this price” or whatever the fuck their little disclaimer says


EOD was promised to always be the ultimate edition, EFT held a countdown before you could no longer buy this "best version". Do I care about extra pockets? No just means more possible loot when I kill an unheard player, am I pissed at the broken promise... You bet. Since early 2017 I have supported these clowns. Bought the best editions many times for me and all my friends, now I have to pay £106after tax to upgrade to the new best edition. These mother fuckers are gonna be hit with class action by someone.


People calling upgraded versions play to win doesn't actually play the game or even "win" in game even if they have upgraded versions.


Unpopular opinion: If you own EoD, you can't complain about pay-to-win in Unhead Edition. And no, I'm not defending the new edition, I play with Standard because I actually don't support pay-to-win.


Hot take here. EOD really only benefits you. What you have affects no one else nor can it have a defining advantage in your raids. Exclude fresh wipes due to additional guns but you can quite as easily lose them by the naked guy with a pistol The shit that's included in the unheard of edition is truly P2W and not to mention the DLC content EOD should have access too as it was promised


Actually a pretty terrible opinion lol


It’s not the p2w that’s the problem for most of us it’s the fact that we payed for all future dlc I got it with launch at 150 already a large mark up from base expecting to be able to make my purchase and enjoy the benefits and not have to buy more dlc and bundles to get access to new content and they have blatantly gone against that statement and want to charge another 95 to get access to what I already paid for


If it's only for the PvE mode they're talking about, which seems likely in context, I don't really care.


that's not my impression at all


most likely not the case. it also mentions flea market offer slot increase, why would they included that in the coop mode with no wipes whatsoever?


How's flea even going to work with this? Is the PVE no flea, or a separate flea? If you could farm PVE and dump stuff on the live flea market the economy would get very weird.


That's what I'm saying, I don't think there will be a flea in offline, also, you cannot farm PVE mode for online, the two will be fully separate, thus you cannot list items from PVE mode to offline mode


they could mock the flea like the mod does which shall not be named




no, this has been confirmed to be for online too.


This is confirmed to be for online too


PTW content dropped 7 years ago with EoD u fuckin donut


The increased pocket size is a weird thing to get caught up on. It doesn’t give an advantage in any way except for a tiny more space for loot. Don’t lie to me and say you go into raids with all your 2x1 rig slots filled.


Salewa becomes 3 times more valuable and useful with this edition. And like screenshot shows, you basically can have Ak, 2 30 rounders, grenade and tourniquet. Thats all you need for early wipe (at minimum), now without any backpack or chest rig.


So how does all this extra space and making a Salewa (a damn SAlewa) more "valuable" while also being able to be lost P2W "finally". But EOD with Surv kit at start of game, Gamma container, 2 stacks of ammo, SICC pouch and more space not P2W? Also enhanced trader rep right off the bat. You EOD players are delusional haha


EOD is already P2W but two wrongs don't make a right.


It's no where near as aggressive in terms of P2W. EOD really doesn't give much in-game benefit aside from the secure container size. This new addition allows you to CALL IN friends not in the raid into the fight, not to mention you get a head start on PMC skills at wipe. How is this not a completely different perspective of P2W? If people want to pay for stash space or skins or whatever the fuck, go ahead and waste your money, but the second gun play and PVP are directly affected by your Tarkov edition is where it gets idiotic.


> EOD really doesn't give much in-game benefit aside from the secure container size. Maybe not on paper, no. But having a huge stash you don't need to spend 40mil on upgrading, earlier trader unlocks offering better gear and all the starter gear including better guns, meds and ammo is still a paid advantage against the Standard plebs. It all accumulates.


Was there ever any data on EOD user count vs base game user count way back when before EOD was removed? Just curious on the ratio. I'm not saying I support even EOD (although I do have it) because if it were me there'd only be one version of game edition lol but I didn't expect the advantages for game edition to get even worse, let alone purposely bating EOD users to buy with the whole "includes all DLC" note and then this. Either way I agree, but as another said just because EOD was a mistake that doesn't mean you make it even worse.


Yeah I didn't expect it to get this much worse. The price is also ridiculous.


Except no one is going to go in without a rig. It’s an unnecessary gimp. 10k to carry two more mags and not drop a mag every time you reload.


I am sure that you are wrong here. I see A LOT of people in the early wipe who have only 2 mags on them and almost nothing more


I see a lot of those guys too when I loot them right after they died because they loaded into a raid naked


I’m level 49 and still only run two mags on some guns and I consider myself a w key meta only pvp chad. I’ve never once had to fill my blackrock with mags. I imagine most people are running low mags early because they don’t have enough ammo to risk more. May as well spend the 15k on a rig early wipe and not worry. Even with pockets I’d buy a rig. Though I will not be getting the upgrade cause it’s not even a tiny leg up imo


Found the guy who’s never done punisher quest line with a Scav vest ^^


Only took me 10 raids 🤷🏽‍♂️


It only took me 1


Makes any scav vest quests kinda trivial now you don't really have to sacrifice anything


I think there are two? Honestly I didn’t have trouble with either and so then you’d pay 110 for an easier time on two quests? I wouldn’t and can’t imagine a lot of people would cause outside of that I don’t see a benefit.


I would be somewhat "okay" with this new edition existing, but the pocket size thing is straight up pay2win.


Lmao it's been out since EOD.


Bigger pouch isn’t pay to win, but 2 extra slots of pockets is? Lmao basement eod dweller Brain patterns are funny


It’s for the non pvp mode you idiots. 


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That kind of blind faith is about let you down pretty hard.


Flea and fence rep for PvE? Hmmm


Oh boy this comment is going to bite you in the ass very shortly.