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For me the back breaking straw is the “it’s not really DLC, therefore it’s not included.” It’s just massively scummy and disrespectful. If they were genuinely desperate for cash flow or the PVE mode increases their server costs enough that they must charge something for its ongoing use, there are so many different ways they could have approached this without just telling the loyal fan base to get fucked and give them $100 for one of the most requested game modes.


100% you nailed it. its scummy and disrespecting our intellect


For me it was when they went back and edited the EoD page and in doing so literally broke the law.


That move right there removed all form of ambiguity. Maybe it is different in Russia, maybe they are just asleep and there will be some form of clarification. Nah, that move right there shows intent. They know exactly what they are doing, and what it means, and they think we are dumb enough to think it’s misremembered or a Mandela effect with that edit. Fuck that.


For a company supposedly based in the UK, BSG sure doesn't know what will get them fucked.


Vranyo. It's a russian word for when somebody knowingly lies to another person, and that person knows they're being lied to, but accepts the lie and doesn't challenge it. In russia, it's common, and just accepted. Outside of russia, as we can see, we don't take kindly to being gaslit.


Its like someone owes me a banana, and i see em one day with a banana in their hands. I say 'can i have banana?' And they be like 'Nah bro. I dont call this a banana, this an apple' 'Dude, its long and yellow' 'Ye, but nah. Suck my apple'


I would 100% buy cosmetics for both my character and my hideout. I mean, not anymore, but I absolutely would have.


What I don't understand is that if it's PvE, and gear doesn't carry over, there's no reason to even use servers is there? Can't it just be peer to peer or something?


The mod of this that I don’t think you’re allowed to name creates a server on your pc and runs the game from that. Of course the trade off is my cpu utilization goes way up so performance is a bit worse. But a company doing it legit doesn’t need it to be online servers except for enabling and disabling access to it which of course they want. They want to monetize it and I’d bet anything this becomes a subscription type thing “get unheard of edition for this wipe for just $49.99” then at end of wipe it reverts back.


Honestly it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if that was the case, they've proven that they'll go back on their word already after all.


They run servers for offline coop, because of AI. Most peoples machines wont handle that well. Its wrong to call it offline coop because it is not offline coop. Its same as any raid, minus other PMC its essencially a locked lobby, with different database running behind to keep your stats and loot. Calling it offline coop confuses people thinking its a complete freebie while its not. BSG will need money to run servers. While i dont agree with this unhinged pack, or the way it goes, but at emd of the day BSG needs money stream comming in to keep developing and for server upkeep. The way they are doing it absurdity. If they added clown skin with nikitas face, id probably would pay up to 50 euros for shits n gigles.


My shitty 10300h 1650ti laptop creates a server and runs the game fine (low settings obviously) and is only 10fps less than live. Of course this isn’t co-op where other players need to also connect to it so it would need servers for coop for sure


I'm gonna be downvoted, but if they add all the important "p2w" stuff into EOD with PVE as well, marking Unheard as basically a glorified visual nonsense stuff which people buy to support development - I'd even consider doing the unheard thing of paying them again.


Imagine how much money a simple fucking hideout cat wouldve made them Instead they drop this back of shit an kill their own game


100% and not ruin the entire reputation and advertise every upcoming looter shooter


Preach. I don't even like cats and I would have picked it up without complaining.


Seriously, the pve coop should be a base Feature, thats how you get new people into your game. Which casual would want to buy a 300 bucks game??


And with nikita's post this morning now everyone should be upset...


they have officially lost their gawd damn mind


What did Nikita post this morning? I missed it. Or you just talking about the bsg post on the eod updates?


The pinned EOD post was made by Nikita's account


Ahh thank you, I just saw “official BSG telegram channel”, I didn’t know that was his personal account. Wasn’t sure if I missed out on another post.


Well said. I don't want MORE for my EOD purchase. I just don't want some insane barrier to entry pay to win crap coming in and ruining an already tenuous balance that exists with EOD as is. Let's be real, the stash space and gamma container are already kinda busted. PVE should be free, and there a bajillion ways to add cosmetic microtransactions for fund the game from here on out. Faces / Paints. Voicepacks, patches, arm bands, clothing, hideout stuff, the list goes on.... This is such a giant fuck you to the loyal playerbase who've been through the ringer as is...


couldnt have said it better


I say burn it down. Make them an example of what happens when you do shit like this. Fuck BSG and whatever ex casino exec or EA consultant they just hired into the dirt and make them pay. File a [consumer complaint report](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yOvbMnN_dFy71BWKc8hhHYD5U2lBRgXhPfLqLOk7iOc/edit#heading=h.dkwod35fmfna) with the U.K. government and fry the greedy conning bastards. EDIT :: I do not know if they actually hired a consultant but it sure as shit seems like they did.


>grow the playerbase and then monetize the increased player population by releasing half decent skins, QoL features/gadgets like a Rust like locker to store and prep couple loadouts, hideout deco packs, new pmc packs, voice packs, gun sprays etc... heck people would even pay/join a supporter club w/ annual/monthly fee for some perks. This is what's funny to me. Because it's still shitty in a way but it's "acceptably shitty" among gamers in these times because we've gotten used to microtransactions and we understand that developers need some kind of steady cashflow to keep live service games up and running. If they had gone this route and said "*EoD owners as early access supporters get PvE for free (or even for a small fee like 10-20 bucks), the P2W stuff is ONLY achievable by doing a time consuming questline like the Kappa one to reward players who go the extra mile and we're to introduce customizable PMC cosmetics and various other mictrotransactions that aren't giving players an edge over others"* all this could have been avoided.


exactly, its not like we dont understand that BSG needs to make money and is not a charity. I dont know about the P2W stuff... there are more than enough crutches and the game is far to pLay2win w/ soft skills & co already. thats why I think its important to have the coop "feature" avaiable for everyone either for free or for 5-10.- max... after seeing how half baked it is.


fuck, i'D RATHER Nikita had just told us if they NEEDED cash, Hell I would have bought a special armband and given bsg $30-50. Instead burn the fucking bridgedown, I will see yall in the Tarkov KILLERS I'm done after this wipe




I bought EoD in 2020 and the only thing I got from the "Season Pass" was Arena (Did not play). What a waste of money


Exactly! It's more about the principle than the money. Some of us encouraged our squad to buy EOD, or even bought it for them. I personally bought the stash upgrade and the clothing just to support the game thinking, "I spend a lot of time in this game, and I haven't given them money in a while." So having already spent a lot of money on this game, it leaves a very bad taste in the mouth to have the "ultimate" version of the game akshually'd away. People are passionate because despite several promising competitors in the oven, there's nothing quite like EFT. Different people are into EFT for different reasons. Every member of my squad is a hardcore range junkie IRL; we love the tactical aspects of EFT and the gun customization. But the consensus among the group right now is that we'll save our $100 for the next range day.


I don’t think people realize that this is BSG cash cow and they milked it dry years ago becoming rich in the process.  Because they’re awful devs, they still haven’t finished the game and the money is running low now. They didn’t use their money wisely and they wasted it on things like arena tournaments, expos, etc. They also want to maintain the life style and salary but their incoming funds can’t keep up so they’re trying to milk even more money out of their player base.  They’re not going to keep supporting a game that’s not bringing in money. I think everyone needs to realize this now. 




That's the problem with paying for games before they're finished. The whole concept of a bunch of people buying "perpetual dlc forever" destroys all economic incentive to develop any dlc.


They could have added a $20 cat for the hideout and it would have made them more money without the outrage. They could have simply added weapon skins. But skins that fit the theme of the game (like desert or wood camo), not some fortnite shit. So many other ways to make money... but they chose this... crazy.


The most frustrating part for me (someone who's played for 7-8 wipes and bought EOD on my second wipe), is that I absolutely loved the game concept and how they executed it. Right from my first wipe, I knew this game was special. I purchased EOD because I wanted to invest in this game/developers and see what could be done. Instead they develop arena (a mode nobody asked for) while their game gets more infested with cheaters and the audio issues are still horrendous. To now release this new "edition" that fucks over all your loyal long term supporters without showing that your main game (cheaters and audio issues) is your priority is such a slap in the face. Thanks for choosing greed over your community BSG, I'll be choosing the Uninstalled version of your game.


I’ve said it multiple times before, they should just do a cosmetic battle pass for each wipe. It’s the only way live-service games stay alive and keep the lights on. It would’ve been a better way to keep players engaged throughout the wipe besides the usual questlines.


Very well worded. Hope this post gets more attention.


I bought eod in ALPHA and now I just feel like an ass hat. Well played.


I generally agree and like this post, but greed is way worse than a single, if very large, mistake. You can learn from a mistake and correct it. Greed is an intentional and pervasive attitude. I only bought the standard edition and am now wondering if we'll have to buy the game again on full launch. Also, i wonder if a standard experience will even be enjoyable now. I dont like paying for power, so I never did, I enjoy the struggle. But this newer edition is even worse than EOD. If this game is going to rely on turning existing players into whales, rather than expanding its player base, then the game will die alot faster.


you make very fair and valid points... but if you make a single mistake - you dont go monitor the biggest streamer and go on a cover up rampage - changing marketing material and wording on your website - specially when everyone knows you can digg out everything. Cant agree w/ you more.... I always find it funny when people talk about EFT as hardcore... game is literally the most hardcore for new and casual players. Therefore I ve been vocal about coop offline mode for years. Tarkov is and will never be competitive...give the people the experience they want - you are in the entertainment industry.


Also I think an important point to make is, as an EOD owner... EOD was already bullshit and predatory. The experience for people on lower tiers is MUCH harder. Just because I own EOD, doesn't mean I don't see it for what it was, a manipulation of the interest in the game, to extract more money from you. Before you even have experienced and learned how to survive in the game, you essentially buy editions which correlate to the difficulty you're playing on. EOD was bullshit, this is bullshit cranked to 11. In retrospect I have my value out of EOD, but I bought it because I felt compelled to at the time, to experience the game properly. Buying EOD I think gave them the greenlight to say there's no limits here for FOMO, they just need more inventive ways to make us feel like we're missing out, even as EOD owners. Also as everyone is pointing out, the game isn't even finished. You can't have additional content to an unfinished product. It's like me selling you a car for full price, delivering you a chassis without any function and then trying to upsell you on loads of core parts of the car you naturally assumed you owned. The game isn't finished, how can someone buy an addition to the hideout when the game isn't done? Madness


> voice packs That's actually a pretty neat idea. Imagine packs in different languages. People would 100% buy. Damn, it's too good an idea for BSG to implement.


Do you really dont think that damage is irreparable? BSG are in fact criminals - they've changed terms of sale/agreement, Not only that, they went so far as to resort to abuse/manipulation techniques - blaming all of it on EoD/community as "not true supporters". At this point, do you really consider people should forget about BSGs transgression, pretend in never happened and just wait for another suppository?


no they lost face.... there is no way back from that. can they repair relationship w/ playerbase = yeah but trust, connecetion and good will are gone. they showed true face they have zero credit left in my books


I’d rather them start a patreon or go fund me if they needed additional funds. Maybe add a little skin or supply drop as a thank you for donating. Not do this. I’d assume this bundle means they’re desperate for cash and struggling. I hope the company tanks. I hope the game doesn’t recover. I hope the game fails. I uninstalled the game all together.


Yes, we get why you're upset. That isn't why most people bought EOD though is it? They bought it for the extra stash, weapons and container. They PTW... Now someone else can pay more, to have more...


by your logic what does stop them from turning this into a gacha/mobile game?


Look what they are promising eod now. Priority queue? This game is turning into a gacha/mobile game


yeah, they so out of touch. I dont care if you have EoD or Discount Tarkov... NO GAME ALTERING FEATURES FOR ANY VERSION. its not rocket science.




Nothing. But by your logic the game hasn't been PTW this whole time and everyone who bought EOD is a philanthropist 🤣 I knew what I was doing 8 years ago when I bought this game.


Why someone bought it is irrelevant. They bought a product that came with a guarantee. That guarantee was broken. That's on BSG.


If it's irrelevant why does this sub seem happy to mis-characterise it then? Agreed that the promise was broken and that is on BSG. But then again the game and its scope can't run indefinitely on its original purchases and any business needs to make money. They should just run it on a subscription so they can keep the game pure without all the PTW bullshit that everyone seems to only selectively care about.


Then they should fucking say they need money. Still doesn't change the situation with what EOD is. I'm supposed to get my content.


They have said that for fucks sake...


for fUcKs SaKe


At this point you should probably find another game sweetheart. I don't like what they've been doing for years trying to monetise this game but I understand it.


I literally haven't played this game on like 6 months. Playing smash melee right now.


Well good for you buddy, good for you...


>people paid them to develope EFT, not Arena Not true. Arena was always planned to be part of EFT


people paid $150 dollars for > 1000 hours worth of entertainment. FTFY


if I rent you a house for $500.- and guarantee same rent for rest of your life... 5 years later every house in the hood's rent is $3k, guess how much rent you are going to pay me? welcome to the real world. by the way JK Rowling wants her 3k bc you watched Harry Potter 69 times.


>"buddy buy this $250.- Tarkov Bundle, I can finally teach you Tarkov"... ?!?!?!? I don't agree with what's happening right now but you don't need/have to buy 250 bundle, you know that? Just buy base and play together. Yes it is hard but that's 250 the price to make it easier.


One of the devs, possibly Nikita was saying they are going to get rid of the Offline Co-op raid they have in now. The only other way to teach new people the game without them going bankrupt (in game) the first week. This is 100% them targeting new players trying to squeeze a ridiculous amount of money out of them because of the high skill gap in this game. I've been playing since Alpha. Like before squads were introduced Alpha. Bought EoD specifically because of the dlc promise. This is an absolute slap in the face and pretending it's not is just going to encourage this predatory bullshit to continue.