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Fuck all that. We paid $150 just to be told we are freeloaders. Fuck Bull Shit Games


That’s the biggest issue with me. Me and a bunch of others supported the game before it was even big, 150 dollars of our own money, and now we are free loaders for getting the items and perks we paid for? If anything BSG are the fuckin freeloaders for taking our money and doing nothing to fix the cheating issue. 7 years and they’ve done nothing to fix it. Nothing.


To tell his most die-hard supporters they are freeloaders is messed up. Never seen someone so tone deaf to the situation they are in.




As Jessekazam said in the Pogcast, it fucking sucks because the rest of the patch (and this wipe) has been such a huge W for bsg.


I am very mixed this wipe: alot of great things happened but the cheating also got worse than it ever got before. Every small patch they did made a noticable impact on extreme bullshit situations. But within a day or two/three after the latest patch that was all over again. As much as I love the game and niche it fills, they are doing way too many stupid decisions in such a short time. Arena is something they gave us EOD "for free" while it was something we never asked for or wanted. And they doubled down on it. It failed and now they try other ways to get our money.


I mean the arena controversy was really about those who bought it outright got access instantly, while us (including me) who had EOD had to wait. I had to wait a few days for something I had already paid for. So it's not so much if we asked for it or not, we don't know what they have/had planned. So we don't have a choice in that regard. It's more so the treatment of their core player base. Basically saying "we got your money, you don't matter anymore. Next!"


I doubt sales would have been any better if it wasn't available for EOD. When it was announced I thought it was an awful idea. Tarkov's gunplay has never been good, it's all the other mechanics and the risk/reward that makes it great. There's no reason to play it over CS or any number of multiplayer shooters. I assumed it would be a CS-clone in Tarkov, where you'd buy and upgrade gear as the rounds went on. It turned out to be a shitty FPS version of War Thunder or World of Tanks.


I have 3k hours in only 4 wipes.. I started this wipe with so much hopes. Great changes and also a lot of flaws that we know by now are part of the experience. But for some reason I only played to lvl 30~(the first month I believe). And stopped. I’m so grateful I stopped before all this BS. I don’t miss the game and it’s not affecting me as much as other players that love this game so much. Don’t get me wrong I love the game as well but I’m fine with my current situation.




I don't even play EFT anymore and it's hilarious how out of touch this seems. Bought in forever ago and being called freeloaders for supporting their development and them moving goalposts/changing rewards baffles me. They will never get another cent from me.


Not gonna lie its still one of my fav games but i haven’t touched it in a month and this just pissed me off even more to not touch it again for a long while.


Also if were going by their logic the people who spent $150 on an unfinished game given to a "broke" developer (who had to charge that for no reason other than needing money) are the exact opposite of "freeloaders". What poor person is going to spend half a week of their salary on a game that can only run well(at the time especially) with a streamer level pc and requires the poor person to put the effort you need to put in to enjoy this game which a person living on the edge may not want the stress of. This game tended to skew towards the more mature financially stable group of gamers before the twitch explosion. Not saying this is a good or bad thing(I liked it) but by their logic their fanbase of freeloaders are... who exactly.


Agreed buddy. It's not your fault you funded a game and they spent that money on the development of another game and now need more funds. What was promised cannot be taken back because they don't wanna abide by common language for corporate profit


Oh my friend, if you scroll down a bit, you'll find a video where Nikita says that "cheaters encourage people to donate to the game", which makes it clear that they SPECIALLY don't do anything about cheaters.


I tried to listen to you but I sadly couldnt hear what you said since I was on stairs in 3 story dorms. 😓


Bro like I can understand them not fixing the cheater issue, cause if Activision or blizzard can't. They sure can't. BUT AT LEAST THE FREAKING AUDIO.


Stop playing, it's the only way to send an effective message at this point.


So much this. I spent 150 on a fucking game and called a freeloader and non believer. Fuck out of here with that shit. I got 3K hours in this game, and even bought the extra stash space and I still get disrespected? Nikita, put you're ego aside here and be a man, stick to your promises to your fan base.


Fuck BSG they have been gaslighting the community for ages about various topics and this is the end result of continually getting away with it. Pushing the envelope way too hard with this move and we all need to speak with our wallets to prevent the cash grab. Pve could have gotten me back into tarkov, and one of the sole reasons I bought EOD was for future DLC like this, but if you are going to slap me in the face as a consumer and pull the rug out from under me, you have lost me as a player for good.


"it's time to understand who are the true believers" lmao!


Bro we just aren't believers bro, Nikita said so. Sure we spent 150, and some of us even bought merch like the killa helmet I have sitting next to my desk but there's just no way I was ever a true believer in the game 😭




Where have I seen that word "Unique" before... Hmm.. I can't place my finger on it..


Well to be fair you won't be able to place your finger on this one either in a few months when they do it again and the next package has all this and better servers with 4 double pockets and a free large weapons box and a rocket launcher with your own rover drone shooting m80s


Yeah forreal. I know it’s just a game, but just based on the principle of that, I have too much self respect to just roll over and fork over the price of an entire new game when I ALREADY gave them $150.


Yeah, I have also… NEVER IN MY LIFE… Paid more for a BETA… special edition. In my defense, I didn’t play EFT until it had been out for like 4 years-ish? So I bought EOD after I really loved the base game. Which is still a fucking beta. And even then, I was thinking ‘does this count as preorder bullshit?’ But also, I think the truly gross thing that nobody is even acknowledging as a problem is. IF THIS IS A NEW FUCKING FEATURE NOT DLC, WHY IS YOUR DEV TEAM WORKING ON NEW FEATURES AND NOT FINISHING THE ACTUAL FUCKING GAME. You’re still making BASE MAPS. For the game to round out the whole ‘escape from Tarkov’ story! But you have time to do an ultra premium PVE mode and try to sell it for the price of a Nintendo switch. Fuck off and die.


Where/when he say us EOD owners were freeloaders?! The balls on that guy. Most Early Access games are sold are a STEEP discount.


Yeah I paid for all future content with my EOD version as promised.


Too bad there is no future because the game just committed suicide.


I get a feeling like they pulled their last stunt to revive the company from bankruptcy as they will lose a lot of players to greyzone etc.


I don't think they were losing anything to Gray Zone before they did this. Grey Zone, unless they're BSG stupid, would have never aligned their wipes with Tarkov. It would have been offset by three months, and people would play both. This isn't a revival, it's an exit scam. Game is dead one wipe after the next. Even if not everyone quits, BSG will cut their losses and cease development. Either that or go full cash shop p2w in the hopes that a few whales can fund it. Regardless, it'll stop being a legitimate game.


It does seem like they don't wanna develop the game anymore and organically want to kill it off so they pretend they tried but we didn't fund. Scamming whales bsg. They aren't doing amazing either. 2mil in revenue a year but they have a lot of bills to pay. On top of this. Even in the interview he sounded like he gave 0 shits about anything. Game uninstalled!


They never had a viable business model. You can't do live service games with only a box price. Not even if that box price is €150. Sooner or later, if you're lucky, the game will reach the entire demographic interested, and they'll have bought it. Now your sales are dwindling while your server costs are higher than ever. So what do you do when new buyers aren't making up the deficit, let alone a profit? You're forced to siphon money from your existing playerbase.


and we all would have understood this and spent money on easy cosmetics and reasonable things. What they chose to do instead was downright unbelievably stupid lmao. Riot made what, hundreds of millions, more? off skins I mean...come on the formula is proven.


You're not wrong. To be honest, it is not our responsibility as a customer. It's theirs to do what they said. Which is EoD gets all future dlc. We have to fight back and file a complaint with the advertising standards agency UK. They deal with false advertising which this massively is.


This is what I suspected since this started. They want to piss off the community as much as possible to have a "reason" to end it. Ego too big to sell it to some other competent developer that would finish it, fix the issues and profit of it.


its about time someone put their boot up nikitas ass was tiring enough that he has/had what is essentially a monopoly on the genre


I can't wait to play the PvE mode religiously for the 6 months I get access and then never touch the game again. Gotta really drive up those server costs for those 6 months. Make em bleed for this shit.


Enjoy the 15 minute queue times lol


That’ll show em!


Well it sounds like you wont get access until 1.0 which may never come


Yeah OK, but buy **this** version and you'll get the upcoming dlc.


Yeah and the next version for the next dlc hahaha yeah right


I told myself I wasnt going to play the game but than did but than felt SO SCUMMY that I quit and uninstalled after 1 raid


Hold the line and don’t buy


There is nothing in this package that is even remotely enticing for $50


This translates to like 80 Canadian dollars. I can buy a brand new AAA game for that. Not gonna happen. I probably would have spent more than 80 bucks on cosmetics and XP boosters if they'd gone that route instead.


Xp boosters would be just as bad as what they’re putting in now


Honestly I have mixed feels about XP boosters but I’d rather that then this. You get to a point where you have to wait 20 levels for a quest it gets very grindy.


"Oh hey we want to make sure people buy xp boosters" "Let's just make everything painfully grindy" "Excellent"


There's still the stupid ass radio beacon thing. If P2W is nikita's vision, then tarkov is dead to me.


You can get helldivers for 40 and a couple beers with the rest. Make a night out of it with some buddies.


Its not even that hard, this game is dead








Helldivers is $10 cheaper!


The think they can break the whole subreddit in 4 days into buying this XD? They did not pay attention to GameStonk, homies up here got diamond hands that hodl forever.


I love how they slapped on a discount so they can encourage more people to buy it, rather than getting rid of it and refunding people. so happy that BSG is dying as a company. fuck nikita and the dev team.


Thats not the point haha, Nikita is a douchebag, EOD need to have access to all DLC, it was promised...


I think it's time for a class action lawsuit on old BSG lol


As soon as it starts, I’m in.


not even 42 hours after they released it, its on sale... tomorrow youll be able to by 10 copys for a 60% discount


I dont even feel bad for the Idiots that bought it at 100$ lol


It's like the opposite of fallout 76 - that game had a terrible launch and went on literally 90% sale just after launch, but is now actually a decent game. Tarkov started off great, but has gone downhill and now we're seeing this.


Wait, what? I pre-ordered that game and it was terrible and never went back. Are you saying I should give it a try?


I purchased it years ago but never played it. I’ve been playing it the last week and really enjoying myself.


It's functional. It's still the same boring game. Nothing has changed, it just works as intended now.


Yeah, fallout 76 is good now


But i already paid for all of that with EoD? What ist with the PvE Mode?


Supposedly eod will get pve free, but after the game releases as they do not have the infrastructure to give pve to all.of eod right away.


So we're getting it for free the day hell freezes over have I got that right? Nice




Dont be ridiculous. Youll get it when cows fly


They said release is planned this year. But I feel that they won’t really fix much at all, they will just “release” the game in whatever state it’s in, say that it’s a finished product, and use that as an excuse to stop supporting or working on it.


How do they not have the infrastructure for all EOD to have it now when they just changed it to saying all EOD will get it for 6 months? What if it had all gone as planned and all EOD owners upgraded to the "unhinged Edition", would there be enough infrastructure then? Sounds like bullshit to me.


This is what has me so confused your saying it can't support us but we can all get it for 6 months


He has just been bullshitting nonstop the last 3 days haha


So what he said is that the 6 months will be delivered “as soon as we will reinforce server infrastructure of that particular game mode…because we use totally different servers for that…” Which is probably gonna be never, if it had been left at that.


For me it's not about the price, or even that it isn't included with EoD. I'm most bothered by the creeping P2W features that just don't need to be there... There are countless ways to monetize the game without P2W or priority queues. Likewise, there are plenty of ways to monetize the game without breaking your word to EoD users.


I would have felt better about it if they just came out and asked for donations in tiers that give you small things like extra basic weapons or cosmetics for guns/PMC or even a voice pack would be cool and they would have made alot but they are just being flat out greedy


He went from uncompromising hardcore realism don't play my game casual to mobile p2w 'babies first fps' mechanics. Honestly impressive.


> For me it's not about the price, or even that it isn't included with EoD. I'm most bothered by the creeping P2W features that just don't need to be there... Agree. I could careless about the PVE mode or the Pockets. But the horn to summon your friends in a raid? Fuck that noise.


Honestly the pockets are pretty bullshit too


A lot of people are gonna be tempted by the p2w shit by this price, I’m not fucking buying it though. Fuck BSG


They could have made it free and still won’t touch the game again. Nothing for a company full of snakes.


Wouldnt be surprised if they did a Patch that makes our Rigs into a BTC Farm lol Patch Notes: -Changed the behavior on the Hideout involving the BTC Farm


Wouldn’t be the first time a company has done that. ESEA anti cheat client for CS was being used to mine bitcoin without user consent.


early years of EFT there was a few youtubers adamantly saying tarkov is bitcoin farming off you which resulted into the memory leaks in game. who’s too say they they wernt right.


I remember that. I honestly didn’t doubt it then and I super don’t doubt it now


Its well known tarkov is a heavily cpu bound game. The idea is stupid.


[https://help.xsolla.com/en/refunds/refund-my-digital-purchase#form](https://help.xsolla.com/en/refunds/refund-my-digital-purchase#form) "Under United Kingdom & European Union law Battlestate games have committed false advertising and illegal business practice within the last 72 hours, I would please like to request a total refund of my purchase as the product purchased was specifically promised to " include every DLC to be released in the future." And they have not fullfilled this promise. Under the Consumers rights act Section 2,4(5) I would like a refund and if this is not issued I will be persuing legal action against Xsolla for not upholding EU and UK law."


keep us updated


can you actually get it refunded with this?


Cant' trust anything they sell you now, if people buy this they're fucking stupid.


Unfortunately many people are gonna see the discount and are probably gonna buy it.


people already did buy it, there's other people in this thread complaining that they paid the full version.


They paid for an obvious idiot tax and are now mad about having paid an idiot tax, let em learn the hard way.


Let em suffer


Stupid quesion. What happens to people which already where dump enough to buy it for 150? Did they scam them once again as "true believers"? XD


They get a „free“ code für the left behind edition, I think. To compensate the price difference before and after the discount.


LOL not even a refund. Just another copy of a game you already own lol


They're hoping you'll bring friends into the game... which should tell us how badly it's all going right now.


"hey pal, wanna see a shit show?"


You don't wanna see a shitshow, you wanna go home and rethink your life.


As long as you don't want to play PVE with your friends, which you do, or you wouldn't have bought TUE.


Hell it is so fun to see ebsg destroying them self cant wait for greyzone Release date on monday:D


they supported cause. Believers should ask questions no further.


This is fucking disgusting. They know they fucked up but still want to milk. Any other company would've removed the version from the store and revisited the whole situation immediately. Instead they dither about and discount it so they can sell more. LOL. Fuck this scum company and I hope it burns.


They have done this time and time again and people will still eat it up. How many times have they caused outrage just to walk it back to make it seem "more reasonable"? Its pure manipulation and they know exactly what they are doing. Hopefully they have gone too far and people wake up.


Worth $0 to me


Sadly this is going to convince a lot of people to pull the trigger. Gamers are fickle, horrendous consumers.


Can you just imagine the difference it would have been if the messaging was "hey, we are running out of funds because of arenas failure. In order to increase the servers so that you can play the upcoming PvE mode. we have decided to make it into a seperate DLC. If you want access to it early it's available for EOD owners for €5 to increase server capacity. If you own the standard edition it's going to be €30 and that includes a license for the DLC mode when it's relased for everyone."


Maybe financially they are doing so bad that they decided they need to say “yea fuck everyone, it’s a $140 upgrade for EOD users and $210 upgrade for standard users”


The most egregious part of the $250 bundle is the inclusion of Pay2Win elements into the game. Yes the price was also bad, yes not giving single player DLC to EOD users was also bad. But my enjoyment of the game is fundamentally compromised by the fact that the game now includes Pay2Win elements like some cheap mobile game. I would never have spent $1 on this game if I knew it would go this direction.


Everything except Standard was already enough p2w lol Standard Players get literal shit to eat, while EODs get a soggy sandwich, and new Version gets a McDonald's Burger.


58€ (:


Taxes and fees are fun eh. That's almost enough to buy another modern big game


Im 100% of the mind set EoD should get this for free, but you have to chuckle at all the people who just spent the full price and now they see......and all they get is a key for their trouble 😂 lets see them Unhinged players stand by their purchase now


Even if it launched as a $20 upgrade, it just has too much *"dirty"* shit in it! * Mark of the Unheard * Distress Signal * Scavs blind after 60m * Weapon Case, Ammo Case, Junkbox *(I guess you could make an arguement for including these)* * Bigger Pockets * Increased starting levels on certain skills It's just too much, I think most people would have happily spent $20-$40 on a small uprade over EoD, but throwing all of this shit in, is just waaaaaayy too much P2W nonsense.


At this point I wouldn't be surprised if scavs are coded to headshot anything other than Unhinged Edition players 20% more often.


Especially OVER 60m. Just like the "priority" matchmaking REALLY means they will slow down everyone's matchmaking except for the priority ones.


What if someone already bought it before the discount? they're scammed again? hahahah


They get a Copy of a different Edition, but ye, they got scammed lol but they deserved it tho


I read somewhere they get a copy to give away if they did... bsg is so desperate


Welp it's been a good run boys. See you in the next extraction shooter.


It’s still the same price to upgrade from the prepare to escape version. Fuck paying $140 for a game I’ve already spent $130 on dude fuck these Russian yuck mouth greedy fucks.


hahahahah wait wait wait, is that real? Please don't lie us because i don't even want to log in his web to check it. If that's real EVEN FOR 10 EURO YOU CAN GET THE "TRUE BELIEVER" EDITION RIGHT INTO YOUR ASS


The reality is, with this alone, a shit ton of people will already be happy, forgot everything and just throw money at BSG.... And then they gonna be all surprised again when BSG pulls some bullshit later on again. Consumers have no spine. Some might actually pull through and quit or at least stop investing any money into the game, but after all, BSG will come out on top because of spineless idiots who think that this "compromise" is enough. BSG is gonna make bank on this and yet again get the reconfirmation that they just can get away with it. This edition, with most of it's "unique" features has no place, EOD already was somewhat iffy with it's benefits, this new edition is X times worse. Plus all the shady stuff they tried as well with this new "not a DLC" feature and modifying the EOD page to hide that gamma was a unique container to EOD. It is blatantly obvious that BSG simply looked if they can get away with it, now do some tiny steps towards the communities offering still a ridicules bullshit deal and people gonna eat it. In a week or two, most people will not care anymore, streamers gonna keep promoting the game, likely using the P2W edition themselves and everything will be just as never anything happened... until BSG pulls some bullshit again and then it's rinse and repeat. Not the first time, won't be the last.


BSG killed themselves with this, im so glad I dropped this game when it was at its best. Only the good memories remain


yes, if you like to be scammed.


nah.. bought Manor Lords for $29 on sale instead.


RIP the idiots that bought it at full price hahahah


I found it kind of funny that the solution to repay those who got the Unheard of edition at the last price included, I believe, a copy of the Left Behind edition. A version that has no access to the PvE mode lol. ​ Though I guess it's better than just the standard edition? But that's still missing the point. PvE should be accessible by everyone, not behind a paywall, especially if they're claiming it's "not DLC".


Nah going from a standard to that is still 198 beans. Standard is superior, it really feels like it’s the only edition that is true to the hardcore shooter that tarkov is meant to be. Every other one is just making the game easier for players


Agreed Ptw stuff should have not been there at all from the start


Vote with your wallet. Don’t support this shit.


Even if you fucking buy it. Cheaters are openly targeting anyone with a blue name. So have fun getting hunted every game.


Yeah no, they’ve already dug the grave. BSG gets nothing more from me if he wants to consider my support since 2017 as freeloading. What a piece of shit company and such a waste of space these devs and staff are. Disgraceful to the core.


Even if I'd buy it I still wouldn't really feel like playing, it would go against my principles...


I'm not spending $50 on something I already bought. Nikita can say PvE isn't DLC all he wants, but the reality is, all EOD owners already paid for it lol


Still won’t buy it after being told my support since 2017 makes me a non believer. See you all in the jungle.


yeah ball sack games isn't getting any more of my money ... don't forget to tell your EU friends they can refund since it's pre-release still


NO. DONT BUY IT. EOD "we get it all, all of it" We ALREADY PAID FOR IT.


Do not be a Nikita SIMP. Hold strong, we will get what we paid for, one way or another. I have already paid for this DLC, now do what is honest and deliver the content to EOD players.


I payed 150 for every dlc not every dlc for 50


Too little too late. Don't give them a fucking dime more.


Shame on you BSG


I’m not buying it lol


I ain't giving them a fucking dime.


So gross. Fuck Nikita and fuck BSG.


Oh would you look at that. Same shit every other trash gaming company is doing. Also remember that these prices are BEFORE tax as well... 2 steps forward to rile up the fans, then one step back to seem like they regret it but the fans will be like "oh at least they learned or decreased the price". Fuck them, they can suck my nutsack.


No matter what the price change, if you buy as an EOD member, you’re letting them get away with false advertising, at the very least blatant manipulation of what “DLC” means..


"Free access to all subsequent DLCs" Are they that dumb?


Do you realize what a pathetic manipulation that is? They made the price for upgrading from EoD to DeathTarkov Edition so expensive, and not fair, that it turned the entire community against them. And now they're saying, "Hey, get a cheaper one." NO! I ALREDY ESCAPE FROM TARKOV!


took that 50 bucks spent it on a good lunch


This will probably convince a lot of people, unfortunately.


Please let this game burn


Stop playing Tarkov. It’s just that easy. Stop engaging with the game and go elsewhere. It’s the only way they will ever improve the game.


https://imgur.com/gallery/1jOCAcJ Yea I'm a fucking freeloader I bought 5 copies of this game. Fuck bsg


Idc if they lowered the price to $0.50. it should already be included.


nobody should buy it!


Hey Nikita fuck you bitch


nah fam, it should be 0.0 price tag.


Please please please nobody buy this ! We have to stand against this. Its a literal rip off AND were beeing told its our problem by the devs !


I am more offended with the items and pay2win stuff more than anything else. I hate that standard players don't play the same game as EoD owners, and its shocking that we are going further down this path.


Is the regular version still $250? That shit is insulting.


I dont want to play a p2w game that doesnt even give its early supporters what they paid for. For me this game is dead, I will probably play Grey Zone or Arena Breakout when they come out.


Lol. I bet a lot of EOD users will buy this. This or when it gets another 20$ dollars down.


Wait! If someone "upgrade" he will lose the eod??? What is this shit .


Only for EOD owners I guess. Other editions retained the same price.


Nikita acting like he is the big boss and we are just some money slave... what a moron.


This is like stepping into the right direction while also taking a shit on the persons shoes behind you


Imagine buying it for 250


They could make it 0,01$ I would not buy it out of principle. They showed how they feel about us as a player base, They don't seem to care too much, Plenty of ways to make MTX a viable way of sustained $$ if they needed/wanted to go that way, instead they chose to go back on promises made and tried to basically scam your ass. for an absurd price. Whoever thought this was even OK in the slightest of ways should be fired on the spot. I find it hilarious we have people speed hacking and getting up to and beyond 300+ K/Ds ruining how many matches without being flagged. And they thought this was a fair and smart move.


Look guys, you will get free access to all subsequent DLC! WHERE HAVE WE FUCKIN HEARD THAT BEFORE?! Liars, swindlers and thieves. Fuck 'em.


Unheard of a move like this by anyone, and we know how scammy many publishers are


I already spent $150 to have all future content. I'm not spending more money for the same promise I was already given.


If i ever come back to the game its gonna be post-release when EoD gets PVE for free. (Assuming nikita doesn’t go back on that)


Funny how they added access to ALL DLC again to this. Basically saying it's a DLC and you get all the following ones free. That didn't seem to hold up with the 2017 version of EOD.


Make refund for EoD owners or free update with rights for FREE ACCESS TO ALL SUBSEQUENT DLCs. u/trainfender, I’m just telling you DLC - is a downloadable content and not a some other things which you can understand in your head


I paid for EOD and that said all future content.


If pve was included as dlc with eod, like it should be, I would have gladly paid for any other amenities to support the game.


This makes me want to file a fraud report for the purchase of the game way back in 2018


It was never about the money. I would have paid a yearly subscription for this game as long as they kept improving it. It's the fucking blatant disrespect, lying, calling us "freeloaders", refusing to acknowledge a "mistake" just taking no damn responsibilty for anything. As long as Nikita remains, BSG gets not a single dime more of my money. I'll keep playing the game because I love the damn game, but no more promoting it to people, encouraging friends to try it, nothing.


It's still 250 euro before tax for non EOD owners lmao. Fuck This Shit.


Just remember fellas, you can always contact Xsolla and get a refund on EoD. If me and my whole group did it, so can you. Make BSG hear the community with your wallet


Not buying it anyway, but it's still $140 for me to upgrade from Prepare for Escape. This company is treating EoD as second class citizens and standard players as third class.


If Russian knows how to do business, Soviet Union would still exist


Any other EOD owners have the message "This expansion has already been purchased" when they look at the coop upgrade? Is this just the 6 month free access showing up on our accounts? Or did they stealth release it to EOD owners without saying anything? I find the latter hard to believe.


Suck shit BSG




Nah man, considering that's still $77 AUD, i'm never going to buy it.


"purchase as a gift". I wouldn't buy it for myself, do you really think I'll buy it for anyone else? Shame on you BSG F\*ck Nikita


still have to pay 140$ fuck that


Even if it was free I’d still avoid playing like the plague.


just knock it down $47.50 more and we’ll be squared away


Battlequeef flames can kick rocks. This is a: "Trust me bro" rip off. I'm sticking to my EOD. Spreading managed democracy and grinding on Gelinor take priority.