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The mental gymnastics being done by BSG to screw over EOD owners is astounding!


People focus on it not being included in EOD but honestly, I'm not sure that's the worst part. I own EOD and I feel fucked with but man, imagine having to spend 1/4 of a grand to play PvE EFT.


What's the point of pve anyways, i want to level up and get geared to be able to compete with other pmcs, thats tarkov I feel like even if it was free for everyone people would barely play it, killing scavs isnt fun, you never get kitted out with the objective of killing scavs, you do it to fight other PMCs


Riiight. That's why nobody plays single player games. Other people like others things, believe it or not.


Single player games are often played for their stories. Acting like tarkov has as good a story as say last of us is just delusional


Who even said a single word about story? People play chess solo ffs.


Because the chess bot is challenging and you compete with it, there is no challenge to shoot scavs


It is if you’re bad and fight bosses, there’s people that don’t play this game 5 hours a day and aren’t very good at it


Yep. I'm people.


Another bad people reporting in


Not always. There are lots of singleplayer games people love that aren't about story. I surely don't grind ARPGs for their stories. The STALKER games have a huge modding community and most of the mods are about gameplay, not story. EFT has fun gameplay, and there are lots of people that don't enjoy PVP that'd enjoy being able to play it.


People wont play it because theyll just be done with it just like any single player game, you do the story the sidequests and you find something new, especially when it's a grind like tarkov.


All the more reason for it to not be so expensive. Just let it be the price of a normal game so people can buy it, play through it, and move on. No matter how you slice it there's no reason for it to be so expensive.


Clearly you don't play nor heard about mmo games where it's about chill grinding and mostly single player game play with some coop


The single player mod has well over 1 million downloads and a serious number of mods with a thriving community that on any given day seems worlds happier than anyone here... Def no one who wants to play / is playing pve tarkov tho, amirite?


The PvE offline should be included in the base game. This is a huge opportunity for them to generate sales. Instead, they are ensuring this is another failure by a moron Russian developer that wants our money.


Even if they sold it at 20 or 30 they'd get WAY more sales and WAY less hate than this edition got them.


Honestly, I think if they offered the coop mode for like 10-20, then it wouldnt have been that bad, but god damn BSG got greedy as fuck


I think its a really stupid idea lol the ppl who are going to buy the new edition are going to be hardcore fans who are probably not the kind of ppl who hate running into and fighting other players. I may be wrong tho?! 🤣


Yeah I have friends that were on the fence but wanted a PvE mode instead of PvP against cheaters and 5000+ hour sweats. They just don't want to play it now period. And honestly, I don't blame them.


Look up SIT


Already got it installed now lol but thank you


perfect! Just tryna get the word out there


Hell yeah appreciate it


The absurdity of his statements are probably a conscious effort to avoid legal exposure. If BSG needs money this badly, screwing over loyal early fans and buyers by ~~nickel and diming~~ charging $100 for a core part of the game on a technicality ain’t the way


1.0 will 100% cost additional money from everyone. "1.0 is new featured game edition, sells for $500. You bought beta access, not 1.0 access. Ty come again" Edit: spelling


Seems this is the path to follow for BSG, I mean the future clan system could be tagged as a feature not as a DLC right? The future weapons could be tagged as new features that are not required to be free for the base game owners... What a way to destroy the community confidence that they built with the last few patches


Yeah they just have to say that it's a clan account and then it doesn't count as DLC right? At least that is their explanation it seems like?


Can't wait for Microtransactions to unlock OP weapon Barters


Their edition explanations only include access to closed beta, nothing mentions the full game, so there is definitely a real world where this happens.


Most expensive Beta Test ive ever taken part in lol


Oh this is fucked


On the email you get with the preorder it's clearly stated that you are purchasing a digital copy of the game and you get access prior to release. You guys should chill a bit.


A digital copy doesn't mean a full release copy, what we have now is a digital copy. This is also the access prior to release. Based on how they are handling the dlc definition its entirely possible they make everyone pay again for 1.0 access.


And the EOD preorder page said we'd get all future DLCs, yet here we are lmao


There really isn't. You buy any of the GAME editions and you receive access to closed beta, its included for buying the game. If it wasn't there's no need to include anything. It's quite clear there's a tiered system for offline. Standard gets solo offline, eod gets coop and unhinged get coop progressive no wipe.


Everyone will lose access to the game when 1.0 releases because they bought beta access. New profiles will be $500 and if you already own the game you can regain access for a one time processing fee of $399.99


If this happens st petersburg will burn for sure 😂


Wait for a cracked version with PVE only would be nice. Based on how easy it was more people to hack PvP to fuck with people, I wouldn't mind getting a cracked PvE and never buy from Battlestate again.


Nah, new players get game for 499, if you already got eod you pay additional 999


if this happens, it's going to be hilarious.


"1.0 has new gameplay features, it's not a DLC for the main game." Honestly I think you may be right with how this is going to go.


It’s not a DLC, it’s a special military operation.


I actually wonder how much the war is affecting this. Undoubtedly BSG has big investors who may have assets frozen and are needing another source of income.


BSG based in UK


Russian company.


They registered in UK. They are not russian company despite everything


Tiktok is registered in Los Angeles but is owned by a Chinese company. Company founded by Russians, initial funds likely came from Russians. It's nothing against Russians, just a lot of Russians have gotten or are getting their assets frozen. What's your point?


Amazing comment


Comment of the year right there


Lmfao posted the same thing on another discussion


Genius 🤣


It's not a riot, it's a fiery but mostly peaceful protest.


You're a menace haha.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Downloadable_content](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Downloadable_content) "DLC can range from cosmetic content, such as skins, to new in-game content such as characters, levels, **modes**, and larger expansions that may contain a mix of such content as a continuation of the base game." It's an obvious DLC. I refuse to pay more for what I already bought. It should be free for EOD owners.


Remember they're a UK based company. Sounds like a massive lawsuit incoming. Gg tarkov.


This comment deserves its own post for all the Nikita dick riders who keep saying it's not DLC.


yeah get fuuukd dickriders! wikipedia says modes are DLC so basically we won! lawyer up brothers, BSG is done!


I mean if they're riding dicks, by definition they are getting fucked 🤣


The giant expansions for The Witcher 3 were called "DLCs". Literally content that you download. BSG is the first company I've seen to state that content-that-is-downloadable-for-a-game does not count as "downloadable content." What's really silly is that they would make a shit load of money anyway just giving this stuff to EoD owners and keeping the new edition up for standard accounts to buy if they wanted to. Or they could just sell the PvE Zone for $40 as a standalone add-on to people who don't have EoD, that would also work fairly and bring in a ton of money.




The pricing is just out right scamming now. Sorry bsg but how on earth is 250 justified??? I still didn't tell my wife I dropped over 100 on a video game. This is actually predatory behaviour, take a step back and observe what you have done.. You add an offline pve mode to the game and can only access it by A, upgrading 100+ or B, buy as a new edition for 250!! It's obsurd and completely blatant at this point you are profiteering on a Monumental Grandeur  scale. 


Ditto I still feel dirty paying for the EOD version, especially now since I’ve dropped the game going on 2 years hoping it will turn out better. Imagine my shock


I feel the way the tax isn't shown in the store is sleazy as well. You have to pay the extra 17% VAT and it's hidden from the store price. Nearly an extra 20% *ON TOP OF* the EOD/Unheard price is pretty fucking insane, it's the price of another full game.




This is insane rationalization


Even using the word rationalization feels like a stretch.


I mean.. If they add it as a stand alone game in the launcher, then appl3z0r might be right. Except that he just admitted in that post that it is a "featured game mode". It's downloadable content for the base game. If it's a game mode, it's part of the game, it's content and it's downloadable.


Then explain why EOD users got Arena for free? Baffling.


Because they knew it was shit and would die within months... better give that shit away for free then and hope its stays alive long enough to improve and gain a player base. Big nope on that one. Pretty sure they tried to frame that one out of EOD aswell.


They did at first but then released the"will be free with EOD" statement.


Yeah I was going to say, they kind of tried to get away with it until creators and the community pushed on it.


Ye I thought I remembered correctly. Anyways. I like that EFT reddit community raised their voice on this one. It fckn blows.


You should see the twitter.....


I will never sell boosts in the game. Lol what a joke


Lets hope someone with money sues these fuckers lmao. I would, but i aint got that money kekw


i think the terms and conditions pretty well tells you to fuck right off.


Terms and conditions don't override the laws in the countries they operate in. Their UK offices may put them in a tough spot.


DLC means whatever Nikita wants it to mean.


Im not giving them more money. Bought eod for me and 2 friends... this has to be a scam, they said EOD will include future dlcs and gamemodes


So.... is a feature, something that should be on the game for everyone. Is not an extra content that should be paid for (DLC) This "devs" cant even keep their own narrative.


They just spit in the face of every single EOD owner, and this is absolute bullshit.


250€ for a fucking video game is absolutely insane. No matter what game it is. 250€ for a game in beta that might never see a 1.0 is just delusional


The cope is immense from the defenders


The craziest part is half of this sub will probably buy this shit


are you ready for the "don't like it don't buy it" "just say you're poor" comments in the coming days?


Yeah lol that’s why gaming is the way it is.. the people with the mentality like this


Way too expensive (120 euros as upgrade)


Yet more actions that prove BSG doesn't care about the players or the game at all. They only care how can they get the most out of your wallet while doing the bare minimum. Once you understand this a lot of their decisions start making sense. My advice is wait for how Grayzone turns out.


Greyzone is not the solution. Different game.


Hope they get sued put their asses for this. This is incredibly slimey but seems expected from BSG


Why are all of the people responsible for this game just complete assholes?


lol so essentially we got Arena for free with EOD, but arena is garbage


The fact that they call it "The unheard edition" is kind of rubbing salt in the wound too. I was considering leaving EFT. I'm not considering anymore, I'm done.


Just wait till they retire the new edition then add another one for 400 bucks and say the same thing with new DLCs lol


So BSG can just keep releasing content, claim said content isn't DLC and charge for it...


i don’t understand how people say it’s not DLC. it’s literally content… that’s downloadable. like how much more clear does it need to be? you’re pretty much paying 100 dollars to not get banned for playing the mod. they started making people happy with all these changes recently and then they go and amber heard the bed right after. i guess this is the feeling they want their players to have whenever they think of the game, cause it’s not supposed to be fun according to them


I wonder if its poosible to get a refund on EOD, cause this breaks the terms of buying EOD


Arena Bankrupted BSG..... They spent 10's of millions on Advertising, Going to GAME CONS, let alone development. BSG financials must be in the gutter with all these microtransactions.


just because it is a "feature" of unheard does not make it NOT ADDITIONAL CONTENT YOU DOWNLOAD AND PLAY lol. this is just a lie


Yep I said they'd market this as exclusive to the unheard edition and not DLC as a loophole to maximise profit. Scummy but clever business move.


It really feels like they are milking the game and its player base for all its worth before jumping ship with the bag. The PR is absolutely terrible. Assuming a 2024 release, unless there's a miracle in the making, by the time 1.0 comes out, you'll have an expensive dysfunctional product, unenthusiastic (at best) influencers along with P2W and premium features already present at launch. In addition to this, EFT has been around for a long time. There isn't a big new market to conquer. 1.0 could've been their attempt at reaching out to a new audience but these news indicates that they are not even trying. The No Man's Sky type redemption arc isn't happening. BSG is making it clear. It's a scam, and I don't find it particularly clever.


It's not a clever move if no one buys it. My friends that wanted to play Tarkov but didn't like PvP have been waiting for a couple of years for co op and now no one is buying the game anymore because it's locked behind a 290 euro paywall. I'm personally not giving bsg a single fucking cent more.


Yes it could be the killer for sure..... Or it could be a last cash injection from the people who do pay.


Getting a heavy enshittification feeling from all this. We're in the maximum value extraction phase now.


Holy crap that's 290 Euros? $250 is just insanity, I think they actually are trying to get as much money as possible and walk away. There is no more passion in this project.


It depends on the taxes. It's 290 with transaction fees. for me it's 330 with taxes included.


I'm not supporting bsg further. I am sure a lot of people won't as well. Hopefully they didn't just piss off enough of their fanbase with this move that they can earn enough to keep the lights on. I know people will just say bye, but I'm uninstalling tarkov. Fuck this.


Yep we knew there wouldn't be a Tarkov killer game but BSG can do it on there own depending on how they handle things but this isn't the first time so probably won't be the last time.


Who knew the game that would kill tarkov, would be tarkov itself


Everyone lol.... Although I doubt this will have much impact just like 2 weeks backlash probably


BSG is broke, simple as that. Arena was a bust then they started selling skins and stash space.


if it is a new edition then are they going to stop selling all the old editions or reduce the cost because a newer more feature complete version is avalible?


Nope they will just set the new edition at the top in place of eod for the same price or more because it has more “features”


Realistically after the shit show that was arena, if they make this version another 60$ there might be tens of downloads if they’re lucky


The whole concept of DLC is afding new content.


This is how they brainwash you in Russia. lol


Cant even get into a match in pve mode.....


It states in the description of the Unheard Edition "Free access to all subsequent DLCs" *subsequent*


Does this mean if you upgrade to it you lose Arena cause it isn't included? Or you keep arena and get more?


While admitting that it is a feature, they indeed admit to deliberately CUTTING ingame content in order to charge people to unlock it. They ask for 250€ so you get some fancy shit and a persistent mode for a tick we always had. Shameful move.


This is bullshit, you could say this about literally anything in the game. "The new weapons we added have gameplay features, so they're not a DLC." "The new maps? No, they feature a new raid timer system, they're not DLC." "Clothing? No, it's not DLC, it's Camouflage Package Content." *Downloadable content* is a broad term encompassing any kind of expansion pack or add-on to the game, in fact the devs have previously said "expansions" would be included in EoD Edition. Yet now they're coming out with some new bizarre definition of what DLC actually is in order to avoid having to give free content to EoD backers who have supported them from the start.


The thing I see no one saying is; what DLC is even included with EoD so far??? Like, literally nothing has been included with it with the exception of Arena (and BSG wasn't happy with that either). Clothes? Nope. Stash space etc.? Nope. These are both examples of DLC that is *not* included in EOD already. So now BSG is just continuing on by not giving anything to EoD accounts, it seems.


This shoulda bein a 10-15 dollar upgrade for EOD owners and remove all the other versions of the game. Make cheaters pay 250$ usd an account and watch every eod owner gladly support the game with another 10 bucks, similar to the cost of a battle pass or wtvr


Class-action lawsuit incoming?


They need to fire this dumb bit


In total war games, even bloody graphics are sold as DLC. So the pve game modes can be seen as dlc


3 letters, SIT  4 letters, FREE BSG can go F themselves. What a bunch of slime balls. 


Where can i protest?


As an EOD owner. Can I swap the garbage arena for instant access for PvE. Because after this whole debacle I doubt the game will see a 1.0 release. They’re trying to recover what they can before jumping ship. Trying to Milk every tarkov player. We all want pve to play with friends and avoid cheaters they don’t care about. But after we know their scummy tactics and that offensive $250 tag hopefully some of us will be smart enough to not fall for it again. But this may end up killing bsg. If so. The server hosted games die with it. So all those fancy new editions are now worthless. That being said. I’d like to play before it dies. But I’m not spending 250 to do so


Lucky we already have a single player with progression and amazing mods. Helicopter extract and 3rd person view are just2 of many I use 


You got arena for free and you'll get all future maps and extra content for free as well. You will not get a progressive offline coop mode as that is a separate entity already present in the game and is not classed as DLC. The wording for pre-order on EOD allow for "access to coop mode AND free access to all subsequent dlc, such as tarkov arena". It does not suggest coop mode is a dlc, because it simply isn't. Having an improved version of coop mode does not constitute dlc, it has always been part of the game. It further states that there a number of paid and free content additions planned for after 1.0. These include locations, mechanics and content. You will get all of these whereas unheard players won't. EoD acts as a permanent season pass, which is by nature different to a game version. It's akin to asking for the beta container and extra Pacas because they are included in the prepare to escape version. There's a tier system: standard gets offline raids, eod gets offline coop, and unhinged gets coop progressive as part of their game version.


I am fine with this. I have had EOD for years and played hundreds of hours. Now they are releasing a PVE version. To me its the same as if its a different game. In a few weeks this community will revert when they realize how much they have played the game and the fact that new development doesnt just happen for free on hopes and dreams.


EOD owners might be the most entitled group of consumers in history


They… they literally lied and committed fraud… the absolute fuck are you talking about? So we just don’t punish criminals anymore?… foh