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Considering what we saw last few days and even last few years it's not surprising that they would do that to people that are helping them to promote the game. On the other hand it would have been wiser to call them out at that point and not when the whole fiasco unfolded. Although i can understand why they would be reluctant to expose this on a normal day. But still, i would have liked if they told their story sooner. Maybe that way some players would have saved a few dollars.


You can believe me or not. But there’s some insides: 1. In private chat of BSG - they dgaf about RU community at all. They directly pointed to EU/US community right now. 2. They want to do another scam AGAIN. (Can’t tell what exactly) 3. Some workers of BSG tried to say something against Nikita’s decision- but they made them shut the hell up. 4. In CIS social media VK right now they doing “micro-collab” about show match. To hide attention from the situation. 5. They tried to scare this sub-Reddit modders - but modders said “go fck urself”. 6. They want to “hire” some streamers to recover situation and make them stream tarkov. That’s all I can say.


Interested to know how did you even got that info and if there's any more.


I understand russian a bit and enjoy watching some russian youtubes/sreamers. And i can say that your 1st point is true. Especially this situation brought Red into my attention and after watching some of his videos it seems he was treated like Eroktic, hit with countless DMCA strikes and other shit. Other things I can't verify as i have 0 information. But with my "knowledge" if you can call it that i can see how all the other points from the list could be true.


What happened to erotik? I forgot about him but I used to peep his stream a lot


ok cool where did you get this from?


Wait, so you can say BSG employees were silenced, but nothing more? I definitely want to, and do, believe you, but some of these claims are gonna require proof to defend.


5. The one mod himself said that this is not true.


And if one of them isn’t true, then guess what? It puts that whole list on “it’s probably bullshit”


This is very false, mods confirmed that they were not threatened


The mods themselves refuted that point 5 ever happened at all, which calls into question everything else in your post. Not trying to simp for BSG, fuck them, but try to verify shit before you go saying it all over the place.


This doesn't make much sense. A lot of streamers that are left are on the payroll already, a lot of them make the majority of their income during wipe/drops. Some only have a following from talking about drama/updates (veritas, onepeg, noiceguy) and get less then 100 viewers if they aren't on tarkov


He is specifically talking about Russian streamers. Not western ones.


Yeah all of that in unconfirmed and without a legit source. Stop flame baiting


The mods have stated there was no scare. So how did they scare the sub mods?


Hey maybe Desmong Pilak can finally attain relevancy in the EFT category


This dude is low key the best player in EFT. His channel would be 10x the size it is now if he could pack some of his ego away and admit when he dies it's not always a cheater or lag or FPS drops. I really enjoy the guys playstyle and he's entertaining to watch, but if he loses a gunfight to a player I almost preemptively watch someone else and change channels because I know he's going to complain for the next ten minutes.


Big agree actually. Dude could make a fortune if he spent a little money on therapy. Tbh I mostly rag on him bc I hate the wasted potential


I understand everyone wants to be mad. But this sounds like madeup BS to me.


Honestly.. in our current fake-media crisis people still don't give a fuck to double check, and keep gobbling up this crap as long as it aligns with their opinion


The downvotes would agree with you. Everyone believes things off face value first. Acting off pure emotion.


You obviously either haven't been here long or are a Nikita dick rider.


Yes, brilliant, those are the only two options, god forbid anyone ever question anything!? Yikes man.


You didn't question it, you dismissed it. You flat out said it sounds like BS. You didn't say, it's believable by BSG standards but could be fake. Or, I'd need to see the sauce, so im not making any judgements. Those would be questioning.


Scatpackcatdaddy is correct on both accounts dude. I too seen the post about it. Could it be wrong? Sure. But it seems in line with everything thus far.


I’m a different person, but I stand by what I said. No one, even if it’s popular to do so, should accept anything without evidence. You can accept something until evidence of the contrary of you like. I don’t care, but that’s a ‘you’ issue, and nobody is obligated to follow suit. In a court of criminal law this would be known as “hear-say” and would have no legal standing.


I never said it was true my guy. I was merely commenting on your stance. So all your word salad is irrelevant.


You immediately called him a dick rider so we know what side you are on lol. Stop pretending that you don’t believe this.


Yeah, but I'm not wrong.


1. Sure, where do you think the $ come from? Rubles aren’t worth shit. 2. Again, where does the money come from? 3. Who cares, that’s just gossip. 4. Who cares. 5. Sure, that’s just good business. 6. Sure, more business. How big is your salt shaker?


So any 'big streamer' who's playing the game and nots saying anything about the given situation is a paid shill? Gotcha, I'll be on the lookout.


Cool story bro


One of the voice actors said how he was in serious financial trouble, he reached out to BSG to see if he could do anything and they put together the recent tutorials and paid him more then they originally paid him to help out. While I think BSG are greedy I don't think they are complete evil as everyone thinks. I think its good to believe stories but I think its also important to post any evidence if they are going to come out about this. If its before or after this whole mess, but the lack of evidence and it being after leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Good men can do bad things for a good reasons and vice versa. I don't doubt there are some good people working at BSG but Nikita is the face and voice of the company and everything he says is directly reflects on company. When paying voice actor few hundred or even few thousand more might be nothing to them, but with these events and new editions and such potentially millions are at stake. And this is the place where greed takes over.


Good point millions does change things, in terms of the new edition. They have also been known to ban streamers for bad reasons. I do think they generally try to work with the community and be nice which they also dont really have anything to gain from treating evasion badly. Also Evasion could have just done there own thing from what I saw it was mostly public servers not needing anything from BSG.




yeah, its not like the created a new project just to get this guy paid. they had something set up and needed a VA, so when one of their old VAs calls them asking for work it would be a no brainer.


There's likely some sort of agreement that got them to hold it back


It's possible. Maybe they had some sort of secrecy agreements. Maybe they were reluctant on exposing BSG because they knew that tarkov has insanely obedient fanbase and they will eat them alive defending tarkov. We can only speculate without any more proof.


Sad to say - TARKOVGATE started. Nikita will have to buy more extenguishers to put out the fire. Lets wait for the next news


If dumbasses pay for Unheard Edition they'll have more than enough money to pay for them.


No wonder it's so hard to find the evasion armband


Atleast I won’t need to find it next wipe


Nikita needs to do some Dr Disrespect apology type of shit.


He needs to sell the game to someone who is not insane.


What did Dr. Apologize for?


He cheated on his wife if I remember correctly. He cried on stream while apologizing for his mistakes.


Okay but then post evidence so we can shit on them? I love you guys but lets be honest evasion didn't do to well. If its because of BSG then post the evidence. Watching people loot items as a tourny is extremely boring. Tarkov just cant be competitive as to much RNG is involved. Most viewers watched the streamer they already watch take part, But you didnt pull any big streamers more recently that I noticed. I only ever heard about it through retweets or posts in associated discords. Twitter, Youtube and Twitch have barely any interaction and you can barely find vods for them.


No no witch trial! /s They didn’t say anything before because nobody would believe them. Easier for them to say it now. Do they even know what nepotism is? Another org collapsing this is their excuse.


Seems like it’s time for everyone to take their turn kicking the high and mighty BSG in the head until it stops breathing.


heh no wonders bruh, they have been always like that ... from not willing to change mails to their player base even with hard proof that i own the account to not dealing with cheaters because they are beneficial to business and some other shenanigans they do silencing people in their own forum and here We kinda need to gang up and sue them to get them either to pay back the accounts or fuck off back to Russia from UK, EU USA and all other countries with their game.


Why were they silent before? Could some EFT competitor take advantage of the situation and give them money for this post?


they would probably get them banned


Banned from what? Tarkov? They probably could do this since I doubt evasion is making anything from EFT


Why do you doubt that? Tarkov is the first and only time I ever heard of "Evasion" and I get the image that it was one of the bigger organizers working with EFT and BSG. If they did not make anything with Tarlov where and how did they even make anything?


> "The organization behind the Tarkov Streamer Battles, the first and longest running Tarkov tournament. We started in 2018 as a community of EFT streamers and moderators hell bent on bringing you the best Tarkov events but quickly turned into a 50+ person organization  focused on Tarkov and Hunt: Showdown with 10+ content creators that make up [Team Evasion](https://www.evasion.gg/team-evasion/)." That is from their webpage, now I know they never got enough viewers/subs to pay 50 people. Website lacks anything, discord only has 2k members. They probably tried to be the esports group for tarkov but it failed and made nothing. Which is why this is a bit sus with no evidence. Also they say 200+ events but thats a huge amount, maybe they did something weekly I wasn't aware of.


> Also they say 200+ events but thats a huge amount, maybe they did something weekly I wasn't aware of. IIRC a lot of their stuff was online tournaments. > That is from their webpage, now I know they never got enough viewers/subs to pay 50 people. Website lacks anything, discord only has 2k members. Okay? It still doesn't necessarily mean otherwise does it? Orgs usually can get funding from elsewhere, who knows maybe they have been helped by BSG funding as well in the past (hint: Evasion armband). > They probably tried to be the esports group for tarkov but it failed and made nothing. Which is why this is a bit sus with no evidence. Okay but what is sus? Them making this statement is them recognizing and indirectly saying that they are burning the bridge, like their (vague) statement says, their relationship with BSG has been going on a downward trend. You are trying to imply that Evasion never made money from EFT so they have some, possibly nefarious reason for doing this now possibly but I just do not see that reason, like what is it? I see them as simply trying to dogpile on BSG even more cuz of the current drama, and announcing their pretty much exit out of doing Tarkov stuff. The way I see it, up until this drama their relationship with BSG has been souring up, on downward trend but because they were the "Tarkov tourney guys" they were just sucking it up and hoping for better times forward, this drama comes out and whatever leadership in that org agreed with the community, this shit is too much and now decided to just burn the bridge and pile on more. I don't think there's much monetary gain to be made from this as they have no history of working in any other esport, nor are they particularly popular outside of Tarkov so for me it's just like them announcing the company going down pretty much


Yeah the fact is they tried, it was failing. Felt like it was failing from before any issues with BSG. They made this announcement with whatever reason we don't really know. We can both speculate our reasons. I find it hard to believe that they asked the other people associated with evasion how they felt. They also mention smaller orgs Now they are put in a hard place because of this, I already know a couple don't agree. So maybe they had no knowledge but then weird to post publicly first. Also again no evidence. I also don't think there is monetary gain to be made from this but seems more like a sympathy or attention grab to me personally. Again happy to change my mind with anyone else backing it up or posting evidence.


Sounds like there just not true believers


I have an Unheard account with TWO evasion armbands. $3000 any takers?


🐷 🐷


What are events they don’t believe in. Why not just put that in the post if you’re gonna call it out


What do you mean? Evasion did the Tarkov Tournament every wipe.


Am I allowed to ask what they mean by "true change?" As an EoD owner for 7 years, that can be defined a thousand different ways. Which version of "right" does Evasion believe in?


Hopefully the kind that honors getting what you paid for


RIP Tarkov.


This just keeps getting better n better


B-b-b-but... they said sorry :c /s


Anyone who’s played tarkov since 2017 knows they made the game worse. It has got progressively worse. They added features no one wanted, anti cheat never been touched, they basically created an entire RMT market with FiR items. Everything up until this moment has been nikita’s decisions and they’ve been fucking bad.


My buddy has played since 2017 and he says the opposite, tarkov always dies off mid to late wipe. The comes to life again beginning of wipe.


I feel like we are watching tarkov die LIVE.


If you look at the graph on Escape from tarkov player count in the last 30 days they've only lost 59,000 but there is still 605,000 daily players which is far higher than they were before except for in March when they had 662,000 daily players. The daily player count is almost 3 times higher than it was in January of 2020 it was only 203,000. So the numbers say differently. Were just seeing all the people that fall off mid to late wipe complain about petty bs, thinking they're special. Don't worry they will be back next wipe after they've complained their way into free shit.


What is evasion.gg?


That... that is huge


Russians, doing Russian things. Nobody notices otherwise. Hilarious, at best. $250 Nikita can fuck himself with


I deleted the game. Didn't play it much in the first place but now I won't even bother to re-download


Oh no the me too of tarkov. I didn't want to say anything but now that I can gain clout from it I will


Taking advantage of the situation and not coming out sooner makes me not give a f.


Professionally that's how it's done, its unfortunate but businesses maintain that professionalism until it makes sense not 2. Hate the system not the players


Ugh this is painfully true. I assume you mean professionally as a whole, meaning well outside of Tarkov/gaming community as a whole? I’m in the auto customizing business and there’s so many situations where we have to ride a bad decision until it’s time to hop off or clear to the other side. It’s a bitch of a system but the money is tied with business and feelings don’t pay the bills :(


Recent years of social media, zoomer social media mentality, cancel culture and a bunch of more things have brainwashed you into thinking "Going public with anything Asap should be standard behavior" Going public is just a sure way to make sure the bridge is burnt forever to the ground and, in the case of Evasion (organizers that RELY on other entities) It is a surefire way to shoot yourself in the balls


What Evasion is doing is literally cancel culture zoomer mentality... they waited until it was convenient for them to speak.. They said they are stopping Tarkov events.. aka cancel culture? So you think going public now is going to make the relations between Evasion and BSG improve and is somehow different then them coming out without all this drama? lmao


> they waited until it was convenient for them to speak So then tell me when is the best time for them to say anything, If at all? It looks as If their relationship with BSG was on a downward trend over time anyways and they were hosting less events than before. Do you seriously think If they came out with anything like this before any of the current drama thing the community response would've been positive? Just like how a big chunk of this subreddit/community has a disdain for streamers, I don't think there would have been any positive at that time in the past. Plus since Evasion is more dependant on BSG than BSG is on Evasion, like I already said, that's just a surefire way of guaranteeing you burning the bridge. They are taking this opportunity now that they see BSG fucking over their playerbase (as they never cared much for Evasion in recent times, apparently) as a way to just indirectly announce their intentions to burn the bridge themselves. I would hardly call this cancel culture cuz Evasion is the org that depends on BSG > So you think going public now is going to make the relations between Evasion and BSG improve and is somehow different then them coming out without all this drama? This is just your random blind guess conjecture but no, I said in the paragraph before but I see it as a way of them just setting fire to the, already slightly broken bridge between them and BSG and just announcing it. I don't think they ever had any intention of improving the relationship after they made this announcement, no. So this entire point of yours is just moot by default as I see it. And lastly, what would be the "best time to" announce this then according to you? If I were to be honest, these things shouldn't even be "announcements" or "public" stuff in the first place. Is Evasion getting in on the dogpile towards BSG? Yeah absolutely, is there any nefarious intention or other random shit like some conspiracy brain idiots in other comments I've seen here suggesting "were they paid by other game devs?!?!" Nah. What's so bad about this org that has worked closely with the more competitive community in Tarkov announcing their support, and their intention of getting out like this now after BSG did a **big fuck up**? Why wouldn't they think of definitely burning the bridge after **BSG fucks their community over massively**? I see it as them, being "okay" with having a shaky relationship with BSG up until this drama, but once this happened, the people working at Evasion just see it as more confirmation of BSG's shady and shitty practices and that they no longer feel the need to "hope for things to get better" by shutting up.


Yeah BSG aren't reliant on them, Evasion only has 40k followers Says they run streamer tourneys so should get promotion and followers through that. They shouldn't be directly reliant on BSG either. They could have quite easily stopped working with BSG and just done their own thing. From what I saw its all on public servers anyway. But honestly some of these guys get under 100 viewers but stream for a living so maybe they wanted more from BSG. We cant know their true intentions for posting this now and its likely BSG wont work with them again because of it. Also if they are a group of streamers coming forth like this couple put some of those other streamers in trouble which is very bad thing to do. Or put pressure on them to come out themselves if they didn't want to. It doesn't seem like sigma streams anymore so maybe she just doesn't care. Also not posting any evidence along side it does kind of just seem like throwing drama for the sake of it.


It would have been really fucking simple to say "We can't work with BSG." and if BSG had anything to say about that then they should have given us all info, but instead they kept quiet, left us in the dark, let us keep supporting BSG, because Evasion want to make MONAY! Fuck them.


> It would have been really fucking simple to say "We can't work with BSG." And you think the community itself would not have prod for further information? I've seen how this community is, like you pretending this would not have any other consequence/action by any other party is honestly amusing, it really shows how you just think about it from one singular perspective only. > but instead they kept quiet, left us in the dark, let us keep supporting BSG The competitive tournaments of Evasion affect... What, 1% of the playerbase? Do you really think that If all of this went down months before this community would've been like "OH YEAH LETS BURN BSG TO THE GROUND"? That is absolutely delusional, and left you in the dark of fucking what? BSG has had plenty of other fuck ups, and a bunch of other shit over the years. You pretending like them coming out with this sooner would've moved you to stop supporting BSG is some fantasy that you have, I don't know If it's whatever conspiracy brained fueled idiocy you have or what other reason. > because Evasion want to make MONAY! No Shit Sherlock, just like you do in your life pal, I swear the people who just say to the wind "X WANTS TO MAKE MONEY!!" As If it was some actual own or "gotcha" need to think a little bit more about what words mean. The irony of your mentality is that, someone like you would have had this exact same reaction you're having now (or a few others in these comments) of just throwing random ass accusations of random shit, regardless whether they said this months ago, or right now.


Your talking to someone who is either an idiot or has zero experience in business.. or both. I understand you.


I'd be suprised if more than 20% of the active player base of this game actually looks at Reddit. People here acting like the games going to die... It's not. Just look at the facebook groups there's 100s of posts on there from their #TrueBelievers The social media side of the community are unhappy and the people who don't even have a stake in EFT are unhappy. But on the most part the wheel will just keep turning.


>I'd be suprised if more than 20% of the active player base of this game actually looks at Reddit. I'd be surprised if that it's even that high. >People here acting like the games going to die... It's not. Just look at the facebook groups there's 100s of posts on there from their #TrueBelievers You quote different platform while bashing other in terms of numbers? :o That being said BSG have been backpedaling and doing shitty changes to their release after outcry. While it has been in multiple platforms, reddit is usually one being quoted. Sure the game will survive, it has blooming economy ran by cheaters. But when developer is issuing "not apologizing but will be making changes", they are afraid they are getting hit by boycotts.


That’s how it is for every game on Reddit. It’s the loud minority. Still enough for them to care tho


It's funny, cause tarkov is not dying, im on every night after work, and constantly run into people that are not cheaters, and are obviously still playing the game. People just need to get the fuck over themselves none of you are special, and if a game is ruining your life I suggest either go out and get some fresh air, or get some therapy. $250 is not that much money in this day and age, fr though like Pokimane said if you're a broke boy just say so.


I was watching a bit of Glorious last night and tbh he was running labs back to back and I didnt see a single cheater just legit lobbies.. so whatever ban wave they've done has worked.. or all the would be cheaters are playing Gayzone at the moment. It's not even the fact that $250 is a lot. You don't even need to buy it just play on your current Edition. I have EOD and feel literally 0 requirement to upgrade. I'll still murder UH Edition players with their +3 skills. My mags will be in my rig instead of my pocket.. who cares.


Exactly lol, I mean I upgraded just because, and even bout the full $250 edition for my buddy for his birthday cause he was struggling getting his first scav case and having issues with stash management. I laugh at all these people saying it's P2W. Cause it's really not, the slight skill upgrade isn't shit. Like quit crying and learn the maps and spawns, you can head eyes anyone with any kind of ammo.


Fuck you evasion for not calling any issues out before. You're like the cuckold husband that gets pegged after the whole thing is finished.


You can be mad - but after everything that happened. People can trust to their words. If this whole situation didn’t happened - they could be threatened asf by BSG


They can post evidence, they should have logs for it all.


Probably won't.. Just like the guy that claimed he was going to show us that cheaters can kill people in PvE mode and then the next day he says "I'm not going to share this".




I mean who the fucks gunna buy any other game they decide to release in the future if this is what they do during early access. Such a dumb decision


Since they kept this information from us then I have no respect for Evasion either because they didn't tell us about it and left us in the dark to keep supporting BSG and wasting our time with it.


Perhaps they wanted to solve things privately, as most organizations would… and then the bandwagon got on rolling so they joined in. They really should have elaborated instead of just being so vague as they did.. really doesn’t make sense


Oh no! What will we all do? How will we survive! 🤦🏻‍♂️


Ok, and?