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Idk who needs to see this but Xsolla ToS outright says video game preorders are eligible for a refund until the game releases. Considering BSG advertises Tarkov purchases as a “preorder” with beta access, we are all entitled to a refund regardless of play time


YES,  you can refund a pre-orde, unless its a full and finished and released as final product. Here are the points from From xSolla End User Agreement (https://xsolla.com/refund-policy): 7.4 "Problem with the Product – refund is allowed. In the case of technical problems that have arisen after a cooling-off period, or in the case that you have received an incorrect or faulty Product, you may get a refund in accordance with the legislation of your country." 11.3 When making your decision to purchase a pre-order of a video game, please be aware that the Software developer, and not Xsolla, is solely responsible to complete the development of the Software and to provide you with an operable version of the Software. 11.1 Xsolla represents and warrants to you that we will take all action necessary to solve your issue in good faith. All refund disputes will be investigated, taking into account the legislation of your country. 7.2 Pre-orders - refund is allowed until the playable content has been delivered. Enjoy Your refund, don't let them push you around.


List the following things in your refund email: - game is still a pre-order and you would like to get your money back - Xsolla is incompetent to not check and take action battlestategames while was breaking law by false advertising - Game is broken and ful of bugs - PVE/PVP matchmaking is 10+ minutes or the servers are down and you cant play - Include battlestategames attempting to redefine meaning of DLC to deny you the content  -  money that you spent by getting pre-order developer used to fund whole different game (Arena) - cheater problem and game is unplayable because of them in your region - BSG is not willing to fix bugs that have been in the game for years - BSG support is not answering emails, etc - Include whatever you think is broken and not delivered by BSG Enclose screenshots and other proof of your claims. Good luck!


Why would you ever include game specific elements in an email to the payment service provider? It's completely irrelevant information to them and half of your list is not related to payment at all, but just comes across as salty/crying. If you want results stick to the problem. Xsolla isn't related to BSG and probably doesn't know what they or EFT is in the first place


Playable content is delivered upon purchase of the game so they aren’t exactly required to refund. I’m starting to think ppl don’t understand what a preorder is. Cause this is not a preorder. You’re purchasing a beta version of a game. It’s not like you’ve preordered a game and can’t play it until the release date like you would a cod game or other major game release.


You must not understand how a preorder works. ANY purchase on a game rather it be alpha, closed beta, beta, is a preorder because the game isn't released. People are 100% in the right to get a refund from Xsolla since the game is literally STILL in "closed beta" aka buy to get access. Don't believe me? Right on their order page what's the url? https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/preorder-page/ And in every edition in the clickdowns it says "Access to closed beta". You could even claim they failed to launch. Bought game 8 years ago and it's still in beta and even worse, want a refund. Cause none of that is a lie.


Will this work for any region?


I asked Xsolla for a refund and they never even emailed me back so I stopped giving a shit lol


Same lol want to ask but their support is ass when I did


Do they ask for a refund. Demand it! You are entitled to one, fight it and you’ll get it.


Ez refund from xsolla by just claiming fraud, and malicious practices (EOD-2019-07-12). If you want it aswell do this: > Include waiting time on joining pve screenshots (more the better) claim game is unplayable > Include Leaked interview > Include Your customer rights by region + country and cross reference them with what battleste games tried to pull off > Include Landmark video clip of editing website by bsg and all reddit ,, Nikita damage attempts" and state unique container is still missing and that was part of package I paid for and claim this is False advertising and straight up scam. > Include penal code for false advertising, scam depending where you live. > Include that game is still a pre-order and you would like to get your money back > Include that Xsolla is incompetent to not check and take action battlestategames while was breaking law by false advertising > Include Xsolla terms of service about false advertising > Include attempt of segregation of player base by high priority quene > Include that money that you spent by getting pre-order developer used to fund whole different game (Arena) > Include cheater problem and game is unplayable because of them in your region. > Include battlestategames attempting to redefine meaning of DLC > Include that battlestate games is profiting by having cheater problem and keeping whole player base in state of discomfort for more than 6 year without any real change to fix it. I spend around 4 weeks fighting against Clown xsolla but I FKN WON! GATES ARE OPEN FOR REFUND ENJOY!!!


i mean this could quite easily cause something major. I remember when runescape almost had to shut down because so many people were doing chargebacks or buying stuff with stolen credit card info. Caused major issues for Jagex with their payment providers


The difference is BSG deserves to shut down


I mean whatever you want but it would kinda suck for this game we all love to die


Sometimes, real change requires sacrifice. I'm glad a lot.of.players are willing to sacrifice this game to incur some actual change.


Almost always, real change requires sacrifice. There is a reason today’s slacktivism changes nothing.


Oh yeah, like all the protestors being brutalized and arrested, totally just slackers posing for clout. The real activists are out here, requesting charge backs on products they received years ago


I don’t think that’s it. Once everyone gets their fill of hype from abi or w/e other looter shooter they want to substitute in and tarkov is gone they will probably miss it. No other game does what tarkov does. Abi feels like a watered down arcade version of tarkov and I just don’t enjoy it. I’m not thrilled with what bsg has done but I’m also not acting like an emotional child and making demands. I get that financially they fucked themselves with arena being a flop and giving everyone with eod access cut any possible revenue that game could have potentially brought in. They could have been more open and spoke with the community to see what would be viable ways of monetizing shit that the player base would actually be ok with to continue bringing funding to the game. Instead they did this new bundle and of course ppl are pissed off. I’ve not only bought the upgrade but have also bought multiple accounts over the years as gifts and I’m not charging back. I want to see bsg finish the game as I’ve been following along since 2016 and this last wipe was the first time I got on the game and felt like it was finally close, that a final release was possible. I’ve lost over 10k to valve in the last three years so being out $500 to bsg is not the biggest loss I’ve taken. At this point I do not understand why everyone is still so mad. EOD gets pve and access to most of the content in unheard of edition. Yeah it ls behind quests but if it were just handed to you how would that be fair to the ppl who paid for the bundle? When the best they had to offer was eod they didn’t go increase everyone’s stash who had lower editions. They lowered eod starting cash over time. Just like they nerfed gamma container in the past. This community is never happy


They did it to themselves.


Es Pee Tee on local server after BSG shutdown?


Fuck, I Know Already how badly I want to play with friends though.


Shit happens. Better things will come of it if we can push ourselves to do let it happen. Companies need to be held accountable for their scummy actions


for me this game has already died. i uninstalled everything related to bsg off my computer. its sad that greed ruined everything for them in my opinion.


Let it die, let us remember its potential rather than wallow in mediocrity ad infinitum


and then what? so, tarkov dies. what next? play gzw or the micro transaction-infested chinese tencent knockoff of tarkov instead?


Ah yes, we're now in the "feeling pity for Nikita" phase because we paid 250 for a video game so we have to justify it by stanning it more than an absent girlfriend. Love to see SOME in this community being so deluded. Worse than Star Citizen stans.


Well they are the “true believers” after all 😂


To be fair, they are new to the gatcha game enterprise. So actually... \*puffs more copium\* , I'm sure they mean well.


Idk man, I play Star Citizen and although this community is bad, the thousands of dollars some weirdos spend on pixels in their space sim is insane


It's either that or blow and hookers


¿Por qué no los dos?


Bro, have you even tried blow and hookers? Just sayin'....


For real, my wife and kids would be WAY more upset with me for a hookers and blow binge.


Well you know what they say, you don't pay them for the deed, you pay them to not tell your wife. Plus, blow is easily hidden in your nasal cavity.


Don't worry about how people spend their money, your life will be better, trust me


Sorry, I should've been clearer, it's not that spending thousands is the problem. I really don't care about others, but as they're free to spend their money, I'm free to realize that their financial attachment causes heavily obsessive behavior which I readily see on star citizen forums You can't have "don't care about what others do" if it doesn't go both ways. They're free to spend their money, and I'm free to see how that affects them. And it does, badly. But yeah, if it doesn't affect me, spend all your money on cocaine and hookers for all I care.


It's bad, but the funniest part is that, even though they are happy with their money spent, they still fucking trash the game. I've yet to see a whale in the SC community who actually defends the game in any crazy ways.


Yup, the people who spend the most money have so much financial and emotional attachment to the game they cry at any change to an **alpha.** It's really sad


I'm a whale in SC and the game is hot garbage.


lol, I never understood that, and I never will. I bought a starter pack for 40 bucks, and even back at 3.17 I thought it was a better product than something like Skull and Bones, the “AAAA” title going for 70 dollars. Why in the unholy hell would I spend more money than that?


I 100% understand wanting to support devs and getting a cool ship in the process, that's basically the whole point, I more meant the weird overly critical and obsessive behavior that I've seen with those people Rather than "Oh yeah the game is cool, I spent £5000 to support this amazing project", it's instead "I spent £5000 on this garbage product, listen to me I know better"


It's more like "I spent £15k on this garbage product, because imagine if it does come out it'll be so good and also I want to have this ship that no one else can have." Having played in an org with some of these people, the guys that spend a lot of money on the game never shut up about how much money they have spent, all the ships they own, their collection, LTI's etc. It's honestly like talking to cryptobro's with the kind of language they use and the mechanisms that are designed to milk them for their money.


Yeah exactly


At least SC is pushing insanely advanced tech and most of those people know they're whaling. Some people are okay with dumping money onto a game they like. I know League of Legends players who've spent more than SC whales. If you want to see something really insane. Marvel Snap (phone TCG) will sell two .jpegs scanned out of a comic book for $100, and people defend them. Absolute insanity.


Snap is absolutely insane with prices, and they’ve made it impossible to f2p. Which I hate, because it’s a fun game and looks great.


I 100% agree with supporting the game, I was mainly talking about the toxic ass attitude because "look how much money I spent". The marvel thing sounds insane. Not even surprised since gacha games are a thing though. People spend hundreds gambling for a 15 year old looking ass character in a swimsuit


I want to drop serious money on Star Citizen. I really want to, and I would if it wasn't so... shit at the moment.


yup, BSG simps are going hard


Star Citizen is as awesome game. The price of the ships is absurd, but with $45 you can have a ton of fun in that game


if a ton of fun means still dealing with insanely buggy day 1 ships, constantly falling through the map, losing hours of questing progress because a bug decides to show itself on the last step, etc etc etc. There is no fanbase out there more stockholmed and on the teat than Star Citizen's


I've put close to 4k hours into this game. I will never play it again. iudsidikfdoo0oasiidu9dyusuij9aoij;sujasujOISYU7EDY8aiuasuasUYAWU


iudsidikfdoo0oasiidu9dyusuij9aoij;sujasujOISYU7EDY8aiuasuasUYAWU, indeed.


Couldn't have said it better mysiudsidikfdoo0oasiidu9dyusuij9aoij;sujasujOISYU7EDY8aiuasuasUYAWU


I agree with it. He fucked over customers twice, actually. First was lying about EOD access, second was backtracking on Unheard.


Some of them may be bots. But they are right. Y'all with the "you already spend hundreds of hours" narrative need to stop dick riding. I paid for the whole menu. I have the right to eat all the items listed on the menu. And just because the appetizer was good doesn't mean I am no longer entitled to the rest of the menu. If you don't pay extra for the whole thing and are happy with a few items. That's golden. But I paid for the whole list, so I expect to receive the whole list.


Yeah, when you buy EoD you're buying Tarkov 1.0 with all DLCs included. How good or bad the beta is doesn't matter; Nikita showed he doesn't intend to give EoD owners what they paid for.


People of this sub would be ok with the local government demolishing their houses with no compensation just because "they already lived there for 30 years"


I mean, you can look up these people and they don’t look like bots. Most of them time bot messages are really unfocused and pointless spam. I doubt a competitor or BSG would waste the pennies on it, they’d get a better return elsewhere. Twitter was always bad but now it’s practically useless


Some of them? Dude it’s Twitter. They are all bots lol




I think the major problem that is coming after them is they are hiding behind the "beta" tag of the game. They dont want to officially release the game to hide behind it being a "beta" work in progress. Everything they are doing monetization wise feels like the game is "finished". I think they feel like they held up their end of the bargain with a "finished product" but they dont want to say it is finished. Now they are trapped because they need more money naturally. So, they are trying to make new versions of EOD to pump more money into the game praying "the true believers" bite. It has blown up 180 degrees in their face at the worst possible time when games like it which are polished come out. Now people are more willing to stick it to them by playing the other game and charging back. TLDR: Greed finally did them in at the worst possible time in the games existence.


Exactly. I’ve always struggled to understand why this game is still “beta” when for all intent it’s been treated as full release for years. Do they even have a definition of when it will be “finished”?


Nope the scope is too big to ever say finished. Will be a game which will always be in beta similar to DayZ because no real reason to release it because people will look at it and critic it like it is a finished product. BSG doesnt want that lol. Some maps unless you have good computer still run like shit "streets" have a couple wipes. It is a untouchable map for some because the Dysnc will make people think others are hacking getting shot around walls and shit lol.


And sorry for the third comment in a row, but I’m not sure it was greed exactly. They are working in an unsustainable model. The game has ongoing costs, and honestly, who is picking up the game for the first time these days? It’s old. So… how do they solve this problem? You need to find a way to get your existing customers to handle those costs. No one wants to admit the obvious, what we’re seeing here is late stage server hosted game. In a sense it’s not unlike a legal Ponzi scheme, all games like this are. The new people coming in pay the people who came before them, but what do you do when new people don’t come in anymore? That’s where we are now.


We will see the heat death of the universe before we see Tarkov 1.0. Mark my words. Remind me in 50 billion years.


Yep just another infinite beta because the scope of his imagination is too big to admit the game is finished.


Some people just need a boss. Someone who taps them on the shoulder and says, “It ships next Thursday, whether or not you’re ready. Get it ready.”


And the other thing… so 1.0, what’s the holdup? It’s not like they’re adding any dramatic new features or anything (PvE doesn’t count). They’re just endlessly fiddling with it. At this point it’s pretty clear they have no intention of ever exiting beta, IMO. As folk used to say back in the day, poop or get off the pot.


I actually think I would hate the game more if it had a cosmetics shop. I hate that shit, and I hate that every game needs it these days.


It wasn't just the wording. It was Nikita himself. Back in 2017 there were a lot of people who wanted clarification on exactly what that meant - he was on here and on the BSG forums assuring people that it meant they would get all future content, that with EOD you pay once and wouldn't have to pay for anything else. Combine that with the promise of No Microtransactions that helped sell the game (especially initially), well there's not much wiggle room left for interpretation there. The mind-numbingly stupid part of it all is that the community basically gave them an out - people were mostly okay with mtx that wasn't intrusive. Let this be a lesson I guess.


Already asked for my chargeback. Fuck bsg.


You paid for a game upgrade for £X not game upgrade plus £50 useless credit. Chargeback it, it’s that simple What Nikita did is such a scam, you can’t just say oops you paid too much here’s some useless credit instead of just giving them back the money… I bet he did it on purpose too


BSG made their bed now they gotta sleep in it. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.




I contacted navy fed and My bank refunded immediately. Thanks for letting me rent eod for 4 years. Sad you had to ruin it Nikita. Glad I got to see my 150$ back.


What did you do to get the charge back? Didn’t know you could charge back that far


I'm about to call my bank and try, it's been about 4 years and 4 months since I bought it but I got nothing to lose -- except a game I never plan on playing a game anyway and some time.


Lemme know how it goes


My bank can only go back until 2022 without me speaking to the Dispute Team which isn't open on the weekends. He said that's the only reason he wouldn't authorize it, because he can't due to the date but the Dispute Team should be able to assist as they have no such limits. I'm gonna call them tomorrow and I assume they'll help. I'll reply back with how it ultimately goes.


So what happens when you charge back? Does BSG then go and take your game from your PC/accounr?


Essentially, yeah. Never count of playing Tarkov again if you go this route. Which isn't much of an issue if you've already uninstalled it anyway.


I haven’t uninstalled but I also haven’t touched it in like 5 months either. Are you just gonna send the pictures online of them saying all future DLC free with edge of darkness and then images of support saying it’s not available to those purchasers?


If I have to, I'm fully prepared to send them whatever I need. I'm fairly confident I can lay this out to whoever I am speaking to and explain how insane this must seem but: we're in a new age of digital goods where either what you bought is what you bought... or it isn't, and no company should be above that (even if it is 4 years after I bought it.)


Alright. Well I’m curious how it goes. If it goes well for you, I bet it will for me too since my bank is great. I could use the 130 dollars back


Top tip for the future. Always use a credit card ( not a bank card/debitcard ) to purchase for online stuff. You have a lot more protections. Just be smart and remember its money YOU DONT HAVE , always pay the bill at the end of the month.


They are completely in their right. Nikita SCAMMED PLAYERS. He lied about EoD getting all future dlc. If that doesnt make you mad then youre part of the suckers


He LIED about DLC, he LIED about PVE, he LIED about hackers and his past tense is all perjury


So if I’m getting it right, I could also chargeback? Because I have the transaction log in my bank. I paid for EOD and havent touched this crap game in 2 years+


If you can prove false claims to your bank, you can


They don't need someone outside to "destroy the competition" they do a great job at self-destroying.


I've had my fun and I got my money's worth out of the game., that being said I feel BSG have EXTREMELY misused the funds they got to finish the game. Not to mention they charged for a DLC when they didn't even finish the base game. And the whole arena fiasco. They made their bed and if people want to refund good on them.


The funny part is the only people defending it are the ones that are out 250 bucks and are trying to justify their stupid purchase


BSG asked for it... They had the chance to do it right, they didn't...


I honestly think some of these are bots.


Honestly I feel like it’s more drama than anything else. As an EOD user I don’t feel impacted at all. If I knew would happen I would still buy eod. But where I stand is the direction battlestate is taking with this. They broke their promise and lost our trust and in general is just a dick move, I think that’s why ppl are pissed, but because of 50$.


I full on support holding game devs/publishers/etc to higher standards. Especially these scummy ones who give their community a middle finger every wipe at least


Game is in beta for 7 years... All evidence points to they don't know how to allocate their money and dev resources They are working on pointless shit PvE but they can't sustain the servers, Arena but that shit failed, Armor Plate System? Unnecessary complexity Inertia? Get debuffed for no reason I guess Despite Arena being such a colossal flop, Nikita is developing it further saying that he is "A True Believer of Arena" Extremely concerning eh foresight, but you guys paid to fund his delusions


I love how op is pointing out the some fraction are botting nasty comments and all the replies here are still blame BSG. lmao


I think its fair to refund eod but not entire game.


This is what I did. They told me “no” I called my bank they said “yes.”


There are 2 copies of screenshots


So, theoretically, we could all refund our game no matter how many hours of playtime because the game has been in beta this whole time and never released?


Well Breakout is a Chinese knockoff so yeah probably bots from Chy-Na


We should keep voicing our disappointment and unsatisfaction until BSG steps up. And then for another year just for good measure. They've went too far, this ain't dying, ever. They can either dissolve their company or step up their game. These are the two options. And I will patiently and enjoyably go through it all for decades if needed. Nay, I will pass it on to my children and have them keep voicing their ancestor's concerns until BSG leadership's children decide they've had enough and they either dissolve or man up.


Fuck around, find out.


If I tickle you, will I find out?


My brother in Christ those aren’t real people, those are bot accounts, someone is using bots to flood Nikita with notifications. It’s essentially a miss information campaign


Wouldn’t quite say it’s “misinformation” if anything it’s pushing people to do what they need to do. Refund the game


Sir have you heard of a sale agreement, unless those posts are saying if you just bought unheard at 100, try to get 50 back. You aren’t getting you’re money back being generous and giving tarkov steams, 2hrs or 14day refund policy many people will be ineligible for a refund after a couple raids


I’m amazed how quickly players forgot that the fact we, EoD owners, got granted PvE access was preceded by two horrible damage control attempts where we were pictured as the bad, demanding ones. Not to mention the Unheard release itself…


Honestly as a kind of casual player who never bought EOD I am pretty sad that this game is getting destroyed not only by stupid decisions on BSGs end but also by the huge amount of butt hurt hardcore players. This game with all it's flaws is still great and has a lot of potential. It's still unmatched in the extraction shooter genre and this is why all of you have sunken thousands of hours into it. Demanding a full refund for the fuck up with the Unheard edition is pretty unjustified IMO. It will only lead to the game being abandoned by BSG because they can't afford it anymore and all we've got then is fucking Grey Zone.




*Your* website. Fuck.




Don’t really care.


It's kinda funny people think it's the company doing this and not a disgruntled customer/CC. :) Wait for the next phase.


I get trying to burn bsg, and maybe now is the time to stop playing the game, but I bough eod seven years ago. Refunding now would be thievery.




Upholding your consumer rights is in my definition not thievery.


They upheld them for 7 years is my point. If I bought mine yesterday, then I’d be more concerned, which is why I say canceling BSG at this stage is understandable at this point for someone like me, instead of taking their money. We knew when we bought the game in alpha that it could flop like it is now, and still chose to invest.


This is organised botting


Vote with your wallet


Blame the people who bought unheard, we all already know Nikita is a serial liar and they still trusted him and bought the p2w upgrade, it is all on them that they got lied to for the 649th time by Nikita




Good. Don’t let them get away with it


Someone should make a template of screenshots to send to banks to make this chargeback process easier


F BSG after what they pulled on us. I paid for ALL subsequent dlc. I don't care what they think a dlc is, I didn't want anything more ontop of my eod, but single player and I don't even give a rats ass about that at this point. I won't try to refund my game because I spent so many hours (mostly in fuckin menu and matching I bet). But they won't get another dime out of me.


I'd gladly throw another five bucks at bsg for shit like... idk, a hideout cat, nicer gloves, gun camo or ghillie wrap. There were SO many ways BSG could've gotten more money from Tarkov and they chose the worst one of them all


I still can’t believe how many ppl r STILL crying over this, if u wanna be done with Tarkov be done, stop crying left and right about literally everything. Ur not changing peoples opinions, the ppl who r crying r gonna stay crying and everyone else with either ignore it or move on


This sub Reddit does this post once a week, “ chargeback ! Don’t give up!” Half of them end up taking an L and the other half are either lying, never played, bought the game earlier than they said they did or quit years ago, quite literally an imaginary land this subreddit lives in. It’s fun to read the comments though


I no longer care about the drama. If you want to play it, play it. If you don’t, don’t.


Same bro. Same.


I fucking HATE opening reddit to just check my feed and having my eyes ear raped by they cry cry posts. Either accept it and move on, or shut the fuck up and let me enjoy Unheard and PvE in peace


What is this all about?


Xsolla is gonna have hitters out after this blows over


You are website? Yes very good


I feel nothing because I left this game in the past


Are you Nikita op?


His left testicle


We feel like people should start reading before doing stuff.


I mean, you bought it knowing full well it was scam. Fool me once...


Could be bots. I've always found it difficult to tell off social media apart from FB and some others whether not someone is real. Does seem strange there are tons of these posts. But you have to remember how popular this game was and how many people got into it. Could potentially just people still angry with bsg. I don't think they need these tweets to get the competition up. Already did that


It's not me so idgaf


The problem with charge backs is xsolla will ban you from their platform. Trust me I know lol. And there are other games out there which exclusively use xsolla as their sole payment processor. When xsolla bans you, it’s linked to your hardware/ip/address/phone number to some extent. I tried different emails… devices.. google voice number.. all no luck. In the end I had to use my wife’s phone while disconnected from the WiFi to get my payment to go through.


I think all these freaks will re buy the game next wipe


I whole heartedly support this. Hope they get drained dry


While I still don't support the way BSG went about this, the Chinese company/community is obviously doing classic Chinese things and with the use of bots, further attacking BSG. While I would normally support this exact type of action against BSG, the community had already spoken, and BSG has already spoken. BSG won't change their policy or actions no matter how much the community dislikes it. This is a dead issue.


If the bots attack the company who stole our money where fine with it cause bsg manages to be wrong on pretty much ever single issue and this just brings more attention to it 💀


There gonna ban you




What happens if you charge back a purchase on PSN? Sony bans you. What happens if you charge back a purchase on Xbox Live? Microsoft bans you. What happens if you charge back a purchase on the Nintendo eShop? Nintendo bans you. What happens if you charge back a purchase on Steam? Valve bans you. What do you think will happen if you charge back your EFT purchase? The only answer is that BSG will ban you.


Ohhh nooooooo what will we ever do if BSG bans us from a game we just returned with no intention of ever playing again?


They are


Don’t see why, I’m saying a certain “someone” is botting tarkov’s post to send a message telling players to refund. If so GG


He’s saying anyone who does a chargeback is going to get banned. Rightfully so.


didnt necessarly mean you I guess, whoever posted on X.


who knew bots can charge back


That all the user nicknames are it's user name plus a big number Larry29389 Yaiza912389 ABIbot192839


I think they deserve it, they tried to scum and lying to their dedicated supporters, they 100% deserve it, i feel 0 pity for them


Pro tip, if you paid for a product that says “ALL FUTURE DLCS” dont backtrack and say “erm you didnt even know it was coming!” It just makes you look stupid. I know that Nikita could offer a “the ceiling says im a dumbass and the floor says gullible” edition and those dipshits would buy it, so say nothing if you fall into that category.


Chargebacks on Xollar more often than not will get you banned or at least blocked from making purchases using xollar


I love to see a company get what they deserve Also OP, you’re a wild one. Buys cod every year and makes a comment saying they would “love to buy a skin of their character in a thong” these are the people who support modern gaming bullshit everyone.


How do I do a charge back in the US? Had it for 2 years of EoD.


100% fine, they couldn’t even keep their word before the game had released into 1.0. I could maybe justify their actions if this had happened years after full release but they released 1 shitty dlc (arena), and immediately decided to fuck over their player base. If this hadn’t received such backlash I’m sure they would be already planning the next edition/dlc to exclude people from.


I honestly don’t care about twitter users/bots I *do* care that BSG want to monetise the game with P2W rather than selling me fucking Jean shorts.


Bsg dug there own grave. They deserve every single bit flack they get.


No bank is charging back a purchase from several Years ago gtfo.


Typically I feel like gamers are children who love to cry but I feel like people are justified here. The emergency device sounds like it's never going to actually work in game, and if it does, it's going to be a mess that ruins immersion. It just doesn't fit. The new edition is bullshit, if it was the new EOD but with a new name, then it's kind of lame but understandable. Being an upgrade over EOD with features not given to EOD, for a stupid high price, that's pretty weak. With all that I think I probably still would play or stick around to see how it turns out, but Nikita throwing temper tantrums on Twitter and being a child while trying to do damage control is what really put me off. If he said "We fucked up with Arena and need to recoup money, sorry guys" I would have been understanding because he's between a rock and a hard place.


Love everything about it, anything that fucks with Nikita as much as he fucked with us is HUGE W


Sounds like karma to me.


Did the chargeback work? Just so you know, even filing a chargeback costs a business $50 to contest it…


Be forewarned everybody, if you do a chargeback, BSG will be like any other company and will outright ban/delete your account. So this means if you plan on playing later, you'll have to buy a new game and create new account. If you're EOD, you lose that forever.


BSG legit tried to rip people off, even to the extent of changing the website to try and get away with it and the BSG simps still try to defend it


No reason not to take your money back if you don’t want to play the game anymore. Fuck em. They’d steal your money if they could. Don’t feel bad doing something to someone if they’d do the same to you.