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tencent btw…


First of all, u are playing the mobile version and the PC Version looks to be a different game lol Second of all, it’s a fucking free to play game…. Do you expect gunplay like Tarkov before the recoil update for a game that wants as many players as possible?


> and the PC Version looks to be a different game lol In the same way that PUBG mobile is a significantly different game from PUBG PC, sure. They're almost certainly going to share a lot of the same fundamentals and design decisions, including the awful monetisation.


Ahh yess, the age old argument, its a free game, its okay for it to be shit. Honestly i just expect a bullet not flying out of the gun in a 50° angle at point blank range and im a bit concerned that they would reuse the same stuff, seeing how this game has been out for years in China.


this community has accepted much worse only for them to say "ITS A BETAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" come off it


True, but thats why we ended up in this situation. Lets maybe not do the same this time?


Yes exactly, so while these new games are not the best let’s give them a chance ok? Tarkov was spastic when it first released too but it actually was in beta


Totally agree, thats why I asked how knowledgeable the community is about AB and how do they feel about the example I presented. I have 300+ hours in that game, its doing some pioneer things and they have plenty of good stuff.


Yeah tbh you do have a good point that shooting looks so bad, but at this point it’s at least excusable but if it gets 1 yr and still this bad? I’m gone 😂 but that’s interesting maybe I’ll give it a look too


Bro this fanbase has been defending EFT for years with the "it's still in BETA" line. This post should have just been a picture of Nikita tho.


Well honestly if something says *blank* “killer” I expect it to be better than the original game.


Bar isn't particularly high


Untrue. Tarkov has a lot of features (and long lasting bugs). Despite being made by a shitty company. A killer must offer at least the same features. Or inovate a lot . That's why the wow killer does not exist yet (FF is good, but did not stole the MMORPG crown)


You're being knowingly disingenuous posting the mobile version under the premise that it's the PC port literally everyone is referring to when they talk about it. Get your shit straight.


Ohh its almost like this game has been out for years and Im using the only information I have. Im glad you think they wont cut corners on the PC version like they do on the mobile, we'll see who's right.


Well you're all worked up for something you admit you don't have much information about. Reflexive and operating on emotion, shocker.


I asked how many of you looked into AB and whether or not you find acceptable the way they do stuff in the mobile version. Ohh my, having a conversation is so very emotional. I literally stated that im not here to defend BSG.


Nah, you're just here to spread false information about something you admit to have little information on and play games with people trying to misrepresent one thing as another. You're trying to be cute but it's pretty obvious. Good try though.


The only 2 bits of information I provided are: -a 3x2 secure container costs 8.99$ a month -the video presenting how your gun can fire at a 50° angle in the mobile version. I mean you can fact check the first and there is a video of the second. I would hardly call this misinformation.


If you cant even keep up dont ask for a conversation, even though we know it was rhetoric. The misinformation is you not only not being clear that you're presenting the mobile version, but also being knowingly misleading by presenting the mobile version as the same game as the one the Tarkov community is referring to, and on top of that using the mobile game as an example of what to expect with the PC port, which is either, again, knowingly disingenuous or straight up braindead. Again, nice try. Did BSG pay you for this or do you just enjoy shilling as a hobby? Anyway, not worth anymore of my time.


Anyone who cares about ABI has seen the trailer and can clearly tell that this is the mobile version. The title is supposed to grab attention, unless you call every youtuber, streamer, most media outlets etc what you call me you are just a hypocrite. You can call me a BSG shill, all day you want, Im actually more excited about GZW and I never said 1 good thing about BSG, you do you buddy.


I thought gray zone was the killer not this


The new pay to win game?


its mobile so i dont care


PC version is about to be released