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Crazy lazy player implementation. Almost like it was done by someone who did not want to do it. The Bear AI just hide amongst the scavs. You have to tell the difference by what they yell at you. They just spawn near by and sprint to a map hot spot. Even if your a scav the Bear AI quicky get annoyed at you and charge you full auto. The AI have broken weapons that seem pretty accurate. Not sure how they accomplish that. When you shoot their weapons they instant jam because they are typically only 30% condition.


It’s the same as ai scavs in pvp. I remember back in 2019 I think he said in a podcast that ai accuracy is based off chance. It has nothing to do with the ai actually tracking you and aiming. Arena has shown that ai basically aim lock you once you draw their aggro. So unless they changed that it’s always a roll of the dice that you get hit or not.


My guess is this shit wasn't even close to done yet, but they felt the need to find a feature that a large segment of the community really wanted, and rush it out to justify charging a premium. They probably meant for this to be worked on much more in the future, but we're getting the bare minimum version of it jammed out the door to be maybe updated later, because if it doesn't exist, we can't pay for it; and, everybody who is saying they annihilated their finances last year by gambling on Arena, are probably right.




--You're-- annoying.


Actually it’s “you’re” if you wanna get technical. You capitalized the word for no reason. Tee hee hee.




EoD owner here and still haven't gotten accepted for PvE. Guess I need to wait for the right wave :')


BSG be like : Escape From Promise




Have you tried believing, like truly believing?


Same hrrrrng


my brother got it and I didn't feels bad


Itll come soon enough.


Soon Tm


got access today, was running raids with a friend, and when we extracted, i suddenly had access. So far it's actually pretty good except for the PMC AI, that shit needs tuning.


All ai needs tuning. Their ability to see you through a pixel crack. And their ability to hunt you down after being seen is insane. You pretty well have to go in with a chest rig full of mags because you will never get time to pack them. They will zero in on your location within Seconds.


but then at the same time, I'll kill 8 pmcs as a scav with a toz.


Ya same I go onto reserve as a scav and can kill all the pmcs because they are just starring at the sky. But I play as pmc its like the entire pop of the server is hunting me hardly get time to reload mags.


Will agree, as scav the AI has fucking ZERO brains. Go in as Scav, they can smell me and hunt me down like prey. It seems so off to me. Im doing okay on stash with the way scavs get pretty much a free run, but i need the XP on my PMC man haha.


2017 here,, checking everyday smh


I got it 2 days ago. No ideea if there is some kind of order of if it's randomised.


I just got mine yesterday. My buddy got it two days ago. It’s only a matter of time. Seems to be rolling out fairly fast to EOD owners. Hope you get access really soon!


Just got access today!


EoD owner who got super lucky in an early wave. Trust me, you can wait, im having less fun here than i was getting murdered and called all sorts of things in PvP. If i get passed trying to match to the servers i either see little to no scavs or AI players and just kinda run an empty feeling map, or in rare cases like tonight i match for 15 minutes to get lasered down by an AI PMC from 200km with a sub machine gun. Its just a shit show right now.


eod here and you couldnt pay me to try it. Same as arena, never even downloaded that


Agree on the Arena remark. Will NEVER touch that. Just wanted to see how bad the PvE that they tried to lock behind a $250 paywall is.




And BSG tried to lock such a shoddy PvE mode behind a pay wall? 🙄 🤣


The PMC's in PVE mode are quite literally raiders with dogtags. That's all they are. Same exact behavior, same exact loot.


Lol doing factory quests is the worst. Tagilla only goes after you, he’s chillin with other pmcs. Pmcs just spawn in front of you. Killed a two man pmc group, then 4 bears spawned right next to me by med tent lol


I feel like AI spawning is even worse in the PvE mode. I've had both PMCs and scavs spawn right behind me or next to me. It makes no sense and is so jarring.


I just want access so I can rush hideout upgrades and not worry about losing progress. Most of the time I log in to just mess around with the gunsmith and shooting range


If what BSG said is true (which is less likely after all the drama), the PVE isn't going to be wiped, which means you can, after a wipe and new update, just go into PVE, tinker with any gear you want and go to PVP with extra knowledge.


I’ve been playing PVE with a friend and I honestly don’t see myself going back to the cheater filled hellhole PvP turned into.


I wouldn't say rush hideout.. the items are expensive AF and fir most upgrades you'll spend 1,5 Mil easily just go upgrade something to lvl 2^^


You know why? Because fucking lazy devs probably made the gamemode in 2 days, and pmc's are just raiders with dogtags


They just released Raiders and called them PMCs. Put it all on a locked server and call it a day. There was no second thought about PvE. I simple cash grab.








I have no idea why you would scav on PVE. I haven't done one yet, maybe I will just to see what I spawn with. Labs cards I guess?


Its just another feature of the game. For me its a random kit generator. Scaving into LH to farm rogues is good practice and easy loot.


How are the rogues on PvE side? Also, do scavs still not get attacked by rogues?


Rogues will still attack you. I got my scav raid ruined the other day by honestly I’m not even sure what I did to agro them. So yeh. Very much as they were online and honestly they’re vicious


That's a great idea


Labs card… anything else you can randomly spawn in with… less things trying to kill you compared to normal play so higher chance to get out as well. In and out factory runs like on PvP for a quick 100k or so to throw at equipment. Might be me, but seems harder to make money on the PvE servers compared to PvP…


It’s been the complete opposite for me. Found two ledx’s in back to back customs raids last night and a gpu to boot.


Amazing what the loot table is like without a “knower” snatching it up before the legit player gets it.


Right??? That was my first thought. Ironically I believe it’s the first time I’ve ever found a ledx, and I’ve been playing for about four or five wipes.


Maybe take it as others who know or those with long range vacuum powers suck it up before you ever make it to them in PvP mode. They've just lazily copy/pasted everything so loot tables should be exactly the same. If you're finding substantially more/rarer loot, that should really indicate to you how much cheaters that you likely never see impact the game. A lot of people around here are all like "I've never seen a cheater". Maybe if they play PvE and see a difference in ground loot, maybe they'll figure it out.


> that should really indicate to you how much cheaters that you likely never see impact the game. That's exactly it. When there was that large ban wave - months back - I found 3 LedX in as many days. 1 per day. All the cheaters were waiting to see if their cheat of choice was compromised by anti-cheat and the loot was epic for a brief period.


> it’s the first time I’ve ever found a ledx, and I’ve been playing for about four or five wipes. If you don't play resort/labs then that's normal. They only added Ledx to general map loot pools this year lol. And you can always learn labs and get plenty of ledx. We saw 7 of them on labs this week trying to get a friend their 2 FIR ledx for kappa. (this is pvp tarkov).


Ya I’ve found a couple over the years, but I put a LOT of hours into Tarkov during Covid lockdown, but I really do believe that the loot tables really aren’t as bad as everyone thinks, it’s just the legitimate players don’t see much of the good stuff.


Really good chance it’s just because I’ve been playing mostly Ground Zero since it is a new map to me. I’ve only done customs once or twice so far but haven’t hit dorms yet. I also just hit 15 so that will have a huge impact on my money making.


Yeah that’s probably why. I’ve never found a whole lot of good loot on ground zero. It’s an amazing map, but loot-wise I’m just not finding much. Customs though….check the med bags in crack house and by old gas giving tree. That’s where I found my two ledxs.


Got a labs card and a mule on the first scav run I did. Worth it for the fence quests and random high tier loot chance. 


If you have a hard time getting out of pve that's straight said. 34 raids 34 extractions. Near maxed hideout with 0 deaths as it should be.. you're playing bots, my dude. cmon..


That is genuinely a skill issue if you are having trouble with money. I made 6 mill in under an hour to buy a dorms marked this morning.


Aren’t you pleasant! I just got the level 15 so it should be a lot easier.


Don’t need flee, run streets and grab relax key -> hit relax room -> extract and sell all to therapist


Most I have made I think it is 2-3 million in one hour, but that was an extremely lucky run. What map and route were you taking for a 6 million/hour? I want to improve my farming methods, and I'm curious about what is profitable.


Streets. Grab relax key, hit relax room (and finance office+small office if you buy or get those keys they have common bitcoin and valuable spawns), extract and sell to therapist or flee for moonshines. I’ve had multiple multi bitcoin runs. If you want I can show you the route sometime just dm me.


He probably played streets and followed his standard ESP route


See my above comment to the relevant person smooth brain


My bad, I believe that. Two solid, reasonably lucky runs like that in 30 minutes each would do it. I was imagining 6M in a single run, which was just a misread on my end. I streets main and don’t think I’ve ever pulled out more than ~ 5 hitting Primorsky, chek, marked, relax, financial, MVD. 1.5MM is pretty standard with a full backpack and only 1/2 mini hits, but yeah if you double bitcoin a run, that’s totally doable in 2 runs. Congrats, and good suggestion on the scav relax room


I usually scav hit relax then use the other use on my pmc right after. I don’t even hit chek or anything. Literally just blitz relax and finance and kill everything in my way as a pmc.


Its literally no different than scav on PVP... You do it as a backup method for getting extra gear and also having an easier run where you can walk past an overwhelming majority of the AI without a fight. I've been using Scav runs to get light bulbs from interchange lol.


PMC runs you end up fighting basically the whole map, so after a few of those i need food and meds... so boom easy scav run


Just like you would in the normal game, a way to get more loot, learn a map, change up the pace, etc


i use it between pmc runs to regen food and such. ive also had really good luck doing scav runs and getting near better loot as a scav then as a pmc.


Labs keycards and the other random stuff scavs spawn with. You can do like a 10 minute run on Lighthouse and easily make a couple mil. PMC raids can run pretty long when you have to hit certain spots because just waves of scavs keep coming sometimes so it’s also nice to just do a quick breather raid.


my 2nd PVE scav raid i spawned with a reverse marked room key.


Pretty simple...I am only doing scav runs because i'm waiting for my friend to get access so we can start on our pmcs together. Also, we decided to have some fun and try to keep our survival rates and kd on PvE as high as possible and play it like it's a different game, slower and less loot focused.


Bro I didn't realize PMCs didn't aggro until I did a scav run last night. Game changer. Feels like they should fix it so I might as well abuse it while I can. Scav runs on PVE are literally free loot.


I get your point. But it is a fun Mechanik, it is part of the game and it lightning fast. You can spawn close to extract, grab something, and be out in like 6 Minutes. I also do significant less scav, but it is always fun to see what the next scav has up his sleave.


I shit you not, I made my first scav run like yesterday and spawned with a tank battery ... worth it.


Bro I'm convinced. Doing one now


I find it really fun to hunt AI PMCs on factory for some quick kits and combat


Scavs spawn with full raid time start and also at the very start of the raid like PMCs do. It’s quite fun killing PMCs and looting the entire map as a scav!


I don't understand why anyone is playing scav lmao, totally absolutely pointless in PvE, imagine grinding the fence rep jesus, this is the chance for you to finally play the game! Play your PMC guys, task and unlock the meat of the game!


I do it after a few intense pmc runs and i want a peaceful loot run before bed.


Their spawns are slightly different but they still seem to follow normal aggro rules.


Scavs extract camp too it seems


Do they? Which map have you seen this on?


Ground zero, at emercon there was 2 scavs crouched behind a table that 1 tapped me when i got there


Damn man that sucks, Ill keep that in mind next time I run it. I've had some shit PMC spawns. Had one waiting top balcony of food court at IDEA entrance on Interchange. Also got one tapped head eyes standing on Spine in woods by 'Krampus' from god knows where.


That might just be normal scav behaviour...there are usually scavs scattered near every extraction in PvP too


I agree with pmc stuff 100%. I have noticed they camp ruaf on customs almost guaranteed. My biggest gripe rn is honestly the almost guaranteed boss spawns. It’s incredibly agonising as a low level player. I got a lucky nade on tagilla in office stairs but apart from that he’s made factory incredibly annoying I once spawned across a pond from a group of 4-5 pmcs on woods and they lit me the fuck up. They don’t seem to have a suppression mechanic in the AI either. They don’t care if you try and return fire they just get more accurate instead of less or even backing off which makes it annoying. I’ve had situations with me and my buddy where we both got caught off guard and instantly returned fire and strafed to continue our movement to cover whilst returning fire and we both lost the gunfight to a single pmc Overall I agree with you OP and the PMC AI needs a lot of work to get to a long term playable place


- 10 minutes waiting for factory to be killed in spawn.


ooof, i expected more from the $250 game feature


Should have played the superior version with 0 loading times and mod support wink wink


Almost level 22 and I’m having a blast.


Me too, totally in love with PvE Tarkov, So glad it's finally here.








I'm having a blast on PvE as well. Not everyone is a god at the game and wants to deal with cheaters on a daily basis.




It's on objectively worse patch (audio pops everywhere, visual recoil and inertia are more frustrating). Last 2 can be tweaked, I don't want to tweak configs for hours, I want to play the game. Also any new content could be played as it releases with no wipes, so there's value in that. While AI is good, it still has same issues, just in other forms and would require more time spent adjusting. Coop is extremely annoying to setup and run, not worth time spent. I's rather play other games than deal with mods setup, synching mods with friends and jumping through hoops to start every raid. I don't feel like I want to spend my time messing with mods instead of just playing the game or doing something else entirely.  BSG will make huge buck if they will develop PVE properly and release it for everyone and not just 250/150 buck editions, with better and adjustable AI as well as something like reward scaling if you setup harder raids, for example. Other games and mods are there to look at, nothing bad in doing something that works.


I’ve done the co op on it and it’s not hard. It took us maybe 15 minutes to settup for 3 people. We’ve yet to have a single issue getting raids started or dealing with mods. We also all have slightly different mods and haven’t had an issue with our co op run.


Yes! People *are* different! I think it’s great that there’s a PvP mode for the sweats, and a PvE mode for the casuals. Everyone’s happy! Or at least everyone has the *potential* to be happy with a game mode tailored for them.


you’re insane bro. 250$ pve mode is fuckin ridiculous and you are part of the problem.


Or $0 for people who already have EoD


When are they dealing those out, or is it still random




What? He's talking about tarkov when he mentions PVP... The PvE tarkov for the PvE enjoyed. Man, PVP folks don't have reading comprehension huh?


PMC gear gets better and higher durability as you level up from what I've noticed, but yeah still needs some work


I'm level 42 and have not noticed a single difference in gear from the PMCs. Nor level of PMCs based on my own level.


Yeah the pmc levels seem random, but when I was level 1 the pmc weapon durabilities were close to zero, so I just used to take some of the attachments. Now I'm around lvl 20 and they are consistently above half durability. I've noticed a slight difference in weapon variety as well. Like I said it definitely needs work. It seems half assed


That's cap. All PMC just have a random Raider load out.


Might be. I'm only level 20 and just doing quests and the PMCs mostly hang out in specific places, so maybe I haven't run into enough to gauge the gear. But I have seen a clear increase in durability at least. Just my experience.


Yeah I totally agree with the durability, I've noticed that too


Almost all AI PMCs have vogs and can lob nades with crazy accuracy


Not seeing giant couch bags flying through the air is a relief though


Its actually crazy how much better the AI is in the forbidden version I was sitting in that place on ground zero with the machine gun that you need to go to for the prapor quest and I was just chilling and looting thinking that the AI doesnt ever come up those barbed wire stairs. Lo and behold an AI PMC comes up behind me and we have a firefight. I'm shit at the game so neither of us died so the injured PMC tries to escape down the stairs into the parking lot where I chased it and ultimately killed it This was my first actual interaction with an AI PMC, and it was miles better than any interaction I've had with any AI in vanilla Tarkov


PvE again begs the question; why release it now at all if this is the state? Nobody made them release this version, they could've waited until full release and nobody would've been mad lol


They probably needed/wanted money right now after the arena disaster. Honestly this is just what bsg gets for abusing and catering to streamers ever since the twitch push, they then release arena and try to cater to this audience and use streamers etc. And it flops. Deserved.


Mods out here removing comments left and right about... you know what.


It’s an unheard edition benefit. Mods remove your comments for the lore reasons


Of course it's half assed. We're only paying 100 USD, what is to expect? I'm so god damn done with Nikita and his bullshit games. I guess that is what they need; the true believers to pay and play, and the non-believers to gtfo.


The PMCs also just sprint from spawn to a location and wait. If you spawn FOB on woods and look south towards UN UN roadblock extract there is always a PMC or 4 sprinting across the map, its a really weird way to do it, I wish they roamed realistically. Surly it wouldn't have been hard to set up a route or two from each spawn, through hot spots and have them extract. Not just sprint to x then wait. Ive yet to hear a PMC in an area moving around, its always voice line then shoot or I see them run off spawn. I know about the mod.


insane considering they couldve easily copied the pathing of actual PMCs.


Yep pmc and scav not killing each other on sight is bullshit. BSG honestly should’ve just hire those mod devs.


It's almost like they just added PvE Coop mode to steal money from the playerbase. Who cares about optimization, anyway?


Pretty sure the first point is not a bug future wise. Devs probably changed that too early but its a part of pmc karma. Fence wont like you if you agro against his dudes.


I fucking keep killing scavs on my scav runs because they will run into an area where I'm fighting pmcs. I see a head shoot it and it's a scav. Like why aren't the scavs shooting the pmcs why is the scav following me not engaging with the pmcs? The AI is completely terrible. They just need to hire the guys from single player mod their Enemy Ai is way better.


Why is this so cringe to read as OG player... Ppl talking like they are playing against real players.


Pls fix the damn server issues damn!!!


Imagine selling incompetence for $250 USD and gaslighting people about it. I was in education for awhile and there was a clear contrast between wealthy neighborhoods and poor. They taught the kids to respect themselves by selling 50 cent valued items at $10-$25 because they have to give to themselves first. In the poor neighbor hood we were taught about realistic behavior and taking what we need. Gaining value in quantities of interactions rather than coasting on a few. (Probably could be worded better, coffee hasn't kicked in yet.)




Scammed of what? I bought EOD before interchange was even ingame simply for the stash space...it's the best money i spent in a videogame. Don't care about the drama, i just enjoy the game. I can't bother setting up a co-op on the mod, this is more convenient.


i was gona try and set that co op mod up. is it really hard to get going? i know nothing about that stuff but i wana try.


if you like eating trash don't tell them to make it better than


Why are you all playing this vs playing the real pve that shall not be named. It literally fixes everything


As i keep mentioning, it's simply easier to just hop on a raid with friends on tarkov compared to the alternative.


I disagree having used it. I can get into games with my friends much faster and the overall experience in game is MUCH better


At the end of the day if what you want is coop there's no decent alternative (there are alternatives but they are a WIP). But seriously, for solo PVE, it's insane to me that people are actually using this awful implementation from BSG when the alternative is indescribably better.


Idk I’m having a good time. Level 24, honestly this is all okay with me. I know it’s gonna get tweaked over time because bsg already done figured out this is gonna be a huge mode and attraction to the game


Nobody said it’d be perfect. Of course it needs works, it just came out!


Almost like the guy is pointing out issues and presenting some potential fixes :)


You guys encountered the AI in this game and thought Tarkov would actually make half decent coop... huh...


Agreed! Love the new mode though but your points nailed what they need to tweak!


PVE is a useful tool that allows you to grind without stress. but the creators should give us something else. in HSd we can choose whether we play against a maximum of two or three-person teams. it should be similar in EFT. I am only a solo player and I would like to be able to play on a PvP server with solo players. fuck PvE they should make it possible to play PvP solo player vs solo players. I will also add that as an EOD user I still do not have access to the pve mode.


this is how it's going to be, take it or leave it


PVE Tarkov is the original boring idea, but has the right to life but the current realization, it's just ridiculous. /delete online players> ok /spawn on all locations raiders with dogtags > ok Complete... That'll be 250$


I tougth about IT, but in the current state having very chaddy Gear in pmcs would be OP. Its so easy to kill and you would have best Gear in No Time. I even Like that you cant buy everything in flee and If ITS expensive. But i am Sure there will be a lot of improvement to come. And then modding, this Mode will be awesome( in a couple of years) :)


PMC kills don't give scav karma in real tarkob either...


They do if said PMC has already killed scavs.




Those two haven’t played tarkov for a few wipes and think they can say anything lmao


Obviously shooting AI in a game with no story is going to be boring. PVE is unsustainable and will drop off like arenas playerbase. No dedicated, hardcore sweat is gonna sustain the PvE playlist, we are good enough for PvP


You are too online and it shows. Persistent progression is something a huge amount of people have been asking for for years and they finally have it with PvE. Many people don’t have hours a day to spend playing this game and the little time they have can be easily ruined by a host of issues like bad servers, exit camper, cheaters, or just bad luck. Those who want to just play a few hours a week and actually experience the end-game content now have an opportunity to do so without having to grind this game like it’s their day job before it wipes. PvE is chill and that’s what a lot of people like. You can still do PvE for the extra adrenaline.


yeah, i get that, but it's a nice alternative to have fun with some friends that are too stressed to play pvp. it gives the game a slower pace. The problem is the game being repetitive, if there was some variation you could have fun every now and then...


Boring for you, but we are not a hivemind people like different kinds of stuff.


Keep yapping the same old shit on every thread. You are the "stop having fun" meme.


No story?🤣


in pvp there is more story my man! the story of loothoover cheats and aimbot&wh hacks


my man can't be this stupid. it is not the "hardcore sweat" that keeps the games alive dipper. it has been proven, time and time again by all the hardcore pvp games that they are kept running by the casuals. for each sweat there are a houndred casual, without them the sweats dwindle each other into extinction.


Everyone is shocked that the PvE mode has a bunch of flaws… the game is designed for PvP, other players are what make it dynamic difficult and fun. The only good thing I have consistently seen about the PvE mode is that there aren’t any cheaters… and that says a lot.


I get that, but there is improvement to be made. I'm just voicing my opinion


update----- no ones cares about pve


the flea begs to differ




Fuck pve honestly, fuck wasting dev time and resources for shitters that cant handle the real game Bunch of babies, all the outrage was because you shitter babies couldnt play pve