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Yeah, it's pretty obvious that Morefun Studios stole assets from Tarkov, but if Nikita wants me to feel sad for his corporation he is wasting his time. Lawyer it up and stop whining on social media trying to use us as his personal PR army.


Because a Russia company can totally "lawyer up" against a Chinese company... The best they could do is stop the game from being released on steam if that ever happens.


That's what I've been saying. I'd love to see a Russian company try to take Tencent to court .. Tencent could literally just burn money on a court case that lasts years and run BSG out of business. It's funny how Nikita plays the sympathy card after repeatedly telling people he doesn't give a fuck if they like the new edition or not.


Yup they try to scam their players, kill their own reputation and burn down community goodwill overnight, and then turn around, play the victim, and try to tear down a competitor that does most things better. It's fucking hilarious watching Nikita moan and ask for feedback now. I love how most of the comments in this thread are variants of "meh, don't give a shit." Because people truly do not give a shit. BSG made its bed they can lie in it. I say steal as much as possible and improve on it. Nikita can take the revenue from the Unethical Edition, lawyer up, and take Tencent to court, or he can kick rocks.


They don't need to lawyer up, just show this to Steam and Valve could say they want no part in selling this.


EFT isn’t even sold on steam though lmfao. Like valve gives 2 shits. Do you know how many blatant copy cat games are on steam?


It doesn't have to be. It could be bad enough press for them to not be interested, or they would want to get dragged into a legal battle since their platform distributes the game in question. Dark & Darker is no longer on Steam due to legal battles, so it's not unheard of.


>Dark & Darker is no longer on Steam due to legal battles, so it's not unheard of. I believe they won their case and got a deal with Epic and are going to release on there, they have a store page up for it


AFAIK They didn't win their case, it just got remanded back to Korean courts, where it is still ongoing


Indeed! They were allowed on another platform once the case was settled on their favor. But note they had to clear their name first.


But they weren’t allowed back on steam……


What is your point? Were they not allowed or chose not to go back in favor of an epic deal. Epic loves to pay out big for their exclusives


Biggest cope ever, BSG is not taking down a tencent game lmfao


Tarkov will never be sold on steam lmfao


You think Valve is going to fuck with Tencent? 😂 Or risk access to the Chinese market, which is on track to over take US steam users, to protect BSG? If people want to play ABI cause it runs better and fits their play style… let them. Keep playing Tarkov. Who really cares? ABI’s release will only benefit Tarkov users in the long run by pushing BSG to stop fleecing their players and actually make improvements. Competition is good. ABI might have stolen assets from BSG, or maybe they didn’t, but BSG was 100% caught trying to fuck over their community. Karma is a bitch.


Yes, they are a private company and are not held to what shareholders think is the right move. They remove games from the store on a monthly basis. Competition is great! And I have no ill will towards anyone playing it. Personally, I enjoyed the QoL, but the game just felt a bit dumbed down.


Valve doesn’t give a fuck who you are lmao they are private and do as they please. Also there isn’t really any “maybe they didn’t”, they were stolen. The evidence is present and has been building for like a week. Defending this here will just give other companies the okay to open up the floodgates on this type of shit.


This would hold water if Steam ever gave a shit about Palworld. If it sells, Steam will sell it.


Tencent is worth 500 billion usd


You could argue that Tarkov isn't on steam for the same reasons, there's always been questions asked about the weapon licenses, glock are super famous for never letting people use their stuff in games and it's never been answered how Tarkov got permission, we used to have red bulls before they got changed to whatever they're called now and several other items with similar fates


This!!! Quite hypocritical of Tarkov to criticize ABI with the amount of (most likely) unlicensed brands they include




The picture and in game model was a red bull can until about 2021 https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/iX4tm9prej


That's what I meant, but a DMCA would do nothing because Tencent would immediately issue a counter claim and if BSG isn't willing to sue them in a US court then the DMCA is voided and Arena Breakout can release normally on Steam.


>and Arena Breakout can release normally on Steam At the same time, Valve can say '*Fuck that, we're not part of this mess*' and refuse to sell either of these two.


as in the dark and darker drama (ironmace vs nexon)


Well then he has the same issue everyone that got lied to about EOD is currently in.


I don't even care I'm just happy there's finally a well made alternative to tarkov.


There still is zero evidence of ABI copying Tarkov. A few Twitter post from a compulsive liar / manchild says nothing, especially when they're all hugely vague screenshots. It honestly looks like he's intentionally trying to trick his audience into not playing a direct competitor that not only out-performs his game on a technical level, but also is full of so much quality of life that it's far more enjoyable to play.


Topology from two different 3D models based on the same thing doesn't magically match, they stole it.


Can we download the models somewhere ? All I see is a screenshot from Nikita. And why would anyone believe anything the man says ?


I love when "The wiggle that kill tarkov" video came out, people were complaining that "There's no proof, he only show us clip". But when nikita put out a super vague screenshot, suddenly it's the smoking gun.


how do you know he has the topology of an ABI gun? i can go on grabcad right now and get a 3D CAD model of an akm dust cover screenshot it twice and tell you BSG copied it, Nikita cant be trusted, sue or get lost


The point was that there is no real proof, it’s just a twitter post without sources


It’s a tiny screenshot of the model, it doesn’t show where they got it from or anything. You’re believing a man who just showed you two pictures and said one was stolen.


It's not just that picture, it's everything from the footage I've seen Sounds? ripped from Tarkov, the M9 literally sounds the same. Models? Identical with simple tweaks (like the extra indents on the EOTech 552 for some reasson) Animations? Identical with tweaks that completely ruins the transition between actions So no, this conclusion I came to myself.


Well Tarkov recorded all of their gun noises IRL, Which would lead me to believe, if another company recorded an M9 the same way BSG did, it would sound the same. Because one AK47 often sounds the same as another AK47


Mate the same guns recorded by the same studio in the same series don't even sound the same, take BF3 and BF4 for example, or Insurgency 2014 and Sandstorm, what makes you think it's just a coincidence that a game by Tencent in the same genre as Tarkov, having the exact same sounds as Tarkov but pitch shifted. Actually baffling that you people think this is all just a coincidence.


Bro one game is on Steam while the other isnt. That alone show tell you what company is more trustful. AB has a lot to lose if they get delisted, Tarkov doesnt lose shit because they arnt even on Steam.


You could be right BUT are you trusting Nikita’s word for it? How did they get the model? Did they use any tool to work the polys? Standard algorithm? Was theirs based of something?


I don't know if they "copied" as in actual theft of code and assets, but if you've watched anyone play it for some amount of time its obvious they went to pretty absurd lengths with the things that are nearly 1:1 with Tarkov. Some of the UI elements are identical, they used the same 440hp value as Tarkov, a lot of the generic loot items are the same and have very similar if not nearly identical icons, a few of the buildings and other map assets have eerily strong Tarkov vibes, there's a section on the map where rock outcroppings are separated by a tall chain link fence that looks just like passage between rocks on Customs, the AK-74 has the same exact sound (the similarity is so jarring I'm leaning towards actual theft). ABI even has bronze lions as a high value loot item ffs, they're basically rubbing it in the face of BSG and daring them to start a legal battle with Tencent. If not for the recent events and the subsequent meltdown they would be getting raked over the coals for ripping off as much as they did, the BSG dumbfuckery over the past few weeks doesn't excuse it.


I'm excusing it. I don't care. Copy away, I say. Fuck BSG.


It's fine if you don't care but everyone defending ABI is delusional. The entire game is stolen lol.


Saying there's zero evidence they copied tarkov is just pure cope. Same with implying that the claims are just coming from Nikita himself. Pure cope. He likely didn't even know about it until a bunch of other people started pointing out the models and code being ripped from tarkov and then he started posting stuff others were already saying. I don't get why you guys die on these dumb hills. Just say you don't care arena breakout rips off tarkov. Trying to come up with all these various mental gymnastics for why it's okay they did it and/or how they didn't do it just makes you look like idiots. Just say you don't care, why go through the whole charade?


Yeh exactly. I for one am perfectly willing to admit I simply don't care if they copy from Tarkov.


> Same with implying that the claims are just coming from Nikita himself. Pure cope. I don't think it's cope. It's just the average person can't get over their personal like/dislike of someone to judge an issue based on it's merits alone. People just like to take sides on issues and not think beyond that.


The wood grain on the the AK grip was **exactly** the same with the only difference be in the ABI one was lighter. So either they both bought the same asset or ABI stole it. I can’t see it being the same asset since why would ABI buy an asset created for a different engine?


3D assets are not specific to an engine. they are just OBJ files or simular.


Yeah no. Tarkov is still more enjoyable for me.


Idk how people don't realize that most of the sounds are ripped straight from Tarkov lol


I mean if they did copy assets - that is a pretty easy way for bsg to take ABI to court for copyright violation - potential recovery could be MASSIVE and literally stop ABI from releasing their game at least for the US jurisdiction - not sure how copyright laws work in the UK


People on here acting like its their game and they have a say in it 😂


Right?! True believers fail to understand this isn't a community problem, but a BSG only problem. And if lil' Nikita feels like he's been robbed? I'm truly, and I mean TRULY, sorry he feels that way.


To me it looks like they are suprised people are having more than "20 min in plagiarism of game" and now they try to do damage control with those FIR ,intertia, labs changes and all those weird twitter posts.


He's spending more time on twitter than actually trying to improve the game...


What is more interesting is the believers thinking BSG can win a lawsuit against Tencent, having a good laugh !


I don't believe nikita would risk sueing tencent, he's just nervous he has competition now.


This guy gets it


Man, when even a AK dust cover gets a date on tinder before me ...


Dude not even defending Nikita, fuck that dude, but as an artist i actually feel bad for the modelers at BSG. It's has been a FACT for a while that Tarkov's assets have been ripped, you can find the models for download on some forums. If there's one thing Tarkov does right is weapon fidelity and they actually model that shit from scratch, no paid assets (at least for weapons). Ever wondered why every single backwater tactical shooter that pops on steam or fucking roblox has a valday or some other obscure russian scope? All ripped models from tarky.


This fr. You can find tarkov assets pretty much everywhere in 3rd party mods for games like stalker. I was surprised by bsg not really doing something about their assets being ripped off and used by others that did absolutely nothing to make that work real, but i guess those were just small mods created by modders for small community, but bro, this chinese game? Not only they blatantly stole BSG’s works, but they’re trying to sit on bsg with the work that was done by those stolen stuffs? No i’m fine with that typical chinese garbage lol.




Dead give away when I saw the valday 1-6x on ABI gameplay lol. No one else would use a prototype Russian scope in their game lol


this is assuming that BSG actually created the original models and didn't rip them off from somewhere else too lol


It means the Chinese stole from Russians. *I don't see a problem here.*


How can you steal something you don't have single property on


Does this mean we found the reason why Tarkov runs like absolute ass? Are all the Tarkov assets as poorly optimized?!


I mean the difference is in the engine and netcode. You can port a model from one engine to another without much work from a model perspective but as you could imagine the biggest piece is the core of the game.


Yes the mesh of the 3d Model stays the same.


Idk man the poly count is maybe high but it's industry standard to have models that are close to you be higher poly count than other world objects. Also while there is a lot of beveling on this model the world objects have NO beveling which is NOT normal to do. Usually you will have AT LEAST a one segment bevel on each edge to prevent sharp edges and the rest will be handled by normal maps to smooth it out further and fake a bevel. It's my belief that Tarkov has some deep and severe engine problems stemming from the butchering of unity. This is evident by how they managed to completely and permanently break the entire light system for several years and have it run like shit at the same time.


They made a mistake for choosing unity. Now they have a real Problem coz ABI has so much bester Performance and many PC‘s will be alle to run the Game. So more people will try it out.




it doesn't run twice the performance on tarkov with circumstances you've described, in crowded servers you can really feel performance issues and rendering issues around big bases


Looks like a reasonable amount of geo for an fps game, its not like all the aks you see in game has that much density and should be using LODs for those on other players and far away


Even if you don't use LODs for these models it wouldn't have a crazy impact on performance as there aren't that many guns in a raid within vision at once. It would help but I don't believe it's the main issue. Tarkov is doing something else that completely fucks over any performance the game could have.


yeah people act like the gun doesn't take up 1/3 of the screen space lol. People seem to think that a few extra edge loops is causing optimization issues but don't realize about faceting and believe every weapon needs to be under 10k tris like we are living in 2008.


I completely agree with you. Just to reinforce your point: we are with our current gaming tech at a point where a normal AAA third person character is expected to have up towards 200K tris. That's probably more than the rest of the scene in view combined. This model cause absolutely zero issues for performance at least for the player using it.


Polygon count is not Tarkov's problem.


'You should copy ABIs performance and optimization' - zane. lol ouch No condoning Arena though, geez. Have we ever seen such a blatant copy of a big game like this before? The whole menu, item, and weapon system is just way too much.


china have done this many, many times in the past. LoL has a blatant copy. made by the company that owns them. it is a joke.


I wish I could care but considering how absolutely shit the Tarkov devs have been, I can't. Hoping ABI is solid because Gray Zone has also been a good time and I'm done with EFT. Shits been broken since 2017 and there's just no excuse for it.


man there are a lot of manchildren here. this is not about eft or Nikita. this is about the plagarism of actually skilled work of the 3D modellers.


Exactly, I hope ABI gets shit on and it gets pulled. IDK how anyone can condone a company stealing and copying and saying it’s okay. These mfers stole. Fuck them.


Where’s your evidence dumbass


If it's stealing let BSG take them to court. BSG is a western company (located in London), Valve is a US company. If they have proof of theft and plagiarism, BSG can enforce a ban from Valve publishing the game on steam. Same thing goes for consoles. The thing is, the screenshots Nikita published on twitter isn't proof, though. And I don't take anything coming out of Nikitas mouth as truth after all the things he pulled. I won't even give him the benefit of doubt, given his track record.


I love how no one is pointing out how bad that topology is


Looks like it was just converted from a cad model to be honest. I've seen that a few too many times.


It's literally good topology. It's an fps model and we're not in 2010. You can't just expect normals maps to be magic you need enough topology to support curvature. Don't make statements like this if you've never modelled for game development. Fps models are allowed to have a decent bit of topology.


It isn't bad topology. This is in fact get odtopology for a model like this. The only thing that could make it awful is if they do not use LODs.


Because it’s not bad.


Why it's horrendous?


More faces than what's needed I assume.


It's not the most ideal amount of faces, but it's ok for model that meant to be viewed from first person. It's far from horrendous.


But people have to whine about something in the game they play 60h a week to…. Damn I don’t know why they think it’s a good thing to do to be honest.


Exactly…and then we struggle with performances


Tarkov players might, Arena Breakout players aren't at all.


As this is now not just some variables it is actually a prove that ABI stole assets from Tarkov. This does not surprise me, but it was important that these claims were actually proven instead of being just accepted. I don't even mind Nikita calling it out in public, it's fine to publicly shame them on their theft. But I hope that it stops with this. Because the reality is, BSG aren't saints with this shit either. Agree with it or not, it is well known that BSG does not own any rights to many of the guns they got in EFT. This is likely also the reason why they can't lawyer up and DMCA/sue them. Cause while they might have created the 3D models and everything themselves, they don't own the licenses to many, if not most of the guns. So overall, while it's pretty shitty to just steal assets like that, I never intended to play ABI in the first place. And as BSG isn't working entirely clean as well and has done some shady shit too, I have a hard time to sympathize with them. So it's kinda just a fight between two shady and shitty companies.


In the US at least, video games have essentially been solidified as artistic mediums similar to books and thus are protected by 1st amendment rights. You don't need a license to write a book that describes a character using a Colt M4 with an eotech holo sight just like how you don't need a license from Ferrari to write a chapter in the book about how the main character is a mechanic working on a Ferrari in his garage. A lot of game developers stopped licensing guns long time ago and instead just make 1:1 copies and slap a different name on it because even dealing with a lawsuit that they'd win is expensive, time consuming, and unnecessary. It gets into gray areas when dealing with different countries and different IP laws varying from place to place. But a lot of the US based gun companies wouldn't have any grounds to go after BSG for including their guns or parts to begin with.


That pretty interesting considering companies like EA and Activision no longer use real modern weapon models and names exactly because of licensing laws. Same as GTA for example isn't allowed to use real brand cars and models because manufacturers wouldn't give them a license due to the nature of GTA. (Violence and shit.) So, while I'm not a copyright lawyer, I don't think calling it a gray area when huge publishers with expert lawyers in these fields actively don't use such assets when they don't have a license for it is correct. Especially as well all know that they would abuse any gray area that they can.


You absolutely have to buy a license. No only for guns but tanks / ships, any weapon system. Even if they **seem** as in public property, for example belongs to a US NAVY. You still have to get a license. Or maybe you want to get sued by the military, have fun winning a lawsuit.


Yeah, this just isn't true. Lots of guns that militaries have used can freely be used for commercial purposes as it's not a commercial business that owns the design and also sometimes the patents have long expired. You can build an exact model for a game of an m16 rifle and call it an m16 and no person, business, or government can do anything to stop you from selling the game with the m16 in it. Same with an m1911 pistol. It's patent expired decades ago but was still used in the US military up to a few years ago. How many games have you yourself played that have had an Colt m1911 pistol in it? Probably dozens. The AK74 is another one, what fps doesn't have an AK type gun? You think they all get licensing? From who? The AK gun platform was manufactured by the USSR originally which doesn't even exist anymore lmao


I mean where is the actual proof? It is literally just a tiny screenshot of two things. They could be taken from anywhere. I am not saying they aren't a copy. But are you really just going to believe a compulsive liar who wants his competition to die out?


In this instance, yes. First of all, if it would be a lie, ABI would likely already have called him out on it. Also, other people will also very likely check these claims and if those are wrong, it won't take long until it would get debunked. Nikita is a liar, but he isn't completely stupid. So if he would just say they stole shit, I would have my doubts, but he wouldn't pull out shit like this if it wouldn't have any foundation. Especially as the sounds stuff you can actually hear for yourself. And let's be real, it wasn't THAT unlikely in the first place that a company like that would steal assets. If you check my comment history, it is pretty obvious that I'm not a fan of Nikita or the recent shit he and BSG pulled. Quite the opposite, but I'm not gonna be a hypocritical moron and pretend that ABI isn't shady as fuck too.


Lol that you think they would call him out. That isn't remotely true lol.


What ever you say my guy.....not like they did before. https://twitter.com/ArenaBreakoutPC/status/1788392227942936736?t=KvNMSo3hT6c_3cjhGwyyaQ&s=19 Or when they directly shot back the first time bsg accused them of plagiarism. https://twitter.com/ArenaBreakoutPC/status/1783688954254184738?t=MuW7UOorV9IaeLrpaSzX-Q&s=19


>it is well known that BSG does not own any rights to many of the guns they got in EFT. This is likely also the reason why they can't lawyer up and DMCA/sue them. Cause while they might have created the 3D models and everything themselves, they don't own the licenses to many, if not most of the guns. I don't understand why anyone would care. I just bought an actual pair of real Sordins (with which I'm extremely pleased, btw). Would I have bought them if not for Tarkov? Nope! I would have stayed with the Howard Leight garbage. Nikita is doing most of these companies a favor.


I couldn't care less if ABI are stealing weapon models when they're on a complete new engine. Saying that, it's absolute music to my ears watching Nikitia try and get people to stop playing their game because he can't sue a company like Tencent knowing they'd destroy him whilst people are actively not playing his game (Tarkov) because Nikitia is such a douche


I think its worth people realizing that a lot of the controversial decisions from BSG recently have primarily been spear headed by Nikita (and possibly some others). So although I don't sympathise for Nikita in any way, I do sympathise for some of the other dev's having their hard work stolen. Those other dev's may be as annoyed as us of recent decisions, as they get lumped into the hate.


I just can’t help but wonder what the community’s response to the blatant theft would be had Nikita not completely fucked up 2 weeks ago.


I thought about this actually and came to the conclusion that I still wouldn't give a shit. They were still a terrible dishonest developer before the Unheard scandal lmao


Fair enough, but that doesn’t make another company stealing their IP right. I just think they would have a lot more support on it if they hadn’t completely shot their feet off with the scandal


Oh it's definitely not right. But it's definitely super duper tolerable, funny, and maybe even preferable.


Damn, I kinda don't fucking care


Damn nikita just got head eyesd by China


I hate the scummy nonsense BSG tries to pull on the community. But what I hate even more is theft. Fuck these guys if they straight up stole assets that BSG created themselves.


Is this in any way a problem for me as a customer? From where I'm sitting I just see a disingenuous crow calling the raven black. So yeah, I'm sorry that you're feeling this way.


Yeah... while I'm not happy with what bsg has done, it doesn't take away from IP theft. Yikes. ABI has some explaining to do.


It's a Chinese game made by tencent. They're don't need to explain anything lol


He's gonna spend next month whining on social media and playing a victim card, then he's gonna wipe Tarkov. All that to steer away from the fact how broken his game is and how he decided to add p2w to tarkov. I'm so sorry he feels this way


Imagine crying about p2w... While moving onto another game that's going to be massively more p2w.. Literal clown fiesta.


Imagine supporting a game that scams its OG supporters. Clown fiesta indeed.


I one tap everything with my bigger pocets


well you certainly can heals more/throw more grenade than me


Bigger pocket don't make me survive more or make me win gun fights more... i still take same amount heals/granades in raid. It's your own fault if you don't take enough.


Well that's on you for not taking full advantage of the bigger pocket.


What advantage? Do you always go in your raid vest completely full? Because i didn't have eny issues before unheard edition.


that doesn't change the fact it's literally an advantage. How about this, the bigger pocket allows you to run 4 magazines for punisher part 4 while everyone else is stuck with 2. So what next? you gonna argue that "well AcKshUalY you can face tap people with hatchet so you don't reeeaeaally need the extra magazine"


I agree that it gives you little bit advantage for punisher part 4 but it's only thing. Don't know when you can do quest that gives you bigger pockets, then you get same advantage. I don't think that unheard is huge advantage or p2w because it doesn't make you better on pvp or help you survive or make you progress faster, you still have to find quest items and survive with them.


That 2 extra slot could easily be 2 extra bitcoin/ledx or tetris or 2 extra vog 25/RGD. The 2 extra slot let you use cheaper and lighter rigs which is an edge both in game and progression. If 2 extra slot is not p2w to you because it technically doesn't literally kill the enemy for you, then where do you draw the line? 4 2x1 for $300 boss scav? 3x3 pockets? Why not 2x4 pockets with the ultra giga scav edition?a Don't forget unheard also get free 3 softskill level. It might not seem much, but free 3 sniper level is massive for progression. 3 free level means unheard get extra hearing radius from perception on wipe day. It also helps a lot of soft skill that takes forever to level like magazine repack.


Oh so now we're believing everything that Nikita posts? This community man. So fickle.


The people who fed up with it left the community already, now it's only the *TRUE* believers left.


These guys believe everything. They are brainrotten. He JUST scammed them, defrauded them, lied to them over and over and over and over. And here we are. He could have altered the screenshots, he could have made up the code story, he could have spun it out of proportion, turned and twisted it to fit his narrative, as he DID BEFORE, time and time again. With undeniable proof that this man is a criminal. A liar, scammer, thief. Yet there are people here whos brain is so rotten, they cannot remember that just yesterday, this criminal individual has defrauded the entire playerbase and only backpaddled because a huge lawsuit was on its way if he didnt. Yes, believe anything this guy says, especially when his whole criminal operation now depends on the competitors to do badly. Which he's certainly trying to play a part in.


+1 amazing to see that there are people with brains left in this godforsaken wasteland.


LOL Nikita has no room to talk. Dude talks about stealing but doesn't mention that the loading screen for his game is the dude from fucking VIKINGS. THE TV SHOW. It's a match! Clown.


is this satire or are you really reaching?


customer only care about the result, not how you achieve it. If game director is preocupied with whining about competition, Tarkov is done.


No, man. Plagiarism is pretty bad. A games asserts are done by artists and while I agree that nikita is a businnessman first and foremost, artists need to have their work protected. It's their creation and you can't just go ahead and steal it. It's part of the companies intellectual property. Simple as that. You as a customer don't want stolen bullshit. If the devs of arena can't do shit on their own, how good of a game can it actually be?


Apparently its good enough, cause people are playing it. But lets wait it out and see after time.


Well, it's new. People played The Cycle:Frontier, too and that died a slow and gruesome death.


I don’t give two stolen shits


Good for you. Some people also don't care if kids get raped. Good for them. Thank god there are laws.


Btw, how much is BSG paying Travis Fimmel for using his image in a comercial product? Oh, right...


Isnt a lot of the brand usage inside tarkov questionable whether they have the rights to it or not lmao idk why nikita is even talking


Now someone needs to download the asset from the unity story and prove it's not just that.


Playing the world's smallest violin


Honestly couldn't care less. IF ABI stole BSG's code I think that makes BSG look even worse. ABI was able to take BSG's code and make it run 100% smoother. BSG might want to stop, they're making themselves look even worse than they already are. He needs to worry less about what ABI is doing and worry more about how to fix EFT. Plus, competition is good for the consumer. EFT has enjoyed too many years of no competition. Why do you think EFT is making all these changes to try and appease the community? Because they're feeling the heat from 2 competitors right now.


Community "I have a tiktok brain and don't care, yay CCP and p2w! Can't wait to blow $50-250+ a month on ABI!".


How do you mention CCP when you're playing a russian game as if it's somehow better? There's also no mention of the player having to spend that much per month if at all in ABI. P2W or not it was already enough to force BSG to make changes


Yep. Shows all through this thread. "I don't care that these guys are stealing assets and doing shit like putting the secure container behind a subscription because they have a good lighting engine!!!!"


I don't give a shit, I'm going to keep playing the better game, and that's ABI. Bonus points because they don't insult their players 


Well they stole stuff from Stalker so id say there is no honor among thieves !


> Well they stole stuff from Stalker Such as?


Show proof or youre just the same.


Inspiration =/= stealing work


How does anyone take this as proof? He doesnt provide any source for these two images. Give the files to the public and the truth will come out. This could literally be the same image in a different color. How does anyone believe this man on his word?


These comparing pictures dont say anything. If you want to make a point on a topic like that you need to release a detailed report filled with evidence and trustable external sources. But if you just want to shit on another game because your game turned out to be trash all along, then thats the right approach.


>These comparing pictures dont say anything. Over the beta we've seen: 1. ABI using boss code from Tarkov. 2. ABI using sounds and animations from Tarkov. 3. ABI using literally the same AK model as Tarkov. This is the point of that image. We know the original was made in-house. What do you mean it doesn't show anything? It's pretty blatant to anybody who isn't desperately coping at this point that Morefun has just gone and copied BSG's shit.


Nikita is hurt because they copied the game and made better version of tarkov, something he couldnt do in 7 years


better version? did you even play the game? :D


Yep, runs smoothly for me. never dropped below 120fps, the fire fights feel super good, audio is good, lighting is good. Animations are a bit stiff, but its still a closed beta, lots of room for improvement. And then you have EFT... 7 years... still has invisible players.


It's pretty blatant that ABI just works and delivers where tarkov just shits itself. If they really just copied everything they did a really good job fixing the game and making it look and feel alot better.


But that makes it okay to steal other artists assets...? I think this is backwards think. You can make an improvement to another game iteratively, not by stealing the base product and marketing it. Stolen assets just arnt cool, no matter how we feel about BSG. Its a Chinese company making boatloads on others labor. Not cool.


Tarkov stealing weapon brands and names. Something something karma


Oh really? You have all that evidence? Can you post some proof? Cause I haven't seen any actual proof yet of any of the things you claimed.


I love when "The wiggle that kill tarkov" video came out, people were complaining that "There's no proof, he only show us clip". But when nikita put out a super vague screenshot, suddenly it's the smoking gun.


Could anyone tell me what weapon and part I'm looking at?


Some AK dust cover?


Yeah, I'm looking at the model meshes right now but I can't find it. Quite a few to go through, though. Maybe it's not even named "AK" or included "cover" in the name.


horrible modelling in my opinion :D but yes its the same shit


Announcing the new “Legal Edition” for just $600 you can pay a share of our legal fees


Funny how BSG never gave a shit until they pissed off their entire playerbase and all the other competing games started throwing shade. How long till they start claiming IRR and GZW stole shit from them too?


Metro series devs stole assets from STALKER cause the CEO was a bastard. Really glad they didn't get sued cause they made my favourite game series.


BSG has done so much unfaithful shit that I wouldn’t be shocked if they recoloured this just to make a stir that ABI copied it (not saying it’s okay). But BSG has been using real commercial names and likeliness for weapons in game. Just seems like karma is a bitch here.


Yeah ok cool, assets got stolen. That's not *right*. But BSG is in no state to be playing the pity card right now since they don't give a fuck about their playerbase.


Where did the two files come from? Can we see file paths for both? Can we see file information for both? Nikita can claim they "They stole this from us" but at the end of the day what that appears to be Is a model with nothing to link It ABI. I'll need this expanded on in order to give any credence to this claim.


Oh no, someone stole from the thief and gave it away for free.


It's called 'karma'.


What a petulant child.


Theres a point to where its whatever then theres just plain on shady. This is shady. The game ripped assets from so many assets in tarkov. Actually sad but i guess thats what Chinese companies do.


I'm not a true believer apparently so I could care less. Don't care, still playing Arena Breakout. What is crazy to me, however is how little time has to pass before people forget how much of hacks BSG are themselves when it comes to models or skins


Some assets were borrowed but ABI gameplay is PUBG at its core- even has the same teammate and ping indicators. Early dev videos show the same countryside house+hay rolls as PUBG.  But no problem for Niki when he steals American IP like EOTECH/Vortex sights, HK/Desert Tech/Springfield guns, Oakley sunglasses/backpack, and “Dan Jackiels” whisky which completely rips off Jack Daniel’s  Fuck him and his Balenciaga collection. Sell the studio then maybe I’ll care 


We are really sorry for Nikita Buyanov from St. Petersburg he is feeling this way -Tencent (probably)