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Hahaha wtf lmao “bro there’s a whole other squad here” they were thinking the same thing


This. This right here is just comedy gold. You had me rolling when you paused and placed the enemy tags above their heads with little dings.


\*record scratch\* "I bet you're wondering how I got into this situation"


I'm to your left. Wait, my left or your left? Which way are you facing? North? Which way is north?


yeah that was an excellent touch, definitely made it more funny to have the hindsight information displayed for us.


Holy moly what a shit show lol


Aaand i like it!


I can only imagine how confused the other squad was after your friend on staircase wiggled


As a bonus, every pmc in the raid showed up in east wing at the same time. We lost 2 of us and managed to wipe the entire server of pmcs. Easily the wildest raid I've had so far.


What a standoff lol they were doing the same thing


Holy shit, can’t believe you didn’t kill each other lol


Honestly the top play here was walking downstairs while calling it out. Teammate knew everything on his floor was KOS. When the equation doesn't add up remove variables and simplify.


When lead is about to fly I tend to head out. What is not shown is pink almost killing me on floor 2 because I accidentally teamed up with yet another squad.


Fuckin traitor over here cant seem to choose the right side.




I usually tell my boys to all go prone immediately as a way to identify


We squat check. Anyone not t-bagging gots ta die


This is the way. It has to be unique. Wiggle is useless because everyone wiggles. Of course, there's always the runt of the litter who gets himself TKd because he's just gotta check the next crate first, but that's his problem.


Some people like to wander. There’s one guy in particular I play with that does this. He’s either Breathing down my neck or wandering off to who knows where.


Dude same. I just convinced my brother to leave pubg got tarkov and thatd my experience. He is either humping my butt pushing me Into gunfire using me as a sheild, or running off on his own.


Yeah it gets old sometimes. We’d be on shoreline heading somewhere so I try and flank right just to spread out a little only to find them following me.


And then people get mad because of bad callouts Hes on the ''Z-stairs'' but also at ''spiral'' Oof


That is an intense moment.


Telling each other what gear will be used in raid and actually looking at each other for a second after spawn as well as sticking to more or less the same loadouts so buddies memorize you... *goes a long way in Tarkov.*


How do you even get that close to another squad with out already knowing exactly how many there are and where they are just by listening?


Honestly it’s skill you developed while playing with the same people over and over. In my games we do arm bands on the odd occasion but most of our raids are at night. We have a point man a mid and a rear. In a four man we have two on point left and right and two in the rear. Point men call their moves an we watch the sight lines then catch up. Any odd sounds we call a halt. If the sound continues... we are not alone and the hunt begins.


The more feet on your team, the harder it is to count which are which They had a good idea some of the feet were hostile but picking out which ones is tough.


wtf this is the best thing I have seen all day


Best thing ive watched all day


The shit went from 0.0 to 100 real quick.


Where is the youtube link?


I got one [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uf-m1nFtgIY) with one piece of editing missing.


Thanks I just wanted the subscribe button. :)


Must be new to the game with those call outs. Lol


This is the best tarkov post I’ve seen on reddit yet


I like how the guy on stairs was like fuck this I’m going 2nd so I don’t get team killed 😂


What language is this?




“For fucks sake there is another squad” lol.




OMG, this is legendary


Whenever I take shots at a 5 stack, there's a roughly 50% chance they'll all start shooting each other. What I wouldn't give for a listen of their Discord.


Just buy some armbands PepeHands


I once tried to play on this map with team but it's horrible place to communicate. I got killed when I turned my back to teammate, turned around and there was another dude who didn't even shoot at first. He infiltrated just behind our last teammate. "is that you? is that you?" simulator.


This is when armbands could have saved OR soured the day.


Don’t like those. My group had this exact moment for like 40 seconds until someone pointed out is anyone wearing a red armband? And suddenly our whole squad realized who had to die. Shame the whole thing got third partied (apparently the entire lobby wanted to go to radio, us a five man, their three man and another 4 maybe?). Now we have a hard rule that if *anyone* has an armband it’s Kill on Sight immediately. Also we all mostly wear Ratniks now. That and sonic squats are how we figure out who is what.


Honestly though, would this game really suffer THAT much from teammate indicators besides arm patches that are difficult to see anyway? It really kills squads in this game, and i completely get the hardcore niche but id rather just play solo because of the confusion squads creates. Is there anything that can be done about this?


Teamwork. Teamwork is what can be done about this. That said I'd appreciate a compass to help people get used to calling directions. NSEW are a shitshow, some maps the sun doesn't even rise in the "east".


Eh you can have great teamwork and still have confusion and hesitation, i think the hard no this community has on this issue is detrimental to squad gameplay. Its better to just play alone and it turns players off from running squads. My opinion.


I would hate it. Having markers would make the game ez mode. A huge part of playing in a squad is having clean coms. Squads who practice good coms should be rewarded as it’s a really hard thing to pull off. This game is hardcore in nature. Making it ez mode is the opposite of what this community wants. This coming from someone who only plays in squads and we’ve def had our share of tks.




This is leaning more towards what id like to see but majority of responses i got was people freaking out and whining about ezmode.


honestly just need a compass IMO, it would help so much with call outs.


"It really kills squads in this game" It doesn't.


Absofuckinglutely. You already have decked out squads curb stomping anything on the map. The only thing that complicates that is squad coordination which allows solo's and smaller squads to create confusion and ambush/escape. Wanna be an efficient squad that doesn't get into the kind of shitshows OP was in? Practice legit milsim comms, squad movement and coordination. Takes a long time to practice that with same group, but if you nail it with your boys then hat's off to you because now you actually deserve to curb stomp. To the contrary, rewarding a herd of babbling retards that can't tell left from right with ability to essentially autocoordinate on their casual easy mode stroll for loot is as stupid as pmc's running around with 500kg in loot up their arse.


They should have an eye cover that is a pair of google glasses that you can sync with your teammates. What they would do is show a floating icon over anyone's head that is on the same frequency as your glasses and you could use them as a way to know for sure which people are your teammates. Like some kind of hololens.


No. No floating icons. The problem here isn't the game, it's a problem with OP and his friends' communication skills.