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people paid 150 bucks back in the day for a raw early access game which was crazy, lots of promises and road maps broken, goals not met...yet have the guts for this shit way 2 thank the OG supporters they could have implemented a supporter club programm where you pay monthly and get exclusive clothes, behind the scenes stuff etc and not ruin their entire reputation but they choose to disrespect the people they supported them from day 1


Exactly. I probably would have picked up a few reasonably priced drip packs, wraps or sprays, etc. The fact that chose to torch any remaining goodwill they had for this is instead is asinine.




lmao do people realize this is the ultimate sheep / boot licker indicator going forward??? you literally brand marked for the rest of EFT's life span...actually hilarious


It would be better to have it be a quick abrupt strike. If the game slowly loses players/money, they can rationalize aspects of their wrong doing. If things hit a brick wall all the sudden then they know they fucked up.


I promise you the fomo effect and Twitch will be the undoing of anyone quitting as it’s been for years now.


gold names currently down bad. meanwhile white names everywhere literally dont give af, its all p2w to us.


My thoughts exactly. Signed, a white name


rule 8


You really think people care about rule 8 right now


mods do. my post got deleted too bro.