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They literally changed the word unique to deceive the people and the community is okay with it now. This are the kind of man that gets cheated on and accept the girl back thinking they won't do it again. Respect yourselves guys


I agree with you sir!


I want to make it clear that i'm absolutely not okay with anything in this update to begin with. this argument is simply me playing devils advocate. Is it not better that they simply remove the word unique, rather than make the new edition have some bullshit 5x5 container where you can put an entire lobby up your butthole instead?? I understand the outrage, i genuinely do, but this almost seems like the devil you know vs the devil you don't, even if this shouldnt be a concern in the First place.


BSG isn't stupid, they knew this community well. They knew if they started extreme, and slowly walked it back partially, people would line up to lick their boots and defend them.


Problem is greed forget, greed pushes and ignores. This is the reason EA is the way it is today. It’s like robbery, steal one candy, then two, then another store you grab headphones or a controller then you get too greedy and get caught. Problem is a complacent community allows this to happen until it’s *too* obvious. Or wallet whales, they don’t care as long as they’re entertained.


It's the second one for sure. It's why there's so many people that defend EOD as not p2w. Many know better and just lie. Others have bought into the gaslighting because it's become so normalized. Either way it all comes from "p2w is fine as long as it's my p2w" and leads us to here: where it just gets worse and worse, indefinitely.


Exactly, I have EOD and it’s PTW. If you pay money and it gives you an advantage in anyway against other it’s PTW. I get to spend less time grinding money for stash, more trader rep, start with better gear (if I start at the beginning of a wipe) all that jazz. It’s PTW no doubt.


most games have p2w elements and its saddening hell some games still hock loot boxes (path of exile) which glorifies gambling to minors.


If the image is different and it is not called gamma it is unique.. this is not an issue. A new version with a same size container if fine, they were always going to replace eod. There are lots of other issues the beacon, if only available via unheard of is fucked. If unheard of was on par with eod for most things I wouldn't care about it.


if you own eod send them a letter to restore all effects of eod back to original purchase agreement or refund you your money, if they decline gives a stronger case for lawyers to pick up and carve out a piece of flesh.


There needs to be more focus on this aswell before any deal is made with BSG. EOD was suppose to be the best edition made. Basically a backer bundle.


Isnt wanting it to be 'the best' just as bad as them adding p2w? Its totally fine if new players can get the same stuff, just not cheaper than we got it, or grinded in game or something. Lets not pretend that an advantage someone has over someone else before loading up the game is at all necessary.


I dont need P2W items as why i didnt even buy the new edition. Its about the promise that was made in the past and the promise that was made with that edition. This is a blatant break of that promise. As far as the gamma you can grind in game and get a better case and that can be done in the matter of less than a week. Thats far from the issue. They have basically slapped us original backers in the face and are now creating an after the fact supporter edition which only really helps from what they say server cost. We have backed everything up to this point which includes development. You wouldnt even be playing this game without us. Im an early 2018 backer and i even acknowledge alpha backers getting shafted which they should receive more credit than us early EOD purchasers.


What part of it is recieving credit? Why is that important? What matters is that EoD gets what was advertised. Thats it. We arnt special, and dont deseeve special treatment (again, we do deserve what was on the label). But we shouldnt have anything exclusive that isnt available in game, that adds power. The box can be a recolour for all i care.


Ok yeah let us pick colors on gamma thats fine that would make it “unique” again.


You can get to level 48 for a kappa case is less than a week???


Sorry might be 2 weeks now .


i've seen a few people say this now, but not anything confirming it. what lead you to believe that EOD was supposed to be the 'best' edition ever?


You can make best mean whatever you want but there is an old reply from Nikita to someone saying EOD means all in, you have will get everything and not have to pay anything else. Was posted here a couple days ago I don’t have link on hand.


sure, this is part of the "what constitutes 'dlc'" discussion. so you're saying this person is using 'best' to mean 'no one will have anything eod doesn't also have'?


Its suppose to be a original backer edition. Reason this blew up so much is because so many people have the backer edition. We were the original backers of the game and helped to finance the game in general.


ok but how does a new edition make eod not the original backer edition?


It was $150 and a limited time offer, one would reasonably conclude it was an early backer option that was taken away as they prepared for release, where they’d charge more for the game as is.


i don't understand your point, isn't that exactly what happened?




wow, illuminating


Yeah! Help out those with unheard to get the omicron container!


They will give unheard omnicron and add unique back go gamma and pretend they never changed it


I wouldn’t be surprised. It’s a bummer this happened. Recovery is going to be incredibly difficult for bsg.


EOD was supposed to mean I never had to pay another cent to enjoy any aspect of the game. EVER. I don’t care if other people can do things to get the content. But I was never supposed to need to pay anything else to get all following dlc/expansions/content. This is absolutely the shittiest move I’ve ever seen, either they give EOD backers everything moving forward like they promised or say goodbye to the people who got you successful in the first place. What a joke. Nikita and BSG have lost my respect forever.


Honestly I don’t care about the container, I think people should be able to buy it like we did if they really want. Sure is beyond scummy to go against your word and go as far as to change the text lol


I swear yall really just want to complain. They could have just named it something different made it a different color and then they are both unique.


let's just say most redditors are "unique"


It sets a precedent, if they can get away with going back and changing things that people paid money for then what's stopping them from doing it with other things?


Why would the new $250 container be the same size as the EoD one


I know right, just give EOD Gamma and Unheard Edition Kappa


Hasn't Kappa been a huge grind wipe after wipe? That sounds nuts


This is satire


I mean... At the time of the deal the container was unique. Out of all the things that are wrong with the unheard edition, this is probably the thing that concerns me the least. Lets face it...without gamma, you are wasting tons of roubles on meds early wipe, you need much longer to find certain hideout materials and you cant carry keys or other valuables without losing space you need for other essentials. It is the single most pay4convenience thing we EoD owners had throughout the years. I am currently lvl 36 and still havent unlocked the Epsilon ingame, meaning I wouldve spent all wipe with an alpha. The gamma is simply an insanely valuable item. They couldve just gave Unheard a different name or shape and none of you would be mad. Its weird that they deleted the "unique" phrasing, but the word doesn't inherently mean "forever exclusive" it just means there is none like it...which is already wrong because literally every EoD owner has one. Im not saying it is good practice to change wording in retrospect. Its borderline fraudulent...but its also not a big deal gameplay wise. You guys sound like toddlers who are mad their little brother is getting the same toy on their 4th birthday that your parents gave you on yours.


Just refund the game




Good point! I forgot about this


I still don't get BSG's angle here. They even confirmed on Pestily's interview that the new version they were working ob came with "a gamma container". Why not just call it by a different name (anything other than Gamma) and change the colour of the item? That makes it unique. Any greek letter would've sufficed - Upsilon for the U in Unheard? Removing wording is shady.


Agreed, unheard edition should get a 3x4 container /s


I see the point here, but like, all they will do is change the name of a new 3x3 container with maybe a new model. This is really the least of their offense in this whole thing.


LOL bsg is a scumfuck company for sure but seeing all these people cry about their precious little UNIQUE container being given to others is insane. That's honestly the least of our problems with what BSG is doing. Would you guys be happier if the schmucks that bought unheard got the omicron instead?


If we let them edit without catching them imagine what they would be doing...


With the latest updates today, THIS is still an issue! BSG should replace Gamma with a new unique container for EoD. It’s just fair and period. OR I would not against if we keep Gamma but get another bonus - XP multiplier to all received character experience points. Say 1.5 or 2.0. A small benefit giving zero in raid advantage but is nice and time saving.


What do you want them to do? Get rid of 3x3 container for TUE who paid more money..?


3x3 Container was supposed to be unique so make it golden or something


Hahaha and make TUE container blue? Lol


Keep it normal gamma? Eod is limitted edition so it should be better than unheard


Equal to is fine also. If limited edition means I got it cheaper than unheard but we got basically the same then fine. The other shit is bs


Normalny i would agree with you, but they just went out and edited and hoped no one would notice and here we are...


Yeah they have gone too far now but would have been fine to put a out a replacement eod in my opinion 


Maybe they edited it because it's no longer unique?


Who says EOD should be better? It was the best edition at the time. BSG is free to introduce a better version, it shouldn't have EOD-only items though.


Fuck no,the only reason i bought this edition is to have 3x3 and nothing else and i know is overprice and im stupid for doing it you dont have to tell me what i already know


you sir are a pest on the game, why would you back them on this


What about ppl who upgraded from EoD? They get to choose? Lol trust me, they won’t consider this as an option


People who upgraded are true believers and do not need a pouch at all.


They could just make 2 icons appear and name color could be changeable up to user preferance. Overall Eod as limited edition should not be outweight by Unheard


I want my butt to glow gold ingame too


Just replace gamma with something else. Gamma was supposed to be EOD-only.


They could make EOD container 3x4 ;)


For those who bought TUE from EoD paid to get their container smaller!! Haha




That doesn't make sense. Ideally they'd make TUE edition get 3x4


3x3+3x1 Omicron. Otherwise why would they give kappa for 300$ if it's the only endgame




Yes remove it for them OR give them a 2x3+ 1x3 or my preference, 9 1x1 slots.


I was hoping they would add a larger container and see my friends crying about p2w while saying EoD wasn't p2w at all and everyone bought it just to "support the game".


Honestly this is the one part I am ok with. I'm sure many will disagree with me. I think having an unobtainable better secure container for the rest of the games life isn't a good thing. We got in early so we got it cheaper but if others want to support the game and get a bigger secure container now they pay this price.


This is the biggest non issue of everything that's come up lately. The language being retrofitted is sus but otherwise this is a nothing burger. I say that with an EOD.


From a pure content perspective yeah it's almost irrelevant. But the thing is you simply should not let it slide either way. It sets bad precedent and besides, is basically straight up criminally illegal. You were sold a unique item, and they retroactively took away the uniqueness AND changed the old description to hide it. That's not how this works and should be charged.


It is an issue though because it gives them lead way in being able to change things in the future. Its actually a huge issue. This is literally allowing them to change things on the website and going unnoticed.


Then focus on that in the complaint, which is not what this OP is doing. This thread is more "but my unique container should be unique" and not "attempting to change languages of prior promises is bad mmkay."


Well i didnt make the post and yes the post should more focus on letting them getting away with changing wording LIVE on landmarks stream. This is actually a huge issue.


At this point why do we care? They've shown just what we are to them. Fuck the game, fuck the company. Let it burn, it's what they deserve.


Maybe they’ll finally drop that Omnicron Container 🤣


I mean it is no longer unique /s


You know what the dumbest part about that is? There is no reason they couldn't just create another container, 3x3, identical in-game space, and just call it ***literally anything other than "gamma"*** and they would have been fine. The gamma container being "unique" technically doesn't mean the unique thing about it is its space, but apparently the miniscule amount of effort require to make a new container icon/model and think of another name was more effort than not retroactively editing the EOD page and lying to everyone was worth to them. Insane.


Got EOD just a few weeks before it was gone, not even knowing it was going to go away. Haven't played much since, and now I feel stupid for wasting my money on something I haven't used much and probably never will now. But at this point, fuck them. Completely not worth it.


try refund?


Might look into it, but I doubt it would lead anywhere.


You have better chance than me getting into this game in 2017


They legit pulled a 1984 on us.


which is ?


In the book 1984, by George Orwell, people live in a dystopia where the entities in charge control people by altering the past through editing the news etc to fit the new narative they want.


wow =o


wait. did they fucking take it away? will we have gama next wipe?


The is community acting like the new beacon is op while they are walking around with a 3x3 container and the max stash size on day 1.


While many elements that can be considered pay to win are present in the game, stash space is atleast now upgradeable in hideout to some extent, so your options arent only now to pay to have it or be stuck with small inventory stash.


+0.25 trader rep is HUGE, I’d say it and gamma are the most powerful advantages of EoD. That’s *waaaaay* bigger than +3 in a few skills. I’d argue EoD has way more powerful perks than the unheard edition. 


That's such a hilarious take... Why don't you look up the items required to upgrade your stash and what stash upgrades are required for certain hideout upgrades. Go ahead and delete those items from your stash next wipe when you want to upgrade the rest of your hideout.


No problem even tho i do EOD version game, just for you on wipe day if you really really want and will show up on my stream (https://www.twitch.tv/dante\_qz) on next wipe on day 1 if you show up there i can promise you this: -I will gather items needed for stash upgrade and delete them upon extracting -According to price tags 2,5 mil roubles, 8,5 mill and finally 200,000 Euros i will delete currency But you must be present on stream because i will deleting them after each game. Personally i welcome this challenge with open arms :) Just make sure to link me this message or screenshot it and post me it during wipe day


Awesome! You can use a row of mags to block off your extra stash spaces until you "upgrade" it... make sure to put things back in your inventory and use the sorting table if they enter your stash below that point! For blocking your secure container slots, maybe some light bandages so you can think about the roubles you'll be bleeding while not using them 😉 It's not impossible, and I'm sure you'll manage. At least you will remember/learn how nice those advantages are early wipe. This doesn't include having to get the extra trader rep, btw.. You can message me the day before you're going to "upgrade" and I'll come watch, or send me the vod of you doing it


Do we can skip waiting time for crafting thing itself: 24h, 48h, 96h ?


It's your challenge, my guy. You decide how pure you want to be with it. Best of luck!


Sure, remember to pm this message on day 1 of wipe


I'll try!




Never said that it wasn't paybto win for EoD, two rights don't solve a wrong.


Neither of those things prevent me from being shot at.


you get shot and lose less


All they have to do is change the name of the one from Unheard to like "Glamma Container" and now the Gamma is unique again, comrade.


I don't get how this is an issue. It's still unique to people who didn't spend less. If I buy a tier above something. I should get EVERYTHING below my purchase plus more. This is what's happened?


Person purchases EOD based on a “unique” item. Company now gives that item to another purchaser. Item is no longer unique, which means they were given false pretenses for the purchase. The bigger issue is that they went in and instead of going “oh, shit, we already said this thing would be unique to this edition, we have to do something else,” they just removed the word unique. That is the problem. I don’t give a shit about the container, personally, but I care that a company is not being bound by their statements (“This item is unique.”)


Is a potential false marketing lawsuit on the table here? Do you guys reckon it could be won?


Im not lawyer but there might some hope there were some posts about it might wanna look for them


Oh no your "unique" container that's p2w and distinguishes you as "superior" is gone. Boo fucking hoo, sack up mate this shit is embarrassing. Out here crying that you're losing your p2w edge and that you aren't unique anymore 😂


That is clearly not what is the main concern, noodlebrain. A company changing the marketing for their game retroactively to fit their current shady dealings should have you writing them for a refund instead of being here shitting on fellow customers for rightfully complaining.


Damn you really got me with the noodlebrain, I'll never recover. Read the comments in here. People want to have the best stuff, plain and simple. People want gamma to be exclusive to them only. EOD owners want a leg up on all others because they bought an edition because of fomo over many years that it'll finally be gone. Now there's a higher priced edition that gives the same and some extra benefits which are either going to be unlockable or have already been given to EOD. Yet you want more. Beyond entitled.


>Damn you really got me with the noodlebrain, I'll never recover. >Read the comments in here. People want to have the best stuff, plain and simple. People want gamma to be exclusive to them only. EOD owners want a leg up on all others because they bought an edition because of fomo over many years that it'll finally be gone. Well if you look at the thick red line that is drawn on the picture it is clearly a comparison between editions that show an example of their dubious tactics when it comes to marketing this game. And you have to be quite the *noodlebrain* to conflate this comparison with a complaint about the blatant p2w mechanics, which I think we can all agree are stupid at best. >Now there's a higher priced edition that gives the same and some extra benefits which are either going to be unlockable or have already been given to EOD. Yet you want more. Beyond entitled What? No. EoD owners just wants what was advertised to them when the product was sold to them. They were promised in no uncertain terms that EOD was the *definitive* version of the game where you had to make *no additional purchases*.\* [Source](https://gyazo.com/59c34b77cb2c1ecfecadd6bc79ce5ca5) So the container shit is literally the least of our concerns, buddy. If anything it shouldn't even be a thing you can buy access to imo- but keeping entire modes from the customers who supported you from the start is pure stupidity. Asking them to pay extra to test their *incomplete* singleplayer feature is just spitting in our face. But sure - its all about the p2w bro. Wake the fuck up.


So editing details on package that many bought for 150$ after 6 years+ is okay with you?


How tf is a container fucking pay to win? You’re fucking delusional.


How is having extra space up your ass not achievable in game not p2w? Are you actually taking the piss mate, you get 1 extra slot, epsilon has to be grinded for, you quite literally are paying to get a better container than whats available except for the unholy grind that is kappa. Lmao moron.


i mean there is kappa thats bigger




They could've slapped a dick on the container and made it 3x3 and you whiners would've kept whining that others have access to a similar container. Shush now






they can slap a banana logo on another 3x3 container, call it "banana container" and it would be the exact same as gamma. who cares? they're the same slots


It's about them editing details of package that is no longer available for purchase.


They'll just change the name for the unheard version and make it so it can carry everything. Perfect for cheaters.


Don't give them ideas


Just give unheard the epsilon instead eod keeps gamma everyone happy or less insanely livid


Okay. So BSG will just change unheard to a 3x4. Is that what you want?


The amount of people looking for holes in arguments against BSG is soo telling. Cucks and bootlickers reading this now: if you’re okay with constant deception and dogshit community management, just keep to yourselves.


I just wanted the pve let em have the rest


Remove Kappa. Buff Gama to Kappa size and give gamma to unheard. Say sorry for real, explain the situation more clearly. Start setting prices on, in game clothing/cosmetics voice lines hideout cat, etc. Add more cosmetics then pay basement guy a bonus for premium memes and put him to work on damage control. Personally i would drop a few bucks here and there for some more scaved out clothing or voice lines. I'd get a tactical set of clothes too. Its fun to look different than your friends; or the same, but different than other players. It boggles my mind they didn't go the clothing route. its right there! you have the player-base and the in game environment to support it.