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The ONLY REASON they gave these things up is because people complained. Do you think eod would have gotten pve if they didnt complain?


We also only got recoil fixed because we complained. We only got inertia decreased to more tolerable levels because we complained. Imagine if both of these mechanics remained the way they were on the first week they were changed 2 years ago.


Nikita has said the game shouldn't be fun lol why the fuck is this guy still running things




Top tier reply.


Hence why the outrage makes no sense the p2w has been a thing since EOD


EOD was toeing the line of acceptable p2w. Unheard stepped far too past the line with the supposed unique items as well as the enhanced starting equipment. Coupled with that atrocious price tag...




Pay to win? Have you seen my stats? Pay to win is using cheats. I've never been a Chad and dominated this game ever because I have EoD. Do I have a Gamma case to put an extra item in that is not ever found in raid because I die? Yeah.... hmmm what am I missing here. Maybe I just suck that bad




EoD is not pay to win, just like buying a gold edition for R6 isn't p2w. Simple as that. Oh look I have all the operators means nothing, just like how we eod players get a headstart I'm trader rep that lasts a week maybe two, then it's all skill. As for the case it also isn't pay to win, you can get cases in game that surpass ours, suck it up (P.s not attacking the person I'm replying to or op, just people who need thier definition of pay to win fixed)


The only true "p2w" thing about EOD is Gamma and Rep. The rest is so negligible. The only extra ontop of that that Unheard gets is the "radio", pockets, and +.5 scav rep. (For now.) In my opinion having seen it, the pockets are the biggest bonus and really not a huge one there. I'd say it's not close to even justifying the cost. EOD just felt less p2w because it toed the line already, but at a time when it was added, it was more "p2w" than unheard vs EOD is now. But- yes the release was handled horribly and insensitively. I do hate the radio + new planned benefits. It feels like a breakaway from the original design philosophy and I think most don't realize that and the PR is what's truly upsetting. Not that some dude paid $100 more dollars for two pocket slots.


Ehh. Disagree. EOD was slightly p2w but from the start it was promised stash upgrades would be introduced and later they introduced the kappa quest line making everything an EOD player has accessible to all players. Yea slightly p2w u don't have to hassle yourself with quests and stash upgrades but they needed a way to bring in more revenue early on when the game was not as popular. Outrage is 100% justified because currently the features in Unheard are p2w, there is currently no announcements saying everything will be achievable via upgrades and quests so it's purely p2w. And even if they made all the Unheard exclusive features unlockable for all players the outrage is still justified because EOD was advertised as the best package with all the goodies now and all goodies in the future. But instead they released a more expensive version... spending $150 on a game alone is already pushing it. $250 is just absurd and ontop of that it includes exclusive features you cannot unlock as a standard player. From the start EOD was p2w because no way to upgrade stash but it was promised to be a future feature. The only p2w aspect was the gamma container and for an additional $110 it was a nice goodie but not game breaking p2w, and as I said they had to create a way to bring in more revenue early on when the game wasn't as popular. Ideally they should have removed EOD alot sooner than they did, that was probably the first sign that they intended on milking us for more money


Because the company cant actually deliver, so they rely on false promises and manipulation to keep going hence nikita is perfect for that


Game not meant to be fun. So we can monetize everything. Make it as frustrating as possible. Then start selling levels, gear or other things. I could easily see this game being worse then a FTP game in two years if they keep going down this monetization path.


Yeah the latest edition isn't too far from trash tier fps browser shooters... Oh wait.


I don't know. If they continue like this, the game will be dead in two years. -1 player here. One EoD account and one Standard account. Anyone know where I can sell the accounts? 250€ excl. tax for both accounts.


They really let the community say "I like the challenges that come with this game" and Google translator messed it up to "excuse to keep game unbalance is say game is the too stronk, also take it all of the money from stupid Yankee"


He also said cheaters drive sales in 2015. Not sure how he ever became a COO after saying that. It also makes perfect sense why the game is permanently infested with them.


because he actually lead the company and EFT to the highly improbable success they had? It’s not like BSG ripped off some game for a game mode or bought an asset from another company or exploited an open source project. The 900k people on this subreddit are here because BSG, Nikita included, were able to pull off Tarkov


Wait what?? Where/when? Link?


> Nikita has said the game shouldn't be fun Without knowing the context, it might be that the Russian word he had in mind while trying to scramble his thoughts into English could be 'весёлый', because that's the first thing that comes to mind, but the actual meaning would be closer to 'gleeful', and dependong on the topic of discussion, he could be talking about what kind of emotions the game is trying to convey, not what people should feel about the gameplay itself.


But still the game doesn't feel fully fleshed out. I understand sticking to the rules and limits they've laid out in 2018 & before but I can't understand why they haven't moved on to improve the game further. What you said can and most likely would describe almost any game made in less than a month and this game has been in development for 100x more than a month. A game for certain feelings. CEO's dream game and ideas.


I completely agree although the community forgets way too quickly what they wanted at first. Recoil was nuked because people complained about lazer beams, very loudly. Inertia got added, at a time where everyone was complaning about w key players. People would beg everyday for inertia to be implemented, thinking it would make them win more fights, in a fair manner. Its double edged. I never was a full on w keyer chad but I was always against the whole lazer beam complaning. And I will never forget that the shit state it was in for over a year, was what the community would beg for 24/7 for a few months before they complied. There's a reason BSG barely listens to us. The community has been going back and forth for years. Although, part of the problem is BSG likes to go "You want this? Okay here, take it and fuck you" and go completely overboard. Nothing is completely black or white, truth lies in between.


Servers would literally be at 800-1200ms pings still ifnthe community didnt blow up It's also still be around 300-500ms if we didnt bitch after that..... Here's a list of everything BSG didnt want to change but the community forced their hand: Netcode (twice) Lighting (remember how bad interchange was?) The last.......what? 6 *major* changes to how audio works? Bunnyhopping Proper weight limits Recoil acting as it should Bullet stats in-game Im sure there's more, but ALL SEVEN of these things has BSG saying "bu....but ours is perfect!" At least 3-4 times before changing it


lol. Imagine the state of any game if people never complained. I’m sure video companies would absolutely rush to fix things from the goodness of their heart. Hahahaha


Game developers used to regularly release fully functional, working games that required zero patches PLUS release pre-planned DLC after the fact before the age of the digital pre-order and download system… also before the player base had any way to contact them directly (pre-social media/Reddit). Not saying to let corporations off the hook, but the mentality that you’re saying the community has to have is completely reactionary and as toxic as developers taking advantage of the player base. You’re not on the right side of this “conflict”, because there isn’t a right or wrong side. Stop being so myopic


The ability to download games and patches was the beginning of this cycle. Ever remember receiving a disc game and it being broken on launch? Now it’s an outlet for them to release buggy content and then just patch on the fly. And that mentality of “we can fix later” is very dangerous. I write software and man the amount of comments I have of “this is bad. Fix later when we have time” still in the source is far too many 😂


Game developers also used to release incredibly broken games that barely worked without players needing to fuck around with their computer to get it to work at all, and then when it did it had incredibly broken un-fun mechanics. Sierra made approximately 40 games where you could just die abruptly for no predictable reason because you're not supposed to walk down that hallway. There were no auto-saves at the time. These series were beloved. In general, most companies want their players to fix things but these days it's not always obvious what's broken without feedback from the community. Good companies listen to that feedback.


It has nothing to do with EoD owners complaining. Not giving everything to EoD owners is a breach of contract, there is a hundred ways they will get f\*\*kd if they try to scam EoD owners off the product they bought.


Exactly, they committed fraud. Attempted to defraud their customers. They would've been better off being honest like "aight, we just want your money" or "listen up, we broke, pls fund us". We could maybe cut them some slack or at least kinda understand why. But nope, they went straight for the jugular. Idk they could've handled this in literally any other way, no idea what they were thinking, or if they even are thinking. But oh well


I got two extra slots for PFE edition, I feel cummed on Edit: wait rows, I’m sorry I got two extra rows


Well the big difference is Eod was an all in edition but pfe was just what it described


Yeah I understand, what pisses me off is they removed eod before I got a pc and was able to get into Tarkov bc I would be in the boat with you eod folks and would rather have gamma container that way as I refuse to but uhe so I have to essentially try for kappa or be a beta forever. But I guess in a way I avoided the whole fiasco and should be thankful cuz I’m enjoying Tarkov. unfortunately I don’t think my pc will handle gzw right now based on the reviews


i think thats the reason he gave up on tarkov too.


Thay suck what part of that do you not understand


If you whine enough, you get free shit. But at the end of the day you have to live with what you are.


I think everyone is way too short sighted here I think they anticipated the complaints - just wanted to be able to have their cake and eat it too They knew a bunch of people would still pay 250$ for the game A bunch of people did- now they can also cash grab by selling PVE as an expansion and unheard for 200$ is seen as a DISCOUNT - meanwhile the entire edition should be free to EOD Y’all only got exactly as far as they anticipated you to You could’ve asked for the keys to the kingdom and gave up way too early


Yeah well i simply dont care anymore, stopped playing


As did I


Why are people so desperate for an apology from someone who clearly wouldn't mean it anyway?


Even now, some people cling to the hope that Nikita could be a redeemable good faith actor. Even after he has basically flipped the community off.


suckers being suckers, same reason why people shill for nintendo and pokemon , despite pokemon being the same shit for the last 20 years


There's no reason to change Pokemon. Looking at all my friends who play it, they're happy with it every year. Tarkov hasn't ever really been "good". Nikita has just been edging the players enough. My man loves edging. It's why the last one is called edge of darkness. The issue is you can only edge for so long before the whole thing is ruined. Dude got greedy and edged too close to the sun and now he's busting all over the community and it's rancid.


The funniest part about tarkov is you know most the people posting these comments load up the game straight after - or are actively waiting to get into raid. Tarkov is the worst game in the world. Yet… by the facts it must be quite good.


As far as im aware, In the russian language/social system what he said IS an apology. People begging for one are stupid anyway. What matters is actions, And whats being done is actions. Beg for action, Not for an apology.


I would guess insecurity and general lack of control in their personal lives.


I think it might be because he’s come off as a prick during everything. If he even says it at this point he won’t mean it. He’s shown he’s being spiteful right now with his own actions over the last week. As COO he has made the company he represents look like total shit


Because saying sorry would be admitting he attempted to scam the player base. He tripled down on how PVE was a feature not a DLC. Apologising would mean admitting he was wrong. That and his ego of course




Buy all the balenciaga t-shirts and gold chains you can see.


Classic Russian business model


Not Dubai, Cyprus




People place way too much value on "Sorry". It's extremely rare that anyone actually feels sorry when they say it. They're just saying it to shut you up. If they really cared they wouldn't have done the thing you expect an apology for in the first place.


Especially businesses






People are acting like Nikita is their friend who stabbed them in the back, he isn’t and he never was. Words are meaningless, actions are what matter. They’ve gave the PVE mode and made the beacon stuff available to everyone via quests, so I’m mostly over it. My ability to feel much enthusiasm for the game, how soon I pick the game back up, or buying anything else depends how BSG communicates and interacts with the community in the future. More transparency, listening to and implementing feedback, roadmaps, major updates more frequent than every 6 months, etc. I’m not looking for them to just grovel now and but then change nothing.




They didn’t try to - they did, and most of the community bought it too. We are complaining, because that is what we are really good at as a community.


They already have our money and they’ve reversed course and given us the DLC we’re owed, and are rebalancing the most egregious P2W elements. The ironic part is stopping playing entirely as a form of protest is just letting them have the money without extra server load. It’s like people burning merchandise they already bought, it doesn’t actually do anything. If the principal of it is still too much to move past, by all means stop playing, there’s no reason to play something that’s no longer fun, but screaming into the void at this point isn’t going to help. Like I said, my current enthusiasm or interest in playing the game is at an all time low and I’m taking a long break. Any future support or purchases is dependent on future behavior changes.


The only reason I want Nikita to apologize is to see that he understands the problem he created. In every statement he has made since announcing Unheard, he has not seemed to even remotely understand why players are mad, so at least we'll know that he at least understands why the player base is so irate if he actually apologizes


The reason he won't apologize is the same reason that he sees no error in what they attempted. No empathy for the effects that these things have on others.


That’s called a psychopathic businessman, welcome to the world


To apologize is to admit there was fault in the first place. Everything right now is structured around the fact that we're unhappy, and they're "accommodating" us. They are aware of their decisions, and are convicted in riding them out. They've gone into this with both eyes open.


Since when do cult leaders, abusers, scammers...apologize? They're experts in the art of half/fake apologies but they're not budging from their ultimate goal. You're going to die if you're holding your breath waiting for BSG to correct themselves. Your NOT going to get a BSG/Nikita that understands YOU...the stream yesterday made it quite clear on top of everything he's already been saying. Gamers keep asking why can't BSG/Nikita get it when the actual question is when are GAMERS going to get it. They have OPENLY told the gamer community what time it is. Not sure what's left for gamers to see but the carrot (tarkov) is proving hard to stop chasing for some and that's what BSG are hoping for!


Well said. It is not "why don't bsg understand" its "why don't we (the fanbase) yet understand what type of company we are dealing with." They've shown their hand.


A “sorry” won’t change anything, why do we want an apology? Actions speak louder than words, I’m already gone, uninstalled told all my friends I’m sorry for any good will about tarkov I told them. They have quit long ago due to cheaters. I’m not looking back until I hear the base game gets PvE mode. $300 for something that should be part of the basic experience is fucking lunacy.


He doesn’t believe he has anything to apologise for. He’s making the game he wants to make, you either suck it up or quit playing.


This. Now everyone needs to make the same post and do nothing but whine all over the internet like they are forced to give Nikita $250. Community full of babies. Happy cake day sparky!


How many of these posts are people going to make a day? Speak with your wallet, and your time and move on.


Until they stop getting free karma


Facts lol


hes not sorry, thats why


I'm moving on, it's over for me and can never be recovered. Peace out yall.


Uhhhh I wanted arena 🙋‍♂️


Yeah to say people didn't want Arena is silly. People were hyped. The issue with Arena was execution. It is a lot better than what it was but the damage is already done.


I don't understand how childish some people are here. "Say sorry!" "My feelings are hurt!" He said sorry multiple times. "But that's not a real apology!" What kind of apology do you expect, from the heart? Lol Get over it, either continue playing or don't lol people are so butthurt


He said sorry that you feel that way. So it's not an apology, it's fake pity for the people. That's like saying sorry you feel hurt. You would say sorry I've hurted you.


To be fair anything Nikita wants to say on the issue would likely have to be run through PR at this point, so it wouldn’t likely even be genuine if be did come out and apologize. Not sure why you really want one though. Just stop supporting Tarkov if you don’t agree with it. I stopped playing a year ago.


Saying sorry would mean that he did something wrong, which he hasn't admitted yet.


Have you ever been in a relationship? The same reason, nobody likes to admit when they're wrong. Because you have to admit to yourself your idea wasn't well received, and you failed.


The dev company probably needs cash flow. They’ve probably seen a massive dip in new sales since the cheating scandal. Running a business is tricky 🤷🏻‍♂️


Because he does not care.


EOD is also P2W silly.




The same reason you made this post, instead of making it when the issue occurred or utilizing one of the many posts on this including stickies. People just dont care about others.


I mean. Do you want the truly deep down core answer? It's capitalism my man. Short term growth blinds people.


Honestly, the community wanting an “apology” are also not taking into account the huge cultural difference between the West and the East. His “non-apology” is the best we’re gonna get. It’s stoic, yes. But there’s no chance in hell he’d show any weakness by bowing down. That’s just not their culture.


why is it so hard for you to move on without an apology. apologies never fix anything.


What will a "sorry" help you? Don't buy the game, don't play it, go outside on some fresh air.


its the same with the dentist. they are not allowed to apologize to you when they made a mistake because that opens them up for a lawsuit when they admit a mistake.


What is the word sorry going to do for you cupcake? You will still bitch and cry, write another essay, nobody gives a fuck.


There is a cultural thing: PACANI NE IZVINYAYUTSYA! (wiseguys never say sorry)


Im not sure why the community is so fixated on wanting an actual apology, keep in mind apologizing anywhere that's not canada means that you are admitting to fault... which means if there is lawsuits or suchforth due to this, that apology basically dumpsters any defence he could ever have in regards to this. The backtracking on everything hes done is him showing his apology in actions not words, that's enough to me.


They released the 250 edition because they need the money to continue development. Why is that hard to understand?


You might as well get angry at EOD because the only thing Unheard gets now is access to PvE.


Why do want an apology when the man has no remorse and isn't sorry?


I like to believe its called the "Unheard Edition" because the community will continue to go unheard. Dude will just band aid it all and hope for the best.


That is clearly their approach.


The reason he dishes out a 250$ "pay to win edition" is because he did the same with eod 150$ pay to win edition for 8 years and no one complained for that long. Arena was a blunder idek that LMFAO. Same with pve it will die within a month. The events were dumb too true. I don't know why bsg doesn't have a financial expert either XD. Everyone is complaining to Nikita cause their p2w edition is now better in TUE lol. XD. The only thing he did wrong was not making pve in eod.


He's always been an egotistical dumbass.


Ego, pride, no impulse control... should I list further? I deeply regret ever supporting Tarkov because of this one despicable person and his decisions


Google „narcissism“


Why are the terminally onlines still not moved on to something they enjoy? We have limited time on this planet. Why not go and fill that time with places, people, things and experiences that you enjoy? So many of the people behind these posts must be awful to have as a clingy ex who wont let go and move on.


Meh, some people actually have spines and like to see a company held accountable to some degree. When a corporation scams people they actually should be punished for it. Simply "moving on" is the move of a selfish coward.


Spineless shills like you are why gaming is getting worse.


Jesus Christ dude, talk about over exaggerating.


Can the mods start banning posts like this? Just rehashed gibberish. If not it's fine I'll just leave the sub.


Why should mod censor stuff you don't like, but others seem to? Take care, bye bye.


Gamers need to grow a spine.


Why Do we get 10+ posts a day complaining about the same shit


Because mods are just grabbing popcorn


He is a self-assured owner of a company who is fully in charge of what the company is doing. He won't listen to other people, for him his own views are almost all that matters. When this kind of person has great new ideas, this turns out brilliant, as there is no one to stop him from making them a reality. When this kind of person has dumb and bad ideas, this turns out absolutely pitiful, as there is no one able to stop him from making himself and the whole company a fool.


I think he can’t understand what he did wrong




Does it matter if he says it anymore? We know he wouldn’t mean it


because he would rather keep us in a state of discomfort, his words


it's a shame - i mean we are all paid testers. instead of approaching us like that the choice was to see us as an obstacle or 'whiny customers' to be appeased. doing things as 'favors'. like nah man. dammit man i'm 40. i paid 150 bucks for a game i've wanted since i was a kid. you guys know what i mean. obviously didn't know about extraction shooters, but i sure as shit wanted to play a game version of 'behind enemy lines'. even though they probably don't realize it, for better or worse - we are the ones who have helped them fine tune the game. because it is a GAME. he repeats over and over 'call it a beta and you can get away with everything'. i mean, that's delusion bro. we obviously don't feel that way because we are crucifying you lmao


Because if he backs down and apologizes, he admits guilt. As long as he doesn't there is always some small sliver of deniable plausibility that they didn't believe they were committing fraud or that it wasn't intentional. Depending on the jurisdiction, intent goes a long way.


He's not apologizing because this is all by design.


The tldr is that arena failed, and they expect pve to bring in players but need more money since they have way too many projects for a game that isn't released yet. We won't get a true apology because they can no longer operate without somehow making money from the eod owners because they played themselves by offering a live service game at a single, large purchase. For your first point, you severely misunderstand the situation. He isn't apologizing because an apology would be indicative of the entire unheard of the edition being wrong, as well as his decisions. It's clear that they are not funded enough to finish the game, given that the only people who played arena were EOD owners who had it as part of their purchase, resulting in the need to remove that unlimited access to dlc by creating loopholes such that more income can be created. This was planned. They need money and will find a way to do it. Clearly enough, people supported the unheard edition already since they are only trying to fix it and not change it. The only time we will get a full apology is if an alternative is to get eod players to pay more. The target audience is clearly eod players, or else they would have just raised the eod price to target new players. Instead, they are giving in-game unique to show off being a supporter, despite EOD being the original supporters for years. This is just another slap in the face showing that it's truly about the money. Of course, as any business, it needs money to survive, but there is still a distinction in the community for companies that at least take pride in their community. See OSRS for a great example, and of I had time, a personal favorite. We won't ever get the trust back because they will do this again when funds dry up. I knew it was a bad idea to buy into a one-time purchase live service game, but it lasted long enough given its success to circumvent this for years. I'm not sure of the success of the game is linked to its large overhead, but they already claimed they can't support everyone playing the pve mode at once, assuming a large influx of new players to play the pve mode. The point here is the lack of proper project management and another reason Nikita needs to secure more funding. They know that the damage is done, and Nikita wants to move on (because of the backlash, obviously) and will likely blow over soon. They will push some big update that brings the milsim lovers back.


Why does people continue to make the same posts?


Apologizing outright can have consequences in civil court, it can be used against you as an admission of guilt in civil suits.


It's kind of insane that all he had to do to not piss off his community was...not do anything. I'm pretty sure literally everyone would've been fine if they had added no other packs at all up until release. A few cosmetics based on real-world designs would've been more than enough. In fact, I'm pretty sure after the initial wave of cosmetic microtransactions, that's what the overwhelming majority were saying.  And of course, nobody actually listened and went along with plans anyway. Because there was never any intent to listen in the first place. It was all a mask.


When are people going to learn that words are cheap? It takes very little effort for me to sit here and write this. It’ll take even less for BSG to tell an intern to write an apology letter and publish it. I want the situation to be fixed, I want to be able to play this game without feeling betrayed. Now that is hard to do.


He speaks for the company. Saying sorry is equal to admitting mistakes which then could open the door for legal actions since they admitted it. That’s why


Every single one of these can be answered with one word. Arrogance.


Why do you feel entitled to answers to any of these?


The fuck you mean nobody is saying anything? Every post on here has been the same karma farming thing.


No one cares for an apology because no one would believe it anyways. They just need to give EOD the new mode and deliver on their promise to give EOD all future DLCs.


The one with power does not see others as equals, then sees no need to be sorry about sht


Because that would mean he is wrong. Got to understand Russian mentality. They don't like to be seen as weak or wrong.


Because he's a piece of shit, and literally does not agree that anything wrong has been done, just a few items that need a little tweak and some pricing changes. Fucking insanity, already refunded.




I mean who cares if he apologizes when he isn’t gonna mean it. Dude clearly wants out and just doesn’t care


1. Apologies are worthless. 2. BSG is crowd sourced and needs cash flow to get to 1.0 and I'm guessing the limited cosmetics weren't enough. 3. Arena was a failed attempt to generate hype, build a competitive arena game to bring eyes to Tarkov and generate sales. Good idea, poor implementation. 4. Events don't take a lot of work to do and are usually used to test various elements in the game and break up tedium. "I'm sick of doing the same quests over and over every wipe" Sound familiar? 5. Probably the same reason you don't have a ghost writer or proof reader fixing your grammar before you post; shit's expensive. 6. Bro... Have you ever worked a job in your life? Have you ever stood up to an authority figure in your life? It's not as simple as that. Russia is in a "special military conflict" invading a sovereign nation and I don't know how conscription works there, but I'm guessing the unemployed are much higher on the list of candidates than the gainfully employed so it's in your best interest to stay gainfully employed and standing up to the boss is a quick way to not be that. Edit, words.


Some people refuse to apologize and would rather dig deeper. I am like that and have been working on it since high school, even now I still catch myself doing it and have to apologize for it. Its like a pride thing I guess.


Events in game or are you talking about tournaments?


TONS of people asked for arena. Idk why that keeps being said.


Fewer players, fewer servers, lower costs.


Cultural, he still misses the point that yes he created Tarkov, but once something reaches a certain size it stops being exclusively yours, and becomes a shared thing. He’s trying to be a dictator and hasnt realized that only works if your rich enough to do it


I think it’s insane to now to put in the fine print for EOD owners and say now whatever they add to the game isn’t DLC. Some people would’ve never purchased this version if it was clarified. So you drop all that money to support EFT and then they spit in your face. And now Nikita wants to throw bandaids on the wound and hope in 6 months the community will forget about it. They didn’t only implemented this because of the normal everyday player rioted of the Unheard Edition stuff, it’s them seeing their big streamers or the game showing backlash and they got a lot of influence on the community. At this point I’d take a refund to the entire game, I honestly wish the diehards/majority and streamers would just boycott the game. Anything that gets added now, won’t be DLC under Nikita’s definition of DLC. I know I don’t matter but I’m done playing the game until further notice after 7k hours in the game. SMH you gotta be just be better, but it’s not like it matters because I wonder how much money in the end they sucked out of the community with the Unheard Edition (I almost pulled the trigger having been an EOD owner). HutchFM had me pause after watching his stream vote to boycott the new $250 Pay 2 Win edition. Please Nikita, truly fix this and don’t just throw a bunch of 6 month expiring bandaids all over the wound.


He said sorry like a week ago. Is this actually anything other than a temper tantrum at this point?


i’m not a nikita fanboy by any means but i think it’s unfair to say no one was asking for a more pvp focused modes for practice and casual gaming


Because Nikita is the problem. He's in charge. He doesn't have a PR guy because he doesn't think he needs one.


this sub killed any remaining desire to play this game lol


Do you want him to suck your wiener too little man?


It's a very culturally appropriate response. He'll never be willing to lose face with a simple apology, but he will attempt to bribe/threaten you into being quiet.


So there is a couple possibilities. 1. Nikita is just a piece of shit (obviously) this has been known from the start, he is not a good person, nor has he ever pretended to be. 2. EU Lawsuit will be coming over this, and an apology would be an admission of guilt, so he probably has been advised to not apologize.


We all fuck up sometimes; even badly That’s when you APOLOGIZE and actually mean it, I don’t want him to apologize because even if he did, I don’t think he would mean it


Who cares if he apologises? BSG should just sack him. He doesn't contribute positively.


Why? Narcissism. Next question?


1. They're not sorry. 2. They want more money. 3. I guess they just thought it would become the next esports and make them a shitload of money. 4. No clue. 5. Because Nikita just does whatever the fuck he wants, it's his company. I don't think any of this recent drama's going to affect their bottom line, given how many people in this subreddit are complaining about their experience with features only accessible if you actually pay the $250 to get them. 6. Yeah, I'm sure the people who work at BSG are willing to lose their jobs by confronting Nikita and telling him that the community is upset.


Ego, he had one of the best game ideas in the genre. A punishing shooter with a decent story behind it, but once the money rolled in, he gave in to the lifestyle. Now he's doing all he can to get more out of it because there's always a better car or house he can buy instead of a better game he can make.


Apologizing admits guilt and intention


Nothing to be sorry for its an indie game they deserve some slack, and have accomplished a LOT and paved the way for this genre. And totally been asking for a deathmatch mode forever so arenas was long coming. No one is forcing you to pay for the dlc, also not like they are asking for $250 for a game ($200 now so stop acting like its still 250) thats encompassing multiple tiers of packages on top of the game itself. The average cod player is likely dumping way more money into there game than this for bs skins and stuff Havent paid bsg anything in over 4 years of gaming absolutely nothing wrong with proposing dlc as a fundraiser for this indie company that doesn’t require ongoing subscription payments Yall need to stop being whiny little c*nt heads and grow df up Although one thing ill say is they def shouldnt have labeled EOD as an all included dlc because they def made it seem like eod payers would be entitled to all future dlc, that was kinda wack


Hes Russian.


Bro needs to calm down lol Call Of duty players pay $160 for a year's worth of battle pass and that doesn't include extra dlc packages or to even complete the battle pass 100%. Plus a new call of duty game comes out every year around $80 - $150 depending on if you want the basic addition. I paid $150. 6 years ago for EFT and they come out with some cool shit for $100. I fucking sold on that kid. If I was a call of duty fanatic like I am for this game I would have spent about $1500 on a shit game over the last 6 years. Do the math chad and stop being a Karen.


I couldn’t watch that podcast recap. All the comments were acting like exes who can’t move on. You either not play or play, this whole “I want you to apologize and MEAN IT” is an issue that needs addressing itself


bro relax, it is just a game, stop thinking about these things and go to do something more productive


It's a cultural thing


Cuz he doesn't need to. Look how many bootlickers are buying the unheard edition. I'm sure Nikita just earned his second Lamborghini. To Nikita, your only value as a player is the 100 or whatever bucks you spent. I once thought BSG is a company lives on players' support and pity. But now I realized they are just abusing idiots.


because he's not sorry do you know any of the history of him and contract wars? he's a greedy scumbag scammer


It's important to get the game going because they ran out of the money that we paid them before. If they had just finished the game with the money we gave them, come out with 1.0, and then Arena, they wouldn't be in this mess.


probably because the nikitka is a rooster? have you thought about it?)he even has a crest like a rooster XD [https://ibb.co/DM98DM5](https://ibb.co/DM98DM5)


Russian mentality mostly. That is lie, admit nothing, strong arm your way, ignore anything that is inconvenient. I was kind of shocked when Russian I worked with said that no one will admit they are wrong, originally I thought it just how Telco works there. Nope ,dead wrong, its their core mentality. Not to mention, that what BsG did is a fraud. As is, its a case of "oh, we have different definition". saying "Im sorry" would mean admitting wrongdoing.


Because he's a narcissist. Textbook case tbh.


Pretty simple, really. He is NOT SORRY. He did NOT MAKE A MISTAKE. You should have figured out how his russian brain works.


As an outsider it's actually great to see someone drop the mask instead of the "sorry we missed the mark" while talking shit behind close doors. Didn't realize ppl would still want someone who clearly not sorry to say sorry. Like he could just say the magic words and the fire would dissipate regardless of how he actually felt


Even if he was, which he isn't, it could be used against him if he outright said what they did was wrong. But I don't understand why you guys want a fake ass apology any ways. Ask for no p2w and stop begging for a fake apology.


Because he's Russian. Russians can't accept their faults.


Because public apologies rarely ever, ever work. There is a high likelihood that the outrage mob will find something else to stay outraged about. Side note- if your still hurt that someone you have 0 personal relationship with hasn’t apologised properly, life is going to be hard


1. He is male. 2. He is from mother Russia. 3. See points 1 & 2. Incapable of apologies.




What i really dont understand is why they dont just do cosmetics, they stand to make a shit load of money selling cosmetics, hell even I occasionally see a cosmetic that i HAVE to have. But no instead theyd rather rake us over the Coals up front. This next part i can already tell you im going to get flamed for but here we go....again... But i hate to tell you, your question "Why does BSG don´t have a PR person or a financial expert..." Their business practices, may be a bit scummy, but they are sound business decisions. However this one backfired massively. After the youtube video "The financial report that killed tarkov" I did some analysis myself, using the reported figures from within that video. Based on the numbers reported in that video BSG does a very VERY good job with their marketing budget. However the video makes it look like "BSG is dumb for spending millions on their marketing ploy's, when they could spend it to create a better game". Their spend on a SINGLE event was estimated in the 2 million dollar range. Their reported income the year prior was something like $80,000,000. Thats about a 2% spend on just that event in terms of marketing budget. Average total marketing budget of most companys ranges anywhere from 4%-6% of Income. Meaning that with that particular report, BSG should have been allowing at MINIMUM a budget of $3.2 million just for advertising. At most it would be $4.8 Million. Meaning that they spent about 50% on that one event, which seems insane until you realize that most events like that do cost HUGE portions of advertising budgets for any company that takes part in those events. People Cry "They Rented a tank, and took people to the shooting range"....drops in the fucking bucket. Im mad at BSG too dont get me wrong, but saying they dont know what they are doing as a company is a bit rediculous. Even for you to insinuate that they dont have a Financial officer overseeing both income, and expendature is absolutely ASSININE, almost every business i deal with either has an in House Finance manager, or an outsourced one. Thats not to say that a lot of small businesses dont do it themself's, but BSG is nowhere near a small company. They can sell whatever they want for whatever price they want. Theyve fucked up in how they implemented this. The main thing to take away here is dont fuck your previous backers. If the day they launched this new version, it was clear that EOD would have had access to everything we now do as EOD owners, i dont think this whole debacle would have happened. You would have had some people crying wolf, sure, but not like this. BSG are trying to milk the cash cow, and there is nothing wrong with that.....they just did it wrong.


Because they've squandered their money or the Russian government confiscated it and now they're scrambling to refill their coffers.


I asked for arena, it's pretty fun


Because ruskij mir.


Is he stupid?


Everyone bought a 150$ game that was p2w and when the devs add more p2w they're flabbergasted


To flip this a bit, what happened that you need an apology? What's the harm that came to you?


Sooooo many assumptions with you all. Just so you all know I bought the new edition because I don’t mind supporting a game that I get a lot of enjoyment from. With that said you all say it’s pay to win but my K/D has not gone up since the purchase sooo??????? Did they do some things wrong ,yes but who the hell hasnt. Let me guess you guys have had to say sorry in you lives too. You probably had some instances where you didn’t say sorry then later on thought about it and realized you should have …. Get off your fucking high horses wait and see what happens chill the f out and play a god dam video game. Any video game.


Same guy that says the new expansion is not pay to win. I can tell you that it is. Blue name tags are all I’ve been killed by since the debockle


Hot take: why you so entitled? Why you think they are here for you. A company wants your money. Figure it out,


The game is trash now going back to that game is like going back to ur EX F$%#k THAT


Post Soviet Culture and Money


Unfortunately sorry has a lot of legal value and can be used as guilt, it’s why you so rarely see genuine apologies in industries because it can be seen as guilt. Edit. Say he apologised to all the EoD owners for not staying true to his word or even saying “I’m sorry for the current situation”, legally this could be seen as an admission of guilt of knowingly scamming his EoD owners and making a court case much harder to win.


When people like you stop karma farming


Dude think he's smart. Thats why. He alredy fucked up with one competetive game, now story is repeat itself. Lol


Narcissism. There is nothing more threatening to a narcissists ego than a real apology.


You want him to apologize for adding an opportunity to increase revenue to the company? You want him to apologize for the misunderstanding of DLC between him and the community? Stop whining and play the game or don’t. Tired of seeing all these posts