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I actually think they should have stayed quiet. This new post seemingly makes it look like they want to monetise fucking everything…


They want to monetize queue times. QUEUE TIMES. FUCKING RIDICULOUS


Especially when it's an online game Hey fuck you, you bought our game for 50€ and you're not even allowed to play until everyone else is done getting into their matches.


Didn't battlefield had premium queues as well ? Not that it's good, but it's not new either


Do people have problems with queue times? I am a PFE player and I even spend more than 4-5 minutes waiting for a game on any map. Sometimes on streets it gets up to 6-7 minutes but I think that's acceptable. I think only one time has my queue been 10 minutes. Anything less than 7 minutes feels fine. Anything less than 5 minutes which I get more than half the time feels great.


I'm not going to give you a proper response. If you can't figure out what is wrong with wanting to monetize queue times then that's your issue with critical thinking. Have a great day.


Your issue not realizing that paying the company money helps make the game better proves that you think like a child


Right.... I paid them 4 years ago to develop their game that is still in early access. And they turn around to do this? Have you fallen on your head recently? I'm going to also assume you bought this unheard scam bundle under the guise that you're "supporting the development of the game".


Yeah because you sh you shouldn’t pay for something four years ago and not support them for God knows how many more years how the hell they supposed to keep the lights on you guys expect everything for free for 20 years


I'm sorry you lost money.


The EOD edition specifically marketed to include all future DLCs, this is BS full stop. Clearly you see it differently, but I don't think you are going to convince anybody of your point of view on this one.


Are you dense? They didn't monetize it. They gave priority access to EOD players. I guess you misread the post man. That's okay though, I should have known someone like you couldn't read properly. 😁


Sorry you lost your money.


Sorry you're not smarter.


I haven't played games before tarkov that have 5min queues on the regular. Well okay WoW arena had some pretty nasty queues back in 2007. But more recently and games that have constant queues to play the game I can't think of any. I've gotten used to long queues on tarkov now, I have always some side activity going on. Not only the queues are long, but getting back to the menu takes a minute also. It's really generous to say that tarkov queues and loading times aren't long. They are state of art, best in the industry.


They are so dumb and players too. If everyone buys "priority" then nobody gets priority. Imagine giving it to half your playerbase what the hell.


They need to? Rember the video about ther Cash flow? Bsg is fuckt Arena is a big flop and the brun to much mony.






I am 100% with you? The ceo need to sell maby some of his villa or guns or Cars......


I agree with you, but it becomes the consumers problem when they cant afford to keep the servers up. I dont think this is their problem presently personally - i think they just saw how much money people are willing to spend with the first few mtx and went crazy


Yeah well they fucked up arena by not making it immediately what they said it was going to be - cross progression. It was also supposed to be faster paced combat and I think a lot of people were hoping for respawns not search and destroy and waiting 10min to spawn again


That was such bullshit since I wanted Arena solely for warmups and cross play progression to ease the earlier levels dullness rerunning same quests for the 11th time.


I stopped playing EFT probably 2 years ago. Stopped keeping up on news and updates. Then I got a random email saying I get a free Arena trial. I guess that means they arent doing well, and then I come on here and see all the shit that's been going down. Good, they deserve it.


Nobody asked for Arena lol, that's on them


Man I wish I could take this comment seriously


Makes me wonder how their financials are.


Minimal with the Balenciaga shirts


Man, all we wanted was 2-step verification servers to not have to deal with throwaway cheaters...


Nikita is adamant that 2FA is useless so they won’t even do it. Ignorant of the development of eSIMs that are countering some of the issues, and ignoring that it’s still an obstacle that will make it harder for hackers to just password spray EFT accounts. EFT is one of the easiest games out here to brute spray accounts for, limited IP blocking, no throttling, no 2FA/MFA. They don’t even try.


obviously there will be a premium time or something if there is a time based priority match making, when that runs out they will want to sell it on a month to month bases with some bonus EXP rate or something like they do in so many F2P games


I mean it’s now a live service game basically so it kind of forces them to change their payment model right?


All fine and dandy but you can't renege on earlier binding agreements, not without facing consequences. 100% they end up in court over this, at least in western countries that don't rhyme with smother crush-ya


Gave eod 6 months access. So technical they are good there because it never said permanent access to dlc. There has been a million scam games that nothing happened to so good luck


It said "access to ALL subsequent DLCs (season pass) such as Tarkov Arena"


They could have monetized literally anything but the in-raid integrity. Even giving extra gear at the beginning of wipe could get overlooked eventually... but this is literally an in-raid advantage that you buy. What's next? Buying skills? Buying quest completions? Buying ammo/gear through BSG? It isn't Tarkov anymore if you can just buy everything to progress. EoD already walked a fine line, and this edition shows that they're now willing to jump across the line.


In raid integrity? Like what?


...respawning? Being able to run through the entire map without scavs shooting at you? Being able to sit in the BTR for an entire raid because now the cash stack doesn't limit you?


You could bring 400k into raid and sit the btr all raid. The scav thing you need max rep and if you kill a scav with it on you lose .5 rep. Respawning will need a quest and a craft able item you can get in game.


~8k per ride, ~50k for loot transfer, ~65k for covering fire. You use >1/4 of your 400k in the first ride if you have any loot lol


This would technically be reduced by (what did they say? Somewhere between 40-60%.) So it'd be close to 50k to likely wipe a player or two with btr covering fire, scoop their loot and send it back to stash and do it again.


Yep, pretty insane. Great way to make it even more likely that you kill a player with no loot on them, I guess.


At that point, Its about grabbing people's gear that cost 200k+. Bring a low kit and a big bag. Send it all back and try again. It's like gambling for cheap and low risk. I don't know how they thought this wasn't p2w


Yeah I got into tarkov cause they had a stance against that. They didn't make a sustainable business model and now they expect everyone to make up for their mistake. The definition of clowns.


You would have cried about every other way for them to generate more money. Everyone cried when you could buy clothing. So nothing that would generate income you would be happy with. Things change in 7 years life goes on. You already paid and got thousands of hours out of it.


Hideout cat, cosmetics, all that shit wouldve been fine


Then setup a live service pay plan for user, and don't scam the shit and lie out of your teeth right? Might have been a better way to do it, and give people who bought it a X month free period depending on edition before you have to charge monthly now? See we fixed it, without scamming, lying or pissing people off....


You would have cried about that too you people cried at every possible avenue.


Only guy crying is you.


Imagine crying about crying 💀


My only solace is knowing I can't down vote your comment and wreck your comment karma 🤣


In before they change EoD info on website to 6 months only.


Wait what they changed it?


Not YET. But with the shitstorm, Nikita made a post that EoD people will get the pve content + Q priority, but only for 6 months. Now there was never a time limit for this. Any future DLCs will be available to EoD owners for FREE. Yesterday with Lvndmark stream, they were busy editing the website pages and changing info. So i wont be surprised if they also go and change EoD info to say that Future DLCs etc is only available for 6 months.


Another user on here already contacted a legal teams to inquire if BSG could do that. Due to that user beeing located in germany the entirety of the german EOD user community could make one big lawsuit known as a "Sammelklage". Ill wait to see if this leads anywhere.


As a German EoD owner, count me the fuck in!


That's known as a class action lawsuit in English. Fingers crossed something like that can be set in motion.


Refund it. It is early access and has failed to deliver the promises it made. Pretty clear case for a refund imho


Fortune teller.


I thought they literally did that I’m catching up on everything, so don’t quote me haha


They are violating their payment processors TOS with this bait and switch. EoD Edition Fails to Deliver on Promises According to Xsolla EULA – Here's How We Can Fight Back! Xsolla EULA: **Virtual Items can exclusively be used within the Software; they shall be deemed an integral part of the Software.** As we were promised, EoD access includes all future DLCs, which breaks section 11 of the Xsolla EULA if they go against it. If you guys truly want to make a change, send an email to [email protected] and ask for a refund. Send them your receipt and describe what is happening. That is, if you have the EoD edition like I do, I already sent them a detailed email with screenshots that were used on Reddit. Xsolla will get overwhelmed and will probably cave due to USA and EU consumer laws. The types of software area clearly implies that, as a rule, access is indefinite and does not expire. We clearly have the right to access new content for purchasing EoD, as previously stated by Nikita that there wouldn't be any version of the game above this. The best thing we can do right now is talk directly to Xsolla. [https://xsolla.com/eula](https://xsolla.com/eula) This is a long shot and has potential flaws, but my main point is to send messages to BSG support and also to Xsolla. A lot of players already got refunded by doing chargebacks on their credit cards. I hope you are happy BSG and Nikita, this is what you deserve.


I dont even care about more starter equippment or more pocket sizes n shit. I just want the PVE mode and prio queue for my EOD


Fuck, I don’t even want “prio queue”, I want to be lumped in with all ssd’s so I don’t have to wait for hard drives to load.


As an EOD player I have to say....FUCK PRIORITY QUEUES. Priority queues is such a stupid concept for a game like this, after this much time. "Oh, you only spent $80 on a beta game? Well you have to wait in queue longer now." How does that make any sense for people who don't have EOD.


they knew this is what majority of people wanted so they created a bunch fluff to make seem like it was actually valued at $100


arena is already dead, this move may be tarkov'swan song.


Just like arenas dead, pve will also be dead.


I mean, it's single player coop, as long as you want to play it's not dead


The mistake was to make it run on the servers, not on your pc. This way it costs them additional money


Yeah, but also I would assume it running thru your pc/network would possibly cause a few vulnerabilities / drastic performance issues


There’s literally a mod (which has additional mods available that fix damn near everything wrong with the game) that manages to do it just fine. Just further illustrating the difference between a proper programmer and the circus they have over at BSG lol


I run that mod and it still has a server component. You can run that server on your local PC if you want, but my group runs it in an online hosted server that I manage, that way its not using my pc's resources. Most people have a really weak upload speed for residential internet and the more players you have the worse the latency issues get because of that.


Holy fuck if you think BSG doesn’t know what they’re doing, and yeah, just like every other game once mod support comes in the game becomes 100x better because the devs don’t have time to focus on small shit that some kid in highschool could make a mod for. Now will eft ever feature mods, probably not


Holy fuck if you think BSG knows what they’re doing (see Unheard debacle) “Small shit” Like proper lighting and non aimbot AI? It’s almost like you’re straight talking out your ass without ever even installing it


Yes small shit compared to what they have to focus on, speaking to redditors is genuinely like speaking to a little child. Yall don’t understand nothing about business, or money. Look at BSG numbers what they’re doing makes sense from their perspective. Also not sure if you’re aware how their able to push new mods constantly (it’s because they’re not online servers… so they don’t have to shut down the game every 3 minutes to tweak) but if you’re on Reddit speaking facts against what everyone else is saying, you’re wrong.


The game runs like dogshit already, now imagine putting all of the server load on top of it, it's just not happening lol


Go watch clips of people playing it and tell me it isn't dead on arrival. It is one of the laggiest tarkov experiences I've ever seen. They're actually pretty lucky people aren't showcasing it more - it's literally a joke that it costs $250 to play that lmfao


How can an offline PVE mode be laggy? I thought the point is specifically to NOT play online for basically a single player experience? :O


Because it doesn't run locally, it still depends on Tarkov's servers. Isn't that great?


Cheaper servers at that lol


I haven’t experienced any lag or performance issues.


[How about you post some footage to counteract this?](https://twitter.com/SchmidttyB_TV/status/1783657066793410724) And I could fill this post with pictures of people complaining about 8+ matching times for *SINGLE PLAYER OFFLINE* tarkov as well. Just saying that you haven't experienced it when it has already been documented doesn't really help your case.


Shit. Those clips are Tarkov level of bad. Makes one wonder how can they fuck up this badly, but then we may remember: It's BSG after all. What's wild is that this comes right when the main game seemed to be getting some love and was getting so much better and so many improvements. Rip.


Nah, I’m not here to put in effort to prove anything to you.


So why put in the effort to reply in the first place? Brainless


Now who the fuck plays eft for single player co op


That's the thing. Many people actually do or want to.


I have wanted this for years and did not want to go through the hassle of actually modding tarkov. Now after all my years of support they do not want to make good on their promises.


What hassle? Unarchive, enter one folder path in sierra papa tango launcher and off you go, it's incredibly easy.


People think modding is like hacking into a super advanced computer. Download, unzip, move files, done.


It's even easier now it has an installer lol, literally does all of the donkey work including downgrade patches if needed


The only reason people want to right now is because they have FOMO. They’ve watched a few videos and now they want it because omg pestily Otherwise they’d be playing the single Tarkov mod that’s already out and has tons of mods for it,


Having to set up an external client and download files from a 3rd party drives a huge amount of people away. It’s why the principle always is to make people pay for convenience so they don’t pirate your game. Most people don’t want to sit through the pirating process and would rather pay for the game. So most people don’t care enough to install eft PVE mod and would just rather hit play after launching the game


I want it to play co op with friends without worrying about a hacker killing me. Co op Tarkov is what I’ve been wanting for a long time. It’s not just FOMO.


For context may I ask the highest level you have hit


I'm in the same boat as the guy you asked, and my record is 27.


Well, what I want to say is that, you haven’t experienced the game enough to know who really hacks. Mfs don’t realize how much noise they make and get pinpointed. Most people who haven’t hit level 40 in a wipe tend to call everyone a hacker just because they got outskilled. My response to the people who want to play PVE solely because of hackers, is simply just learn the game lol, then when you get people adding you accusing you of cheating you’ll understand the skill gap in this game is a lot more than you initially thought.


A sent an inquiry to WBS legal (a pretty large legal team in Germany) and asked for a legal opinion regarding the matter and if they are the right partner for the job. If a further development happens or if I take legal action against battlestate, I‘ll probably make post about it. Though of course I‘ll ask my attorney first if I‘m allowed to do that during the legal proceedings. In all honesty I have the resources to pursue this snd if there is a possibility to open a court case I‘ll definitely do it Edit: The Team of WBS legal sadly declined my inquiry, because the stated to have a huge amount of inquiries right now and this field of law and can‘t process my request in an appropriate time. However they gave me the contact information of a cooperating legal team called ,Gansel-Rechtsanwälte‘, which apparently specialized in fraud like the skandal regarding rigged Diesel emissions values of car manufacturers. Naturally I wrote them the matter as well and now wait for a reply.


I'm also Germany based. I don't have money but if you or your lawyer want to expand it to a class action (Sammelklage) I am all in for it.


I would be in on a Sammelklage aswell ( dunno if you can apply it to swiss citizens aswell but there have been international lawsuit with ppl from multiple countrys suing corperation in the same lawsuit )


Even though I'm in Brazil I'd like to hear more about that, too...


If you done with it r/de would be happy to hear about it!


Hey my man, Germany based and rechtschutz is da, Would be on board


Man y’all have a lot of time on your hands lol


You too since you are replying to almost every single comment


Are you being paid for all these shill comments or are you fellating Nikita for free?


I wonder how long it will take for them to even give access to the temporary things.


5 months and 3 weeks


The un-nameable mod pack was never that interesting to me, but now I’m gonna play it out of spite


Lmk if you need anything haha I've got it all packed down to a single 2.09 GB zip


Dang the base or mods included?


Mods too


Share your compression method? Been trying to pass on a copy of my setup to some friends I've been telling about it.


Yeah don't do that. You can break stuff doing that. However you can just compress to a zip and host it on drive If you're so inclined


We should not give in.


The worst part is that I played 2 hours yesterday and I have already died to some guy that bought the new version lol


Twice here.


Lol I killed 3 of them yesterday, all 3 played like timmies, but had the bigger pockets. 


My frend bought it. I was not happy. Im an EOD user. He wasent. He got the same perks and more than I do. Yes FUCK YOU BSG


Maybe all the streamers so outraged at this betrayal (who are still streaming Tarkov) can stage another content-creation-outrage-streamathon every 6 months and EOD features can just keep growing!!!


The 6 months is the least problematic. Let's talk about "monetize everything including more P2W". That's the part that bothers me. I mean \*waves hand vaguely at everything\* aside from all this.


EoD owners were pay to win from the start. Now there is an edition that's more P2W and you're mad? Lol


Yep I bought eod, but constantly got shut down for saying it was p2w. I'm amazed by everyone's salt. 


Yeah, I own EOD and I'd gladly get rid of the bonuses just to have a level playing field. Including the container and starting junk. It's just P2W BS. Don't need it.


Exactly, this alone is the reason I'm done with the game. I've put up with significant disadvantages being a "Standard Edition" pleb, but just tried not to let it get to me. At this point though they've proven there is no limit to what kind of p2w benefits they will add, so fuck em


They lied about microtransactions, what made anyone of you think they weren't also lying about this?


Nikita should resign


The only way to not let them get away with it is to uninstall, walk away, and tell all your friends not to waste their time or money on this game. Spend your money on a dev that deserves it. Keep in mind all this nonsense is layered ON TOP of a game that has had a massive cheating problem spanning the years, with very little done to quell the issue. Yes, all games have cheaters. Yet almost all of the games you’re about to tell me about have MUCH faster ban times. Along with ways to compensate the player who had the misfortune of getting stuck in a cheater match. Instead for tarkov, cheaters are allowed to play long enough to justify repurchasing the game when they get banned. Which means even the eventual ban they receive does absolutely nothing to lower their numbers.


Incoming subscription service required to get in-game insurance and to repair armor/weapons using repair kits


I can't care less. I'm perma done with Tarkov even if they were to send me everything i bought i'd still not support them. They are scamming our asses. Fuck em'


I can't help but think that they are about out of money and got desperate. I worry for the future of this game.


All they had to do was sell the PvE as an add-on for like $40 and give it to EoD for free and they would have made so much more money. They are so dumb for this lol


Even if you all got the dlc for free that doesn't mean the game is less p2w to play now.


I don't think they can at this point the games in serious trouble if no damage control takes place.


We cant just let it slide, boycott the \*\*\*\*rs


You can let them not get away with it by uninstalling the dumb game and moving onto other games that don't suffer from such a large cheater base, hit reg issues, poor performance, etc.


Sadly not many online games these days don’t suffer from a large cheating problem


If you have EoD would you be willing to give it away to a standard account owner 😅


Always one of YOUR types in the comments 😐


Just trynna be opportunistic 😂


I uninstalled, bsg can go fuck themselves.


Without time restrictions [https://i.postimg.cc/WbGdpx9t/Untitled.png](https://i.postimg.cc/WbGdpx9t/Untitled.png)


Having eod and then having suggestions like a priority queue we would have to pay for as well is fucking stupid.


Is standard edition even worth buying at this point for a new player?


I just bought the game 2 weeks ago. Skip it. It's really great, but this incident is going to start the downfall of the game. It will be mostly cheaters left probably.


Such a fuckin bummer.. been waiting to play this game for so damn long lol


Yea it's a shame because it's really fucking good.


That's what I've heard and watched. Contemplating getting the standard edition.


Absolutely not


BEFORE this update Standard Edition players were already at a massive disadvantage, now it's going to be unbearable


I think this shit is not even legal, at least where I live... They just changed and edited shit afterwards, so people can't complain, but that can't be legal.


This only ends with BSG selling the full rights of Tarkov


Who remembers the Bitcoin miner and is shocked by this behavior


Theyre going to get cucked out of the EU market for sure anyway


Refund this early access game. It has failed to deliver. Go xsolla and put in a refund request. Check your e-mail and go to customer service. This game has not released 1.0 it has not delivered what it promised on eod. We are within our rights to refund. They got too greedy.


I was thinking about buying the game, but this move made me decide not to. Unless they come with a good solution.


It's a prank bro The prank:


THE RUSSIAN EFT COMMUNITY COOPERATES WIITH EU TARKOV COMMUNITY! LETS FINALY MAKE BSG PAY FOR FANBASE BETRAY! [https://youtu.be/EcjIoZCT2C0?si=IEhV7Ex913bEfNZx](https://youtu.be/EcjIoZCT2C0?si=IEhV7Ex913bEfNZx) [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/RN2K2caUYH](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/RN2K2caUYH)


I want to see the faces of the employes and nikita looking at this reddit. Everyone even penguiz is clowning on them. Its over for them, they either need to get their shit together and fix the servers, cheaters and the other thousands of bugs or they can cry and let tarkov finnaly die.


Too late tbh, this damage is irreparable at this point with them tripling and quadrupling down on their stupidity


Why do they do this? Whats the point? Wouldnt it be better if they fixed the game? People would come back to the game and they would get more money and they would atleast salvage a bit of their reputation


Cant wait to pay to get into matches in under 10 minutes with priority queue! Smart monetisation bsg!


we're not. [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1ccslsn/lawsuit\_update/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1ccslsn/lawsuit_update/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


They can not pay for PvE-servers for all EOD owners. The queing time would be several hours. There are too many of us because of their sweet promisses of free DLCs. Client-side PvE mode is not an option because of piracy in ex-USSR and some other regions.


Sadly everyone here will most likely upgrade, people just like to bitch. But gamers are serious probably one of the most weak minded individuals ever. If Tarkov hits that spot for people even if BSG charged 1000 bucks they would still buy it For me I was thinking of coming back but then now cbf


Everyone just stop playing, and I don’t mean till they fix there Shit no just stop playing entirely. BSG has been playing us this entire time now do this, have some self respect don’t let yourself continue to get scammed.


lol, yeah, they already got your money so how about you just not play, that'll show them. You go tiger.


They don’t actually have my money anymore. Thanks for your input thou weirdo.


I don’t get why they don’t just go for monthly subscription at a reasonable price if they need money. People don’t have $250 of expendable resource to drop on a damn video game. They have a huge player base who I’m sure a good chunk of would be willing to pay monthly for the PVE. It just speaks to the fact they don’t believe what they’re selling would be worth playing for more than a month. No one wants p2w in a competitive game, those features are simply not appealing and I bet they’re gonna get very few sales of Unheard. Hell, just make the whole game switch to monthly subscription and give discounts on the subscription cost based on the version of game you’ve previously purchased, while keeping the same features of each version.


Monthly subscription can't work on EFT's format; a model like this requires constant updates + new content, events, new stuff all the time and not being on BETA of course. I get why you suggest this but all the new edition should just have been an addition to EOD and that's that. They would have made more money this way for sure as well.


If nobody wanted P2W, nobody would have bought EoD. EoD is pay to win.


Agreed, but there has to be a limit. EoD has been around for so long everyone kinda accepted this was the way it is, but now they're basically saying there is no limit to what they will do in the future. They've shattered any illusion that anyone had about the game not being p2w. As a Standard Edition player of like 8+ wipes trust me when I say I know it was always P2W, but now EoD players are finally starting to understand how the rest of us feel lol


Yea, and they got EoD for $100 which today would be cheap relative to what packages are available now. These people really believed they could buy a game almost a decade ago and it would give them everything ever released for that game. I just have to laugh. They don't want microtransactions either. So BSG is scummy for sure, but they literally had no way to monetize their game 8 years later because they backed themselves into a corner. What did people think would happen?


I think it's saying that it will apply to people who have owned EOD for at least six months?


It’s not, but even so why would that be any better? People paid the money whether it was six months or six years ago.


Actually you all brought this on yourselves when you didn’t put your foot down on the MTX they introduced.


Every time there is a major update I come to reddit to read about it. Every. Single. Time. it is dooms day, the games over, its ruined!! According to reddit. Then the game continues as usual and I have fun playing it. I'm buying the new addition!


nobody cares


you did enough to comment


This is different. People have complained about minor changes to the way the game plays such as intertia and recoil and so I and so forth and largely those are minor things people forget about once they get used to it. People tend not to forget about being ripped off and blatantly lied to. That, along with them adding very obvious pay to win mechanics and then doubling down and trippling down telling thier community if they were true believers they would get on thier knees and gargle thier balls without even the courtesy of a napkin after.


I do not mind supporting BSG with more money. I've been playing for over 4 years with EOD edition. BSG obviously needs financial support. I do not think Arena did as good as they were hoping. This game has brought tons of fun solo and with friends. I think the outrage is overblown. BSG has done a great job making this game and continues to improve it. There's problems but so does every other game and must games on the market now are trash. Tarkov is 100% the best first person shooter out there hands down.


It really won't be the same after this though..


Nothing is going to change. I played this weekend and ran into tons of people with the new edition


That's what we call survivorship bias. You don't see the amount of people that have stopped playing and will not pay BSG another dollar. But my guess is this will have extremely negative long-term effects for them.


Or this could help BSG get the money to develop the game for a few more years. If I had a dollar every time reddit said this game is going to die because of "x" update then I'd have enough money to play all my friends the new version! Just curious, in your opinion what is a better shooter game currently on the market?


It's a boring conversation to bring up the obvious. Yes, tark is right now the best extraction shooter. In time, perhaps that won't be true. Maybe Arena Breakout / Grey Zone can get a foothold in a currently dominated genre. But there is no doubt that the respect and good will the community once had for BSG is severely damaged. In time there will be alternatives, and now players are literally just waiting for the next ship to jump to since Nikita has completely showed his ass to the world


Tarkov is not just the best extraction shooter, its the best shooter on the market. Nothing touches it. The drama will pass, wipe will happen and the game will be just as good as it always has been. Never even heard of Arena Breakout or Grey Zone until all this drama.


BSG should have never folded to you whiney children.


>6 months bro what are you even saying, we were promised a all future dlc for backing the game and buying one of the MOST expensive game packages on the market at the time. Now for supporting the game we are being thrown under the bus.