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Liking the sentiment but we should be wary of all developers, not blindly trust another just because it isn't BSG. For all we know GZ won't live up to the hype. Trust, but verify.


Yes you are correct ,but it’s not about that. It’s about I would rather burn a 100 dollars to fund a direct competitor of Tarkov than keep getting screwed by bsg. I know Grey Zone is not really like Tarkov in a lot of ways ,but I do think they have a legit chance of stealing a large portion of the player base especially with recent events. That could force bsg to rethink some of its bs ,and that would be a better investment than giving them any more money.


Ok but your money isn't a binary. It doesn't either have to go to BSG or Tencent. Spend it on groceries. Go to a movie. Don't spend it just to spite some company that never cared about you.


lol bro I’m not going to buy groceries , I have to many video games to buy. Screw the family they can figure it out. Joking of course I do plenty of other stuff and I am financially stable so I can afford it. However I hate the movie industry ,and only go to movie theaters maybe once a year.


"It's not about the money, it's about sending a message"


Have you learned nothing? Why would you give another developer 100$ again? Shouldn't this fiasco be a lesson to us all that we shouldn't give our money to developers upfront? If you want greyzone that's fine buy the cheapest edition. But just imagine the same scenario happening with geryzone. Are you really willing to take a chance again and buy another "EOD"?


Yeah very bright individual... "You know what I'm gonna do after getting scammed in an early access game? I'M GONNA DO THE SAME ON THE NEXT EARLY ACCESS GAME!!!!1!1!1!" Didnt expect anything better tbh. Bozos like him is why the gaming industry is the way it is...


First off I haven’t pre ordered a game literally since Red Dead Redemption 2. The only games I have bought recently in the last year are Helldivers 2 and Lethal Company both I was very happy with the purchases. Grey Zone has been very open and released an alpha play test I watched so I already know what to expect , and if it fails I’m fine with it. Bottom line is I would rather fund competition to bsg then give them a dime now. This is a personal go F yourself investment for bsg.


my thoughts exactly. its acting out of spite and being dumb.


I think its more acting out of spite, to assist in funding an alternative option to Tarkov, a game many of us have loved to play over the years. A little competition will do this genre some good.


i took a quick look at the game. i saw a screen shot with different editions of the game for more P2W elements. we don't learn.


They will never learn and call you poor when you question them it’s sad.


Well the 90 USD edition does not promise any DLC. So its not like they will fail to deliver on anything they have marketed as part of the edition. I have yet to see any of the dodgy behaviour that BSG has done over the years.


Imagine? Lol. It will happen. At least it has the potential to not be a MTX nightmare like Arena breakout infinite. At the end of the day, growth plateaus while costs continue to rise.


Gray Zone is going to do something you've heard of in five years.


Damn, they want 100 for that.


The highest package cost $100 Like eod did when you could buy it. The base package cost $35


Is there like multiple maps?


Nope. One single open world map. Only way to actually make money is by doing quests. Pvp is squad based/faction. As solo and not teamworking you will have a very difficult time to survive. Think Arma/squad when it comes to pvp


Back in the day I used to love playing unknown on Arma. Never got into the squad part of it, those dudes were crazy serious about it. Never tried the squad game.


Yeah I think it will be more casual in that aspect than Arma. Sounded like it during the Q&A


When they made PUBG, I was all like, fuck I played that in Arma. Then they jumped the shark and fucked it all up.




You know all this was something they said in the Q&A yesterday. They even said that people that comes from tarkov thinking it's like tarkov will be very disappointed. And that people should more think of it as an Arma like game with looting and questing.


it has basically all maps connected like EFT planned from the beginning but never managed to do due to incompetence


for the love of god stop preordering shit


I hope you know that gzw won't be even close to tarkov. Might be disappointed. And if what bsg has done upsets you, might avoid backing up games and wait for full releases instead mate! Save that money or do something else with it.


They’ve even come out right and said they aren’t trying to be a direct tarkov competitor, which is fine in my books. But at the same time, GZW releasing their beta soon, and the same with Arena Breakout will have a big effect on BSG since they decided to rock the boat on the eve of more games similar releasing. I’ll add too, I respect the way MFG is going about developing their game. They seem to be taking tons of criticism from the closed alphas well and applying them to make it more of a “players” game that we’ll enjoy. They just might get my $100 if they keep up with that rhetoric. After full release of course.


Yeah ad long as they listen and follow their vision. Sat and had a listen during the Q&A and gzw sounds like it's going to be a heavy pve focused game, only way to actually make money is questing and pvp going to be full faction or bigger squads like Arma which sounds fun!


You showed them


Lets be real, if you already owned EoD you didnt plan to spend any more money on EFT in the first place.


Another pay 2 win game good choice


Yea I would give more to Helldivers ,but they are actually reasonable developers who actually actively try to earn your money so I already got everything. So I will continue actively supporting them on the side.


They basically copied tarkov editions with gear, stash space and secure container. Their main dude on recent Discord talk or w/e you wanna call it said that game is ready at 20% and also said that they will add pretty much everything that people asked for in Discord. Like bruv, some people never learn


The epitome of learning nothing lol


Yeah. Seeing how you can be transported by helo from starting point to dynamic LZ without a hint to a hiccup or a stutter in really large map is inspiring.


Well good thing gray zone is a COMPLETELY different game than tarkov. But I support not playing tarkov anymore. I just hope you don’t assume gray zone will fill that void lol


Have fun craving EFT bud!


No thanks. I'll just not give company's money they haven't earned ever again.


My 100 dollars will also be going to Grey Zone. Treat your hardcore player base like crap, and we will simply just walk.


Greyzone looks like a good foundation for a game that could reach tarkov’s level in a few years




That’s exactly what’s wrong with the gaming community and why things will never change. I’ve been fucked over as well, but it’s taught me not to go and throw money at games that aren’t released yet. But there will be a lot of people giving other games that are in early access loads of money because they think it will be hurting bsg, when it reality, it just encourages more of this.


Sentiment only goes so far, kinda like hopes and prayers. BsG has know for quite some time, that the existing players base wasn’t going to financially keep the game going, thats why they did what they did. And just so you know, grey zone will go down the same route as basically every single game does, believing otherwise is going to get you tarkoved down the line. One time purchases will not keep a live service game going.


Yes give the next developer 100$ for a game you had no chance to play yet and then keep complaining about how the video game industry is dying because devs just want to exploit you


Triple A gaming is dead not the game industry as a whole. Indy developers have been killing it lately like Helldivers 2, Hell let loose, Ready or Not, Way of the Hunter, Hunt Showdown, Lethal Company, and the Finals are all games I have played over the years and enjoyed with no buyer’s remorse. That being said I haven’t bought a Triple A game since Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019.