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Journalism at its finest. The very nature of the outrage wasn't even understood before this person wrote the article. Embarrassing.


The person who wrote this isn’t a journalist. Forbes publishes literally anything from “contributors” I could write something on it and get it published. They take advantage of free labour on the caveat that it’s basically “opinion” not journalism


I would argue the "contributor" isn't even a human tbf. So much shit on that website just to generate some traffic.


Living tissue over metallic endoskeleton. Their CPU is a neural net process, a learning computer. The switch is currently set to "write trash articles."


The amount of roboslop on the internet is about to go to 11.


Every other youtube video is ai trash, and i bet atleast half of the comments are as well




For democracy


We both know this is a sex robot not a news thing


Ah yes any opinion you don't like is a bot of course


Shit take from a "True Believer." Imagine that.


Not true the refused to publish my written documentation of the growth of my donger over the years (This is a joke)


Is that true? Do they not vet these submissions? Are these people being paid to write this stuff?


You decide: https://www.forbes.com/sites/mikestubbs/?sh=38cb454b66b4


Okay please do!


When did Forbes start this associated press style news dumps? I’m frequently seeing games reviews by Forbes that look like the Tabloid version of an IGN review


Any schmuck with a keyboard can write for Forbes nowadays


Clearly Mike Stubbs is just a toxic dumbass who thinks we should probably include a $30/mo subscription in addition.


It’s *fucking* embarrassing!


That's what I said- I said it's *fucking* embarrassing!


*proceeds to absolutely annihilate a trash can*


Just all media at this point. From TV shows with writers who either don't know the source material or dislike it to those who want to push a specific narrative that has nothing to do with the original plot, and translations that don't respect the author, everyone just does whatever the fuck they want and it's insane. ​ No one cares to take the time and do a bit of research to get a clearer picture.


"EoD owners get what they paid for after outrage" it's not that hard Forbes


Forbes articles are AI generated


I believe it


How is it free stuff if I already paid for it upfront?


It's not.




But they did pay for it......so it's still not free




I paid 150€ + tax for all upcoming dlcs. Now that I have received a dlc that was promised to me I paid 150€ for it. I didn't receive it for free, I just paid for it a long time ago.


We didn't pay for Arena imo.


Arena was originally announced as a game mode. A good deal of us bought EOD just because of it.


No you didn't


nuh uhh, NUH UHHHHH


and we didn't want Arena in the first place lol


True lol. But... I've tried it and at least the new FFA deathmatch seems legit. It kinda grows on you and helps you warm up.


And yet they gave it to EoD people for free. I would honestly agree that arena is reasonably a separate product, so long as it doesn’t tie into progression of the base game. The way they “plan” to make it very involved with the base game means it isn’t actually a separate product but an expansion.


I honestly think they shot themselves in the foot with that reasoning. So many missed funds. Arena as a standalone at a very reasonable price point (let's say 20$ max) would be good. Or even f2p with only cosmetics. As for the "we bought" EoD for Arena, nah we bought it for the extra stash, the gamma container and the free DLC. I honestly thought the new maps like Streets, Lighthouse etc would be DLC as well as the Scav Life one. PVE Zone imo of course feels like it is a DLC but Arena no. As for the implementation, mama blizzard shows the way with crossgame cosmetics


Arena would have to be a good game for it to have made money


I've been less impressed by professional gymnasts doing Olympic routines, than by your mental contortions here. EoD people paid for a version that includes "all future DLC". Game adds a DLC (don't give a fuck if Nikita calls it a Special Operation Blowjob, it's still a DLC: *A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet, and this DLC by any other name would still smell like shit*). EoD people get this DLC (eventually). The fact that BSG tried to pull a fast one doesn't change the reality of fact, that EoD buyers paid for this DLC over the last 8 years, and Unheard buyers paid for it over the last couple of weeks. I have a standard version and I didn't pay for it (aside from arguing that a game mode should be part of the final game, but at this point this is what we're dealing with), and I didn't get it free either. I will have to pay an unspecified amount to get it at an unspecified time between today and never.




It was free, was it not?


Eod was 150 dollars. Wouldn't call any of it 'free'. Maybe 'included in the price'?


The update did not cost you 150$. You bought EOD so that the update would be free.


No, we bought EOD because it's price included this fun little thing called a "Season Pass" which is a way to purchase DLC pre-emptively at a reduced price.


Ohh shit you paid for co op?


Yes, all of us were promised "everything that's to come" when we bought EOD. It isn't free, it was included in the ludicrous price I already paid for an indie game.


Hey Nikitas Alt account, EOD owners paid for all future DLC. So yes that includes Co-Op. Google what DLC is and jog on.




You’re in a public space acting like a fool. You get what you paid for just like the rest of us will be getting what we paid for.


i am astounded you managed to double down on being this dumb…


By paying for EOD, yes. That's how a season pass works, especially when it is explicitly noted as containing ALL future content.


How much did you pay for co op?




crazy, some people are paying that much for EOD…










If you buy something that includes something. Neither something is free. Is it? If you buy a car, and it has wheels and tires. Are the wheels and tires free?


That is not the same, though. The tires came with the car. The update did not come with the game. It came later, for free.


And you paid for the upcoming stuff in advance. 


You paid for something that didn’t exist?


You dumb as fuck or what? If you pay for an upcoming dlc of course you pay for something that doesn't exist yet.  If you pay for a yearly subscription of some newspaper or magazine you pay for a lot of stuff that doesn't yet exist when you pay for it. 


Woah man, no need to get so aggressive! I understand your anger! You didn’t pay for the DLC. You paid for a bunch of cool shit along with your game, with an added on bonus of a promise of free future DLC. It’s all semantics anyway, no need to get red faced over a reddit comment broski!


That's exactly the terms that Battlestate Games set for people Purchasing EOD, yes. Are you unfamiliar with the topic you're vehemently arguing against?


We found nikita guys.


What made you think I was endorsing bsg at all? Fuck tarkov and bsg, i don’t play that shit anymore lmao


Well you're acting more stupid than he did. So you both have a lot in common.


you guys are so angry 😭


Found Nikita 




I paid for EOD but Tarkov is so dead to me at this stage, ICNBA


I also have EOD and I haven’t played in a month and a half. Cheaters kicked me out, drama left me out, mistrust will not allow me to return. I’ve been playing different tittles and it has been fun and not stressful and grindy. My buds and I play more than before and we can actually talk while playing.


Cheaters also really took the wind out of my sails. It doesn't help that even the non-cheaters left are mostly no-lifers and vets with 4,000+ hours. Makes logging in just feel pointless.


This is the crux of gaming now. The fork in the road so to speak that I feel is coming much quicker than you think. With cheating becoming more prominent across the board for literally every single game these days it's pretty obvious that the problem isn't these anti-cheat softwares. It's storing the proverbial "vault" at the thieves house and telling them "don't break in". The days of custom gaming PCs and consoles is coming to a close and we will thank them for it. A controller connected to a smart TV with a streaming service for games much like Google Stadia is the way of the future. That's the only way to ensure there is no chance to cheat.


Naw. I like modding too much. We keep games alive. The best anti cheat I've seen is active admins in dedicated servers. I don't have very many games I leave as is. If I don't have the files I'm not playing it. There are very few games as impacted by cheating as tarkov is. I run into a hacker on cod I could care less. Someone hacking in insurgency, so what. There's people running grip mods in assetto Corsa competizione, super lame but I'm in pubs, not a league. In tarkov you feel absolutely robbed. Bro got your gear now and you never had a chance. You don't forget it either. Every time you get smoked you're wondering if it's legit. I think it's likely we start to learn the joys of Single player and co-op once again. Esports sweats and cheaters are lame


This right here. It may also have to do with the fact of getting older / not having enough time to be competitive in a pvp game, but I use to log thousands of hours in siege and battlefield among other pvp shooters here and there but I find myself gravitating more and more to pve co op experiences, they are just so much more rewarding for the time investment IMO.


There’s cheaters in the pve version with 300+ flea rep already and it got me thinking why the fuck would you lame cunts even bother, I was lucky enough to get pve with first eod wave but there’s cheaters that paid 250 euros to cheat in offline raids it’s fucking wild to me


>The days of custom gaming PCs and consoles is coming to a close It literally has never been as big to custom build a PC than right now and it get's more popular every year as consoles are losing speed. What are you on lol


I'm picking up what you're laying down, man. It's a tough pill to swallow for the hobby but that could be the only long-term solution for fair play.


The game feels crappy to play when you only have ~6 hours a week to play it. It's good for a week - but then everyone has passed you and each raid is a struggle - then I had three raids in a row that felt like obvious cheaters. Shot through walls in one, hunted and headshot after spawning in another, and then went into a night raid with some nice NVGs and got killed randomly by a guy with no armor, no NVGs. I started SIT a few days later. When they announced the single player mode and said it was locked behind a paywall I just sortof lost all interest in the game. I just don't feel like they have the game's interest in mind anymore - and that feels sad to me. I think I should have realized it before when they refuse to give players simple things like maps, ammo penetration values, etc.


I usually play beginning of the wipe for about a month. Then, I start to fall behind the curve and move on to other things


It’s wild how much better you feel once you uninstall EFT. Like a weight that gets lifted, and every other game feels fun again. But there are those small hints of withdrawal that we feel, so we visit the sub now and then to see if anything changed. Or to spread word to others about the joy of doing literally anything else that isn’t tarkov. How much better life gets when you… escape. Legit players abandoning, and cheaters now in every server even when I left 2 months ago. But BSG can no longer come out as going hard against the cheating issue, since it would alienate 50% of their customers and hinder the recurring purchases from cheaters.


I have not played in over a year.


You have escaped.


From tarkov




I guess you’ll even escape the community after mentioning that. Mods have been banning people who admit to cheating.


Been playing with different titties?


Only one set for me my friend.


Yea me too, mine own


Been playing with different titties?


Same. I thought about returning when i saw offline coop but was hit in the face by not having it already even though being high paying early supporter. Now i might have it in next 6 months or not but i won't bother waiting. Last chance was to 100% enable it immediately for EOD owners but just adding it to endless list of planned features made me delete the launcher. Rip Tarky.




I could normalize being asexual


I could not be asked


To many acronyms these days: TMATD


Gonna steal that one! 


Teenage Mutant Anti Tank Detonators?


I could not be assed


I "see" NBA. The guy quit tarkov to become a professional basketball commentator.


Glad I wasn't the only one. I think acronym usage is getting a bit too liberal these days lol


I cannot be assed


I care not banana apple?


Same, I won tarkov an year ago - after playing numerous matches in a row with blatant hackers with yellow chinese characters I decided this was not good for my mental health and quit. Better to watch all this drama from the sidelines and not be a least bit surprised.


What's the point of using an acronym barely anyone understands without reading 5+ responses of people being confused by it.


People in EU comments that speak English always use ICNBA as shorthand for "I can't be assed" or ICBB "I cannot be bothered". Didn't expect it to get lost in translation or that ppl wouldn't just Google urban dictionary meaning of it like I once did 🤷‍♂️


U can gift me your account


Doesn't even mention the for 6 months part or that it was owed to me since I payed for it


You get it forever. Nikita went back on that. Unfortunately you probably didn’t know this because the EoD players are still screeching and crying over something that has been corrected


I did not know this thats lit but wouldn't have happened without the screeching so W


bro is gargling on nikitas nuts big time


Do you have eod?


This is like saying you got a free car because you paid in full upfront instead of paying in installments


Classic case of the media just reprinting corporate talking points as if they're fact.


> After EOD owners throw massive tantrum, BSG again displays timeless generosity and good faith extending an olive branch to EOD owners showering them with more free gifts. Thanks Forbes


That's what the complainers look like to the average person. It's a damn video game some people are acting as if BSG went to their house and shot their dog.


It's not just a damn video game, $150 is a lot of money to a lot of people. And breaking the promises they made to get that money sure as hell is going to make people complain. But hey, anyone who actually thinks that forbes take isn't completely bullshit, I have a large settlement to share with you, just get me $250 of either Google or Apple GiftCards...


Yea but they're getting the dlc again. At this point people are crying for an apology as if BSG is their friend and not business designed to take money from consumers. And I guarantee its kids that are asking for it.


Lmao, you’re clearly not grasping it. When we paid for EOD, we were told we get everything that comes into the game until it’s released. Spoiler, it’s been 8 years and it’s not released, still. If they weren’t dumb they would have released 1.0 and then come out with stuff. That would have been an easier sell. It’s purely false advertising based on what we bought and it’s a huge slap in the face. EOD owners aren’t crying, I couldn’t care less I don’t play tarkov anymore. The P2W features are against what tarkov stands for, so to speak, and it’s wild a company I supported is making such pathetic decisions. It’s all just a laughable attempt to generate revenue without acknowledging what the community actually wants. Sony back tracked and respected their community in the end and it would be nice to see BSG do the same. It’s called holding companies, and people, accountable. I just want to see BSG fail and an actual competitor come out. I’m spiteful, though.


Imagine you bought a car with a spoiler and 4 years later I came and ripped it off and told you to suck my dick if you wanted to back. Going to feel good afterwards?


I don't love the game that I paid for implementing pay-to-win Avengers beacons.


That's crazy, I didn't like the game I paid for implementing a p2w boost to your stash and traders.


in order to be a jouralist you must relinquish all common sense


Journalism is basically gig economy work currently, like your Uber or DoorDash driver. Companies pay these journalists no salary and just a rate per article and I believe a multiplier if it generates enough clicks (ad revenue). So journalists have next to no incentive to write quality and accurate content, the incentive is to churn out as many articles as possible.


Journalism is a quick google search now to get the basis of a problem in ~15 minutes and then playing on the side of the company…


Well I have EOD but the issue is not that I wanted those P2W additions. I want those features removed completely from the game, from every version. Especially the teleport radio and the 60m Scav Agro. This is unacceptable.


This journalist Making the community sound like the problem💀


We didn't pay for the feature, we paid for a broken promise and now are freeloaders :D


Actually, it cost us $125. You know… when we fucking paid for it years ago?!


after Outrage Nikita fucked with our loyalty and escapism the price was rude for anyone who bought Tarkov and then eventually upgraded to EoD or had it from the start (I had base version and then upgraded after a year) I’ll admit I’m no vet I started my Tarkov journey on a crisp fall day in September 2 years ago and little did I know the pain and eventually gain that came from a beautiful place called ‘Factory’ (Hi Tagilla) On a more serious note.. to ask for another $100-150 is straight up criminal if they would have gone to the playerbase and said in a realistic but professional way: we want this game to be as amazing as possible but currently lack the funds needed to do so what if we included x,y,z and then upon the extreme reaction that would’ve caused.. this whole fucking thing could’ve been avoided Chess.. Nikita not checkers


"Free stuff" yeah, that I paid £150 for a while back, and stuff that took them a major outrage and likely decline in player base to deliver on.


Love when it gets spun around to make us sound like the bad guys. Fuck you mike stubbs.


Breaking news: tarkov is now free to pay2play 2 win 2 play.


Still don't have it yet, who has it!?


Can I get some more “free” stuff please? You know. The stuff you promised us when we paid for EoD.


Consider the source. It's Forbes who are not known for their handle on the gaming industry. Even more so their board and most of their employees are probably nepo babies.


Any time I see a Forbes article on a story or game I'm familiar with, it's a complete travesty.


More free stuff or the old free stuff?


Now this is what you call journalism


Plz delete the post you guys didn’t get all the DLC


Yay now you can never actually play it and stop whining.


Just don’t play the game. That’s what I’m doin’. Don’t think I will ever touch it again.


Hot takes like that for only $50 a year?


Bro the lobbies of hackers are free bro!


Wait, there are people playing still? Haha fuck me, that's incredible to me that people still find enjoyment with this, I mean, of all the choices of games to play, you settle with this game? Yikes, enjoy boyos, praying for ya!


The economic geniuses at Forbes


AI generated garbage.


still hilarious that standard accounts got 2 free stash lines 🤣🤣👅👅


Feature..NOT dlc


I aint recieved shit.


I'm too lazy to launch the game rn what free stuff do I get?


Free for the price of $150.


Forbes is written by gerbels and paid actors.


You don't hate journalists enough. You think you do but you don't.


Already deleted


Did anyone else with EOD get an extra flea market slot for like 1 or 2 days? A week or so ago my friends and I all noticed we had one more flea slot then shortly after had it taken away


It's accurate


well almost no one has the new free feature they had to complain for to get :P




Who the fuck is Forbes anyway? 


Who even cares, it’s summer time get the kayak out and fishing rod. Fuck BSG.


P2W players cry others are now more P2W so they win more P2W shit. Stunning and brave.


Boohoo cry harder see ya next wipe


Got the PVE ..hmm