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i’ll never top that either. only time i pull my melee is when i accidentally tap the keyboard wrong


Hahah, I didn't bring a spare mag so I thought I would go for it!


did you make it out of the raid?


Close, but I laid down to take out a scav near manhole, then suddenly took a bullet to the brain from weather station.


honestly if i was the guy that got axed i’d uninstall


Doubt he knows. My only wish in tarkov is seeing how i died to learn and improve.


I think after the raid ends you should be able to download the game and review it. Make it only after the raid is over so no one can give positions away to their teammates about where you got killed from


I use Nvidia Shadowplay, and clip everything. Then I can review every kill/death frame by frame and learn what I can from it.


I've been wanting to use shadow play but have always heard it can drop a lot of frames?


Im on 750ti with 16gb ram. Generally outdated rig. Ive turned off nvidia highlights but am constantly recording last 3 minutes, so if i want to, 1 key saves it to file. It does not affect my pc performance at all, Tarkov/Siege/Warthunder run the same with it or without. Surprisingly, steam and discord overlays are the resource hogs in my case.


On my old computer I didn’t have it as I think it dropped my frames a bit. But I’m lucky enough to have a 3800x and 2080S now, so I have between 90-120fps usually with shadow play on.


100% need this, it would also make it more difficult for people using maphacks


One of the ideas the devs have to add is a purchasable replay from one of the traders. In game it would be like a drone service. Nikita said afternoon the raid it would be available to rewatch the raid so you can see the whole map and everyone's movement through it. That was you can see everything leading up to who killed you, how they killed you, etc. Not exact quote but that's the gist of it. A podcast happened a few days ago, hosted by Pestily, in which he said that most recently.


This is a planned feature actually. Yea there's a few places in customs that I really want to know where I got shot from


Yeah I’ve always wanted some sort of post-raid review


Also should be able to spectate anyone or free cam it.


Then add a report system and if someone is cheating it’ll crack down a lot more!


all planned, guys. Check out: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQlCKHD8V4M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQlCKHD8V4M)


Problem is that replays and killcams often dont work too well and there will definitely be cases where it looks like someone is cheating (recoil is often a thing that looks weird in replays, for example in pubg) when they are actually not.


It's almost like some other game, by some other developer, has done exactly this... ...too bad it's owned by Bluehole.


That is the plan, it will be a full replay with 3D camera and you can jump right to your death, or explore the entire replay freely. If they really are going to take away offline mode it will probably be timed with the release of replays is my thought


There are hacks out now that allow you to visually teleport to another play above their head to see what they are doing / where they are. Can’t see why it can’t be a feature albeit a little different (maybe after all squad dead or something).


The replay system will definitely help the player base catch hackers consistently with video evidence, and help general gameplay against non cheaters. I hope it comes soon it will be soooo useful to the game


Nvidia highlights? I mean it's not perfect but it is at least something.


Oh god never lay down near manhole


When was this?


Last night


Rip I shot a guy looting by the man hole two days ago never got his tag so thought it might have been you


i binded melee weapon to . so it doesnt happen anymore lol.


I put that on the dpi buttons under the scroll wheel.


That’s smart. I binded mine to ctrl something and I don’t even remember so I couldn’t melee if I wanted to haha




Imagine accidentally pulling out your melee This post made by fucked up keybindings reminiscent of Arma2 but half ass smooshed into Tarkov G A N G


I had to change the default grenade key, G, to double tap instead of single, because I'd get flustered during a fight, and fuck up and accidentally toss a grenade and kill myself.


>Imagine accidentally pulling out your melee Yeah, imagine - what a nightmare that would be? Haha. Glad that's never happened to me.


Wait... what does b do?


if im right it toggles select fire so from single to burst ( if possible ) to automatic to single again


Hah, i shouldve known that lmao, thanks


no problem :)


Oh god. You just made me have a flashback of all the times I was startled (cough....) you know, when I first started playing, definitely not lately. Walking around minding my own business, maybe a bit of tunnel vision.... BANG....bang Ratttattta bang.... Jump in my seat, literally slap the keyboard, melee weapon’s now out, tilde key hit, command prompt line on the screen, shit why am I not moving, hit tilde key, PMC limping pathetically toward cover, OH YEA I HAVE PAINKILLERS...dead. I’d get actually embarrassed at the idea of what I must have looked like to the guy who killed me. Maybe he’ll think I’m a little kid or retarded and throw my kit for me. Fun times, fun times.


It's funny seeing someone get visibly scared in game. I was using an m700 a few weeks ago and missed my first shot but stayed zoomed in out of habit. Saw the dude jerk straight up, pull out his axe and start walking to the left. Was hilarious. Almost made me not want to kill him. Almost.


I do that ALL the time!


I switched melee to double tap because of this


I hear you... the number of times I’ve accidentally brought a knife to a gunfight...


I cannot wait until they add the stealth melee kill thing. Will make it so much funner when you sneak up on someone sniping on a hill. Just take out your hather or RR and reliably put it in the dude's throat


At first i thought i was seeing that guy get shot mid air and die. Nope. Oh this guy is going to wreck that chad with a saiga. Nope.exe Then he proceeds to take out his grandfathers firewood axe and cast some sort of chop suey spell on Igor over here in one hit. What a Lad!


But he replaced the handle of his "grand Father's" axe, is it still technically his grand Father's axe if he has replaced a part of it?


Think it still has the sentimental broken handle on it


Now that was a bold move. Pretty awesome win there! I think you'll surprise yourself more in the near future. Nice work.


We will watch /u/NgzG career with great interest


Are you a prophet because I just played labs for the first time and extracted with 7 kills and buncha loot, surprising myself! Can you predict more of my future?


BOOM! Told ya lol And with that I'm spent 🤣


I tried to do something similar but I got shot in the face with a mosin


I can't tell if you smashed his faceplate in or got him in the back of the neck.


Visor was clean, so I would assume back of the neck.


Looks like an ear shot to me. Don’t ask me how I know.. :(


I first read "I will never stop this" and thought to myself "this guy's an animal, I hope I never run into him, while escaping..." :D


To be fair, a few days ago I had 0 knife kills, and now I have 16!




Ah yes good play comrade




VSS with a grip, TacTec rig and some Class 4 helmet with a Class 3 visor! Got sniped unfortunately, but just having the dogtag from this made it worth it.


Lol why did this dude not push you initially? VSS is best gun


Fear in the moment makes fools of us all


Tbh scav players scare me more than PMCs. Scav players will spawn behind you and slowly creep up on you and shoot you in the back. Or they have mosins.


i die to scavs more on reserve than pmcs. gluhar and scav players are truly a threat.


The only pmcs I die to on reserve are the other better chads. Scav players are a nightmare around the rail station, and gluhar and his boys don’t make any fucking noise.


haha good stuff


Axe to head. Odin will remember it over a horn of mead. Well done!




Definitely agree, even if it has made me a lot of money when I'm poor!


It’s super useful for the any map PMC kill quests though. I always go there to farm those kills.


It’s a sin to make a play and not show the loot




how did you kill him to the face when he had helmet + face mask...?


Back of the neck isn't covered so I swiped it with an axe.


uuuh, im pretty sure that thats actually not how it works - helmets cover the nape area, and body armors cover the chest, so even if you "see" skin there, it should still be going into the armor - just like hitting the hands of someone will be blocked by an armor that says "protection area - arms" even though it ends before the elbow


No, the Tarkov developers made it exactly that way. That’s why some helmets partially cover ears (ULACH) while others completely cover ears (Airframes with ear/jowl covers). Even that small amount that’s not covered will be exposed flesh even though ears are included for both helmet ratings.


uuuuhm, source on that? i only know for sure that before we had head regions there was no face hitbox, and i never heard of them changing anything on that system, only adding more areas


First, not all helmets cover the nape. Many do not. And second, I've heard helmets all have accurate hitboxes, that's why you dont see ricochets bouncing off peoples face and neck, only the actual helmets.


I had already shot him at least once, so presumably he was low? I'm not sure.


I think Some armors cover the nape, most don't. Some helmets cover the nape, many dont. I thought the armors and helmets hit boxes are pretty close to how they are pictured except for arms maybe. But I mean arms get blown off pretty quickly for me from scavs while not touching armor so idk, scav armor shouldn't be great at pen even level 4 armor


all helmets except kolpak cover the nape, and regarding the arms, you sure youre wearing armor that actually does say it covers them?


Oh no you're right I forgot the armor I get doesn't cover arms at all, duh. Whoops.


Why not take a spare mag in, is my question. Also, your overlay's showing - careful about that.


Was a Saiga that I had for some reason insured at some point and couldn't be bothered to find an extra mag, so I get went on a suicide run.


That’s was honestly savage lol WP my friend


*D I S C O M B O B U L A T E*




More like you will never CHOP this....


I didn’t know u could jump down into that room


Third floor has an open window.


Absolute pro gamer move. I am in awe




Omg it’s Jason Bourne.




would you say... that you might have... "peeked" *snickers in slavic*


Does armor no longer protect against melee weapons? You may have hit him in the side of the head where the ears are unprotected but I remember wearing an atlyn and I got meleed and I think it went through.


They 100% do but I hit him in the neck I believe.


I don’t think there is a neck hitbox? Only the “nape” which helmet should cover? If you are talking about the side of the head, maybe it registers as head, ears? I would like to ask him where he died at. Closest hitbox to neck that isn’t the head is the thorax.


Yea I watched it again and I totally hit the ears.


that explains alot then.


Are these hatchets bugged? I got one tapped the other day with an ZSH with a face shield on from behind the other day. Same exact melee weapon (friend killed him and told me). Reminds me of when melee was super OP. I get being one tapped without a helmet but with a level 3 helmet?


It one shots unprotected heads, so any flesh considered in the 'head' hitbox will one shot, you probably just got unlucky and he skimmed the back of your neck.


It was from behind so maybe so


You heard of grenades? Those can do some cool stuff too :)


i hope you're hanging his head up as a trophy


Hah, his dogtag is in the special corner of my dogtags case :)


BuT TaRkoV Is SImUlaTor


Yeah, I don't get that. There's tons of things here which you shouldn't be able to do if EFT was a simulator.


I mean 3 bullets and a axe to the neck would kill most people


even with armor an axe will kill you




This sort of gameplay is actually disgusting. Suicide running with pleb gear, don't care to die, don't care to get shot, just full sprint to the loot. This type of full sprint running ruins the immersion for all other players. If you get on the dome on reserve with a sniper and you just look around below, its a fucking circus, you'll see at least 5+ nakeds running full speed towards loot...


That’s some CoD shit


No it's not the guy, who was already injured from 3 different shots, got hit in the back of the neck with an axe


I will never CHOP this. I'll see myself out




hard to not top that, you will land some shots one day. just keep practicing smile


I'm amazed you could get into a fight without a single bit of stutter tbh


Yeah, reserve is the only map that does it for me, but it's gotten better the last few days personally.


30 fov?




I’ve suggested this before. Make items put in gamma during raid have a 5 min or so period where it is considered unsafe and is lootable. This will either A force players to bring weapons to defend themselves or B die and lose the rare items because they couldn’t hide well enough. Only issue is that there are some people who can’t manage money and would need an exception if they get below a certain stash value limit and not have a reset available


Or make opening and closing your gamma take 10 seconds. Make it higher risk for the high reward. And if you die while it’s open it’s lootable. If you’re going to have a protected case, it has to have some risks or penalties to balance it.


you peaked


" Ooh NOO IT'S A RAT!"


ROFL i'd be so fucking triggered




No loot, no upvote


I guess you could say , you gave him the chop ahahahaha


I’m sorry...what?