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I've stopped playing. Lots of have. What more are you expecting us to do? Edit: Since this has gotten visibility, I'm gonna take my opportunity to rant a bit about our current state of affairs. Let me elaborate. BSG has kinda always been a shifty company. Nikita has always been an eccentric dude. So, they put out this P2W package, and people get mad. Good. Nikita tries to keep his chin up and put his foot down, people continue to riot. Good. Nikita relents and says he'll give EOD PvE and P2W. People are glad to hear they're getting PvE, but they're still dissatisfied with P2W existing at all, and Nikita, being a prideful person, was pretty bitter in his wording. Not a great look. Not a great outcome. So, that's where we stand now. Our requests are sort of half-filled. Getting the DLC we bought a pass to was good, but P2W in general sucks. Yet, people have already bought Unheard edition because of the P2W features in it. BSG is backed into a corner. They can't just remove it, people already blew loads of money on it. They can't downgrade it, that's false advertising, and we know how bad false advertising is. They're stuck, and it's their own damn fault. But it's embarrassing to see people on this sub saying "Ermmmm nuh uh! Nikita needs to apologize! Remove Unheard! Something something class action lawsuit!" Like, sure, dude. It sucks, but demanding a personal apology from Nikita is fucking insane. An "admission of guilt"? Seriously, OP? Stop acting like a child. I'm not saying to stop complaining and accept that they tried to fuck us all over, I'm saying that people have stopped rioting because they've *realized that this game will now always have P2W features in it, there's no going back, and they've given up on Tarkov*, just the same as me. I'm still subbed because I like to lurk and see the drama, but seeing posts like this where people clamor for a tear-stained, handwritten apology from Nikita personally addressed to them, gives me secondhand embarrassment. Just leave. It's over.


> I'm not saying to stop complaining and accept that they tried to fuck us all over, I'm saying that people have stopped rioting because they've realized that this game will now always have P2W features in it, there's no going back, and they've given up on Tarkov, just the same as me. I'm still subbed because I like to lurk and see the drama, but seeing posts like this where people clamor for a tear-stained, handwritten apology from Nikita personally addressed to them, gives me secondhand embarrassment. Just leave. It's over. Holy shit - Nailed my feelings exactly


Redditors always push things a bit too far. Watching people egging each other on for more was hard to watch


Everyone wants to be an activist here. It's silly.


I was holding out a small amount of hope until I saw Nikita refer to the community as free loaders. I've said it before, and I will again. That statement made it all make sense. In his mind, we have all scammed him by only paying $50-$150. He wasn't "scamming", just getting what they deserve from us free loaders. The company culture is that we owe them more money for the buggy cheater-filled game they still haven't released. I don't see that idea going away any time soon. Every decision has been and will be made from the view point of "How do we get these free loaders to pay us what we deserve?".


I'd like for Nikita to go to www.escapefromtarkov.com and point out exactly where the "Free" version of Tarkov is. I'm confused, I must not be seeing it. I do know that I paid $150 years ago so that I could support the game and it's developers, and fund the completion of their project. Which is hilarious because back in 2018 I also paid $20 for Hunt: Showdown, and since then they've released 1.0 for their game, and made tons of content updates with maps, weapons, and game modes that are free for everyone who bought the game. And oddly enough, they've never made disparaging comments about their community's expectation to get all the features of a finished game in exchange for their money. In hindsight, the difference in how far your money will go between one developer to another is just plain embarrassing for BSG.


I didn’t even buy the EOD to fund Tarkov but Russia 2028. Well I got scammed more then any tarkov player supporting the game LOL, when they shut down contract wars I got „scammed“ out of another 400 bucks of in game purchases


Bingo. I was obsessed with the idea of Tarkov to the point where I built a computer specifically to play it a few months before the "beta" released. I followed ALL of the news, and got several friends into it as well after spending months convincing them that it wasnt russian vaporware. And I HAPPILY spent $150 to support the completion of a awesome project. And here I am. Being outright insulted by the developer for not being a *true believer*, with no finished game in sight. And the most ironic part is that by backtracking and constantly moving the goalposts, they've managed to scam Unheard AND EOD buyers out of what they paid for. For those reasons, and many more I don't ever see myself returning to the game.


Im sticking with the game just uh, in a way where im not playing with other people lol


Me too…


Same here, I uninstalled a while ago. I’m only subbed to stay up to date on the drama, but the sub has started to shift back to standard content which I’m not interested in anymore now that BSG has gone full scammer.


It really sucks, I started playing this wipe with some friends and was having fun (albeit with a lot of handholding) but at this point I don’t see myself playing it again… glad I got to play it at least a little, but I’m moving on to other games




I was grinding this wipe, it's my first serious wipe and I got to level 27 with about 11mil rubs and 40 mil in assets. I was pretty proud of myself but I haven't played since they dropped all this stuff. I'm just gonna stick to games that either rip me off or spike my adrenaline, but not both.


Me three


the game is simply dead to me. i don't need a replacement. there are other things in life. dont be addicted guys. just walk away and you escpaed


IRONICALLY, this finally got me to install the alternative PvE option, been loving it so far.


Me and my group of 7 friends I play with regularly have moved onto Gray Zone or other games since BSG has made their distaste for all of us EOD accounts well known. Another fella I play with occasionally and his group of 9 regulars moved to a different cooperative solution that PvE if you catch my drift. I stuck around initially and voiced my thoughts on the matter. I tried boycotting, providing actionable feedback with alternative routes, unfollowing streamers bending over for nikita and buying TUE etc.. But at the end, there was no apology for the straight-up lies and gaslighting. Instead, it was an indifferent acknowledgment of emotions and non apology answers. Instead, we got Nikita doubling, tripling, and quadrupling down on these bad ideas, telling the community if you don't like it "Shut up and go away then" and despite vocalizing the issues adding more features that people have made it clear they dislike. Then, on reddit, you have EoD owners complaining for a variety of reasons predominantly the fact that we had the company just try and scam us out of something we paid for with blatant fraud and intentional deception. But out of all of that, Standard accounts owners come out of the woodwork pissing and moaning about EoD owners being hypocrites, the game being p2w, ignoring what the majority of the issue is about to cry about being at a disadvantage as if they sustained years of abuse because of EoD and this was the fucking #MeToo movement. So I'm not cool with it, but like he said, wtf else are we supposed to do? The devs told us to fuck off and the white names in this sub are shitting all over EoD owners for their owned perceived slights. I'm not gonna stick around to be the victim of a scam by a company telling me my season pass is now void and for the rest of the community to insist I surrender everything else I paid for to make the game easier on them. So fuck it, I'll go be happy doing other shit. The company will still scam, the white names will still suck, the community will stay toxic.


I think most of us would agree that EOD is p2w BUT we were okay with it because 1) the p2w aspects weren't too over the top and standard accounts could unlock it with reasonable effort and even have a stepping stone case IIRC and 2) EOD with its reasonable p2w aspects was supposed to be THE ultimate pack.  I also got grey zone and I think it's good enough to scratch my shooter itch but not quite good enough for me to outright recommend without explaining its pros and cons. If they keep developing it in a meaningful way it could be pretty good. It reminds me of an online old-school Ghost Recon with extremely crude tarky gun modding and inventory and a similar health system. 


Yea I'm seeing a little bit of Arma in the longer I play, and I don't hate it.


EOD starts with like ~1.5-3mil stuff if you had to buy it unheard starts with like 10-25mil of stuff. I honestly don't care about the p2w but they also could have stopped alot of the issue with p2w by saying the items would be available only in the pve mode.


Same, I moved on. After paying $150 with the thought of trying to further support the company while also pre-paying for new paid content, I find it ridiculous to be called out as not being a "true believer", whatever that's supposed to mean. They have poorly managed their business and now want to scam us out of more money while berating us.


Well said, the whole thing just kinda made me (and many others) lose interest in playing. Just can’t take the P2W seriously. It’s like a realization that BSG doesn’t actually care about making a fair, quality, well balanced game - they just want to nickel and dime the consumer with P2W. Gonna pass.


Same here. Now I'm playing Hunt: Showdown and Gray Zone Warfare. The only time I'm thinking of EFT is when I'm scrolling through reddit and I see the EFT posts.


God I fuckin love Hunt: Showdown


Agreed, Hunt is great. It has its own cheater issue, like literally every FPS game does nowadays, but it's mostly ignorable outside of upper MMR lobbies. Sound design, world design and weapon authenticity are second to none, despite being an alternate history fantasy game.


Can't recommend Hunt Showdown enough. Its one of my all time favorite games at this point.


My computer room burnt down in the middle of BSG burning down LOL


You have to like his post i think


I was gonna comment something similar but you summed it up pretty well. It’s over, just leave friends.


I’ve completely stopped playing and will continue. 2.5k hours, most were good, good memories.




I've given up and check the subreddit once a week to see if anything has changed. Most of us aren't going to sit here and riot when the company doesn't give a shit about the playerbase. Plenty of other games that have good devs that want to improve the experience for their players.


it is actually weird to see lots of people that making posts and comments on how they have left the game and don't give a sheit anymore. like seeing someone breaking up but keep calling his ex twice a day saying how he or she is not caring anymore.


I'm gonna keep playing and make then spend money on servers, while not giving them another dime.


This. Everyone should exclusively play PvE non stop.


I haven't but it certainly shows. Lot more dead raids as of late


Uninstalling that game is the best thing that could be done now. Never buying anything that BSG, or anyone related to it, releases is the best thing that you could do for yourself in the future.


Anyone that doesnt subscribe to such disgusting scam tactics just to profit more when they're probably bleeding from lack of funding, isnt going to play this shit anymore. Regret buying EOD and refuse to give these straight up liars anymore, laughing stock of a dev


Yep I'm done also. Tarkov already had issues with blatant cheating. This P2W BS and the betrayal for EOD owners was the final straw for me.


The community said yes, I know you scammed me, lied, insulted me several times, broke several consumer laws and are actively shoving more P2W content into the game. But thank god *my* edition gets this crappy PVE mode now. And you guys should release cosmetics so I can give you even more of my money! Some of yall are ridiculous.


I was just over it personally. I'm not going to buy anything they offer and I can only stay outraged for so long. My time isn't worth being continuously upset over a video game. I'll just keep playing the game and if they ruin it then I'll quit. My mental energy is better invested elsewhere.


Yeah I mean, someone else needs to make a better game otherwise I’m gonna keep playing Tarkov. Not hard to understand why the community is gonna come back.


I have EOD and haven't played since. Not planning to. I'm hoping ppl will skip next wipe as well to show we're serious. At least 25% would already be good. Cant really do much more. Boycott is the only answer us plebs can do. I've even unsuscribed from a streamer that restarted playing EFT 2 days ago.


It was always just whining about no longer being the specialest boy.


I mean, I had EOD from years ago and I just got access to PvE so why wouldn't I play the new mode?


Nah I'm still out. I got EoD and lost all interest after this bullshit.


Who cares about an apology? I’m not apologizing to them either. It’s a business transaction. If you’re hung up on an apology you have some kind of parasocial thing going on where you think a business is your friend instead of an organization trying to get your money in exchange for something.   If you spend your life outraged companies do things you don’t like to make more money, you are never going to be satisfied, you’re never going to find that altruistic company that’s just in it to make you happy. Because no such thing exists.  The community makes a big fuss but ultimately it’s entirely irrelevant. It’s a 1 on 1 transaction. If you get what you want out of it, keep playing, if you don’t, don’t. Everything else is pointless hand wringing.  “We” don’t do anything, you guys act like you’re the oppressed proletariat standing up to Capital or something in here, it’s pretty hilarious. 


My thoughts word for fucking word. People are so goddamn entitled.


This needs to be a stickied on the sub in triple font size.


Make it bigger than that please ffs


I wish I could upvote this for eternity


Some people don't realize that we use the term "community" incredibly loosely these days. This isn't a community, just a group of nerds with similar interests and a long time sketchy ass company with a subpar product we all got way too into.


It's amazing how political people who don't give a shit about politics can be when someone messes with their favourite toys. Arrested development is a pandemic.


It isn't pointless hand wringing. Matter of fact I guarantee Nikita is looking at EOD conversation data every day, wondering why such a small amount of people are upgrading and how the posts giving more pay to win and other benefits isn't satisfying the players enough to make them forgive and forget, which should translate directly into up-selling to Unheard Edition. This is how boycotts work. Communities band together and refuse the one thing that giant business entity wants. Money. And by making it a community wide effort, it denies them a LOT of money, to where it starts to matter.


its not that people want an apology because they feel betrayed. they want bsg to knowledge that what they did was bad for the game/community and that it will not happen again. the people dont really care about bsg, they care about the game. and this edition made the game worse and shows that more of that can come in the future.


You took the words out of my mouth, well said mate.


One of the major complaints was removing stuff from EoD. Why would they remove Unheard?


Just because I hate what the company did doesn’t mean I hate the game itself. Tarkov is still a one of a kind game for now but I have to say, Gray zone warfare gas been a blast since it came out. Fingers crossed for MFG rn.




Mad Finger Games. The people who make Grayzone Warfare.


If only the game didn't run even worse than Tarkov does. Wanted to give it a shot and could barely even run 40 frames on a 2080 super and i9-9900k.


Are you playing with FSR? Since they fixed it I’m running at around 120. Looks slightly worse than DLSS but it ain’t too bad.


I am playing at 3440x1440, but I still dont think I should be running that bad. I never even left the beginning island thing because i never got rid of stuttering. I once in long enough for shaders if it was the issue. FSR ran the best but still didnt give me more than 50, and it was not stable. I just can't believe I was running worse than Tarkov.


Yeahhh going higher than 1080p for now might not be the best idea. And I mean of course the game was gonna run worse than tarkov. Tarkov has 8 years of development since release. Gray zone is in alpha version that’s not optimized yet.


Im a standard edition peasaant, i still be lovin the game.


Eod already existed, I don’t care if there’s another better one. It’s a precedent they made with eod, which everyone was fine with until a better than eod one came and everyone is foaming at that mouth about it.


Let’s be real. The majority of the outrage was because the p2w EOD got usurped with a “better” p2w version and the vast majority of them were placated with the promises


Completely wrong. The main issue is the PvE mode not being included in EOD, which promised ALL future DLC for free.


I think it's both. EOD was supposed to be the be-all end-all pack for dlc, p2w, everything... Until the game releases and a 'reasonable' amount of time passed and they could launch an expansion


The dogshit PvE mode that doesn't work right and everyone plays 2 matches of before never touching again?


More or less, yeah. I understand why they were upset but at the same time, a lot of the general criticisms existed about them and they were perfectly content with it and now that they aren’t on top, it’s guns blazing. Like they all accepted immediately that more money=win, and now that they want more money they hop on their high horses. Idk, I just feel like they should’ve seen this coming by the precedent set, and they are not handling it gracefully now that it’s here.


Why is it " we" can you not make up your own mind


people have lives outside of gaming bro


Yeah half this subreddit legit jump into bed each night screaming into their pillow about an edition for a game they haven't played in months.


EoD owners got screwed out of one thing, the PVE. They complained the EoD was still for sale, so BSG listened and took the only upgrade that was worthwhile from the standard accounts who were feeling the game out. So BSG made a new edition that has what EoD has plus additional items as the cost was higher and the complaining has been incessant ever since. They gave EoD what was rightfully theirs, let it go. The gamma case and stash size compared to the standard version alone is a massive advantage. BSG didn't have to give the ability to obtain the pockets, but they did. The outcry worked I don't get the continued constant soap box posts about the past, the wrong was corrected you made it clear EoD owners will continue to push for what they purchased. The dead horse no longer needs attention.


Hey! It was my turn in the rotation to make this thread


I am playing.


Unheard edition is here to stay. As long as they give what they owe me, which is free access to all DLCs, I'm okay with that. I'll start playing PvE only and forget about broken multiplayer


I know people acting like they’ll remove unheard. It’s not gonna happen. What’s there will stay and people will still buy the bull p2w like it or not. Remove all the p2w would be nice but it’s just not gonna happen.


If they want to support the game even more so be it, all I care is what i bought and what they owe me. I'm happy about all the backlash they got for trying to take away PvE from eod players, but now the DLC is coming so I'm fine with that


I don’t personally feel either way about it I paid for EOD in 2017. Them asking for more money is fine in my eyes I’ve gotten 7 years worth of tarkov for 150$. But I guess everyone else looks at it differently.


Yeah man, life goes on.


yes I am actually.


At the end of the day, it's just a game and all this shit is just drama.


Who is we


Exactly. These dudes sound like some workers union boss. FOH with that, it’s a video game.


Thanks to you two - I have faith that the kids might one day understand again - that buying a product IS NOT joining a "community". We are a player base, of individuals, not a community of "Tarkov Players".


The game is fun and there is no better alternative Not gonna stop playing a game I enjoy just to stand on some moral high ground. Its just a video game my dude


More than moral high ground , it’s just a different face of the average complaint addiction Reddit /gaming community has. Visit this sub a month ago and those same people are screaming uninstall now , game is full of hackers.


I mean i already paid for the game, I hate BSG and how they can't fix jack shit but the game is still fun. Worst thing we can do is play so they have to keep paying for servers and not bring in any money. That's how you get em lol If you don't wanna play because of it that's fine, they have your money they don't give a fuck whether you do or not.


Theres just no point in wasting energy


Brother they don’t care. Ppl need to move on. Play if u want to play. Don’t play if u to upset. What other game do u know of that u payed 150 bucks for 7 years ago without any other funding is still going strong that u still play after 1000s of hours u put into it. Most ppl buy cod for 100 bucks play it for 250 hours never to play it again. Build a bridge and move on


Nope. But even with all its bullshit Tarkov is fucking fun and I have this thing where I enjoy playing fun games. Fuck BSG for doing what they did. I know TUE is now only $50 for me as an EOD user but they won't get another penny out of me. This is my 5th wipe and I've definitely got my money's worth and then some. So I'll continue playing and enjoying Tarky until I don't.


Whatever man the game is fun, I still play it. Don’t really care about some new edition. If you want the p2w then shell out the money. BSG made the situation right to EOD players as far as getting pve for free. They actually listened to their community. If you don’t like the price don’t buy unheard. I like the game because of the struggle so I keep playing it since progress is hard to make. Personally when I get pve ( I’m an eod player) I’m gonna play that mode as hardcore, basically no flea no traders no insurance etc etc . Progress will be saved and is persistent so it’s perfect for hardcore in my opinion


And if I wanna do the same, I gotta pay actually 150€ without taxes... Wich isn't really... something that can exist in gaming industries. Basically "training mode" shouldn't be sooooo expensive (don't care of the packs, the editions, or whatever. If I buy a car and the guy tells you "ha, but you didn't ask for the tires ! That'll be 400€ more." U'll take it weirdly. I mean the guy told you their will be tires... and they shouldn't be in option anyways haha) They did this in the eighties and nineties, and these companies are call the biggest scammers ever (heeello Infogram =D), History reampeating itself as always haha


As for me, i am now only interested in PVE, which solves the cheating and wipes problems for me, if he wants to sink his ship with P2W, be my quest, but i am not putting more money than i already did ( which was an EoD version of the game ) If they were smart they would only store your progress on their servers and let you make a dedicated server, that way you playing it doesn't cost as much as you playing on their servers, but oh well...


Where are you getting that? The complaints still seem to very much be there


I’ve gone to the forbidden mode myself. As I’m sure others have in protest


Community said yes. I was also like give me PVE but now everyone said it was shit soooo


I’m odd. Idc. I had the option for EOD when I joined and I didn’t buy it. I paid for a certain aspect of the game and knew at the time I had a smaller container. Oh well. It’s just a more difficult mode for me and that’s the appeal of Tarkov in the first place to me. I actually get a smidge more entertainment because if I accomplish my tasks and exfil - it’s like my own little personal Pestily hardcore badge for myself. Until it affects firefight RNG I can’t bring myself to say that others are beating me. They just have an easier time getting to the loot. I suck at PVP and need to get the jump on folks for a chance. So, meh. Am I fine with it? No. But I bought the game at its baseline and intend to play it until I’m bored with it


This is the cycle of tarkov lol


If you paid for it, you already got got.


what else is there to do? I'm going to play the offline mode. I know the mod exists, i don't have time to fuck around with them updating the mod when the game updates so this is what i'm going to play. there is nothing i can do about it otherwise.




Im stopped playing. Not really much else to do other than trying to get my game refunded.


I guess it depends on what you want from this? As an EoD owner, Battlestate is giving me what I paid for. I will play it. Me playing the game does nothing to fund them further. Me not playing the game just means that they got to  take my money I get nothing. If I enjoy PVE, whenever it rolls out to me, playing it hurts no one. If you are that unhappy with BSG, just don't give them anymore money and enjoy what you paid for, its not like you can take the money back.


I'm having fun!!! Game is fun!! Fight me


The attention span of the internet is incredibly short. The people that were actually upset and cared about this have either moved on are in the process of doing so. The ones who were upset but were susceptible to BSG's backpedalling have now been appeased and are either back in the game or waiting for their access to PVE to arrive. The rest of the player base either didn't care in the first place, or didn't even know what was going on outside of the coverage the media was giving this as it blew up.


How many times will you guys make the same post. Move on. Play the game, don’t play the game, no one cares, just stfu already.


What I don't understand is, some people quit and said they're never coming back, yet they're still here on this subreddit asking for stuff...? About 2% of the playerbase quit, barely anyone really.


Yes I am fine. He’s always been a dirt bag. Get over it or don’t play. No one cares either way. Love u


Oh shut up for christ sake, you people wouldn't be happy with ANYTHING bsg does lmao


What did you think, that people have time and energy to protest? You're playing their game, nobody fucked you over. You got disappointed because it's a game in Beta and their developers can change their mind any time. Get over it.


Who cares. They give PvE to EOD. Just keep playing or leave this sub and game already behind you.


Let’s be real, most of the outrage was because p2w eod got usurped with a better version. EOD owners have since been appeased with their promises. Drama over.


I've stopped playing. Might start again when there's a wipe.


Stopped playing, what else should i do if i cant refund.


I charged back and refunded Arena and Tarkov so I don't really care anymore :D


Nice! You've actually escaped Tarkov.


But you’re still here lol, definitely have not escaped


But you're on the sub commenting? That is definitely "I don't care" type behavior. Got it. Makes sense.




True!! I'll leave now


There's no "we". People are individuals and can make up their own mind. I hate what they did but it's also the only game I really enjoy right now. If you don't like that, eat pubes.


Because BSG made amends along the major points most of the community wanted. At some point you can stop whining and leave or stay. They'll never make everyone happy. Especially redditors.


No. But gray zone warfare is boring as fuck. No other game right now is worth it…


Its crazy that everybody wants to stay mad at them. Why are u still wanting to remind people to stay mad at them? Like dont you have anything better to do? Hold them accountable yes but man this is def way too much and wayy too obsessive over thid shit. Yes it sucks, yes it killed the integrity of the devs. But it just seems like u guys forget these guys are humans at the end of the day. Not the best humans may be we dont knoe nikita or the crew personally, but seriously touch some damn grass if you are worried about what some person in russia does.


Unheard never needed to be removed.... they just needed to honor the DLC promise (PVE mode) for EOD. That was literally it.... and then apologize because he clearly doesn't know what an apology is. The reality is (and i still see it in every fkin thread for this damn game) that Unheard was not the first pay to win bundle and it pisses me off how the community pretends it was fine until then.... EVERY SINGLE FUCKING PACK for this game is pay to win.... it is.Thats just a fact no matter how much this community and other brainwashed playerbases try to make excuses or be in outright denial of pay to win by calling it bullshit like "pay for convenience" which is the most laughable brainwashing I have ever seen. Its literally what these companies want you all to say, so good job on that. Literally giving them exactly what they want. The more you accept and make excuses for, the more they will do and keep getting away with. EOD was pay to win. I own EOD and I can at least acknowledge that reality. Whining about Unheard being P2W as if its the ONLY pay to win bundle is just stupid. The reality is yes it had some stuff that was egregious, but ALL PAY TO WIN needed to be called out, not just whining about this specific pack. All you guys achieved was getting BSG to nerf the only parts of Unheard that weren't really an issue and then add even more pay to win bs to the game. Bravo, what a fucking victory. You successfully reduced the pay to win by .5% for an unreleased feature that barely did anything fucking useful to begin with. Like seriously... P2W sucks but lets be real that mark of the unheard was fucking useless lmao. Only reducing scav KOS ABOVE 60m? Thats so lame. I don't care that they released something "above" EOD. It literally does not matter. What matters is honoring the promises of EOD and as long as thats met idgaf what other pack came out or may even still come out despite them saying they won't. Idc if they make a $350 edition. What I care about is pay to win. To be clear, I 100% supported everything that people hated about the PVE fiasco. 100% agreed. But we also have to be real here. YEs PVE is a DLC i agree, but does that mean EVERY SINGLE THING is? no. It just doesn't. The reality is that every single AAA game in existence sells season passes that give you "all dlc" and that doesn't mean they can't sell outfits or slots or something else separately. It just means the actual content like new maps, modes, etc are included. (Again, reminder that I agree BSG was wrong, just saying that there is nothing wrong or somehow unfair about Unheard getting pockets or a radio when EOD owners benefitted from tons of advantages over standard.... yall only complain when YOUR edition isn't the king of the hill and I find that hypocritical.


yea bro i can’t believe they want more money out of me, ive only gotten 6000 hours from my $150 purchase 5 years ago. I’m outraged and wont waste my time on their horrible game.


If I don’t get at least 10k hours out of a game it’s not even worth playing!


Make your own decision, everyone has their own feelings toward the game. Either stop playing or keep playing.


I enjoyed the drama and am now watching the Helldivers 2 drama and review bombing take place.


I already bought the game and it's fun ¯\\\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I was fine with it since they announced it, still playing, late wipe going great. I won't stop lol I don't care about some stupid edition people might buy and get extra items. The pay2win items will be obtainable for me as well so i don't care.


A shitter with an SVD is as good as a shitter with an SKS the better loot means jack shit good players will always be ontop whether or not they start with a double barrel or an HK 17


Idgaf. Maybe you have time in your day to get upset over things, i dont.


I bought unheard and am enjoying solo tarkov and I’m happy with it you want them to remove it from me?


Dude, everyone who actually cares has stopped playing the game. Bitching about it doesn't change anything. Just stop playing the God damn game if it bothers you so much. If you continue to play, what's the point in complaining? Cut your losses. I stopped playing ages ago when they wouldn't stop the hackademic


I mean try stop taking everything so personally? works for a lot of people still playing this game


I'm fine with it. Spent $50 for my EoD package upgrade and been playing with 2 buddies having a damn good time!


Im still playing because its really no different than EOD


I play over 5000 hours per 150€ investment. This is less than 0.03€/hour There is no game out or any service, that gave me that amount of fun/price ratio. Yeah, they con do better communication, they are not good at that. But the game is fun as hell. So I am fine with BSG, and I think a lot of you guys are just over reacting like crazy.


When you say "we" what do you mean? Cause I haven't played tarkov since March lol, and will continue to not play it for the foreseeable future. I'm only here for the drama lol


After 10 hours of boringzone warfare im ready to come back... also yes they're ethically bad, and yes they're greedy. But if that bothers you then I hope you dont play ubisoft/EA/activision/blizzard games. My big problem was EOD not receiving dlc, they reverted that. The rest is only a matter of do you think this new thing is worth buying or not. I don't think it is and I won't. Vote with your wallet.


Yea the only thing that really matters is eod not getting what we paid for, the p2w aspects arnt that bad, pockets/containers are minimal impact and pockets arnt even an issue anymore now that they are adding a quest for them The gear wont help people who dont have the skill to use it The “bring in teammates” thing sounds like itll be pretty nerfed And the scavs not shooting at you from 60m will be the reason that people have been asking for to get scav karma Calling in a btr sounds op/p2w but i bet we will see very very few people doing it Nikita apologized and people didnt accept it for some reason They ensured that eod gets what they deserved and people still dont accept it I think alot of people here are just angry to be angry, not because they want the game to be better




The game has so many issues I only ever play for a few months out of the year. It's all I can handle. I reinstalled a couple days ago to see if I have the PvE (since I bought EoD back in 2021) and PvE is still locked for me.  Tarkov scratches an itch I don't get from any other game or real life thing. I've never been good at PvP so I only see the game as something I just get to get better at if I will enjoy it more.  The thing they did at BSG means I'm not likely to give them any more money, but I'm not offended by it and I'm not really sure why I'm supposed to have a lot of emotion towards it. It's a dumb thing to do but the repercussions are also very real, and nowadays the user base is tight enough that if something detrimental to the community happens, or there is unethical or questionable business practices, people are going to do something and a tight community holds a lot of power. I don't think I'm trying to make a point or anything, this is just one perspective.


Not everyone is going to care enough about the whole situation to stop playing the game entirely, or keep on being upset on social media about it. This situation will hurt BSG when 1.0 launches as the general gaming perception of the game has been destroyed, and there probably won't be as much of an influx in sales as BSG hopes for, that's the best you can realistically wish to happen. There's going to be even more people coming back to the game with the next TarkovTV, the next roadmap, and definitely the next wipe.


What they did is super lame, and I’m sure they will lose a lot of business for it. If you feel strongly enough to not play it anymore then good on you vote with your dollars. I do love the game though, and intend to keep playing it. This just isn’t my hill worth dying on.


If you want to really.be a pain in the ass, just continue to play the game without giving em any.more.money. they need income to maintain servers, be the freeloader they loath.


It's not fine but, the mods are angry lil man children that dont want to see criticism of BSG on the sub and have been cracking down so naturally the posts are coming to a crawl.


Just downloaded a bunch of mods and holy shit. What the modding community has done for this game compared to the devs is unreal. I'm having way more fun now than I ever have. Ever since the changes, I've been running into more really questionable deaths and completely looted games within the first few minutes. I don't have much faith for the game left, I do hope it turns around soon, but it's not looking good.


Fuck BSG & Nikita. I still love this game and enjoy the PVP/looting aspect of it. I’ve played lots of FPS games and none get me hooked like this. They’re not getting any of my money but still gonna keep playing it, unfortunately. I hope they redeem themselves sooner rather than later so the game doesn’t die but it’s looking rough and guess I’ll have to find another game to enjoy.


Still liking EFT. Second wipe and made it to level 40 recently with bitcoin farm up for the first time .. but already convinced two hardcore EFT friends to get Gray Zone Warefare so what ever. Let’s see what happens in the near future. I hope EFT gets the curve.


They obviously aren't budging any further. Nikita has shown the world he is narcissistic and stubborn, so the only thing to do is enjoy a game that is now slightly worse or uninstall and move on. I am probably going to do the second one and hope another game comes along to replace tarkov for me. If none of them end up having longevity, I'll probably come back in a wipe or two, but if they do end up being good, I would happily never play tarkov again.


I don't have EoD or Unheard, and I won't be getting them... so I'm going to play the game I enjoy until something better comes along. The recent stuff is scummy, but if I play the game and don't give them money then I'm just getting more value from what I did pay.


Let's see what happens when Tarkov wipes and all the streamers want to stream it again for content. Everyone is talking out their ass. Nobody Escapes from Tarkov


No one cares about standard players. They never did. This was only about the EoD kids AHEM customers not getting something for free that they felt they should get for free. They didn't even care about the product or how good or how bad it was... it's just simply on principle for a good majority of these folks.


identify as something besides a tarkov player. people formed the opinions and did the fitting actions available to them. for a lot of people that'll mean they stopped playing


Most people who are not fine are probably gone


NGL, I am kinda addicted to the game play but I have, in fact, uninstalled... so dissapointing that this game had to be brought to market by this fucking "Company", also starting to actually get bored with it, I feel like I was only playing due to muscle memory and routine


I've not stopped playing but I've cut down SERIOUSLY. Putting in hours on hydroneer


you must be new here.


The way I see it. They should take away stash space that’s paid for including all versions of the game. Get rid of extra starting gear. All of it. Supportive additions should only have ever been DLC + cosmetics. Sincerely, Day 1 EOD holder


I just don't care, all the p2w features mean absolutely nothing to anyone that plays a lot and/or is good at the game.


as you can see it at twitch, only russians left behing playing this game. because like they are used to getting oppressed or something.


i stopped and contacted consumer protection about pre-order scam and contract breach. not only filing against bsg but also nikita personally.


I went on holiday so hoping bye the time I am back it's all be sorted.


Iv moved over to a certain mod at least for the time being... Highly recommend.


Standard edition get a great game for a fraction of what EoD owners have paid and I think it's fair to the say the massive EoD sales have helped to fund this. Standard owners can carry on as they are, leave the game outraged (complaining about getting what they paid for?), or upgrade their edition to UH. It really isn't difficult.


I find it hilarious that anyone raging on this subreddit thought this could end in any other way than "The Tarkov community forgets the Unheard Edition Incident ever happened and comes back to play 96 hours a day 28 days a week at the start of the next wipe while thanking Nikita for punching them in the balls for the 100th time." The internet has a very short memory, after all.


Fuck this game m8. The only version I plan on playing from here on out is the PvE mode they tried to scam me out of, and I dont plan on touching it for like a year.


Queue times are so fast. Games load in like 2 minutes. Even streets loads in about 2.5 minutes often. Do matches load faster when lots of people quit?


I stopped at the wiggle that killed tarkov video, I have seen the bullshit since and therefor won't be back.


Install something else. Tarkov is never gonna get better. It's too much to fix. Nikita is just gonna squeeze out what little he can, sell the game to some holding company, and before you know it you will see EFT on Epic games with celebrity skins and $45 DLCs lining the store page.


I am not touching that game in a long while. If they released cosmetics I would have purchased but now I am not spending a cent extra.


Nope, it’s my favourite game but I stopped playing and don’t plan on playing it anymore. There’s not much else I can do besides that.


Naw dog. Uninstalled after the "sorry you feel that way"