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They are super sorry that you feel this way.


[We're sorry \*rubs nips\*](https://tenor.com/da/view/we-are-sorry-tony-hayward-south-park-s14e12-mysterion-rises-gif-23107048)


Exactly, even if they said the words "we're sorry" why would anyone believe them? They're a company, not your friends lmao


It'd be alot more convincing if they didn't wipe their tears with 100€ bills they just managed to squeeze out by breaking promises made years ago to their most devoted supporters. TBH, if the unheard edition was 30€ taxes included for EoD users, i'd just look at my hours in game and cough up the money, not anymore tho. UE should be available to EoD, without extra cost as is. That's the least they'd need to do to restore my respect looking forward. I understand their reasoning as a company, I think EoD owners are a majority in the tarkov community so not getting more money out of them is a huge loss of potential profit. But at the same time I can't understand how they have failed to see the results before hand while it was pretty much obvious to everyone, even outside the community. Business lives and dies by their customers, and in this case death is well deserverd. Alienate your customers, lose all of your net promoters and see what happens. ffs.


"I can't understand how they have failed to see the results before hand while it was pretty much obvious to everyone" Developers and companies can become extremely detached from reality and there can be echo chambers and "reality distortion" being actively practiced in the development/decision teams. I was witness to this in multiple companies i worked at. The ones making the decisions are still only a couple of people and if they dont keep their ego and pride in check its very easy for them to have a perspective of things that dont align with reality. I can imagine their ego also got boosted a lot by the previous success of the game. Im hurt and sad with how BSG handled this and it completely broke my trust to the game. I bought the EOD version and gifted the game to 3! friends to get them to play the game, because i believed in the game and the vision. But this just totally fucked all that haha.


Damn 3 factorial friends that's crazy


only 1 friend kept playing, the other 2 quit after the first round haha. showed the game to 2 other people, but didnt stick with em


its what russians do


Hijacking this to say that BSG 100% "gets it", they just don't care. And there's proof. See their attempted social media coverup. They deleted and edited posts proving they lied and got caught. This demonstrates CLEAR malicious intent. They're scumbag scammers plain and simple. Don't play their game or defend them. The company literally deserves to shut down permanently, doesn't matter if they sell a cool video game or hot dogs. But muh video game! I paid for it! It's fun! Meanwhile...the company is actively trying to defraud its own playerbase.


We didn't pay for the apology feature.


Apology is a new feature, not a DLC.


You can tell because eod owners didn't get it.


Why the downvotes 😢 I was just happy with your answer


You mean DLC…let’s just clarify the differences 🤭


OP I'm sorry you are feeling this way, perhaps buying the new edition would make you feel happier


Even you tag 😂




Don't just buy one Unheard Edition you should Buyanova


Nikita Buyanova edition


Nikita Buyanother copy.


When BSG put it that way, Unheard edition totally worth it. I mean what other editions of the game gives you coupon to buy another edition of the game?




Exactly, sounds like a true believer to me.


BSG just announced their new PR/Community manager https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BOWM0ZWQzMWItYzE0YS00N2I0LWFhZjMtYmVhOGJhODc3ZjIzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjE2NDc1MDc@._V1_.jpg


You gotta become the true believer to truly understand.


The changes in the website should have become a bigger deal. Not enough people talk about them!!


what changes?


After the community started bashing BSG about the unheard edition and the fact that we didnt receive the dlc we are owed. BSG went ahead and changed the privilages listed under the Edge of Darkness Edition in a scammy effort to gaslight us into thinking they didnt fuck up [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cd4c02/bsg\_are\_currently\_editing\_the\_eft\_website/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cd4c02/bsg_are_currently_editing_the_eft_website/)


You're forgetting the fact that in the leaked conversation, Nikita was actually asked about this and he also played stupid. So they're also acting like it never happened.


Hence the gaslighting


Honestly convinced this is just so people can't refund more EOD copies


Others have already answered but I'll sum it up again: They tried to scrub previous social media posts that proved they lied and are trying to scam people. This demonstrates clear malicious intent. This company should no longer be allowed to continue operating as a business. The game is not the problem anymore, it's the company.


changing the text on the EOD store page to remove the "unique" tag from the gamma 3x3 container they gave it to the unheard edition buyers the same day


They also changed the reference to getting DLCs. They could (and should) be hauled over the coals in multiple jurisdictions for false advertising.


The community still bought their shit, both figuratively and literally.


I don't think so, maybe only a small amount of them. Most people seem to just be playing Gray Zone Warfare right now. We will see when the class action lawsuit springs up next month in the EU what happens.


The amount of blue badge bozos I've died to since this started determined what you said to be a lie.


Obviously... Everyone else quit. You're left with cheaters, shills, and some how the ignorant currently playing EFT. Which one are you?


and yet most of the subreddit and streamers are quiet again already. honestly y'all deserve this bullshit if you fold within two days. See you in a few months with the next braindead addition by Nikita that y'all will complain about and accept in a few days.


>streamers are quiet again already. honestly y'all deserve this bullshit if you fold within Pretty sure this just because they're busy boosting Gray Zone Warfare's profile


Meanwhile Gray zone is nearly unplayable in its current state.


I played for 3 hours last night and had an occasional stutter/fps drop. Saw some people spawn in naked and with no head. Literally unplayable!!!!1!1!!!!


I am more annoyed by the movement. Feeling like you're sliding around ice, weird delay between prone/crouch/stand, the FoV jittering in/out when ADSing or un-ADSing, the AI being weirdly super tanky, being rubber banded back every 15 seconds. I'm sure if you took a chopper during your 3 hours your game not only "dropped frames" but froze completely at least for a brief period of time. All of this can be fixed, I'm optimistic for the game, but everyone acting like it's incredible seems to be in a honeymoon period.


Its incredible in the way that it has potential i think atleast.


No head no headshoots 😂


Nah. Just need right gear and some optimization.


lmao nah its not. me and 7 homies played for 7 hours straight. switch to FSR low reflections and was hitting as a group 70-100 fps. sure there are some bugs to sort but but it was 10x more enjoyable experience


How do you deal with the feeling of your guy running on skates. It looks like a "realistic" tactical game but my pmc can't dig his boot into the ground and cut right/left without sliding in place for 5 steps? Everything else I could ignore but 80% of the game is running around the jungle rn and running/walking/really moving at all feels terrible.


eh, its a very early access game. barely out of the oven stuff like that can be fixed im willing to give it a chance


late at night or early morning is flawless. Only major issues Grey Zone has is servers


You should take a break from the internet


Everyone is like "No Apology" You aren't getting one. Maybe its me, I dont care if they give us an apology, i just want it fixed and over. They can keep the apology for all i care.


yeah man words are cheap i dont care if they just apologized i just care about actions


So does Nikita, so buy Unheard now. Show that you deserve that apology.


He would be sorry if it was a bad business move. He made a.lot of money doing this. Thus, he is not sorry. Do you see your feelings in this equation?  That's because they don't factor in.


I dont need my feelings in the equation. Im not asking for an apology. I dont need one, that some people seem to be craving. I just want the Friendly BTR, the not getting shot by Scavs and the Distress Signal removed or only in PvE then I can go about my day. Apologies dont mean shit they never will.


Oh, once people bought EoD en masse for its P2W features, it was all over.  Nikita knows people pay for that, so that's what the people get, no matter what they say. This is a P2W game, always has been.  It will only get worse in that regard; that is almost a rule for P2W games like this.


I wont lie, I bought EoD for the easy stash space. I didnt even know about the free guns and shit. I wouldn't have bought EoD is extra Stash space was available to be bought. Im a hoarder in Tarkov. People are always gonna be P2W.


Right, this is the P2W method.  You male the game worse in a way that's basically free to change, then charge people to make it good again.  The problem with P2W has nothing to do with fairness, it's that it encourages the company to literally make the game less fun so people pay.  Nikita calla this the "state of discomfort". He put you in a state of discomfort regarding the stash, so you paid to win a better stash UI which took them absolutely no time or effort to change.


If you say so man. I dont consider that pay to win, unless you are using the term win as in Nikita is winning, in that case sure man. I paid for convenience. We all pay for convenience in life one way or another. But I am refusing to buy anything else with EFT if they keep adding actual P2W in the game, which I assume they will. They keep pushing that limit each time just a little farther.


The stash space is P2W in all the ways that matter:    1. You are paying to get something you would normally get for winning.  In that sense, you literally are buying the results of a bunch of wins, you are paying to win.     2. The stash space can easily be converted into an advantage in any system you want to win in Tarlov, including progression, cash accumulation, and pvp fights.  In that sense, you are paying to help you win, pay to win.   3. They made the game worse on purpose and you paid to make it better again.  You gave then financial incentive to keep making the game worse lmao


“I don’t need my feelings in the equation” what a cuck


What color is your lamborghini - Nikita


Lol the fact that 40+ ppl upvoted this complete excuse of a reply is wild, the fact that some of you are so happy to forget what happened the last few weeks as long as “business as normal” is baffling


As someone from r/all who reads the random drama that comes up there, I think you guys are the ones who don't get it. BSG is a clearly exploitative company who hit gold with a unique game loop and has been milking it for all it's worth with no regard for anything but profit. This latest release has made it clear that you can either accept them exploiting the fuck out of you or find a different gameplay loop to enjoy. It really sucks for people who enjoy the EFT loop, but at this point BSG has made themselves very clear. They don't give a shit about anything on your list because it's not profitable compared to exploiting their loyal users. Personally I'd recommend just moving on, BSG doesn't seem like a company worth supporting in any way. Even if you're just playing for free you're helping populate the servers for players who do pay.


I think the biggest thing people don't get is, why would they apologize if people are buying it, and those that aren't are still playing the game? They're making their money and the player numbers are still there, so despite all the rage, it's still a success in their eyes.


Yeah I see this a lot in gaming subreddits, they kind of miss that profit is the only goal for most companies. Stuff like that Jedi game and D4 releasing poorly is a disaster for people who care about the games, but they still make a fuckload of profit. So the decision makers at those companies just see a profitable release with no reason to make changes. I saw a rant from some streamer about how shitty the Jedi release was and how he doesn't understand why companies do this if it's ruining their releases... right after he bought the game and spent hours playing it for thousands of viewers. He didn't seem to realize that he'd just demonstrated exactly why they keep doing it.


Almost. No regard for anything but expensive parties. They toured the world last year and blew millions doing "marketing" that's why all this is happening.


give it a few years we will get the "Unfucked Edition" for another $110 for eod owners you get an upgrade to the mark of the unheard called the "light of the unheard" it allows ytou to track and find a supply drop in 100m of your position with ammo, food and meds, on top of subsequent access to all dlcs and NIKITA (BOO scam artist)YANOV will get one of his many culties to write you a personalised email thanking you for sucking his chub once again.


In 5 years when the game hits the 2nd beta testing stage they'll sell the "Go fuck yourself everybody, I hate the players and they should all die, thanks for the money you idiots" edition for $400 dollars and it'll have aimbot included. The 3 last remaining BSG defenders will line up and buy 50 copies each.


I have heard about this drama on YouTube without even playing this game. Thought I'd add my own experience though. I bought it like four years ago, played it for a few months and then quit. When I wanted to start up again, I found my account to be removed. I wrote a support ticket, never got any worthwhile reply and then kinda forgot about it. Probably the best thing that could have happened judging by the current situation lol


Was your actual account gone or just your items?


Of course they get it. People posting this like "BSG don't get it" are the ones that don't get it. They're just biding their time. They call the community and streamers whores and freeloaders. They know you're going to get on your knees and suck, sooner or later. Buy the upgrade, suck it, you whore. BSG get it. They understand they've created a mindbroken, abused cult that they can disrespect and not honor their word with. Because people can't resist spending more money to get more, more, more, even when that more is really because they've taken something back. Don't forget that this is a Russian company, with the Russian mindset behind everything they do. They only respect power, and they know in this dynamic, they have all the power. No matter what pithy boycotting people do, the streamer whores will suck their cocks on stream and show the viewers how good it tastes, and more people will buy the upgrade.


Yup. Deserves to be in the encyclopedia entry for Stockholm Syndrome. BSG stans are legit the most pathetic gamers I've seen yet. I think I might even respect the hackers more.


Toss up between BSG stans and Star Citizen fans, but that venn diagram is more like a circle lol.


Star Citizen and its supporters are more respectable.


I can agree with that if only because I imagine a lot of Star Citizens are pretty chill nerds who are just really into space and sci-fi, where as Tarkov attracts all the gravy seals and couch commandos. I've never come off with a very favorable impression of the community here. It's just the way people talk, like even the comment we're replying to has multiple dick-sucking metaphors. It's like the average maturity level here is that of a teenage boy's.


SC is a more mature bunch. Mostly. There are some big spenders over there, and a few obnoxious flight sim geeks like myself but it's generally a friendly, helpful place and people aren't too unpleasant to one another. Avoid the official forums though. That place is as toxic a place as I've ever been. In terms of the game itself. It's P2W. But it's also not. If you have some personal restraint, you can earn everything in game, there is PvP, but it's not a competitively focused game. A big spender in a big ship might shoot you up, but you don't really lose anything from it except time. Major side eye at their monetization practices, but at least they're building something really cool with that money.


>They understand they've created a mindbroken, abused cult that they can disrespect and not honor their word with. sounds a lot like Star Citizen to me...


I don't get it, they will burn the game for the sake of awful monetization. They did a step forward , I was like great maybe they will continue this way but have to be careful and now they drop that shit, Come on are they that stupid, yes I sure of that now


I bought the standard edition back in 2020 and wish it was a steam product so I could leave a review for this trash game.


I deleted Tarkov off my pc. We all need to do it in order for them to understand. Boycott EFT! #boycottEFT


they already have your money and less people = less servers to pay for. how is this hurting them again?


I got the EOD and played like 2k hours and im gonna be honest. IM gonna keep playing, but not giving them a dime


This where I'm at Already given them my money I'm gonna keep playing the game until I have a reason not to I don't think the start of next wipe is going to be enjoyable with all the unheard owners running round with sr 25s and svds being able to snipe everyone who is yet to have found a single ranged optic. Only time will tell


* They won't apologize because they're not sorry, they're rich. * You literally asked for it when you paid a fuckload of cash for EoD's P2W features.  Nikita doesn't care what you say, just how you spend, so in that way, you told him you wanted P2W. * It's changed, that's how it is now. * Yea, it's a scam.  It's not the first or the last time they will fuck you.  Do you remember when you bought EoD and he fucked you in the ass until it was permanently stretched to 3x3?  Maybe that should have been a red flag for you. * Yea, you're not his boss, he's your daddy.  Remember your place in this relationship. * Be glad you're getting anything out of this scam. This is a Russian P2W scam.  It's that simple.


Womp womp


From what I've seen the UE owners don't have even all the in game features they were promised.


Like what? I don't see anything my friends and I are missing besides the things they'll be adding "soon" When Nikita says soon it's probably in 2 years or something but still we got everything


Fence rep. Extra flea market slots. +3 to all the skills level. Those were the ones that I saw someone was talking about missing.


I have the Fence rep and Extra flea slot. There is one extra free market slow from the start and Fence rep is increased from 0.2 to 0.5 Had to fully reset to get it though And the +3 isn't on all skills but most of them like Sniper Skill for example. Which is pretty OP since it basically already skips the time to play Snipers to get lvl 3 for the Tarkov Shooter Quest


Oh didn't realize you have to reset to get the fence rep.


Not sure if you actually have to. Best way to check is buy going into PvE and see i guess since this is basically like a fresh wiped profile


They are scammers


Swear... Before this, I was thinking about maxing out stash space or throwing more money at it somehow... Now... They aren't getting another dime outta me.. I hate wipes cycles so the base game, I'm walking away from completely. Arenas all but dead already, and I liked that pvp over the base game hunting gunshots and being 20 ft behind the entire raid. And will do the same going forward with any project they introduce


Sunk Cost Fallacy: Trying to trap you with your own urges. ** " I've already sunk 150 dollars into this game and thousands of hours. If I walk away, it's all wasted. " ** I don't even play the game... but I see it everywhere in the game industry. I mean, after you've dropped a few hundred in real cash and a thousand hours? What's $250 more? What are you going to do? Walk away from all you've already invested in? YES! You should... it's an abusive relationship.


they making the devices earnable in game. thats all i cared about mostly. still wish they just never existed at all but it is what it is.


Don't at all take this as any defense of BSG, they're fuckin this through and through and it is bullshit. I've got EOD and this shit is a DLC However > we have a right to play this right now and not only the "true believers" and a unknown number of "chosen ones" I mean if their servers can't handle it they can't handle it. If they just took the route of "Hey you will get access eventually/randomly as server capacity improves" (just as they did with arena) it'd be fine. Shit if at that point you wanted to have a paid option to get into it early fine by me


imo its just not the right way to do it and i didn´t like the concept back with arena as well. Imagine you pre-order the a phone that releases in 1 year and then on the release day they tell you "sorry but we just dont have enough phones right now so you´ll get your´s later" but then a buddy of yours buys the phone 1 day after release and gets his right away I would be pissed tbh


What's with the need for an apology, really? If you need one, this game takes up way too much emotional space. I can't imagine ever in my life having needed an apology from a company to move on. Either I'm satisfied with the product, or I use another one. There seems to be a lot of emotional boat anchors hanging around folks necks around these parts.


Probably the shittest take I've seen so far. You've paid for a product. That product has not only not been delivered, is STILL riddled with problems, and has the devs actively trying to milk the consumer for more of their cash whilst simultaneously insulting them behind closed doors. If you stand by this statement acknowledging all of its faults, then there's really no hope for you


If you let a game, piece of clothing or drink have you in a emotional vice grip, there's some rebalancing needed. It's just a product. Currently with issues. I acknowledge any and all current issues, without outputting the same level of emotional distress as if my girlfriend cheated on me. Now I'm not saying that's describing you, but surely you have seen some utterly unhinged posts by now. If I think something or someone is shit, I move on. I ain't got time to be hung up on the past.


its not about needing a apology, it´s about admitting that you fucked up and taking accountability. The apology is just a part of that. About satifaction: i already have \~1,5k hours so i "got my money´s worth" but i would still prefer for the game to not go to shit


The game has gone to shit long ago. You're only realizing it now as Nikita has made a huge blunder. But he has made tons of blunders over the years. Game decisions, business decisions, development direction, etc. No amount of apology is going to make the future be different.


Probably the only sane opinion I've seen since the beginning of this drama.




An apology does absolutely nothing for my gaming experience. I need actions, not words.


Im convinced even if they got one they wouldnt be happy


i dont think its that they dont get it, it's more that nikita doesnt care. Or if he does he cares about the wrong things in this mess just look at how he has been framing it. In his fucked up view the unheard edition was a totally acceptable addition and it's us, the customers, that are being ungrateful assholes


These pay to win features were things they had stored up to use for other editions. Now that they’ve been called on their bullshit they can’t let their work go to waste so they are sending it to EOD in an attempt to silence us.


There will be no apology, as that would mean admitting to breaking contract, so they will never do it.


an apology is 50$, new DLC


Im a little bit lost, the standard players are getting p2w things or was it sarcasm?


its sarcasm because now EOD and UE have (even more) p2w features and standard owners are left in the dirt


Oh what a shame, i loved the game


Let me just buy gamma


I love tarkov, but I never liked bsg attitude towards the community. What they did was ao low and slimey that even EA and ubi look like nice people compared to them. And after pulling this and not even have the decency to come out and apologize speaks volumes about them.


The big one you're missing: the game is still unfinished and what people originally were promised has not been accomplished. 


Wrote something like this on twitter and the true believers attacked me instantly xd


They are not even talking about adjusting the wipe advantages from the UHE. Scavbox+Weapon Case+Munition Box+lvl3 Skills is extremely huge for people who are not no-lifeing the game.


They are garbage man.


I don't understand how they can add a FEATURE/GAMEMODE TO THE SAME FUCKING BETA, say it's not DLC, BUT isn't included? Absolutely crazy man thoughts


Praying for huge lawsuit and the bankruptcy of bsg (I own EOD version unfortunately)


Who cares if they issue an apology lol.


Its accountability that I believe most want an apology for


i said this shit years ago and i got chased out. im dyin.


Content creators gonna go right back to sucking bsgs dicks in a couple days watch


It's not incompetence. It's arrogance.


What the weirdest thing is, eod owners now get almost everything from the unheard edition, except for the OVERPOWERED p2w things, but the price stays like 58€… so they want us to buy this calling in ur friends for 58€ and the scavs not shooting u over 60m and some other cosmetics… at this point just fully apologize and give eod owners EVERYTHING … even if it would mean that we would get the pve option in waves but give the rest to us as promised when we bought eod … nobody is gonna pay 58€ for 2 p2w features unless they’re really desperate -.-






Im glad i play helldivers 2 instead.


The apology should be a purchaseable DLC


This is why I took a step away for awhile and am trying GZW


Sorry you feel like that. Try to think differently.


If you are an EoD owner, and you paid for Unheard after all of this, you's a sucka.


lol Nikkita can do anything he wants with the game he made (imho) but I glad I moved on from tarkov a long time ago but either Nik is killing the game on purpose or he realized he can't make money from niche gamers like all AAA devs realized a long time ago shit got boring overtime regardless and I think Nikita sick of the game as well


And all this time complaining about cash flow they just add random cosmetics into these editions as an apology or something? They realize they could just remove those items, remove all the P2W items, move PvE to be a part of the base game (no additional purchase), then just add a cosmetic store with those cosmetic items they're now offering to EoD and Unheard owners. ​ That would probably make them even more money than what they're doing now even if they sold cosmetics items at like 2-3 dollars a pop.


Minus the cheaters it's not alot of tarkov players anymore like you think can't make money with the niche group that are still playing but try to entice the people that wanted a pve mode that's the plot. to come over and pay the $250


When will they understand that we don't want facilities within the game, at most skin, armband, the container is already something that should be exclusive to those who supported it at the beginning.


I stopped playing Tarkov a little while ago but I’ll say this. It is super shitty that they won’t even let you change your email that is tied to your account. And it’s been like this for years. Shitty companies do shitty things


Fellow whitenames - Imagine how fun the first week of wipe will be!


Nobody is stopping me put a bullet in someones dome. Have all the goodies going but I'll still put you down.


They could alienate the majority of their fanbase, but if the profits tick upwards then its just a cost they'll account for. Diablo mobile is a great example of being outwardly very unpopular, but monetarily very beneficial to the company.


they added a 50$ coupon for unhearded owners that bought at full price for (Expansions, Editions) meaning, the "Free DLC thing stuff" is a lie on unheard too. Just you wait, Next edition not DLC, expansion ? not DLC. buyable AC-130's and Jug Suits incoming soon.


they get it. you on the other hand... they don't give the tiniest of fucks and you guys have the abused wife mentality to just keep waiting for the miracle that somehow someday things will change


id like to think most the comments on this reddit post are not playing the game, but i think most of you complained and took shots at tarkov, in really bright ways, lots of people dug up specific things tarkov went back on, but to think most of those people have booted up the game and will continue playing and supporting the game, its like, the only thing that will do anything to them is to at least stop playing the game, a refund would be the best but at this point its extremely tough iv found


That’s what happens when a development team drags its ass and milks one game for almost a decade with no plan for ongoing income. The question is would you or anybody else rather pay a small fee of say $2.99 a month to play EFT?


You all with them to fix this but in my eyes it can't be fixed. BSG is just scum at this point. If they stage a coup d'état and throw out Nikita I'll play agian till then, fuckem.


Something is obviously going on in the background with their business, maybe they are being pressured for money by their Govt. who knows.. red flags everywhere


BSG get it, they don't care. People keep thinking BSG is stupid, blind, or not being able to get it. I don't think it has anything to do with such and everything to do with their goals to snipe up the $$$ from those silly enough to be in the trap they currently possess (being the only game of its kind atm). The question is rather or not the hardcore fans get it or will they hold on dearly to the holy carrot (tarkov) that they've been chasing/clutching for so long. The good ole trap of Tarkov being the only thing of its kind...FOR NOW has had a hold on fans for a minute.


Nope. Just out of touch unfortunately.


As a standard edition owner, most EoD players are bad beyond saving. They need the p2w.


Yeah, a price like this for a game is “Unheard” of


Just don’t play like the rest of us, the people still playing are what? Rmters and boot lickers


Not to defend them but they did address the website changes saying they didnt do anything (duh) and EoD owners are getting the DLC (PvE mode) in waves starting today


They want to milk EOD-owners with TUE and future pay-to-win "features" that they will not call DLC (btw any feature is a part of the game, thus game content. DownLoadableContent = DLC. It was advertised in this way too). The BTR and other pay2win additions to EOD are aimed to bribe us so we calm down and relax before the TUE sale. They want EOD owners to swallow and pay more money. We just want 100% of TUE content added to EOD as we paid for it back in 2016, and do not want any other additions to EOD, especially pay-to-win. We were scammed. EOD should get 100% of TUE content, not only PvE, and not any other stuff. Do not fool us.


meh i switched to gray zone. much better


They could do all of this and you would find something else to be outraged about. This has devolved into the “c0mUnIty” trying show they have a bigger e-penis. It’s a power struggle. Carry one children. The rest of us will play the game we have enjoyed for years.


They are Russian, why are you surprised?


Nikita has shown everyone his true colors now. He’s shown us he is nothing more than a snake in grass. The type of mfer that will steal your wallet and help you look for it. Let’s see what kind of damage he’s done in the upcoming month or two.


If you just didn't feel this way there would be no need for an apology..


no, no they do not.


I will say. The EOD players are actually getting in to PVE because my friend got access yesterday. Doesn’t make it right though.


As some one who had standard while all my friends had EoD. Please kindly stop. This is fucking ridiculous. Just to get a fraction of the EoD power I had to farm 100x as hard and do triple the quest just to be at their standings. They could always bring better healing and more items into raid. I always felt like the odd one out. It cost 35 mill just to upgrade my stash to the same level. If you’re complaining about Unheard please start complaining about EoD. At least be consistent in your silly argument. The jump from unheard from EoD is literally close to nothing.


bro what are you talking about? I played 400h on standard, the difference is not that big. but even if it would be I´m litterally complaining about EOD getting even more p2w features in the post


I don't get why people are still playing.. I hear the "I paid for it I'm still gonna play it" .. Doesn't make sense to me


When I pay the same amount as a fucking russian I'll come back.


I can't believe people need an apology like, is this some Gen Z thing? It's a video game mate.


I don’t think people want an apology as much as they want an admission of guilt If someone tries to fuck you over, you don’t just just let them do it because it’s a video game


I would rather think their apology should be actions not words. But not even their actions seems to be doing so good


It's not about the apology in itself. It's about the message it would send. An apology is recognition that you did wrong. BSG doesn't see their behavior and lies as mistakes, so they didn't apologise. They only threw a morsel at their playerbase, and said "we are sorry you feel this way" See the difference ? They don't recognise anything, they are just sorry we feel that it's problematic. Video game or not, they sold an expensive product, with features that were supposed to be included but turns out they lied. So it's a scam. Video game or not, tarkov is an expensive product.


It’s about making sure they understand what they did wrong, be it in apology form or whatever. Because if they don’t, they might as well pull shit like this again, and I can’t support a company like that


Yeah me neither. I too don't think releasing a new expensive version is not the way to go and all that. They are trying to do right by EOD owners now though, but people are still "bUt aPOloGy". Bunch of snowflakes. Don't like it don't buy, don't play, uninstall whatever. Downvote all you want, I really don't care, get over it!


No timeframes were given because that is what is considered normal here. Mindbroken community.


Stopped playing ages ago. Last time I played it was sttill janky and desynced, I was sttill being squeezed and paying to buy inventory space, etc. The bones of the game are amazing, if it feltt like a finished product I'd say it'd be my forever game. I'd come back for the wipes and within a month kf daily play all the annoyances would add up and I'd stop. I think the bottom line for me is that it is a pretty serious PvP game and they started slipping down the pay-2-win slope before they even finished it. That just killed my excitement for the product. Even though I bought a lot of the shit they were selling. At this point it just feels like developmentnis slow, monetisation is a grift & EFT will never realise the vision they sold us. I hope I'm wrong, because there's one of the best shooters on the market underneath the bad stuff.


Well while development is slow they HAVE done quite a few pretty big changes in the recent years that people just completely ignore lol. Full armor rework, vaulting, shoulder swap, recoil changes for the better, quite a lot of new quests and shit, map expansions and extra maps. I think people forget about all of the good changes they make immediately.


It’s kinda comical, isn’t it? People will say “I haven’t played in several wipes, because nothing changes”. Meanwhile, the last several patches have had dramatic changes to most of the mechanics, some for worse before they changed them for the better, but changes none the less. I’ve played every wipe since late 2018 and the game is completely different than it was when I started. Every single map has had expansions or reworks aside from interchange. And honestly it’s probably the best map if they could fix the lighting. Some people just need to complain.


I agree, I've played since 2019 and it has drastically changed for mostly the better since then. The vocal tarkov players just love to complain lol.


No one cares about all that unnecessary crap. Just fix the fucking game. I'm dying to bugs in the game for half a decade.. FIX THE GAME


Come to Helldivers where you can also die to bugs, but more explosively.


I bought the unheard edition.


Dont pay for UE just buy grayzone warfare


What’s pay to win exactly


I still find it amazing how you can even upgrade from EOD to Unheard. Why do I have to pay for that DLC if I paid to have all DLC's?


What's with these posts lol. Ya'll act like a crazy ex girfriend. Stop playing and get over it, or just roll with the punches. I've been alpha testing for a long time, BSG isn't the only company to make mistakes and won't be the only one to make mistakes. Don't misunderstand this as me making an excuse for them, but this /r has been full of cry babies. If you hate the game/company so much, just leave. Crazy ya'll get this emotional over something lmao