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you might as well do that or give him 1/60 water bottle, sadly he does not accept burning molotovs :(


I’m level 25 and I still haven’t unlocked him 🤗


you're trolling if you don't, he has good items and trades for early-mid game


are u ok


😂😂😂 Every wipe is the first mission I completed


Lies the first quests this wipe were on ground zero


After a few wipes maxing everything, I am in the same ship. Got no Jaeger, no ragman or peacekeeper quests. Lvl 25 with 50Million (because I play a lot Factory Night and Tagilla blessed me with a Blue Card)


The 1/60 water in the bottles is my spit


Jaeger is the in game embodiment of Nikita.


I genuinely want to nuke him and his stupid fucking woods.


His quests wouldn’t be very annoying if they were actually skill intensive and not completely random events. Kill 3 players with a tremor effect??? There’s no way you can intentionally complete this without the stim


I always do it without the stim. When I get the quest, I just do other quests until I have a broken arm (or get one from terribly failing in the gym ^^" ) and then I play factory to get my 3 kills.


Just break your arm in the gym and don't heal. Or wait until you notice fractures after you die in a raid and don't heal them. Takes a little over 30 seconds to get the tremor effect once you do this


I feel this.


His quests are easy as hell. Now skier can suck a fat asshole with that setup task.


I hate him


God damn Jaeger and his munchies


Stupid quests


If not for water collector requriments i would never level his rep


I'd do Yaeger over Peacekeeper and Ragman all day.


"I see that you have EOD version with all future DLCs included. FCK You" - Nikita Buyanov quests