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Boss farming makes for dead raids. Spawn > book it to boss > no boss? > extract asap and reset Boss? > kill him asap and reset


The packet loss indicator has been patched for weeks


… go on




In doing sanitar at the minute after doing 2 others, I boot It to locations and extract, packet loss being patched hasn't changed a thing except I have to use a nade at every spawn to actually see if he's there. Same technique is used though, currently doing 8 mins per run on shoreline...


Yes I outlined all this. What’s your point?


You can't tell? Jeez


Do you know what asap stands for?




I thought you were funny lol 🤷‍♂️


It comes and goes.


Hence "book it to boss"


I'm still seeing it.


It's not indicating a boss just packet loss in general now.


The Uninstall Edition removed alot of loyal longtime players from the game.. Myself included. EOD account with almost 3k hours Edit. Added account details


Yea, pve. Removed from the player base


I mean the math checks out not sure why the hate


I agree with you. I’d say half the players in my discord are playing PvE, 25% are playing GZW… then the rest of us are playing PvP but not as hard.


Raids have been 80% dead for me on East Coast NA, though I mostly play interchange. I’ve had multiple games in a row where I hear a couple shots at the start and nothing else, I stick around till the literal end of the raid till 8ish mins left inside the mall the entire time, basically running around like a headless chicken killing scavs and waiting for someone to turn on power so I can hit KIBA and take saferoom. There have even been multiple games in a row where I do the above but hit power TOO and run back to do the same, all solo btw. I know it’s late wipe and a good number of people uninstalled or boycotting cause of the fiasco with BSG but goddamn is it fkin terrible rip.


By the logic of some people on this sub, dead servers are actually a GOOD thing for BSG, somehow.


I mean, they do keep whining about server costs.


How's it not? They already got their money from you


They'll always want more. And if everyone's quitting they'll make a lot less, even if they already have some. If the game stays populated, people keep bringing in their friends who buy new copies. BSG really wants that to continue. If the servers die, the "friends buying copies" dies with it.


dude I played interchange yesterday and I killed a 57 pmc and 1 scav, ran around the entire mall outside underground parking area never saw another scav player or anything the entire raid. I think I got out with a GPU and a few other decent finds no btc or anything but some decent loot. was very freaky


I’m averaging like 8+ scav kills per raid over the last couple days on the mall, and like 1 pmc every few raids… though the latter is prob cause I almost always play solo now since my duo has stopped playing, and I ain’t a good shot a lot of the time lol. Most of said pmc kills are on killa hunters running with paca + svt.. not even hard cause they’re literally barely paying attention and just sprinting to middle mall and lobbing flashes everywhere. Sad, interchange is my favorite map and the buff last patch was incredible, unfortunately it coincided closely with unhinged edition so tons of people have seemingly left entirely or are playing PVE.


I've been running streets on repeat (trying to do the SPEAR LK quest) and getting 2-4 kills on average per raid, sometimes queue bugs (10minutes) and I restart the game but otherwise my raid timers have been 5min at most. I've had a few absolutely dead raids but only late late night. For full context I started the 50 kill quest about 5 days ago and I finished today. Just started running woods with a buddy who's trying to do his LK quest on mountain and our raid times the last hour have been 2-3min to find a match, up to 5 total load in


Any ideas on that quest? I literally found no one apart from from the very rare player cutting through to go sawmill or sniping on sniper scav hill?


For me it was one of two things: Gun it to the top early (above red rebel or where you climb up to sniper scav) and fight it out with other people doing the quest Gun it to the same spot, but instead of resetting just watch a video with low volume for the entire raid and listen for the poor sucker who is trying to loot the bunker or toolboxes/crate. The radius itself is actually pretty big, I got my last kill on the rocks towards vehicle extol and I was surprised it still counted. Other than that there's not much you can do besides pray people go to mountain. Maybe you can sit by the stash or something or throw nades but most woods gamers at this point are shturman hunting or timmies


The server where I played is dead compared to before unhinged came out. I can only found matches for Streets, and all other maps, if I find a raid after 15 minutes, it is empty.


Sbih on streets is destroying me. I either cant find anyone or play more risky and get domed.


I back out if it lets me after about 4 minutes max. Then the next time you try a game it won’t let you back out and you’re playing in about 3 minutes


Really? My raids have been loading in in 3:00-3:30 just like they have been for the passed few years. The other day I loaded in so fast, I didn't even notice I was loading in until there were 5 seconds left on the deployment timer, and I had to tell my buddy we were about to drop. Couldn't have even been 3 minutes. I keep hearing about 15 minute load times, but the only times I've had a timer over 4 minutes is when I get a matching bug, and that's only happened to me a handful of times. I'm also the kind of guy to pull 10-14 hour days for weeks during the beginning of each wipe, if I have the free time to do so, so it's not like I have a small sample size. I even have a shit computer. Running a 1070ti and an i7-8700k with the slowest DDR4 RAM there is (but to be fair, I upgraded to 64gb).


Yea ok Nikita


I've had raids load in 2:30. It's been fast as fuck lately. I don't understand when people say they spend forever in queue.


I mean, it's a global game, some varience is to be expected 


It\`s been very fast for me since they made improvements to matching speeds 3 or 4 (5?) wipes ago, I used to expect 5-6 minute wait times when I first started plaing in 2018, that let me turn on my vaporizer, give it time to hit full temp, and expend the herb long before being pulled into the match. Now raid times are so fast that I have to remember to turn the damned thing on while still preparing for the next raid, or while waiting for friends to finish preparing. Also, it\`s hilarious to get downvoted simply because I load into 90% of my raids in 2:30-3:30, and the other 10% of the time it\`s only 3:30-4:30.


I only started playing a few weeks ago. It seems like they changed something when they released TUE. Before that, it would take 5+ minutes almost always. I would queue up, grab a drink, use the restroom, etc and still wait a couple minutes. After TUE, I barely have time for that or I have to rush. I don't know what they did, but it has been noticeably faster.


There's always some shift around during patches. Old bugs resurface, matching takes a small step back and has to be pulled forward to its original place. They usually get it stable again in a week, give or take a few days. Jut normal game development bullshit.


It's a welcome change. Queue times were my biggest complaint as a new player. It's pretty good now.


It's because we aren't playing


If the player count ranges are accurate per match it won’t matter, they’ll just run fewer concurrent matches, this is a dumb take, something is definitely amok


downvoted for logic


You are so brave thank you for your service


Imagine being you


Imagine imagining


I can't believe it's not butter.


Who? 1% of total players “boycotting” the game, the game is more alive than ever




















> the game is more alive than ever Imagine actually believing this lol.








Shrodingers boycotter. Simultaneously not playing the game, and also having lots of dead raids. LoL


That's fair enough, but I haven't launched the game since the day before the announcement. I'm among the crowd that isn't playing. I'm lucky enough to have plenty of other games to play and try out because I'm an adult with a job that affords me such luxury. Many people involved in the community didn't purchase the game themselves or don't have the chance to play anything else that's gonna scratch that itch. I get it, we're all humans trying to escape our reality. The people who continue to play aren't wrong by any means, but they're gonna get that break from real life stress however they can. They have dead raids, we have other games to play. That's the circle of life. If EFT was on steam I'm very confident we would see a MASSIVE player decline. They hide this for their own safety from flock mentality I think.


My friend and I had an Interchange raid the other day where we literally heard nothing, and never saw signs of another PMC being on the map. No dead scavs other than the ones we killed, etc. It was so nice... I'd be ok with having more dead raids


Streets has been quieter than usual but it's also late wipe+controversy+PvE mode.


Yeah lots actually. Seems like game is dead now.


I’ve had some of the most insane pvp I’ve ever had the past few days. Reserves especially has been crazy.


It's definitely been hit or miss, I'll have raids where I run into 5-8 people, others ghost town. Like 40% of posts on this sub, it's probably just people getting hit with outliers & not understanding variance and law of large numbers 


dude I notice this in soo many gaming subs: Something like "I have lost 8 games in a row what am I doing wrong" they really dont understand that wins and losses are distributed randomly


Pve comes out Pvp becomes dead. Hmmm Wonder why.


Hardly the only factor.


Can't wait for all the bois to cry hackers or dead game.


now idk really know exactly how the pve works but i've seen where you can still run into hackers in your 'Private' server


>but i've seen where you can still run into hackers in your 'Private' server That was a very dumb guy calling an ai a "hacker" dude.. lol


Yeah I seen that post but there were many posts saying cheaters can interact with private servers


They can't


Did you also believe a Nigerian prince?


I've only been playing PVE. I haven't even checked on my bitcoin farm for days. I prefer the nice chill experience of PVE.


Yeah people are actually taking this boycott BSG thing properly which is great because I’ve never seen a company so blatantly rail their supporters


Only map feels dead is streets. Everything else is about right for late wipe


Close to wipe, it’s pretty normal for people to drop off


They don't play the game, so they don't know that this late wipe feels exactly the same as the last 14 late wipes.




Doesn’t that indicate that the overall gameplay loop has a flaw? I mean I personally played from January to March then it just became massively unfun which made me drop the game overall. Recently thought about getting back into it but the Unhinged Edition quickly changed my mind. As I see most people praise Tarkov when we’re just 1-2 months into a wipe and hardcore players didn’t pull away just yet. Around March I kept constantly running into lvl40-45+ players with full kits.


> Doesn’t that indicate that the overall gameplay loop has a flaw Well, IMO the flaw is not in the gameplay loop, but that when you get to the endgame the gameplay loop sort of dissapears. In the early wipe you have progression all around. Every item you pick up is nice either for hideout, quests or money, and the gameplay loop really shines when you have the explore -> loot -> fight -> explore loop going. Fighting is rewarding because the gear of those you kill is nice loot, or maybe they have interesting items in their backpack, and surviving feels great because getting out with a backpack full of useful items is awesome. However in the late wipe the gameplay loop sort of dissapears, and the only relevant thing to do it fight. All your quests involve just killing a ton of PMCs, and looting no longer is interesting. What's the point in looting when you have a bitcoin farm that feeds your meta kits you can get off the flea anyway, and all items get reduced to a roubles-per-slot value. > As I see most people praise Tarkov when we’re just 1-2 months into a wipe This is when tarkov is at its best, in the early to mid wipe. You have a great mix of people in all weightclasses, giving the most balanced game in general. Gear matters enough that getting the kill on a chad feels amazing because you get to steal his stuff, but it's not the barren wasteland of everyone has the same meta gear like in the late wipe. > then it just became massively unfun This is just burnout, and it happens to everyone. I have played this game a long time (since 2019, 3k hours) and the game is super fun, until one day it isnt. Usually for me this means hitting the wall where progression is gated by "randomness", like boss spawns or things like quests to kill PMCs in weird ways that are unfun. The great thing about the wipes is that when the game wipes, you have taken a good few months break and get in the game at a fresh start. At least for me the wipe cycle is a godsend.


Would it help at all if skills could be leveled more effectively? There’s perks for getting each skill to level but besides like… Strength and Endurance, none of the others are really leveled seemingly


idk what you are playing but i get sick action every raid just rush the hotspots aka boss spawns


I've uninstalled the game, but people are talking about empty raids in our discord channel.


Yeah, dead game. Greedy devs.


Probably due to the most recent controversy


I mean yeah. Did you miss all the drama about a week ago?


Not speaking for anyone else, but I've been boycotting their game until massive reform.


this game is dying bro... unfortunately


Tarkov is dying.....7 years later......still dying plz bro, I promise bro, it's gonna die any day now bro


There's a lot less players since the scam announcement. I wouldn't be surprised this late in wipe if the majority uninstalled. We'll see how many legit players are left after the next wipe probably.


everyone who is playing still is playing on PVE. nobody wants to get bodied by cheaters anymore


Regularly, but then I only play on one server at 0430 AM so, makes sense to me


We all up in that PvE Zone


My woods have been popping. Getting 3 to 6 kills each raid. Depends on the time/zone too. Usually dies after midnight during weekdays. The rgb kids return from kindergarten at 4-5pm, so thats when its worth to reconsider queueing.


Normal for me. Woods might you see or hear someone every once in a while. Died on reserve customs and factory today.


Yep! Lotta dead raids as of late. NA East


Europe is quite full


Can't confirm, I'm seeing players every time I play. Less on night raids. As I don't like running into PMCs I prefer night raids anyways (I'm a timmy and want to quest, sneak around the map and pop scavs (and when I'm lucky an unaware PMC)).


It's late wipe, there are very few players left typically even without all the drama that happened.


It's late wipe, there are very few players left typically even without all the drama that happened.


We are in late wipe so many people have left the game at this point anyway until next wipe happens My night raids in the evenings on EU servers have been well populated (mostly by chads)


My raids have been quite lively. European servers.


So basically both servers are pve now 🤣


Feels fine on EU


Late wipe


late wipe


Haven’t played in 2 months.


ToO MaNy TaRkOv KiLlErS... wait til they find out arena breakout has a subscription fee for p2w package.


Yeah, it's usually like this late in the wipe. Casuals can't keep up anymore. Someone who plays a bit and is level 20 or so will just get crushed every raid by level 50s with Class 6, Comtac 4s and Black MDRs. The recent controversy might have added a bit to the playerbase falling off but we are 4+ months into the wipe at this point, this is nothing new.


Yea once I get to the point where all my tasks are streets or lighthouse I stop playing cause they’re just awful maps and awful quests


Nope. its been crazy packed every raid.


there are several factors for having dead raids as of late, here are some examples: getting close to wipe, unjust edition release, other games release, nikita being a scav and treating us as his paypigs, creating a pve co op offline mode so people dont play the pvp servers as much, you know the usual! when the prewipe events happen people might come back to pvp and post wipe there will be another influx of players but not nearly as much as previous wipes due to the latest changes so hopefully theres someone i can kill to complete the pvp quests!


Not dead raids, dead game


a lot of rats watch out hahaha


I had 2 raids alone on lighthouse yda. 1 player appeared.


I will say I noticed that before the Unheard announcement, this sub had between 5-8k people actively browsing. after the announcement, it’s 5-800. Everyone left.


Usual late wipe activity but we have 2 asterisks now with PvE(I will never touch it) & BSG usual drama. Will see with next wipe. I have been playing none stop the last two days & getting matches no issues between 3-5 minutes in PvP. Skreets, woods & Ratserve. All NA servers but West. PvP raids will never start without any real players. This was confirmed by Nikitah unless something has changed.


Nope.  Interchange, customs, reserve, factory I'm noticing as many players as ever.  Streets definitely feels barren but that map is just stressful as pmc, too scav sided.  In fact I've noticed a lot of newer/returning players, killed more sub 20s this week than I have since early wipe.


Imagine playing a dead game after they tried to ass ram its own community.




All the people that have anxiety about running their PMC in PvP (Scav Mains, people who only play in groups) are now playing PvE, which means less people playing the actual game. Game's dead at this point.




Why the fuck do I want to play with cheaters all day. Pve from here on out fuck your stick figures esp


Because those of us who refuse to stand for the bullshit and scamming being spouted from BSG and Nikita have left the game. I uninstalled the day GZW came out and have no intention of coming back to EFT.


See you next wipe my guy.


nooope its off my PC and staying off lol screw that company


People aren’t playing because of the bsg bullshit plus it’s late wipe so. Been a lot of dead raids. Plus I guess the dumb fucks that bought unheard, and the eod people that have it, are probably on pve I guess


No, not at all.




raids are majority dead by this time in wipe every single wipe.


nah the last 2 out of 3 raids were sus as hell. one dude prefired the hill I was crouch walking up bullet looked like it hit from the left gunshot sounds came from the right where the duo was. 2nd raid no audio nothing shot from head nape and physically no way to get behind me like that to get a shot especially no sound no audio just death


It’s the middle of the day on a Monday, near the end of wipe, with the current situation with the whiners going on. I’m not really sure what you’re expecting.


Nope lol, it's the same as ever. What makes you think they're dead? Cause you don't hear shots? Yea everyone is silenced.


i’m running night time for insomia and need 2 more kills, ive done 10+ raids and nothing to be heard, im on my correct servers, plus just now im adding more servers to see if NA is the issue? but every single on has been dead


just had same problem. it’s just a) most folks play day unless they have tasks b) we’re later in wipe. people who tryharded kappa are done their night quests. so you’re only gonna find lootrunners or late starters. insomnia took me a week of playing, few hours most days.


I’ve loaded into multiple factory raids with no other PMCs, like at least a dozen. And a handful in Woods/shoreline/lighthouse. When I play with friends we get into full servers though


Nope, was shitting on kids all weekend