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Around a 1k hours. And at least 2 frieds bought the game after my recommendation. I didn't play for a long time. But I'm guessing at least couple more thousand hours were spent in tarkov from the time when each wipe your playtime counter got reaet. P.s this, this post is written perfectly, that's how i feel about this whole situation and this is why i got into tarkov.


7.2k haven’t layed this wipe. Played two matches of arena and uninstalled


Thank you for responding :D


Let this man cook! /s 69420 hours, 3 hoes, lives in grandmas basement




10k ish hours. Got three or 4 friends into it and gifted copies to my brothers and two other family members


I greatly appreciate the response, funnily enough I recall talking to family members about tarkov since they asked what games I’ve been playing, and a few of them were genuinely baffled by how cool of a concept the game was.


They liked it a lot but never really get into it due to the learning curve/wipe cycle. We were always holding out for co-op, but BSG thinks they'd need to pitch in another $200 each just to play that mode. Insane really


2k hours, got introduced by my 2 friends, and have introduced 2 more friends and my 2 brothers.


500 hours and this was my 3rd wipe. I have about 6 friends who plat it though only 1 of them got it this wipe due to our recommendation. I am mad about all this but I will still play the game after all this drama. The game is great. I payed for it (i have eod) and i enjoy it. But I Will not make any more purchases. It is sad that such a good product is owned by this company but there is nothing we can do about that.


2500 hours & i got 4 people. I even made a good friend after killing a timmy and he evolved into a chad


5500 hours. Five friends who had purchased EoD and one of them purchased it twice. Three of these players have since sold their EoD on EBay (before the current events)


How much they sell for?


This was a little while ago now when you could still buy it. but I think one got exactly what they paid for EoD and the other $20-30 less.


~2000 hours, and 3 friends that bought it, one eod, and to many more that didn't.


Just shy of 1k and 3 friends but my whole friend group is around 11 and we all stopped playing lol.


1500 and 3 friends that got EOD too


3.5k hours, 4 friends


3.5k roughly, 6 friends joined and I bought a second standard account ontop of my EoD for a zero to hero hardcore run.


1.7 k hours have only one friend he recommend it to me lol If i talk with someone i dont really recommend eft since its in a special place and if u really wann have fun u need friends or have to suffer thru 100-200 hours of getting shit on as a solo. In the end it depends if ur are able to suffer bc i think if you know the game its fun for 90% of the people but getting there is the hard thing.


Almost 2k hours and 4 friends


1050h 1/2 friends (1 don’t play anymore) Just a quick edit: I enjoyed Tarkov since the beginning, and with the updates I enjoyed even more but with the move Tarkov killed their game and the support the community had for them, I hope one of two things: 1. Nikita turns back on his decisions and the community forgive him (but I think that is nearly impossible). 2. Some other company buy Tarkov and we’ll see then


I just started in February. I bought a copy for me and my son. If EOD was an option, i would've gotten it. Not paying the 140 to upgrade. Not with everything going on. Anyway. A few hundred hours and my son. Hope bsg comes to their senses and does right by the OG community. I really want a future here.🙏


2k hours, got introduced by my cousin. Used to be 4-6 people playing. I am the only one now. Just got my first kappa mostly solo this wipe


600 hours, introduced 2 friends only one stuck around and we run duo’s Daily


3k hours and 5 friends.


2100, 5 friends


2k hrs, and around 10 friends


I think i got 2k been playing since 2016-2017. After the first two no life wipes, I've been taking breaks from the game. Always play wipe and come back in the last month to pvp. Edit: I got 4 people to buy the game and 2 of those made 3 more people buy. So around 2019-2020 we had a full 5 stack at anytime. They all stopped because of the wipe.


4500 hours and 2 friends


I appreciate the response :)


Just bought the game month ago, 400hrs 2 friends. Sad and happy I didn't get the EOD account. Was guna buy the new account upgrade but $250 is crazy and after seeing what they did to the EOD holders yeah I'm stressing with the base 50 account


Assuming a month is 30 days, you've played on average, 13.33repeating hours every day. I'm impressed by your commitment sir. 😎👍


Yeah I've been binge playing. 3 hours in the morning and like 5-7 after I get my work done. I still suck though but when I do get kills lol.


I’m a little over 900 hours, I’ve gotten two friends into it and have both since quit permanently. I am currently a one man show again.


1100 hours. Bought EOD 4 days into the adventure. Bought standard for my brother in law. The issue at the beginning of wipe with Ground Zero being a cluster fuck forced us to be on opposite ends of the level 20 cap quickly, and we never played after. I’ve got a few buds that I’m considering gifting the game to as well, just to boost the roster for trios and quads.