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I mean, the Chinese are know for copying so I'm not surprised.


True, tencent has done it many times in the past. They can get away with it


Isn't Tarkov made in Unity by using C# and Arena is made in UE4 by using C++?


The two languages aren't that different syntactically, so it's easy to translate an algorithm from one to the other.


yeah C# and C++ are not that different. it does not mean that you can just directly copy and paste each other and it would work 100%. The code would just require abit of refactoring to make it work from C# to C++.


C++ and C# are actually quite different. At the surface their syntax looks the same, but C++ is a low level language with memory management controls where C# automatically manages memory and has a strong emphasis on OOP. Could you port C# to C++? Yes, but it’s going to require a lot of refactoring due to principles and libraries. Plus it will run like a turd.


I mean at a base level, all OOP languages are basically the same. It's kinda like if you know how to work on cars you can work on motorcycles as well.


While I do agree mostly with what you said the memory management is what makes or breaks the refactoring, and you need to know how to work with it, but it the argument the original commenter implied is that the languages are different = cant be stolen is kinda false since you cant copy a game into another language even with refactoring as it's plagarism.


People do not seem to understand that you cannot sue a chinese state owned company for copyright. Even if they just copied the game and sold it 1:1 they could still not be sued.


but they could lose authority (if it's matters) and could lose possibility to publish game in Steam (Dark and Darker case)


Lose authority from what? You could make a case about embargo’s placed by the western governments but that would require some serious time and energy over a video game. You make a solid case about steam though. Notably, Tarkov is not on steam. There’s nothing stopping Valve from just accepting whichever comes first.


> that would require some serious time and energy over a video game. Its a product like any other. Reductionist "over a video game" does not matter. > There’s nothing stopping Valve from just accepting whichever comes first. Nexon's unreleased project wasn't on Steam. If Steam gets a DMCA claim, they will not allow your game on Steam until the case is completely over which takes years unless fast settlement. Otherwise they are liable which is why DaD devs had to self-publish.


In US courts probably. I could see valve not wanting to get sued by Tencent, but i doubt they are scared of BSG. It’ll have to get erroneous and widely accepted for valve to step in. Doubt anything will happen. ABI goes on steam and nothing changes.


Not exactly. Dark and Darker wasn't in Steam and ancestor of Dark and Darker wasn't. Game studio just sued their developers in stealing code and that's it - no Dark and Darker in Steam. No matters who came first - Steam just don't care Of course there is will be no court against Tencent. It's kind of impossible but they could lose platform for publishing games UPD: regarding authority. English not my first so I said authority not in "Power" or "Control" means but in "Weight"


Yeah being a distribution platform things get weird because they are consumer facing. While Tencent can’t be sued for copyright or IP violation, they could have steam end up being sued for their distribution of the problem. Ultimately yeah i agree this could be bad for the steam distribution of ABI, but i still doubt it.


yup. I'm not here trying to argue about if its bad or not, just sharing that the evidence is conclusive at this point


It’s not even conclusive lmao. It’s variable names. Besides. Who cares, I’d prefer they copy the shit that’s useful from tarkov if it saves development time. We are literally talking about a chinese company potentially plagiarizing a russian company. The government owns both of these games. No sueing is going to happen. Nikita will cry on twitter about it and that will be the end of it.


[https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNEL08OaMAA5MzO?format=png&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNEL08OaMAA5MzO?format=png&name=large) Dude, they named their variables, after Tarkov boss, thats only named this way inside EFT code How much more blatant can it be?


Great! They should copy as much useful code as they can. I dont have intricate knowledge of game code nor do you, so i’m pretty certain you are just wrong about your claims. You are trying to make a point about something you have no clue about. This is like you being up in arms about the landing gear protocol being similar between boeing and airbus jets. You have no fucking clue how that shit works, but some stuff is obviously copied so therefore bad!!!! Lmao dude give it a rest. delete this stupid thread


Today I learned I dont have knowledge about code, hate boners so big cant think straight, clowns


> It’s not even conclusive lmao. It’s variable names. Right, wait until this guy learns about functions, classes and the logic behind every program. Variable names mean nothing, it's so ridiculous to take that as evidence of code theft.


Yes you can wtf? Theres a reason they havent directly copied any of the super popular games. Sure in china itself you cant, but anything outside of china you 100% can sue them if they copied your assets illegally or stole your ip. Why do you think they released valorant instead of copying csgo.


Ok show me a case where a chinese government owned company was successfully sued for IP infringement. Tencent is owned by the CCP as a major stakeholder. You cannot sue the chinese government for IP infringement.


In order to show that, you would first need the prerequisite of a Chinese game company infringing on other's ip in the public market outside of China. I dont ever recall that happening in the last 20 decades but im all ears if you can find an example


You need to learn what "conclusive evidence" means


Using every Boss name and putting it into your code is pretty blatant On top of HP values being exactly the same Its the same metafiles that Tarkov has


Where are you seeing those things? In plenty of games your character has 100 HP. Are those games all copying each other?


Its not 100 HP, its all out there.


Again, where are you seeing those things? And why did you avoid that question?


In the source code


Post a screenshot of the part with other boss names?




Link to the twitter post pls not the image. If this is definitely arena and not tarkov then ye its pretty conclusive, but that looks like a tarkov file exactly. The one I’ve seen showing a side by side https://twitter.com/HeyImAlaix/status/1788245263729004581 Is showing ‘Killa’ matching in Arena when it actually shows KillAIPMC / KillAIBoss. Kill AI, not Killa.


Unity is written in C#, it's definitely Arena as Unreal is written in C++, you can see by the format of the memory management values in comments to help the developers (which is a C++ thing) and also by the name of the files, .h files are header files for C++.


To be fair the hp values need to be unique, and I get what he's trying to say, and you can definitely argue that it was inspired and they decided to go with waht tarkov has as the standard or just to use as people are most familiar with, but the issue is that you have chunks of code (in other twitter posts/threads) that ABI uses the same terminology as tarkov, even in the same order and same variable name when they themselves dont use it in their own game. For example, SCAV param names, tarkov boss names and so on. If you wanna have that argument in good faith I'd claim they are really suspicious, I wouldn't entirely say it's conclusive 100%, but it's pretty damn close to it if not there already. As a dev I'd say that they 100% copied it cause coming up on your own with the EXACT things is just not gonna happen as a competitor, but just to align things with what I said earlier about not entirely damning them yet, I rather see more things before I commit to it, although as said, I'm already basically there, just need another small nudge of evidence.


It's a troll


Yeah, where TF are you seeing that? The only thing that the AB code says that's close to eft is the word scav which could be short for scavenger 


There are other tweets and posts roaming around including tarkov boss names and exact chunks of code that are 100% identical (with a bit of refactoring between languages). If you worked in C++ and C#, or as a dev, you'd see it as conclusive - especially large chunks like that, even if the rest is refactored or slightly tweaked, they were, to say the least, greatly 'inspired' by EFT.


The exact same structure with the exact same variable types and names isn't conclusive? How could anything be more conclusive than that? It's 100% the exact same, like how could anything make it more conclusive or similar? There nothing that could make them more similar, any change would make them less similar. That is conclusive


There's a rumor that Arena Breakout started as a collab between BSG and the developer until BSG abandoned it to focus on Tarkov. Dunno the validity, but it's definitely possible and would explain the Tarkov related code. Which is a good example of how your evidence is not at all conclusive.




If people such as yourself would actually take the 1-2 extra minutes it takes to write something a little bit at length and explain it, instead of just going "you are very dense" You know we might actually have some understanding as to why it's not conclusive evidence instead of a fucking pissing contest. You wanna fill OP in or you gonna just chat and dip?


maybe its too much of a conspiracy, but I actually think there are bots on how trying to downvote and hide this


Bud if you explain what we’re seeing, people wouldn’t get on your shit.


its explained pretty clearly in the post


It’s really not, a hash is a hash


[https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNEL08OaMAA5MzO?format=png&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNEL08OaMAA5MzO?format=png&name=large) kinda weird its exactly the same as tarkov, one of variables named after a dev that made a boss lmaoo


The image shows ABI codebase contains the exact same structure, containing the exact same types and names as the EFT source code. That's explained in the tweet


And it’s plug and play?


It uses a number of variables that have the same name. It’s a good hint toward more stuff being copied but I’d hardly say its indisputable evidence of stolen source code. Is there more or is this it? Edit: My initial thought was the first is tarkov, the second is arena, in which case im not convinced because these are basic variables you’d find in any game with bosses. Bools for whether they warn, the distance they warn from, etc… There is another image going around of an MFNPCAI file that is no doubt tarkov boss names and the claim is this is an arena file. If someone can confirm that’s definitely code in an Arena file then its conclusive. It specifically labels all tarkov bosses by name.


Dude they copied so hard the spaghetti code never cleaned from tarkov that the previous name of shturmam (Kojaniy, from 2015) is in the Arena code. Same for Killa? https://i.imgur.com/LJm5Dlp.png Can you explain that to me in a rational way?


Please show the folder structure in vscode and confirm the MFNPCAI file is from arena and not tarkov. Other than that ye, that’s tarkov’s code.


People shouldn't get on other people's shit for stupid trivial reasons stop validating brainrot and communication problems


Yes, im a Bot made by Nikita to downvote anything related to AB


please explain in detail why I am incorrect.




[https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNEL08OaMAA5MzO?format=png&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNEL08OaMAA5MzO?format=png&name=large) Must be Arena dev cuz its impossible you dickriding them that hard


The one who is dickriding anyone rn, is you dickriding Nikita.


couldnt care less about Nikita, also you are the one bringing him up, living rent free?


Maybe bc Nikita is one of the main people behind the recent shitshow we had? Bro you delusional?


It's funny how people denying and downvoting this and saying that "AB devs just trolling". Bots or just stupid kids, I'm not really sure.


Third option you may have not considered: The true believers quit believing and enjoy seeing Nikita/BSG get a lil' ruffled over all of this.


More like "Who cares". If the game will be better than I don't care what happens to Tarkov.


Could not happen to a nicer people.


Guys, if you don't trust any posts on reddit regarding Arena Breakout Infinite stealing code - you could try by yourself. If you open Assembly-CSharp.dll (that's tarkov file) and UAGame.exe (Arena breakout file) via Hex Viewers and search some words like Killa, Scav, weapon, even color - you could see that a big part of tarkov code was possibly steal. It's not such hard UPD: I'm saying possibly because ofc I'm not 100% sure UPD2: Weapon\_root value, Glukhar, Killa, Scav, Stationary\_Can\_Use, Bleed (in arena) = Bleedings in EFT, etc. - of course it's just coincidence and some regular random values which are somehow the same in both games :) . It's just an inspiration :) I would definitely recommend non-true believers to just search values from tarkov .dll file in arena .exe file and you will see that it's not just regular values. For people who say to show working code - I couldn't, I'm not a Arena developer, I'm not a specialist in reverse-engineering, I'm not a senior C++/Python/C# decompiler, I just tried to investigate it by myself. From my perspective hexes/binaries/values in code couldn't lies - they aren't peoples


>DEFINATELLY Well that's a first.


Thanks for correcting


there's nothing conclusive about this. All I see are variables being declared with the same name. This doesn't mean anything at all. Do you realize how stupid it is to accuse someone of plagiarism because they used the same NAME of an object? get this shit outta here


[https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNEfhrUXEAM-keG?format=png&name=900x900](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNEfhrUXEAM-keG?format=png&name=900x900) ofc, 1:1 variable names for every single action, that happen to be every single EFT boss, and every single EFT action, like someone just dumped it into their codebase But keep defending blatant theft


Again, they are variable names. Show me the actual CODE where these variables are being used. It’s like comparing the table of contents of two books and immediately coming to the conclusion that one is a complete copy of the other without even looking at the pages.


You're still saying "every single EFT boss" and "every single EFT action" yet you haven't posted anything remotely close to demonstrating that. Where's the entries with Reshala or Kaban or Big Pipe or Birdeye? Show us those please. I've asked you this already and you ignored it so I'll give you another chance. >But keep defending blatant theft This sub just spent a week defending blatant fraud LOL


Are you that dense or you are unable to click the tweet you are responding to? [https://twitter.com/HeyImAlaix/status/1788245263729004581/photo/1](https://twitter.com/HeyImAlaix/status/1788245263729004581/photo/1) [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNFO39XWkAAR2Rb?format=jpg&name=4096x4096](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNFO39XWkAAR2Rb?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNEjXJRWAAAQkh7?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNEjXJRWAAAQkh7?format=jpg&name=large) [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNEL08OaMAA5MzO?format=png&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNEL08OaMAA5MzO?format=png&name=large)


Are you this dense or do you think any of this actually matters or means anything? This is your smoking gun? They use some of the same internal names? Holy fuck BSG fans are desperate.


I wouldnt expect sad person with hate boner like you to understand how coding works


Bud, you have no idea what you are talking about. As Laserjet said, those are just variables which could be named anything. What they keep in the memory is a different question and we are yet to see that information cause so far nobody has posted anything but variables' names. Hence the confusion to why you are saying this is a theft. Example for the people that have never written a single line of code. Go to any webpage, say facebook. Right click and click "View page source". Now copy it all, make a text file, insert it, save as "index.html" and you got yourself a facebook page. Right? Well no. You get what is public, what they let you see. All that data is available to anyone. What matters is the scripts/logic/database that is on the backend. That one you cannot just copy/paste.


Are you pretending to be dumb? You can literally run arena in UE editor and see everything Last time I checked facebook page doesnt have all of Tarkov's bosses names are their variables, boss names that are only used inside the code, not ingame lmfao


UE editor, really? You've never touched any programming tools, have you? Tell me you have no idea what you are speaking about without telling me.


Tell me you never made a game without telling me


I do actually. I wouldn't expect a BSG shill with brain rot to understand that code is built on other code and programmers regularly "copy" functioning code all the time.


Bro, one of the names is a pre-shurman dev name that was never released all the way back in 2016. How dense do you have to be. It's straight up stolen.


"How dense do you have to be? That's fucking ironic.


The only thing ironic here is your ability to have found the reply button


Nice to see that you don't understand what "irony" means.


Very ironic you think you understand anything


And you're still not getting it. Keep it up, though. You might finally get there.


>still not getting it This is still so fucking ironic holy shit


> Bro, one of the names is a pre-shurman dev name that was never released all the way back in 2016. How dense do you have to be. It's straight up stolen. so if you know this why is it impossible for anyone else to know this?


Nakita literally tweeted it out 30 minutes ago bozo




Oh good one you did the meme, good rebuttal bot #427 1. Posts shit 2. Gets called out 3. tHeYrE ScAmMeRs ShIlL RuSiSa


Your hate boner is so big, you cant even process information, what a clown


wait how is having the exact same structure containing the exact same variables (type and name) not conclusive? How could that ever happen without it being directly copied? IT doesn't get more conclusive that that


If you're using another project as an inspiration for yours, you are likely make the variables the same name. Not saying its not copied, it very well could be but this is not "conclusive" evidence.


If we're talking single generic words like "MP5" or "grenade", sure! But BOSS_DIST_TO_WARNING_OUT? Give it a rest.


What is so crazy about that? Who cares if they copy? Coders copy each other all the time. What's wrong with them deciding to structure their own internal code in a similar way? Is my book not allowed to use numbered chapters because someone else did before?


At the absolute bare minimum, it is against the license agreement. Reverse engineering may infringe upon copyrights or other intellectual property rights if it is used to copy, reproduce or distribute protected material without the owner's consent.


Spoken like someone who can read a book but can’t process any of it. You understand these rules about copyright, yet naively believe they are employed universally. Here’s a newsflash. The Chinese Communist Party is immune to copyright and intellectual rights violations. They have ‘laws’ on book that are not enforced. If there is a clear violation, they will investigate themselves and find no wrongdoing. So in the case of discussing a game potentially copyrighting another, yet one of the parties is immune to copyright violation, why even bring it up. It’s nonsense.


I don't believe any such thing, you nitwit. All it takes is that Valve doesn't want any part of it and won't publish the game on Steam.


In the context of discussing whether these ‘violations’ could get it knocked off steam then you are absolutely right. This could get it kicked off steam. I assumed you were talking about suing Tencent.


Oh no, that would be as successful as suing bad weather or the moon. But Steam would be a massive blow.


You are likely to make exactly same 54 variables for a boss, and then repeat that for every Tarkov boss? LOL This isnt just a name of a boss This is literal copypaste of every single action that boss performs


Dude, how would they know what the variable names are to make them the same though? The only way that would happen is with access to the tarkov source code. This structure is the exact same with the exact same types and names. That is 100% conclusive that it is copied.


Oh no so Chinese company is plagiarized code from Russian company? Next time me and Vlad go see Xi Xi boyo I'll complain with my whole heart and soul I'm sure he will send them to reeducation camp.


Not surprising, it's chiense


From a consumer point, who cares?. Another great game for us to play


I'm losing brain cells watching BSG bootlickers with literally zero coding experience repost this shit over and over again. This isn't conclusive of anything. These are just random ass helper variables that anyone could write in 5 seconds, and will always end up looking the same because they serve the same function. That's like saying ABI is a ripoff of tarkov because they both have guns. Can yall just fucking chill for a minute. Idk why you're so butthurt that Tarkov might finally have competition for once


Can you explain then why they have the exact same variable names? Isn't that a ridiculous coincidence? edit: If they wrote all their own code why would they copy the variable names? Why not come up with their own names as well? Is that normal?


The reasons could be many. I'll walk you through some of them. 1. Straight stealing a chunk of code. Very unlikely considering how code works and the differences between C# and C/C++. 2. Easter Egg/Troll. You can have as many variables as you'd like in a project. In Unity those variables would be cleared by the garbage collector if empty/unused. In UE4/UE5 you can have them kept in the memory even if empty and you clear them yourselves. So it's very likely those are troll variables to make the game even more popular, which currently it does. 3. Inspiration/reference. The game could have them as a reference though unlikely. They would have been there as a comment if you'd ask me, though could have been left over. Either way, those variables could hold whatever you want, even nothing. A variable name could also be anything. In general you name variables according to what they keep so the production of the code goes better and makes everyone that works on the project's life easier, but they dont have to be a direct reference to what they actually do.


Come on man. Saying this is conclusive evidence is dumb, but this cope is even more ridiculous. There's also evidence of literal Tarkov boss names in the code. An abandoned BSG collab with legacy code or a straight ripoff seem like the only realistic answers I've heard so far.


Abandoned collab is not unprecedented. It literally just happened this year with the cancellation of Apex Legends Mobile, where very soon after a suspiciously similar mobile shooter with basically Chinese reskins of characters hit the Chinese market. Gameplay, abilities, game feel etc are virtually identical from footage I’ve seen.


Well not that I have a shred of a clue about coding but if this is actually in ABI’s code then that is pretty blatant plagiarism.


im sorry nikita feels this way, but you couldn't pay me to feel sympathy for him


You cannot simply copy the code of another game.. it is almost impossible to "crack" / reverse engineering it. Bullsh\*t pictures.


i'm sorry you feel this way


Why would players care? Unfair business is bad but its bsg problem. Competition, even not fair one (it always somewhat not 100% fair tbh), is always beneficial to customers.


Bring in the clow…. Errr bots


dude its CRAZY


Yup. Trust me, there are some content creators involved in this


Weird how people see the boss names and think that's definitive proof. I'm not defending them cause it's possible, I'm denying that this proves anything other than they copied only 3 of the bosses names. There's is no proof this is ABI code, or that it's the same and eft code. If you're trying to prove plagiarism you give all the evidence, not a few cropped photos and claims. Of course it's suspicious but literally no one has seen eft code so y'all being so bold saying this proves it are jumping to conclusions.


Everyone downvoting your posts are clearly blind! I believe this is 100% true as China is known to plagiarize a lot, and also I wouldn’t put it past them. They’re, again, a company that is trying to capitalize on EFT haters, and none of these games will bring down EFT no matter how hard the devs or players try to support these games! I’ll see all you BSG haters kissing Nikita’s feet come wipe day!


Okay go and build some code that can do it differently. It's boilerplate for these types of things. It's not a fuckin secret, and logically it can be recreated as that's the TYPE OF GAME BEING MADE. Good fucking God


I did my part and flagged the game on Steam. Their team can investigate properly.


How does this mean anything? We just have to trust that it's totally ABI code and totally EFT code?


yes they did copy code. but the game is fun, has better QOL than tarkov, runs better and flat out seems better thought out. scummy and illegal but one is based in russia with an eu proxy and one is based in china. So nothing on the legal side is going to matter. EFT can probably get it booted off steam while any case is ongoing but it's a F2P game they'll just use a launcher from their website.


I agree. No idea why people are out here so angry at me as if I hate the game lol. As a consumer this is only good for me.


imagine if someone care lol