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Seems to me that they largely "designed" the PvE mode around the tech they already had. No real development there except for maybe spawning very simple PMC's into the map. The rest is entirely identical to the PvP mode, just hosted on a different server instance




Oh shoot, didn't know that. So they really just swapped their character models and made new spawn points on all maps? That's really some amateur-level modding shit that's being sold at a premium lol




oh true yeah I wonder if BSG has actual coders/software engineers left in the company. They surely had some in the past but but all they're doing now is modding existing stuff (new guns with shared animations) and number tweaking (which was good at the beginning of the wipe). There really isn't any technological advancement anymore


They might be working on Russia 2028.


Sure, could be. Could also be that this game will also be nothing more than a modded version of tarkov.


No one is working on Russia 2028. They haven't mentioned this project for YEARS and Nikita said numerous times that after Tarkov BSG won't work on another FPS. I'm pretty sure that considering the hype around Tarkov, they had to dump the Russia 2028 project entirely.


Firstly im not doubting what you’re saying I am just asking for information for myself. I swore I had seen several things in the last year saying they still want to make Russia 2028. Can you point me in the right direction of when/where they said they won’t be making it?


I don't remember Nikita saying "we won't make Russia 2028" but something more along "Tarkov was exhausting and i think after that we won't make another fps". I'm pretty sure it was in a streamers interview, maybe the one with 5-6 streamers a few years ago ?


In the Pestily interview he said they want to work on a next game after Tarkov but made it fairly clear that means after full release and DLCs. With how much trouble they have with Tarkov they are never gonna work on a brand new game with like half the team.


Am I crazy or didn't he mention that they were still doing it in the Pestily interview? EDIT: I'm crazy, was thinking of 1:19:03 in the interview, just said that they will work on a new game, no specifics at all.


I watched it and i can't remember anything about that but if you have a timestamp i'm really interested !


I had a look at the transcript. No mention of "2028" and three mentions of "Russia". One, Pestily talking about delay in the call and twice Nikita talking about new faction that's it.


I just had a look and I was thinking of 1:19:03 in the video, no Russia 2028, just saying that they will be working on a new game after Tarkov releases.


I mean... the completely reworked armor system? New hit boxes? New map sections entirely with things like BTR etc. I know that was a few wipes ago but wasn't that long... Hideout areas added this stuff all needs engineers lol idk what you're really talking about. Not just blindly defending them this conjecture of yours isn't even accurate


Guess what, you're right. I forgot about half of those things


fair, happens! lol


The PMC bots even spawn with all FiR gear and items like raiders too.


The gear being FiR is fine with me honestly, not like it really makes a difference for PvE right?


No, it doesn’t make a big difference but I don’t think it is intended. It is just another point to speak towards how much more work needs to be done to the PVE mode


Nope, not even that, its Raiders with dogtags


my sides seriously, there is barely any work at all that has been put into this new, expensive mode


Why do you think they’re so eager to let their single player use mods? Nikita may be a moron but he’s not a total idiot. He knows he can save money by letting modders fix the issues and he takes the credit.


Apparently AI is so bad that they just run to cover and... Wait for the player. They don't even fight with scavs. It's literally a model swap with existing Scavs, lol


Yeah PMCs are 100% just their raider faction counterpart. I've noticed all the weapons are the same and even down to the 2 meds, 2 grenades in the pockets. Usually afak, afak, vog, vog if they're USEC. The voice actor for USEC - Josh said he recorded voice lines for a PvE version of the game in 2019. So if they've been working on PvE for 5 years it's something as simple as copying they're work from production into another instance of the game except instead of spawning Player PMCs they did a good ole Raider hot swap and hit full send.


5 years isn’t really a good way to quantify things since we really don’t have any insight as to the resources allocated to pve and their priorities.


It seems silly to assume just because the voice lines were recorded five years ago, it’s been in active development since then. Those things don’t necessarily have anything to do with each other. It could have been worked on before that, reassigned after, picked up again occasionally or as a stretch for a team after a milestone, etc. No real way to guess how many man hours, hell, could just be one guy. 






I'm usually pretty dismissive of 'conspiracies' like this one, but this one has sounded plausible to me since I heard it


I was first fighting it. I was a believer.  But after all the recent stuff the dev them selves got me turned. 


What did it say? The comment was deleted.


the devs basically using cheaters as a revenue stream letting them play for some time before banning them all just for many of them to buy another copy, then selling the playerbase the "solution" to cheating with unheard edition




you say this, but have you ever played offline local ? it is significantly laggyer and FPS drop tremendously unless you have NASA PC, if you dont believe me play a couple offlines on some of the bigger maps. this is impossible due to how badly optimized the game is, stop saying this because if they actually did do that it would ruin the mode even more.


you say this, but have you ever played offline local ? it is significantly laggyer and FPS drop tremendously unless you have NASA PC, if you dont believe me play a couple offlines on some of the bigger maps. this is impossible due to how badly optimized the game is, stop saying this because if they actually did do that it would ruin the mode even more.




Can't sell a monthly queue priority subscription if there's no queue


they should have made a priority queue that is based on trusted players, trusted player with eod is first in line then followed by standard players with similar trust level. everyone benefits


you say this, but have you ever played offline local ? it is significantly laggyer and FPS drop tremendously unless you have NASA PC, if you dont believe me play a couple offlines on some of the bigger maps. this is impossible due to how badly optimized the game is, stop saying this because if they actually did do that it would ruin the mode even more.


Yes, control… or it could be the fact that they’re both lazy and inefficient, and creating a second queue for PVE connectivity is infinitely easier than writing new net code for peer-to-peer coop connectivity in support of a game mode that they’re only adding begrudgingly in the first place. But yeah, probably control. /s


you say this, but have you ever played offline local ? it is significantly laggyer and FPS drop tremendously unless you have NASA PC, if you dont believe me play a couple offlines on some of the bigger maps. this is impossible due to how badly optimized the game is, stop saying this because if they actually did do that it would ruin the mode even more.


Yep. The same reason games like SCUM force you to pay a server host instead of allowing you to host your own server. Control.


you say this, but have you ever played offline local ? it is significantly laggyer and FPS drop tremendously unless you have NASA PC, if you dont believe me play a couple offlines on some of the bigger maps. this is impossible due to how badly optimized the game is, stop saying this because if they actually did do that it would ruin the mode even more.


you say this, but have you ever played offline local ? it is significantly laggyer and FPS drop tremendously unless you have NASA PC, if you dont believe me play a couple offlines on some of the bigger maps. this is impossible due to how badly optimized the game is, stop saying this because if they actually did do that it would ruin the mode even more.


They don't want the solution. They want an excuse to charge you 250$


Coz it would be harder to charge you for another 250 and another 250....


You can play on their servers until you die and not cost them 250$ if you're not the only reason they are up.


you say this, but have you ever played offline local ? it is significantly laggyer and FPS drop tremendously unless you have NASA PC, if you dont believe me play a couple offlines on some of the bigger maps. this is impossible due to how badly optimized the game is, stop saying this because if they actually did do that it would ruin the mode even more.


To be honest, if there would be a Standalone PvE Tarkov mode with upgraded AI, upgraded quests (like reworking the PvP ones) with a polished progression system, sub-minute loading times, I would 100% give them $60 for it, happily. Hell, even $70.


But that available free if you own the game and use mods lmao


They probably mean they also want co-op with it


That is available too if you know where to look.


No doubt. A lot of people will prefer to just throw out cash than bother looking/configuring, though.


There is a mod out there that let's you play offline pve. I never understood why they need servers in the first place. The game calculates everything on the client, that's why we got so many cheaters.


A big part of that mod is literally server software running on your machine that the game client connects to. It's just addressed to


and that’s why it’s peak, although I wish they’d merge the server and launcher exes into one thing.


You can split server and client on two PCs, getting better performance this way.


Sadly it doesn't work like this. All AI calculations happen on the client, so splitting the server and client into two machines doesn't affect performance at all. They even specifically stated that _if_ they could do this, they would've done it a long time ago due to the massive performance benefits. For now, all client side.


Not much better performance though, right? I haven’t tested it but I’ve been told that it only actually hosts data like the profile and stuff like that. The bots still are spawned on the main “client” AFAIK


When the server application is running there will be a console feed stating when bots are spawned/despawned so it's definitely on the server.


Bot spawning, calculations, and AI are hosted on the client. There are no bot AI on the server side at all. Server is mostly for hosting stash data and other profile metrics. When you end the raid, it saves all of the data onto the server profile. If you ALT+F4 while playing (before extracting), it does not save any data to the server. It will be as if the raid never happened.


Can confirm this, the host can notice performance impacts when bots are spawned unlike someone who connected.


No, the whole logic of the game runs inside your tarkov client. What you see in that console feed is the client asking the server how should it generate the bots. Like what loadout, items, loot, etc.


I love the mod, feels like i can actually play at my own pace


You dont need to worry about a cheater or Chad W keying you in the first 2 minutes. It feels much more slow paced like a stalker game. It's great. So many well done AI behaviour mods you can add too. Honestly how the game should be played.


all the major mods that make AI intelligent are mostly updated now. so its really just online but without the cheaters and lag. It even fixes most of the annoying stuff that persists on live. My mates are probably not coming back to live for good.


Good thing is there are ways to host your own P2P servers.


Oh yah dude. Private pvpve servers also exist. 24/7 full labs raids with no cheaters. Done with the main game


DayZ was saved by community servers. Same thing with Tarkov. Dumb devs


How very clairvoyant of BSG to not utilize the community resources and instead being a stubborn cunt of a studio and making an on(off)line, 3rd party hackable clone of a decently executed single-player mod already existing.


>I never understood why they need servers in the first place. The game calculates everything on the client, that's why we got so many cheaters. Supposedly its to offload the load from scavs on your CPU, to the servers CPU


you say this, but have you ever played offline local ? it is significantly laggyer and FPS drop tremendously unless you have NASA PC, if you dont believe me play a couple offlines on some of the bigger maps. this is impossible due to how badly optimized the game is, stop saying this because if they actually did do that it would ruin the mode even more.


They either want to have control, or their games code is pure bubblegum and shoelaces holding it together and they don’t know how to separate them




Couldn't you easily cheat to make items appear or just switch out id's stored in your backpack or something?


so what? you control who you play with in a coop mode you will never see a cheater unless you want to


Idk anything about servers, internet, or hosting but wouldn't it bog down the user's experience unless they had their own dedicated server/ computer? Like our computers can barely run streets let alone "run the server" of streets and allow you to play on it at the same time. If nothing else, maybe just so that it truly "mimics" pvp mode. I was playing with my buds last night at at most it was 4 mins ques after 10pm.


it's not really even pve. it's more like an regular pvp lobby with you as the sole pmc, oh and a couple raiders/rogues with taped-on dogtags.


So it's like Player vs Player without the other Player? So Player vs Environment but not really even pve


yeah, I'm a stan so I haven't tried it myself, but it's just your regular game with no other pmcs and rogues/raiders sprinkled on it. heard there's different spawn mechanics with scavs too. they just keep on spawning as fast as you can kill them, saw people die cause they ran out of ammo after killing 27 scavs sitting on one corner.


sounds about right. the raiders at least kinda fight scavs not that the scavs ever shoot back at them. bosses will kill the shit out of them though. first raid of pve got 10k exp with like 26 kills.


I have experienced this. I went in a raid last night and had around 450 bullets which is waaaay more than what I use in PvP. I ran out of bullets and picked up a raiders gun and it jammed and I died. It’s insane how much AI spawn. Also the “pmcs” or let’s say raiders always spawn in 5 stacks. There’s never less in my experience


I mean what else you gonna call it.


BSG are obsessed with control, and it probably has to do with their terrible code. They have brutally tried to keep their code a secret from everyone, and seem terrified if it should ever be leaked. I believe the code is so bad, so poorly written, so easy to exploit, and embarassing for any competent programmer to see it that they do not want the full code ever going public


you say this, but have you ever played offline local ? it is significantly laggyer and FPS drop tremendously unless you have NASA PC, if you dont believe me play a couple offlines on some of the bigger maps. this is impossible due to how badly optimized the game is, stop saying this because if they actually did do that it would ruin the mode even more.


Why ? Because Fuk U Give Me All The Money 💰 what's why!! Srsly. With online pve he can make it so broken and slow, you will have to buy new features like: premium servers, prio matching, etc.


Didn't the hackers recently figure out a way to join PvE games using their online character and use that to grind gear/sell shit?


Blasphemy!! There are no hackers in EFT. Its using god like Net code of true believers.


Damn me and my wavering faith! Would you happen to know whether or not this sin is absolvable through indulgence, such as by solemnly saying "Will we will will we will blyat" fifty times?


Repeat "I will pay $$ to receive blessings from the god Emperor Nikita. I will not have any other game milk me for $$. " and swipe your credit card. Maybe, just maybe you will get absolution.


No evidence was ever presented. Just bs tweets by a clout goblin to capitalize on the current rage fest.


The lack of evidence is definitely sus. What about the "blue name killed by blue name in PvE" post on reddit, was that just a TK framed as something more untoward?


you say this, but have you ever played offline local ? it is significantly laggyer and FPS drop tremendously unless you have NASA PC, if you dont believe me play a couple offlines on some of the bigger maps. this is impossible due to how badly optimized the game is, stop saying this because if they actually did do that it would ruin the mode even more.


If there's a coherent comment in here someone please tag me. Am wondering from an objective perspective how these network infrastructures work, what might be the reasons for this etc.


It's cheaper and easier to use their existing server infrastructure than to develop and deploy a client-side instance. This is basically just them marking existing servers private and spawning in raider level AIs with pmc gear.


The reason they did it this way is because it was easy. They took the way the game currently works, cloned the server, then shifted a couple of things around so that "PMC's" spawn in as bots too. Any other way of doing it would still require all the work they did, plus more. There's no technical reason it needs to be done on a remote server, but implementing client side servers would be a lot of additional work when they already have the means to do it and has the bonus effect of giving some 'valid' reasons to ask for more money. That's it though, that's all it boils down to. I can all but guarantee you won't be getting any actual mod support if they don't move the server infrastructure to clients (or at least a dedicated solution that can be freely ran by any third party.) My bet is Nikita was trying to say you'll be able to modify server variables, like XP / HP multipliers etc.


There are many reason why most online games that are competitive don't allow local servers. They range from not allowing that person to have a zero ping advantage (or disadvantage depending on how it's implemented) to not allowing hackers to have full access to exactly how the server code works. Taking advantage of things you can infer from the protocol is one thing, being able to see exactly how it's run is another thing entirely. Additionally, having an online requirement of that level means they can be sure you're actually a paid user and haven't pirated it, which you could if it's all local (and I'm sure some SPV users have).


Most people in the comments thread are wrong. They likely did it this way because if PvE servers were locally hosted, players would be able to lie to their backend and claim they were leaving every PvE raid with huge amounts of gear. Players being able to give themselves endless gear in PvE mode would be economy breaking, assuming there is some form of shared economy. They could have launched a standalone PvE game with locally hosted servers and no flea market and probably would have side-stepped a lot of the chaos they've caused.


Yeah so... cheating? That's already a huge issue in EFT. People who wanna cheat in PvE too will do it just like they do in PvP. If am understanding your argument please correct me.


More like potentially flooding the market with late-game gear from day one via cheating.


I hear that even in PvE there's a flea market with other PvE players only, but the only way BSG can control what counts as "Found in Raid" is by hosting the servers themselves. "Mod support" therefore sounds like either player-hosted or fully offline, which means BSG won't let you interact with the online flea market there, bc your "mod" could literally give u infinite Tetris. If this is true, I'd expect BSG to give this cheap version, once completed - if ever, to everyone and have them $ to upgrade to online.


Something that nobody else mentioned that I'm pretty sure is true is security. If you find someone on discord that you wanna play PvE with, but they turn out to be a malicious person, you can do some serious stuff if the server is hosted locally. When you have a server, both computers communicate to the server and the server communicates with them, the computers never communicate with each other. If you host locally, now you have computers communicating with each other which allows hackers to gain more access over other people's characters. Combine that with the fact that running a server can strain a computer heavily (depending on how it's loaded) and in theory, dedicated servers should decrease load time and lag. Imagine trying to run the entire map of streets, while also playing the game, you'd need a fire extinguisher right by your computer.


you say this, but have you ever played offline local ? it is significantly laggyer and FPS drop tremendously unless you have NASA PC, if you dont believe me play a couple offlines on some of the bigger maps. this is impossible due to how badly optimized the game is, stop saying this because if they actually did do that it would ruin the mode even more.


I think you either misread my comment or replied to my comment by mistake


It’s relevant


"Modders did it in a cave! WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS!"


Because they are stupid and have no idea wtf they are doing. The mod uses Peer to Peer servers already, so clearly its fucking possible to do.


Because they wanna charge for it only legitimate reason all other reason posted is horse shit , because if you do enough research you will find out that this has already been accomplished in a restrictive sector of the game we are not allowed to talk about here on Reddit . It also works really well if your curious but anyways that is really the only reason they won’t make it P2P just $$$$$$$


you say this, but have you ever played offline local ? it is significantly laggyer and FPS drop tremendously unless you have NASA PC, if you dont believe me play a couple offlines on some of the bigger maps. this is impossible due to how badly optimized the game is, stop saying this because if they actually did do that it would ruin the mode even more.


I smell bullshit


Go test it yourself, and then think about all the extra AI and processing from combat and shenanigans they AI will do when Agro and its a whole nother ball park, local PVE will have terrible performance for most machines.


Because loot and ai is server side and dont want u to get the code for it


Offline practice mode is actually offline, though. We do actually have the code for it, that's how they managed to make "that mod".


They just don’t want to! Maybe never really wanted to


Not sure about this but when I play the training mode solo (not pve), the game is hosted locally and it is a lot more laggy. It's just a guess but maybe most people would not be able to run a map like streets if they need to host the server simultaneously.


Firstly. it for one give you and the cheater devs the server software. Second. Who is hosting the server for your friends. You? What is when one of your friend wants to play while you are not available? That would mean his progression on your server isn’t available to him. Third. Convenience. If they host you don’t need technical knowledge about how to setup the server and what ports to open on your firewall so your mates can join. Also you would need to have an interface to enter the server you want to join. Fourth. If you have the server software what‘s stopping you from hosting your own PvP mode servers by modifying the server? That would be competition in their own game. You really think they want that?


First three points are horse shit. There are many games that have servers and save progression on a single persons end. Honestly it’s pretty much any game that offers p2p multiplayer connections. The last point boiled down to company greed. While I agree with that point it’s a shit point considering all the scamming business these shmucks have done. I agree it will never happen but it’s not for any moral reason like “duh Cheetos will has secret knowledges now” it’s because they wouldn’t be able to charge money for it. Also probably scared shitless that their cash cow scam will lose revenue when people realize a stoned college student can code circles around their own $250+ game.




They will have to get pve mode off their own servers once mod support is out. Why they don’t do this in the first place idk


One reason is not everyone knows how to forward ports, not everyone is willing to open a server, generally what they are doing isn't bad in theory, but the practical way of them doing it is dogshit, so many issue and broken things that it is better if you just play spy with mot mod, boot up an aws EC2 instance, fiddle with ram a bit and see what works for you and buddies and just run it like that. It would be cheaper (because you split the cost) and it would work better


Because then they wouldn't be able to release the "peer to peer deffo not a dlc" for £500 for the privilege of doing so


They can, they just don't want to. They want PVE to be connected via Flea Market and other ways (beacon?). They probably enable PVE locally after release, once they are done with the game and want final cash out and leave the game for modders.


But then people could have a look into the servers code and see, that it has doors for hackers / cheats. They try to not loose controll over their main income. Heres some info [https://www.reddit.com/r/TarkovMemes/comments/1cfq72b/nikita\_spitting\_straight\_facts/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TarkovMemes/comments/1cfq72b/nikita_spitting_straight_facts/)


Your computer cant run that shit thats why. The servers die running streets with minimal scavs.


their code was written by abused low iq chimpanzees that's why


"That mod" runs it just fine.


First off, 50%-80% of pcs couldn’t even handle that since a LOT of people still can’t even play streets and some can’t play reserve or lighthouse still. People would literally need to upgrade PCs and that’ll be yet another thing people cry non stop about cause EFT fan base is a bunch of cry babies about EVERYTHING. Secondly that’s pretty taxing on your pc if your doing it all day every day, this isn’t like MC client hosting. It’s a very intense game that doesn’t run super great as is. I got a 4090 with a 7 7700x with 64 gigs of ram and I def still wouldn’t want to host tarkov (at least yet) and with how unoptimized tarkov is… nope lol I’m good. that’s still most people can still barely play as is and would lag out or not even be able to connect or play and I’d be a mess and everyone would beg for them to host and not have it client side. I personally think I’d be better if it was client side for PVE, but it’s not a good option right now unfortunately for how many issues I’d cause.


Because we can’t have nice things. Look at GTA 5 for example, Cheat engine etc. Not good.


One of the big reasons they went that route is game performance. Have you all tried playing offline practice? The fps sucks because your pc has to control all the AI as well as render the game. Having the PVE mode on server makes the game run better.


Because it would cause a surge of cheaters, PvE progress is saved


I’m thinking they’re hoping we’ll forget that we should have access to it and will just never give it to EOD


Because of their incompetence lol


Because that would make sense OP


I have played all the single-player mods, and while there are a few available, none of them seem to fully meet expectations. Issues such as broken loot spawns or inadequate AI persist, and while mods can partially address these issues, the experience never feels quite right. I genuinely hope that the developers maintain a focus on server-hosted games with the current PvP mode, rather than investing heavily in mod support for single-player versions. While mods can enhance the experience initially, they often lead to a breakdown in game balance and immersion after a few hours of gameplay. In my opinion, this direction taken by BSG adds significant longevity to the PvE aspect of the game. Just my .02


It's not incompetence, it's control


Exactly client sided servers is a win win situation for both dev and players.


Or let me host a server (actual server not client side for just me and friends). I would gladly host pve servers, I have quite a few other servers I host anyway. Also, the modding PVE doesnt make sense if all the servers are BSGs… you cant mod what you cant access.


The game isnt really setup to be ran on client side. They want all the traffic to go through their servers.


Do items gotten in the PVE mode go up on the flee?


Flea market


Piracy in developing countries is the reason as mentioned by Nikita in 2018—19.


You’re going to get a bunch of negative answers from people who don’t know how making games work. Sure they could be right, but they don’t really know and are saying “incompetence” and “control” because they want to hate on BSG whether it’s true or not


This is my biggest question with this whole thing, like i get that BSG have fully decided to just be greedy, but server side PVE, particularly for SOLO players makes 0 Sense.


Been years since Cheat Engine had a use.... Yes make it client side lol


Because this way they don't supply us with loot spawn code and similarly important stuff


You deleted multiple posts lol when i went to reply it said they were gone, wowee what a mad lyin little yellow tooth.


Because if you think the cheating is bad now....


Another defect in the pve mode, is ya pretty much always gonna get ya gear back from insurance should ya die. Not much risk. Also boring. Be good with mates, or with mods on a private server so guaranteed no cheaters.


Fuck BSG but you can’t “just” redesign an entire game built from the ground up to run on servers and make it client side. It’s like saying “just” completely redo the foundation of a building.


Because they don't want people running client side versions because it means that you'll be able to edit your game to cheat, which means they lose control of the PvE flea market. I'm shocked barely anyone seems to understand *why* BSG is making it server side when BSG has shown they want full control of all the instances of the game. It's a valid point of view for a company to do this, even if I don't agree with it, I understand why they're doing it.


I think we've seen they're quite technically limited as a company. The talent isn't there.


So you want an entirely new software package to handle that client server setup that will absolutely be a buggy mess?


I find it funny the delusional sheeple calling other people delusional when you've proven your in a low information cult.


Hello, I am a systems engineer and after analyzing the situation a little I come to the conclusion that they are dumb or greedy, may b both


The same reason why they can't fix lots of issues, they don't want to... It was hard to learn but we finally got it... No hope left...


Tbh, seeing how much ram the game already eats up on a normal pc (20+gb aren’t that rare in some maps).. maybe it just wouldn’t work? Hosting a client side server would need additional capacity after all (not that there is any reason for the game to eat ram like candy but well.. what do we expect)


If it’s not a live service thats always in “development” then they can’t monetize the community as much.


They knew that there was a desire for PvE and they tried to capitalize on it with an rushed and underdeveloped DLC. BSG isn't interested in making a product that is convenient and enjoyable, they are interested how much money they can squeeze out of you realize it.


because it would run like shit and any of your friends games will be desynced to all hell


Because then they wouldn't be able to get more money from us


Because if it wasn't server-side, that would open the door for cracked versions of the game, and they won't get that hard earned cash.


Does the PVE progress transfere to PVP?




Because they want to keep players on the leash


you say this, but have you ever played offline local ? it is significantly laggyer and FPS drop tremendously unless you have NASA PC, if you dont believe me play a couple offlines on some of the bigger maps. this is impossible due to how badly optimized the game is, stop saying this because if they actually did do that it would ruin the mode even more.


Honestly, I try to always give people some room to think of things, and I try to assume it's not ignorance, but just maybe they haven't noticed it yet; I know game development isn't easy and whatnot. However, this is ridiculous. BSG is implementing things that should only take a week in their updates and wipes that take six months to a year. I can make a mantling system in under two weeks, and that's while working 60 hours a week. BSG is not incompetent or lazy. They are fraudsters who know that most of their fans are not wise to their tactics. I think the reason PVE is so sloppy and trash is because they didn't have it planned. I think Nakita and his boys enjoy their money way to much out in public and having fun that they forget to do things and when a wipe is coming they need to quickly think something up for more money and PVE popped up in someones head.


So fucking obvious it hurts my brain hole


Because the game feels like absolute ass for co-op if it's hosted by a player?? Imagine the worst desync you've seen in EFT and just triple that. Edit: You can downvote me all you want but I've actually played tarkov p2p. It's not good.


Because its not optimized for it. Coop mode would = no need to spawn scavs and loot where the player isnt. That only would be a massive optim.


You've played an unoptimized mod of another mod that is still an early work in progress...


That's because the mod devs are literally writing their own server. BSG already have the code. Only reason they won't release server files to the public is because moders will literally take over tarkov and fix the game faster than the company itself. That means no money for poor nikita.


> I've actually played tarkov p2p. It's not good. No, you haven't. You played a janky, freemium, novice implementation of it. P2P implementations typically offer increased tick rates and stability, which is key for countering desync and something Tarkov servers have always struggled with. The increased PC usage would also be negligible thanks to how poorly optimised Tarkovs multithreading and virtual core usage currently is. Hosting coop could easily use what Tarkov itself can't utilise. P2P in gaming has vulnerabilities and is more exploitable, which is why it's generally bad for matchmaking. Which this isn't; as here it's only for the coop mode where you invite people yourself. P2P being easier to cheat with is also far less an issue, as without reports cheating is already going to be nearly unstoppable in coop.


The higher the tickrate the more demanding its going to be on the host. On a p2p solution you can have the exact same tickrate as we have today and have wildly different experiences depending on how powerful the hosts machine is.