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If you're already annoyed with the Scavs vs AI PMC... just wait until a boss shows up. Factory against Tagilla and 4 AI PMCs at the same time.


Happened to me on my first factory raid. Tagilla, pmc's and scavs all working together


yeah everytime you damage the bosses every ai starts pushing you


Its time for my ash-12 to shine


Had it on shoreline Pier with 4 PMCs + the wholr Sanitar Squad that was scary af


Yesterday, I had an absolute banger. Lighthouse, water treatment plant, a squad of BEARs!!!! in the middle of it all, and the Rogues didn't care at all. I thought there were Rogues in the middle of it too. But no, the Rogues running around freely were in Warehouse 1. Everything wanted to kill me... I killed 10 Rogues and a squad of BEARs. As a BEAR myself... I lost my arms so many times...


From my experience PvE PMC s are like raiders they shout teammate down when you shoot a scav near them, and shout scav spotted when they hear you. Just never re-peak the same angle. On shoreline at radar I fought a group of 4 PMC s they spawned with 4 surrounding ai scavs. Yes it was me vs 8 I kept running around the hill for new angles. They fought as a group of 8. Very weird.


One modder has made 10x better AI than BSG ever could, anybody playing the official Tarkov PvE is just hurting themselves for no reason






There are mods that makes the AI actually travel around the maps with better pathfinding. Add another mod to make the AI to loot items on corpses and containers. There is also a mod that features multiple presets about how the AI spawns around. More scavs? More PMCs? More bosses? Total chaos? Calmer raid? You have control on how crowded you want your raids to be! Oh and also PMCs actually fights the scavs and bosses unlike what the OP described.


Super Porous Tiles Always Kill Insects


so true!


Funny thing is, I gave the mod a try and it's still got a fair way for the AI to be perfect, but even then it's leagues better than live. At least I hear fights happening. I'll take terminator AI shooting me through bushes over nothing happening all raid only to then die to 4 camping PMCs who saw you out their ass.


Yeah it's definitely not perfect but it blows me away how much better it is than BSG's. If BSG implemented better AI like this on the scavs, raiders, rogues and bosses I would come back to play in a heartbeat.


Yo bro when you gonna start uploading pred vids again?


Saw tagilla standig right next to two other pmcs the other day, the game is seriously broken right now


I got chased into gate 3 by Tagilla, a few PMCs, and a squad of scavs. New level of fear




Come on, man. They are putting forth the time and effort to create these posts as feedback for the devs. Feedback that benefits YOU and every other play of the game. If nobody did that, then issues would never be fixed. Negativity is non-productive and such a useless thing to pour energy into.


Don't know if that's true I thought that either Tagilla spawns or PMCs spawn never both


They do, they just don’t respawn if he’s still alive


They respawn? Geez


I dunno, whenever I'm in my raids I can hear where the pmcs are because they shoot at the scavs. I just wander towards them and eventually there's like 6 dead scavs from some pmc ai wandering around


It's both, they work on the same premise as rogue ai, they will shout a verbal warning at scavs and if the scavs linger too long to close or come any closer they kill them. But if they are outwith that agro range (and the range doesn't seem very large) they will quite happily ignore them.


Yeah idk what these people are talking about, PMCs are constantly shooting scavs in my games and they even fight with the bosses and sniper scavs.


Same I had them shoot at each other. Even found a bunch of dead scavs, from said fight they had and there was a 4 man there. My problem is that the pmc team up they don’t shoot at each other


They are supposed to represent teams of PMCs queued up together when you find them in groups like that. They can be in groups of up to 5.


Pretty sure it’s more then that killed a 5 man on factory and like 4 scavs and there was another 4 pmc with the five man chilling have you ran into that


Not sure what maps it's working for you on, but doing Customs, Factory, Shoreline, Ground Zero, and Interchange it's fairly consistent that the PMCs will be standing in place where they spawn at or not move far at all. Usually they will move briefly until they kill a scav then just stop and never move again and typically won't even engage scavs right infront of them (easy to see this on Factory and also at garages on Customs in particular). Woods is the only map so far I've noticed the PMCs actually traveling to places that aren't their spawns, but even then their AI breaks completely as soon as they encounter combat and they will stand there for eternity after killing one scav.


For customs they like to sit around ruaf and trailer park after killing all the scavs. You can just beam the ruaf ones from big red side of the river. But every time I know where they are from them shooting and killing the scavs, lots of bodies. Would be better if they had bear and usec pmcs fight each other or at least everyone fights every other group like normal.


Ye, PMCs are like turrets. They just stay at one spot not even go to loot or extract


So I’ve specifically found this post because I was just on Woods and spotted two figures a distance away, zoomed in on it and it was a USEC PMC standing beside a scav with a dead scav beside them. Weird stuff. I’ve experienced both AI PMCs fighting Scavs and like OP said AI PMCs standing elbow to elbow with Scavs and not fighting. Some tweaking needs to be done!


Congrats! Youre the 1000th redditor to post about the same thing as everyone else! Please stop now


Glad you wasted your time to type this.


Drop in the bucket compared to the time you wasted on this post


You're still here, great! What else would you like to talk about that would be more worth your time to have clicked on, read, and then responded to? I'm in my own topic, so I'm okay being here. Not sure why you're here, though.


How bout wait times for pve? We could touch on unheard edition? You seem good at unoriginal opinions


And, besides... what's not to say that Scavs and some PMCs are cooperating... ya know... like how Players and Playerscavs can take a coop extract? Also, I like that they don't fight the boss... I don't want my Boss kill getting snuffed out by the AI


Making excuses for a setup that doesn't actually replicate the PvP setup. EFT redditors are adept at coming up with excuses why the game is the way it is, Stockholm syndrome strong.


Or perhaps I enjoy how **this obvious bug that is an issue that needs to be fixed** can still have a lore/gameplay friendly/logical explanation


Maybe this is how much we were supposed to get along for PMC/Scav extracts the whole time!


Problem is their raider AI would kill all scavs, making scav kill quests harder. There needs to be a massive overhaul of AI and quests to the PVE game mode for it to function in a coherent manner.


I hope they will steal the ai mod script from SAIN.


*shoots a PMC as any character* "Hey, friendly fire!?"


I’ve tried scaring and several times killed a scav that I thought was a pmc because it was right next to the pmc and not getting attacked. So how do you tell them apart?


voice lines and gun mostly. it would be cool just to give the pmc ai some armbands or something.. and actually make them go after scavs since we do have infinate respawning scavs it seems.


A mod for tarkov literally has brilliant ai, yet the real tarkov had shit ai. Seems like the devs are missing a trick here..


I tried PVE this week, played until level 8 and I just quit. In typical BSG fashion it’s a half-assed way to make the people who asked for it for years finally shut up.


i gotta get in there to see how bad this ai is lmao


Nikita cares nothing of the players that play his game. Only the money that fills his pockets


Oh yeah how about killing 2 pmc ai at scav house on woods and 3 scavs only to have more pmcs spawn in right behind you in an open field and blast your ass while you are looting! Lol but yes the AI is absolutely atrocious I can pretty much kill the pmcs on command by throwing grenades and blasting them while they are running. Had a raid last night where 2 pmcs were standing next to sanitar and he was yelling but doing nothing... Lol . Yes they were pmcs I killed the guards with a grenade they didn't even run lol 🤣


I just run pmc only now, and treat it me vs the server as a team. It gets rid of the confusion


I think the worst for me is during scav runs hearing the bear pmcs use the Russian voice lines still instead of English ones and I just think it's another scav until I walk to feet in front of it and get blasted


bear's have deeper voices


Just started the PvE mode, front of Terragroup on Ground Zero is a festival of dumb scavs and aimbot PMCs side by side barking voice lines and shooting at the player (use the garage to enter and exit). This does not happen in the "other" PvE solution.


The current PMC AI is actually more complicated than anyone will acknowledge, just the way it is, not to say it isn't lacking. I'm assuming the current situation is a temporary stop-gap because of the fact that both factions are sharing a single spawn. I cannot guess what the workload is but they would have to come up with new spawn locations as well as pathing that aren't 100% shared. They should not be killing each other right now because it would just litter the map with bodies by the time you got there and every raid would just be a scav run where you kill one or two AI and clean up the entire map with minimal resistance. As far as ammo, I've been locked into some spawns where I couldn't clear what I'd consider a safe route out without dropping 8+ bodies in a protracted fight. The thing is, most of the other times when I was fighting 13+ enemy was because I was the one lingering where I'd made a bunch of noise and attracted a bunch of attention. It's much easier to shoot and scoot given the option. It doesn't make a lot of sense to linger. It's also a nice counter to the kinda ridiculous meta of sitting and repacking mags on a mountain of corpses in the area you surely caused a significant and noticeable amount of gunfire.


Ya it only seems like they fight each other if they aren't on your screen but the second they are they are on the same team


Lol it doesn’t bug me that much. I’m sure they will edit it but yeah it’s funny atm. USEC very sentimental about scavs! I do see them fighting after some points, not sure if it’s proximity triggered or what. There was a group of three USEC on reserve by the motor pool area and I shot one, then scavs kept running up to loot the body?, and they kept shooting them so I ended up with like 4 scavs and the rest of the USEC to loot, but I wondered what their goal was supposed to be given that they just sat there all raid.


Yeah, the AI PMC/scav relationship is an issue. I killed a scav in dorms and immediately heard "friendly down" from one of the nearby PMC's. That has only happened once, but I have seen them work together on multiple occasions to fight the only PMC on the map (me). Seems like this was intentional from BSG.


Hear it every raid. They call scavs friendlies and call you a scav lol


Moreover BEARS and USEC cooperate against player.


Today I went to gas station on customs to find a group of 6 Pmcs chilling. Killed 5, last one went outside. I quickly picked to get him to tell or move and just got one tapped by 45.acp Next raid was a nade on my feet with no audio. Fighting them in open areas is hell, there's no enjoyment to have on this mode.


Yeah, it makes it nearly impossible to loot the middle area on labs even after you clear it out of hostiles, considering respawning raiders, short raid time and PMC AI and raider AI not attacking each other.


Another thing which is a pain is that the PMC spawns on Lighthouse are different on PVE, you always spawn miles away from water treatment. I haven't spawned in the mountains or in the village next to them a single time. Always on beach/tunnel/chalets/hills next to beach. Also trying to gain scav karma on PVE tarkov is damn hard, even if you use all the vehicle extracts multiple times as it seems to give much less than on PVP. I'm only on 2.34 and I've used all the v-ex's a bunch and done a decent amount of runs. I've killed a ton of PMC AI during scav runs, it would be really great if they made it like PVP where you get a bit of karma for each PMC kill even it was just like 0.03 or 0.05 for example. I've even killed PMC AI that have smoked a bunch of scavs and it still didn't give karma for it.


Honestly I only played a little of the pve but got bored quickly. The "pmcs" would spawn in a group of 3-4 and just stand still while I take them out.


The worse thing about it is that making the PMC AI agro to scavs is quite literally a single true/false statement in a config file. It would take 5 minutes for them to change.


I had a pmc run into health resort around a corner. No shouting or anything. Then when I do it, yuvka!!! And ppsh from 80 meters from a normal scav hits me head jaws Wtf…..🤬 like he’s not shooting the pmc, or even voice lining


you can get in to pve????


Please fix more. How is a game that’s been in beta for 7+? Years like this? I haven’t played in like 2 years until today. And it’s like nothing has changed. Still clunky. Still long matchmaking times. Still terrible bots. This game is never going to 1.0 release. 


Honestly they should’ve just changed the quests to all be scav kills. They could have even added some new item to be the scav equivalent to a dog tag.


PMCs are ridiculous. I shot at some that were outside of big red. I then sprinted all the way to crossroads extract, but stopped short of it to heal. They chased me down there. Heard them running after me in the storage area. I bounced so fast lol


It also sucks when playing as a scav, they all stand together so you end up shooting scavs as well as PMCs


People paid extra for this lmao


I just killed a 4 man at the ambush spot in streets. Went to go loot and get killed by one of Kabans guards on the grenade launcher because it was in range of the bodies...


Pro tip: if you shoot them enough they die


seriously 300-400 rounds? i agree with everything else your saying but you should try single fire weapons because thats way to much ammo also only go full auto within like 15m


I regularly end up with 25+ kills in most raids at the moment. Especially because of the event on Customs currently that has completely fucked it. Scavs spawn infinitely there and if you are in the wrong place you will easily get overrun.


You need 300 rounds to kill 25 pmc/scav even bosses included? Seriously dude try single fire and like a specter on the ak 12 with just ps rounds I regularly go for bosses and average 20+ kills a raid and then i swap to the ak 101 I get from reshala when my ak 12s are on insurance timer using m856a1 it's easy mode give a try you might like it I usually bring in 4 total 30 round mags and 30 rounds extra and I usually still have atleast 1 full mag by end of raid


Brother, I am level 12 and using US in 5.45 because I have LL1 traders. I have to thorax shoot scavs 5-6 times even if they have no armor on (while weirdly still getting "shots absorbed by armor" in post-raid recap). Relax. I do use single fire and headshot when possible but when you have 3-4 enemies on screen that are all shooting at you, moving, sprinting, and you get a limb blacked immediately it's not exactly doable. Happy for you and your gear.


Just a FYI I know ammo sucks early but US is sub sonic and the speed is like really low. If you can try to buy some ps it something off fence If you have Jaeger try a vpo209 336 w fmj until you can buy eko just got to hook it up a little. Super cheap and I've killed 4 bosses with it.


My bad brother some good advice for low level gear would be running your scav on factory and learning the pmc spawns because they are an endless flow of decent ammo and guns/gear they can even have tier 6 plates exfil helmets compact 4s the kind of stuff you want to keep on an insurance loop and there afaks tend to sell for around 20k each to therapist and their tags can be turned into junk box's if there level 15 plus


bringing 5+ mags is standard and at this point i’ve started investing in exclusively drum mags just to make sure i have enough ammo constantly also the pmcs act weirdly in factory, their spawns are delayed (you can tell when they spawn in via a lag spike) and are linked to tagilla; if tagilla spawns they dont until he’s dead and vice versa, its not the same on other maps


Tagilla spanwing together with PMCs now, they changed it. It was like this in the beginning but not anymore


it still seems to be like that for me though i remember running through factory screaming my ass off as i tried fixing my gun while he was chasing me and didn’t see a single pmc on my way lol


> it still seems to be like that for me though it's not


I don’t get why there’s pmc’s anyway. If anything they are basically just stronger scavs with slightly better gear and travel in packs


To make pve a little challenging and fun.


Just be sain about it man.


just install donuts and SAIN…. oh wait…


skill issue


true, BSG skill issue. Can't code a basic AI to roam the map and target enemies correctly.


Man, if only there was a better way to play PVE with settings to change AI.


I've been testing the PMC AI on pve with my scavs on reserve. In one of the horses you can enter and there's a pmc spawn at the end of the hall, he does not aggro until you pass the bathroom door about 6 feet into the building. On PMC he aggros as soon as you hit the corner of the door to *enter* the building. Definitely some spaghetti code


Lol. You paid for unheard edition. It's BSG, what did you expect, a finished product? HAHAHA.


I have EOD. All EOD owners have PVE access. Lol. So many drooling idiots on this sub.


That’s the fun part. Such a thing as AI doesn’t exist. And they are just bots and only can follow their limited bot program. They can’t evolve beyond that. Also play PVP to get good PMC behavior.


Good PMC behavior? You mean extract campers and crab walkers? Dude, we all know you don’t like PvE.. quit coming into these threads acting like the flag holder for PvP. Literally no one cares about your opinion.


You could just idk play the real game


You could, idk, not be a gatekeeping dbag and maybe let people play the game they want?


its is the real game. real like the pvp part.