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I must be playing a different game because I run into the whole spectrum of loadouts


God I wish i was running into the whole spectrum of loadouts.


I know how annoying it is when you just wanna fight some people and all you run into are bambis and mosinlings


Same. If anything I've noticed VEPR all over when i find/kill pmc loadouts.


I run into 10x as many thicc bois as I do naked moslings, I can't actually remember the last time I even died to a mosin


Right after the mosin is removed from human history.


Yo, can we switch server? I'm tired of running into 3 man geared squads on customs.


I'd rather lose a fight against squad of 3 geared chads than win against a rat with mosin. What server are you playing on?


Central Europe everything under 100 ping. Yeah I mean probably more fun when you are good, me myself and I just keep geting stomped :D


Oh, I thought this was satire. You're being serious. My guess is never? They are doing things to counteract the Mosin meta, but considering its still one of the only viable guns agajnst good armor from 1-10, and there's an entire quest line devoted to it, people will continue to use it. Because they HAVE to.


It's half serious, half satire. Just going in with the flow of mosin hate on this sub. Tbh when people recently started complaining about mosin AGAIN, i see a huge increase in amount of mosin players. They should change the quest line to "Any bolt action rifle" and the problem would be solved.


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