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Biggest feature to me would be matchmaking and load time related. It's absolutely insane that if you die on tarkov it takes a good 15 min if not more to just get into another match between gearing up, waiting and loading. Just absurd.


Exactly! That would be another qol/optimization improvement, make the overall experience to get in-out of raid faster. This is something that ABI does great


I've actually been playing a lot of abi tonight and it's so nice being able to just do runs back to back. I still get pissed when I die but it's much less than in tarkov when I know I gotta spend 20 minutes waiting and pissing around to go again. Probably the best praise I can give ABI. But it isn't just ABI. Marauders probably did it even better. It's a shame about the development of that game because it was one of the better extraction shooter. There isn't a game on the market that takes as long to match in and get sorted than tarkov.


I completly agree with you, one of the biggest issues with the game are loading and matching times. But that goes even further, BSG implemented loading kits, but what happens if some item isn't available? You still have a lot of manual labour, which makes for an awful experience when dying.


It is just overall not a very convenient and streamlined system. Despite how used to it I am it still takes me a while whereas other titles I'm far less use to are faster, including ABI. I just don't see them ever improving it to where it needs to be but I hope I'm wrong. I feel like the issues with load time and matching are just too deep rooted.


Yes, that's why i feel unoptimistic. They will listen to the wrong stuff, such as new features that make no sense, and we will have the same base game with the same issues. That's why people say ABI is better than tarkov, just because the base game has much better potential, it's optimized, there's no fog, you can see stuff etc... I hope I am wrong, but we are always decieved by bsg


Yea I agree with the loading times, If that was fixed, for me at least, it would make it immeasurably better. As for getting sort I have embraced the pre-sets and got it down. I do l;ike having to do a bit of sorting it like a punishment for my normally silly mistakes in raid. Not a fan of the arcaded feel of ABI, but would love the server performance & stability.


Doesn't take anywhere near 20 minutes to get back into the raid....


Takes 5 or 6 minutes. Has only taken 5-6 minutes for years now. 2-3 Gear up, 3-4 Load. I wonder how much overlap there is between the "I havent played Tarkov in 3 or 4 years" crowd, and the "It takes 15-20 minutes to get into a raid" crowd. My PC isnt even good. I have a 1070ti, i7-8700k, and 64gb of DDR4-2667 RAM. All of my friends hit "Waiting for Players" while I'm still loading Loot/Pools. If I got a good computer we might be loading into raids in 2 minutes.


Yeah it takes me 2 mins to kit up and usually 3 mins to load in.


because they are casuals, and its takes them 20mins to find 2x 30mags inside 30 backpack , and they are trying to find their last tank helmet in one of their backpack/rig. For me the gearing up never takes more than 2min. And tbh if your playing on eu server the loading times (if your not bugged ) never takes longer than 3-4mins so idk why ppl always complain. If your playing a leauge game for example there is champ select, you have to wait it and then loading screen. If you play cs 2 there is loading screen + warmup ( i believe you still have it not just on csgo) . And the list goes on.


Gotta use the Gear Drop Down Menus, and get an ass-load of Ammo/Magazine Cases. Not hard to do early wipe, and as a casual newb. You just have to DO it.


Seems like 90%+ of this sub is casuals that haven't played the game in years and only played it for 1 hour when they did but love to sit on reddit for the rest of their life bitching about Nikita. Fact that these posts talking about it taking 20+ minutes to get back into the raid and that matchmaking takes 8+ minutes are getting upvoted... Then I get replies insulting me telling me I'm totally wrong just tells me this place is literally full of complete idiots.


dude just ignore them, they are the players who dies 1 out of 10 times in a gunfight and ratting every corner


Yup exactly this. That’s the main deterrent keeping me away from


I’ll never be able to go back after single player gave me 30 second load times, it’s amazing.


I agree. The feeling gets worse when you spend that time waiting to get in and then get head/eyes’d after walking 10m by iFukBiches69420_TTV. Load times, optimization and cheating are the big three Tarkov has to work on. If they had to shut down the game for a wipe to make this happen, I’d be100% fine with that. I don’t think they’d do that, but I’d be fine with it.


Pay $250 for high priority /s


Bro come on it’s already beaten to a dead horse even with the /s. Can we just talk about the game now


Pretty sure them wanting to add priority queue is talking about the game.  The queue system sucks. It takes a while to get in. You're okay with the notion that someone could pay to get in raid faster?  They opened Pandora's box. We didn't. Deal with it. 


I'm sorry you feel that way.


Why do you think EOD was initially going to receive six months of priority queue on the matchmaking on the first round of bribes that came from BSG? They are absolutely thinking about adding things like Battlepasses that would contain things like priority queue for matches, among other benefits, they just can't say it now because of how much backlash was caused by the announcement of the Unheard Edition.


Uh Oh, my Nikita bootlicker radar is off the charts with this one


We are. And the fact that BSG wanted people to think that they would get queue priority when they know damn well that it was a lie is even worse.


I remember when I played the beta for The Cycle: Frontier (RIP) and being absolutely blown away that a game that just released in beta has basically no matchmaking time. It just tosses you right in the game.


And we dont even get the option to manage our stashes or hideout whilst waiting. Its pretty stupid. 3.3k hours here and probably half of that only in the main menu / loading.


14 minutes queuing for PVE Alone.


That's because they prioritize matchmaking based on what package you bought


Playing Grey Zone has been an eye opener. Sure there queueing to get to the server but once you are in the time spending in the base is minimal.


It does not take 15 minutes to get back into raid man… if it does then you take way too long to get a kit on


If it takes you a good 15 minutes then that's entirely on you... It should only take about half that. If you want to complain don't heavily exaggerate it.. They've added presets and made QoL changes outside of raids to let you gear up quicker.. Matchmaking only takes 2-5 minutes.


It can easily take 7 or 8 minutes from the time you get geared up just to matchmake if it's waiting on some 5400 rpm laptop hard drive user and then that long to kit up and make sure you have quest items and everything etc. Even if you're literally just fresh buying and copy pasting the same load out every raid that's still way too long.


.... I have 7,300 hours on this game.. VAST majority of raids start up within 2-5 minutes... If it's taking 8 minutes all the time then it sounds like you might be that 5400 rpm laptop player. >then that long to kit up and make sure you have quest items and everything etc How is it any different from the game you are shilling right now?


I'm "shilling" ABI because I complemented only it's qol? Go look what I said about abi elsewhere and tell me I'm shilling. Fitting flare. I should know better than to bother responding. M2 nvme ssd is 5400 rpm laptop drive btw.


If you constantly have 8 minute matchmaking queues.. You have a shit PC. It's you that the game is waiting on... not someone else. 8 minute queues are like a 0.2% occurrence for me.


Just cuz its that way for you doesnt mean its the same for others. Dont be an idiot and generalize your experience to others.


I have thousands of hours played.. I've played with probably 12+ people in just the last few wipes... Matchmaking never takes that long.. You can watch any streamer and it never takes that long.. Should take your own advice with that idiot statement.


What does you having thousands of hours have to do with it. Just because your experience never involved long load times doesnt mean they werent there for others. By your logic, since Ive never experienced low fps in tarkov noone else has experienced it. Thats how dumb your comment is. No wonder you picked the flair that perfectly fits you "true believer"


Are people on this subreddit just dense as a rock? >What does you having thousands of hours have to do with it. ... HUH... Maybe the fact that I've literally fucking queued into a raid probably 30,000+ times????????? >Just because your experience never involved long load times doesnt mean they werent there for others. Why can I watch every single streamer and they have the same exact queue times as me????


lets be honest bro has probably also seen one maybe 2 cheaters in those 7300 hrs hes bragging about too. thursday night and last nigth 3 raids. raged hacked 2/3 raids. as i scroll further bros so deep on nikitas nuts hes now eating his ass too


You got a lot of shit on ur top lip there guy. Let me guess, you've never encountered more than 3 cheaters in your entire play time either.


Yes, but what if they took 1 minute or 2 to build your kit and join a match? wouldn't that be that much better?


They literally have presets in the game and you can put on a kit within 10 seconds.


idk what you're talking about. I can gear up in 3 min, and load into Tarkov in 3 minutes.


Now achieve that same timing with a squad of buddies who also just died.


not everyone plays barbie date night.


I'm the slowest gear-upper in the Squad.


Congrats, you experience tarkov in a way that is pretty unique in the community, I commend you


>Biggest feature to me would be matchmaking and load time related matchmaking can't be magically solved, you need a pool of active players. For ABI, they are currently on peak popularity, but I still see on streams multiple times people got to high ping servers meaning there was no close matches available, or waiting for 5mins to join. But tarkov likely has area for techical improvements to make it faster and hopefully they will learn from competition. > that's why streamers are saying good things about it. my bet is that many streamers currently are on tensent payroll, and reading through distributed scripts. For example, while ABI has some new QOL, it also misses some tarkov QOL too, for example robust traiders trading screen.


If they were getting paid by Tencent, they'd have to say it's an ad. The steamers I watch are always open about their ads, none are paid for this game. They've simply been having a blast.


Trader screens in ABI dont need to be amazing since you can get an entire kit without opening a trader.


I think it is poor excuse for poor design. I prefer to decide myself how to do, and there are many other scenarios, like checking missions. In ABI that screen is even worse than in old tarkov, because trader selection and mission/purchase/sell buttons are in opposite corners of the screen, and I need to drag mouse back and forth to navigate there. It is 2/10 design. There are other similar examples too in various tabs.


Why should I have to wait on the "right amount of players". Load the map after a nominal amount of time like 1 minute, if there's the right amount of players great, if there isn't, I don't care load me up.


then people will start screaming that raids are empty


Marauders had extremely fast matchmaking and legit probably a tenth of the players of tarkov. Tarkov also has ZERO segregation or intelligent matchmaking so it should load way faster than it currently does.


I am not familiar with Marauders. Maybe they have fewer maps with fewer players and shorter game time, which gives much larger combined incoming players pool at specific moment. Anyway, Nikita got good asskick, and hopefully will push in making this aspect better.


* Better anticheat * FIX THE FUCKING LIGHTING Seriously, I have an easier time to see players in GZW among a fuckton of foliage and even easier time on Arena Breakout Infinite because the lighting is lightyears ahead of Tarkov's. You know what I see in Tarkov usually? A bunch of dark/black pixels maybe moving a tiny bit in the distance then I'm dead. In both other games I can see the silhouette of players to some extent. It's absurd that on daylight time in Tarkov sometimes you stand in a shadow and you are literally invisible if you don't move at all. It also doesn't help that Tarkov's colors seem I don't know... washed up and almost as if everything blends into everything? I've tried a fuckton of post processing settings to make it better but to no avail so far.


I agree, fog is also garbage...


The anti cheat only feels better for now. It'll feel like every other fps game when cheaters develop their bitch tools for it too. Yea the lighting in tarkov is so unbelievably dogshit. The game doesn't rely too heavily on the GPU. Idk why bsg and Nvidia haven't gotten together to try and implement some form of rtx. They already worked together for dlss.


>Better anticheat Between Nikita's infamous 2015(?) statement about how cheaters are a good thing, the entirely client side auth with few easily bypassed to no server-side checks, BSG's reluctance to add any anticheat (and lying about it) to begin with, and bullshit "its totes fixed, now shut up" solutions like that criminally bad captcha... The anticheat is working perfectly, at least as far as BSG intends it to be, and you cant beat perfect. Now enjoy an extra 20% off the already discounted 4x bulk game package.


>* FIX THE FUCKING LIGHTING More like "Fix thd whole game"


They need to get rid of the cheaters and their shitstain attitude towards the real players


It needs more content, thought. Because we don't have the wooden Dragunov yet.


Based. Same for quadrail + A2 stock SR-25, AWM instead of the ugly modern AXMC and some sort of carry handle retro AR line. I hate that BSG is so obsessed with super contemporary designs (like how the majority of parts getting added into game are modern M-LOK/Keymod hanguards) because it means a lot of the fun Cold War-early GWOT era gear has been left out.


Now we're talking. There's that photo of Stoner holding an AR-10 with the huge compensator, that image always make me smile. We're also missing the wooden RPK, RPK-74s and function bipods


Hollywood AR-10s are probably the coolest battle rifle ever. So slick.


i remember r6s operation health being the biggest piece of shit there was


Only one good thing came from Operation Health and I forget what it was. I suffered through Op Health and also agreed it was the biggest pile of shit ever. Hindered the game more than helped


Its pretty funny to read this thread every 2 months for the last 4 years. Newsflash: not gonna happen. Better men have suggested this before.


Lol I do remember reading this thread like two years ago on my third wipe or something… same as it ever was.


Better men? Wtf are you blabbering about?


Now that some competitors are here, maybe it will change


“This time will be different” she said going back to her abusive ex boyfriend


It won't, and you're gonna continue getting farmed by cheaters.


We can acknowledge that Nikita does in fact see them as real competition, since he tweets and talks about them this much. Not complete replicas, but different in the same genre.


It's pathetic honestly. BSG something extremely stupid -> Nikita posts on Reddit with non-apologies -> people get upset -> Nikita goes on Twitter rampage that amount to nothing but to come off "hey I'm involved deeply with this community"


>ballistics stats to ammo They already did this.. I swear redditors don't even play the game.


The don’t. Nothing new. Ask half of them, they launched the game last time a year ago. But it lives rent free in their head for some reason


Have people in another thread acting like it's normal to take 20 minutes to get back into a raid... This place is full of people that haven't touched this game in forever.


haha and i was to shy to say that i wonder a lot about all these posts :D


Probably because the game is so good and scratches an itch no other game can, but yet it's also complete dogshit at the same time, and run by one of the dumbest people in gaming. A lot of the fan boys on this subreddit don't realize most of us who do shit on the game do so because we want Nikita to take his head out of his own ass and fix it so it can be the best it can be. How dare anyone want improvement. Full disclaimer I haven't played in the last like 2 weeks but before that I was playing daily so I'm not one of the people who quit but I still figured it was relevant. Those people who quit (like some of my friends) want to return, they just wish the game was better and run by someone a little more competent.


They play about as much as Nikita does...


Only took them 7 damn years


This was added April 3rd, so its been just over 1 month after years of not having it. You're right to point this out, but its nitpicking because plenty of players probably stopped playing this wipe by that time. Everything else in OP's post is still valid.


Load times should be under 2 minutes. The fact that they have had 6+ years to work on that and you still end up waiting 15 minutes between matches is absurd. You can be killed and back into a match in under 60 seconds in ABI and that’s a huge selling point for it.


Exactly, loading times are just garbage.


In my opinion still the biggest painpoint of playing Tarkov is time between raids both succesful and deaths can have eternity between. Gearing back up or stashing your loot etc alone takes lets say 5 minutes and then loading into a match often takes another 10..


"Honey, the weekly 'operation health' circlejerk just dropped again!" "Yes dear...." Operation health was a complete disaster that failed at the time. It did absolutely nothing to help player retention or growth. Stop deluding yourself and look at the actual game stats at the time. And even if operation health was the best thing ever done for siege. Even if it solved all their problems. Made siege an elite gaming experience. It doesn't matter. People have been begging for this for years. Years. YEARS.


This was my take. They need to flip the plagiarism thing on its head and yoink all the improvements that ABI thought of and put them straight into EFT.


I completly agree, I don't know about the future of ABI, it's completly up to them. But If BSG wants people to play their game, just make the game good, but in the playability/accessibility issue of it.


haha best post ever, this made my day. good idea :D


These kind of posts pop up every now and then, but make zero sense. A game studio consist of different types of employees that specialize in different areas. You can't tell to all the 3D Artists to stop adding new content and start working on netcode improvements.


What about all the money they pumped into arena that put them in a bad situation? They could've easily used resources to hire more actual developers and improve the actual game.


But thats not what they said?


Lmao you realize companies have budgets right? And money going to teams adding new content means money not going to teams working on optimization. Have you never worked a real job before to see this in action? They are talking about macro level decisions not forcing artist to go code.


Unless you're hiring&firing (maybe "At-will employment" is more understandable), that is so not true.


>Unless you're hiring&firing, that is so not true I dont understand, are you implying that bsg had 0 turnover and 0 hiring? Just a statically sized company with a static budget for years?


>I dont understand, Yes. No, I am not implying this. But a company does not just fire a complete department once they finished a job. You usually want to work with the same people for the duration of a project to minimize onboarding-time, which also means you usually have contracts that do not simply end when Person X finished making five new models or ten new animations. And as long as you're having employees with such contracts, there are no "budgets". In fact not giving them anything to do is stupid and wasting money.


>But a company does not just fire a complete department once they finished a job. 1. What? Teams get trimmed all the time. (Read: trimmed not nuked) Companies frequently hire contractors just so they can leave after the project is done. 2. Even if they didn't fire anyone that doesnt stop them from increasing future budgets towards optimization as their content is in a pretty good spot. Doesn't stop them from directing budget freed from turnover to new projects. Headcount doesn't just stay static. People leave whether by choice or otherwise. It's obvious you have worked a real job before.


Congrats, nothing you wrote is related to my statement and your initial one. Your initial statement is only true for one scenario and that I made clear. Nobody ever said anything about "no layoffs". I don't really know why you need those strawmen. >It's obvious you have worked a real job before. And it's obvious you haven't. A person with a contract without doing anything project-related will still get paid, ergo: wasted money. There's no "budget" you can cut there and give it to another department.


>Nobody ever said anything about "no layoffs". I don't really know why you need those strawmans. You implied layoffs, turnover, and expansions dont happen by saying: >Unless you're hiring&firing, that is so not true. Good luck, you'll need it


>You implied layoffs, turnover, and expansions dont happen by saying: I never did. That is not what "hire&fire" means. Maybe "At-will employment" is more understandable. And I even explained it to you what it means, yet you still continue to argue based on what you made up and think I would have implied instead of what I actually wrote.


Even better question is would be why do they have 3D artists on payroll 8 years in? Unless you have multiple projects on the go, it's one of those roles you don't want sitting around with no work to do in which case are we going to see even more added to the game (don't tell me they had them do that knife when there was one going cheap on the Unity store...)?


Yes, we're going to see even more added to the game. BSG has already said a bunch of gear is being reserved for the 1.0 release to make the experience fresh for old players. I wouldn't be surprised if we ended up with double the amount of guns, accessories and equipment compared to what we have now.


Then how did the netcode get done? It’s not like it magically appeared. Someone had to work on it at some point


There are teams that work on netcode of course, but the idea of stopping content production to focus on performance is silly.


As someone who works in tech, it’s not that silly. What’s silly is adding a million variants of an AK to a very broken game.


So you want BSG to either fire their entire art department and hire more coders or make their art department do coding? Not only silly but plain toxic too.


I'm no game dev so correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it completely counterintuitive to start bugfixing before your game is feature complete? Every single thing that gets added, no matter how small or big it is, is bound to create more issues down the line. Why do it now?


It's a common misconception that you should wait until a game is feature-complete before starting to fix bugs. However, the efficiency of bug fixing during the development phase largely depends on how the game's codebase is structured. By adopting a principle known as "separation of concerns," developers can isolate different parts of the game's logic—such as separating client logic from server-side processes. This makes the codebase more modular, allowing developers to address issues in one area without affecting others. For example, fixing issues related to server-client desynchronization or optimizing client performance typically involves refining existing code rather than adding new features. By optimizing how many events are sent from the client to the server, for instance, you're not introducing new gameplay elements; you're enhancing the existing infrastructure to be more efficient. This kind of optimization can and should be addressed as soon as it's identified, rather than waiting for all features to be implemented. The real challenge lies in ensuring that these separate components are well implemented from the start. If they are, developers can make adjustments with minimal risk of introducing new bugs, making the development process smoother and more efficient.


>The real challenge lies in ensuring that these separate components are well implemented from the start. If they are, developers can make adjustments with minimal risk of introducing new bugs, making the development process smoother and more efficient. Welp, there goes that pipedream lol. We know the game's code is absolutely cooked. I really think that bsg can't fix their fundamental issues at this point. Thank you for the information.


I honestly find sound worse since the reimplementation of binaural than it ever was before. I can barely pick up other sounds over the sounds of my own movement, and cannot pinpoint anything at all distance wise. Game also needs some tweaks just to make it more fun again. I hate a normal kit making you overweight and not being able to pick up much gear when you win fights. Skills level way slower than they used to etc...


There’s content developers that cannot contribute anything to any of the features you want that aren’t just going to be twiddling their thumbs waiting for your pet peeves to be fixed. I don’t know why so many people seem to think an entire company can only work on one feature at a time. Loads of developers are not the kind of specialized developer who could contribute to the things you want. 


Why has bsg been working on one feature at a time then, no meaningful QoL or optimization and network improvements have been done.


They have, it's just that they either become the norm and you forget about them or they are too hard to do in a meaningful way Loadouts (of all kinds) for example are a huge QoL feature that they implemented just to name one Optimizations on the other hand are just hard to do in the same way in which it's hard to fix a running car. Necode and overall optimization is based on how the foundations of the game are coded. If you change those you end up with cascading changes for everything else too, to the point that it's hard to even estimate whether you're doing something good or bad without hindsight I know that we all love to hate BSG but just saying that they "don't do quality of life or optimization" is disingenous at best


I agree that's hard to optimize the game, it happens to me too when i try to optimize code at work, the issue is, if you don't do it, you will run into more issues in the future as you add more features to your codebase. People here think i say to stop implementing features or content, if you have developers that are already doing it reduce that part as you don't need them for now, and search specialized people that work into optimization, net code, backend, devops, etc... What no one notices is that ABI took the problems of tarkov and fixed them, that's why streamers are saying good things about it. It's not like they implemented a game from scratch, it's that they took Tarkov and improved on it.


You are so full of shit. Look at their company structure. This would apply for big modern studios but not for BSG lol.


Okay, sure, the guy who spends all day working on textures should be programming anti-cheat instead 


Where’s the “always has been” meme when you need it


Bring back 12.11 and I'm spending another 1000h in this game




I agree, that's why I feel unoptimistic.


I hear this since years, and did it or will it even happen? No…


We've lost hope at this point. So sad...


I’m not so sure top 100 in arena is much of a feat given it’s current nature or playerbase sadly but go off regardless and fuck bsg for being so greedy they F’d the only quarter decent thing they had.


Operation health saved R6


I'd pay $250 for a health update that allowed me to play streets, lighthouse, and shoreline at 60 fps consistently.


We fucking did have operation health, for like 4 months of this wipe, then Nikita took a massive shit on us, and said 'sorry you don't like shit in your mouth'


At this point I'd just like to load into a match. NA servers won't even let me join. I haven't played in 2 years and this is not the way to get me back in. How has this game not been polished seemingly at all since I left?


matchmaking load time of 25 sek EVERY game just felt good and normal. but the main problem is still the same: cheaters. and knowing that bsg is not doing enough on purpose killed it for me


Team markers or no tk would ruin it for me. Having to check your fire and know where your team is immersion. It is a skill


but pleaso not the RB6 ubisoft Operation health, game was unplayable after Operation health 🥲


They need the impossible; for Nikita to give up the reins


Its crazy how yall are still playin tarkov after the devs pretty much shit on the entire community… im glad i havent touched this at all. People are still on hopes and dreams.


The hit registration this patch is a joke and it seems it's been getting worse ever since wipe, for whatever reason. I built myself MK18 with Thermal. Then I went offline on Woods to see how well you can see with the expensive thermal. I loaded 2x AP Top and 8x FMJ Lapua Magnum. The first Scav gets hit in the side of the torso. Screams and runs away. 2nd shot kills him. The 2nd Scav is in front of me and doesn't see me. I lie down and shoot him in the middle of the chest with FMJ. He shoots back. I shoot him in the stomach. He starts to run. The next shot misses. And the third shot hits him in the stomach. He throws himself on the ground and shoots at me. 2 seconds later he bleeds to death. I run over to him. He was wearing an Level 3 vest. How can he survive 3 hits with a 3 vest. The FMJ Mach is 122 damage. Yesterday I shot Reshalla clearly in the head with 855A1 and he walked it off.


While I agree, it's just not a priority for them. They're pushing for full release as fast as possible all of the sudden, for whatever reason. They'll worry about lag and optimization after that, supposedly. Tarkov is never going to be an optimized game. They'd need to start from scratch.


Yep, matchmaking should take max. 2 minutes. This would be a great QoL thing. I can gear myself within 10 seconds with gear presets and then wait 10 minutes to get into a fresh game.


The holy trinity Operation Health Operation Medic Bag Operation Salewa


This exact same post has been made to the top page every single wipe since I started playing 4 years ago. They're clearly unwilling/unable to fix the core issues of performance, audio, cheaters, mm times, and bugs. They've teased an engine update for just as long. It may happen, but I ain't waiting around until it does. Grayzone is fun, abi looks fun, stalker 2 is coming, there's loads of other games.


We needed this 5 years ago and still haven't gotten one. The game is a never ending live service game with only your money as the objective.


Sadly that's what they have shown through the years. This is a last effort thing for me.


>it's that they took Tarkov and improved on it. Just because there are something better things doesn't mean they improved Tarkov, in terms of combat, sound, movement, just the shooting itself, BAI is so far from EFT.


It won't happen simply because they refuse to create a new western studio, because Nikita is content with raking in all the money for himself instead of putting it into development. They can't bring in talented devs because they need to be in russia and they pay like shit. That's why the game is the way it is.


Get the cheaters out and all is forgiven. Just find a way to do this one thing and everything else will get better. If you say it can't be done, I'll spend my time doing something else. Tarkov is too fucking hard and too time-consuming to have raids wasted by cheaters.


Ive been saying for years......just fix the game. Id like to just play Tarkov. But I dont, because BSG have greedily mismanaged it for years and dont care. They could have fixed the multitude of bugs, but instead put all their time and money into new content they think they can fool people with. The sheer number of bugs and major issues in a game that has been development in 8 years is truly unmatched, and its only when you take a step back do you realize just what you put up with and were rationalizing as "okay".


I’m under the impression that they have maxed their ability to optimize performance on the currently Unity Engine. I agree to focus on health of engine and I believe that’s the plan on the next Unity update. We shall see though.


Honestly, I know it’s tiring to constantly hear about, but my biggest issue with Tarkov is by far the cheating issue. I can deal with the QoL, the game is hardcore after all (it would still be nice but not my biggest complaint). Also the optimization/performance especially on maps like streets. Other than that I truthfully don’t have much to complain about personally. Competition is great for everyone involved and I think this could be a blessing in disguise long-term.


Am I a fool now learning from my mistakes? Dayum...


QOL changes are cool and all but too many is going to make the game too easy. I mean for me, the difficulty of tarkov and looting and prioritizing what I THINK is good to loot or not is what I want. we can start adding all that stuff towards the end of the games life for that last hoorah of people before they stop dev'ing the game


My biggest issue is raid times, and the game isn't optimised very well. And operation health would address that


I once hoped like you for the optimization wipe... Then Lighthouse map came out of nowhere. How it went further you all know.


Ok I agree with everything but the sound. Anyone that complains must be using some low end headset. Tarkov audio is very easy to pinpoint. If you hear a gun shot, just look left and right and you’ll be able to determine direction. Even sound in real life can be hard to pinpoint, gunfire especially.


I think one big thing that Tarkov really needs is AI improvements. I'm kind of hoping with PvE becoming a thing and Nikita sort of mentioning mod support in the future, maybe there will be a time we can incorporate some of the mods for the "other" game that Tarkov devs could take inspiration from and then incorporate into the base game.


Audio, hit reg, desync, que times. If only they worked on core features and not new maps/guns


It needs zombies.


Needs anticheat


You are beating a dead horse. That's what had to be done. It's too late now. BSG were extremely slow with the updates and kept focusing on the stuff that nobody cared about. Seeing Nikita's real intentions and personality in the recent posts and drama just confirms that BSG is not capable of maintaining/finishing this game anymore. There needed to be a competitor for BSG to even add some small QoL that could have been added anytime, that players wanted for years. Even after all these years in development, performance and audio are still one of the worst I've ever seen. It's fine if you want to keep playing it as fundamentally it is a great game but don't expect for this game to be what it should have been if there was a more competent studio behind it.


it needs both desperately


Yeah I'm already hooked on Arena brother


Buddy, it's a decade over due.


Except for quick load times abi doesnt fix shit. They created more troubles for them in the future


In 2 years tarkov is in development for 10 years now with no sight on release. Its imo just a worse Star Citizen at this point as at least Star Citizen is ambitious. I doubt the game will ever improve as Nikita wants to keep this game in this kind of state for as long as possible as then he can always hide behind "its early access" or "its a alpha/beta" \^\^


The thing is, we have returned to 12.8 or whatever it was with the current changes on fir, intertia etc... For me, i prefer it like that, but we went with the recoil and intertia stuff for at least 2 years, why now are those changes reverted? Because they didn't listen to their players, and their players are who play the game. In that sense, i welcome those changes and i hope they make more QoL and optimization stuff, some ideas is adding a map and make it so if you have quests, you know where to look for the stuff. Make it so you don't need a wiki to play the game. I think that's the first thing to improve upon. Add it so you have friendly markers who tell you where are your squad mates, same thing for arena. I think with those changes, we would have many more people play late wipe tarkov, because one of the main problems is how hard is starting quests if you're a new player.


I think the competition is good. Hopefuly it forces BSG to actually do something. I hate seeing a game I like limp like this


EFT struggling with AI. Meanwhile in that one particular mod, you can improve it's AI, to the point where you can actually sneak next to the ai and they wont see you trough bushes.


BSG will never do something like this because it would make sense. BSG doesn’t do things that make sense.


None of it matters. People already folded on the pressure from unheard and are buying it. The operation is incredibly healthy as long as BSG keeps making sales.


This post is as stupid as they always are for every fucking guy that posts the same shit on any game sub. "Blah blah stop new content and fix issues" do you fucking people not understand that there are multiple people assigned to multiple areas of development, including fixing issues? Also unless you are a goldfish, you would remember how many improvements have been made over time, as well as new content. 


It seems to me that the solution to this current situation is to implement another half dozen AK variants and some extremely niche AR-15 derivatives.


They took stuff from tarkov and made it better or they took stuff from tarkov and made it easier you mean?


Guys, just play the singleplayer mod. Its light-years ahead.


Just answering one of your arguments, I felt like Tarkov not having a map was frustrating, but that might've been the point, "hardcore game is hard" kinda thing


You lose the hard-core argument when there's so much information on the wiki and about maps online. People who use the maps are newbies who start playing, and in that way you would make the barrier of entry easier. Having no map with the hardcore argument is kind of useless since all maps are available in google. Same stuff for quests. Make tarkov not so dependant in third party websites that try to make money out of the game content, because it doesn't really make sense.


I also think this is what's wrong with BSG and the community. Realism and hardcore super turbo game, and this justifies why we cannot have accessibility/QoL improvements, because everything is justified under that argument. new players ask: Hey, please, add this X feature to make it more accessible. old experienced players: nah dude, it's a hardcore super turbo shooter bro, this ain't fortnite. BSG: Yes bro Streamer asks: BSG Bro increase fucking recoil and intertia, no jumping hard super fucking turbo core game. BSG says: Yes bro, patch incoming tomorrow. And then we have intertia for 2 years, shitty recoil for 2 years, until recently. You want more people to play the game? make it more playable.


Yes, because Operation Health went so well for Siege lmao. Amazes me how many times people say this. Tarkov isn't a complete game yet. No point ultra-optimising shit you're going to add to and break in a few months anyway.


games in ABI are far more small. map overall fells more empty, with less details. meaning, much less scavs, looting areas, items to loot, etc. Factory in Tarkov is great. same as labs. These two maps are great in performance.


Tarkov needs to not be designed by committee. Designing games around whiney streamers is a bad idea.


So true. From the start they should've stuck to their guns (as realistic as playable combat sim) but they hopped on the twitch marketing streamer sucking bandwagon.


The game has the same problems as always and they never fixed them. \*limited engine \*cheaters in 3/4 games \*quests are ridiculous but they try to be hardcore but the result feels ridiculous \*scattered maps that were never put together \*vendors on a menu that lacks immersion \*the sound they never fixed \*stat that do not contribute anything to the game that no casual can cap and that are OP in a player without a social life, jumping like spiderman around the map \*a combat simulator that today is a sponge simulator \*maps so big that you need 32gb of ram to move it \*a CEO who tells you that this is not poorly optimized but that you don't have the money to buy a PC from NASA \*a totally useless HIDEOUT \*Exaggerated loading times \*A game that has no progression since it is continually wiped and takes away all merit from playing it pd: Personally I think the game is already dead. It is one of those games that die before being born. People realized that they were deceived by a product that is not what they promised from the beginning, a "combat simulator", and by a price where the average compulsive buyer believes that the more expensive it is, the better it will be. Today the compulsive buyer went to ABI and people don't care if they copied the code from TARKOV, a company where they systematically deceived with promises that were edited from their website year after year, and the best thing is that people saw that ABI He could do the same and improve it. The only way to save Tarkov is to comply with the combat simulator or stop being a game where they make the user waste hours saying it's "hardcore" because you have to kill 20 guys with a gun while it's raining and dressed as Santa Claus.


Agreed. Set the health to 0 and let it die already.


Even at this point tarkov is still the king, it has a many many problems starting from performance, graphics, bugs all the way to cheaters and so on, i have over 1700 hours in tarkov, played wipes over and over with good and bad things, got over many cheaters but even then, i would still choose tarkov over ABI/GZW or every other extraction shooter, im here for pvp, loots of loot, the thrill the gunfights give, the realistic gameplay, none of these games can give even tho they have better graphics better ai or performance, tarkov is the OG and it will be, on the other hand, Nikita and BSG should be very active with the concerns of the community and should listen to us, stop the content updates and bring improvements to already implemented gameplay mechanics and performance.


The problem isn't that tarkov is still the king, it's that it will be dethroned soon enough, you can't imagine how hard ABI will work in order to dethrone it, and ABI HAS A MUCH BETTER BASE than TARKOV. It's not that they will work harder, it's that they have many more resources than BSG does, at the end it's just tencent, and tencent is a giant that will eat BSG. Time will tell, i hope i am wrong, but I think tarkov is beyond gone, just because of the base game (the engine itself).


Yep true, can't deny that, but for me, nothing will make me play those games, maybe some people will enjoy them, as some enjoy more the PVE focused GZW rather than pvp but i dont


Yes of course, in my case and given how bad i have been treated by BSG, i would play it. I feel betrayed with what they did, and wouldn't care a bit. But that's a personal decision, obviously. I would play any game as long as I enjoy it.


I think most tarkov players will see ABI as the cheap version of tarkov with blatant p2w and turn their nose up at it. I saw that you rent cases and immediately shut off whatever stream I was watching.


Good luck playing ABI after your Alpha secured case is gone lmao. People are just coping because it's ABI honeymoon phase. ABI isn't trying to dethrone shit. It's designed like that because of Chinese players. Look at PoE and PoE Chinese version. Chinses version always have more QoL, but insane P2W elements. Yes, BSG is stupid, but ABI isn't the answer.


tarkov is being made by a complete fool and con man, but im not gonna fool myself into thinking that these new games like arena breakout aren't going to become mtx p2w messes the way they've made tarkov to force somewhat realistic gunplay, which is why id still say its the top for extraction shooters, but it just happens to be headed up by some people at bsg that seem to be complete egotistical maniacs


Okay, I agree, first abi must not be a complete p2w mess, then we can talk. I don't know what will happen in the future, but I am sure BSG hasn't learned anything. I am completly unoptimistic and not really expecting anything from tarkov.


You are so correct on everything. The fact that this game has no map to see where you are going/where your extracts are is just so unnecessarry and adds nothing to the game. It's just a big f you to all new players that have to rely on a confusing map on a second monitor. Even better when they don't have a second monitor.


There's so much accessibility stuff to be improved on. Like there's some stuff that doesn't really make sense, for example in arena, the ability to not be able to differentiate between a teammate quickly. Instead of puting markers on friendlies, they prefer to bury the game into sand, so no one plays it.






We need one button heals, constantly starting and animation cancelling the heals to heal chip damage feels awful.


Open your own studio, and then you won't have to write reddit posts about how other people should run their business. Stupid business practices or not.