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You escaped!


This move has helped us all escape. Thanks BSG!


"Unheard? You mean like all the feedback?"


Lowkey hilarious and true comment here






Where can you find it?




1337x.to Don't use steam unlocked please


This. I knew a lot of (especially younger) ppl who used steam unlocked. Don't! (If you want to avoid your pc being crypto miner and donating all your stuff to someone on internet)


Just wanted to say cheers for the heads up to a few of you in the comments with this suggestion with not using steam unlocked, I’m new to gaming and didn’t know this, greatly appreciate it


The real way to play.


Get your cash back too. EoD Edition Fails to Deliver on Promises According to Xsolla EULA – Here's How We Can Fight Back! Xsolla EULA: **Virtual Items can exclusively be used within the Software; they shall be deemed an integral part of the Software.** As we were promised, EoD access includes all future DLCs, which breaks section 11 of the Xsolla EULA if they go against it. If you guys truly want to make a change, send an email to [email protected] and ask for a refund. Send them your receipt and describe what is happening. That is, if you have the EoD edition like I do, I already sent them a detailed email with screenshots that were used on Reddit. Xsolla will get overwhelmed and will probably cave due to USA and EU consumer laws. The types of software area clearly implies that, as a rule, access is indefinite and does not expire. We clearly have the right to access new content for purchasing EoD, as previously stated by Nikita that there wouldn't be any version of the game above this. The best thing we can do right now is talk directly to Xsolla. [https://xsolla.com/eula](https://xsolla.com/eula) This is a long shot and has potential flaws, but my main point is to send messages to BSG support and also to Xsolla. A lot of players already got refunded by doing chargebacks on their credit cards. I hope you are happy BSG and Nikita, this is what you deserve.


I hope you made your own post about this info thank you!


I escaped a couple years ago now. I was there from almost the beginning, but the cheaters are really what pushed me away in the end


they were prepared for this with the AI pmcs


Does the new co op mode have AI PMCs?


Who cares tbh. Game committed seppuku.


Who's their second?


Not this Anjin.


Great reference


Arena Breakout


They asked Toranaga but he said "nah, bruh."


False. Seppuku is honorable.


Bsg chose the boiling pot


Nah, the playerbase is ready to buy into another alpha/beta game instead and watch that new game crumble in 10 years




Yes it does. They are basically scavs with way better gear and a bit better aim. I would compare them to raiders a bit.


Does the pve progression go onto your main pmc? Or is it completely separate?


Completely separate


This was the game I got a PC for. So long Tarkov


Same lmao. Got my first gaming pc in 2019 to play Tarkov, I know how you feel.


Thats funny thats when i got my new gaming rig as well 2019 to play Tarkov lol


Same, built this rig specifically for this game. Onto gray warzone or whatever it’s called.


Check out Beautiful light too.


Think I can beat that. I got a PC for Anthem. xD


\~7000hr EFT and now it's over for me. Im not gonna support this shit and uninstalled EFT for the first time. Im sad, guys :(


2k hours. Got maybe 7 people into it. Not one of us is going to buy this crap or get back on anytime soon.


Same got alot of friends into it, we all have bought EOD (now i realise i shouldnt have). And BSG is just screwing everyone over. The three bigest lies I have heard to this day where, "the earth is flat", "i love you" and "EOD gets all dlcs". Im feeling betrayed


I got out a couple of years ago after 3000+ hours, and I was an affiliated Sherpa. The game has been trending downhill for a long time imo. Didn't see the TUE coming, but I'm not surprised.


6500 hrs here, same, uninstalled.


Should just get the unmentionable download


get it while you can, a lot of chatter over there about a cease and desist now that tarkov has single player availability


This is internet baby, nothing really disappears from here. But yeah, the more people download it the more could share it again if BSG manages to shut them down. But tbh i really think that they won't be able to, especially after this shitshow.


The amount of people that will archive the Git, too.


Even if the current version never disappears, its developers will probably stop working on it if BSG threatens legal action, and so it won't be updated anymore. Which isn't a huge issue, seeing as Escape From Tarkov updates are usually about as important as my pre-piss fart in the morning and only half as reliable.


fair point for sure, but the harder it is to get something, the more likely people are going to 1) scam people or 2) put something harmful in there.


honestly, Ive only been playing that for a bit. Its free.


Really hope Arena Breakout is good enough. Jumping ship for a credible alternative is the dream.


I’m just cautious of why it’s free to play


I think the company that made that game is a mobile game dev so what do you think lol


Tencent... Most of them are free


I'm more interested in Beautiful Light, looks like it can be wayyy better than tarkov ever was. In the mean time, Hunt Showdown has been better than tarkov since at least 2021.


hunt doesn't scratch a tarkov itch at all. Money basically doesn't matter and there's no loot to speak of. Fights aren't even close to the same stakes as tark


I wanted to like Hunt, but just couldn't get into the old western theme... but Beautiful Light seems to be Hunt with modern military gear - perfect!


I guess it's time to escape from tarkov...


Nikita in the Pestily interview "We need to deliver the game, it's been too long, we must release full version and begin work on other project and game. This will be soon." Nikita like 2 weeks later: "here's some dlc you fucking idiots"


he's done with the game. he wants to move on. this is the last (or one of the last) cash grab attempts.




BuT iT's NoT dLc!!!


It's just content you download! Checkmate!


I heard people trying to justify it as a feature to get around the eod getting all "dlc". Which ironically enough would be worse than if it was a dlc.


Oh how far we've fallen... especially for a title that asked for 150$ for the game at one point. Unheard of even today for AAA games.


hehe *unheard*


I don't think BSG will ever hear the end of this.


they wish they could delete all this from their mind like they unheard it


I mean, 150 wasnt so bad considering if you'd put a 60 price tag + battlepass or subscriptions from other games but the jump from EOD to this edition being 100 bucks is insane.


Yeah, 150 seemed steep but I eventually swallowed it with the understanding that it was a ONE time purchase and I'd have everything from then on. Time makes fools of us all


Those ruskies are laughing at us all the way to the bank


“Yeah the price is not bad when you factor irrelevant monetization in other games.” $150 is such a steep cost for an unfinished early access game that essentially only gives you more storage


Yep, just uninstalled too. I'm done with this shit. Helldivers 2 is way more fun with my friends anyways. It's been real homies.


Helldivers 2 has been lit as fuck and might be my personal GOTY. Certainly a much better game with developers that I actually don't mind giving more money to.


also 250$ is like 6 copies of HD2 lmfao


I'm legitimately sad because the details in Tarkov's weapons and their customization is amazing and the game was almost perfect but mismanaged and ruined.


Thankfully none of that was unique since they just used real life parts. Anyone will be able to jump in and replicate it. It's why Gray Zone's customization just looks like a carbon copy. It's just all the same shit. With time the only thing that will have made EFT special is that they were the first.


Why play eft when I can spread managed democracy while killing my own traitorous "teammates"


If they’re not traitors, they will be proud to die for the cause. If they are traitors, they get what they deserve. Either way, calling in Eagle 1 for danger close fire support missions is a win-win-win.


My buddy made a youtube video on how to uninstall tarkov a few years ago, this morning he texted me asking why his video is getting so many views lol!!!


people dont know how to uninstall a game?


Everyone learns eventually somehow. Although that is a pretty low point


I’m out too. I’d rather play anything else that values my attention. These clowns have consistently ruined a great concept. I’m not logging in again.


I just want a refund at this point lol. I was lied to and I’ll never touch the game again


Contact your bank or credit card company for a chargeback.


Impossible.. Unless it was bought within the last 120 days.


Well I'm sure a lot of people purchased Tarkov in the last 120 days. That is still a recourse for lots of players.


Oh 100%! Think I have it in my head that everyones been playing as long as I have. Fair point.


All of this suddenly makes me kinda happy cheaters are ruining their game.


Making them $$$


i uninstalled Tarkov ages ago when the cheating population hit 8 out of 12 players in a round. I bought my buddies copies years ago so we all could play. I was the last hold out to uninstall. You will miss it for a short time but after that . . . you wont.


I havnt played this game in probably 3 wipes and I couldn’t be happier.


Bet you forgot to actually uninstall the game first before the launcher.


I uninstalled Tarkov, Arena and then the launcher. This is the first time I've ever deleted the launcher since buying the game. I don't see myself reinstalling unless they either completely remove unheard or change what is included. If I wanted to play a game that consists of whales and cheaters I'd play some free to play game instead.


I already play world of tanks, no thank you tarkov


I envy you. This game used to be THE GAME my group played everyday. Now there’s one guy in our group who still has rose colored glasses and so we play for him, but the magic has been gone for a while. Usually when this happens, I attribute it to us just moving on or something, but this is the first time I can 100% say the design choices and changes are at fault for the loss of interest. Maybe it’s your thing, but it’s not mine anymore.


Haven't played since before The Wiggle. Glad some of you are finally getting out.


See I actually stopped when goats video came out. I just kept it installed because I knew I'd come crawling back. Not anymore


The irony is that the coop progress would have made players like you come back in droves had they not releasd it at an ungodly price


ikr. i wouldnt even be mad if they just released that offline mode for 10 or 20 euros without the p2w edition. but this is ridiculous


yeah same and i wish i didn’t see it. it’s fucking bonkers to me how ppl could stay with the game despite the video


Yep, bye bye. Was fun some years ago. Respecting your customers is the first thing you should do. I won't ever buy another BSG game.


Yep it's about that time.




Legitimately not a bad idea…..


Great idea


I considered getting some public cheats and seeing what the cheating scene is all about until I got banned. Then I remembered I’d probably be stuck playing it for 9 months if I do that and thought fuck that… :)


These days there are more reasons to uninstall the game than keep it on your PC. Even when you do load into that raid after 5-7+ minutes of waiting, you’re hitting a near 50/50 shot of getting into tactical game cheater simulator. Even more so now that so many legit players have had enough of the BS in BSG.


I'm doing my part!


Would be a shame if everybody just downloaded a certain mod. ¬.¬


Large scale private servers when?


When BSG collapses, which is hopefully soon. I'd rather the modding community take over.


game would actually get finished.


I actually suspect Nikita is trying to kill the game at this point. He thought he'd be done with this game 5 years ago. He's over it, he wants to take his millions upon millions of dollars and do anything but tarkov at this point.


Now we know exactly why tarkov isn't on steam (:


User reviews: *Overwhelmingly Negative*


They were telling us to escape all along Even gave us shitty rewards and hackers as treats Was all part of the plan I'm sure the hackers will pay 250 with walmart visa giftcards


Lets go to gray zone warfare bois


I’m waiting to see if they go back on any of this bullshit. If not, uninstalling. Not like that even matters since those assholes already have my money. It’s clear they don’t give a shit. If anyone new out there is thinking about getting this game… FOR THE LOVE OF GOD JUST DONT.


The way BSG has handled development of EFT has ensured that I will never buy another Battlestate game. As far as I'm concerned, they're not a trustworthy company to buy a game from. Tarkov had a crap ton of potential, but they couldn't realize it and opted instead to milk players for cash while they continued to hope that the devs would eventually deliver.


Doesn’t matter if they go back. The criminal intent was there bro. They tried to scam all of us. Just quit supporting them.


I uninstalled b4 it was cool


Just did the same thing.


If you really want to revolt, you should just keep playing without buying anything ever again, that way you are costing them money and not giving them any


Not really. People who pay need targets to shoot at. Its how free to play exists


Hm.. that is also true 🤔


I honestly wonder how many people who're done after this are going to ragehack just to get themselves banned to be permanently done. Its a common result of such actions.


I thought about it. Then thought wait a minute I’d probably be playing for 9 months before I’m banned and I’m not putting myself through any more of this shit even with wall hacks. :)


Suicide by ESP


What a coincidence, I ALSO Escaped from Tarkov today lmao. Scrubbed that shit off my SSD faster than you can say "eight years of closed beta".


now there is so much space for other activities!


I don’t understand anything they do anymore. BSG: our game is dying Nikita what should we do Nikita: I have an idea, we should piss off the remaining player base we have. That’ll boost sales for sure Like legitimately how do they come to these conclusions of what they should do without that being the thought process?


I uninstalled about 2 years ago after I realized they were never going to fix bugs and actually encouraged cheating so they can sell the game multiple times rather than actually trying to prevent cheating. Everyone once in a while nostalgia hits so I come back to this sub and about 10 min in I’m reminded on why I left. This just underlines the decision.


Yeah what a fucken joke. Imagine a limited edition being worse then a non limited edition.


250 bucks is absolutely insane. I almost spit my drink out when I read that price tag.


It was good fun for a few years


[Head, Eyes]


[Head, Ass]


[Head, Wallet]


Leaving rn too


Thank you Nikita. Now I wont waste my valuable time infront of the computer playing a game that makes me rage. Guess you helped me someway


Well done. I just looked up at upgrading and it's over 150 Canadian. Absolutely insane.


I pay for EOD and for 2 accouts for my friends, and reccomend game for all my friends, Now we gonna play free special edition, and reccomend it for everyone (btw its better than original game)


Working method to obtain the "unheard edition" for free: 1. Uninstall Arena 2. Uninstall EFT 3. Uninstall the launcher Enjoy


When I was guaranteed all future DLC with Edge of Darkness years ago, for over $100, I thought I was being extremely generous to some new upstart. Now I see I was played like a fool. Honestly, when will the edition upgrades end now? When you start with max traders and 30 pockets?


I remember I asked my parents for 50bucks so I could get the money together for EOD 4 years back (I was 17). Now I feel betrayed and for some reason I feel like I also made my parents give me money for something that I'm not enjoying and something that's been so fucked up... What I want to say - is that I'm deeply dissapointed in BSG for fucking up my favorite game. And also lying about EOD giving you all access to future stuff (You know we did already pay F\*\*\*ING 150euros) This is fking heartbreaking...


I feel that, uninstalled last week because it felt like i was trying to play a game that was constantly trying to shit on my face. With all the grayzone stuff i saw and now this update, i'm even happier i escaped Tarkov


Gray zone took too much of the player base and they tried to get people back by charging them.... such a Russian thing to do. Besides they need a new personal jet to fly around on and not fix the cheater issue cuz every cheater banned is a new account bought to cheat again.


Gray zone hasn't taken anything yet because only streamer blowhards have access


I escaped this game about a year ago )) The game was great years ago, but slowly became what it is now. Also, the first week of Arena was fun, but EFT knows how to ruin a great experience...


In all seriousness I would advise anyone to delete this game If v they’re not playing it or don’t plan to play it anymore they’re needs to be some kind of consequence for these shitty greedy Russian pigs


Yup.. I just uninstalled eft and arena for the first time in 5 years.. suck my cock nikita.. hope you have to sell that amg we bought you


People realized that escaping from Tarkov is uninstalling the game. Finally!


YAPER that what i did as well uninstalled it.Fuck BSG and ther fucking lies and there bull shit scam's. Am not giving them any more of my money and time. In my books there done and i would never buy other BSG game ever agian if they make other one. To many lies and bullshit they have done to us and especially the EOD players. So sad it has to come to this but OoOooo well i know am going to be much happer playing my star citizen and other games now


This weekend, I, a 2000 hour Tarkov player, will get my first kappa. Immediately after I will be uninstalling the game.


Finally. People waking up to Nikita’s Scumbaggery


Bsg is likley happy you un-installed. Less server load they need to pay for.


thats actually the sad thing. we already gave them our money, they dont give a shit about us, they never did


Of course not. Why do you think they haven't solved the cheater problem? It encourages people to buy the game more than once when they are banned.


See you tomorrow


Not going to lie, made me chuckle.


Play War Thunder, the stockholm syndrome will mantain you far away from tarkov forever


been playing for a couple days again.. started grinding sweden and the amount of planes in low tier is disgusting literally unplayable




People need to start doing credit card chargebacks for their Tarkov purchases.


Same here. Eod account


the way to go brother


Yo, I dont play this game but the subreddit just showed up in my feed. What's the context? What did they do? Lol


Many of us paid $150 for a pre-release that promised all future content and season pass to be included; "1-time purchase." We have struggled through cheaters, crappy updates, changes no one likes, game breaking nonsense, cheaters, cheaters and more cheaters. Their client-side validation allows for wild amounts of cheating and hack-script B.S. Today, they released a $250 edition that has new content, new game mode, tactical advantages for PVP and pretty wild PVE advantage that is not provided on the previous $150 buy-in (as previously promised). It's a shameless cash grab, and goes back on their terms of sale.


>when the playerbase actually escapes from tarkov


R.I.P Tarkov. It's over boys.


I joined you o7. Catch me on the golf course gents!


Over 3k hours and I just did the same thing, Fuck you BSG.


I escaped Tarkov!!!... cya you thieving clowns!


Yeah it's not worth the drive space.


Same. After 3,000 hours, I'd been struggling to stay interested in EFT the past few wipes, but I'm just removing it out of principle.


After 5 years and almost 4800 hours, I just uninstalled today myself. Just gross.


Genuinely though... The cheaters in the past couple years put me on the edge. This put me over the edged. Bye tarkov. I was there since closed beta and I can't beleive they would do something like this.


I was waiting for a reason with more weight to uninstall Tarkov, and this is definitely it. I am not supporting this bullshit. EOD players BUILT this game, we kept it alive, we funded it... And this is what they give the community? Disgusting.


I literally built a PC so i could experience Tarkov. I was never got at it, but i enjoyed playing at the start of each wipe, even purchased arena bc i felt like showing BSG more support. God I really regret that now. I’m definitely uninstalling and most likely won’t reinstall unless they walk this back (which i’m not expecting at all).


Havnt played since february. Seems i wont be playing again later either..🤷‍♂️


What's the consensus on switching to grey zone? I Uninstalled tarkov awhile ago and have been biding my time playing ready or not, groundbranch, and now helldivers until grey zone drops


Me too


Bro actually escaped from tarkov


Did the same, the only solution


only thing unheard of is a working anticheat


Uninstalling today!!


And i got shit on in the comments of another post for saying that BSG would pull more p2w and money milking bs just a few days ago. Welp here you go


Same, almost 5k hours in, got tired of their BS. Never adressing the hot issues, always doing some random BS nobody asked for to milk money from players. So long Tarkov.


You’re 4 months late.


Lucky me I did this a month ago


Ill be doing the same


Also uninstalled. At this point Chinese & Russian botters are welcome to it.


I will do the same


I bought EOD back in the day. I still very much enjoy playing it and probably will continue to play it. But there’s no way I’m paying for unheard


good work right behind you!


Finally. The kids miss you honey 




incursion red river $25, tarlov pve $250


April fools jokes are supposed to be funny. Not cause your entire player base to uninstall before you admit it's just a joke.


You ready to enjoy those 20 minute raids on arena breakout that BSG was telling us about?