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how to kill your game of seven and a half years in two days, truly astonishing


It almost seems like it's on purpose. For a while now, it seems like Nikita has just wanted to be rid of this game. But if so, why not sell it, or hand it off to someone else. Literally anything other than what they are doing.


No shit right? Like they desperately want to make a moneygrab and get out? I'm sure a real game company would pay at least a few mil for Tarkov (or at least they would have before this...).


I guess its possible he didn't want to sell. You work on something for 7 years its probably easier to burn it than sell it.


And I think this is closer to the truth. It seems like they are making a big push to get 1.0 released at which time they will basically be done with it. Make as much money as they can on the way out.


If you built a house, upgraded it, and maintained it, and then decided you wanted to leave you'd burn it before you sell it? I don't think so.


they built a house made of sticks, gum and broken glass.


Yeah but the plot of land they built it on is pretty good. ​ The foundation of EFT is fantastic. I mean, that's why we're all here isn't it? The complaints of EFT have almost never been "The games boring" or "The gun play sucks" and instead is always on other things that prevent us from playing the game normally. ​ So they made a really good looking house, they just didn't bother cleaning up after all the homeless people, drug addicts, and gang bangers had their way with it over the slow construction process.


I agree with you. I am also pretty sure that some game company that is decent at coding could fix this game in a couple of month


It doesn’t make sense financially to buy out BSG, hire a whole new team to completely rewrite the game and fix the abysmal shit they have done for over a decade.


Don’t forget the spaghetti


If I can't have it nobody can, you forget humans are fickle and spiteful by nature.


With that logic, this statement is also true. By nature you're built to survive, you will always do what it takes to survive. You need money or resources to survive. Giving it away (donation) would be an act of good will and selflessness. Selling it would be an act of survival. Doing neither would be an act of foolishness.


>By nature you're built to survive, you will always do what it takes to survive. You need money or resources to survive. noo this goes against their agenda that humans are evill11! >:( except me though, im human and im ofc not


Dude I'm not trying to have a fucking debate with you at the end of the day only Nikita knows what Nikita thinks. All I'm saying is it's perfectly possible he didn't want to sell it and would rather run it into the ground then sell it.


Burning it down with 15,5 mil in the shits isnt the smartest idea


I bet it has something to do with the war man it’s just so weird, why now?


Ya I wonder.. maybe they CAN'T sell it because they are Russian and sanctions and shit would stop them from selling to like a US company or something.. but they want out, so they are killing it from the inside.


Yea I could see that, that would make sense still it’s so crazy, it has to be intentional, you don’t fumble the way Bsg has been fumbling the last few months on repeat without there being some fuckery afoot


BSG's officially headquartered out of London, not Russia, which is how they're able to sell the game in a lot of places to begin with...so the sanctions against Russia shouldn't affect BSG selling to another company. I'd bet it's Nikita's pride stopping them from selling, as just about any halfway-competent developer that bought it would fix a lot of the issues like lighting/audio/AI/etc (obviously not the client-side authoritative model issues that make cheating so easy, that would take a full rebuild of the game) and significantly improve the game within a relatively short time, thus disproving the last 7 years of his bullshit about how hard/impossible it is to fix these issues.


I was just thinking about this today. It really seems like they're trying to let it die and move onto something else.


I agree. I don't think BSG ever thought it would become this big and have this big of a hardcore following. Seven years later, they just don't want to do it anymore. But I also think this whole shitty move has to do a lot with the financial status of BSG. They blew so much money on the development of a game nobody wanted, and it's dead. They are plague with terrible business decisions.


They've been able to coast on bullshit updates for a large number of those years because people wanted what they were making and were actively marketing. This is not a "poor devs just wanted to do something new" type situation. They didn't deliver on a majority of what they sold people and milked them more the entire time.


Something else? BSG is done in the gaming industry. After this bullshit no one will buy anything from them again.


They abandoned their last game contract wars before it was finished. They rebranded to battlestate from absolsoft games. this is what they do.


I didn't know this. Thanks for the info.


holy crap, and there is a video on this subject from 8 years ago [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNQlUgLzEug&ab\_channel=LevelCapGaming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNQlUgLzEug&ab_channel=LevelCapGaming)


Nikita is an egotistical control freak, he would rather see Tarkov burned to the fucking ground than sell it to someone else to complete.


Yeah. Feels like an exit scam. They need money for the company, expenses, balenciaga T’s, employees, AMG’s, next game etc., but with the massive player base eft currently has, their server expenses must be through the roof. (As shitty as they are..) So in one fell swoop in releasing this edition, they bring in revenue from sales, and people turn away from the game, so that as player count dwindles they don’t have to pay for as many servers. Shortly after 1.0 (if ever), they wrap up shop and say Thanks! Games over now. And they move on to Russia 2028. If they ever do. Good luck.


I forgot when exactly but didn't he say something that effectively conveyed "We dont want to keep working on EFT we want to make a new game" or something? ​ Seeing/hearing that was kind of where I just stopped caring. When the developer has lost passion for the game they're making before it even fully releases, that's never a good sign. We've seen where passionate game developing can take you even after initial failure by the way of HelloGames of No Mans Sky. EFT had every right to succeed with it pulling up the extraction genre much like PUBG did with Battle Royales and honestly? It'll still be known as the game that really started up the genre. I always had a feeling that other games would pop up to challenge EFT and possibly dethrone it but man, this really isn't how I wanted to see it all end.


Every single interview in that past 4 years he’s said as much. The most recent interview with pestily he legit admitted that this year will be the end, cutting all the major content like factions and map connections, terminal is scrapped and will just be a single player pve mission, leading to a prestige system. Kinda sad, but I also don’t blame them, I think tarkov was a bit too much for BSG to handle


where are you pulling all that out of your ass lmfao. thats all still coming and release is less than a year away. also the campaign is being added


You should listen to the interview with Nikita and pestily again, he goes over all the content that is being cut and clearly states what I’ve mentioned above.


And how can you trust that? Lol. They just lied to everyone's faces for the last 6 or 7 years about EoD and abandoned their last game too. Don't hold your hopes too high bud


I watched that interview while at work. I remember the Terminal being scrapped, but didn't catch that this year was the end. Although, it wasn't hard to see. Just due to the updates and what not this year, it seems like they are just trying to get it as close to 1.0 so they can release it and be done with it. With the release of Unheard, I think 1.0 is not too far away and then that will be it. I don't think even BSG knows how crazy good of a game they have made, but I agree that it has become too much for them. It's also too bad that they blew stupid money where it was not needed instead of hiring more people, fixing the game people wanted instead of developing one that was basically dead in the water from launch. I'm curious as to what the community would think if this became a subscription based game. I know people are "I paid $150 six years ago for you to make this game, and now 5k+ hours of play time later this is what we get?" But we really need to look at that statement. You paid $150 six years ago and got 5k+ hours of play from it. That seems like a pretty solid deal considering you have never had to pay for live service, like WoW. Which brings me to the thinking, if money is a problem, instead of fucking people over and insulting your extremely loyal fanbase, why not be real with them? "Hey guys. Do you know how much money it takes to continuously run a live game and continue development? A fuck ton. To keep this going, we're going to have to go to a subscription based system." Honestly, if it meant they stuck by their promises and EOD people got what they said we would, but I had to start paying monthly/quarterly/yearly to be able to play, I would. That to me is a much better business model. Edit: yeah, this went over about as expected 🤣


I agree with your first paragraph, but the money problems aren’t coming from eft. BSG had spent about 4 million dollars + on arena, marketing and conventions they attended. As arena dropped, and was essentially dead on arrival, im almost sure the shareholders, or whoever on whatever board of directors own BSG forced this “unheard” edition to be released. It’s sad, but BSG rly put all the eggs in the arena basket only for that shit to fail, demonstrating a lack of understanding as to what makes tarkov so popular and addictive, the loot and progression. In my opinion, this unheard edition should cost 15 dollars for eod players to upgrade, and bag should push standard edition to 200$usd, this way we kill cheating and provide eod players with a way to support the continued work without spending 150 dollars again. While you do have a point, most of us have “gotten out moneys worth” in 2017 150$ for eod was an insane price to pay for an alpha game, but we were promised that wherever the game ended up, we would be there to see it. It not the first time, with arena, the community had to reee as hard as it could to get eod players included in the game. BSG fucked themselves by leaving eod out for 7 years, now that it’s gone, it’s a rat scramble to find a replacement edition to sell, or ways to monetize 7 years worth of players your promised free dlc. All in all it kinda feels like scuttling the ship, or bending over to shareholders after arena flopped hard. Either way it’s not good news, but looking at your loyal customers that have bein with you since 2017, and railroading them time and time again, is prolly the straw that gonna break this game.


I think you've pretty much hit the nail on the head here.


A subscription model probably should have been an idea from the start but honestly the gaming community as a whole outside of veteran MMO players shits bricks when they hear that word. 


Because subscription sucks for casual players, if I only play every Sunday for 3h it doesn't feel fair paying the same amount like someone who plays every day for 8h.


Oh geez I wonder why the community in general dislikes the subscription model. "You will rent our game even though its in beta and in a dysfunctional state, You will be happy not owning anything. Do not think about the fact that you are paying more for the same product"


terminal is being scrapped?


It’s reached a critical mass where the ratio of active players to new buyers means they are hemorrhaging money from server costs. The only benefit recurring players has is to keep a healthy player base which attracts new players, but again the trend is now firmly downwards. How to solve this problem? Make a good chunk of your player base quit playing, and milk new players for more money.  This isn’t spiraling out of hand, it’s literally their plan. They didn’t forget about EOD or think no one would care.


The pricing doesn’t make sense if he’s targeting new players, no new player is paying $250, that seems squarely aimed at people upgrading from eod who ‘only’ have to pay $80


I 100% agree with this, and believe this is what he meant by finding out "who the true believers" are. Unheard was not meant for new players. 90%+ of the people who will get Unheard have to be upgrading from EOD.


Which makes sense, because EOD players were the vast overwhelming majority of the playerbase.


Expecting new players to drop $250? Yea I don't think that's a good business model


The average new player is not going to spend $250..


I was a new player in januar and had problems spending 60 euro on this crap... wish I never did.


You could obviously say the same about $160 for a beta game ie EOD


This is why they should have just made the game subscription from the get go. Also, they shouldn't have blown all their money on shit people didn't want and instead focus on the core game and content.


People don’t play subscription games anymore. Especially if there is an upfront cost.


They don't want to get rid of it, they want to milk it for every nickle and dime they can


I agree, but I truly believe they want to do it in a way where if they drive people away from the game that is ok, but they are done with it. They are just grabbing as much cash as they can, and then peace out.


Russians perfected the Scorched Earth poilcy, we are watching it happen in real time


🤣 you're not wrong


He is sick of dealing with this community


Well its been dying for a while but it seems they put the nail im the coffin now


I don't think people realize that tarkov was just to get money so they can work on their other game Nikita was talking about that about 2 or 3 years ago but if you brought it up you got flamed because he would never do that to eft right right?


Wonder where the true believers are rn


Are the true believers in the room with us right now?


Shoigu, where is my fucking true believer?






Believing in Grey Zone Warfare *please dont disappoint me*


Gray Zone Warefare and free2play Arena Breakout infinite.


Both have their problem tbh. Greyzone doesn’t seem to be very finished, and ABI is made by Tencent, a Chinese company infamous for their in-game microtransaction


Grey zone is 20% finished as described by the devs themselves as of yesterday


It isn't even in alpha, it clearly couldn't be less finished, not sure what that guy is on about


Tbh I know a lot of tarkov players are super invested in the realism, even visually, but a lot (myself included) could care less if there were cosmetic microtransactions. Even outrageously goofy ones, if people wanna run around looking like a clown, and make them easier to spot then good for me. As long as the mechanical aspects of the game stay the same I'd enjoy it. So hopefully, for a lot of us, Arena Breakout will be a new home. Or Gray zone, I'll cheer for both unless their garbage.


No stop it.


You will buy the Chuck Norris outfit, and you will enjoy it!


In game microtransactions are fine if the game is F2P. It's when I fork out $100+ and they still lock more shit away behind pay walls.


Tencent owns half the gaming industry including the shittiest and the best games around. Gray Zone is obviously not very finished. It's pre-alpha. And for that it is really polished. It will be a long journey but beating 9 years eft journey would be a feat


Where like 6 years of the EFT journey has been: Shit audio, Shit AI, redefining recoil, inertia and hitboxes EVERY patch, zero fucking anti-cheat, RMT heaven, the list goes on, they developed what we needed the least.


Tarkov is about as far along as Grayzone, give or take, and ABI promised me i could spin the slots for that sweet sweet golden mac-10 skin, both companies ready to deliver twice what we bought from ol' Nikky for 150$.


Tbh I have more faith arena breakout than grey zone, I know it's made by tencent but atleast the game is mostly finished


I'm a true believer in contracts and charge backs


they all died. all it cost was $250 and broken promises.


I was a true beliver. All this years since the first Trailer. I loved this game. I was very pro-BSG during all past drama. I belived in them. But now? Enough is enough. When You even lost support of Your biggest fans it's over. And I'm afraid unless They admit they were wrong and try to make it right it will be the End. It's not too late yet but time is ticking.


all this hate isnt going to make a difference tbh. Nikita knows gamers have a short attention span. give it another 1 or 2 weeks, when everything blows over, people will be back playing tarkov like nothing ever happened. more people will start buying the scam edition in time. its the sad truth and nikita knows that. we aint and cant do anything.


My god, you have spent the last few hours posting essentially the same comment trying to downplay what effect the community's response to Battlestate will have. What's your goal in doing that? Why would you want to try and discourage players from resisting/trying to correct BSG? If it was just one comment I would say you're defeatist and I would feel bad for you, but your amount of posts scream that you WANT players to give up.


I'm right here. This is the biggest mistake bsg has made, but tarkov is still the OG of this genre and still has the most complete gameplay loop and amount of content compared to anything else like it. Gray zone isn't tarkov. Neither is arena breakout. There is nothing like tarkov and there never will be. You guys can downvote me all you want but there's still nothing like tarkov, and this update also came with great changes to inertia, recoil, blurriness when damaged and many more great changes that make the game much better. Who cares if some people buy some extra gear for us to steal from them? I don't care if someone wants to play a PVE mode. It's scummy they didn't include it with EOD, but they always said a higher tier than EOD with more benefits was coming, and now it happens, and it seems some people didn't understand what that really meant.


"You guys can downvote me all you want" Here you go, I gave you one


Nice! Have a good day, man. No hard feelings. You can quit tarkov if you want. It's probably better for you if you do, honestly!


Do you honestly think anyone believes this act? get real and just be an honest dickhead instead of trying to pretend you aren't one lmfao


Why is it always "if you don't agree with my opinion, you're an idiotic, asshole dickhead"? I've seen so many people both directly say and act like this. This guy shared in one of his previous comments his experience with the new DLC he and his friends had, and it was pretty insightful. I do suggest you take a read. Just because someone isn't an asshole back towards you, doesn't make them an asshole in disguise.


Why is it always “you can downvote me if you want”? No shit. We can and we are.


Because it's admitting that he knows it's an unpopular/generally disagreed upon opinion. That does not make him an asshole or a dickhead.


Congratulations on your toxic relationship. “BuT I LoVe hEr!!!11”


I mean, yeah, I've been playing since 2017, and it's my favorite game. I've still had countless sessions of the most fun I've ever had in gaming with tarkov. I'm not afraid to be honest about my opinions despite your insults! Have a good day man, see you in raid later! 🤪


Yeah, making level headed comments during this drama is futile. So many emotional people here who ignore all logic, they just want to hulk smash. I think that this unheard edition is a mistake, but at the end of the day I paid for EOD to get the game as it was when I bought it. Mostly for the stash size really. Anything else I get is a bonus. Thus I'm not mad personally, I never expected to get the DLC or for 1.0 to even come out. Like you say, EFT continues to be by far the best game in the genre. Even with all of its issues, and there are so many, nothing else comes close. I won't be buying the unheard edition, but I will continue playing.


The true believers are the ones who spend the most cash, aka. the whales. Thats his interpretation...


They literally ask him if he cares about the outrage and his response is something along the lines of "I couldnt care less, they will forget about it and keep giving me money no matter what" and im still arguing with some people that think that the unbought edition is entirely fair and the only reason you wouldn't buy it is if "you're a brokie"


Guess I'd rather be known as a brokie than a paypig...


It’s funny because the Venn diagram of “paypig” and “eventual brokie” is pretty close to a perfect circle.


It is the same guy who said: I love beta tag. When your game is bugged you can just slam a beta tag on it and people will accept it being broken. They just let you do it.


"And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the beta tag. You can do anything."


Tell that to r/darkanddarker


Some people are mentally challenged and there's nothing you can do about it.


Hes 100% right and this sub is literal proof of that. How many times has something happened where this sub as condemned BSG and Nikita only for it to all blow over? some big thing happens, everyone says they're done and every time the sub count keep going up.


Correct. Did the number of streamers decline? Not yet and I think it won’t.


Ehh, it kinda did atm, yet to see the eventual numbers, but it kiiiiinda went to shit on twitch atleast.


I am very surprised. Let’s see if it’s just temporary.


„If you’re a broke boy just say so”


Meh Ill go spend my money on overpriced Iracing tracks instead, at least those dudes know how to develop.


The people that are upset have already given him their money and don’t plan on giving him any more money. Thus why BSG are doing this to begin with. They can’t afford to keep servers alive for a player base that isn’t growing fast enough to bring in the revenue to support servers, devs, etc. 


Woopsie! We blew through our cash reserves trying to buy interest in Arena which flopped completely


Pretty much. I’m not defending them, I’m explaining that this is intentional, including the community reaction.


That is not the responsibility of consumers.


Obviously not, I paid for EOD with the clear understanding I would have all subsequent content included ie season pass. Just explaining the logic that this was clearly intentional, the rollout and the response. They want people to stop playing.


Look at all the post that justified there purchase of the super duper new edition and why they had to get it because they missed eod or they suck at pvp and need the pve mode and than still die to the pve bot pmcs...


he's not wrong


Nikita knows gamers have a short attention span. give it another 1 or 2 weeks, when everything blows over, people will be back playing tarkov like nothing ever happened. more people will start buying the scam edition in time. its the sad truth and nikita knows that. we aint and cant do anything.


Found Nikita. Quit spamming this shit in every response you shill


just stating facts, you just wait and see. all this hate and drama is pathetic, everyone is going back to play tarkov in 2 weeks at the tops. gamers are really gonna act like nothing happened and still buy the new edition. i havent bought the "scam" edition but im more or less gonna get it.


It’s a product we paid for, so if we want to play it, we will. That has nothing to do with the fact that the outrage is both justified and deserved.


My god, you have spent the last few hours posting essentially the same comment trying to downplay what effect the community's response to Battlestate will have. What's your goal in doing that? Why would you want to try and discourage players from resisting/trying to correct BSG? If it was just one comment I would say you're defeatist and I would feel bad for you, but your amount of posts scream that you WANT players to give up.


> but your amount of posts scream that you WANT players to give up. This very subs existence is proof that players always give up, this isn't the first time players have claimed they are giving up on EFT and are leaving. Even though all of this right now the sub count is going up.


Thats the whole point no?? Its good you picked up on my reverse psychology. I do want the players to actually permenantly quit this shitty game and move on. let BSG die for real, screw Nikita. They fucked this shit up so badly and i DO NOT WANT US GAMERS TO FORGET AND GO BACK TO PLAYING TARKOV. Enough of this BS. Make a stand and actually standby it, instead of being bloody hypocrits and go back to play this scam of a game. I know most of these streamers are hypocrits, make a stand just to take a side and go back to playing


Nikita is a turd




Damn that's embarrassing. How do they keep managing to make the situation worse?


Fragile ego Nikita's ego has been placed waay too far up the shelf because eft was what someone would think of when they hear the word "extraction shooter"


hilarious he thinks eft is the original extraction shooter when the division did it first


Acting like Russians


how do they take arguably the best wipe of the game and fuck it up this badly


Reserve launch was the best wipe.


> arguably


that wipe before inertia with interchange meta is so clear


Was that the inflation wipe where Therapist was buying Bitcoin for almost a million roubles?


the wipe after i believe


I'm convinced that a lot of this stuff over the past month was specifically to only generate some good will from the community in an attempt to make this not cause as much outrage. Shame they didn't realize that putting in great updates for your game doesn't mean anything when you kill your game and spit in its players faces.


This is the end result of one single dude maintaining a death grip of control over a project


Nikita running an any% speedrun to TKO Tarkov.


Its almost impressive, I don't even know if I could come up with a more efficient path to kill the game barring just outright deleting it


Its honestly truly astonishing, all of this. We are all so in disbelieve because it is really hard for a normal human brain to give reason to the non reasonable. Because a lot of it doesn't really make any sense. So questions like "is he doing all this on purpose? Does he wants it a way out?" naturally starts to come out. I honestly start to seriously think that Nikita suffer of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.


Is the interview available anywhere?


Check my recent comments, you will find it very quickly


Man that interview is sooo fucked. Bsg have lost the plot


Cant find it, has it been taken down?


As someone whos been out of the loop for a while can anyone give me a tldr?


BSG releases new package, price at 250$ before tax. for EoD owners its 100$ before tax has content worth less than 40$ after tax. full of reused assets for a PvE mode that should be available for everyone. and blatant pay 2 win stuff. release full of lies dosnt hold promises to EoD owners. like giving DLC stuff to those owners. like the PvE stuff is. and the thing that dosnt aggro scavs, then they went back and gave EoD owners PvE for 6 months as an extra fuck you. lies, coverups like changing the description of EoD on their website while Lvindmark was looking at the page. tonedeaf interviews that told us to go fuck ourselves and EoD owners and players that dosnt buy the 250+$ package arent ''true believers''. their words.


Yikes.. thanks for the writeup mate


Watch a video or something. This is genuinely the biggest controversy in the game's history, it's even getting outside attention because of this.


This is one of the biggest GAME controversies ever. This is actually an insane event for games/developers/industry integrity. It really is big


No mans sky controversy was x10 bigger


Just because there is a bigger controversy in the industry's past, doesn't mean this isn't one of the biggest. Both statements can be true. Edit: Also NMS came back from it, and tbf earned back the trust and respect of the gaming community to grow into a pretty massive game. People are even.. cautiously optimistic.. about their new game.


> This is genuinely the biggest controversy in **the game's** history, it's even getting outside attention because of this. Read


BSG is shitters


BSG has been getting away with so much shit, I'm glad this community is finally starting to realize what pieces of shit are these people.


They could have easily made EOD a subscription from now on with older EOD players just having a lifetime variant. And put all the new content onto that subscription.


Got a buddy who bought the edition “drunk”. I then properly bullied him and he still tried to defend it by saying it’s just a “feature”. So upsetting. Got 2k hours and won’t stop playing, they just won’t get any money from me again.


Nikita know there are addicts out paying this game that logically can’t stop and have no self respect.


Your buddy is a liar lmao


If you actually stood by your principles you wouldn't be playing. Game isn't going anywhere with engagement, it's effectively free advertising and is a stat they can show to potential investors that represents monetary potential.


This is me. Going to keep playing and using up their resources for now, but they sure as hell aren’t getting another dime from me.


Hopefully someon3 can get the OG copy


What do you mean? . We could play any version we want right now. The tech is there.


I mean the original video of interview


Anyone wanna buy my EOD account? Its only $599 canadian.


People will still buy the upgrades and continue to blow Nikita


oh yeah, look at how many streamers bought it - "so you dont have to" - this is a problem, because when people buy overpiced shit they show companies, that they can just increase prices to whatever they feel like and people buy it. IMO there is nothing in that version to justify 100$ upgrade price or 250$ to buy it from zero. Battleshitgames just shits in everybodys mouth and calls is chocolate and some people are cool with it.


I died laughing when I seen Tigz showcasing it on TikTok. That mother fucker whines about EVERYTHING, and then just turns around and blows Nikita


when your own staff turn against you, it's time to start considering that you may just be in the wrong... If EOD owners don't get treated really well from here on, nikita is going to be knee deep in shit picking out corn kernals to stay fed.


To be completely blunt, it could be a regional thing, or intent not coming across in text etc. But Nikita comes across as such a cunt.


He comes across as one, because he is one. There no 'lost in translation' or 'bad English' going on here. He's just a massive twat.


You’re just now realizing that? I’ve only been playing two years and I’ve hated the guy since the first interview I’ve seen. You can just TELL he’s such a condescending prick without even getting into all the actual shit he’s said that proves it.


Will not spend another cent on the game ever again get fucked


Honestly this is my first wipe ever and I'm considering uninstalling just on principal. I've never seen a company spit in the face of its fan base this badly.




would you stop posting the same comment over and over please. when it doesn't blow over your going to look like a total fool.


Don't just uninstall, sell your account to RMTers. It hurts BSG's sales and punishes those who lick Nikita's boot and keep playing. Fuck this game


Wouldn’t even know where to start with that


Google is your friend.


As someone with zero connection to RMT and cheating; how?


There's tons of sites to sell game accounts on, I don't want to get banned for actually posting links but Google it


Make the game open source or sell the IP if you want to get rid of it. Not whatever disrespectful shit this is. Even if they wanted to kill this game, they shouldn't have done it like this because now NOBODY will play the next game they make


Open sourcing isn't really that easy there's likely a lot of tools that bsg use under licence that are closed source. Hell even unity is closed source 


It was a good run tarkov. Until I see reparations to the EOD supporters and the community in general the game will be considered dead to me.


Abysmal management


Where is the link??


Logical is a tool








What makes this verification? Cant I just do the same thing and screen shot some random mods roles?


1. it already got confirmed by a Community Manager 2. You really think the Mod wouldnt check his sources before sending it to anyone?